Azure Sky Project - Burgee
Update Time!

New Content:

Freelance Mission Type: Vandalism Spree
-Your job is to do as much damage to the neighborhood as possible, you'll make a percentage of the property damage value you do as payment - get to work!

Freelance Mission Type: Courier Run
-Get to the other side of the area of operations as quickly as possible! Engage any enemies you need to, but your main objective is to arrive safely at the far extraction point.

-3 New Campaign Missions! You can now play up to mission 18.

Other Stuff:

-Enemies can now use laser guns at higher difficulties / later missions. They're deadly!

-Experimental armor was a little too good - toned it down a bit.

-Tweaked commissions; agents now cost more to use as they level up, but start with overall lower commission rates.

NEW CONTENT MAY BRING NEW BUGS! Please report any crashes or issues here and we'll fix them within the day in most cases.
Azure Sky Project - Burgee
Update Time!

New Content:

Freelance Mission Type: Vandalism Spree
-Your job is to do as much damage to the neighborhood as possible, you'll make a percentage of the property damage value you do as payment - get to work!

Freelance Mission Type: Courier Run
-Get to the other side of the area of operations as quickly as possible! Engage any enemies you need to, but your main objective is to arrive safely at the far extraction point.

-3 New Campaign Missions! You can now play up to mission 18.

Other Stuff:

-Enemies can now use laser guns at higher difficulties / later missions. They're deadly!

-Experimental armor was a little too good - toned it down a bit.

-Tweaked commissions; agents now cost more to use as they level up, but start with overall lower commission rates.

NEW CONTENT MAY BRING NEW BUGS! Please report any crashes or issues here and we'll fix them within the day in most cases.
Azure Sky Project - Burgee
The patch coming on friday comes with NEW CONTENT HORRAY!

Look for two new types of freelance work, and 3 new campaign missions to play with!

Official notes coming tomorrow with the update.
Azure Sky Project - Burgee
The patch coming on friday comes with NEW CONTENT HORRAY!

Look for two new types of freelance work, and 3 new campaign missions to play with!

Official notes coming tomorrow with the update.
Azure Sky Project - Burgee
Dear Players -

We need your feedback! If you're enjoying ASP - please consider leaving a review!

Hating ASP? Let us know that too! Through a review if you'd prefer, or in the discussion forums where we can respond to your concerns and hopefully address them.

We're taking early access seriously, and we want to use this time to polish the game to a state where tons of people find it enjoyable and rewarding to play.


The next patch is going to be a bit further out than they have been. Since the game is in a relatively bug-free state in its current form we're taking this opportunity to add some content.

Look for new missions after the next update!
Azure Sky Project - Burgee
Dear Players -

We need your feedback! If you're enjoying ASP - please consider leaving a review!

Hating ASP? Let us know that too! Through a review if you'd prefer, or in the discussion forums where we can respond to your concerns and hopefully address them.

We're taking early access seriously, and we want to use this time to polish the game to a state where tons of people find it enjoyable and rewarding to play.


The next patch is going to be a bit further out than they have been. Since the game is in a relatively bug-free state in its current form we're taking this opportunity to add some content.

Look for new missions after the next update!
Azure Sky Project - Burgee
- Fixed camera spawn issue, it should align a bit more conveniently at the start of missions now.

- Added EMP Burst Pack (Gadget Slot) - this item takes out all mechanical resistance in view when used.

- Added ability to zoom in and out with mouse wheel

- Added rare spawn, secret / super agents. Their in-game art is placeholder for now, but you'll know it when you see it.

- "Century Club" Achievement now works.

Let me know if you find bugs!
Azure Sky Project - Burgee
- Fixed camera spawn issue, it should align a bit more conveniently at the start of missions now.

- Added EMP Burst Pack (Gadget Slot) - this item takes out all mechanical resistance in view when used.

- Added ability to zoom in and out with mouse wheel

- Added rare spawn, secret / super agents. Their in-game art is placeholder for now, but you'll know it when you see it.

- "Century Club" Achievement now works.

Let me know if you find bugs!
Azure Sky Project - Burgee
- Fixed a crash when using Air Evac Marker in-doors. We decided it would be better if evac just didn't show up when used inside instead of kicking you to the desktop.

- Added a new item: Incendiary Grenade - a grenade that explodes into a burst of fireballs, while it won't take out walls or machinery (turrets, etc) it will clear out a whole room in a hurry.

- Tweaked how items are displayed on the loadout screen

- Some minor optimization stuff that realistically will probably be noticed by nobody.

Report any bugs or crashes please!
Azure Sky Project - Burgee
- Fixed a crash when using Air Evac Marker in-doors. We decided it would be better if evac just didn't show up when used inside instead of kicking you to the desktop.

- Added a new item: Incendiary Grenade - a grenade that explodes into a burst of fireballs, while it won't take out walls or machinery (turrets, etc) it will clear out a whole room in a hurry.

- Tweaked how items are displayed on the loadout screen

- Some minor optimization stuff that realistically will probably be noticed by nobody.

Report any bugs or crashes please!