Jan 22, 2018
Stoneshard - Wayfinder


In this devlog we will talk about the cursed items, which were casually mentioned in the past devdiaries.

Cursed artifacts are the subtype of rare items. Cursed items are always generated unidentified. Equipping an unknown item is always a risk, and now we will explain why.

Let's start a little from afar. Cursed items are a classic feature of many old RPGs and canonical roguelikes. Usually curses are various limitations, which make the player's life more complicated. Often they cannot be taken off after equipment, which makes the cursed weapons and armor even more undesirable. However, this approach always seemed rather boring to us: in the end, the whole essence of the damned objects is diminished to avoiding them at any cost.

Therefore, it was decided to implement this mechanic the other way, in order to give players the choice and a certain room for maneuvers. We left the impossibility of unequipping the cursed items, but in return compensated it with greatly enhanced enchantments and additional bonuses. The cursed artifacts will always be much better than its usual analogues, which give a powerful incentive to actively use them. However, not everything is so simple: after all, cursed items aren’t called cursed for fun.

So, curses. According to Stoneshard lore, cursed items are the confinement places of evil spirits, defeated in times immemorial. Their souls were shattered into hundreds of fragments, which were reliably imprisoned in many magical artifacts around the world. Each demon had its own unique power. Thus, cursed objects hold a part of ancient powers, which you can use… for a price.

Each curse in the game has a special negative effect, triggered with a chance. With every turn this chance increases until it hits its maximum possible threshold. To slower this process, you have to kill enemies – the more and often the better. When playing with a cursed item you have to constantly blandish your imprisoned demons, engaging in battles and emerging victorious.

Here are examples of different Curses by different Demons:

  • Deceiver’s curse: up to 15% to obstruct control at every turn. +1 Savvy
  • Gorelust’s curse: up to 7,5% to lose some health at every turn. +4 Melee/Ranged Damage
  • Sufferjoy’s curse: up to 20% to increase pain at every turn. +4% Critical Chance
  • Gnawmaw’s curse: up to 15% to increase hunger at every turn. 10% Lifesteal
  • Mindwrecker’s curse: up to 10% to decrease sanity at every turn. +2 Psionic Damage

And finally, a small announcement. In the nearest future we will not be able to post devlogs on a weekly basis, since now we are completely focused on polishing the prologue, making balance tweaks and a lot of other important stuff. Due to this our devdiaries are going to be released a little less often – once in 2-3 weeks, when we have enough changes that can be shown without spoilering key prologue features. Hope you understand.

Until next log, see ya!


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Please note that the prologue isn't released yet. The release date will be announced in the future. Signing up guarantees you'll receive it when it's ready.
Jan 22, 2018
Stoneshard - Wayfinder


In this devlog we will talk about the cursed items, which were casually mentioned in the past devdiaries.

Cursed artifacts are the subtype of rare items. Cursed items are always generated unidentified. Equipping an unknown item is always a risk, and now we will explain why.

Let's start a little from afar. Cursed items are a classic feature of many old RPGs and canonical roguelikes. Usually curses are various limitations, which make the player's life more complicated. Often they cannot be taken off after equipment, which makes the cursed weapons and armor even more undesirable. However, this approach always seemed rather boring to us: in the end, the whole essence of the damned objects is diminished to avoiding them at any cost.

Therefore, it was decided to implement this mechanic the other way, in order to give players the choice and a certain room for maneuvers. We left the impossibility of unequipping the cursed items, but in return compensated it with greatly enhanced enchantments and additional bonuses. The cursed artifacts will always be much better than its usual analogues, which give a powerful incentive to actively use them. However, not everything is so simple: after all, cursed items aren’t called cursed for fun.

So, curses. According to Stoneshard lore, cursed items are the confinement places of evil spirits, defeated in times immemorial. Their souls were shattered into hundreds of fragments, which were reliably imprisoned in many magical artifacts around the world. Each demon had its own unique power. Thus, cursed objects hold a part of ancient powers, which you can use… for a price.

Each curse in the game has a special negative effect, triggered with a chance. With every turn this chance increases until it hits its maximum possible threshold. To slower this process, you have to kill enemies – the more and often the better. When playing with a cursed item you have to constantly blandish your imprisoned demons, engaging in battles and emerging victorious.

Here are examples of different Curses by different Demons:

  • Deceiver’s curse: up to 15% to obstruct control at every turn. +1 Savvy
  • Gorelust’s curse: up to 7,5% to lose some health at every turn. +4 Melee/Ranged Damage
  • Sufferjoy’s curse: up to 20% to increase pain at every turn. +4% Critical Chance
  • Gnawmaw’s curse: up to 15% to increase hunger at every turn. 10% Lifesteal
  • Mindwrecker’s curse: up to 10% to decrease sanity at every turn. +2 Psionic Damage

And finally, a small announcement. In the nearest future we will not be able to post devlogs on a weekly basis, since now we are completely focused on polishing the prologue, making balance tweaks and a lot of other important stuff. Due to this our devdiaries are going to be released a little less often – once in 2-3 weeks, when we have enough changes that can be shown without spoilering key prologue features. Hope you understand.

Until next log, see ya!


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Please note that the prologue isn't released yet. The release date will be announced in the future. Signing up guarantees you'll receive it when it's ready.
Jan 15, 2018
Stoneshard - Wayfinder


We are back from our New Year's holiday, so the season of 2018 diaries is open. Vacation in our case was only de jure, de facto we continued developing the game and are ready to show you some interesting novelties. Let's begin.

Weather and time cycle

The first major change: we added global time to the game. Now there is morning, day, evening and night. Depending on the time of day, the illumination changes. So far, we have completed the work on the visual part, but in the future we are going to add various gameplay features as well. For example, light affects stealthiness and the field of view of the character and NPCs.

The speed of day and night cycle was 10x adjusted for this gif.

We also started working on the weather implementation. Sometimes the sky is clouded and the rain begins. The rain is divided into several phases: it starts with small precipitation, and gradually grows into a full storm with thunder and lightning. Standing in the rain, the characters begin to get wet and receive a special modifier, reducing their resistance to ice and electric damage. By the way, in the rain it is highly recommended not to walk in armor, it can start corroding.

Too bad umbrellas aren't invented yet.

New biome: Fields

We are slowly introducing diversity into biomes. Forests have fed us all, so meet the fields - beautiful with butterflies all around. However, it is better to see once, so here's your GIF:

You can easily die even here, however.

By the way, we also returned to the river and the lake generation, also slightly modified them. While the banks of the reservoirs look somewhat deserted, but this is only for now - in the future, reeds and other aquatic vegetation will be added to the game.

Ia! Even cultists got their beach bodies ready. What about you?


Well, the absolute classic for roguelikes and RPG: the system of identification. You find a mysterious item whose properties remain a mystery to you. Maybe this is a long-lost powerful artifact; maybe the ancient curse prevails over it. There clearly can not be understood without a scroll or an enchanter!

Better than expected!

That’s all for now. Stay online!


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Please note that the prologue isn't released yet. The release date will be announced in the future. Signing up guarantees you'll receive it when it's ready.
Jan 15, 2018
Stoneshard - Wayfinder


We are back from our New Year's holiday, so the season of 2018 diaries is open. Vacation in our case was only de jure, de facto we continued developing the game and are ready to show you some interesting novelties. Let's begin.

Weather and time cycle

The first major change: we added global time to the game. Now there is morning, day, evening and night. Depending on the time of day, the illumination changes. So far, we have completed the work on the visual part, but in the future we are going to add various gameplay features as well. For example, light affects stealthiness and the field of view of the character and NPCs.

The speed of day and night cycle was 10x adjusted for this gif.

We also started working on the weather implementation. Sometimes the sky is clouded and the rain begins. The rain is divided into several phases: it starts with small precipitation, and gradually grows into a full storm with thunder and lightning. Standing in the rain, the characters begin to get wet and receive a special modifier, reducing their resistance to ice and electric damage. By the way, in the rain it is highly recommended not to walk in armor, it can start corroding.

Too bad umbrellas aren't invented yet.

New biome: Fields

We are slowly introducing diversity into biomes. Forests have fed us all, so meet the fields - beautiful with butterflies all around. However, it is better to see once, so here's your GIF:

You can easily die even here, however.

By the way, we also returned to the river and the lake generation, also slightly modified them. While the banks of the reservoirs look somewhat deserted, but this is only for now - in the future, reeds and other aquatic vegetation will be added to the game.

Ia! Even cultists got their beach bodies ready. What about you?


Well, the absolute classic for roguelikes and RPG: the system of identification. You find a mysterious item whose properties remain a mystery to you. Maybe this is a long-lost powerful artifact; maybe the ancient curse prevails over it. There clearly can not be understood without a scroll or an enchanter!

Better than expected!

That’s all for now. Stay online!


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Please note that the prologue isn't released yet. The release date will be announced in the future. Signing up guarantees you'll receive it when it's ready.
Dec 25, 2017
Stoneshard - Wayfinder

Greetings everyone !

Today's devlog isn't really a devlog. New Year’s holidays are approaching, and we are leaving you for two weeks (in which we will still continue developing the game – just without the diaries). So, we would like to congratulate all of you, and at the same time to summarise this year results.

Game development is a complex and stressful process, and sometimes it takes a lot of effort to keep on keeping on. It’s only a matter of time to become a routine, there is a feeling that you have been stuck in place for a long time. So first of all thanks to all of you, patiently awaiting the release of Stoneshard. Your sincere interest in our game invariably gives us strength and motivation to continue working further, and we are very grateful. 2018 will be big – we hope to start Kickstarter campaign, complete the work on the first playable version, release a prologue and release the Early Access.

However, it is worth looking back. For 2017, we managed to do a lot. First of all, we almost finished work on the core gameplay constituents: new locations, the system of psyche and injuries, a redesigned interface and combat system, in-game factions, new items with their properties - the list can be continued for a long time. So once again, thank you all for being with us all this time and carefully following our progress. In the new year, you'll get a lot of cool news: we'll finally get to the next level of game development cycle and tell in detail about a lot of new exciting stuff: the caravan, followers and the global map.

That’s why we wish you a merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Hope to see you next year, stay online!


Also you can follow us on:
Dec 25, 2017
Stoneshard - Wayfinder

Greetings everyone !

Today's devlog isn't really a devlog. New Year’s holidays are approaching, and we are leaving you for two weeks (in which we will still continue developing the game – just without the diaries). So, we would like to congratulate all of you, and at the same time to summarise this year results.

Game development is a complex and stressful process, and sometimes it takes a lot of effort to keep on keeping on. It’s only a matter of time to become a routine, there is a feeling that you have been stuck in place for a long time. So first of all thanks to all of you, patiently awaiting the release of Stoneshard. Your sincere interest in our game invariably gives us strength and motivation to continue working further, and we are very grateful. 2018 will be big – we hope to start Kickstarter campaign, complete the work on the first playable version, release a prologue and release the Early Access.

However, it is worth looking back. For 2017, we managed to do a lot. First of all, we almost finished work on the core gameplay constituents: new locations, the system of psyche and injuries, a redesigned interface and combat system, in-game factions, new items with their properties - the list can be continued for a long time. So once again, thank you all for being with us all this time and carefully following our progress. In the new year, you'll get a lot of cool news: we'll finally get to the next level of game development cycle and tell in detail about a lot of new exciting stuff: the caravan, followers and the global map.

That’s why we wish you a merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Hope to see you next year, stay online!


Also you can follow us on:
Stoneshard - Wayfinder


Being busy with all the complex stuff we can’t reveal it unless it’s finished, so you won’t be confused. But that doesn’t mean we got nothing for you today. That’s why we’ll tell you about Caravan followers, characters you can meet(or not) during your playthrough. Sit down, have a drink and listen to the stories.

Verren, Caravaneer

Verren represents people everybody knows, but can tell nothing certain about them. He managed to become quite fortunate by trading artifacts, ancient treatise and other magic stuff. Being quite familiar with sorcerers all around the world he got a good start with arcanology and sorcery to surprise even Aldore’s eminent. When a new catastrophe broke out in the country, he disappeared for a short time to return soon with the most unexpected news and a desire to act.



The fact that he is not an ordinary merchant in the eternal pursuit of profits becomes clear from the first sight. Deportment, exquisite manners, proud posture: everything reveals a man of high society who by the will of fate has lost his former position. However, even the numerous hardships and burdens could not change this man: he remained true to himself, becoming an antiques dealer. For a long time he was engaged in buying and reselling all sorts of valuables and antiques and then another war broke out, and his knowledge became unclaimed. But even these vicissitudes of fate did not make him change himself, even without a penny in his pocket, he insists that he will never descend to speculation with food or weapons.


Crippled Sergeant

Grizzled warmonger, who saw a lot of wars from the first row. People say he enlisted the army soldiers as a young man, but he settled down and served faithfully and truthfully for almost half a century. Wounds could not stop him before that fatal battle... Meeting a Mage is extremely dangerous for mortals, but he lived, yet he lost both legs. Past merits didn’t save him, kicked out he still can’t resign himself. Despite the severe injury, he managed to keep an enviable vigor of spirit, most of which the Sergeant spends on drilling others. As well as a vehement hatred of magic and sorcerers.



All that is reliably known about this mysterious elf is that she comes from some nomadic tribe from the south of the Jade Kingdoms. What forced her to leave her native land and how she found herself in Aldor is a mystery, but for many years she has been wandering from village to village, earning bread by fortune-telling. Dolls, threads, coffee grounds - perhaps she knows all the methods to look into the future, but she gives preference to the good ol’ cards. She inherited that deck from her grandmother, that’s what she loves to tell. She was repeatedly beaten for charlatanry, but many sincerely believe in her amazing ability to predict the future with supernatural accuracy.



Cook is a dwarf by birth, but he grew up in Aldor far away from his native mountains. Cook is a sample of patience and tranquility, which is breaking stereotypes. Only a few sparks in the eyes and unrestrained passion with which he surrenders to his favorite cooking give out his true furious nature.

They say that Cook spent many years in the sea at a merchant galleon and when came back, he retained his former position. Then he tried to open his tavern, but for some reason it didn't work out, and soon Cook was in queer street. He prefers to keep silent about his past, and only suddenly accelerated movements with a knife or a rolling pin warn the babblers. The first rule is ”Not talk about Cook’s past”. Second rule is ”You do not talk about Cook’s past”. Third rule: ’’Eat in silence’’.


We wonder if you’ve already decided who would join your caravan?


Also you can follow us on:

Please note that the prologue isn't released yet. The release date will be announced in the future. Signing up guarantees you'll receive it when it's ready.
Stoneshard - Wayfinder


Being busy with all the complex stuff we can’t reveal it unless it’s finished, so you won’t be confused. But that doesn’t mean we got nothing for you today. That’s why we’ll tell you about Caravan followers, characters you can meet(or not) during your playthrough. Sit down, have a drink and listen to the stories.

Verren, Caravaneer

Verren represents people everybody knows, but can tell nothing certain about them. He managed to become quite fortunate by trading artifacts, ancient treatise and other magic stuff. Being quite familiar with sorcerers all around the world he got a good start with arcanology and sorcery to surprise even Aldore’s eminent. When a new catastrophe broke out in the country, he disappeared for a short time to return soon with the most unexpected news and a desire to act.



The fact that he is not an ordinary merchant in the eternal pursuit of profits becomes clear from the first sight. Deportment, exquisite manners, proud posture: everything reveals a man of high society who by the will of fate has lost his former position. However, even the numerous hardships and burdens could not change this man: he remained true to himself, becoming an antiques dealer. For a long time he was engaged in buying and reselling all sorts of valuables and antiques and then another war broke out, and his knowledge became unclaimed. But even these vicissitudes of fate did not make him change himself, even without a penny in his pocket, he insists that he will never descend to speculation with food or weapons.


Crippled Sergeant

Grizzled warmonger, who saw a lot of wars from the first row. People say he enlisted the army soldiers as a young man, but he settled down and served faithfully and truthfully for almost half a century. Wounds could not stop him before that fatal battle... Meeting a Mage is extremely dangerous for mortals, but he lived, yet he lost both legs. Past merits didn’t save him, kicked out he still can’t resign himself. Despite the severe injury, he managed to keep an enviable vigor of spirit, most of which the Sergeant spends on drilling others. As well as a vehement hatred of magic and sorcerers.



All that is reliably known about this mysterious elf is that she comes from some nomadic tribe from the south of the Jade Kingdoms. What forced her to leave her native land and how she found herself in Aldor is a mystery, but for many years she has been wandering from village to village, earning bread by fortune-telling. Dolls, threads, coffee grounds - perhaps she knows all the methods to look into the future, but she gives preference to the good ol’ cards. She inherited that deck from her grandmother, that’s what she loves to tell. She was repeatedly beaten for charlatanry, but many sincerely believe in her amazing ability to predict the future with supernatural accuracy.



Cook is a dwarf by birth, but he grew up in Aldor far away from his native mountains. Cook is a sample of patience and tranquility, which is breaking stereotypes. Only a few sparks in the eyes and unrestrained passion with which he surrenders to his favorite cooking give out his true furious nature.

They say that Cook spent many years in the sea at a merchant galleon and when came back, he retained his former position. Then he tried to open his tavern, but for some reason it didn't work out, and soon Cook was in queer street. He prefers to keep silent about his past, and only suddenly accelerated movements with a knife or a rolling pin warn the babblers. The first rule is ”Not talk about Cook’s past”. Second rule is ”You do not talk about Cook’s past”. Third rule: ’’Eat in silence’’.


We wonder if you’ve already decided who would join your caravan?


Also you can follow us on:

Please note that the prologue isn't released yet. The release date will be announced in the future. Signing up guarantees you'll receive it when it's ready.
Dec 11, 2017
Stoneshard - Wayfinder


Finally we've moved close enough to the lore. Today's journal is all about the game setting. From now on we are going to tell you interesting facts about the game, so that you'd be a more experienced traveler and don't confuse dwarfs and gnomes (which is deadly dangerous, by the way).

Starting from the basics.

So, where and when?

Aldor, who would say this kingdom used to be powerful and prosperous, now is ruled by the Grand Magistrate, the alliance of City-States. During the Discord Grand Magistrate stopped the Civil War by defeating all the opposing Noble Houses. Well, when peace came, the role of the Grand Magistrate diminished. The alliance members walked different paths and peace has left the kingdom. Only power nowadays can guarantee safety.

The ruins remind us about the War of the Fallen and the Discord that followed. No medicine can heal that wound. The signs of war can't be wiped from the face of Aldor. Fragile balance was violated and the blood spilled was worthless after the Last King returned. The great orc migration and another political race added fuel to the fire of war. In a blink of an eye the whole Aldor was split into zones, influenced by fractions.

The Last King? The Fallen? What happened before the game occured?

Half a century before the cliff-hanger, Aldor was swept by the wave of bloodshed, the historians call War of the Fallen. Aldor initiated it against the elven Jade Kingdoms. The result was crucial for Aldor, a lot of cities fell along with the monarchy itself and the Last King disappeared under mysterious circumstances. The war was called that way and the historians meant it. Making the last stand the Last King revived a lot of fallen warriors, that formed half of his army. This terrifying blasphemy was doomed to failure, the Last King was vanquished and left horrific legacy.

That didn’t fill the cup, the Discord, the notorious game of thrones period came. After the Jade armies left, all the pretenders appeared, and the civil war started. For a decade the feud prospered, and only the Grand Magistrate was capable of stopping that insanity, formed by nobles, tired of hatred and violence.

The Last King personality, sides of the conflict, folks of Aldor, they all need to be mentioned, so stay tuned and don’t miss the news. See you soon!


Also you can follow us on:

Please note that the prologue isn't released yet. The release date will be announced in the future. Signing up guarantees you'll receive it when it's ready.
Dec 11, 2017
Stoneshard - Wayfinder


Finally we've moved close enough to the lore. Today's journal is all about the game setting. From now on we are going to tell you interesting facts about the game, so that you'd be a more experienced traveler and don't confuse dwarfs and gnomes (which is deadly dangerous, by the way).

Starting from the basics.

So, where and when?

Aldor, who would say this kingdom used to be powerful and prosperous, now is ruled by the Grand Magistrate, the alliance of City-States. During the Discord Grand Magistrate stopped the Civil War by defeating all the opposing Noble Houses. Well, when peace came, the role of the Grand Magistrate diminished. The alliance members walked different paths and peace has left the kingdom. Only power nowadays can guarantee safety.

The ruins remind us about the War of the Fallen and the Discord that followed. No medicine can heal that wound. The signs of war can't be wiped from the face of Aldor. Fragile balance was violated and the blood spilled was worthless after the Last King returned. The great orc migration and another political race added fuel to the fire of war. In a blink of an eye the whole Aldor was split into zones, influenced by fractions.

The Last King? The Fallen? What happened before the game occured?

Half a century before the cliff-hanger, Aldor was swept by the wave of bloodshed, the historians call War of the Fallen. Aldor initiated it against the elven Jade Kingdoms. The result was crucial for Aldor, a lot of cities fell along with the monarchy itself and the Last King disappeared under mysterious circumstances. The war was called that way and the historians meant it. Making the last stand the Last King revived a lot of fallen warriors, that formed half of his army. This terrifying blasphemy was doomed to failure, the Last King was vanquished and left horrific legacy.

That didn’t fill the cup, the Discord, the notorious game of thrones period came. After the Jade armies left, all the pretenders appeared, and the civil war started. For a decade the feud prospered, and only the Grand Magistrate was capable of stopping that insanity, formed by nobles, tired of hatred and violence.

The Last King personality, sides of the conflict, folks of Aldor, they all need to be mentioned, so stay tuned and don’t miss the news. See you soon!


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Please note that the prologue isn't released yet. The release date will be announced in the future. Signing up guarantees you'll receive it when it's ready.