Oct 3, 2017
Academia : School Simulator - marnel.estrada
Due to the recent updates, some have reported that they can no longer load their save files. This hotfix is going to address this. A critical bug was also fixed where characters are stuck in "Waiting for spot to urinate".
Oct 3, 2017
Academia : School Simulator - marnel.estrada
Due to the recent updates, some have reported that they can no longer load their save files. This hotfix is going to address this. A critical bug was also fixed where characters are stuck in "Waiting for spot to urinate".
Sep 30, 2017
Academia : School Simulator - tristan.angeles
Hey Everyone, Build 42 is now live and ready to download! This month we've focused heavily on bugfixing to make a better experience for you guys, so there's not so many new features in the game. In October we will be focusing on fixing a couple more bugs as well as adding some modding tools!

- Updated BGM (this is for youtbers mostly, you will no longer have any royalty/copyright issues related to the soundtrack)
- Cooks will now collect all dirty dishes at a table before moving on to the next table
- Students will now more efficiently pick out places to sit in the cafeteria
- Buildings/Objects cannot be built if it will reduce funds to less than 0

Bugs Fixed:

- Save games duplicated when saving with the same file name
- Selecting a zone from the zones tab does not display details panel sometimes
(selecting a zone should now always display the details panel)
- Trash cans facing north or south flip to opposite direction when full
(Trash cans will no longer flip the other way when they are full)
- Firing a cook while they are washing dishes will leave the sink on, and unusable by other cooks
(other cooks will now take over at the sink)
- Game runs at normal speed even if 3x speed is selected
(the selected speed should now match the speed of the game)
- Students do not advance in year level in overall student info panel
(this information should now be reflected immediately without having to restart the game)
- Enclosed workers ordered to build a door will wait for other workers to build the door instead of build the door themselves
(trapped workers will now build a door instead of waiting)
- Unable to build/place objects after a previous object in a tile is demolished
- Objects mounted on a wall remain even when the wall it is attached to is demolished
(wall mounted objects shuld now disappear along with the wall)
- Fixed issue where Layout functions are unuseable after erasing wall layout
- Zone info requirements don't fit into selection details panel
(panel has been expanded to accomodate info)
- Fixed issue where if a layout drawn in a border tile is erased, the red overlay gets stuck on clicked tile,
and all building options become unuseable.
- Pressing 'Z' should now open build menu
- Removed quarter(Q) time counter in upper panel.
- Only zones enclosed by walls are considered indoors. Every zone should be enclosed by walls. (Fixed by allowing multiple zones inside a big indoor area)

In progress

- modding tools
Sep 30, 2017
Academia : School Simulator - tristan.angeles
Hey Everyone, Build 42 is now live and ready to download! This month we've focused heavily on bugfixing to make a better experience for you guys, so there's not so many new features in the game. In October we will be focusing on fixing a couple more bugs as well as adding some modding tools!

- Updated BGM (this is for youtbers mostly, you will no longer have any royalty/copyright issues related to the soundtrack)
- Cooks will now collect all dirty dishes at a table before moving on to the next table
- Students will now more efficiently pick out places to sit in the cafeteria
- Buildings/Objects cannot be built if it will reduce funds to less than 0

Bugs Fixed:

- Save games duplicated when saving with the same file name
- Selecting a zone from the zones tab does not display details panel sometimes
(selecting a zone should now always display the details panel)
- Trash cans facing north or south flip to opposite direction when full
(Trash cans will no longer flip the other way when they are full)
- Firing a cook while they are washing dishes will leave the sink on, and unusable by other cooks
(other cooks will now take over at the sink)
- Game runs at normal speed even if 3x speed is selected
(the selected speed should now match the speed of the game)
- Students do not advance in year level in overall student info panel
(this information should now be reflected immediately without having to restart the game)
- Enclosed workers ordered to build a door will wait for other workers to build the door instead of build the door themselves
(trapped workers will now build a door instead of waiting)
- Unable to build/place objects after a previous object in a tile is demolished
- Objects mounted on a wall remain even when the wall it is attached to is demolished
(wall mounted objects shuld now disappear along with the wall)
- Fixed issue where Layout functions are unuseable after erasing wall layout
- Zone info requirements don't fit into selection details panel
(panel has been expanded to accomodate info)
- Fixed issue where if a layout drawn in a border tile is erased, the red overlay gets stuck on clicked tile,
and all building options become unuseable.
- Pressing 'Z' should now open build menu
- Removed quarter(Q) time counter in upper panel.
- Only zones enclosed by walls are considered indoors. Every zone should be enclosed by walls. (Fixed by allowing multiple zones inside a big indoor area)

In progress

- modding tools
Academia : School Simulator - marnel.estrada
There have been reports where players can't load their save files. This is because the game causes a NullPointerException when there are zones with indoor requirement that are placed at the edges of the map. This hotfix is for this issue. You should be able to load your save files with zones at the edges again after updating the game with this fix.
Academia : School Simulator - marnel.estrada
There have been reports where players can't load their save files. This is because the game causes a NullPointerException when there are zones with indoor requirement that are placed at the edges of the map. This hotfix is for this issue. You should be able to load your save files with zones at the edges again after updating the game with this fix.
Academia : School Simulator

I'd like to blame my school's layout on poor planning, but that would assume there was any planning at all. As I do in every other game where you build stuff, I just sort of built stuff, which is why children arrive to start their lessons by walking through an area designated for garbage and winding up directly beside another area designated for garbage. Will these fresh-face tots feel their hearts swell with school pride when they walk in the front door each morning and are greeted by the sight of a janitorial closet, a bathroom, another bathroom, and a third bathroom?

I'm here to find out. I've been playing Academia: School Simulator, which is now in Steam Early Access. It looks a lot like Prison Architect (Ryan Sumo, PA's artist, co-founded Squeaky Wheel, which is developing Academia) and it plays a lot like Prison Architect, too. Everything from the art to the UI to the building and management systems are extremely reminiscent of Prison Architect, except your building is full of kids instead of prisoners—though it's not difficult to draw some parallels between public education and incarceration.

Beginning with just some grassy terrain and a handful of expectant workers, I lay down tile floors, build brick walls, and zone for classrooms, a cafeteria, and a kitchen. I initially forget to put in bathrooms, though I'm sharp enough to notice that my students keep running outside to pee in the bushes. Let the trauma and embarrassment of school life begin!

I add the required fittings for each room: desks and chalkboards, toilets and sinks, fridges and ovens, tables and chairs. There's no power lines or water piping to deal with (at the moment at least), so you just plunk something down and it works. I hire staff members: teachers, custodians, cooks, and a few extra laborers.

Kids come to school, they mill around in areas like the 'club' room or computer lab, they go to class (in fact, oddly, they get there before the teachers do). They track dirt everywhere, they leave litter lying in the hallways, they complain about being hungry or bored. Especially hungry. After a few days pass I notice kids are sitting in class thinking about burgers, and then they go to the cafeteria and think about burgers, and then they go back to class where they think about burgers. I glance at a kid using the toilet. His thought is: burgers.

Clearly something is wrong, and not just the fact that I'm sitting here watching a high school freshman take a dump while reading his mind. It looks like my cooks aren't cooking and there are food deliveries piling up outside. I fire my cooking staff, replace them, but everyone in the school is still thinking burgers without ever getting any burgers. Finally, I check the Steam forums which say it's a known bug and restarting the game may help. Once I restart, the kitchen staff hops to, brings in food, cooks it, and serves it. The kids go back to thinking about science and books.

I continue building, adding more classrooms to accommodate a crowd of transfer students, I rezone some rooms for sophomores, juniors, and seniors, and I add a statue at the school's entrance which I hope will pull the eye away from two large garbage areas that I can't be bothered to relocate. I build a place for the faculty to hang out and commiserate over their low pay, and I'm even kind enough to take a moment to rescue the school medical staff, several workers, and two teachers who have been trapped in a wing of the school I forgot to build doors on.

Despite my various blunders, my school remains profitable for the most part. I've satisfied the requirements of all the grants available (as in Prison Architect, these are little challenges that earn you additional money), and I've currently got 80 students on my way to 100, once I build a few more classrooms (hopefully at least a couple with doors on them). My kids aren't especially thrilled with my school, but apart from littering and having impure burger-related thoughts, they're all behaving.

At this point in Academia's development, it doesn't feel like there's much depth to the simulation, but I'm going to keep my eye on this game. I love Prison Architect, and If enough layers are added to Academia it could be as interesting and compelling a game as PA, though I'm also hoping Squeaky Wheel has plans to distinguish themselves from Introversion's prison sim with some new and different gameplay systems. It's off to an enjoyable start, anyway.

Academia: School Simulator is in Early Access on Steam. It's also got an official site where you can follow its development. Just finish your homework first.

Academia : School Simulator - tristan.angeles
Hi guys! We have our first update since release. For this update, we've worked on some of the bugs and minor features reported by players on the discussion boards, and some balancing tweaks.


- Balancing updates for food need. Food should now decrease slower with time.
- Balancing updates for hygiene need. Hygiene now decreases when, eating, using toilet, walking on non floor tiles, and walking on dirty tiles.
- Separate school bell volume settings in settings menu.
- New carpet,wooden and brick floor tiles.
- Players can now select what student year level when creating a classroom zone.
- Players can now select what kind of toilet when creating a toilet zone.
- Students should now only urinate on bushes when there are no toilets of the same gender.
- Workers should now be able to enter toilets regardless of gender
- Floors can now be built on top of existing floors
- Health states should now reset at end of school year
- Hotkey for zoom in and zoom out using '-' and '+' now available
- Players will now get an emergency loan up reaching negative funds
- Tables should not block characters
- Janitors should not leave dirt as they leave a tile
- All UI panels should have 100% alpha
- Layout menu renamed to blueprint

Bugs fixed:

- Fixed bug in which players experience skipping school days
- Fixed cook not collecting dishes
- Fixed cook not cooking
- Fixed cook not going to kitchen when there are no more tasks
- Fixed a bug in which blueprint outlines removed vegetation
- Fixed a bug in which walls connect with doors and object blue prints
- Fixed a bug in which funds became unlimited when starting a non sandbox game

Your current save files will still work but the game data tweaks may not take effect because the game loads the ones from the file. Some of the game tweaks are only applied to newly generated NPCs. If your save file no longer works, please report it to us together with the save file through the bug report form. We'll check it right away.
Academia : School Simulator - tristan.angeles
Hi guys! We have our first update since release. For this update, we've worked on some of the bugs and minor features reported by players on the discussion boards, and some balancing tweaks.


- Balancing updates for food need. Food should now decrease slower with time.
- Balancing updates for hygiene need. Hygiene now decreases when, eating, using toilet, walking on non floor tiles, and walking on dirty tiles.
- Separate school bell volume settings in settings menu.
- New carpet,wooden and brick floor tiles.
- Players can now select what student year level when creating a classroom zone.
- Players can now select what kind of toilet when creating a toilet zone.
- Students should now only urinate on bushes when there are no toilets of the same gender.
- Workers should now be able to enter toilets regardless of gender
- Floors can now be built on top of existing floors
- Health states should now reset at end of school year
- Hotkey for zoom in and zoom out using '-' and '+' now available
- Players will now get an emergency loan up reaching negative funds
- Tables should not block characters
- Janitors should not leave dirt as they leave a tile
- All UI panels should have 100% alpha
- Layout menu renamed to blueprint

Bugs fixed:

- Fixed bug in which players experience skipping school days
- Fixed cook not collecting dishes
- Fixed cook not cooking
- Fixed cook not going to kitchen when there are no more tasks
- Fixed a bug in which blueprint outlines removed vegetation
- Fixed a bug in which walls connect with doors and object blue prints
- Fixed a bug in which funds became unlimited when starting a non sandbox game

Your current save files will still work but the game data tweaks may not take effect because the game loads the ones from the file. Some of the game tweaks are only applied to newly generated NPCs. If your save file no longer works, please report it to us together with the save file through the bug report form. We'll check it right away.
Academia : School Simulator - ryan.sumo
Hello Scholars! (Do you guys like that? is it corny? Let me know)

In a bid for more transparency we'd like to share a Trello board with you that shows what we are currently working on. It's divided in three parts : To-Do, In Progress, and DONE!

This is not a 1:1 look at our actual project management, but it's enough to show you guys what's currently in the works, and what the components of each item are. For you guys, it's a way to see what we're working on in the game. For us, it's a way for us to communicate the work that goes into adding a single mechanic. We hope that this additional understanding on your end helps both parties communicate better with each other.

So for the next couple of weeks, we'll be working on Delinquency (which we chose based on your poll feedback! Thanks!) Modding, and the ever present Bugfixes!

This isn't everything we're working on, as we'd like to keep a few things secret until they're ready to share.

Anyway Check out the link below!
