Academia : School Simulator - ryan.sumo

Hey everyone we're back with a (slightly delayed) update to the game! Build 0082 brings a couple of new zones, grants, more delinquent behaviors, grants and more!

Guidance Counselor

This is something a lot of you have been waiting for, so we're happy to finally announce the guidance counselor! Previously in the game, the principal would scold a delinquent student and then send them to detention at the end of the day, but now the principal may decide to send them to counseling. If scheduled for counseling, a student with free time during lunch or recess will go to the guidance counselor for a session. After many sessions of working through their anger and digging into their relationship with their parents, a delinquent student will become "cured", or at least learn to behave better in school.

Here's a tip, you can actually hire more than one guidance counselor, in case you have money to burn and A LOT of delinquent students.

Cutting Class and Truancy

We've added some more delinquent behaviors to the game, and now you may have students that skip classes and just hang out around the school, and students that will straight up try to leave your school. Monitors and fencing become much more important now if you wanna keep your delinquent students in line.

That pretty much closes up our delinquency mechanics. We may add some more delinquent behaviors like smoking or vandalism for your students to indulge in, but for the most part it's a complete system that we're happy with.

Faculty Lounge

The old faculty lounge has been given an update. Where previously it looked more like an additional office for the teachers, we have updated it to make it a place where faculty can rest, relax, and get a cup of coffee and read the newspaper! Faculty will go here when they need to recharge from teaching a bunch of rabid students.

New Grants

We have a bunch of new grants to keep you occupied! I was going to mention them here, but maybe it's better to find them out for yourselves in the game. :)

UI/UX Improvements

These students look like they're rioting, but actually they just had no way to get in the school! We noticed that certain bugs people were reporting actually had to do with a lack of critical information in the UI. So in the example above to help you understand whats going on, if you scroll over a student it will show the student thinking "nowehere to go!" which is a signal that something is blocking their entrance to the school. Other UI/UX fixes re below:

- We now show the staff/teacher salary when you fire them, so you can be even more of a calculating capitalist when you fire your hard working employees.

- Objects that have daily water and electricity costs will now show those in the object info panel, so you can decide whether it's REALLY worth it to buy those extra toilets.

- The zone menu is now tabbed, so it's more like the Build and Objects menu (expect much bigger changes to these in the future, as I know it's not particularly good UI)

- Camera will now pan when the cursor hits the edge of the screen

Balance Changes[/h1]

We've made some balance changes to the number of delinquent students that will pop up in the game, as well as som changes to dirt and health.

Bugs Fixed

- Prestige should no longer fluctuate
- Fixed numerous "game has black screen at end of school year" bugs
- Made thought icon for when character path is blocked
- Fixed bug where senior students disappear from cashflow list
- Fixed bug where category overlay (eg objects) button stays highlighted even after pressing escape button
- Fixed bug where object rotates when panning the camera.
- Fixed bug where non-delinquent studetns are hanging out in the common area
- Clicking on a selected Zone tab changes display to All tab fixed (object display should no longer change even if you click on same tab multiple times.
- Different Classroom, Toilet, and Cafeteria Zone types should now no longer overlap (previously you could overlap a freshman and senior classroom zone, etc.)
- Fixed bug where seniors do not appear on cashflow list
- Fixed bug where student waits for principal even though the principal is not doing anything
- Fixed bug where truant does not go to principals office
- fixed bug where students were not going to detention after class
- fixed bug where cooks would not wash dishes
- Fixed bug where students are stuck in lower right hand corner of the screen
- Fixed bug where different classroom year zones overlap
- Fixed bug where wrong average grade was being given at end of year
- Fixed bug where save files would not load while in-game

To make sure this build is safe, we will be uploading it to the Candidate build first. The Current build will still be build 0075, which was updated in December.

To access the Candidate Branch :

1) Go to your game library and right click on Academia School Simulator
2) In the pop up window, find and click on Properties.
3) In the properties window, click on the Betas Tab
4) Under Enter beta access code to unlock private betas type :
5) Click on "check code"
6) Under "Select the beta you would like to opt into" click on the dropdown
menu and click on "candidate"
7) You should now have access to the latest candidate build

Academia : School Simulator - ryan.sumo

Hey everyone we're back with a (slightly delayed) update to the game! Build 0082 brings a couple of new zones, grants, more delinquent behaviors, grants and more!

Guidance Counselor

This is something a lot of you have been waiting for, so we're happy to finally announce the guidance counselor! Previously in the game, the principal would scold a delinquent student and then send them to detention at the end of the day, but now the principal may decide to send them to counseling. If scheduled for counseling, a student with free time during lunch or recess will go to the guidance counselor for a session. After many sessions of working through their anger and digging into their relationship with their parents, a delinquent student will become "cured", or at least learn to behave better in school.

Here's a tip, you can actually hire more than one guidance counselor, in case you have money to burn and A LOT of delinquent students.

Cutting Class and Truancy

We've added some more delinquent behaviors to the game, and now you may have students that skip classes and just hang out around the school, and students that will straight up try to leave your school. Monitors and fencing become much more important now if you wanna keep your delinquent students in line.

That pretty much closes up our delinquency mechanics. We may add some more delinquent behaviors like smoking or vandalism for your students to indulge in, but for the most part it's a complete system that we're happy with.

Faculty Lounge

The old faculty lounge has been given an update. Where previously it looked more like an additional office for the teachers, we have updated it to make it a place where faculty can rest, relax, and get a cup of coffee and read the newspaper! Faculty will go here when they need to recharge from teaching a bunch of rabid students.

New Grants

We have a bunch of new grants to keep you occupied! I was going to mention them here, but maybe it's better to find them out for yourselves in the game. :)

UI/UX Improvements

These students look like they're rioting, but actually they just had no way to get in the school! We noticed that certain bugs people were reporting actually had to do with a lack of critical information in the UI. So in the example above to help you understand whats going on, if you scroll over a student it will show the student thinking "nowehere to go!" which is a signal that something is blocking their entrance to the school. Other UI/UX fixes re below:

- We now show the staff/teacher salary when you fire them, so you can be even more of a calculating capitalist when you fire your hard working employees.

- Objects that have daily water and electricity costs will now show those in the object info panel, so you can decide whether it's REALLY worth it to buy those extra toilets.

- The zone menu is now tabbed, so it's more like the Build and Objects menu (expect much bigger changes to these in the future, as I know it's not particularly good UI)

- Camera will now pan when the cursor hits the edge of the screen

Balance Changes[/h1]

We've made some balance changes to the number of delinquent students that will pop up in the game, as well as som changes to dirt and health.

Bugs Fixed

- Prestige should no longer fluctuate
- Fixed numerous "game has black screen at end of school year" bugs
- Made thought icon for when character path is blocked
- Fixed bug where senior students disappear from cashflow list
- Fixed bug where category overlay (eg objects) button stays highlighted even after pressing escape button
- Fixed bug where object rotates when panning the camera.
- Fixed bug where non-delinquent studetns are hanging out in the common area
- Clicking on a selected Zone tab changes display to All tab fixed (object display should no longer change even if you click on same tab multiple times.
- Different Classroom, Toilet, and Cafeteria Zone types should now no longer overlap (previously you could overlap a freshman and senior classroom zone, etc.)
- Fixed bug where seniors do not appear on cashflow list
- Fixed bug where student waits for principal even though the principal is not doing anything
- Fixed bug where truant does not go to principals office
- fixed bug where students were not going to detention after class
- fixed bug where cooks would not wash dishes
- Fixed bug where students are stuck in lower right hand corner of the screen
- Fixed bug where different classroom year zones overlap
- Fixed bug where wrong average grade was being given at end of year
- Fixed bug where save files would not load while in-game

To make sure this build is safe, we will be uploading it to the Candidate build first. The Current build will still be build 0075, which was updated in December.

To access the Candidate Branch :

1) Go to your game library and right click on Academia School Simulator
2) In the pop up window, find and click on Properties.
3) In the properties window, click on the Betas Tab
4) Under Enter beta access code to unlock private betas type :
5) Click on "check code"
6) Under "Select the beta you would like to opt into" click on the dropdown
menu and click on "candidate"
7) You should now have access to the latest candidate build

Academia : School Simulator - ryan.sumo
Hi folks,

Build 0075 seems to be working relatively well so we're moving it to the Current Branch. If you have saves from Build 0064 that you want to keep playing, you can access them by our "Outdated Branch".

To access the Outdated Branch :

1) Go to your game library and right click on Academia School Simulator
2) In the pop up window, find and click on Properties.
3) In the properties window, click on the Betas Tab
4) Under Enter beta access code to unlock private betas type :
5) Click on "check code"
6) Under "Select the beta you would like to opt into" click on the dropdown
menu and click on "outdated"
7) You should now have access to the outdated build
Academia : School Simulator - ryan.sumo
Hi folks,

Build 0075 seems to be working relatively well so we're moving it to the Current Branch. If you have saves from Build 0064 that you want to keep playing, you can access them by our "Outdated Branch".

To access the Outdated Branch :

1) Go to your game library and right click on Academia School Simulator
2) In the pop up window, find and click on Properties.
3) In the properties window, click on the Betas Tab
4) Under Enter beta access code to unlock private betas type :
5) Click on "check code"
6) Under "Select the beta you would like to opt into" click on the dropdown
menu and click on "outdated"
7) You should now have access to the outdated build
Academia : School Simulator - ryan.sumo
Hey everyone, we're back with an update at the end of the month! As I mentioned before this update will be a little less substantial since we're doing bugfixes on top of onboarding our new programmers, but hopefully it's enough to whet your appetites.


The biggest addition this month is Prestige. Prestige is a new resource/score that you accumulate throughout the game. From the beginning of development we knew that prestige would be a huge part of the game, especially since many schools live and die based on how "prestigious" they
are. Prestige will be an integral part of the game and we will explore many different facets of prestige in the future. For example, your prestige and school ranking will eventually affect the number of student admissions each year. But as of now, here are some of the effects of prestige in the game.

School Evaluation and School Ranking

In addition to being graded at the end of the school year, you will also be given rewards or penalties in the form of prestige and money. These all add up, and should provide some more challenge to the game.

School ranking is a big new addition that we hope will challenge you guys. Right now this school ranking is static with only 20 ranks, but in the near future we will have the schools randomly generated and change their ranks at the end of the school year. We hope that this will challenge you to rise up
the school rankings. In the future we will explore other stuff like possibly making this part of the leaderboards, but this is our first attempt at fleshing it out.


You now also earn prestige from doing grants. Speaking of grants, we've made some changes to the grants like adding (and subtracting) grants and
changing the basic order. We hope to add some more grants next month.


Time has been slowed down to give characters more time to travel between rooms. Note: because time has been slowed, this may have affected other
parts of the game which we can't foresee for now.


Notifications now appear on the left side of the screen. Notifications and will disappear automatically after a few seconds.

New Buildable Stuff

We've added a few new buildable items for you guys to prettify your school.

New Floors and Wall

Wood Panel
Big Bricks

Wood Wall

New (Mostly Decorative) Objects

Vending Machine now working.
Wooder Planter
Flower Planter
Wooden Flowe Planter
Big Window
College Degree
Motivational Poster

New Logos

We had some fun with the school logos this time, adding foodstuffs like Pizza, fries, and fruits!

Random School Mottos

When you click on Randomize it will now also generate random school motto!

Bug Fixes

- Fixed bug in which shadows were not in their correct places
- Fixed bug in which mod characters were not being loaded.
- Fixed a bug in which save files were not being loaded.
- Students should now respect staff doors (those darned kids!)

Known Bugs

Minor bugs that are still present and will be fixed soon:

-Black screen after 3 years of game-time. This should fix itself after reloading the game, so when you are nearing the end of 3 years of play, please quit the game and reload (or maybe take a nap).
-School name from previous save may be retained. If you load two different saves during one play session, your evaluation screen may show the name of the previous save game.


Older saves will not work with this update because we added Prestige.

To make sure this build is safe, we will be uploading it to the Candidate build first. The Current build will still be build 0064, which was updated in December.

To access the Candidate Branch :

1) Go to your game library and right click on Academia School Simulator
2) In the pop up window, find and click on Properties.
3) In the properties window, click on the Betas Tab
4) Under Enter beta access code to unlock private betas type :
5) Click on "check code"
6) Under "Select the beta you would like to opt into" click on the dropdown
menu and click on "candidate"
7) You should now have access to the latest candidate build
Academia : School Simulator - ryan.sumo
Hey everyone, we're back with an update at the end of the month! As I mentioned before this update will be a little less substantial since we're doing bugfixes on top of onboarding our new programmers, but hopefully it's enough to whet your appetites.


The biggest addition this month is Prestige. Prestige is a new resource/score that you accumulate throughout the game. From the beginning of development we knew that prestige would be a huge part of the game, especially since many schools live and die based on how "prestigious" they
are. Prestige will be an integral part of the game and we will explore many different facets of prestige in the future. For example, your prestige and school ranking will eventually affect the number of student admissions each year. But as of now, here are some of the effects of prestige in the game.

School Evaluation and School Ranking

In addition to being graded at the end of the school year, you will also be given rewards or penalties in the form of prestige and money. These all add up, and should provide some more challenge to the game.

School ranking is a big new addition that we hope will challenge you guys. Right now this school ranking is static with only 20 ranks, but in the near future we will have the schools randomly generated and change their ranks at the end of the school year. We hope that this will challenge you to rise up
the school rankings. In the future we will explore other stuff like possibly making this part of the leaderboards, but this is our first attempt at fleshing it out.


You now also earn prestige from doing grants. Speaking of grants, we've made some changes to the grants like adding (and subtracting) grants and
changing the basic order. We hope to add some more grants next month.


Time has been slowed down to give characters more time to travel between rooms. Note: because time has been slowed, this may have affected other
parts of the game which we can't foresee for now.


Notifications now appear on the left side of the screen. Notifications and will disappear automatically after a few seconds.

New Buildable Stuff

We've added a few new buildable items for you guys to prettify your school.

New Floors and Wall

Wood Panel
Big Bricks

Wood Wall

New (Mostly Decorative) Objects

Vending Machine now working.
Wooder Planter
Flower Planter
Wooden Flowe Planter
Big Window
College Degree
Motivational Poster

New Logos

We had some fun with the school logos this time, adding foodstuffs like Pizza, fries, and fruits!

Random School Mottos

When you click on Randomize it will now also generate random school motto!

Bug Fixes

- Fixed bug in which shadows were not in their correct places
- Fixed bug in which mod characters were not being loaded.
- Fixed a bug in which save files were not being loaded.
- Students should now respect staff doors (those darned kids!)

Known Bugs

Minor bugs that are still present and will be fixed soon:

-Black screen after 3 years of game-time. This should fix itself after reloading the game, so when you are nearing the end of 3 years of play, please quit the game and reload (or maybe take a nap).
-School name from previous save may be retained. If you load two different saves during one play session, your evaluation screen may show the name of the previous save game.


Older saves will not work with this update because we added Prestige.

To make sure this build is safe, we will be uploading it to the Candidate build first. The Current build will still be build 0064, which was updated in December.

To access the Candidate Branch :

1) Go to your game library and right click on Academia School Simulator
2) In the pop up window, find and click on Properties.
3) In the properties window, click on the Betas Tab
4) Under Enter beta access code to unlock private betas type :
5) Click on "check code"
6) Under "Select the beta you would like to opt into" click on the dropdown
menu and click on "candidate"
7) You should now have access to the latest candidate build
Jan 31, 2018
Academia : School Simulator - ryan.sumo
We are changing some of the game settings on Steam to separate 32-bit and 64-bit builds. This is the first time we have ever done this so we are not 100% sure we know what we are doing! This may cause issues with the game. If it does, we will prioritize fixing that as soon as possible. Don't worry, all your saves should be safe.
Jan 31, 2018
Academia : School Simulator - ryan.sumo
We are changing some of the game settings on Steam to separate 32-bit and 64-bit builds. This is the first time we have ever done this so we are not 100% sure we know what we are doing! This may cause issues with the game. If it does, we will prioritize fixing that as soon as possible. Don't worry, all your saves should be safe.
Academia : School Simulator - ryan.sumo
Hey everyone, there's no getting around it, we done fucked up. Some of you might have noticed that jacksepticeye did a video on Academia : School Simulator. That boosted our player base, and we wanted to make sure that the large influx of new players had a better experience by pushing out a balance update. Unfortunately what seemed like a simple update introduced a whole new set of unforeseen issues like the game refusing to launch and crashing for various reasons. We've been spending the past couple of days trying to sort out those issues, but in the end we realized it's gonna take a lot longer than we expected. So we're going to make some changes to the builds.

In retrospect, we already had a system where we pushed our changes to a candidate branch first for testing before releasing the default build to everyone else. That's what we should have done, and that's what we're doing now. So we're rolling back the default build to build 0064, and moving the latest build 0070 to the candidate branch. What does this mean for you?

If you are playing build 0064:

Build 0070 game saves will no longer work, but older saves should be fine.

You will also lose these balance updates:
- Lowered delinquency probability for students
- Lowered probability of students making dirt
- Students get more food from eating
- Increased movement for students, teacher, and janitor
- Janitor will now come to school earlier, and leave school much more later in the day
- Increased temporary discipline bonus delinquents get from being scolded by the principal to lessen repeat instances of rowdiness and bullying.

To access the Candidate Branch on Steam (which should now have build 70):

1) Go to your game library and right click on Academia School Simulator
2) In the pop up window, find and click on Properties.
3) In the properties window, click on the Betas Tab
4) Under Enter beta access code to unlock private betas type :
5) Click on "check code"
6) Under "Select the beta you would like to opt into" click on the dropdown
menu and click on "candidate"
7) You should now have access to the latest candidate build

There will always be issues like this in Early Access games, but clearly this is something that we had control over. We humbly apologize to anyone whos game experience was ruined by our mistake. It breaks our hearts when we hear that someone's first experience with our game is of it simply refusing to launch and just crashing. In the future, we will be more careful when updating the builds to make sure that you no longer have to experience these issues. Hope you guys understand, and look forward to a new build at the end of the month!
Academia : School Simulator - ryan.sumo
Hey everyone, there's no getting around it, we done fucked up. Some of you might have noticed that jacksepticeye did a video on Academia : School Simulator. That boosted our player base, and we wanted to make sure that the large influx of new players had a better experience by pushing out a balance update. Unfortunately what seemed like a simple update introduced a whole new set of unforeseen issues like the game refusing to launch and crashing for various reasons. We've been spending the past couple of days trying to sort out those issues, but in the end we realized it's gonna take a lot longer than we expected. So we're going to make some changes to the builds.

In retrospect, we already had a system where we pushed our changes to a candidate branch first for testing before releasing the default build to everyone else. That's what we should have done, and that's what we're doing now. So we're rolling back the default build to build 0064, and moving the latest build 0070 to the candidate branch. What does this mean for you?

If you are playing build 0064:

Build 0070 game saves will no longer work, but older saves should be fine.

You will also lose these balance updates:
- Lowered delinquency probability for students
- Lowered probability of students making dirt
- Students get more food from eating
- Increased movement for students, teacher, and janitor
- Janitor will now come to school earlier, and leave school much more later in the day
- Increased temporary discipline bonus delinquents get from being scolded by the principal to lessen repeat instances of rowdiness and bullying.

To access the Candidate Branch on Steam (which should now have build 70):

1) Go to your game library and right click on Academia School Simulator
2) In the pop up window, find and click on Properties.
3) In the properties window, click on the Betas Tab
4) Under Enter beta access code to unlock private betas type :
5) Click on "check code"
6) Under "Select the beta you would like to opt into" click on the dropdown
menu and click on "candidate"
7) You should now have access to the latest candidate build

There will always be issues like this in Early Access games, but clearly this is something that we had control over. We humbly apologize to anyone whos game experience was ruined by our mistake. It breaks our hearts when we hear that someone's first experience with our game is of it simply refusing to launch and just crashing. In the future, we will be more careful when updating the builds to make sure that you no longer have to experience these issues. Hope you guys understand, and look forward to a new build at the end of the month!