SCP: Secret Laboratory - Ava
Hey, everyone!

Today we're releasing version 11.1.3 of SCP: Secret Laboratory. This update contains a large number of fixes and adjustments, as well as balance changes to some SCPs and a detailed plan for future modding support.

Like any asymmetric game, Secret Laboratory is constantly evolving. We try to keep an eye on how rounds are influenced by the tuning of each aspect of the game. In this patch, we're making a handful of stat adjustments to three classes.

Hi! In past patches, we've included insights from our Development team to accompany balance changes we've made, in an effort to explain our rationale. We'll be trying this again by including our design clarification after each section of changes. Let us know what you think!

  1. Players killed by SCP-049 will be locked into their death camera for as long as they are able to be revived (currently 10 seconds).
Players that have been killed by SCP-049 are able to spectate other players during the revival process. This is often used to gather additional information about the round; giving these players an advantage when they are revived as instances of SCP-049-2.

We're trying a new limitation where these players are no longer able to see other players' positions while they're still able to be revived, only being able to switch perspectives once they can no longer be resurrected. This might change depending on how the feature plays out.

  1. Health increased from 850 to 1200.
  2. Firearm resistance decreased from 90% to 80%.
SCP-106 is currently highly resistant to damage from guns but can be easily shredded by objects such as frag grenades and the MicroHID.

We have redistributed some of the Old Man's survivability. The goal was to provide leniency for SCP-106 without changing how much of a tank he is. SCP-106 will find it harder to face wave after wave of gunfire, but will have an easier time facing other hazards.

  1. Hume Shield no longer has armour, meaning that firearms will do full damage, no matter the weapon's penetration.
  2. Hume Shield out-of-combat recharge rate increased from 15/s to 20/s.
  3. Health armour efficacy increased from 60 to 80.
We’re moving a lot of SCP-173's survivability from its Hume Shield to its health pool. This is similar to the problem initially presented by SCP-096, where classes had difficulty doing any chip damage during a confrontation, even if they played well. As a result, in these confrontations, their ammunition and lives were ultimately wasted.

We believe that this change will allow Hume Shield to remain strong against individual attackers and occasional damage, while also preventing it from being largely responsible for 173’s ablility to survive the lategame. Increasing the armour efficacy on its health should mitigate the loss of armour on its shield.

Upcoming changes for heavily-modded servers
In Parabellum, we introduced the ability for Remote Admin and plugins to spawn in simple objects, such as cubes, spheres, cylinders, and so on. These primitive objects can be modified dynamically via scripts. This can change their size, colour, appearance, and other aspects, making them extremely versatile.

These objects saw rapid growth amongst the modding community, and some really creative things have come out of their addition! It has, however, presented some problems — primarily, there's not an easy way for a player to distinguish between servers that make heavy use of these objects to change the game experience versus ones that don't.

Currently, the Modded tag is binary; either it exists or it doesn't. This tag is vague, as it makes no differentiation between servers that use mods for administration and those that alter gameplay.

In the near future, we'll be taking steps to distinguish servers that heavily utilize these objects and those that don’t. After a lot of internal debate and discussion, we're currently planning on taking the following steps:
  1. We'll be implementing a simple way for servers to distinguish whether they’re using mods to heavily modify the way a round plays out. Currently, we're calling this "heavily modded" and will be using that term for the remainder of this changelog.
  2. Heavily modded servers will have a unique identifier on the server browser, similar to the Official servers. These servers will only appear in the specified category, and not on the Internet category of the server browser. This category will likely have a popup to serve as a disclaimer about the community-generated nature of the experience that these servers provide. There are many ways to do this. A check box to show, or hide, heavily modded servers is an example of what we might consider.
  3. We will amend the Verified Server Rules to reflect that this tag is mandatory for servers that make use of mods that dramatically alter the gameplay experience. This includes, but is not limited to, primitive objects.
  4. Servers that do not use the heavily-modded tag will have hardcoded restrictions on their use of primitive objects.. We're still figuring out how we want to do this, but some ideas we've had thrown around include making them RA-only (as opposed to allowing plugins to spawn them in), imposing limits on the amount that can be spawned at once, or both. Heavily modded servers will have no restrictions on the use of primitives.
None of these solutions have been confirmed and are subject to change. They might see significant alterations depending on continued internal discussion, or they might be implemented as-is.

The main reason for these changes is that players don’t have a way to distinguish between what is, and isn’t, a part of the normal game.

These changes will create a clear division between what is a heavily modded server and what does not. Mod development is a big part of why Secret Laboratory continues to thrive, and we want to support that, especially because there is a genuine audience for variants of the game that differ very heavily from what the vanilla experience offers. Not only does the differentiation stop further confusion, but it also allows players that want to try these experiences to find them much more quickly.

This is part of an ongoing effort to make modding more approachable. We would still like to do an official API for plugins, tweaks, and other mods, and we've been toying around with different ideas as to how we might approach that in order to let players see the mods a server is running from the browser. For now, we hope that this is a good step forward towards making this aspect of the game clearer and more approachable to everyone who plays it.

Patch Notes
SCP: Secret Laboratory — Version 11.1.3

  • Players killed by SCP-049 will be locked into their death camera for 10 seconds.
  • SCP-106's HP increased from 850 to 1200.
  • SCP-106's firearm resistance decreased from 90% to 80%.
  • SCP-173's Hume Shield no longer possesses armour.
  • SCP-173's Hume Shield now regenerates out of combat at 20 per second; up from 15 per second.
  • SCP-173's health now has an armour efficacy of 80; up from 60.
  • Reduced the timeout period when connecting to an offline server.
  • Deaths in the Pocket Dimension are now counted as SCP kills at the end of a round.
  • Any doors locked down by SCP-079 will now open upon its death.
  • SCP-049 can no longer revive zombies multiple times. (This is technically a bugfix but it may have been thought intentional. As a result, we're putting it higher up in the patch notes so that more people might see it.)
Remote Admin:
  • Added a new feature in Remote Admin to copy userid/ip/playerid for one player or multiple players in the Player Specific Info tab.
  • The "overwatch" command now properly toggles on and off when entered without being explicitly disabled.
  • The "addcandy" command no longer creates "ghost candies" that softlock the inventory.
  • The "addcandy" command no longer creates a bag with a random candy when the target player doesn't have a bag in their inventory.
  • The "doors list" command now properly displays whether each door requires a card.
  • The "tickets" command now properly displays confirmation that it’s been entered.
  • The "give" command can now grant ammo to players with a full inventory.
  • Fixed improper permission checks for the "RestartNextRound" and "StopNextRound" commands.
API Changes:
  • CustomPlayerInfo has been expanded to allow up to 400 characters, including the use of bold, italics, new lines, some special characters, and all server group badge colours (except hex values) along with black and white.
  • Added an enum and a Dictionary in the Misc class that provides an easy reference to permitted colours.
  • Fixed the status effect applied by sinkholes being permanent when teleported out of it.
  • Fixed SCP-173's Tantrum sometimes remaining indefinitely.
  • Fixed grenade explosions damaging players or objects through walls.
  • Fixed an issue where grenade explosions on the other side of walls could send items flying into SCP-079's recontainment button. (Yes, really.)
  • Fixed an issue where clients were not properly disconnected when exiting the loading screen.
  • Fixed errors caused by submitting a player report with Cyrillic characters in the report.
  • Fixed an adminchat message related to FriendlyFireDetector.
  • Fixed lights not being syncrhonized for players that join the server during an active overcharge or blackout.
  • Fixed an issue where the profile button appeared when launching the game via Steam without the Steam overlay active.
  • Fixed an issue where SCP-096 could not gain new targets when affected by a flashbang.
  • Fixed deaths in the pocket dimension not being counted towards the round summary.
  • Fixed an issue where all SCPs except SCP-079 could remove zipties from handcuffed players.
  • Fixed an issue where SCPs received damage from the Hemorrhage status effect even while not sprinting.
  • Fixed several exploits used by SCP-049-2.
  • Fixed SCP-049 being able to revive zombies multiple times.
  • Fixed several errors in SCP-173's Blink targeting logic.
  • Fixed SCP-244 not being removed from the surface-level elevators from Gate A and Gate B after the Alpha Warhead detonates.
  • Fixed an untextured wall in SCP-173's room.
  • Fixed the Corroding status effect not teleporting players to the Pocket Dimension when godmode was enabled.
  • Fixed an exploit that allowed multiple grenades to be thrown at once.
  • Fixed the weapon stats summary when sometimes being inaccurate.
  • Fixed being able to handcuff players that lacked hands.
  • Fixed SCP-2176 opening the doors to the control room in SCP-106’s containment chamber.
  • Fixed being able to accidentally move the mouse cursor to another monitor as SCP-079.

Thank you for supporting us, and stay safe!
SCP: Secret Laboratory - Ava
Hey, everyone. Today, we're releasing version 11.1.2 of SCP: Secret Laboratory! This patch contains a plethora of minor updates, a new major feature, and many additional fixes.

A much-requested addition since CASSIE's introduction, version 11.1.2 brings subtitles to SCP: Secret Laboratory. These scrolling messages appear near the bottom of the screen whenever CASSIE speaks, showing a transcript of what you're hearing. This includes static messages sent by the game, as well as dynamic sentences sent by respawn waves, Remote Admin, or plugins. You can turn subtitles on or off in the Gameplay section of the settings menu.

Most of the game's text, such as death causes or item names, is translatable based on the user's selected language. Despite the community’s efforts to make the game accessible in a multitude of different languages, CASSIE has always proven to be a challenge due to how many voice lines it has. Recording hundreds of words in every language to allow the announcer to speak a different language would be nearly impossible. With the introduction of subtitles, we're pleased to give these players a way to understand more of the game's messages and cues.

Subtitles sent automatically by the game, such as decontamination announcements, have authored translations that can be found on our translation repository. Announcements created from multiple words are strung into subtitles based on the exact text passed into Remote Admin. For instance, a CASSIE command with the syntax of "NUCLEAR detonation SEQUENCE" would display subtitles exactly as the words were entered, down to the capitalisation of each letter.

Regarding SCP-244
In December 2021, we introduced SCP-244, Ice Fog Jar, as a new SCP item. Spawning naturally in the facility as well as inside of pedestals, it functioned as a portable environmental hazard. Placing it on the ground caused it to emanate freezing fog that led to impaired vision, reduced weapon accuracy (for human players), and a pause in Hume Shield regeneration (for SCPs).

At the time, we stated that SCP-244 would be returning in a future patch as a permanent addition. This is still the case — SCP-244 will be returning. Currently, however, the Game Design team would like to review the item’s mechanics and role in the game before introducing it as a permanent feature. Thus, SCP-244 will not spawn naturally in this update. However, it does exist in Remote Admin, and can be used in-game if it is spawned manually.

Bear in mind that this patch will not reflect the mechanics that SCP-244 will have once it's fully introduced!

Patch Notes
SCP: Secret Laboratory — Version 11.1.2

  • Re-introduced SCP-244, Ice Fog Jar. It currently does not exist in regular gameplay, and must be spawned manually via Remote Admin or third-party plugins.
  • Added a translatable subtitle system for CASSIE announcements. Subtitles are on by default, and can be toggled in gameplay settings.
  • Added several missing translations to the main menu.
  • The trajectories of thrown grenades have been improved and are much more consistent.
  • Reworked the system the game uses to render decals. This should result in minor performance increases. It also re-introduces old features like players leaving behind blood splatters when they're damaged.
  • All rooms, regardless of zone, can be chosen as valid exits for players escaping from the Pocket Dimension; instead of only certain rooms.
  • Fixed a rare issue where grenade-inflicted status effects would never decay.
  • Fixed an inventory softlock when throwing a grenade while spamming hotkeys.
  • Fixed escaped Class-D not being counted on the summary screen.
  • The "They Are Just Resources..." and "If you want something done right..." achievements will now also be granted for non-firearm kills.
  • Fixed flashlights not affecting SCP-173 in certain scenarios.
  • Fixed multiple out-of-bounds exploits related to SCP-173's Blink ability.
  • Fixed SCP-096 bumping their head in GR-18.
  • Fixed an issue where SCP-939 could not hear someone operating the MicroHID.

Thank you for supporting us, and stay safe!
SCP: Secret Laboratory - Voidus
As the year comes to an end, so does the Creation Contest. You have submitted your entries, voted for your favourites, and chosen the winners.

Let’s take a look at the best part of the event, statistics!

Total Submissions: 247

Art: 75
Literature: 12
Music: 22
Meme: 99
Video: 22
Other: 19

Total Votes: 11,067

Art: 3,571
Literature: 462
Music: 559
Meme: 4,922
Video: 973
Other: 580

We want to thank everyone who participated — those who submitted their work and those who voted. Sadly, we are unable to reward all of you. For now, the runner-ups:

Art: Carrion Crow#3705, Literature: Mased#6857, Music: Astowo#7661, Memes: Stella Sin#0336, Video: eXIL Games#1406. You all did wonderfully but just fell short. Better luck next time!

Now what everyone’s been waiting for... the winners of the Creation Contest 2021 are:

Art: “Stella Sin#0336” for “SCP: Secret Laboratory Poster”

Literature: “Draconocor#2167” for “SCP-XXXX: The Trees Have Eyes”

(This year we had a surprise, the Literature category ended up tied by the end of public voting. This meant we needed to host a tie breaker within the studio alongside the staff vote)

Music: “AtomSnow#4484” for “The SCP Foundation Theme Remake”

Meme: “Shiba#9323” for “Warhead, just a week away!”

Video: “GBC_2015#6193” for “Scratching the Surface | SCP:SL Community Content Update Trailer”

Other: “Meganeko#6107” for “Fully recreated SCP:SL map for Minecraft”

You may have noticed that there was no runner-up for the "Other" category. That’s because all the runner-ups were placed into another category where Northwood Staff voted for their favourite piece. The winner of that vote is:

Staff Vote: “Plookiedookie#6925” for “SCP-914 CC”

Congratulations to everyone who won! We will contact you shortly to set up rewards.

Thank you, once again, to everyone who submitted their wonderful creations. Happy new year and we hope to see you next time!
SCP: Secret Laboratory - Foxe
Happy Holidays Everyone!

We hope that you have been enjoying the festive wonders and new additions to SCP: Secret Laboratory. As usual, we want to get your feedback on the event, so we can improve it in the future. We are also planning on getting some feedback regarding our year of 2021. We've had a lot of ups and downs this year, and we want to know what you thought of this year as a whole. We are always looking to improve our company, whether that’s with communication or balancing our game. We want to hear everything you have to say, so don’t hold back!

~ Northwood Studios
Dec 18, 2021
SCP: Secret Laboratory - Ava

As the nights grew longer and temperatures dropped lower, we received word of anomalous activity in the North Pole. Agents were dispatched to investigate, but never returned. Now, as the unwilling residents of Site-02 breach containment, strangely season-appropriate anomalies have made their way into the facility…

Happy December, everyone! Once more, we find ourselves at the end of another year. We always like to celebrate the festive season and find a home for some of the strange and interesting ideas we’ve come up with throughout the year. So find yourself some hot cocoa and make sure the heat's on; it's going to be a long night.

SCP-2536 - "The Gift That Keeps On Giving"
Last year's holiday event saw the debut of an anomalous Christmas tree. Dubbed SCP-2536, it appeared at random before Foundation personnel. As expected of any Christmas tree, players could find that which they needed most at the base of the tree. Whether it be a way to help or kill, the tree always knows what to provide.

SCP-2536 is back in full force, manifesting sporadically throughout the facility. Its motives (if it has any) might be unknown, but the boons it provides certainly aren't...

We've taken the time to remake SCP-2536's mechanics from the ground up. Many things remain the same, but with a new model, original audio, and a full design update, it's on standard with the content that was introduced through the year. Be on the lookout for weird and wonderful things coming from its gifts.

Like last year, SCP-2536 is exclusive to the season, and there aren’t any plans to keep it as a permanent addition. We wanted to be transparent about this now, to ensure that the Halloween event didn't create any expectations. In the meantime, we hope this new rendition of SCP-2536 shakes things up!

SCP-244 - "Ice Fog Jar"
Retrieved from the basement of a Chaos Insurgency base, SCP-244 is the latest addition to Site-02. An earthenware jar composed of ceramics and unknown minerals, this object contains a seemingly endless amount of freezing fog that will emanate from its mouth when the lid is removed.

Following the transport of SCP-244 to Site-02, a [REDACTED]. The second instance was quickly contained with one injury and no fatalities. Since this incident, no additional instances of SCP-244 have been found or reported. The original instance has been classified as SCP-244-A while the new instance has been designated SCP-244-B.

Both instances of SCP-244 have been safely contained in Site-02 for some time now. In the turmoil of the evacuation, both were left unaccounted for. Their current whereabouts are unknown.

SCP-244 is a deployable SCP object that can be found in standard containment pedestals, or [DATA EXPUNGED]. When activated, it will be placed on the floor and will expel large clouds of icy mist. The mist can fill the room and spill into adjacent hallways and chambers through open doors. This fog has proven harmful and potentially lethal to humans, and even living SCPs have been hindered by its effects. We won't spoil the full mechanics of this portable environmental hazard - you'll have to find that out for yourself!

However, this is just the tip of the iceberg (pun very much intended) for our newest SCP item. Assuming all goes well, we'll be keeping SCP-244 as a permanent addition, much like we introduced SCP-330 and SCP-2176 in an event before keeping them in modified forms. Time will tell what form that the jar takes in the future, but we'll be keeping an eye on the event to inform our decision.

Patch Notes
Although the two aforementioned objects are certainly the most notable additions, they are by no means the only ones. As in the past, many smaller additions can be found in Site-02. Here's a list of some of the most noteworthy changes of the season.
  • Reintroduced SCP-2536, The GIft That Keeps On Giving.
  • Introduced SCP-244, Ice Fog Jar.
  • Existing coffee cups throughout the facility may contain hot cocoa.
  • Seasonal cosmetic updates for SCP-018, SCP-173, and many objects throughout the facility.
  • Removed SCP-055.

2021 in retrospect and what comes next!
2020 was fraught with hardships and delays, and it showed in the quality of our work. By comparison, although the major update for this year, Parabellum, took quite some time to ship, we're extremely proud of it, and we think that it's the strongest update we've ever made.

The Halloween update followed shortly after, which reintroduced SCP-330 and debuted SCP-2176. Both of these returned as permanent additions at the start of December. As we look back to the past twelve months, we're optimistic and excited about what comes next. No business year is without its hiccups, but this year was special. It proved that we can do better than we did in 2020, and we hope that next year, we'll do better than 2021, too.

We don't plan on stopping anytime soon, and we hope you'll join us for the ride. We have such sights to show you.

See you in the dark.

~ Northwood Studios
SCP: Secret Laboratory - Foxe
Hello everyone!

Happy Holidays, we hope that you have been enjoying the Parabellum update and the new SCPs added in 11.1. The Feedback team is currently looking for your feedback regarding the 173 rework as well as the other additions in the base release of 11.0. Thank you in advance!

Happy Holidays,
~ Northwood Studios
SCP: Secret Laboratory - Ava
Hello everyone. Today we’re releasing version 11.1 of SCP: Secret Laboratory!

With Halloween behind us, we’ve been working to fix some of the more glaring issues found in the new features as we move them to something more balanced.

Like we’ve said back in October, SCP-330 and SCP-2176 were to be implemented as permanent additions; and we’re happy to report that they’ve finished transit to their new containment units. As of this update, these two SCP objects have been given a permanent home inside Site-02.

SCP-330, ”Take Only Two”
While it may not have had as many explosions as last year, 2021’s version of SCP-330 was an instant hit. Between the practical effects and the spectacular ones, the candy bowl helped define both the identity, and in-game experience of Halloween.

As promised, the object has been refined and is now a permanent addition to the game — awaiting visitors with a sweet tooth.

You can find SCP-330 in Test Chamber 01, or TC01 for short. TC01 has replaced the old SCP-012 room from SCP: Containment Breach. SCP-330 itself is located behind an airlock, which can only be operated from a keycard-locked control room. Try not to lock yourself in... unless you have something to break the glass with, overindulging in SCP-330 might be the only way to free yourself.

The permanent version of SCP-330 is much less theatrical than that experienced in October. Each of its candies now have a much gentler effect. While they still provide a lot of helpful gameplay applications, they no longer have the round-defining abilities that they had during the Halloween event. Even so, we’re very happy with the outcome, and we hope that you enjoy it.

SCP-2176, ”Ghostlight™”
This haunted light bulb was the second SCP object introduced in the Halloween update. It may not have been as spectacular as its sister feature, SCP-330, but still had plenty of tricks up its sleeve. Whether it was saving players from risky situations, or making those situations much worse, it bent the rules and shaped the round in unexpected ways — characteristics which we love to see in an SCP object.

As opposed to SCP-330, the Ghostlight hasn’t received many changes compared to its Halloween version. In fact, it’s mostly been buffed across the board, featuring a longer effect duration, SCP-914 interactions, and a generous helping of stability improvements.

You can find SCP-2176 in pedestals placed throughout the map, although there may be other ways to obtain it as well. Have fun, and be sure to bring your smudge sticks!

As a side note, we saw a lot of success in introducing these features as limited-time content, then taking the time to review them for permanent implementation. We’ll likely be doing this again, so make sure to keep your eyes open.

Balance Changes
11.1 is our first real opportunity to do a balance pass on the mechanics introduced in Parabellum; as we’ve now had a chance to observe the new content, and see how it plays out within the game. With that in mind, we’ve drafted a small collection of adjustments:
  • Blink cooldown no longer increases by 0.6s for each observer. Its cooldown is now always 3.6s.
  • Blink distance decreased to 12.5m, from 15.0m. Blink distance during Breakneck Speeds remains unchanged, at 22.5m.
  • Slightly buffed all suppressors; they now weigh less, and improve the firearm’s bullet accuracy.
  • Removing the buttstock from your AK will no longer prevent aiming down the sights, however doing so is very inaccurate and does not reduce the recoil.

Other Changes
  • SCP-268 can no longer be obtained through SCP-914. (This was an accidental addition committed during testing of SCP-914’s systems)
  • Dropped body armor is now less likely to block small items. Items below a certain weight will be teleported on top of the dropped armour to improve visibility.
  • The shotgun can now be unloaded and dry-fired like other firearms, and its performance is no longer compromised when playing on high-latency servers.
  • The damage multiplier for friendly fire is now 40% by default. Existing configs remain unchanged.
  • Fast round restart is now disabled by default. Existing configs remain unchanged.
  • The default team assignment queue now repeats the sequence from the beginning if the number of players at the beginning of the round exceeds the amount of entries, instead of automatically spawning all excess players as Class-D personnel. The default sequence has also been modified to compensate for this effect.
  • Ragdolls may now have force applied to them depending on cause of death. Being shot in the face might cause your character to tumble backwards, while SCP-096's charge sends people flying.
  • The spawntarget Remote Admin command has been replaced by the spawntoy command, which supports several new additions; including light sources and primitive objects for use with plugins.
  • Added a destroytoy Remote Admin command for removing spawned toys.
  • Doors spawned at runtime are properly added to the culling system.
  • The Surface Zone now culls based on the player’s height in the game world. This fixes a bug where a player could get lost if they moved far enough away while in noclip, due to the entire zone being culled.
  • The volume of SCP-173’s audio cues is now correctly tied to sound effect volume, which should prevent them from being much louder than other sounds.
  • Added more invisible colliders to prevent people from jumping on some spots that are unreachable to SCPs.
  • SCP-173’s Blink will no longer attempt to place them in the HCZ armory’s pit, which used to result in an instant death.
  • Grenades no longer move at 500x the speed of sound when thrown in a moving elevator, or by an escaping player. This would cause the server to softlock until the physics engine caught up. (We referred to this bug as a “lore-accurate 018”.)
  • Fixed a bug where the friendly-fire damage multiplier was being squared before use.
  • Fixed the Logicer’s third-person model missing holes in its heat shield material.
  • Fixed an exploit that allowed players to gain infinite ammo.
  • Ammo boxes in the SCP-079 armoury should no longer spawn misplaced.
  • Fixed camera movement animation playing when moving your mouse while picking up items.
  • Fixed Micro H.I.D. sound that kept playing when a dead player gets quickly respawned.
  • Fixed MTF-E11-SR often spawning misplaced in its rack.
  • Fixed voice chat loudness indicators not having animated background.
  • 173's sound effects now properly respect the audio settings.
  • The warning about body being expired for 049's revival works again.

SCP-096 plush update
A few days before Halloween, we revealed that we partnered with Makeship to create plushie resembling SCP-096 — our first official piece of merchandise.

We want to thank you for your support. We’ve been absolutely floored by the amount of interest the community has shown. Our original goal was 200 units, but together we’ve absolutely smashed that, soaring well over 800 units sold. The proceeds from these sales are a genuine boost, and given that we’ve spent record amounts in developing Parabellum and the Halloween patch, it’s seriously helped to fund these two substantial updates.

We’ve really enjoyed partnering with Makeship, and seeing this kind of interest makes us optimistic about the future of SCP:SL merchandise.

Notice to Plugin Developers and Server Hosts
As part of this update, we’ve refactored several core parts of the code related to players. Most notably, the PlayerStats script has been remade from the ground up, and split into separate modules. These changes are not likely to affect normal players, who will likely just see performance and network improvements.

We’re confident that this new implementation is a lot cleaner and much more network-efficient, but as a result of the change, a lot of plugins will need to be re-written. Bear in mind that using outdated plugins might cause many issues, or may result in complete not-functioning. We aren’t responsible for any issues or oddities that may occur as a result of these cases. Keep your ear to the ground to ensure that your plugins are up-to-date.

This update serves two purposes:

To finalise the work started with the Halloween patch this year; and to mark the time we consider ourselves ready to start on future updates in earnest.

Extensive development work has already begun in finalising the upcoming Christmas patch, featuring some familiar faces and a few new ones. Soon after, we’ll start working on the next major update, which we aren’t quite ready to reveal yet.

In the meantime, have fun, and take it easy on the sugar!
SCP: Secret Laboratory - Voidus
Hello, and welcome to the SCP:SL Creation Contest 2021!

We’re back with another Creation Contest where you get to show off your unique talents and magnificent creations. Like previous years, there are seven categories and the winner of each category will receive the selected rewards.

If you are not familiar with the event, here are the categories:

  • Artwork
  • Music
  • Video
  • Literature
  • Meme
  • Other

Some of you may notice that there are only six categories listed. This is because the runners-up of each category will be placed in a final category, where Northwood Staff will pick their favourite entry.

You’ll find out how to submit entries on Steam, below. If you want to know how to post submissions on other platforms, please view the announcements on Discord or Reddit

Due to certain limits, only artwork will be available on Steam.


  • The work you post must be your own.
  • You must follow the Steam Content Rules and submission guidelines.
  • You may only post the same piece of work once, on each platform. Do not repost it.
  • You may post multiple pieces of work but you will only be eligible for a single reward. For your efforts, you will get an honourable mention.
  • The submission must be SCP-related.
  • Attempts to manipulate votes may result in disqualification.
  • Group submissions are not prohibited,however, only one person can claim the rewards.
  • Don't be disrespectful towards people's work. This is all meant to be fun!

Submission Guide:
When posting your submission, please add “Creation Contest 2021” before the title of your piece. You are allowed to post previous creations from past contests, or ones not made specifically for this event.

E.g.: “Creation Contest 2021 — Super Cool Art”

  • Event Winner role (Discord).
  • Event Winner tag (In-Game).
  • Access to Event Winner channel (Discord).
  • Artwork posted, with full credit, in an announcement on Steam.
(More rewards may be added after the event has concluded)

The event will run until the 27th of December. Final voting, and the counting of votes will begin next. To keep up to date with future event announcements, check out our Discord. Votes will be counted by the number of likes only!

Disclaimer: We reserve the right to disqualify submissions we believe do not follow community standards and/or rules.

We wish you all the best of luck!

We’d also like to quickly thank everyone who pre-ordered an SCP-096 plushie, the campaign was a success with 889 sold. The support has been incredible and we can’t wait to see what the future holds!
SCP: Secret Laboratory - Foxe
Hello everyone!

We hope that you are enjoying the Halloween 2021 event. Since there are so many new changes and new SCPs, we would like to get your feedback on these additions. Thanks in advance!

~ Northwood Studios
SCP: Secret Laboratory - Voidus

Hello everyone!

We here at Northwood Studios have a special announcement to make. We’ve partnered with Makeship in order to bring you your very own SCP-096 plushie!

Makeship has worked with some incredible creators in the past and as such we’re proud knowing this plushie is of the highest quality. Now this is a pre-order meaning the product will only be made if we reach 200 sales, if this isn’t reached then don’t worry anyone who pre-ordered will get a refund.

Pre-orders are only available until Friday 19th of November at which point you’ll no longer be able to get this limited edition plushie. If you want to get one for yourself check out this link:

We hope everyone enjoys them as much as we do and until next time, have a fantastic day.
