Hell Let Loose - Jonno
Hey everyone,

Welcome to Dev Brief #117!

This week we're sharing with you the details on our upcoming melee combat mechanic!

To take you through all the details, as well as when you'll be getting to grips with your new melee weapons, I'll be passing you over to Lead Developer Max -

A Message From Max - Melee in Hell Let Loose

Hi everyone!

In Update 9 we’ll be introducing melee for the first time to Hell Let Loose.

Melee in World War Two was a far more common occurrence than most people think and often took place in brutal room to room fighting - perhaps most poignantly depicted in a tragic scene in Saving Private Ryan.

How to Melee

We wanted to emulate the ability to immediately draw your melee weapon and plunge it into the enemy. To do this, we’ve enabled the B key as a quick melee attack. It’ll go for the immediate stab on the target by checking your inventory, seeing which melee weapon you possess and then actioning the attack.

For those who enjoy a more deliberate rampage, you can simply equip your melee weapon in your inventory before going for the kill.

In terms of parameters, we’re going to be testing relative reach and speed of a stab in order to give each melee weapon its own benefits. As a result of this, we’re then able to add different melee weapons to different loadouts later - with different speeds and ranges (including bayonets).

We thought a lot about how we’d introduce melee into such a fast and hardcore game like Hell Let Loose. If we made melee require multiple hits on the target, then it’s very likely that melee would almost never be used - as any attempt to do so would get you killed before being able to administer the killing blow. Similarly, we thought about potentially adding the ability for a blocking or parry system, but realised that this would also be entirely unused as it’s highly unlikely your target will resort to melee in the circumstance.

We felt that melee would most frequently be used when successfully flanking the enemy - moving your way through a trench or building brutally dispatching the enemy as quickly and efficiently as possible. As a result of this design, meleeing in Hell Let Loose kills the enemy instantly, covering your weapon and hands in blood.

Development Update

The team is incredibly busy right now working through issues that arose during the previous PTEs. Thank you everyone for the very useful feedback. We’re excited to action all of it in order to ensure a smooth release of Update 9.

Onwards to the weekend!

That wraps up this week's Dev Brief!

It's slightly shorter than usual, but we wanted to get... Straight to the point and share the core mechanics of how this new combat feature will work.

Let us know what you think too! What melee weapons would you like to see in the future?

Have a great weekend everyone.

We'll see you on the frontline.
Hell Let Loose - Jonno
Hey everyone,

Welcome to Developer Briefing #116!

This week's one is slightly earlier than usual as we've just put our new PTE app live!

Please note whilst the app is a permanent addition to Hell Let Loose, it will only be 'active' during certain times windows which we'll advertise here on Steam, Discord and our social media channels.

I'll pass you over now to Spono who'll explain all:

Using the HLL Public Testing App!

Today we're launching our Hell Let Loose Public testing app. This is a separate application in your Steam library that you’ll need to download in order to participate in the PTE. Servers will be made available during testing periods only. We’ll announce these times in the HLL official Discord.

The PTE on the EU servers will commence at approximately 11AM GMT Thursday 25th of February, and will run until approximately 8PM GMT (we’ll do an announcement when servers go online). We’ll then switch over and continue the PTE on US servers, where testing will continue from approximately 3PM till 11PM, Eastern Time USA.

Feedback Form

Please use THIS FORM for feedback during and specific to the PTE -

What we are testing:
  • The stability and utility of this new public testing app
  • Weapon zeroing
  • Melee (animations are WIP and are yet to be updated and finalised)
  • Changes to the Garrison placement meta (red zone Garrisons)
  • Partial reload (ability to discontinue a reload beyond a critical points and still be functionally reloaded)
  • UI changes
  • VOIP stability fixes, including a reconnect button in the Options menu
  • Weapon material overhaul
  • Weapon sight picture overhaul (cleaned up and standardised a lot of the sizing and sight cleanliness, geometry and colours).
  • Grass optimization, longer cull distances and quicker loading times
  • MG34 (animations are WIP and are yet to be updated and finalised)
  • New sniper rifle non-blurry optics
  • Utah Beach US and German Offensive modes
  • Barbed wire functionality
  • Gamepad and controller support
  • General increased game optimization
  • New loadouts for the MG, Commander, Tank Commander and Sniper roles
  • Vehicle gameplay experience, including weapon effectiveness, traction and vehicle handling
Please note: this is not the full changelist for U9, it is what we are keen to focus community attention on.

Maps in the PTE roster
  • Utah Beach Offensive US
  • Utah Beach Offensive Germany
  • Foy Warfare
  • Hurtgen Warfare
  • Carentan Warfare


We are continuing to improve the in game VIVOX/VOIP experience. If you do have VOIP issues during the PTE, try the reconnect function in the game menu under Audio and let us know in the PTE feedback form. With your feedback we ask that you please provide as much information as possible, including which server, which map, time and date. Also include if you noticed other people also being affected by the same issue as you, and if you used the reconnect option, if it worked or not.


Lots of general sound improvements to test, but particular things to listen out for are:
  • Community Voice over acting - Wilhelm scream
  • Footsteps and movement
  • New BAR sound


We will be testing and observing server stability and performance during the test. If you notice any server issues such as rubber banding and or loss of connection, please let us know in the PTE Feedback form.

Game UI

We have made some significant changes to our UI and HUD as we look to future proof the layout and fix scaling issues for more unorthodox resolutions. Upcoming features and QOL improvements are all part of this. This means there may be bugs related to the UI. We have tried to address as many as we can so it’s playable for the PTE, but please report any UI issues you see.

Player XP

For this PTE all XP levels will be reset as if you are a new player. This does not mean you lose your XP for the Public build of the game, this is just a chance for us to see if any issues are present for new players. In future PTEs we will likely max out the XP level so all loadouts and cosmetics are unlocked and testable. This also means that initially there will be no Commanders, as it requires level 10.

Public Testing vs LIVE Game user settings

There is an issue where launching the PTE will override your .ini files for the base game. This means any selections you’ve made in the Barracks will be reverted to the defaults.
This does not reset any of your progression - only what you have selected.

To prevent your .ini files from being overridden whenever you launch the PTE, we recommend setting a new .ini directory for the PTE build.

  • Right click Hell Let Loose (Public Testing) in your Steam Library
  • Click Properties
  • Under Launch Options add “-UserDir=<PATH>”
Note: Exclude the quotation marks and replace <PATH> with a suitable directory. The image below provides an example directory of using the user’s AppData folder. Please do not use this example without first replacing the username.

Please note
  • Extra drive space will be required (approximately 23 gb)
  • Access to the servers will be on a first come first served basis and will be limited to 3 servers / 300 players at a time.
  • XP will not be saved during the PTE.
  • Achievements will not be able to be obtained.

A Reminder

This PTE build is taken from our live development environment for Update 9, so may include significant bugs or issues that are being currently worked on. We ask you to please report any and all bugs and other issues you may encounter.

Is there an NDA?

While we’re not forcing a strict NDA, we’d greatly appreciate it if you would help us build up to the release by not streaming or broadly sharing content from the test app.

This app has been designed and distributed to assist us in testing and to get your direct and specific feedback about the coming Update. It has not been designed as a marketing tool, and as you can imagine we’d much prefer not to broadly distribute media of content that is a work in progress.

That wraps this week's Dev Brief!

For those of you who take part in today's PTE test - We look forward to reading through your thoughts and feedback.

See you on the frontline
Hell Let Loose - Jonno
Hey everyone,

Welcome to Dev Brief #115!

This week we’re pulling back the curtain on our first iteration of the Admin camera!

While this will primarily be thought of as an admin tool, we’ve thought a lot about it’s usage as a way for the community to create engaging content by capturing cinematics and screenshots. We’ll go into a bit of the technical detail today on how it’s used.

To demonstrate this we'll have the usual text based goodness, but we felt that the best way to show you what you can expect with this feature is with a short video. Coming in just shy of 4 minutes you'll see what to expect both as a player and a camera driver.

Then as a cherry on the cake we've got another new image from the Eastern Front and an update on how we're continually working to maintain game integrity and keep Hell Let Loose cheat free.

Now I'll hand you over to Max and Spono for all the info:

Footage from the frontline with Max and Spono!

Admin / Spectator / Content Camera

We’ll be rolling out the admin/spectate camera in Update 9. This will allow the user to better follow the events of the battle - from watching infantry units, to spectating vehicles and capturing intense firefights.

This will have limited availability; with permissions given out by the server owner. They will be able to assign this using Steam IDs, which means this ability will be limited to those individuals only. Admins with those permissions will also have the ability to Kick and Ban within the camera itself. Spectators will have only the camera functionality.

Camera Keybindings

Here is a breakdown of the default keybindings and their purpose.

[End] Enter/Exit Camera: Allows those with server permissions to enter/exit camera
[T] Lock/Unlock to target : This will lock/unlock the camera to the highlighted target
[Y] Lock/Unlock rotation: This will lock/unlock the ability to rotate camera
[H] Highlight Mode:
Target Only - Highlights your target only
All - Highlights all enemy and friendly players
All Enemies - Highlights all enemy players
All Friendlies - Highlights all friendly players
OFF - No highlighting

[K] Toggle Clip on/off - Will allow camera to clip through objects (Is handy for cinematic tracking)
[Home] Toggle UI mode: This will toggle the camera UI elements on/off
[Enter] Toggle Search: Will toggle player search window on/off
Search window options
Search: Player name search
Kick/Ban: Admin ability to Kick/Ban players
Snap to player: Will immediately snap to the selected player’s location
Clear selection: Clear/Unselect the selected player
Copy player name

Camera Server Logging

Entering and exiting of the camera will be captured in the server logs and accessible to server owners. It will show the timestamp of camera entry and exit, player name, and STEAM user ID.

Camera Permissions

Permissions will be set by the server owner. Nobody will have access to the camera unless permission is granted.

Camera Admin / Spectator Slot

The use of the camera will take up one player slot on the server. Which means that the admin/spectator will need to be on a team and deployed.

Server Owners

If you are an old or new server owner and are currently not in the HLL server owner & admin Discord, please DM @_Spono in the official HLL Discord, with your server IP & details.

Server Stability

We are working with server providers to ensure the best possible HLL experience for server owners, the admins and their communities. We are currently investigating what we believe to be sporadic network related issues. If you are a server owner and are having stability issues, you can contact @Corex or @_Spono via DM in the official HLL Discord.

Get your HLL server

We currently have three server providers for Hell Let Loose. If you wish to setup and run your own HLL server and community, checkout the game server provider links below:




Привет из Курска

A view from a German-held hamlet towards the Russian lines south of Prokhorovka.


We’re always in constant communication with our partners at EAC - our anti-cheat provider.

Occasionally, videos are flagged of cheating behaviour or that are designed as promotional material for new cheats. We immediately flag these with EAC and they work hard to ban anyone using these. Like most development studios, we don’t often address this publicly, as granular information about cheats benefits those making or distributing them.

You can also help us by directly reporting a cheat HERE.

New Issue Status

You can find a granular status update on several issues (grass spawning, Garrison meta etc.) in last weeks Roadmap Dev Brief:

Dev Brief #114 - Update Early Access Roadmap 2021

Onwards to the weekend!

That wraps up this week's Dev Brief!

What do you think of our first iteration Admin Cam? Let us know in the comments!

Have a fantastic weekend everyone, we'll see you on the frontline.
Hell Let Loose - Jonno
Hey everyone,

Welcome to Dev Brief #114!

This week we're pleased to be sharing with you our updated Early Access Roadmap for 2021!

We'll also be sharing with you the key parts of Update 9 today! On top of that we're letting you know how you can test out these new additions and changes ahead of Update 9's launch to give us your thoughts and feedback before they go live.

We'd seen from various parts of the community that you'd like to get more involved in changes to the game ahead of their implementation and we're looking forward to further embracing that mantra with you.

Now I'm going to pass the Dev Brief over to Lead Developer Max to show you what's next for Hell Let Loose -

A Message From Max - Roadmap Update!

Hi everyone,

We are excited to share the first roadmap update of 2021! This will show what’s coming up in Update 9 and what is still to come this year and beyond. We also want to give you more info about some of the changes well in advance of Update 9 itself, in order to keep new and veteran players better informed and to provoke conversation before we open testing up in the PTE.

Hell Let Loose PTE Application

Within the next few weeks we will begin testing U9. This is to make sure we have stable servers and clients before the update gets pushed live. We will have a focus on specific things we want the community to test and give feedback on, and will let you know what these are closer to the test date. We are happy to tell you it will now have a separate Steam application dedicated to testing.

While this was a large amount of work to set up for previous playtests, it had always been our desire to provide you with a separate app for quick access. We were able to take the time shortly after the launch of U8 to establish this new system.

Updated Roadmap - 2021!

Update 09: Q1 2021
  • Melee
  • Server Admin Camera
  • Implement correct weapon zeroing for all firearms
  • Beginning the armor system rework
  • Community Voice Overs
  • Steam Achievements
  • Barbed Wire functionality
  • Added and refined localization
  • MG34
  • Additional loadouts
  • Continued Bug & Crash fixes
  • Warmup Staging Period for Warfare Mode
  • XP level increase
  • Sound Improvements across the board (BAR to footsteps to death)
  • UI Changes
  • Max level Increase
  • Improve optimisation
  • Grass and Foliage spawning improvements
  • Utah Beach Offensive mode for both German and US forces
  • Weapon visual quality overhaul
  • Improved Damage Occlusion System
And many more changes!

Medium Term Still To Come:
  • Continued improvements to armor systems
  • Campaign Mode
  • SMDM Overhaul
  • Russian Forces
  • Russian Weapons
  • Russian Vehicles
  • Flamethrowers
  • Kursk
  • Unannounced Eastern Front Map currently in development
  • 2 Unannounced Western Front Maps currently in development
  • Continued in-game FX overhaul
  • Continued in-game SFX overhaul
  • Continued implementation and expansion of RCON features
Beyond this Roadmap

We want to assure you that there’s tons to come beyond this roadmap, we simply can’t fit it all on here and feel it’s more important to communicate short and medium term goals on this image.

Armor System Rework

One of our toughest challenges has been how we tackle the armor bugs and inconsistencies, and get it to a place where it is fun, satisfying and consistent.

Update 9 contains many changes to armor. Some large ones are:
  • Increased the MG belt size to 200.
  • Fixed zeroing on the MGs resulting in far less drop off.
  • Reworked several associated sounds.
  • Created new FX to better designate non-penetrating hits.
  • Reworked HE shell damage tracing to make them ignore smaller occluding collision (ie. a fence won’t protect you from the damage). Includes all radial damage on explosions.
  • Buffed HE shell damage radius on all vehicles.
  • Began reworking smart materials and geometry on all vehicles and vehicle viewports to increase visual fidelity and lower vram requirements.
  • Altered Fuel costs
  • Hitbox adjustments
  • Collision adjustments
  • Penetration values & angles
  • Armour values
  • Tank handling and stability
We will continue work on the many different aspects of the armor system in response to community feedback, taking into consideration but not limited to the following:
  • Main gun alignment
  • Coaxial gun alignment
  • Vehicle PhysX
  • Handheld AT Damage
  • AT Gun Damage and distribution
  • Mine Damage
  • Tank Speed

  • Turret speed
  • Switching seat speed
  • Expansion and balancing of vehicle rosters
  • Reconsideration of vehicle componentry
  • Repairing
  • Rearming
  • Tank commander loadouts
  • Crewman loadouts
  • Introduction of new vehicles
  • Ongoing hitbox adjustments
  • Ongoing collision adjustments
  • Ongoing penetration values & angles
  • Ongoing maintenance and balancing of armor values
We want to acknowledge that the current tank play can be very frustrating, and we are 100% dedicated to improving the overall armour and vehicle experience based on the community's feedback. This will not come all at once, as it requires rigorous testing and significant development time, but we want to reaffirm this is a top priority. The reason we’re unable to achieve this in a single update is due to the intense complexity behind the scenes as to how the vehicle physics model works. Often, adjusting one aspect of the vehicles will cause unintended other issues.

For example, while we can easily alter some aspects of penetration or armour values, we feel that there are endemic issues in the way the physics model works that will require a bigger relook.

We still have a lot to do, and are far from happy with it’s current implementation. We will be continuing to make significant changes, and will be asking the community for feedback when we have more focused PTEs post Update 9.

We are aware of some current optic and gun offsets that can arise during gameplay. We understand why this is happening and are currently troubleshooting the best approach, however this is likely a significant rework and will require a lot of development and QA time.

There are some immediate collision and hitbox issues that we will be looking to resolve for U9, but will require additional work to make this more consistent and intentional. We will do our best to eliminate as many armour bugs we can for U9, and we appreciate the patience as we work to fix this for the community, especially for those who main tanks.

.INI File & AA Settings

We have made the decision to lock the .ini file to avoid exploits and game-breaking alterations. As we’ve had to lock this, we’ve collated a huge number of community-specific AA settings and have included these as an AA setting (this can be accessed in the Options menu under “Community”).


We have seen some significant improvements to the in-game voip since last week due to changes made by Vivox. We are going to continue to troubleshoot with them and we will continually provide updates as we work to resolve these issues.

We have also included in U9 the ability to re-connect to the VIVOX server via the game options menu, this may resolve your VOIP bug, depending on the issue you are experiencing.

Grass & Foliage

We’ve rewritten the way we spawn grass so it is now near-instant. This will provide a significant upgrade to the cover and concealment within the game - especially near spawns. We have also worked through all maps to make sure that grass and bushes are not affected by setting scaling. This means that low foliage quality settings will no longer remove concealing bushes.


We are looking at ways to balance loadouts as we look to introduce the Russian forces and therefore more weapons into the game. The current loadouts are by no means final and will be something that will be constantly tweaked for gameplay and balance throughout ongoing development.

Also we will be introducing some new loadouts specifically to those roles that lack a second loadout.
  • Commander
  • Machine Gunner
  • Sniper
  • Tank Commander

Warfare Forward Garrison Meta

The Warfare Garrison meta has been updated and the rules around their placement have been adjusted to encourage offset placement, but to discourage ninja-garrison spawn bombing.
  • Garrisons can now be placed in the first row/column of the red zone.
  • Garrisons placed in the red zone cost 100 supplies.
  • Garrisons placed in the red zone are disabled if enemies are within 100m of them. This is to encourage conservative placement.
NOTE: We will be testing this during the PTE and specifically observing the placement and effectiveness of these in opening up a more circular frontline.


As mentioned when we released achievements, we want to reiterate that many will not be available to unlock until we make client and server side changes in Update 9.

UI Changes

We’ve reworked the deployment screen format and main menu to better include explanatory descriptions and format the text better to multiple resolution scales. This also includes adding an available spawn point list in the deployment menu.

Weapon Zeroing

We’ve fixed the zeroing across all firearms. Effectively, this means your sights are adjusted to compensate for bullet drop, meaning you’ll need to aim a smaller amount above your target's head to correct for bullet drop.

Max Level Increase

We have increased the max level from 200 to 500. For those who are already at level 200 you can expect to see your level jump to your new level, based on your existing experience points

A Note on Dev Briefs

We’ve noticed that the content of dev briefings tends to be angled towards one of two parts of the community: one side is keen to hear about future content or to look behind-the-scenes at the development process, while the other is interested in granular updates on specific technical issues.

While in the past we’ve tried to balance the briefings between addressing hot button issues and future content or things we’re working on, we’re now going to do our best to include running status updates on hot button issues - even if we’ve addressed them in previous dev briefings. We will include these at the end of the dev briefing to try to keep you as up to date as possible.

Tell us what you think!

That wraps up this week's Developer Briefing!

We're really excited to be sharing more on the future of Hell Let Loose with you, we'll be delving more into Update 9 and its contents over the coming Dev Briefs too so watch this space!

As always we love to hear what you think, so feel free to share your thoughts on the Roadmap, Update 9 and PTE changes in the comment section.

If you're yet to join us in battle Hell Let Loose is currently 25% off until Feb 15th

Have a great weekend everyone!

We'll see you on the frontline.
Hell Let Loose - Jonno
Hey everyone,

Welcome to Dev Brief #113!

This week we're hosting another Community Q&A where we'll be answering some of the hottest questions that you've sent in to us!

On that front you sent us over 1,500 questions in a week! This totally blew away our expectations so thank you. The team went through them all and picked 25 that we think you'll appreciate having the answers too!

Before we dive into that though, Black Matter Community Manager Spono has the latest update on the VoIP situation:

A Vivox / VoIP Update from The Great Spoondini

Hi everyone,

I Just wanted to give you an update with the current in-game VOIP situation and thank you all for being so patient as we work to fix this. VIVOX have been working hard and have made several configuration changes to resolve the loss of comms some of you are experiencing.

VIVOX will be continuing to make a few tweaks over the next 24-48 hours as we lead into the weekend, but are already noticing an improvement and are seeing no mass drop events since these changes were made.

VIVOX have multiple people monitoring this and will continue to do so throughout the weekend. It would be great to let us know if in the weekend you are still experiencing loss of VOIP, or if your VOIP experience is now better.

I want to personally thank the entire community for your patience as we have worked tirelessly with Vivox to resolve this as quickly as possible. Apologies for the time this has taken, we remain cautiously optimistic but hopefully we are now on the road to recovery. We will endeavor to update you on this after the weekend, once we have heard back from our friends at VIVOX.

Thanks again

Your Questions, Our Answers!

Will Hell Let Loose be supported after you leave Early Access?

Yes. Leaving Early Access simply represents a consistent level of quality and optimisation across the game that we’d be happy to call a starting place for all the work to come. It is not a sign that we’ve “finished the game” and are going to move on. Once we leave Early Access, the team is poised to expand and continue as we always have - with the same or slightly larger flow of work as we’ve always had (too fast and it becomes hard to quality control and too slow and the game will feel stagnant!). We have to implement campaign mode, more forces, expand the ones we have, expand weapon and equipment offerings, add new mechanics (flamethrowers and mortars to name a few), add completely new map types, refine the metagame, continue to balance, support the competitive side, continue to optimise, add more vehicles and much more. Many of the most popular games on Steam are titles that have been out for more than five years!

What do you think about adding more complexity/variety to the AT weapons in the game, i.e. magnetic mines/charges, single-use rockets, AT grenades, etc.

This is ultimately where we want to go with the anti-tank capability. We feel it’ll be much more interesting to have a varied series of mechanics that can be used to take down different vehicles than just firing a ton of rockets at them. Ultimately the armour array is still quite undercooked. The current “medium” tanks in the roster will be replaced by the most populous mediums of the day (namely the Pz 4 for the Germans, the T34 for the Russians and the stock M4A3 Sherman for the US). As a result we’ll be rebalancing the AT role to encourage different styles of play.

Are defined "Front lines" the desire of the design team or are you looking at adjusting the linear nature of sectors within maps and garrison placement? - Whilst the changes in U7 (?) were to address "ninja garrisons" with fixed lines I now see garrisons and outposts seemingly dropped in near identical locations every time.

Unfortunately the sector system (the hard squares) was a legacy implementation that has been hard to move away from, as it governs so much of the metagame. Ultimately, the key design goal is to create an organic frontline (that ideally can wrap around into the first active red row) without reintroducing the spawn bombing of the ninja garrison mechanics (where players drop the attack Garrison within the enemy SP and spawn the entire team there).

Can we expect more loadouts for the Spotters (please add satchel charges for them) and Snipers (G43 with a scope and bolt action rifles without optics)?

Yes - there’s really no limit to the loadouts we’re keen to create and implement. They’re hugely flexible for us to alter, balance and expand and it’s the key way we’re able to introduce new gadgets. Expect everything you’ve suggested and much, much more as more forces enter the game.

Do you have any ideas about new abilities for commanders? Like air strike with Stuka or rocket strafing run with P47?

Definitely. The Commander array was designed to allow us to continually expand their abilities - something that’s very easy for us to do. Expect to see Stukas, rocket strafes, nebelwerfers and more. We’ll be balancing adding these to each force in future updates.

Would it be possible to implement a way to increase/decrease command channel versus squad channel voice volumes? Also a way to equalize voices? People who increase their in game mic volume end up sounding "boomy" whereas others are almost impossible to hear.

This is something we’re discussing with Vivox at the moment, as we’re limited on the outputs. We’d love to be able to treat each channel with a different SFX filter to better distinguish them, as well as allow you individual volume control. Often the question comes up as to why use Vivox at all, given the relative issues or inflexibility. The key answer here is that other titles force the game server to carry all voice traffic. Vivox takes all our voice traffic off our game server - allowing for a much higher tickrate (networking accuracy) in game - even with 100 players all in one small area.

Are more options planned for placed weapons like the current Pak-40. I was imagining one of those 20mm flak guns or an HE mortar. Side note- you guys are awesome, absolutely amazing dev team, seriously ya'll rock.

Thanks so much for the support! Our plan is to introduce a flak position as a deployable that can be upgraded to various levels, with different functions. We’re also looking at allowing you to upgrade the AT guns similarly. We’re also going to be introducing mortars and deployables too (and most likely HMGs). There’s still a lot more to come!

UE5 may be in your hands early this year. (remember the amazing demo) So what do you think UE5 can bring to the game? Destruction maybe? More dust? ect. Keep up the good work, and be proud of what you are doing. cheers Jimmi.

UE5 is still quite a Pandora’s Box of potential complexity and features, but one we’re really excited to open up. We’re going to seek to move to it depending on the benefits in order to future-proof the title. If that lets us achieve greater performance, atmospherics or even destruction then you can bet we’ll be very keen to explore if these can be brought into HLL.

Will we also see incendiary grenades and/or molotov cocktails?

Yes! We’re actually very excited to properly add fire to the game. It will most likely be later this year, but we want to bring incendiaries in with infantry and vehicle mounted flamethrowers. Molotovs, incendiary grenades - even incendiary rounds are on the table.

It seems that developing a historically accurate flamethrower would be extremely difficult to implement. How is the team doing with this upcoming weapon, is there anything we should know, what steps have you taken to ensure its accuracy, and when do you foresee it coming to fruition? Thanks!

Funnily enough a lot of the flamethrower code already exists in the game - we just need to generate some of the FX and the work around setting up the weapon from an animation perspective. We’re going for a fuel/gel mix model - allowing you to consistently throw straight lines of fire over 20-30m (we’ll be testing the ranges). The idea is that it’ll be a way of clearing buildings at range with a high risk and reward factor. Exposing yourself to concentrate the flame, but highly effective at clearing tight spaces.

Are there any plans to add more vehicles, things like Tank Destroyers, Armoured Cars etc?

Yes, these are all planned and much more!

Will there be further tweaks to the gore system, eg. bullet dmg and stuff like bloodpools forming under dead bodies?

Yes, this is something we want to continue to refine and polish. It’s still using a lot of visually imperfect elements that we want to tighten up and make much better looking.

With the inclusion of the eastern front and what I'm assuming, more subclasses. Will you try to balance the amount of classes to each faction? IE will Germany have 2 machine gunner classes while Russia and America only have 1?

Due to the way our backend works, we’re keen to keep the number of roles in the game at 14, as expanding this will cause huge continuously multiplying complexity. As a result of this, we really see the loadouts available to each role as a way of expanding functionality across a team, and weighting it in a particular way.

Are you guys looking into adding maybe a 1 to 2 minute preparation phase before a match starts? To give people a little time to plan the attack, and to figure out what roles are needed in a squad.

This will be arriving in Update 9!

Back during the backing process of HLL, adding in the Pacific was a potential goal that wasn't met. With the success of the game so far, do you think the Pacific may be added into the game sometime in the future? Thanks for everything, and keep up the great work!

Let’s just say, if things continue as they are then we’d definitely be looking at introducing it.

How do you figure out how to balance between realism and more "game-y" elements of gameplay?

It’s always a very tough balance. It usually requires us boiling down the expectation of a feature or weapon and then considering how that could be best represented on the battlefield in a way that compliments or modifies other existing mechanics. A good example is the artillery. We felt it was important to capture the total power and devastation of it on the battlefield, and to do so we needed to introduce some limiting principles - namely, the need for teamwork in both placing marks, working with a loader and minimal game-feedback that you’re being successful. We’ll always begin with what the absolute most realistic implementation would look like and then work it back to suit the gameplay. Fundamentally it has to feel fun and to perform as close to expectations as possible - paired with an appropriate learning curve and devastating side-effects. If artillery was incredibly easy to fire then we’d have to lower it’s lethality - causing grenade-style explosions. If we make it too powerful, then we’d need to complicate it to the point where it was very inaccessible to use - lowering it’s presence on the battlefield. That is always the balance we consider - “who will want to use this?”

Are there any particular development processes you use as a small development team to release such a high fidelity game? It amazes me that such a small team can produce such a high fidelity game, arguably better than what many AAA studios have released over the last few years and as a games developer myself I like to know how the small studios get ahead.

Really appreciate the kind words - they’re a huge encouragement to the team. Realistically, I think finding the right like-minded team-members has played a huge part.

What feature are you most excited about from the future roadmap?

I think Campaign mode will tie each battle together in a really meaningful way that will give greater context and reward to the efforts of each player on the battlefield. I’m also very excited about the Eastern Front and the sheer breadth of the combat that will start to roll through the game. That you could be leading a tank column across Normandy in one battle to be hacking someone to death with a shovel in the living room of a tiny Russian Izba in the next, to dropping artillery on a rocky desert outcrop in the next battle.

Do you collect stats of every player's efficiency such as kills/times killed throughout his 'career'? Would be interesting to have a look at that not just for one round but in total (all plays) to review personal progress. Thanks

We do collect stats, and we’re going to build out a stat page in a future update. We’re keen for players to be able to see where they’re improving or efficient, and we also feel that the data will help us make better informed decisions around balance and gameplay.

What is the plan for a campaign and what is it's status?

We’re designing Campaign mode to become the default system of map rotation from server to server. Within it, we’ll pit Allies against Axis across a world map, allowing you to experience the full scale of conflict as you press for global victory. Essentially, a campaign will begin on a server and the first 5 minutes will be a both teams observing a world map of different territories. We’re thinking through the exact mechanics at the moment, but want to introduce an element of risk and reward to decision-making in this screen. Will you choose to open your campaign by attacking in the “Beaches” territory (choosing between Utah or Omaha), or will you decide to begin in the far east as the Russian forces? We need the design to be flexible enough to allow us to continually add maps, as well as introduce variety and different stakes to each battle. We want resources to be fixed, so that failing to maintain a good balance in one battle will affect the next one. In addition, the choice you make over whether you choose to attack on Offensive mode, defend on Offensive mode or fight a Warfare battle will similarly change the reward for victory or defeat. We have a huge number of variables that we’re excited to introduce - we’re currently just working over the design to make sure that it’s both compelling, competitive and balanced. It also needs to be able to house all current and future content. In any case, it will be a very, very large update post-launch as it’ll be a very significant addition to the game.

During early access it's hard to decide if you want to implement new features to bring new players, or fix bugs to keep existing players interested. How do you plan on balancing those two objectives?

It’s definitely always a difficult balance. New exciting content brings in new players and allows us to keep the lights on at the studio, but at the same time we always need to make sure we’re dealing with the bugs and less fun aspects of the game that are causing issues for the community. We’re reaching a point now though where there aren’t many surprises within the course of development. We’re finalising some aspects of optimisation and technical processes that will make development much smoother when it comes to fixing bugs and performance. Eventually we hope that we’ll reach a point where all the fundamentals work seamlessly and we can spend time widening the game.

Update 8 has been great! Especially the updates to the support and engineers. What unit type do you think needs more love the most next and what additional infantry loadouts & customizations do you have planned for the future?

Really glad you’re enjoying the additions! Ultimately we’ll be rotating through the most under-cooked loadouts to add more and more to them before circling back to the start. Initially we were so busy with overhauling key parts of the game that many of the loadouts became just different mixes of existing guns. We’re going to be increasingly moving away from introducing loadouts with existing elements, and use them how they were designed - as a way of introducing entirely new functionality (be it weapons or gadgets or equipment).

Do you ever expect the game to have tanking only maps? Would be kind of cool!

We’re keen to keep the ruleset for HLL as fixed as possible, with the main variable being the maps and forces present. That said, we know that some maps are better for infantry and some are better for vehicles. While we’d never limit the players or force playstyles in a certain direction, we’re going to be introducing some famous tank battles. It’ll become obvious once you’re in the battle why armor played such an important role in open, rolling terrain!

Night combat, do you have any plan to do any current maps but with night variants? If so, would flare guns also be looked at both as illumination and anti tank/infantry variants?

Yes, we’ll be bringing in a night mode in the future. We feel it’ll need flare guns to brighten up longer ranges and give unique purpose to the night environment. We don’t want to introduce a night time mode that just encourages players to increase their gamma!

Are there any plans to introduce rifle grenades? (spigot-type grenade launcher / Schiessbecher) + thank you for your work so far! :)

Yes, we’re very keen to introduce this to the game in a future update!

Getting Up Close and Personal!

Dedicated melee weapons are on the way! We'll be sharing how they work and more in an upcoming Developer Briefing.

They say keep your friends close and your enemies closer...

That wraps up this week's Dev Brief!

We hope you enjoyed our latest Community Q&A session, let us know what your favourite questions and answers were in the comments as we'd love to hear what you think!

Have a great weekend everyone.

We'll see you on the frontline.
Hell Let Loose - Jonno
Hey everyone,

Welcome to Dev Brief #112!

This week we're doing our weekly post slightly earlier than usual to coincide with this morning's hotfix.

So, get ready for patch notes, an update on the current VoIP situation, a development state of play from Max and the opportunity to submit your hot topics for our upcoming community Q&A.

Oh and there's a little uniform reveal for our next faction...

Hotfix Notes

We’ve released a small hotfix to address some servers not being shown in the browser. As this was a low risk fix we are able to do this by itself and you should see more servers to choose from now in the browser!


We’ve been in constant communication with our friends at Vivox and are working hard with them to establish the cause of the VOIP loss in game. While several issues have now been addressed in the back-end (specific server VOIP dropouts), we feel we are getting close to a fix for the disconnect/reconnect issue.

Community Q & A - Ask your burning question!

With the first roadmap of 2021 just around the corner we wanted to again give you a chance to ask that one burning question you may have. Although we won’t be able to answer them all, we will do our best to consolidate them and give you as detailed of an answer as possible at this current point of development.

Please fill out [url=https://forms.gle/kaJz7iVCph4fhUbE8
]this form[/url]
for your one burning question!

We look forward to going through your questions and sharing our answers with you soon.

Development State of Play: Quality of Life, New Content and Beyond

A Message From Max

Hi everyone,

As always, the team is working across a huge amount of quality of life fixes, bug fixes, crash fixes, optimisation, new content and planning into the future.

We thought we’d take some time to quickly address the hot topics currently in the community and let you know where we're at with them:

Tank MG Hit Registration

Currently the tank is using a cheap version of hitreg that initially was designed and suited to the pre-ballistics form of the MG (linetrace). It was designed to be as cheap as humanly possible, due to the then incredibly high volume of fire that tanks could put out.

The basic thought was that continuous saturation of fire was a quick way to degrade the tickrate of a server incredibly quickly - causing lagging, rubber banding etc. After adding the ballistics model to the tank MGs, we thought in testing that the old hit reg would continue to function as well as it always had. However, we've seen since the update that there are some very strange things occurring when different angles are reached from both the player capsule (the networked position of the player on the server) and the way the hit prediction works for the MG rounds fired from the tank.

We've tested several fixes for this and each one has introduced other weird effects, so the outcome we're going to push for is implementing the infantry hit reg solution (from the handheld firearms) onto the tank MGs. While this is certainly do-able, the time it takes to do this will mean a significant rework and re-test of all vehicle mounted MGs in the game. It's on our list for the next update, but isn't something we've been able to hotfix.

HE Shells

While we limited the total insta-gib range of the HE shell, we've noticed that there are several issues occurring where players are landing shells very close to the enemy (ie within the killzone) and they're walking away unscathed.

We've investigated ways to fix this, and have reworked a huge amount of the way we trace damage from an explosive source. In testing, we've seen that landing shells can sometimes have damage occluded from the blast by tiny portions of the landscape geometry and other small props. The damage then reflected outwards and wouldn't hit the area of the player that would trigger the damage. While we've made tons of changes and custom fixes to most explosives to negate this (satchels, grenades, arty), there are still complexities to add and refine - especially on our heavy weapons projectile weapon type.

As a result, we've re-written the way in which we trace damage for the heavy weapons, both making some aspects of it more expensive on the netcode, but we've also made efficiencies in other places too. As a result, there should be no more accurate shots failing to kill your target. Obviously though, this is something we'll continue to monitor after we roll this change out in U9.

Grass Issues

Since this was spoken about recently, we’ve optimised much of the engine code that handles this and are seeing significant improvements across the board. The engine now longer force-unloads the grass, and instead keeps it culled when the player dies which then allows us to bring it back in on spawn very quickly. We’re very excited to roll this out in Update 9.

Armor Issues

There are tons of these and each dependent on the vehicle, the player and the expectation of what should happen. We've got lots of detailed feedback across this from clans and the community more broadly, and we've broken each issue down into a bug to be worked through (and many already are). There are some easy ones to fix, and then there are some tough ones to fix. Physics are always exceedingly painful - especially when using them in a way that needs to be incredibly lightweight.

The main thing here is that we're working on aspects such as: manoeuvrability, hit boxes, damage effects, shell non-pen effects, weird hitbox issues causing single shot kills, bouncing/floaty physics, offset reticles etc. The list is really long and often the moment you tweak any aspect of the physics, lots of strange things happen. In any case, we're working through the feedback as efficiently as possible to get as many meaningful changes in for U9. We should also note that we’re still building out the base armor roster for the game - including bringing in the more unsung heroes like the Pz4 and Stug, alongside the stock Sherman variants.


We’re currently looking across all feedback and have been thinking deeply about how we will adjust the metagame in order to better enable off-set attacks on Strong Points, without returning to the previous ninja Garrison metagame.


This is ongoing over the course of development as we work through a ton of issues and overhaul the fundamentals. Now that many of those overhauls are complete, we've been able to make some big leaps forward, with more to come. The weapon overhaul and grass changes have increased performance, as well as other optimisations.

Tutorial and Tips

These are key for us, but they've also been on the back burner while we work out what the actual meta and functionality of the base game is before we start creating tips (that would soon become outdated the moment we changed something). The need for this and good localisation is ever more apparent, and something that we're prioritising more and more.


With the growth of several new communities, we’re introducing improved localisation for all languages (with updates to the now long out-of-date text currently in the game) and adding certain languages. This will include iterative updates to the in game Field Manual.

Thank you all for your continued support, feedback and patience. It really goes a long way! Now, we'd like to give you a first official look at a uniform from the Eastern Front...

Russian Summer Field Uniform 1940-1943

1. SH-40 (Steel helmet-40)
2. Summer field uniform 1940-1943
3. Tarpaulin boots
4. Universal ammo pouch
5. Mosin rifle ammo pouch
6. MPL-50 (small infantry spade-50)
7. Сable pouch
8. Small sapper ax
9. Sapper tool bag
10. Sidor (Duffel bag) with satchel charge.

That wraps up this week's Dev Brief!

We hope you like what you've read and seen today! The team are looking forward to going through your questions for our Community Q&A and we're keen to give you some answers, so if you've got something you'd like to ask us make sure to get it submitted!

Have a great weekend everyone.

See you on the frontline.
Hell Let Loose - Jonno
Hey everyone,

Welcome to Dev Brief #111!

This week we're previewing the MG34 and explaining how it'll fit into the German Machine Gunner's roster!

The team also have an update on where we're at in regards to tackling the current VOIP issues in-game.

Oh and before we get stuck in, you'll also notice that the map we're showing you the MG34 on isn't from the Western Front...

The MG34

The MG34 will be coming to Hell Let Loose in Update 9 for the German Machine Gunner role.

A key aspect when introducing new weapons to Hell Let Loose is considering the difference this weapon will make to the battlefield, and how it will be meaningfully different to whatever is currently available. This is often based on the historical usage of the weapon, technical difficulty in achieving a significant difference (i.e. if the functionality is not something that exists elsewhere in the game and must be custom built) and then lots of testing and feedback with the community.

The issue with having a very low time-to-kill within a game like Hell Let Loose is that bullet damage values more or less stay consistent from weapon to weapon - with the largest factors being reticle shape, recoil strength, recoil pattern, ammo counts and loadout availability.

As a result of this, we’ve designed the MG34 to possess its real life rate of fire (while fast, noticeably slower than the MG42), and also a slightly lower recoil value - enabling greater precision and control. In addition to this, it has a smaller belt size, but a number of belts that matches the ammunition count on the MG42.

While the MG42 is used for pouring huge amounts of lead down range into an enormous “beating zone” (which is what ultimately made it such a unique and fierce weapon) with a large belt size, the MG34 is for more considered and focused fire at the sacrifice of overwhelming fire.

When looking at the spectrum of weapons available to the German forces during WW2, the MG34 was the backbone of the army for the entire duration of the war before being challenged by the MG42 in the later years. As such, we feel that it is appropriate to replace the MG42 with the MG34 as the Standard Issue loadout for the German Machine Gunner role. Fear not though, as the MG42 will be available as the first unlock for the role at level 3.

We also want to note that while we won’t ship the MG34 with a select fire mode, we’ve revisited select fire mode functionality and will be looking at introducing it in the future for all weapons with the setting available.

We’re excited to show off the distinct characteristics of the weapon’s fire sound and functionality below in one of our coming Eastern Front maps! Please be aware that both the texture quality of the MG34, the casing fx, as well as the map are still work in progress with more to be done!


We want to quickly follow up with the VOIP issues some are still experiencing in game. We are in conversations with our VOIP provider Vivox to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Several fixes have already been made but we want to make sure any final aspects are resolved.

If you do experience VOIP loss, please let us know in the #voip_troubleshooting channel in our official Discord. Some players are managing to reconnect to VOIP by disconnecting and reconnecting their mic/headset. Let us know if this works for you.

Once again, thank you all for your patience and support whilst we investigate this frustrating issue.

Onwards to the weekend!

That wraps up this week's Dev Brief!

We've got lots more to share in the coming weeks, including an updated Roadmap and a community video Q&A so watch this space!

Have a great weekend everyone.

We'll see you on the frontline.
Hell Let Loose - Jonno
Hey everyone,

Welcome to Dev Brief #110!

This week we're showing you the reworked Barbed Wire deployable that'll be coming to Hell Let Loose as part of Update 9!

We're also taking a moment to address the current VOIP issues we're seeing players experiencing, as well as officially confirming a new weapon coming to the game, so stick around until the end!

The Barbed Wire Rework

For Update 9, alongside working through many other incomplete aspects of the game, we’ve managed to swing back and figure out a cost effective way to give barbed wire the desired effect we’ve all been waiting for.

Hell Let Loose’s damage system is designed to be relatively simple when it comes to addressing wounds. This is to not only reflect the relatively simplistic triage process during the war (with some forces not even having morphine widely available), but also to create a strong series of actions in order to bring someone back to fighting capacity.

As a result, we feel that the key with barbed wire is that it should cause noise rather than damage (and we all know how horrible the sounds of being trapped in barbed wire are) and completely slow you down for as long as you’re stuck to it. In addition, while some barbed wire can be navigated through, we obviously felt it was important that player-deployed barbed wire completely blocked you.

We’re therefore replaced the old, tiny barbed wire in the Engineer loadout with large - tall arrays that are far more effective at blocking locations and causing bottlenecks.

Please note: This is early footage and is subject to change.

Barbed wire can be blown up with Satchel Charges and well placed artillery. We’ll be testing this functionality in order to make sure it strikes a right balance of being a considerable obstacle without being too strong and impossible to deal with.

In the future we’ll be looking at letting heavy vehicles potentially crush barbed wire in order to clear it.

VOIP Issues

We’re aware that significant voip issues have been experienced for far too long. We’ve been doing a vast amount of digging and profiling, and (with help from the community and our QA team) have identified the issue.

The team are now working with the provider to rectify the issue as soon as possible. We will keep you updated via Discord and other channels as we work on this.

Sorry for any frustration caused by this, we really appreciate both your patience and reports whilst we get this fixed.

Introducing the MG34!

We saw many correct guesses in last week's tease, so today we're confirming that Update 9 will include a new weapon for German Machine Gunners, the MG34!

We'll be delving more into the MG34 and its role within the game in a future Dev Brief, so watch this space MG mains.

That wraps up this week's Dev Brief! Let us know what you think of the changes coming to Barbed Wire, we look forward to hearing your thoughts on it!

Have a great weekend everyone!

See you on the frontline.
Hell Let Loose - Jonno
Hey everyone,

Welcome to Dev Brief #109 and the first briefing of 2021!

To get the ball rolling we're starting small and focused this week as we look to revealing and diving into the larger parts of Update 9 in the briefs to come.

But having said that, this week's brief will be pleasing on the eye and your weapon firing satisfaction so without further waiting I'll pass you over to Max!

Happy New Year everyone!

A Message from Max - Weaponry: Visual and Zeroing Upgrades

Hi everyone,

It’s our first week back into the studio and as a result of us getting busy again we’ve got a relatively low-key dev briefing for you this week before we can start to dive into the larger aspects of Update 9 and beyond.

Weapon Visual Upgrade

A key visual element of first person shooters are the weapons, hands and arms that take up large portions of screen real-estate the entire time you play the game. While we managed to overhaul our hands and sleeves in Update 7, we didn’t manage to tackle a visual upgrade of our weapons - arguably the most significant objects in the game and certainly objects that deserve to be the best quality we can make them.

The Technical Side

For Update 9, the art team has been keen to audit these areas and have rebuilt an entirely new procedural texture system in line with AAA workflows. Previously, older texturing workflows relied on several unique textures for each model in the game. You would have three textures that would make up the Kar 98k, and as a result of texture budgets, you’d need to either handle these in an extremely clever way, or simply downgrade the resolution of them in order to make them cost effective - resulting in a total loss of detail.

New Modelled Barrel

In the last three years, with the advent of much more widely used photoreal lighting and material creation processes, the philosophy behind texturing has changed significantly. Instead of creating three separate unique textures for each of the 40+ weapons and pieces of equipment in Hell Let Loose (roughly 120 different textures), the use of “smart materials” means that we are now able to create a “metal material”, “wood material” and “bakelite material” using three textures in each. We then take each weapon or piece of equipment in Hell Let Loose and set up one single very low res texture that acts as a mask. It basically let’s us tell the barrel of a gun to use the metal material, while the stock is told to use the wood material and so on.

The result of this is incredible. Instead of using 120 different textures, we’re able to look at guns like the Thompson, BAR, Garand, K98k and so on and simply use the same three wood textures and the same three metal textures - each contained within a custom material that lets us change the way these behave per gun. The first weapon to benefit from the early version of this system (that we’ve now taken much further) was the MP40.

So what does this mean? Ultimately, it offers a really significant optimisation for GPU and texture memory that will be best felt on low end machines, while also enabling us to maintain incredibly high quality detail very close to the camera. In essence, through some clever overhaul, we’re able to optimise and drastically improve the visual quality of every weapon in the game. In addition, it also means we’re able to create weapons far faster - as once the model is made and the single mask texture has been created, we can procedurally texture in minutes.

Kar98K Scoped - Current Version

Kar98K Scoped - New Version

This technology is also important because we’ll be implementing this into the way we work on other things in the game - like vehicles, props and other objects. The end result should fundamentally be a significant improvement to frames and visual quality. In addition, this system also gives us the ability to dynamically texture the weapon - adding fingerprints, blood flecks and eventually mud, snow and raindrops.

Luger - Current Version

Luger - New Version

As a side note, we’re also fixing any incorrect text on weapons while cleaning up each model. A small example is that the M1919 is now a far better looking gun with proper modelled holes on the barrel.

Weapon Zeroing Fix

We’re also excited to announce that we’ve fixed the often talked about issue of the weapon zeroing that was introduced with the ballistics systems. Each weapon is now zeroed correctly and far better models the real life trajectory. For laymen, the outcome of this is that it no longer feels like the bullet is “falling out of the barrel” - instead travelling straighter for far longer. While this has applied to all weapons, it is especially satisfying on the lower caliber weapons and vehicle mounted coaxial and hull machineguns.

In addition, we discovered a nasty bug with regard to the tank mounted machine guns that cause the bullets to occasionally not register with infantry at certain angles. We’re currently looking at fixes for this.

Weapon Tease!

That wraps up Max's post on the upcoming weapon visual upgrades and weapon zeroing fixes!

What we shared today is just the tip of the iceberg for Update 9 and we look forward to sharing lots more with you as we move through early 2021.

Now before we sign off for the weekend, can anyone figure out what upcoming weapon this belongs to?

We'll see you on the frontline!
Hell Let Loose - Jonno
Hey everyone,

We hope you've all had a good week so far!

We just wanted to quickly update you that you’ll start to see aspects of the upcoming Steam achievements rolling through in different ways (some being listed on Steam but obscured). We’ve plugged them in as just a very minor aspect of the next update.

We appreciate that for many players achievements are not their desired priority, and we want to assure you that not only was this a very minor piece of work, it was a value-add to our work on adding additional telemetry to the game that will help us get a much greater sense of role usage, map popularity, average game length and weapon usage.

Just to let you know - In addition to this, we’re also investigating an increase in Vivox VOIP connection issues. We really appreciate your patience and reports on this while we investigate these problems as a matter of priority.

We'll be back again tomorrow for our weekly Dev Brief!

See you on the frontline.