Blasted Road Terror - Tryzna

Hello everyone! It took me couple of weeks, but im back with another update, bringing game much closer to the state i want i to be before introducing it to the wider audience. Opening Highlands was important step towards my current goal, leaving Tundra as a last location on "to do" list for planned storyline campaign. Even Highland Riders are important milestone for me personaly, this project is still nowhere near finished and its still nothing more than a "shell" that still have to be filled with features and content before beign enjoyable experience.

For now, highland missions started appearing on the aviable missions list and can be picked up any time you want. All mission modes you knew from wasteland are present including patrol missions and yes, you can finaly farm SUPPLIES currency to improve the base further.

Riders showcase
Highland is home of "RIDERS". Insane and brutal madmen who dont hesitate to use captured nomads as human shield. Relying on light armor, speed and dodging your attacks. I wanted them to be bit more than just reskined Bandits from the wasteland and from my personal playtests i am quite happy with the ressult. You need to utilize new tactics and different weapon loadouts to defeat them with ease. Lets have a look at Rider vehicles individualy.

Bikers are fast, low HP annoying insect. However their high dodge chance can ruin the day of the lone vehicle armed with high alpha, but slow firing weapon as they can dodge the fire really well. These are best dealt using fast firing weapons or mines and damage auras as these can not be dodged. In addition, they can be ran over if you have fast interceptor in your squad like Falcon or Mustang.

Hog is the only vehicle with high armor Riders use. Armed with twin linked machine guns with fixed angle limits this foe to always attack your caravan from behind. Again, use of vehicles with minelayer ability yeld best ressults.

Stinger is light vehicle armed with light flamer. There is nothing special about this one, however you have to remember flamer weapons ignores armor, so dont leave your interceptors tanking these alone for too long.

Rocketeer is Riders long range support vehicle. There is nothing too special about them. All of their attacks can be dodged, however when combined with other attacking vehicles it can hurt your vehicles really bad. Should be dealt asap, thx the engine gods, they dont carry any armor and even lone interceptor can handle these pretty fast.

Shredder carries intimidating buzsaw and have quite a HP pool. Fortunately it does not have the armor of Bandits Killer Van and it rellies on HPs and increased fury shield only. This can be threatening when cought unprepared but focused fire can stop them before their saw can even scratch your vehicles.

Crushers are heaviest vehicles Riders can throw at you. Twin linked 50cal machine guns can deliver quite bit of damage to even your interceptors if not dodged and in addition each crusher carries ligh flamer to repel any vehicle trying to distract its fire from up close.


Tinkering service is finaly aviable! This little window serves as an enchanting table for your armor items. You can improve your bumpers, suspension or ornaments, sinking your materials while gaining small advantage in battle with each upgrade you make. Use is pretty straightforward, just dont forget your items there as once you ll return from mission, tinkerer will prettend he never saw you before and your item will be gone.


Near future
Main direction is obvious as adding Tundra location as a last location for main storyline is crucial before introducing non enemy factions and reputation system, but what will happen in between? Well, the "to do" list is still pretty long. For next week i want to go back and revise all the code as there is some unnecessary mess i want to clean up beofre moving forward, and to be honest that was the main reason why i did not added any new items in this update as i need to sort out few things before moving forward in this department. After that i can start adding new weapons and more vehicles to finish the initial set before implementing faction and reputation rewards and finaly move on to interesting stuff like enahncing patrol missions with sub quests, more interesting locations(like abandoned tunels, devastated cities, swamplands etc.) and unexpected events.

Thans for reading & with regards!

Blasted Road Terror - Tryzna

Hello everyone! It took me couple of weeks, but im back with another update, bringing game much closer to the state i want i to be before introducing it to the wider audience. Opening Highlands was important step towards my current goal, leaving Tundra as a last location on "to do" list for planned storyline campaign. Even Highland Riders are important milestone for me personaly, this project is still nowhere near finished and its still nothing more than a "shell" that still have to be filled with features and content before beign enjoyable experience.

For now, highland missions started appearing on the aviable missions list and can be picked up any time you want. All mission modes you knew from wasteland are present including patrol missions and yes, you can finaly farm SUPPLIES currency to improve the base further.

Riders showcase
Highland is home of "RIDERS". Insane and brutal madmen who dont hesitate to use captured nomads as human shield. Relying on light armor, speed and dodging your attacks. I wanted them to be bit more than just reskined Bandits from the wasteland and from my personal playtests i am quite happy with the ressult. You need to utilize new tactics and different weapon loadouts to defeat them with ease. Lets have a look at Rider vehicles individualy.

Bikers are fast, low HP annoying insect. However their high dodge chance can ruin the day of the lone vehicle armed with high alpha, but slow firing weapon as they can dodge the fire really well. These are best dealt using fast firing weapons or mines and damage auras as these can not be dodged. In addition, they can be ran over if you have fast interceptor in your squad like Falcon or Mustang.

Hog is the only vehicle with high armor Riders use. Armed with twin linked machine guns with fixed angle limits this foe to always attack your caravan from behind. Again, use of vehicles with minelayer ability yeld best ressults.

Stinger is light vehicle armed with light flamer. There is nothing special about this one, however you have to remember flamer weapons ignores armor, so dont leave your interceptors tanking these alone for too long.

Rocketeer is Riders long range support vehicle. There is nothing too special about them. All of their attacks can be dodged, however when combined with other attacking vehicles it can hurt your vehicles really bad. Should be dealt asap, thx the engine gods, they dont carry any armor and even lone interceptor can handle these pretty fast.

Shredder carries intimidating buzsaw and have quite a HP pool. Fortunately it does not have the armor of Bandits Killer Van and it rellies on HPs and increased fury shield only. This can be threatening when cought unprepared but focused fire can stop them before their saw can even scratch your vehicles.

Crushers are heaviest vehicles Riders can throw at you. Twin linked 50cal machine guns can deliver quite bit of damage to even your interceptors if not dodged and in addition each crusher carries ligh flamer to repel any vehicle trying to distract its fire from up close.


Tinkering service is finaly aviable! This little window serves as an enchanting table for your armor items. You can improve your bumpers, suspension or ornaments, sinking your materials while gaining small advantage in battle with each upgrade you make. Use is pretty straightforward, just dont forget your items there as once you ll return from mission, tinkerer will prettend he never saw you before and your item will be gone.


Near future
Main direction is obvious as adding Tundra location as a last location for main storyline is crucial before introducing non enemy factions and reputation system, but what will happen in between? Well, the "to do" list is still pretty long. For next week i want to go back and revise all the code as there is some unnecessary mess i want to clean up beofre moving forward, and to be honest that was the main reason why i did not added any new items in this update as i need to sort out few things before moving forward in this department. After that i can start adding new weapons and more vehicles to finish the initial set before implementing faction and reputation rewards and finaly move on to interesting stuff like enahncing patrol missions with sub quests, more interesting locations(like abandoned tunels, devastated cities, swamplands etc.) and unexpected events.

Thans for reading & with regards!

Blasted Road Terror - Tryzna

Hello everyone! Im glad im finaly able to bring you another version of Blasted Road Terror. I think we can finaly consider this version a Alpha release. Sure its still missing like 80% of planned content, but most of the important systems are in place or the game engine is ready for implementing them without problem. But as i need to keep something for next article, lets talk about current build and what it brings in to the game.

New vehicles & weapons
As we mentioned in artcile two weeks ago, there are two new vehicles. Sabre - which can be called "light" marauder with minelayer ability. And Scorpion - a kinetic damage specialized attack vehicle with great mobility.

New weapon is the Scorpid Missile Launcher. It fires volleys of explosive missiles at long range, so there is finaly a effective way how to bring enemy fury shields down from the distance. Its a heavy weapon, so only attack vehicles can rotate this turret, it have low dps, but slow ROF so be prepared for enormous alpha damage.

Scorpid, even its dps is quite low is capable to bring down fury shield of any vehicle in one volley and if rng gods are with you, it can even one shoot weaker vehicles with its alpha. However its low dps will be noticable during boss fights or agains highly armored targets with lots of hp as explosive damage is weak against high armor values. I ll let you figure out its use on your own as i dont want to spoil all the fun, but it have its place in most encounters if you know how to use it.

Weather System
Is finaly in place! Its still in work in progress state and small improvements will be added over the time, but right now we have Dust Storm, Thunder Storm and Light rain events as you probably noticed from the gifs floating around this article. Right now, the weather have just cosmetic effect and does not have any effect on gameplay it self but this will change sometime during beta stage when we ll get there.

Announcers & Loot boxes & Ghoul Ambush
Added little thing i call "Announcers" which dispays event name once an encounter starts during patrol mission as i tought its good if player is informed whats going on before the battle ll actualy start. Its just a litte quality of life improvement, but i think it adds bit both to the game atmospehere and general polish level.

Ghoul ambush is first of many events which im planning to add in to the patrol missions. Its an easy event where you can earn bit of extra scrap, however you have to maneuver your vehicles well to avoid most of the damage.

Early version of lootboxes was implemented as everyone likes opening mysterious crates with purple pixel items;-) Right now, it is dropped by every boss you ll encounter during Assasination Missions. In the future they ll be awarded for completing side quests during patrols or as a reputation rewards.

Download & near future
You can download v0.22 by clicking button below. Hope you ll enjoy it even is not bringing any significant changes when compared with last release, but game is getting really near to the stage beign ready for tons of content updates. Next update will be again about adding small stuff and polishing(sorry) and im planning to release it till end of the month. However i have some big plans for summer, like giving you access to both Highlands and Tundra locations(along with its own enemies) and finaly turning Patrol missions in to the adventure-like experience i want it to be.

Thanks for reading, support & feedback!

Blasted Road Terror - Tryzna

Hello everyone! Im glad im finaly able to bring you another version of Blasted Road Terror. I think we can finaly consider this version a Alpha release. Sure its still missing like 80% of planned content, but most of the important systems are in place or the game engine is ready for implementing them without problem. But as i need to keep something for next article, lets talk about current build and what it brings in to the game.

New vehicles & weapons
As we mentioned in artcile two weeks ago, there are two new vehicles. Sabre - which can be called "light" marauder with minelayer ability. And Scorpion - a kinetic damage specialized attack vehicle with great mobility.

New weapon is the Scorpid Missile Launcher. It fires volleys of explosive missiles at long range, so there is finaly a effective way how to bring enemy fury shields down from the distance. Its a heavy weapon, so only attack vehicles can rotate this turret, it have low dps, but slow ROF so be prepared for enormous alpha damage.

Scorpid, even its dps is quite low is capable to bring down fury shield of any vehicle in one volley and if rng gods are with you, it can even one shoot weaker vehicles with its alpha. However its low dps will be noticable during boss fights or agains highly armored targets with lots of hp as explosive damage is weak against high armor values. I ll let you figure out its use on your own as i dont want to spoil all the fun, but it have its place in most encounters if you know how to use it.

Weather System
Is finaly in place! Its still in work in progress state and small improvements will be added over the time, but right now we have Dust Storm, Thunder Storm and Light rain events as you probably noticed from the gifs floating around this article. Right now, the weather have just cosmetic effect and does not have any effect on gameplay it self but this will change sometime during beta stage when we ll get there.

Announcers & Loot boxes & Ghoul Ambush
Added little thing i call "Announcers" which dispays event name once an encounter starts during patrol mission as i tought its good if player is informed whats going on before the battle ll actualy start. Its just a litte quality of life improvement, but i think it adds bit both to the game atmospehere and general polish level.

Ghoul ambush is first of many events which im planning to add in to the patrol missions. Its an easy event where you can earn bit of extra scrap, however you have to maneuver your vehicles well to avoid most of the damage.

Early version of lootboxes was implemented as everyone likes opening mysterious crates with purple pixel items;-) Right now, it is dropped by every boss you ll encounter during Assasination Missions. In the future they ll be awarded for completing side quests during patrols or as a reputation rewards.

Download & near future
You can download v0.22 by clicking button below. Hope you ll enjoy it even is not bringing any significant changes when compared with last release, but game is getting really near to the stage beign ready for tons of content updates. Next update will be again about adding small stuff and polishing(sorry) and im planning to release it till end of the month. However i have some big plans for summer, like giving you access to both Highlands and Tundra locations(along with its own enemies) and finaly turning Patrol missions in to the adventure-like experience i want it to be.

Thanks for reading, support & feedback!

Blasted Road Terror - Tryzna

Hi again everyone! Three weeks passed since the release of first public alpha version of Blasted Road Terror and even the release was very limited i managed to gather some initial feedback much needed for future development of the game and i would like to say "thank you" to everyone who downloaded the game and was kind enought to let me know his opinion.

Preparing 0.21 release
I took few days off to take much needed break and used it to think about the game and direction its heading. Next release will focus on polishing the game, improving and expanding ingame tutorial and adding pieces of new content in form of new vehicles, weather system, new items and adding event or two for Patrol mission mode.

Improving Patrol missions
Added screw convoys to second fuel convoys so you can focus on gathering game primary currency if you desire to do so and to give you more choices when considering turn on next crossroad. Screw convoys works the same way like fuel carrying ones. The only difference is that they are not guarded that well to reflect the fact that they ll be your secondary objective most of the time.

Another event you will be able to encounter in next release is Ghoul Swarm. Ghoul swarms spawns randomly most of the time and bigger chance to encounter one will be during night time. Oportunity to run over bunch of ghouls will rarely open in mission selector as well, but the profit from running these is minimal and only real benefit will be "Ghoul Hunters" reputation gain once factions and reputation system will be implemented along with faction unique items.

New vehicles
Added second marauder, the Sabre. Sabre is lighter and bit more agile than Devastator and comes with "minelayer" ability. Sure there is drawback in having less armor and hit points than its tougher brother.

Another addition to your vehicle park is Scorpion. Scorpion is again, lighter than its older sister Flea and have heavy kinetic weapons specialization(+20% dmg output with coresponding weapon type) which makes it ideal platofrm for carrying minigun for example. Basicaly, Scorpion was given Fleas original stats and Flea was reworked to be bit slower, durable and was given explosive weapon specialization, turning it in to long range fury shield anihilator.

Next update will be aviable in week or two and i belive the project is walking in right direction even it ll take few more months till my vision will start taking shape and will hopefuly starts beign enojyable experience. Hope you will remain interested and help me with your feedback to make the game better.

Thanks for reading and with regards!

Blasted Road Terror - Tryzna

Hi again everyone! Three weeks passed since the release of first public alpha version of Blasted Road Terror and even the release was very limited i managed to gather some initial feedback much needed for future development of the game and i would like to say "thank you" to everyone who downloaded the game and was kind enought to let me know his opinion.

Preparing 0.21 release
I took few days off to take much needed break and used it to think about the game and direction its heading. Next release will focus on polishing the game, improving and expanding ingame tutorial and adding pieces of new content in form of new vehicles, weather system, new items and adding event or two for Patrol mission mode.

Improving Patrol missions
Added screw convoys to second fuel convoys so you can focus on gathering game primary currency if you desire to do so and to give you more choices when considering turn on next crossroad. Screw convoys works the same way like fuel carrying ones. The only difference is that they are not guarded that well to reflect the fact that they ll be your secondary objective most of the time.

Another event you will be able to encounter in next release is Ghoul Swarm. Ghoul swarms spawns randomly most of the time and bigger chance to encounter one will be during night time. Oportunity to run over bunch of ghouls will rarely open in mission selector as well, but the profit from running these is minimal and only real benefit will be "Ghoul Hunters" reputation gain once factions and reputation system will be implemented along with faction unique items.

New vehicles
Added second marauder, the Sabre. Sabre is lighter and bit more agile than Devastator and comes with "minelayer" ability. Sure there is drawback in having less armor and hit points than its tougher brother.

Another addition to your vehicle park is Scorpion. Scorpion is again, lighter than its older sister Flea and have heavy kinetic weapons specialization(+20% dmg output with coresponding weapon type) which makes it ideal platofrm for carrying minigun for example. Basicaly, Scorpion was given Fleas original stats and Flea was reworked to be bit slower, durable and was given explosive weapon specialization, turning it in to long range fury shield anihilator.

Next update will be aviable in week or two and i belive the project is walking in right direction even it ll take few more months till my vision will start taking shape and will hopefuly starts beign enojyable experience. Hope you will remain interested and help me with your feedback to make the game better.

Thanks for reading and with regards!

Blasted Road Terror - Tryzna

Hello everyone! Please accept my warm welcome in to the dried world of Blasted Road Terror! It was a long way till the game finaly reached this stage, and as you can imagine, i am bit nervous right now. I took a road straight through uncharted teritories with this game as its my first project thats not a simple scrolling shmup or top down shooter so a lot of my experiences does not apply here. Thats why i absolutely cant guess the outcome of this release and its quite possible you ll tell me: "Dude, it sux, you just wasted eight months of your life.". Thats why im releasing this "ALPHA concept test" as i dont want to hear exactly the same, just a year later.

Content of this release

This alpha package offers core of the game, most of the base facilities are working(well in the end i think only tinkerers station is not working right now) and survival, escort, assasination and patrol missions are aviable for wasteland teritory. Vehicle park contains 3 interceptors, one marauder and one light attack vehicle. There is at least one weapon of each class and type and several variants of bumpers, suspension and ornaments to further enhance and customize your vehicles. Yes, its a bit limited, but enough for purposes of this release, to let me know if the game concept is enjoyable or complete crap. To find out just click the download button below and enjoy the ride.

Game can be dowloaded from its page at indieDB or click the link here:

Gameplay video

I understand BRT gameplay can be bit confusing at first and as ingame tutorial is very brief right now i prepared simple gameplay video for you where you can see journey of fresh save through first couple of missions and successful patrol run.

What to expect in near future?

Well, complete and detailed project road map will follow in next update here on indieDB, but without writing any "point" list, current priorities are: More vehicle variety, as i want to have at least two other marauders and attack vehicles, before we ll move any further. Next priority is long-term and will follow me through entire development process and possibly even beyond the full release point - to add more items as current selection of weapons feels limited and does not represent the feel i would love the game to have.

My second big concern is the game UI, while i am mostly fine with main base interface for now and only thing i am ashamed off is the base upgrade screen, combat ui is completely different story and will need complete overhaul as soon as possible. Thats why i am asking you: " Please, be patient with it" :-)

After these will be handled, i can finaly add highlands and tundra missions, along with zone unique sets of enemies and challenges. And after that stuff like more missions, story missions, story and more things that ll give running missions some purpose can be added, but in this case we are talking about sometime mid/late summer.

Sure there is much more i would like to say, but i suspect no one is interested in chewing through wall of text and thats why we sohould end right here. Cant wait for your feedback and looking forward for next time!

With regards

Blasted Road Terror - Tryzna

Hello everyone! Please accept my warm welcome in to the dried world of Blasted Road Terror! It was a long way till the game finaly reached this stage, and as you can imagine, i am bit nervous right now. I took a road straight through uncharted teritories with this game as its my first project thats not a simple scrolling shmup or top down shooter so a lot of my experiences does not apply here. Thats why i absolutely cant guess the outcome of this release and its quite possible you ll tell me: "Dude, it sux, you just wasted eight months of your life.". Thats why im releasing this "ALPHA concept test" as i dont want to hear exactly the same, just a year later.

Content of this release

This alpha package offers core of the game, most of the base facilities are working(well in the end i think only tinkerers station is not working right now) and survival, escort, assasination and patrol missions are aviable for wasteland teritory. Vehicle park contains 3 interceptors, one marauder and one light attack vehicle. There is at least one weapon of each class and type and several variants of bumpers, suspension and ornaments to further enhance and customize your vehicles. Yes, its a bit limited, but enough for purposes of this release, to let me know if the game concept is enjoyable or complete crap. To find out just click the download button below and enjoy the ride.

Game can be dowloaded from its page at indieDB or click the link here:

Gameplay video

I understand BRT gameplay can be bit confusing at first and as ingame tutorial is very brief right now i prepared simple gameplay video for you where you can see journey of fresh save through first couple of missions and successful patrol run.

What to expect in near future?

Well, complete and detailed project road map will follow in next update here on indieDB, but without writing any "point" list, current priorities are: More vehicle variety, as i want to have at least two other marauders and attack vehicles, before we ll move any further. Next priority is long-term and will follow me through entire development process and possibly even beyond the full release point - to add more items as current selection of weapons feels limited and does not represent the feel i would love the game to have.

My second big concern is the game UI, while i am mostly fine with main base interface for now and only thing i am ashamed off is the base upgrade screen, combat ui is completely different story and will need complete overhaul as soon as possible. Thats why i am asking you: " Please, be patient with it" :-)

After these will be handled, i can finaly add highlands and tundra missions, along with zone unique sets of enemies and challenges. And after that stuff like more missions, story missions, story and more things that ll give running missions some purpose can be added, but in this case we are talking about sometime mid/late summer.

Sure there is much more i would like to say, but i suspect no one is interested in chewing through wall of text and thats why we sohould end right here. Cant wait for your feedback and looking forward for next time!

With regards
