The results are in! The links between the longevity of Steam Charts and the decreases in violent crime, the improvement of sanitary water supplies, and sudden global drops in serious health issues, are no coincidence at all!
To quote from the paper recently published in Nature, “Causal links have been shown connecting Rock Paper Shotgun’s Steam Charts articles to a remarkably number of positive worldwide trends, with strong suggestion that a global dependence on the column has been established, such that its weekly appearance is vital to humanity.”
The first proper obstacle in amnesiac police RPG Disco Elysium, if you don t count your ceiling fan, is a small child who has taken a lot of speed. He stands outside your hotel, chucking stones at your corpse. Your case s corpse. The one you need to investigate. This won t do.
So Disco Elysium is an RPG, yes? And you have to solve a murder, because you’re a cop. Except you also can’t remember anything whatsoever, including your own name or where you badge and gun are (how are you supposed to hand them over to your chief when you break the rules to get results??) or even, initially, that you’re a cop.
This creates the blank slate, on which you can paint the kind of cop you are. Blank ish>, anyway — you’re still a middle aged, overweight, late stage alcoholic man, but by gosh you can choose how that man solves crimes and views the world. At EGX this year, developers Helen Hindpere and Robert Kurvitz talked about how they wanted people to really get into the role play — to buy a pack of cigarettes, and smoke one every day in the same place at the same time, because that’s a ritual their character has. I developed a ritual. But it wasn’t as cool as smoking a lone cigarette, gazing off into the distance with a thousand yard stare. My obsession was not philosophical or well thought out, and it didn’t even really make sense. But let me tell you about my cockroaches.
Don’t come any closer, pal. I’ve got a gun. Oh wait, maybe I don’t, because I pawned it when I was extremely drunk, and I didn’t do a deal with the corrupt union boss to get it back. Oh dear, now a voice in my head that says it’s Electrochemistry is trying to convince me to get drunk. I must be in bleak but lovely RPG Disco Elysium.
It's been mentioned in some of the glowing reviews for RPG Disco Elysium (our reviewer gave it 92%) that its unique setting was created for a tabletop RPG Estonian designers, ZA/UM, have been playing together for 10 years. According to an interview lead designer and writer Robert Kurvitz had with Escapist Magazine, he's also written a novel in the same setting. It's called Sacred and Terrible Air, and it's going to be translated into English next year.
Kurvitz has other plans for Disco Elysium in the future, and is apparently planning both an expansion of some kind as well as a sequel. "We have an insanely ambitious list of projects we want to make in the Elysium setting," Kurvitz said. "The last one I want to make, when I'm 50 or 60, that I want to absolutely go crazy on and throw out all commercial considerations and get this as conceptual as possible, is the tabletop setting. The working title for the tabletop setting is You Are Vapor. It will be a really, really, crazy pen-and-paper game."
ZA/UM also plan to release a manifesto next year. I can't think of many studios who could get away with a manifesto, but ZA/UM are definitely one.
Thanks, Escapist.
Developer ZA/UM is currently in the throes of porting its acclaimed detective RPG, Disco Elysium, to Xbox One and PS4, and says that it's due to launch on consoles next year.
Disco Elysium, which released on PC earlier this month, casts players as a less-than-upstanding detective, who begins the game in a dishevelled heap on hotel room floor with what rapidly turns out to be alcohol-induced amnesia - conveniently allowing for plenty of scene-setting exposition, and the opportunity for players to shape their anti-hero as they see fit.
What follows starts as a murder mystery - set in the dilapidated city district of Martinaise - and then rapidly explodes out into a sprawling open-world RPG that shapes and shifts depending on players' abilities and the choices they make throughout the extremely conversation-heavy, and impressively expansive adventure.
The Schwarzschild radius of the Steam Charts continues to shrink as the effects of the Universal Collapse take greater impact on our daily lives.
Read on if you want to know how to protect your family from complete atomic devastation.