Deus Ex: Game of the Year Edition

The Human Revolution devs get together again to discuss the changes to the UI design they've made for the PC version of Deus Ex: Human Revolution. Eidos Montreal told us earlier this week that the UI was part of a concerted effort to make Human Revolution feel like "a true PC game." Alterations to the Human Revolution engine will also offer full support for DirectX 11 and 3D, as well as AMD Eyefinity across five screens.

Keep an eye on We'll be bringing you our impressions on how Deus Ex: Human Revolution looks and feels on PC very soon.
Deus Ex: Game of the Year Edition
Deus Ex Human Revolution Thumbnail
Eidos Montreal have been telling us about the extra effort that has gone into developing the PC version of Deus Ex: Human Revolution. As well as the Montreal team, they have drafted in developers Nixxes to make sure that Deus Ex: Human Revolution will feel like "a true PC game," with its own UI, proper mouse support and advanced graphics options that will take advantage of our gaming machines' superior hardware.

Director of technology on Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Julien Bouvrais explains the daunting task of getting Deus Ex: Human Revolution right on PC. "Certainly the biggest challenge in developing Deus Ex: Human Revolution for PC has been ensuring that the franchise lives up to the expectations of the gamers who have been following the franchise since it started in 2000," he says, adding that "the PC version of the game needed to be a game in itself and not just of port of the console version."

This lead Eidos Montreal to contact Nixxes, who have been working on extra PC features. Nixxes founder and president, Jurjen Katsman explains. “We’ve been developing Deus Ex: Human Revolution on PC, Xbox 360 and PS3 simultaneously since the beginning, with the same level of importance.”

“Nixxes stepped in pretty far along in the project to give us a hand on the PC version because by its very nature it’s the version that requires the most platform specific work.”

He goes on to describe a few of the features we can expect from the sequel, saying “Deus Ex: Human Revolution is a true PC game. Yes, you will have a lot of options, no 'Press start' screen, full mouse support - everything we feel a PC game should have.

“Further, with the graphics, there are multiple options for anti-aliasing, shadow quality levels, and the ability to enable or disable various post processing effects. All controls can be fully remapped as expected from a PC game as well.”

Deus Extras

Katsman adds that there will be “additional graphics features and a different weapon selection bar to tailor to the keyboard and mouse. There is a simple drag and drop interface to bind things in your inventory to specific keys on your keyboard, making them quickly accessible, and you can then also cycle through these with your mouse scroll wheel while in-game.

“For graphics, there are some unique features, like smoother shadows, more realistic ambient occlusion effects, stereoscopic 3D-- various things that the extra hardware allows us to do. Our focus has been making sure that the game is built for the PC platform as well as possible.”

There will also be full mouse support for the game’s menus, and the team have entirely re-thought the interface for the hacking mini-game. There are also a few extra surprises in store.

“There is a lot of cool stuff in the game, says Katman, “But one thing specific to the PC version that we think is quite cool are some features we have been working on with AMD. I can’t talk about these right now, but a video and details will be released on Thursday.”

We’ll be bringing you more on Deus Ex: Human Revolution throughout the week. If you haven’t already, check out the first Deus Ex: Human Revolution PC screenshots and have a glance over the game’s system requirements. Alternatively, check out our huge Deus Ex: Human Revolution preview.
Deus Ex: Game of the Year Edition
Deus Ex Human Revolution - steel hands shoot straight
We've got another pair of exclusive screenshots of the PC version of Deus Ex: Human Revolution to share today. Yesterday's images gave us a taste of Human Revolution's cyberpunk streets, today's get stuck into the thick of combat with two new action shots. You'll find both embedded below. For more on Deus Ex: Human Revolution's PC exclusive features, check out the latest on Deus Ex's UI design.

Deus Ex: Game of the Year Edition

Thanks to the first Deus Ex: Human Revolution PC screens, we already know that the game is going to look great on our machines, but will you need to augment your PC to get it running? Find out now with the full Deus Ex: Human Revolution system specs, listed below.

Deus Ex: Human Revolution Minimum PC Specs:

OS: Windows XP, Windows Vista or Windows 7 with DirectX 9.0c
PROCESSOR: 2 GHz dual core
RAM: 1 GB RAM (Windows XP) / 2 GB (Windows Vista and Windows 7)
GRAPHICS: NVIDIA GeForce 8000 series or ATI Radeon HD 2000 series or better

Deus Ex: Human Revolution Recommended PC Specs:

OS: Windows 7
PROCESSOR: AMD Phenom II X4 or Intel Core 2 Quad or better
GRAPHICS: AMD Radeon HD 5850

For more on Deus Ex: Human Revolution's combat and stealth systems, check out our recent Deus Ex: Human Revolution preview. If you're already determined to get the game, have a look at the Deus Ex: Human Revolution mega edition boxed set, which comes with its own model of Adam Jensen. Retractable arm blades not included.
Deus Ex: Game of the Year Edition
Deus Ex Thumb
Thanks to the first Deus Ex: Human Revolution PC screens, we already know that the game is going to look great on our machines, but will you need to augment your PC to get it running? Find out now with the full Deus Ex: Human Revolution system specs, listed below.

Deus Ex: Human Revolution Minimum PC Specs:

OS: Windows XP, Windows Vista or Windows 7 with DirectX 9.0c
PROCESSOR: 2 GHz dual core
RAM: 1 GB RAM (Windows XP) / 2 GB (Windows Vista and Windows 7)
GRAPHICS: NVIDIA GeForce 8000 series or ATI Radeon HD 2000 series or better

Deus Ex: Human Revolution Recommended PC Specs:

OS: Windows 7
PROCESSOR: AMD Phenom II X4 or Intel Core 2 Quad or better
GRAPHICS: AMD Radeon HD 5850

For more on Deus Ex: Human Revolution's combat and stealth systems, check out our recent Deus Ex: Human Revolution preview. If you're already determined to get the game, have a look at the Deus Ex: Human Revolution mega edition boxed set, which comes with its own model of Adam Jensen. Retractable arm blades not included.
Deus Ex: Game of the Year Edition

Square Enix have released the first images of the PC version of Deus Ex: Human Revolution, proving that Human Revolution's golden future renaissance will be free of jagged edges and blurry textures, so long as you're playing on PC. Stick your face in these three new screens and inhale the rain-slick city ambiance, and don't forget to check out the Deus Ex: Human Revolution system specs to find out if the the game will run on your machine.

Click on each screen to see them full size. If you're wondering whether or not the game will run on your rig, check out the full Deus Ex: Human Revolution system specs.

Deus Ex: Game of the Year Edition
Deus Ex Human Revolution Thumbnail
Square Enix have released the first images of the PC version of Deus Ex: Human Revolution, proving that Human Revolution's golden future renaissance will be free of jagged edges and blurry textures, so long as you're playing on PC. Stick your face in these three new screens and inhale the rain-slick city ambiance, and don't forget to check out the Deus Ex: Human Revolution system specs to find out if the the game will run on your machine.

Click on each screen to see them full size. If you're wondering whether or not the game will run on your rig, check out the full Deus Ex: Human Revolution system specs.

Deus Ex: Game of the Year Edition

Deus Ex: Human Revolution has gained a slow groundswell of enthusiasm in our office. Tom keeps returning from viewings of the game, wide-eyed and grinning. “It's like Deus Ex!”, he squeaks, before explaining the outcome of some open-ended mission. I'd slowly conditioned myself to expect a happily convoluted dialogue system, impressive characters, and a genuine feeling of choice from the game: exactly like Deus Ex. But, also exactly like Deus Ex, I hadn't expected to get on with the combat and stealth.

Jon Jacques-Belletête is infiltrating a warehouse. Jon is Human Revolution's art director, and his version of Adam Jensen is augmented up to the synthetic eyeballs. Augmentations give skills – from x-ray vision to the ability to punch clean through a wall and snap a man's neck in one fluid motion – and they're gained through 'praxis' points. Jon's Adam has more praxis than he's supposed to at this point in the game, letting him take a two pronged approach to the mission.

There's a trio of gang members relaxing in front of the warehouse. They're augmented too, but their exposed gold-and-chrome robo-arms lack the style of Adam's matte black guns. Jon should punch them for their gaudy fashion sense – and he could. But he doesn't. Instead, he talks to their leader, securing a weapon modification for his tranquiliser rifle. Purchasing the mod doesn't automatically weld it to your rifle. To do that, Jon needs to dip into his inventory. It's a comforting sight for Deus Ex devotees: it uses the same grid system the first game did, where each item takes up blocks of space depending on its physical size. Jon selects the weapon mod, clicks 'combine', and attaches it to his rifle. He pauses on the screen for a moment, resisting the urge to spend five minutes arranging his toys into neat little corners.

During Adam's batman-voiced questioning of the ganbangers, it becomes clear that the warehouse is the opposite of abandoned. Unbandoned? Jon's aiming for stealth during the first half of his playthrough, and after rounding the warehouse's first corner, hugs a low wall. Beyond lay two guards, chatting conspiratorially. Human Revolution flips to third person view when Adam's in cover (achieved by holding the right mouse button next to a solid object), a sweep up and out of Jensen's brain to a spot a few feet above his head that feels entirely natural. The introduction of a dedicated cover system seems means guards don't need to be the cataract-riddled myopia sufferers from the first game: if Jon had poked his head over the parapet as a grunt was looking his way, he'd be spotted and riddled with holes.

Fortunately, he doesn't, and he isn't. Jon waits out the conversation, and watches as the guards start their wider patrol. Their routes look semi-random, and – even worse for would-be super-spies – they regularly turn around mid-saunter to check their six. Jon takes a wide route to bypass any unfortunate spottings. Pressed against a low wall, he holds jump (space bar on the PC) to round a corner while still in cover. From there, he taps jump again, leaping behind a shipping container. He continues this pattern, waiting for guards to avert their eyes before rolling into the next chunk of cover, until he's near the door to the facility proper, with only a patch of bare ground between. Jon has a few options. He could wait until all guards in the area are studiously staring at a far wall and sprint for freedom. He could systematically take them all down with a melee attack – lethal or non-lethal depending on how long he holds the attack button – and saunter into the next area. He could even grab a nearby crate, hurl it a few feet, wait until the guards investigate the noise and crawl past them. Or, he could turn completely fucking invisible and ghost straight through. He sensibly chooses the latter option.

The cloak is another aug, and it gives a few sweet seconds of complete invisibility. Footsteps and other loud bangs would still give away Jon's position, but the guards are too far off to overhear. By the time his neuro-electric battery fails and his cloak fizzles off, he's through the door and into the facility.

A few rooms and a spot of satisfying cover-hopping later, and Jon decides to change tack. It's become apparent the building is a headquarters for FEMA – the federal emergency management agency, and a familiar name to Deus Ex players. Jon finds himself on a balcony shared with a sniper, overlooking a group of guards and a set of cameras. Try to sneak past everyone, and detection looks likely. Instead, he busts out his tranquiliser rifle, replete with newly attached mod. The game's set in 2027, and the mod is suitably futuristic: Jon brings up his rifle's scope over a patrolling guard, and a small red reticule appears next to the centre crosshair, showing him where to aim to hit his walking target. However useful it is, the mod doesn't take the shot for you, and with the rifle's vague sway and the grunt's head-to-toe armour, it's a few wayward darts before the sniper slumps to the ground.

From his vantage point, neutralising the other guards is a relatively simple affair: Jon sits Adam in cover and waits for guards to step beyond a camera's range, before launching a sedative-laden dart into their face. Unconscious enemies can't always be counted out of the fight – Jon explains that a guard who comes across a slumped friend will revive him before sounding the alarm – but tranquilised bodies can be dragged out of sight to reduce detection chances.

Once the room's residents are enjoying a restful, chemically induced sleep, Jon turns his attention to the cameras. EMP grenades knock them out for a short time, but the stun gun's electric charge does the same job. Jon fries the camera guarding his objective – an elevator – and ducks past.

The lift goes down, and during its short ride, Adam gets to see the operations of the 'abandoned' 'warehouse'. Through the darkened glass of the elevator door, Adam sees guards lining up, patrolling, and drilling. Most worryingly, he sees a hulking machine, tottering around on four legs. It's a boxguard, and it's more gun than robot. As the lift comes to rest on its destination floor, Jon surveys the scene: two grunts, and – oh shit – another boxguard. As soon as the doors open, Adam hurls himself forward and slams his back against a crate to avoid the droid's roving gaze.

The prospect of imminent perforation makes Jon change his approach again. He pulls out his combat rifle, and looses off a few shots at the nearby guard, knocking him down with a headshot. Human Revolution's cover system is closest to Rainbow Six: Vegas', and shooting seems to have the snap and kinetic power of that game's guns. Jon continues to fire, sending off three-second bursts before ducking back to reload. The men, despite their armour, are soft and squishy, and easily felled with concentrated fire. The droid is less forgiving. Staying in cover, Jon reprises his earlier acrobatics, and begins to roll into a new area. The droid loses track of his exact position, and keeps its guns trained on Adam's previous location. Meanwhile, Jon's extricated himself from immediate trouble, and found a new toy in the process. It's sleek, svelte, and it fires rockets.

Ducking underneath a window, Jon shoulders his new rocket launcher. Hopping up, he's presented with the droid's broadside. He fires, and crouches back to safety. The rocket's damaged the droid – it's smoking, and I swear I see some sadness on its giant robot face – but it's still firing. Jon leads Adam to a new position, staying out of sight to get the droid's profile in the crosshairs again, and launches another rocket to finish the job.

For a 'proper' sequel to Deus Ex, I was prepared to forgive a lot. The first game is still my favourite of all time despite its wobbly action mechanics. Having seen Human Revolution's action - its solid gunplay and sensible, workable approach to stealth - I'm hopeful I won't have to forgive anything.
Deus Ex: Game of the Year Edition
Deus Ex Human Revolution Thumbnail
Deus Ex: Human Revolution has gained a slow groundswell of enthusiasm in our office. Tom keeps returning from viewings of the game, wide-eyed and grinning. “It's like Deus Ex!”, he squeaks, before explaining the outcome of some open-ended mission. I'd slowly conditioned myself to expect a happily convoluted dialogue system, impressive characters, and a genuine feeling of choice from the game: exactly like Deus Ex. But, also exactly like Deus Ex, I hadn't expected to get on with the combat and stealth.

Jon Jacques-Belletête is infiltrating a warehouse. Jon is Human Revolution's art director, and his version of Adam Jensen is augmented up to the synthetic eyeballs. Augmentations give skills – from x-ray vision to the ability to punch clean through a wall and snap a man's neck in one fluid motion – and they're gained through 'praxis' points. Jon's Adam has more praxis than he's supposed to at this point in the game, letting him take a two pronged approach to the mission.

There's a trio of gang members relaxing in front of the warehouse. They're augmented too, but their exposed gold-and-chrome robo-arms lack the style of Adam's matte black guns. Jon should punch them for their gaudy fashion sense – and he could. But he doesn't. Instead, he talks to their leader, securing a weapon modification for his tranquiliser rifle. Purchasing the mod doesn't automatically weld it to your rifle. To do that, Jon needs to dip into his inventory. It's a comforting sight for Deus Ex devotees: it uses the same grid system the first game did, where each item takes up blocks of space depending on its physical size. Jon selects the weapon mod, clicks 'combine', and attaches it to his rifle. He pauses on the screen for a moment, resisting the urge to spend five minutes arranging his toys into neat little corners.

During Adam's batman-voiced questioning of the ganbangers, it becomes clear that the warehouse is the opposite of abandoned. Unbandoned? Jon's aiming for stealth during the first half of his playthrough, and after rounding the warehouse's first corner, hugs a low wall. Beyond lay two guards, chatting conspiratorially. Human Revolution flips to third person view when Adam's in cover (achieved by holding the right mouse button next to a solid object), a sweep up and out of Jensen's brain to a spot a few feet above his head that feels entirely natural. The introduction of a dedicated cover system seems means guards don't need to be the cataract-riddled myopia sufferers from the first game: if Jon had poked his head over the parapet as a grunt was looking his way, he'd be spotted and riddled with holes.

Fortunately, he doesn't, and he isn't. Jon waits out the conversation, and watches as the guards start their wider patrol. Their routes look semi-random, and – even worse for would-be super-spies – they regularly turn around mid-saunter to check their six. Jon takes a wide route to bypass any unfortunate spottings. Pressed against a low wall, he holds jump (space bar on the PC) to round a corner while still in cover. From there, he taps jump again, leaping behind a shipping container. He continues this pattern, waiting for guards to avert their eyes before rolling into the next chunk of cover, until he's near the door to the facility proper, with only a patch of bare ground between. Jon has a few options. He could wait until all guards in the area are studiously staring at a far wall and sprint for freedom. He could systematically take them all down with a melee attack – lethal or non-lethal depending on how long he holds the attack button – and saunter into the next area. He could even grab a nearby crate, hurl it a few feet, wait until the guards investigate the noise and crawl past them. Or, he could turn completely fucking invisible and ghost straight through. He sensibly chooses the latter option.

The cloak is another aug, and it gives a few sweet seconds of complete invisibility. Footsteps and other loud bangs would still give away Jon's position, but the guards are too far off to overhear. By the time his neuro-electric battery fails and his cloak fizzles off, he's through the door and into the facility.

A few rooms and a spot of satisfying cover-hopping later, and Jon decides to change tack. It's become apparent the building is a headquarters for FEMA – the federal emergency management agency, and a familiar name to Deus Ex players. Jon finds himself on a balcony shared with a sniper, overlooking a group of guards and a set of cameras. Try to sneak past everyone, and detection looks likely. Instead, he busts out his tranquiliser rifle, replete with newly attached mod. The game's set in 2027, and the mod is suitably futuristic: Jon brings up his rifle's scope over a patrolling guard, and a small red reticule appears next to the centre crosshair, showing him where to aim to hit his walking target. However useful it is, the mod doesn't take the shot for you, and with the rifle's vague sway and the grunt's head-to-toe armour, it's a few wayward darts before the sniper slumps to the ground.

From his vantage point, neutralising the other guards is a relatively simple affair: Jon sits Adam in cover and waits for guards to step beyond a camera's range, before launching a sedative-laden dart into their face. Unconscious enemies can't always be counted out of the fight – Jon explains that a guard who comes across a slumped friend will revive him before sounding the alarm – but tranquilised bodies can be dragged out of sight to reduce detection chances.

Once the room's residents are enjoying a restful, chemically induced sleep, Jon turns his attention to the cameras. EMP grenades knock them out for a short time, but the stun gun's electric charge does the same job. Jon fries the camera guarding his objective – an elevator – and ducks past.

The lift goes down, and during its short ride, Adam gets to see the operations of the 'abandoned' 'warehouse'. Through the darkened glass of the elevator door, Adam sees guards lining up, patrolling, and drilling. Most worryingly, he sees a hulking machine, tottering around on four legs. It's a boxguard, and it's more gun than robot. As the lift comes to rest on its destination floor, Jon surveys the scene: two grunts, and – oh shit – another boxguard. As soon as the doors open, Adam hurls himself forward and slams his back against a crate to avoid the droid's roving gaze.

The prospect of imminent perforation makes Jon change his approach again. He pulls out his combat rifle, and looses off a few shots at the nearby guard, knocking him down with a headshot. Human Revolution's cover system is closest to Rainbow Six: Vegas', and shooting seems to have the snap and kinetic power of that game's guns. Jon continues to fire, sending off three-second bursts before ducking back to reload. The men, despite their armour, are soft and squishy, and easily felled with concentrated fire. The droid is less forgiving. Staying in cover, Jon reprises his earlier acrobatics, and begins to roll into a new area. The droid loses track of his exact position, and keeps its guns trained on Adam's previous location. Meanwhile, Jon's extricated himself from immediate trouble, and found a new toy in the process. It's sleek, svelte, and it fires rockets.

Ducking underneath a window, Jon shoulders his new rocket launcher. Hopping up, he's presented with the droid's broadside. He fires, and crouches back to safety. The rocket's damaged the droid – it's smoking, and I swear I see some sadness on its giant robot face – but it's still firing. Jon leads Adam to a new position, staying out of sight to get the droid's profile in the crosshairs again, and launches another rocket to finish the job.

For a 'proper' sequel to Deus Ex, I was prepared to forgive a lot. The first game is still my favourite of all time despite its wobbly action mechanics. Having seen Human Revolution's action - its solid gunplay and sensible, workable approach to stealth - I'm hopeful I won't have to forgive anything.
Deus Ex: Game of the Year Edition

In case there was any way I could be more excited about finally playing Deus Ex: Human Revolution, the difficulty selection screen goes out of its way to make me grin:



Deus Ex

Deus Ex it is. Deus Ex was an action RPG that looked like a shooter. Its genius was giving you a large number of tools to manipulate your environment, then making the most obvious one – using guns to shoot people – prohibitively difficult. It didn’t just let you get creative, it forced you to be.

In Human Revolution, much is different to the original Deus Ex, much is more accessible, and much is more cinematic. But playing it, I discovered it’s still a game that slaps you in the face for treating it like Halo. The PC version wasn’t ready to try, but I played the first three hours of the game on the Xbox 360, which is the same experience except for my extraordinary clumsiness with a controller.

The very first interactive scene of the game captures both the cleverness and the absurdity of the original. You’re head of security at Sarif Industries, protecting the scientist who’s about to reveal a major breakthrough to the US government. Her name’s Megan, and she happens to be your ex girlfriend.

But there’s a whole second layer to that plot to be discovered by snooping around Megan’s office: reading her private data pads, logging onto her computer and going through emails about everything from corporate secrets to who’s going to look after her dog while she’s away. All while she stands by the door waiting to present the most important scientific discovery of a generation to Washington.

Minutes later assassins are storming the building slaughtering all of Sarif’s scientists, and you’re sent to stop them. While you do play this section, it’s best seen as backstory: you’re not augmented, and the assault rifle in your hands is pretty much your only combat option. The rest of the game takes place six months later, and from what I’ve seen it doesn’t force you to use one approach like this again.

Whether you play stealthily, aggressively or both, combat in Human Revolution is all about cover. You press a key to stick to it, the game switches to third person to show what you’re hidden from, then you release that key to come back out. The switch of perspective isn’t jarring in itself: when you know what wall you’re gluing yourself to, it feels natural and useful to be able to see exactly where you are and beyond.

But the intricate sections I played were full of little corners, and on several occasions I stuck to a bit of cover I didn’t plan to. When your perspective changes to show you in a place you didn’t think you were going to, that is confusing. Whether it’ll still be a problem when playing with a mouse I don’t know.

On Deus Ex difficulty, you die almost instantly under fire. If a bullet only scrapes you, it takes around 30 seconds to recover from the hit. Even on Normal, health doesn’t regenerate for a significant time after you’re shot. It feels much more serious than a Call of Duty gunshot wound, despite the fact that no one throws jam in your eyes to obscure your vision.

Almost everywhere you fight is a multi-layered space: there’s always some vertical variation, whether it’s stairs or a sheer drop. The open areas are littered with things to hide behind: tables, cabinets, and our eternal friend the crate. And your enemies roam that space with admirable moxy.

There don’t seem to be set patrol routes to learn, the AI guards explore of their own accord and often vary their behaviour – particularly once they’re alerted. Every time I died and restarted a section, the guards moved through the space in a different pattern.

Right now, though, guards sometimes behave stupidly under pressure. One failed to kill me as I blundered past him and through the door he was facing, closing it behind me to delay him. As soon as it shut, he blurted “Where did he go?” The cupboard, dude, you just watched me shut myself in the cupboard.

It’s too soon to call, but I wouldn’t be surprised if some of these behavioural anomalies were still around in the finished game. I wouldn’t mind. I’d rather have experimental AI that can surprise me in good ways and bad than AI that doesn’t surprise at all.

At the end of the opening half hour, you arrive back at Sarif Industries six months later, and are free to explore wherever you like. I had my priorities straight: find my office and check my mail, then find a ladies’ bathroom and see if anyone complains if you go into it.

Sure enough, you have lots of mail if you choose to stop by your office before heading out on your first mission, from company-wide memos to messages of support from colleagues, and even a mail from the receptionist about a minor security matter she’d like you to look into. That mail starts a whole side quest about a thief in the company, one you could easily miss. And sure enough, I do find a ladies. Nothing of interest inside, but later your friendly tech stereotype Pritchard adds, after briefing you, “Your body’s changed, Jensen, but you haven’t become a woman. Stay out of the ladies.”

In your first proper mission, anti-aug purists have raided a Sarif facility to steal the prototype of their new explodeeverything aug, the Typhoon. It says something about Sarif, both the company and the CEO it’s named for, that your primary objective is the Typhoon prototype and not the scientists’ lives. It’s even possible to get them killed before you so much as start this mission – dawdle too long after Sarif warns you to get to the helipad and they’ll be dead before you even arrive.

Before your chopper lands, Sarif tells you that “The rules of engagement are your call: do you want to go lethal or not?” It’s the weapon selection conversation you had with your brother Paul at the start of the first game, but with one more choice – he then asks if you’d rather get close or engage at a distance.

I picked nonlethal and close up – basically Hard Mode – and got a Stun Gun: a short range Taser with just a few darts. If I’d gone with long range, I would have got a tranquiliser rifle – the equivalent of the first game’s minicrossbow. Close range lethal is the Magnum revolver, and long range lethal is the assault rifle.

I was also given six Praxis points, level-up currency you’d never normally have this early in the game. It costs two points to get a new aug, and one point to upgrade an existing one with a new feature. I went for Strength, Cloak, and Legs with silent movement – the walk softly and carry a big box approach.

Despite not being designed for a player with augmentations, the mission immediately gives you lots of scope to use them. Two guards were talking around the first corner, so I used Strength to – yes! – stack a crate near a wall and peer over the top to scope them out. If I’d gone for the jumping upgrade for my Legs augmentation, I could have just hopped it. And if I’d used Brain to not be an idiot, I probably wouldn’t have fallen over the wall into plain view of them both and had to run away again.

I snuck through the next few areas – big, airy storerooms in the Shipping and Receiving wing of the building – without engaging or even being seen by any of the guards. But deeper into the facility, things got tricky enough that I had to start tasing bros. Having exactly no manual skill with the Xbox 360 controller, my preferred method was to hide in cover until they almost passed me, then blind-fire with the stun gun and pray it hit, to take them out without exposing myself.

Regular guns kill with one headshot, but without a mouse that’s usually beyond my talents. Human Revolution is incredibly stringent with ammo, too – I rarely had more than four rounds in a given weapon – so mowing everyone down wasn’t an option.

Whatever you specialise in, you can usually hit people with your robot arms. A melee takedown, whether you choose to make it lethal or just a knockout, consumes one cell of power. Other augs drain those cells more gradually, and if you’ve got less than one full cell, you can’t use melee attacks at all. The good news is that your last cell always regenerates over time, so if you’ve run out of absolutely everything else – and I frequently did – you can still stalk a room full of enemies with a slow rhythm of sneaking and punching. Later levels have more energy bars – actual food – that restore one cell of power each, letting you store up a few cells for quick series of takedowns.

Once I got the hang of it, I tended to overuse the vicious third-person beat downs. I finally found the hostages, still alive in a room with a toxic gas canister ready to release. Its trigger was tied to the door I just came in through, so I had seconds to save them. I couldn’t see a prompt to defuse the bomb, so I approached the hostages hoping to carry them out. All I got was the usual melee prompt: tap the button to knock them out, hold it to kill them. Well, I didn’t want to kill them. Tap it is!

You’re, er, not meant to punch the hostages. You certainly can, and you can even drag their limp bodies away. In fact, since I had Strength, I could have easily tossed this unconscious middle-aged lady out of the room with some force. The trouble was, the bomb trigger had also locked the door. By the time the gas started to leak out, all I could do was sneak out through the vent I should have come in through, while the surviving hostages screamed at me to stay away from them before choking to death.

I’m probably not going to win Secret Agent of the Year for that one.

The mission ends – some tough encounters later – in a confrontation with Zeke. He has a hostage, and you have a choice: talk him down, let him leave, or attack. Talking triggers the game’s interesting conversational combat system: each tack you try gets a particular response from Zeke, and each of those has a right response, a wrong response, and one that will neither drive him over the edge nor calm him down. The exact lines Zeke throws at you are somewhat randomised, so you can’t just memorise the correct responses to each, Monkey Island style. You have to think about what he’s said and figure out the right counterargument for his frame of mind.

I just punched him. A friend, playing for Edge magazine, punched the hostage instead – an innovative solution he didn’t quite intend, but which nevertheless saved her life. If you let Zeke go, you hear gunfire outside shortly afterward, and then he and the hostage both show up dead. You don’t know for sure whether he shot her, or the SWAT team at the scene accidently killed them both.

Human Revolution is a much tougher, harsher game than I imagined – even with augs you wouldn’t normally have. It’s visibly more futuristic than the first, the melee and cover are very different, and that first half hour really has nothing to do with Deus Ex. But none of these things stop the meat of the game from capturing the Deus Ex feel: thinking “OK, how do I want to play this?”, stumbling across interesting alternate routes, and panicking when it all goes wrong. Without that hard edge of difficulty, Human Revolution would miss the point. With it, it’s a very exciting game indeed.

This preview was originally printed in issue 225 of PC Gamer UK. It includes information included in our previous web previews: one of the first three hours, and one of the very early stages of the game.