MINDNIGHT - Franches
Hey there,

Thanks a lot for your recent response and feedback! We have done another hot fix, addressing some of the recent feedback that you, the community expressed in the last 24 hours.

Explanations and reasoning behind the recent decisions that we've made are explained below the patch notes, including what we have done in this hotfix to address any issues that we had in the latest update.

For us it's very important to put all of our efforts in making MINDNIGHT a better game and listening to you feedback as fast as we can.

Last but not least, we apologize for any inconvience or ill intented feelings you had to put up with during the last major update 2.2.

Hotfix Patch Notes:

  • We have disabled the Level Based Matchmaking for now, to counter long queue times.
    This is a temporary solution, until we modify the system with a more versatile approach

  • We have re-added the Find Game button in Custom Game Lobbies, as a temporary solution until we will introduce the Party System.
    When the Party system will be introduced, the Custom Game Lobbies will not be connected in anyway anymore, with any other game mode queue

  • Renamed Casual Mode to Quick Play to emphasize the fact that this is the quickest way to find a game, although some players may be queued up with players of different skill levels

Thought process, Reasoning and Future Plans

After doing the recent update we have observed an incredible response from some of you and the amount of feedback that we received is overwhelming. Thanks a lot for your diligence and your effort to make the game better together with us.

We have listened to your recent feedback regarding two main issues:

  1. Longer queue times because of the level based matchmaking in Casual Mode
  2. Not being able to queue up with friends in Casual Mode from a Custom Game Lobby

We will go through both subjects and explain some of the elements and process behind our decision, and then we will conclude into explaining what we did with this Hotfix in order to address these issues for now.

Longer Queue Times/Level Based Matchmaking

Our thought process of introducing a Level Based Matchmaking was to address the complaints from some of the players, having to play against or with players that are not similar to close to their skill level.

The only way to define someone's skill right now - is through the meta-game system. Levels. Using this, we have decided to make people queue up in groups of levels. Level 1-10, Level 10-20 and Level 20-30.

This ensures that players of similar levels/skill will be queued together, and new players will have more room to learn in a safe environment without having to be called names for not knowing the subtlety of the game mechanics yet.

At the same time, more experienced players are having better quality games, by playing with similar experienced players.

We have foreseen the issue that we are confronting with now - longer queue times.
Because of the Level Based Matchmaking, players are now experiencing longer queue times, and sometimes can wait up to 10 minutes to find a game in their level group.

Conclusion - As a temporary solution, the level-based matchmaking will be disabled, until we will develop the system in a more versatile way to accommodate the queue times. As a solution in the future we will try to modify the system so that when someone from a level group will wait more than X seconds, his level group will automatically be lowered, for shorter queue times. We will constantly listen to your feedback and let us know if this will feel good in the future.

Our top priotity is to find the best solution to balance queue times, but also have more experienced players and new players a little bit separated.

We are renaming the Casual Mode into Quick Play, with the disclaimer that sometimes you might play against players that are not of the same skill level as you are. This disclaimer is shown in the tooltip of this respective game mode.

Ranked mode is being worked on, and this game mode will automatically have longer queue times because of the ELO system-based matchmaking that we will introduce. We will, on the other hand, compensate by having only 6-man matches.

Queuing up with Friend, Cheating and Party System

In the latest update we decided to remove the Find Game button in Custom Game Lobbies. This decision was made for the following reasons:

  1. The Find Game Button was removed because some players decided to queue up in public games and use 3rd party software in order to take advantage, reveal their roles between them and win games. This created an unsafe environment for solo players, and their game experience was affected directly by this.

  2. The Find Game Button was removed because meta-gaming, harassing and toxicity. The moments where some players want to take advantage and queue up in public games together, creates an environment where Meta-gaming, harassing and toxicity from grouped individuals is more likely to happen. That is why we have the reporting system in a much more improved way to deal with this situations, and we highly recommend reporting any suspicious activity, of cheating, harassing, abusive behavior or other reasons in order to let us make MINDNIGHT a better game.

  3. Last but not least, the Find Game Button was removed in preparation for a Party System that we will introduce to replace the Find Game button. Although we are aware of exceptions, and we know players that do not abuse the system, we cannot afford having groups of players cheat and ruin other players experience in the process. We are aware though of the fact that most of our players prefer to queue up with friends, and we want to make everyone’s experience better.

Conclusion - As a temporary solution we are re-adding the Find Game Button, until we will introduce the Party System.

When the Party System will be introduced, we will remove the Find Game Button and the Custom Game Lobbies will act as a stand-alone Game Mode, where rewards and game session options are different from a regular Quick Play or a Ranked Game.
MINDNIGHT - francthemac
Hey there,

Thanks a lot for your recent response and feedback! We have done another hot fix, addressing some of the recent feedback that you, the community expressed in the last 24 hours.

Explanations and reasoning behind the recent decisions that we've made are explained below the patch notes, including what we have done in this hotfix to address any issues that we had in the latest update.

For us it's very important to put all of our efforts in making MINDNIGHT a better game and listening to you feedback as fast as we can.

Last but not least, we apologize for any inconvience or ill intented feelings you had to put up with during the last major update 2.2.

Hotfix Patch Notes:

  • We have disabled the Level Based Matchmaking for now, to counter long queue times.
    This is a temporary solution, until we modify the system with a more versatile approach

  • We have re-added the Find Game button in Custom Game Lobbies, as a temporary solution until we will introduce the Party System.
    When the Party system will be introduced, the Custom Game Lobbies will not be connected in anyway anymore, with any other game mode queue

  • Renamed Casual Mode to Quick Play to emphasize the fact that this is the quickest way to find a game, although some players may be queued up with players of different skill levels

Thought process, Reasoning and Future Plans

After doing the recent update we have observed an incredible response from some of you and the amount of feedback that we received is overwhelming. Thanks a lot for your diligence and your effort to make the game better together with us.

We have listened to your recent feedback regarding two main issues:

  1. Longer queue times because of the level based matchmaking in Casual Mode
  2. Not being able to queue up with friends in Casual Mode from a Custom Game Lobby

We will go through both subjects and explain some of the elements and process behind our decision, and then we will conclude into explaining what we did with this Hotfix in order to address these issues for now.

Longer Queue Times/Level Based Matchmaking

Our thought process of introducing a Level Based Matchmaking was to address the complaints from some of the players, having to play against or with players that are not similar to close to their skill level.

The only way to define someone's skill right now - is through the meta-game system. Levels. Using this, we have decided to make people queue up in groups of levels. Level 1-10, Level 10-20 and Level 20-30.

This ensures that players of similar levels/skill will be queued together, and new players will have more room to learn in a safe environment without having to be called names for not knowing the subtlety of the game mechanics yet.

At the same time, more experienced players are having better quality games, by playing with similar experienced players.

We have foreseen the issue that we are confronting with now - longer queue times.
Because of the Level Based Matchmaking, players are now experiencing longer queue times, and sometimes can wait up to 10 minutes to find a game in their level group.

Conclusion - As a temporary solution, the level-based matchmaking will be disabled, until we will develop the system in a more versatile way to accommodate the queue times. As a solution in the future we will try to modify the system so that when someone from a level group will wait more than X seconds, his level group will automatically be lowered, for shorter queue times. We will constantly listen to your feedback and let us know if this will feel good in the future.

Our top priotity is to find the best solution to balance queue times, but also have more experienced players and new players a little bit separated.

We are renaming the Casual Mode into Quick Play, with the disclaimer that sometimes you might play against players that are not of the same skill level as you are. This disclaimer is shown in the tooltip of this respective game mode.

Ranked mode is being worked on, and this game mode will automatically have longer queue times because of the ELO system-based matchmaking that we will introduce. We will, on the other hand, compensate by having only 6-man matches.

Queuing up with Friend, Cheating and Party System

In the latest update we decided to remove the Find Game button in Custom Game Lobbies. This decision was made for the following reasons:

  1. The Find Game Button was removed because some players decided to queue up in public games and use 3rd party software in order to take advantage, reveal their roles between them and win games. This created an unsafe environment for solo players, and their game experience was affected directly by this.

  2. The Find Game Button was removed because meta-gaming, harassing and toxicity. The moments where some players want to take advantage and queue up in public games together, creates an environment where Meta-gaming, harassing and toxicity from grouped individuals is more likely to happen. That is why we have the reporting system in a much more improved way to deal with this situations, and we highly recommend reporting any suspicious activity, of cheating, harassing, abusive behavior or other reasons in order to let us make MINDNIGHT a better game.

  3. Last but not least, the Find Game Button was removed in preparation for a Party System that we will introduce to replace the Find Game button. Although we are aware of exceptions, and we know players that do not abuse the system, we cannot afford having groups of players cheat and ruin other players experience in the process. We are aware though of the fact that most of our players prefer to queue up with friends, and we want to make everyone’s experience better.

Conclusion - As a temporary solution we are re-adding the Find Game Button, until we will introduce the Party System.

When the Party System will be introduced, we will remove the Find Game Button and the Custom Game Lobbies will act as a stand-alone Game Mode, where rewards and game session options are different from a regular Quick Play or a Ranked Game.
Feb 22, 2018
MINDNIGHT - circa94
Dear players,

We just updated the game with a small hotfix where we solved several issues and made a few improvements.

- The emoji selector in all chats is not replacing anymore the written text in the chat input field
- Fixed game mode window layout issues in certain screen resolutions
- Fixed connection problems on starting the game
- The ingame maintenance notification is showing the time now correctly

- The game mode window is now closeable using ESC
- Improved server performance
- Show purchased emoji in emoji selector right after purchase

Make sure you join us on Discord if you haven't already to stay in contact with us and the community.

Feb 22, 2018
MINDNIGHT - circa94
Dear players,

We just updated the game with a small hotfix where we solved several issues and made a few improvements.

- The emoji selector in all chats is not replacing anymore the written text in the chat input field
- Fixed game mode window layout issues in certain screen resolutions
- Fixed connection problems on starting the game
- The ingame maintenance notification is showing the time now correctly

- The game mode window is now closeable using ESC
- Improved server performance
- Show purchased emoji in emoji selector right after purchase

Make sure you join us on Discord if you haven't already to stay in contact with us and the community.

MINDNIGHT - Franches
Hackers, Agents,

A much-expected update that we have delayed several times it's now love. We apologize for this late update, but we have worked very hard in refactoring the game's code, implement, fix and add new features to accommodate the current state of the game.

Thanks a lot for your patience and your help in improving the game together with us.

We have added a lot of things, and changed some elements in the game, but the most notable are the Automated Banning System, Penalty System and Join in Progress.

Automated Banning System

We are receiving more than 800 reports daily right now, and for us, as a small team it is clear that we cannot curate the game fast enough and well enough without an automated system.

We will still ban players permanently manually for extreme cases, but depending on how many reports a player receives he will be banned incrementally from now on.

First time 15 minutes, the second time 30 minutes and so on.
If you are not reported for a while after a first ban, the incrementation will reset. You can reach a ban of 10 days if you are banned constantly. Everyone can still be permanently banned if someone is getting reported too often by a lot of different players. We will get notified and we can apply a perma-ban manually.

A player is banned taking into account different factors such as: how often he is reported and by who. If another player reports players very often, his reports will not have the same value over time. This way we make sure that a player it's not banned because a player that reports others players with no reason. If a player received a report from another player, a second report from the same player will not be taken into account anymore for a while.

Join in Progress

We all get disconnected from time to time or for some unexpected reason our power will turn off our computer. Now, players can rejoin the match in the maximum period of 5 minutes.

In order to win a game, you need to be online at the end of the game. If you are not at the end of a game for any reason you will lose the game by default, together with any winning streak.

In the Main Menu, we also have now the option of Abandoning a game. By Abandoning a game, a Penalty will be activated.

AFK/Leaving Game Penalty System

When a player abandons a game now consciously he will receive a penalty.
The penalty will not allow a player to search for a new game anymore for 30 minutes. This time can change as we are experimenting and we are open to feedback.

The penalty will be applied in the following cases: abandoning a game from inside the game and canceling the re-join option in the main menu and for when a player will not rejoin a game in the first 5 minutes.

The penalty also resets after a while and it is not permanent.

Now - the complete change list for 2.2.0:


  • In order to accommodate the difference in skill between new players and more experienced players we are introducing level based matchmaking with 3 level groups - 1-10, 11-20, 21-30
  • When pressing the play button, players can now choose between Casual Mode and Custom Games. We are working on the Ranked Mode and this will be added at a later date
  • Added a new skin called Mr. Hacker
  • Added 4 new emojis - Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down, Thinking and a Heart
  • Players can now re-join in progress games in case of disconnection
  • AFK players will now be kicked out of the game
  • A penalty system now it's implemented to punish AFK players and players that abandon a game on purpose
  • Players are now automated banned when reported by a lot of players
  • Added two new names to the general name list used in Casual Mode that were submitted by two of our fellow patreons - Patrick and Nunya
  • Winter Custom Maps were added to Custom Games
  • Added an option to select the gender name before searching for a game.
  • Added a notification when planned maintenance will be announced before hand
  • Added a new splash screen with warning text about conversational gameplay, warning players about the nature of the game
  • Added spam protection for both global and in-game chat windows
  • The global chat now it's also accessible from a custom game lobby
  • Added the emoji selector in the global chat as well
  • Added Screensaver mode


  • AFK players are now kicked out of a match. A player becomes AFK when not making an action two times in a row (e.g. a player did not propose a team and after that he did not accept the next team proposal)
  • We have improved several AI-Player behavior to prevent finding out their role
  • Disconnection messages in-game chat shows if a player left manually or by disconnect
  • The Find Game button was removed from Custom Games because this encourages meta-gaming and cheating. We are working on a Party System that will only work in Casual Mode in the future, with certain limitations


  • Fixed an issue where high ping caused FPS drops or freezing of the game
  • Fixed an issue when a steam invite was not working after a match was completed
  • Fixed an issue when a game lobby that was in progress did not close properly, and it was displayed in the custom game list
  • Fixed an issue when sometimes disconnected players were not detected by the game client
  • Fixed an issue where ASCII codes were breaking the chat
  • Fixed several game glitches when a match would end before a team won 3 missions
  • Fixed an issue where players would get disconnected on loading screen and the players would not get marked as being disconnected in-game
  • Fixed an issue where clicking on how to play and then pressing ESC would stop all the main menu music
  • Fixed an issue where ESC would make a player leave the lobby when a friend invite is open
  • Fixed an issue where disconnected players were getting experience and credits
  • Fixed an issue where the achievement "Finally, we caught them" was not working anymore
  • Fixed an issue where the experience sound was playing after the maximum level was reached
  • Fixed an issue where the report button at the end of a game would not be clickable when obscured by other UI elements
  • Fixed some typos in all menus

Thank you for your support and help.

Let us know if you have any feedback related to this update on our discord, and do not hesitate to join our discord if you want to know more about the plans for the next updates.

MINDNIGHT - francthemac
Hackers, Agents,

A much-expected update that we have delayed several times it's now love. We apologize for this late update, but we have worked very hard in refactoring the game's code, implement, fix and add new features to accommodate the current state of the game.

Thanks a lot for your patience and your help in improving the game together with us.

We have added a lot of things, and changed some elements in the game, but the most notable are the Automated Banning System, Penalty System and Join in Progress.

Automated Banning System

We are receiving more than 800 reports daily right now, and for us, as a small team it is clear that we cannot curate the game fast enough and well enough without an automated system.

We will still ban players permanently manually for extreme cases, but depending on how many reports a player receives he will be banned incrementally from now on.

First time 15 minutes, the second time 30 minutes and so on.
If you are not reported for a while after a first ban, the incrementation will reset. You can reach a ban of 10 days if you are banned constantly. Everyone can still be permanently banned if someone is getting reported too often by a lot of different players. We will get notified and we can apply a perma-ban manually.

A player is banned taking into account different factors such as: how often he is reported and by who. If another player reports players very often, his reports will not have the same value over time. This way we make sure that a player it's not banned because a player that reports others players with no reason. If a player received a report from another player, a second report from the same player will not be taken into account anymore for a while.

Join in Progress

We all get disconnected from time to time or for some unexpected reason our power will turn off our computer. Now, players can rejoin the match in the maximum period of 5 minutes.

In order to win a game, you need to be online at the end of the game. If you are not at the end of a game for any reason you will lose the game by default, together with any winning streak.

In the Main Menu, we also have now the option of Abandoning a game. By Abandoning a game, a Penalty will be activated.

AFK/Leaving Game Penalty System

When a player abandons a game now consciously he will receive a penalty.
The penalty will not allow a player to search for a new game anymore for 30 minutes. This time can change as we are experimenting and we are open to feedback.

The penalty will be applied in the following cases: abandoning a game from inside the game and canceling the re-join option in the main menu and for when a player will not rejoin a game in the first 5 minutes.

The penalty also resets after a while and it is not permanent.

Now - the complete change list for 2.2.0:


  • In order to accommodate the difference in skill between new players and more experienced players we are introducing level based matchmaking with 3 level groups - 1-10, 11-20, 21-30
  • When pressing the play button, players can now choose between Casual Mode and Custom Games. We are working on the Ranked Mode and this will be added at a later date
  • Added a new skin called Mr. Hacker
  • Added 4 new emojis - Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down, Thinking and a Heart
  • Players can now re-join in progress games in case of disconnection
  • AFK players will now be kicked out of the game
  • A penalty system now it's implemented to punish AFK players and players that abandon a game on purpose
  • Players are now automated banned when reported by a lot of players
  • Added two new names to the general name list used in Casual Mode that were submitted by two of our fellow patreons - Patrick and Nunya
  • Winter Custom Maps were added to Custom Games
  • Added an option to select the gender name before searching for a game.
  • Added a notification when planned maintenance will be announced before hand
  • Added a new splash screen with warning text about conversational gameplay, warning players about the nature of the game
  • Added spam protection for both global and in-game chat windows
  • The global chat now it's also accessible from a custom game lobby
  • Added the emoji selector in the global chat as well
  • Added Screensaver mode


  • AFK players are now kicked out of a match. A player becomes AFK when not making an action two times in a row (e.g. a player did not propose a team and after that he did not accept the next team proposal)
  • We have improved several AI-Player behavior to prevent finding out their role
  • Disconnection messages in-game chat shows if a player left manually or by disconnect
  • The Find Game button was removed from Custom Games because this encourages meta-gaming and cheating. We are working on a Party System that will only work in Casual Mode in the future, with certain limitations


  • Fixed an issue where high ping caused FPS drops or freezing of the game
  • Fixed an issue when a steam invite was not working after a match was completed
  • Fixed an issue when a game lobby that was in progress did not close properly, and it was displayed in the custom game list
  • Fixed an issue when sometimes disconnected players were not detected by the game client
  • Fixed an issue where ASCII codes were breaking the chat
  • Fixed several game glitches when a match would end before a team won 3 missions
  • Fixed an issue where players would get disconnected on loading screen and the players would not get marked as being disconnected in-game
  • Fixed an issue where clicking on how to play and then pressing ESC would stop all the main menu music
  • Fixed an issue where ESC would make a player leave the lobby when a friend invite is open
  • Fixed an issue where disconnected players were getting experience and credits
  • Fixed an issue where the achievement "Finally, we caught them" was not working anymore
  • Fixed an issue where the experience sound was playing after the maximum level was reached
  • Fixed an issue where the report button at the end of a game would not be clickable when obscured by other UI elements
  • Fixed some typos in all menus

Thank you for your support and help.

Let us know if you have any feedback related to this update on our discord, and do not hesitate to join our discord if you want to know more about the plans for the next updates.

MINDNIGHT - Franches

Merry X-mas, hackers, agents, elfs and mandeers!

How could we celebrate X-mas better without having a new feature to make us all love each other and at the same time trying to be a little less salty when playing a MINDNIGHT game session.

Therefore, we give you the opportunity to be better, to be kind, to care about others through the new Reporting System.

Have you ever been annoyed at someone and you want to send him an x-mas present wrapped in a game report? Now you have the chance. Let's cleanse and resist the naughtiness.


These are the patch notes for the X-mas Update 2.1.0:

New Features:
  • Improved emoji graphics
  • Integrated special event. The one activated now it's for Christmas Holiday
  • We have implemented a Reporting System. Players can now report other players at the end of a game. Through the reporting system the game can now handle suspension and banning of players that are not respecting the rules of conduct.
  • 6 new skins are now available. 4 of them are exclusive for the Christmas Event
  • We have added a new emoji: owo
  • We now highlight the players that were on a certain node mission inside the Vote History tab in-game
  • We have now added an Emoji and Gesture selection ability in the in-game UI. This can be used at all times during the game.
  • Player avatars are now playing the Cry/Celebrate animations depending on their outcome at the end of a game session

Bug and issue fixes:
  • The overall performance of the server has been improved
  • We have fixed an issue where custom games were shown, even after they were not available
  • Fixed an issue where a node would be hacked even if a hacker was not on that respective node.
  • Fixed "Everyone Loves You" and "Divide and Conquer" achivements
  • Fixed some achievement icons not showing properly
  • Fixed an issue where the Lobby Chat did not support emojis
  • Fixed an issue where new players did not had visibility over the last messages in the Global Chat in the Main Menu

Thanks and enjoy!
Join our discord channel so you can be pesky on what we should do next!
MINDNIGHT - francthemac

Merry X-mas, hackers, agents, elfs and mandeers!

How could we celebrate X-mas better without having a new feature to make us all love each other and at the same time trying to be a little less salty when playing a MINDNIGHT game session.

Therefore, we give you the opportunity to be better, to be kind, to care about others through the new Reporting System.

Have you ever been annoyed at someone and you want to send him an x-mas present wrapped in a game report? Now you have the chance. Let's cleanse and resist the naughtiness.


These are the patch notes for the X-mas Update 2.1.0:

New Features:
  • Improved emoji graphics
  • Integrated special event. The one activated now it's for Christmas Holiday
  • We have implemented a Reporting System. Players can now report other players at the end of a game. Through the reporting system the game can now handle suspension and banning of players that are not respecting the rules of conduct.
  • 6 new skins are now available. 4 of them are exclusive for the Christmas Event
  • We have added a new emoji: owo
  • We now highlight the players that were on a certain node mission inside the Vote History tab in-game
  • We have now added an Emoji and Gesture selection ability in the in-game UI. This can be used at all times during the game.
  • Player avatars are now playing the Cry/Celebrate animations depending on their outcome at the end of a game session

Bug and issue fixes:
  • The overall performance of the server has been improved
  • We have fixed an issue where custom games were shown, even after they were not available
  • Fixed an issue where a node would be hacked even if a hacker was not on that respective node.
  • Fixed "Everyone Loves You" and "Divide and Conquer" achivements
  • Fixed some achievement icons not showing properly
  • Fixed an issue where the Lobby Chat did not support emojis
  • Fixed an issue where new players did not had visibility over the last messages in the Global Chat in the Main Menu

Thanks and enjoy!
Join our discord channel so you can be pesky on what we should do next!
MINDNIGHT - Franches
Sup hackerz?

We just updated the game with a few small changes and a lot of improvements both on the server and client side.

Thanks a lot to everyone that helped us find issues and bugs and for all of the reports.
For those of you that want to contribute and help us improve the game going on, do not forget we have a very active Discord community here.
Join us and let's make MINDNIGHT better together.

For the next period of time we will focus on the X-mas update that brings a few new features and themed content. ːsteamhappyː

Without further ado, these are the changes that we just pushed:

Gameplay changes:
  • We have changed the lenght of the talking phases, and incremented them depending on which node the game is at a specific moment. The old value for all node talking phases was 70 seconds.

    New values:
    Node 1 Talking Phase - 30 seconds
    Node 2 Talking Phase - 45 seconds
    Node 3 Talking Phase - 60 seconds
    Node 4 Talking Phase - 75 seconds
    Node 5 Talking Phase - 90 seconds

    Old Talking Phases Total Lenght - 350 Seconds (6 minutes)
    New Talking Phases Total Lenght - 300 seconds (5 minutes)

    We have made this change because it is in line with the amount of dialogue that is going on in each phase. The further the node, the more everyone has to talk about.

  • Added text colors for the following words to highlight words that are related to gameplay for both Agents and Hackers:

    GREEN - secure, secures, secured, securing, agent, agents
    RED - hack, hacks, hacked, hacking, hacker, hackers

Fixes and improvements:
  • Fixed a general issue that glitched the server in several situations. There are situations where the problem might persist. If so, please help us identify them.
  • Fixed a high CPU usage issue when a lot of messages were sent in games
  • Fixed an issue when the Hide UI button was not instancing all menus and screens
  • Fixed an issue where when a player is too late for an lobby invite via Steam and clicks the invite later, the game was stuck in a functional loop.
  • We have fixed a potential exploit where a tooltip was different in the UI, making players know who were the hackers and who were the agents by asking what the tooltop sais. The tooltip caption was now replaced with a neutral tooltip for both Agents and Hackers.
  • Fixed the tooltip for the Reject mission button
  • Fixed an issue where names such as Hanna and Anna were not colored correctly.
  • Fixed an issue where a player was 2x hacker, leading to some matches in having 2 hackers instead of 3, for example.

That's it for now!

We are working on a lot of new features and content and we are constantly looking to fix the remaining issues.

Either way, thanks a lot for your support and for your generous reviews, although we had a lot of bugs and issues in the game.

MINDNIGHT - francthemac
Sup hackerz?

We just updated the game with a few small changes and a lot of improvements both on the server and client side.

Thanks a lot to everyone that helped us find issues and bugs and for all of the reports.
For those of you that want to contribute and help us improve the game going on, do not forget we have a very active Discord community here.
Join us and let's make MINDNIGHT better together.

For the next period of time we will focus on the X-mas update that brings a few new features and themed content. ːsteamhappyː

Without further ado, these are the changes that we just pushed:

Gameplay changes:
  • We have changed the lenght of the talking phases, and incremented them depending on which node the game is at a specific moment. The old value for all node talking phases was 70 seconds.

    New values:
    Node 1 Talking Phase - 30 seconds
    Node 2 Talking Phase - 45 seconds
    Node 3 Talking Phase - 60 seconds
    Node 4 Talking Phase - 75 seconds
    Node 5 Talking Phase - 90 seconds

    Old Talking Phases Total Lenght - 350 Seconds (6 minutes)
    New Talking Phases Total Lenght - 300 seconds (5 minutes)

    We have made this change because it is in line with the amount of dialogue that is going on in each phase. The further the node, the more everyone has to talk about.

  • Added text colors for the following words to highlight words that are related to gameplay for both Agents and Hackers:

    GREEN - secure, secures, secured, securing, agent, agents
    RED - hack, hacks, hacked, hacking, hacker, hackers

Fixes and improvements:
  • Fixed a general issue that glitched the server in several situations. There are situations where the problem might persist. If so, please help us identify them.
  • Fixed a high CPU usage issue when a lot of messages were sent in games
  • Fixed an issue when the Hide UI button was not instancing all menus and screens
  • Fixed an issue where when a player is too late for an lobby invite via Steam and clicks the invite later, the game was stuck in a functional loop.
  • We have fixed a potential exploit where a tooltip was different in the UI, making players know who were the hackers and who were the agents by asking what the tooltop sais. The tooltip caption was now replaced with a neutral tooltip for both Agents and Hackers.
  • Fixed the tooltip for the Reject mission button
  • Fixed an issue where names such as Hanna and Anna were not colored correctly.
  • Fixed an issue where a player was 2x hacker, leading to some matches in having 2 hackers instead of 3, for example.

That's it for now!

We are working on a lot of new features and content and we are constantly looking to fix the remaining issues.

Either way, thanks a lot for your support and for your generous reviews, although we had a lot of bugs and issues in the game.
