Tannenberg - Major Raquel ~ヾ(・ω・)
On 24 June, the Russian Tsar Nicholas II met with his senior leaders in Baranovichi, where it was agreed to no longer defend the Polish salient. The new Russian line would run from Riga, Kovno, Grodno, Brest-Litovsk, along the upper Bug, and then along the Dniester into Romania. The Third and Fourth Armies were also placed under the control of Mikhail Alekseyev's Northwest Front, consisting of the Second, First, Twelfth, Tenth and Fifth Armies, deployed south to north. Alekseyev then planned a slow withdrawal from the salient.

Following the German success with their Gorlice–Tarnów offensive, Hans von Seeckt proposed that August von Mackensen's Eleventh Army should advance north towards Brest-Litovsk, with their flanks shielded by the rivers Vistula and Bug.

This would be the start of The Great Retreat, strategic retreat and evacuation on the Eastern Front. The Russians gave up the salient in Galicia and the Polish Congress Kingdom (called the Vistula Land by the Russian occupiers).

In-game Event

Starting today until July 5th, you can play our latest campaign.All casualties in Frontlines- & Maneuver game modes in Verdun and Tannenberg will be added to the total losses. The winning side will be whoever suffers the least amount of killed and wounded soldiers. Too many First World War battles essentially became meat grinders (or were even conceived as such from the start) and so it is for our campaigns.

Steam Summer Sale

The Steam Summer Sale will start tomorrow! You’ll be able to get Verdun & Tannenberg with 75% off and Isonzo has a 45% discount

May 17, 2023
Tannenberg - Major Raquel ~ヾ(・ω・)
Hello soldiers!

The long anticipated Monte Grappa map is now live for everyone in Isonzo!

This is the third map of the overall Caporetto Expansion, as part of the German Empire in the game.
You can now find Isonzo & some cosmetic DLC packs with a nice discount in celebration of the map’s release!


We hope to see you at the Italian Front!
Tannenberg - Major Raquel ~ヾ(・ω・)
Hello soldiers!

We’re happy to announce that the Monte Grappa map will be released for Isonzo next week on May 17th!

Alongside the Grappa map, we will also introduce new weapons & new cosmetic DLC to the game.

If you’re looking to get Isonzo, be sure to keep an eye open on the store next week.


See you at the Italian Front next week!
Apr 28, 2023
Tannenberg - Major Raquel ~ヾ(・ω・)
Hello soldiers!

Today marks the release anniversary of Verdun! You can now find the game with a 70% discount, the soundtrack with 50% off & the Film Memoir mode is available for all for a timely period.


Be sure to share your screenshots and footage in Discord or on Twitter with the #Verdunversary hashtag.

You can also find a special Verdun Bingo card in the Verdun announcement.

See you at the Western Front!
Mar 16, 2023
Tannenberg - Major Raquel ~ヾ(・ω・)
The morning of March 18, 1916. Russian artillery bombardment commenced at the northern and southern areas of Lake Naroch. The Lake Naroch offensive has begun by the Russians. Requested by Marshal Joseph Joffre, it was intended to relieve some of the pressure on French forces that was given by the Germans.

The Lake Naroch offensive was unsuccessful due to a lack of adequate reconnaissance. This resulted in the Russian artillery's failure to destroy the well fortified German positions, which in return led to direct infantry attacks against the German line that had minimal chance of success.


Starting today until the 26th you can play our latest campaign.
All casualties in Frontlines- & Maneuver game modes in Verdun and Tannenberg will be added to the total losses. The winning side will be whoever suffers the least amount of killed and wounded soldiers.
Too many First World War battles essentially became meat grinders (or were even conceived as such from the start) and so it is for our campaigns.

Steam Sale

All the WW1 Game Series games are part of the Steam Spring Sale !
You can find both Verdun & Tannenberg with a 75% discount and our latest game Isonzo with 40% off. This sale will start at 7PM CET.

Feb 28, 2023
Tannenberg - Major Raquel ~ヾ(・ω・)
Hello soldiers !

The Piave map is now available for you to play for free in Isonzo ! Fight on this continuous battle after the Caporetto battle !

Additionally, you can now find Isonzo with a 40% discount.


Later today, February 28 at 8PM CET/11AM PST/4AM JST (Wed), a few dev members will be live, playing and talking about Isonzo !

See you at the Italian Front !

Tannenberg - Major Raquel ~ヾ(・ω・)
Hello soldiers,

A new free map update is coming to Isonzo!

On February 28 , your battle at the Piave river begins! An exciting new battlefield for the Germans and Italians to fight on this beautiful landscape.

You can read more about the battle in the latest Isonzo Intel


Tannenberg - Major Raquel ~ヾ(・ω・)
The Christmas Truce has returned to Verdun ! For the 10th time, you can participate in this historical event on Western Front. Starting today (Dec 22) until January 5th, you can join by simply choosing the ‘Christmas Truce’ option from the Play menu in the game.

Experience Christmas on No Man’s Land

On the Christmas Truce map in Verdun, there are multiple activities you could do with your fellow truce holders. Play a match of football (soccer), have a snowball fight, and attend a burial for the fallen.

Gather around the fireplace and listen to classic Christmas Carols in-game and don’t forget to send your Christmas greetings to your loved ones right from Verdun !

Send postcards and you could win prizes

On the Christmas Truce map you can find post offices that allow you to send people outside the game digital Christmas cards. Every card you send counts as one entry in a Christmas raffle, where you could win game keys or merch – from peppermint cans to flower grenades! So be sure to share your Christmas wishes and get rewarded. We’ll contact the winners in the 2nd week of January. Be sure to share your screenshots with us as well in our Discord or Twitter #ChristmasTruce.

Join the Christmas Truce now !

Verdun will be on sale with 70% off later today at 7PM CET! Right in time for you to join the Christmas Truce or gift a friend the game so you can both experience this historical event together in-game.


Or you can join the latest Italian Front in Isonzo! Earlier this month we released a free expansion and more is coming next year. You can find it with a 20% discount


Happy Holidays everyone!
Tannenberg - RaquelGD
Hello soldiers !

The FREE Caporetto expansion for Isonzo is now available for all! To celebrate this release, you can get Isonzo with a 20% discount and the DLC packs for the Italians & Austro-Hungarians with 10% off at 7pm CET. Or if you need a soldier on the eastern front with you, Tannenberg will be available with a 70% discount!

With this expansion comes the German Empire as a new playable faction, alongside the Caporetto map and much more!

Additionally with the German Empire comes their own cosmetic pack. The Royal Units Pack is available for $9.99 and holds over 40 cosmetic items for you to customise your soldiers with


Upcoming AMA

On December 7 at 9pm CET founder and creative director Jos (BlackMill Games) & producer Thomas will hold an AMA (ask me anything) here on Steam! You can submit your question in our Discord in the ama channel. Be sure to join our server to send in your question and just chat with us in general while you’re there!


See you on the Italian Front soldiers
Tannenberg - RaquelGD
Hello soldiers !

The big Caporetto Expansion update is coming to Isonzo on December 5! This update will bring the new Caporetto map, the addition of the German Empire faction, new weapons & the Prestige levelling for our veteran soldiers! and the Prestige levelling for our veteran soldiers!


Additionally, there will be cosmetic DLC available for the Germans! The Royal Units Pack will be available on the same day and includes a diverse set of items; the distinctive uniforms of 2 major states within the Deutsches Reich: Bavaria and Württemberg. It contains 2 sets of uniforms for all classes, plus a special officer uniform. Overall, the DLC will include 40 items!

Don’t forget your hungry enemy
You can still participate in the Wolf Truce! Hold the truce and earn a special medal.
