HammerHelm - Calandryll
While working on the big event quests I found some time to make a change that I've been meaning to get in for a very long time.

Today's build includes a change to the way hit points are calculated when putting on and taking off armor.

The previous system would only ever add to your maximum HPs. So for example, if you were at 100 current hit points and your maximum hit points was also at 100, putting on a helmet that gave you +20 hps would result in your max going up to 120, but your current would stay at 100. This was originally designed to keep people from unequipping and then equipping armor to get healed for free, but it also wasn't fun.

So the new system is a bit smarter. If you are at 100 out of 100 hp and put on a helmet that gives 20 HPs, your will go to 120 of 120 HPs. However, the system is smart enough to know if you've taken damage. So if you are at 80 of 100 and put on a +20 hp helm, you'd change to 100 of 120.

Likewise the system also works for taking off armor. Although it will never reduce your current HPs to 0. Another example is, let's say you have 200 max HPs when wearing all of your armor and are down to 50 current HPs, so you've taken 150 damage. If you take off all of your armor, you'd be reduced to 1 hp out of 100. Putting the armor back on will give you HPs once your max HPs are above 150, since you've taken 150 damage. So putting all of that armor back on will put you back at 50 out of 200. But if you just put on a +20 hp helmet, you'd be at 1 hp out of 120 because the system knows you've taken 150 damage.

Healing and resting works the same as prior to this update.

Overall I think this is a MUCH better system and it feels really great to put on a new piece or armor and *immediately* get the benefit from wearing it in both maximum and current hit points. It's actually a pretty big change to the way hit points are calculated so I wanted to be sure and test it for a few days before releasing it.

Combat has also been tweaked a bit more to make using your power attack more responsive. Previous to this update, your character would sometimes keep performing regular attacks and the power attack click would be ignored. With this change, if your character starts a regular attack when you press the power attack button, assuming the power attack is available, your character will perform it immediately after the regular attack hits.

This update also fixes a bug that sometimes caused one of the bracers to fail to equip and a world lighting bug that occurred when you entered and then left a dungeon.
HammerHelm - Calandryll
A sneak peak of the new map that is part of the big Halloween event. As you can see it's quite different from the current map!

I'm trying not to post too much as I want the event to be a surprise, but wanted to share this since I already mentioned that there was a new area to explore.

Note the Orc models are still the old Orcs. The new one is almost done though!
HammerHelm - Calandryll
Another quick update to resolve a couple of bugs while I work on the big event quest.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the mouse to continue to move the camera when a UI window was open.
  • The Copper Hammer and Copper Sword Displays will now display correctly in the spinning item preview window in the crafting menu.
HammerHelm - Calandryll
A small update but one I think you all will really like. While testing the new event quest, I kept running into that bug where when you get a new quest, the game would change which quest was highlighted. Super annoying!!!

So I finally figured out the problem and fixed the bug. :)

After this update, the highlighted quest will remain the same when you get a new quest. In addition, if you complete a quest that is part of a chain (and that quest is your active quest) the next part of the quest will automatically be highlighted as well.

So for example if I have the "Bed Rest" quest and 2 others and have "Bed Rest" highlighted, if I complete the first part of "Bed Rest", the next part will automatically be the highlighted/active quest.

If you complete a the final quest in a quest chain the system will pick the top most quest as the new highlighted quest. And if you have no quests and then get a new one, that quest will also be automatically highlighted.

To get this to work I actually did a fairly major re-write of the quest highlighting and pointer system, which was some of the oldest code in the game. Totally worth it though imo!

Work on the big event quest continues as does the work on the new monsters. I actually have the new Orc in game and animating, but his texture is still in progress. I hope to be able to show him soon!
Sep 16, 2018
HammerHelm - Calandryll
Feels weird not writing an update for almost a week, so I wanted to say all is going well on the work for the big event I mentioned previously. The quest is broken up into three main parts and the first part is done while the second is in progress. The second part is the largest of the three and includes the new land to explore as well. I will try to update a few more times as I work on the event, without giving too much away.

A quick teaser...you might recognize that symbol from a previous announcement update.

Work also continues on the Orc 3D model! His shoulder pads, the cloth around his shoulders, his topknot, and the knee pads are all interchangeable so I can mix and match to make different looking Orcs.

If you'd like to see a larger image of the Orc Model, check out my Twitter feed!
HammerHelm - Calandryll
Today's Monster Monday is the Ratman!

The Ratman is a new monster to HammerHelm. I decided I needed more variety in the monsters that appear in the world along with the Goblins and Orcs. Ratman will also be useful for quests involving the Sewers and other underground areas aside from Dungeons and Caves.
Sep 7, 2018
HammerHelm - Calandryll
I wanted to write an update since it's been a bit since the last build.

I'm currently working on something rather big. Without going into too much detail, it's a big quest that I hope to have as part of an October event update. This new quest requires a bunch of updates to the current quest system - which is a good thing as once it's done, I can the same updates for regular quests too.

The quest is big. Way, way bigger than any other quest currently in the game. It's going to include a brand new area to explore, a new music track, and something special that I'm not going to talk about yet. And that's all I'm saying about that for now. :)

In other news, progress continues on the new monsters, including some early models for the Orc and the Skeleton. Still WIP but I think they are coming along nicely!

I will probably release a couple of small builds while I work on the event. We'll see how things go. I'm super excited about this event and once it's ready and in the game I think you all will enjoy it too!

And of course, this Monday is the final Monster Monday Concept!
Sep 3, 2018
HammerHelm - Calandryll
I found a bug that was causing male characters to not use the new combat set up. This bug has been resolved and hot-fixed. It should work now. The female characters work fine and weren't affected by the bug.
HammerHelm - Calandryll
Today's Monster Monday concept is the Mushroom Man!

For this guy, I decided to go in a slightly different direction. I really like the concept that Ash made for him, but I wanted him to look a bit different. The version in the bottom right has more of a mossy tree bark texture for his body, with mushrooms jutting out of him in addition to the big mushroom head.

The other great thing about the new Mushroom Man is that he's more humanoid than the current Mushroom Man. This means he can use better animations. One of the things I know people don't like about the current Mushroom Man is that his attacks are too subtle. This will solve that!

One more Monster Monday to go...and that one will be a bit of a surprise! :)
HammerHelm - Calandryll
Today's update includes a new Story Quest - "Pottery"!

This build also has a fix for a bug that sometimes caused the Story Quest "Flower Garden" to fail to start properly.

And don't forget - on Monday I'll be showing another Monster Monday concept!