Academia : School Simulator - ryan.sumo

Hello Scholars!

We’re excited to release our second themed update, Land Expansion! The key mechanic is fairly obvious, so let’s get right into it!

Buy More Land

This is something we’ve been promising for a very long time, and now you can finally expand your school! If you felt that your school was so constricted that the students were already sitting on top of each other, now you can buy four plots of land to expand your school!

School Buses

Kids will get tired walking to school all day, especially with your expanded school now taking more of the map. You can now spend some money to put the kids on schoolbuses and make sure they get to class on time, ready to take on the world of learning!

NOTE: School bus zones MUST be built next to the sidewalk, and school bus operation starts the day AFTER building it.

Water and Electricity Generation

Utility costs getting you down? Become self sufficient by drawing water from the ground or harvesting energy from the sun! But be careful, these objects are very expensive and have a higher rate of breaking down.

Increase Student Population

500 students with raging hormones not enough for you? Well with this update we are letting you build your own grave by getting certification for up to 700 students! Just get your lawyer to sign the paperwork and you’re good to go!

Mod Filters

We added mod filters to the in-game mod searching tool to better enable you to look for mods!

Bugs and Design Fixes
-Fixed counselor bug
- Improved interested students implementation
- Updated reading learning chance
- Fixed load time issue
- Fixed achievement bug regarding "Abandon School!" and "Peeing in the Bushes" achievements
- Fixed gang member bug due to dropped out students
- Fixed vegetation and other bugs in the new Buy Land mechanic
- Fixed student's clinic behavior bug
- Added animation to prestige change
- Fixed Buy Land bugs
- Fixed Utility-generating objects bug
- Fixed game crash when loading
- Fixed counselor bug
- Fixed Japanese localization bug
- Fixed school bus bugs
- Implemented new student population cap
- Added correct values for water and electricity cost for utility-generating objects
- Fixed bug where students don't use the bench in bus stop
- Fixed UI bus relating to bus stop
- Fixed agents spawning in the middle of the map
- Fixed utility-generating objects bugs
- Updated trash can capacity and litter levels to create trash bags
- Fixed game going past the night time because dropped out students are still in school
Academia : School Simulator - ryan.sumo

Four years ago on this month, Tristan, Marnel and I became officially registered as Squeaky Wheel Studio Inc.We’ll be taking a break today and having dinner with some of our gamedev friends to celebrate, but in the meantime let me take a walk down memory lane.

September 2015

I am at EGX 2015 for the launch of Prison Architect. The IVSoftware team have kindly flown me and my wife over to celebrate the launch, so I use this as a way to pitch our game Political Animals to publishers. I meet Cliffski for the first time and pitch the game to him.

Within a couple of days he offers me a publishing deal. Anyone who has done a publishing deal before will know that this is an extraordinarily short amount of time to get a deal done. It helps that we got along and Cliffski is a one-man show studio that answers to no one, but still.

October 2015

After landing back in Manila I immediately set about establishing a company, which is not a trivial process in the Philippines. I end up paying more than I probably needed to in order to have another company help me set up my company, such is life here. We are officially registered with the SEC by October 28, 2015

Funny aside, I had thought that we had incorporated on October the 15, which is why we are celebrating our anniversary today. :P

November 2016

After almost a year of working nonstop on Political Animals and taking it to conventions like BICfest, TGS, and PAX, we release the game. Even with all the advantages that we had, it is a flop.

September 2017

A mere 10 months later, we launch Academia : School Simulator in Early Access. It succeeds well enough to save the company and we continue development of the game.

October 2019

It has been a little over 2 years since Early Access launch, and 3 years since initial development of Academia. We have hit many highs and lows, but the game continues to make enough income to support our team.

<October 2020

This brings me to an announcement from the future. At some point before October 2020, we want to launch version 1 of Academia : School Simulator. The game has made major strides since it first came out. While there is still more work to be done, we can finally see the finish line.

Games like Academia : School Simulator are tricky things. While there is the potential to build on it infinitely, we believe we’re coming close to a point that we are personally satisfied with it. Version 1 doesn’t necessarily mean the end of development, but it does mean a change of focus for the team. It’s been a long road, and we’re excited to slowly inch our way to something new, whatever that may be.

Spoiler Alert, we have some exciting news coming up soon, so stay tuned!

Thanks to Everyone

We want to thank everyone that has supported us throughout this journey. Thanks to everyone who has played the game (if you enjoyed your experience please write us a review because it really matters!). Thanks to our partners, our parents and families for supporting us. Thanks to our fellow devs, streamers, and publishers for supporting us, spreading the word, and putting your faith in us.

We hope that you’ll stick around for the years to come!

Academia : School Simulator - ryan.sumo

Hello scholars,

We are super excited to share that our next themed update will be called Land Expansion! That's right, this is something that you all have been asking for for a very long time, so we're really happy to finally add it to the game.

A larger school needs a more complex student delivery system, so we'll be adding school buses! Not sure what to do with all that new land? Why not start building some electricity and water generation objects to offset your utilities costs? And when you have electricity to spare, why not sell it back to the grid for a tiny profit?

These updates are a little meatier than our old updates, so we're trying to release them every one and a half months. So with luck, you should be playing this new update by the middle of October! See you then!
Academia : School Simulator - ryan.sumo

Hello Scholars,

Squeaky Wheel's election simulation game Political Animals is now on a weeklong sale , ending on September 17!

If you've ever wondered if you could win an election while keeping your paws clean, now is the time to find out! Political Animals lets you customize your candidate, pick specific staff to suit your campaign strategy, and lets you play across 8 beautifully hand designed maps. Local multiplayer is best so you can shout obscenities at each other as you near election day.

Bundle Discount!

Even if you're not super interested in politics, if you buy this bundle you can actually get Academia : School Simulator AND Political Animals for about 15% cheaper than if you bought Academia on its own, WHAT A DEAL!

Thanks everyone, we'll be back with an update announcement soon!

Academia : School Simulator - Valve
Today's Deal: Save 25% on Academia : School Simulator!*

Look for the deals each day on the front page of Steam. Or follow us on twitter or Facebook for instant notifications wherever you are!

*Offer ends Monday at 10AM Pacific Time
Academia : School Simulator - ryan.sumo

Hello Scholars!

We’re excited to finally release our first themed update, which we are calling Law and Order! This has been a long time coming, so let's get right to it!

Zone Linking

You can now link certain zones to each other, to maximize efficiency! In much larger schools, there was a tendency for the students and staff to wander or get lost in school, leading to them not having enough time to eat or hang out and have fun in the common room. With Zone Linking you can now specify which classrooms will go to specific cafeterias and common rooms, as well as principals’ offices (principals with an “s” you say? More on that later). We’ve also added links from kitchen to cafeteria, so you can more efficiently control your kitchen staff.

Vice Principals

In larger schools, students could sometimes take forever to walk to the principals office, losing them precious learning time. And once they’re at the office there was a crowd of students waiting for the principal to scold them!

To address that issue, we’ve added vice principals and Zone Linking for principals’ offices. To better manage your school, you can hire a vice principal, plop him in a specific area of your school, and link certain classrooms to that office.

Lawyer Staff

The lawyer uses the power of legalese to let you get away with...well not murder, but maybe some less ethical things. Hire a lawyer so you can fire your employees at will (no more warnings!) and expel your students as you please. In future updates when we have an events system, the lawyer will be much more interesting.

Gang Members

Gang Members have been spotted near your school! As gang members go, these guys are actually pretty chill, they most want to influence your students to be more delinquent and to join their gang, and while they’re at it they’ll use your clean toilet facilities. Chase them off by hiring and routing some monitors! Larger schools will attract more gang members, so make sure you’ve got all the exits covered!

Bugs and Design Fixes

- Added grant for Cafeteria Zone to Classroom Zone linking
- Added Principal's Office to Classroom zone linking
- Fixed delivery bug when there are no refrigerators
- Fixed zone linking bugs
- Fixed visual bug where time controls are blocked
- Fixed lawyer bugs
- Increased real world seconds to 120 seconds per in-game hour
- Fixed wrong subject icons on the student profile and the overall student population panels
- Fixed bug where smokers are stuck
- Updated Zone Link icons
- Fixed Zone Linking bugs
- Fixed Research bug
- Fixed UI alignment bug
- Implemented Gang Members
- Implemented delinquents can now work
- Implemented Vice Principals
- Updated game texts
- Fixed zone linking bugs

Thanks to everyone who tried out the test and candidate builds and submitted bug reports. As a little Easter Egg, there is a hint in the description about what the next update will be, can you figure it out? It’s something we mentioned more than once!
Academia : School Simulator - ryan.sumo

Hello Scholars,

We're excited to announce the first of our themed updates, which we're calling Law and Order.

This update will add staff like the Vice Principal, who will help the principal handle the workload of scolding students. We will also be adding the lawyer, who gives you access to some mildly unethical ways to make running the school more efficient (hint : did you ever wish you could fire your staff without those pesky warnings?).

Delinquent student labor will be added so that they can be assigned to clean the school, giving you an alternative to detention and counseling, plus some cheap (but wildly inefficient) labor.

Gang members will try to infiltrate your school and try to influence your students to make them delinquents. They're not dangerous, just very rude, and you'll want to route some monitors around key areas to make sure they don't influence your students.

Finally, Zone Linking lets you create order in your school by linking certain zones to each other so that, for example, you can assign students in a classroom only to use specific cafeterias. This will make organizing much larger schools much easier.

We're targeting the end of August for this release (fingers crossed), and we hope you all are looking forward to it!

PS since people have been asking, yes this update is FREE.
Academia : School Simulator - ryan.sumo
Hello Scholars!

We overhauled our production process this month so we don’t have as much features in this month’s update. However we are excited to be sharing a much clearer roadmap very soon so that you know what to expect in the coming months! Until then, here are the updates for this month.

Added AV Room

The history subject did not have a special room, so we needed to add one! The AV Room has now been added as the special room for History class. The teachers get to take it easy as the kids watch documentaries on the TV!

Added Visual Settings

You can now adjust visual settings like turning off the zone colors, tooltips, shadows, and adjust
the hue and saturation colors of the game. If there are any specific visual settings you want us to try out, let us know in the comments!

Added Year Level Icons to Teacher Avatars

We found out in a Twitter poll that about 50% of you were not aware that teachers could be assigned to specific year levels. To address this, while in the department panel you can now see on the teacher avatars what year level they are assigned to. We will be adding further UX improvements like this in the future.

Bugs and Design Fixes

- Fixed confusing needs increasing indicator
- Changed safety need computation
- improved safety computation (related to delinquents being too impactful)
- Improved unassigned students' AI
- Implemented common area assignment to classroom
- Fixed achievement bug
- Fixed black screen bug
- Fixed delayed student count update when a student dropped out or is expelled
- Fixed loading error related to TV animation
- Added teachers' TV behavior
- Added AV room category and fixed AV room requirements
- Added graphics settings
- Added AV room grants and research
- Fixed bug regarding zone colors
- Fixed black screen error when moving to next school year
- Fixed research lock bug on the Staff Population panel
- Fixed AI bugs

Academia : School Simulator - ryan.sumo
Hello Scholars,

Build 0.3.15 is now live! This month we focused on recuperating after launching Alpha 3 and tending to bugs and balance fixes. But we promise some new features every month, so this build brings Smoking delinquents, Expelling Students, and some sweet UI Updates!

(Reminder : There is no longer a 32-bit version of this build)

Smoking Delinquents

There’s a new set of delinquents for your monitors to catch! Torie over here thinks she’s super cool, smoking in the toilet but the principal knows better! (SMOKING IS BAD, GUYS, REMEMBER IT’S BAD)

Expel Student

Ideally we would advise that Torie take counseling for her issues, but if you’re feeling impatient you can go ahead and expel her! There’s a price to pay though, as your school will lose prestige as word spreads that you expel bad students to keep your stats.

Updated UI

The Student Population and Profile UI needed a lick of paint, and now they’re in line with our new designs!

Updates to Bank Loans

We’ve update the Bank Loans system so that interest rates go higher the larger the amount you loan, and paying off interest in advance updates the daily rate that you pay. FUN!

New Food Crate system

There was a lot of confusion about how food crates work, we adjusted it so that you get food crates depending on the number of refrigerators you build. Hopefully this will make things easier to manage!

Updated SFX

Been a while since we added new sounds! Click on some of the new zones, objects and staff to hear the new SFX.

Teacher Ranking now a Research item

Previously we made changes to the game so that you would only be able to access higher ranking teachers as you rise up the ranks. Makes sense we thought, since we figured good teachers would only want to work for good schools! We realize that might have messed up the balance, so we’ve made some changes so that upgraded teacher ranks can be researched.

Major Balancing

We are aware there are some issues with the balance of the game in terms of juniors failing and food running out, so we’ve made some fixes to adjust for that. More long term fixes coming soon.

Bug Fixes and updates:
- Fixed HireTeacherPanel bug
- Rebalanced character needs
- Fixed workers not working bug
- Fixed bug when closing year-end report
- Rebalanced learning points
- Fixed love interest leaving behind confessing student
- Implemented kitchen-cafeteria assignment
- Fixed accepting transferee students grants bug
- Fixed bullying student bug
- Fixed bug where the negative SFX plays when loading a game or going back to the main menu
- Fixed smoking animation by adding an offset
- Truant notification zooms in on the smoker
- Increased chance for smokers to appear
- Fixed tuition fee is given multiple times bug
- Updated Food Unhapiness text - Fixed saving/loading Admissions values (interested, incoming, etc.) bug
- Improved implementation of ambient and SFXs
- Added zoom effect and lock-on effect on expelled students when notification is pressed
- Added crying animation for expelled students
- Fixed minor Student Profile panel bug
- Refund money for dismantled bush
- Fixed crying expelled student bug
- Fixed User Report Status Overlay bug
- Fixed unassigned students notification bug
- Fixed smoking animation
Academia : School Simulator - ryan.sumo
Hello scholars,

We’re happy to finally be able to release the Alpha 3 version of Academia : School Simulator. It’s been more than a year since Alpha 2 came out, so let’s recap a few of the major updates we made since then!

New Zones

Since Alpha 2, we added the Music Room, the Science Room, the Basketball Court, and many other new zones.


Kind of a boring sounding update, but this is definitely one of the most important things for a simulation game, since it helps you keep an eye on what’s going on in your school!

Research and Achievements

We added research to help you run your school better, and achievements for you to shoot for while playing the game!

Student Relationships

Students now fall in love or can be rejected, and this affects their motivation!

Accountant and Loan

Mismanaged your school? Hire an accountant and take out a loan!


Our major game mechanic for Alpha 2, the satisfaction mechanic added some much needed tension to the game. If you don’t run your school well and satisfy the students, they may drop out!

Those are only some of the stuff we added since Alpha 2. Feel free to check out our old updates to see what else we’ve been up to.

To prepare for Alpha 3, we wanted to spend most of the month making sure the game was as bug-free as possible (fingers crossed!) But of course we still wanted to add a couple of new things for you all. Check out what we’ve added this month:

Rival Schools

You now have a rival school to compete with every year. Try to beat your rival school every year! The effect right now in the game is that it unlocks a couple of achievements, and sometimes your students will leave for the rival school. We will add more to this mechanic in the future.

Updated Menu UI

The Zones, Build, Objects, Logistics, Planning, and Staff Menus have been given a major overhaul. You can now scroll through the menu to look for objects, or simply type for the object you’re looking for in the search bar. We also added a “Frequent” category in the Objects menu where you can find the most commonly used objects.

New Achievements

More achievements for those that love them, and new grants to reward folks that achieve them. What’s not to like?

Racial Diversity

It’s been brought to our attention that our students don’t have much racial diversity. We’ve added new skintones to the game to address this. Note that this only affects new students, so if you have an old save you will have to wait until the start of the new year.

New Fences

We’ve improved the fences so that they no longer connect with the walls, and added some new fences for you to choose from!

Grants and Reward Balancing

We have made adjustments to the grants and rewards to make the game a little more balanced.

Higher Level Teachers only Available at Higher Ranks

We balanced the game so that you can only hire higher level teachers as you increase in rank. This is still up for balancing so let us know what you think.

Bug Fixes and updates:

- Rebalanced satisfaction increase and decrease rates
- Fixed black screen when loading other files or going back to the main menu
- Fixed black screen when loading a save file
- Fixed counseling bug when loading a dropped out student
- Fixed multiple students using the same piano
- Fixed dropouts bug when loading a save file
- Fixed basketball bug
- Fixed zone colors visual bug when loading save files
- Showed school ranking first in the year-end evaluation
- Fixed dropouts bug when loading a save file
- Added increasing fun when using the Music Room and the Science Lab
- Improved basketball-related behaviors
- Fixed achievements bug
- Added achievements-related grants
- Fixed year-end evaluation bugs
- Restricted some special characters in school name
- Updated cost for grass
- Fixed error on starting a new game
- Added Rival Schools mechanics
- Fixed water fountain offset
- Fences now don't connect with walls
- Fixed school and rival ranking bug
- Removed clicking sound when starting the game
- Added smooth step to camera focus
- Adjusted texts
- Fixed reports visual bug
- Added delivery zone details
- Added icons and changed colors for Prestige tooltip
- Added new walls and fences
- Fixed staff behavior bugs
- Improved camera behavior in windowed mode
- Added new character faces
- Fixed students getting stuck in plate counter
- Allowed removal of bushes when doors or floors are built over them
- Fixed achievements-related bugs