Raft - Frozen
What an amazing weekend it has been! We have been hosting our very first event this weekend - a building event. We've seen so many great submissions, and it was very hard to choose the final winners, but most importantly, we have all had a ton of fun! We also have a couple of hotfixes that will be pushed with this announcement, along with some information on future updates - read more at the bottom of this post!

Without further ado, let's get into the showcase of these amazing rafts:

Black Pearl & Harbor

A great recreation of the famous Black Pearl and an awesome harbor attached to it! This amazing ship was built by ilyandell#1475. You can see all the images by clicking here.

Super Yacht

A awesome Yacht has it all - engine room, kitchen and canteen and of course a captains deck! The captain of this ship is The Rickest Rick#9302. You can see all the images by clicking here.

Palace Chinese Restaurant

A floating restaurant - what more can you wish for? It has amazing food and a super nice garden! Your chief waiter is no less than JC#3545. You can see all the images by clicking here.

Operation ScuttleButt

A project inspired by an oil rig! It has a large tower in the middle, which is how people get to the top! This rig is operated by Jonesie#4689! You can see all the images by clicking here.

Raft Land

A raft theme park, with it's own maze, giftshop, ticket booths and an amazing carnival section! The theme park manager is Deggradedrook#2659! You can see all the images by clicking here.

Congratulations, and thank you so much!

We are super happy to see so many of you participating in our event, and it has been nothing but amazing to see the community gather and create amazing creations. Congratulations to all the winners, and thank you for participating to everyone else! We hope to do a lot more events in the future, so stay tuned! :)

Hotfixes and future updates

We know you want updates, and rest assured we are still working hard on a larger update for you guys. We will publish a development blog this friday, showing and explaining our current process, teasers and much more exciting things!

The following has been hotfixed:
- The discord invite link on the main menu is now working again! Thanks for notifying us. :)
- Fixed a bug with scuba gear where it would mystically repair itself when equipping it again.
- You can now properly crouch in both directions in tight spots!

We've reverted to the previous version as there was an issue with rafts disappearing in the newest update. Sorry about that. This is now resolved and a new update is out.

That's it for now!
// Raft HQ
Raft - Frozen

Ask your question over at Twitter or Discord! :tinder:

Please note that we will only answer one question per person, and will of course not be answering the "same" question over and over - be creative, and ask what you wanna know the most! ːsteamhappyː
Jun 29, 2018

Hey Rafters!

It is a little more than a month since the release of Raft and it has been great! We have been getting an incredible amount of amazing feedback and ideas. We have talked to so many of you, discussing balancing, getting help pin pointing bugs and hearing about what you think should be added and it has simply been great!
However, we are not just talking here at the Raft HQ. We have also been very busy working on new content for the game. Last week we posted a concept of a new enemy. If you missed it, here it is again!

The new enemy is due for a later update. But that's not all. We should also have a blog post up next week revealing more things which are going on behind the curtains. Stay tuned!
For now we have got some smaller additions, bug fixes and balance changes many of you have been asking for. Firstly, many of you have asked us to boost the axe, because it broke too fast. We agreed it was annoying when building larger Rafts having to constantly make a new axe. But instead of simply adding more durability to the old axe we decided to make a new one, the Stone Axe. This will have similar speed and durability as the old axe. In turn, the old axe will now be renamed as the Metal Axe. It will cost a little bit more to make but has better speed and much more durability. Hopefully you will like our solution, but if you do not, or if you have an idea on how to improve it, please comment!

Secondly, many of you have wanted the ability to crouch, and we thought it was a reasonable request, so now it is here! You will now be able to build smaller passages on your Raft and actually get through them! Hope you will enjoy!

Lastly, some of you have run into the problem of having random Steam friends join your game. As a solution to this, you can now add a password to your world. Also, if you have unchecked "Allow friends to join" you will no longer appear in the Join world window at all, allowing you to play in a more incognito fashion.

Bug fixes, balance changes and smaller additions:
  • Discord button added in the main menu. Join us and talk with fellow Rafters!
  • Fixed an inventory bug when crafting items which led to losing more items than the crafting cost.
  • Fixed a bug where the player can rotat the camera 360 degrees turning him/her upside down.
  • Fixed a bug where closing a storage "froze" the game and locked the player in position.
  • Shark no longer takes damage in creative mode.
  • Bow damage increased from 7.5 to 15.
  • Seagull health increased from 10 to 20.
  • Bow is cheaper to craft.
  • Decreased how much hunger/thirst is lost when sleeping.
  • Increased spawn time between sharks from 60sec to 100sec.

    That is all for this time! Over and out.
    Raft HQ
Jun 11, 2018

Hey Rafters!

It is once again time for another update! One of the most requested features since we launched here on Steam has been the ability to change the field of view. There were some technical issues with changing the FOV which is why it has taken a little longer than we hoped for, but we are pleased to say it is finally here.

Secondly, we have added a bow and arrow. A piece of wood, some bolts and a pair of old skis creates a handy bow in true home made Raft spirit. The bow can be used to hunt seagulls, fend of the shark or deal with an annoying team mate if you are so inclined. The bow is also a preperation for later updates, with more creatures coming in the future.

Apart from this some smaller bugs have also been fixed:
  • A bug where the binocular overlay image could some times be stuck even when not using th binoculars should now be fixed.
  • Removing a research table should no longer cause a player using it to get stuck in the research menu.
  • To balance the bow, the shark now swims deeper when hit by an arrow from above water.

That is all for this time! Until next time!
//Raft HQ
Jun 1, 2018

Hey there Rafters!

What a great week it has been! Raft released a little over a week ago and seeing all the things you have built and hearing about your experiences in the game has been nothing less than amazing! While it seems most of you have had quite a smooth run overall, there has been some pesky bugs here and there. The past week we have been working tirelessly to eliminate as many of those as possible and we want to thank every one of you who has been so helpful with sending us bug reports and feedback!

Apart from fixing a whole lot of bugs, we have added the possibility to hide the UI for more cinematic screenshots by pressing the period button '.'.

And here is the full list of bug fixes and changes:
  • Bug where some people would lose their inventory and/or get a black screen with only UI when joining a friend should now be resolved.
  • The system to select frame rate limit has been reworked to hopefully fix bug where some peoples limit was automatically resetting to 20.
  • Debris, abandoned rafts and islands no longer spawn in creative to increase building performance.
  • Collider system has been removed in creative to drastically decrease delay when building floors and foundations on bigger rafts.
  • Sensitivity slider range has been changed from 0-5 to 0.1-20 to allow for much more sensitive input.
  • Removed two instances of inventory duplication bugs.
  • Removed bug where you could pick up the lantern ghost placement block.
  • Removed two bugs where you could get stuck in the storage UI.
  • You should now be able to build sloped walls next to inverted roofs.
  • Main menu has been adjusted to better support 21:9 aspect ratio.
  • You should no longer be able to pick up throwable anchor while hook or fishing rod is in use.
  • Black paint color adjusted to look less green.
  • Bug where you could not get resurrected after rejoining in dead state should now be resolved.
  • You should now be able to craft shark bait in creative mode.
  • Bug where rain was visible under water should now be resolved.
  • Changed typo from 'further' to 'farther'.
  • Changed typo from 'reciever' to 'receiver'.
  • You should no longer be able to place 5 shark heads in an equipment slot.
  • Inverted roofs now have a cost.
  • Being stuck after dying on chair should now be resolved.
That is all for today folks! Happy Rafting!
//Raft HQ
May 25, 2018

Hello Rafters!

First of all, thank you for an incredible launch! It has been amazing to see so many of you play the game and your feedback has simply been awesome!

We have got an update for you. We have added something many of you have been asking for and hopefully it can add even more flare to your rafts! The ladder! It will allow for more compact ways to travel between different floors and it looks pretty sweet on a raft. We hope you find it useful!

The option to change where your frame rate is capped has been added. It can also be disabled all together by setting the slider all the way to the right.

In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation, a button has been added in the main menu which allows you to disable the sending of analytics data to the developers.

In addition to this, quite a lot of bugs have been fixed as well. Here's the full list:

  • Playing in creative no longer counts towards achievement progress.
  • Holding a throwable anchor while shark destroys the foundation it is placed on no longer breaks the game.
  • You can now bind a key to 'ESC'.
  • Removing bed while some one is laying in it no longer breaks the game.
  • You can now have the period '.' character in world names. (Fixes the issue with save files appearing lost)
  • Changing resolution is no longer reset when entering the settings menu.
  • You can no longer "duplicate" water by drinking and watering plants at the same time.

We're working on sqashing even more of those nasty bugs, so more fixes will come in the next update!

After more than a year in development, Raft is finally out on Steam! With a bunch of new features such as multiplayer, islands, abandoned rafts and much more we are excited to let you once again jump into the life of raft survival!

We’re incredibly happy to finally have the new version of the game out there again! Thanks to the amazing response we got on the prototype, we’ve been able to develop Raft into the game we envisioned from the start, and we can’t say how glad and humbled we are to have been given that opportunity. Therefore we want to give a huge shout out and the biggest thank you to everyone who played the game, gave us feedback, donated and motivated us during development. Your support has been amazing!

Even though the game is now out and miles better than the prototype in every aspect, development has not stopped. Raft will continue to grow during the Early Access. With the coming addition of more wildlife and equipment, more places to explore and more things to craft, we’ll continue to build on the foundation that we’ve just released. With the help of your feedback, we will strive to make this the best game we can possibly make.

With that said. We thoroughly hope you will enjoy Raft and we can’t wait to hear what you think about it!

Until next time,

Raft development team.