Dead Cells - Messbass

( "No thanks", courtesy of steam user Kyrozen)

Heya friends!

Long time no see. We're sorry for the recent lack of communication, we've been swamped preparing the console announcement. Speaking of which…

… We're damn thrilled to let you know that we're bringing Dead Cells to Nintendo Switch, Xbox One and PS4.

Who cares!?! This is the fricken PC man!

Alright, but you may know someone who only owns a console or something… Okay, who I am I kidding? We're just super happy and can't keep ourselves from telling the world about it. So there. I said it.

What about, ya know… Updates?

We have a few thing to figure out, but more info will be coming next week on our current plans for the following months.

Also if you're interested in some more technical details on how we get that fluid pixel art animation going on... Our talented Art Director Thomas Vasseur put together this blog post on the process.

Signing off on some awesome artworks done by the community!

Dead Cells Fan Art, by @mknol.

A badass PixelArt tribute, by @PencayFome

Dead Cells' meme (<3) by Reddit user Roguelikegall

A great phone wallpaper, by Elkopolo (again). Take also a look at his profile to see awesome weapon concepts!

See ya next week!

Dead Cells - Messbass

( "No thanks", courtesy of steam user Kyrozen)

Heya friends!

Long time no see. We're sorry for the recent lack of communication, we've been swamped preparing the console announcement. Speaking of which…

… We're damn thrilled to let you know that we're bringing Dead Cells to Nintendo Switch, Xbox One and PS4.

Who cares!?! This is the fricken PC man!

Alright, but you may know someone who only owns a console or something… Okay, who I am I kidding? We're just super happy and can't keep ourselves from telling the world about it. So there. I said it.

What about, ya know… Updates?

We have a few thing to figure out, but more info will be coming next week on our current plans for the following months.

Also if you're interested in some more technical details on how we get that fluid pixel art animation going on... Our talented Art Director Thomas Vasseur put together this blog post on the process.

Signing off on some awesome artworks done by the community!

Dead Cells Fan Art, by @mknol.

A badass PixelArt tribute, by @PencayFome

Dead Cells' meme (<3) by Reddit user Roguelikegall

A great phone wallpaper, by Elkopolo (again). Take also a look at his profile to see awesome weapon concepts!

See ya next week!

Dead Cells - indieCatapult

Hey there all,

We hope that you’ve had a great Christmas period and that you had the chance to take some time off to relax with family, eat a bunch of food and generally recover from 2017, another year filled with wild events and some really great games.

We couldn’t be happier to finish the year off at the top of RPS’ Advent Calendar and we’re really proud that we’ve come so far with all your help. Here’s a little of what the people across the pond had to say about Dead Cells.

Last chance to get Dead Cells at (early)Early Access prices!

We just wanted to stop by and reiterate that Dead Cells will be increasing in price early in the new year. We think that we’ve done the bulk of the risky part of the development now and that the trust so many of you have put in our team has paid off.

While we’re far from finishing the game and realizing our complete vision, anyone who jumps onboard now is going to be playing a very polished game with hours and hours of fun. For those of you who did take the plunge and put your faith in a first time Steam game team… Thank you!

We’d like to thank you guys for your ideas, your complaints, your rage, hell even your negative reviews in Chinese. We do our best to listen to each and every bit of feedback, and while there’s not a lot we can do to help the people leaving reviews like “For some reason, I keep coming back to life. Fradulent title. - Painkillers”, we do try to deal with the more reasonable complaints by making concrete changes to the game.

As we made clear right from the beginning, the price might rise and it’s time for that to happen. So let your friends know! Once the winter sale is over the game will jump up to 19.99USD/EUR and corresponding regional prices.

Our latest VLOG and last post for the year:

We found the time over the last few weeks to work across time zones and cobble together a little VLOG post for you to check out. It’s filled with stuffy nosed rambling about what we’ve done throughout 2017 as well as some info about what we’re planning for 2018. Check it out and feel free to ridicule the hopeless voiceover attempts. I was sick alright… ;p

Community highlights:

We really feel like we should do more of these, so here’s a couple of good ones from the talented people that like our hodgepodge mashup of a game:

Happy New Year everyone!
Dead Cells - indieCatapult

Hey there all,

We hope that you’ve had a great Christmas period and that you had the chance to take some time off to relax with family, eat a bunch of food and generally recover from 2017, another year filled with wild events and some really great games.

We couldn’t be happier to finish the year off at the top of RPS’ Advent Calendar and we’re really proud that we’ve come so far with all your help. Here’s a little of what the people across the pond had to say about Dead Cells.

Last chance to get Dead Cells at (early)Early Access prices!

We just wanted to stop by and reiterate that Dead Cells will be increasing in price early in the new year. We think that we’ve done the bulk of the risky part of the development now and that the trust so many of you have put in our team has paid off.

While we’re far from finishing the game and realizing our complete vision, anyone who jumps onboard now is going to be playing a very polished game with hours and hours of fun. For those of you who did take the plunge and put your faith in a first time Steam game team… Thank you!

We’d like to thank you guys for your ideas, your complaints, your rage, hell even your negative reviews in Chinese. We do our best to listen to each and every bit of feedback, and while there’s not a lot we can do to help the people leaving reviews like “For some reason, I keep coming back to life. Fradulent title. - Painkillers”, we do try to deal with the more reasonable complaints by making concrete changes to the game.

As we made clear right from the beginning, the price might rise and it’s time for that to happen. So let your friends know! Once the winter sale is over the game will jump up to 19.99USD/EUR and corresponding regional prices.

Our latest VLOG and last post for the year:

We found the time over the last few weeks to work across time zones and cobble together a little VLOG post for you to check out. It’s filled with stuffy nosed rambling about what we’ve done throughout 2017 as well as some info about what we’re planning for 2018. Check it out and feel free to ridicule the hopeless voiceover attempts. I was sick alright… ;p

Community highlights:

We really feel like we should do more of these, so here’s a couple of good ones from the talented people that like our hodgepodge mashup of a game:

Happy New Year everyone!
Dead Cells - Messbass

Happy Holidays all!

We hope that you’re enjoying some time off with family if you’re celebrating Christmas, or just taking advantage of the time off to relax and catch up as we hurtle towards a new year and a stack more deaths against all the new death traps we’re preparing for you…

Download the HD version here

The Foundry Update is here!

We’ve been crowing about it on the forums (over here and here) but we’re very pleased to announce that the last part of our major game rebalance and overall changefest, is here! The Foundry Update brings the remaining core features we absolutely wanted to implement in Dead Cells.

First, the addition of Mutations will let you choose between several contextual advantages while scaling on your level of Strength, Tactic, or Survival. Some provide flat bonuses which don’t scale. The point is to let you customize your progression to your playstyle and to your gear. Or strategically choose a set of mutations to help you overcome a specific challenge. As the idea is to leave you room to adapt, you can re-spec between each level… if you don’t mind spending some of your hard earned coin, of course.

The Custom Difficulty goes hand in hand with the new Weapon Upgrade system now available. Once you’ve beaten the game for the first time, you will be able to increase the difficulty up to three times, which will allow you to continue upgrading your favorite weapons. With tougher enemies and no health fountains, the hardest difficulty should provide a decent challenge for everyone, including the most skilled players. Improving your weapons is highly advised before diving in.

You can find out about everything that we’ve changed in the patchnotes here.

Trading Cards:

After a stack (and I do mean a stack) of demand we’ve finally gotten around to putting Steam trading cards and whatnot into the game. The ever adaptable Gwenichou put his head down and his bum up to not only bring you a stack of new levels, skins, and backgrounds, but 15 trading cards, a couple of different backgrounds, emoticons and badges!

We hope that you have fun collecting them and selling them to your friends for outrageous sums of money… Or you know.. A few cents.

Dead Cells is 25% off right now!

As you may have noticed Dead Cells is on sale! We’ll be at -25% off until the end of the winter sales, so tell a friend or just buy them a copy and send it off with a “ho ho ho, prepare to die” message of festiveness.

This is a particularly important sale as we’ll be increasing the price of the game in the new year to 19.99 USD/EUR with corresponding prices in other regions. We think that given the amount of content in the game right now we can push up the price as we have announced we will do since the beginning of the early access.

We feel like the long list of additions and improvements we’ve made to Dead Cells since May have considerably improved the experience. And, buying the game now is far less risky than trusting and supporting us with your money was when we launched.

You got behind us and got involved in a big way and we couldn’t have made the game what it is without your feedback, ideas, complaints and encouragement. It’s been awesome and we’re going to work even harder to make sure that 2018 is bigger and better.

As usual we welcome your feedback on the subject and look forward to hearing what you think.

Community Highlights

We should do it more often, you guys are awesome! Here are some recent artworks done by the community.

@Elkopolo reimagined Dead Cells as a first and third person game.. Seems awesome but a bit anxious with the like of the golems!

Elkopolo struck again with the help of redditor solsund for a dual monitor wallpaper. Get yours here!

The prisoners’cell by @EyeSiU

And finally, this beautiful piece by @Space_algae.

Merry Christmas!

The MT Team
Dead Cells - Messbass

Happy Holidays all!

We hope that you’re enjoying some time off with family if you’re celebrating Christmas, or just taking advantage of the time off to relax and catch up as we hurtle towards a new year and a stack more deaths against all the new death traps we’re preparing for you…

Download the HD version here

The Foundry Update is here!

We’ve been crowing about it on the forums (over here and here) but we’re very pleased to announce that the last part of our major game rebalance and overall changefest, is here! The Foundry Update brings the remaining core features we absolutely wanted to implement in Dead Cells.

First, the addition of Mutations will let you choose between several contextual advantages while scaling on your level of Strength, Tactic, or Survival. Some provide flat bonuses which don’t scale. The point is to let you customize your progression to your playstyle and to your gear. Or strategically choose a set of mutations to help you overcome a specific challenge. As the idea is to leave you room to adapt, you can re-spec between each level… if you don’t mind spending some of your hard earned coin, of course.

The Custom Difficulty goes hand in hand with the new Weapon Upgrade system now available. Once you’ve beaten the game for the first time, you will be able to increase the difficulty up to three times, which will allow you to continue upgrading your favorite weapons. With tougher enemies and no health fountains, the hardest difficulty should provide a decent challenge for everyone, including the most skilled players. Improving your weapons is highly advised before diving in.

You can find out about everything that we’ve changed in the patchnotes here.

Trading Cards:

After a stack (and I do mean a stack) of demand we’ve finally gotten around to putting Steam trading cards and whatnot into the game. The ever adaptable Gwenichou put his head down and his bum up to not only bring you a stack of new levels, skins, and backgrounds, but 15 trading cards, a couple of different backgrounds, emoticons and badges!

We hope that you have fun collecting them and selling them to your friends for outrageous sums of money… Or you know.. A few cents.

Dead Cells is 25% off right now!

As you may have noticed Dead Cells is on sale! We’ll be at -25% off until the end of the winter sales, so tell a friend or just buy them a copy and send it off with a “ho ho ho, prepare to die” message of festiveness.

This is a particularly important sale as we’ll be increasing the price of the game in the new year to 19.99 USD/EUR with corresponding prices in other regions. We think that given the amount of content in the game right now we can push up the price as we have announced we will do since the beginning of the early access.

We feel like the long list of additions and improvements we’ve made to Dead Cells since May have considerably improved the experience. And, buying the game now is far less risky than trusting and supporting us with your money was when we launched.

You got behind us and got involved in a big way and we couldn’t have made the game what it is without your feedback, ideas, complaints and encouragement. It’s been awesome and we’re going to work even harder to make sure that 2018 is bigger and better.

As usual we welcome your feedback on the subject and look forward to hearing what you think.

Community Highlights

We should do it more often, you guys are awesome! Here are some recent artworks done by the community.

@Elkopolo reimagined Dead Cells as a first and third person game.. Seems awesome but a bit anxious with the like of the golems!

Elkopolo struck again with the help of redditor solsund for a dual monitor wallpaper. Get yours here!

The prisoners’cell by @EyeSiU

And finally, this beautiful piece by @Space_algae.

Merry Christmas!

The MT Team
Dead Cells - indieCatapult

Hey all!

As the new systems scheduled for our fifth update have been implemented in the game, the Foundry update is now available on the beta branch. This update focuses on adding core gameplay systems and mechanics, built on the base of the Brutal update:
  • Custom difficulty: Find the game too easy for your god-like skills? Take the challenge to the next level with the Boss Source Cells, shiny, grimey cells you can activate and deactivate at will in the starting room. Will you live to strike doom on the Assassin without your precious health flasks being generously filled between each level?
  • The Foundry has opened its doors again… Can you feel the warmth, hear the the hammer, the bellows? Only the brave will be deemed worthy of acquiring the blacksmith’s services. (Yes, the blacksmith is indeed an elitist prick). Jokes aside, this is the new endgame/meta progression system backing up the blueprint unlocks.Take a look and tell us what you think.
  • Level up your character through Mutations: Guillain never really felt that he received the recognition he was due in his previous position, so he decided to try his hand running his own business. Mutations are perks that allow you to customize your strategy and play style depending on the gear you’ve found while exploring and murdering half the population of the island.
Also, heaps and heaps of UI changes, bug fixes, balancing, ya know the deal now.

Overall, the Alpha branch testers did a great job helping us out with big hunting and tracking down our various brain farts. It should hopefully reduce the time spent in beta and make the live release an even more stable and enjoyable experience from the get go. We might open it again for new features we feel could benefit from some early feedback, in any case we’ll keep you posted.

In other news, half the team is getting busy coughin’ n’ sneezin’ at home because it’s fricking cold and wet over here. PSA: if you can, stay inside playing video games, it’s actually good for your health.

As such we’ll be off drinking lemon teas and calling for the priest or unwrapping presents and drinking heavily over the holiday period, we’ll do our best to leave you with a bug free build for Christmas!

Happy Holiday season to everyone!

How to Access the Beta:
Dead Cells - indieCatapult

Hey all!

As the new systems scheduled for our fifth update have been implemented in the game, the Foundry update is now available on the beta branch. This update focuses on adding core gameplay systems and mechanics, built on the base of the Brutal update:
  • Custom difficulty: Find the game too easy for your god-like skills? Take the challenge to the next level with the Boss Source Cells, shiny, grimey cells you can activate and deactivate at will in the starting room. Will you live to strike doom on the Assassin without your precious health flasks being generously filled between each level?
  • The Foundry has opened its doors again… Can you feel the warmth, hear the the hammer, the bellows? Only the brave will be deemed worthy of acquiring the blacksmith’s services. (Yes, the blacksmith is indeed an elitist prick). Jokes aside, this is the new endgame/meta progression system backing up the blueprint unlocks.Take a look and tell us what you think.
  • Level up your character through Mutations: Guillain never really felt that he received the recognition he was due in his previous position, so he decided to try his hand running his own business. Mutations are perks that allow you to customize your strategy and play style depending on the gear you’ve found while exploring and murdering half the population of the island.
Also, heaps and heaps of UI changes, bug fixes, balancing, ya know the deal now.

Overall, the Alpha branch testers did a great job helping us out with big hunting and tracking down our various brain farts. It should hopefully reduce the time spent in beta and make the live release an even more stable and enjoyable experience from the get go. We might open it again for new features we feel could benefit from some early feedback, in any case we’ll keep you posted.

In other news, half the team is getting busy coughin’ n’ sneezin’ at home because it’s fricking cold and wet over here. PSA: if you can, stay inside playing video games, it’s actually good for your health.

As such we’ll be off drinking lemon teas and calling for the priest or unwrapping presents and drinking heavily over the holiday period, we’ll do our best to leave you with a bug free build for Christmas!

Happy Holiday season to everyone!

How to Access the Beta:
Dead Cells - Messbass

I can do that aaaaalllllll day, Golem.

TLDR; New Alpha branch opened with the level up system 2.1 /!\ Beware, it’s far from being finished at this stage. New forum subsections available to help us sort the feedback for each branch. A news box is now shown on the home screen of the game, to keep you up to date on the latest changes.

Evolved Tiers system available on the new Alpha branch. Feedback welcomed!

Hey there!

How’s everyone doing today? We hope you’re having fun exploring the new levels, finding new ways to get OP and of course, being crushed by the outrageously unfair traps and OP enemies in the Clock Tower.

At Motion Twin HQ, we’re continuing our quest for an improved level-up system on the foundations laid out by the 4th Update. We may break a few things in the process, filling some wastepaper baskets with discarded ideas or threatening violence when internal feedback from colleagues range from “I didn’t know we were developing a kid’s game” to nothing but salty tears and death stares...

As a consequence, we’re officially inviting those of you who really want to get a “behind the scenes” look at what we’re working on and how we iterate over Dead Cells, to join the early access of a beta of an early access game, our beta-est beta, the “alpha” branch!

So, how does it work?

Currently, the beta branch is a way for us to get help hunting bugs, finding and fixing crashes and balancing and polishing what is essentially a “release candidate”. The Alpha branch aimed at bringing us closer to the community and exposing issues earlier.

Now before you rush off to try said Alpha Branch, a few things to consider:

  • As you can imagine, the Alpha build WILL be highly unstable. So, don’t panic if you don’t like what you see there, this is very much a behind-the-scenes build so it will probably feel unfinished compared to the more complete builds you’re used to seeing.

  • Moreover, your progression won’t be transferable to your main save. When you launch the Alpha build, you will be able to either start from a fresh save or import your progression from one of your 3 slots. From there, you can continue unlocking things in the Alpha branch, but your progression will be erased each time the Alpha build is updated and you won’t be able to export your alpha saves to the other public builds. Basically, this allows you to start fresh or with your previous unlocks, while never jeopardizing your main branch saves.

Please note, that the Alpha branch is making an appearance now so that we can test specific ideas relating to the new leveling system. We may use it again later down the road, but we’ll cross that troll infested bridge when we come to it.

A word about the new level up system.

The main idea behind this design is to let players customize their playstyle through mutations, each mutation being linked to and scaling with your level of Brutality, Tactics or Survival. Some mutations don’t scale and as such aren’t linked to a specific color. Alpha testers will have access to all perks to give us feedback but some will have to be unlocked on future builds, making the progression a little less dense.

One of the other issues we’re trying to solve in this new design is the survival build. In Dead Cells, being tanky has always come with the trade-off of taking an eternity to kill an enemy. Adding green weapons just made the survival build outrageously OP by giving players health AND damage at the same time… So, we’re moving away from the old “give ‘em more life” fix and trying out something new. Now you’ll have an easier time recovering health with new ways of getting it back. Plus you won’t feel like you’re trying to “bite the monster’s bloody legs off!”

Damage scaling has also been reduced in order to better balance the game. We’ve notably reduced the amount of health that you get from each scroll of the same color, making single-stat builds truly risky. On the contrary, going hybrid will give you a little more wriggle room and offer up more variety in the choice of equipment.

Finally, the patch, of course, comes with heaps of balancing fixes to go along with the new changes.

Read the full Alpha Build patch notes here.

Now all of the fun stuff has been said, we’re also opening two new subsections in the forums, one for the feedback regarding the alpha branch and one dedicated to the beta branch. This is for obvious organisational reasons, but it’s something that we hope will give you a clearer idea of where to post when you’re raging about that new feature that nobody else seems to know about yet...

Last but not least, you may soon notice a news-box on the Dead Cells’ home screen in game. The idea is to make sure you’re notified when we push a new update, rather than finding out halfway through a run, that you ain’t in Kansas anymore...

Well, that’s all for today. Don’t hesitate to tell us what you think about all this change in the comments. Again, thank you all for your continuous support!

How to access the Alpha branch:

Hey all this is the ALPHA Branch forum. Here we'll be collecting information and feedback about the SUPER UNSTABLE and very unbalanced ALPHA version of the game. Don't be coming in here and complaining about how "it's not good/finished/perfect/whatever" we know, that's the whole point.

Please do be coming in here and saying things like "Hmmm, this mechanic X seems cool, but have you thought about what would happen if this was the case?" or, "I've tried out the new feature X, but I didn't like it because of Y and Z"

This kind of feedback will be invaluable for us! Thanks guys!

How do I get in?
To access the ALPHA follow these instructions:
Go to your Steam game library.
Right click on Dead Cells and click "properties".
Select the tab "Betas".
In the first dropdown box select "Alpha - Not for the faint hearted".
Click close and wait for the upload to finish downloading.
Start playing.

In this version of the game you will lose your save every time we push an update, which could be pretty often! This will not impact your old save files. You will be able to import the old ones in to this version, but not export them. This way you can play with everything you've already unlocked, without fear of frying your saves.

If you are still worried about losing you save then feel free to head over here: "steam\userdata\<ID>\588650\remote" and copy the files somewhere safe.

There is a special slot only for saves from this version that will appear. It's pretty self explanatory, but feel free to ask questions. :)

Dead Cells - Messbass

I can do that aaaaalllllll day, Golem.

TLDR; New Alpha branch opened with the level up system 2.1 /!\ Beware, it’s far from being finished at this stage. New forum subsections available to help us sort the feedback for each branch. A news box is now shown on the home screen of the game, to keep you up to date on the latest changes.

Evolved Tiers system available on the new Alpha branch. Feedback welcomed!

Hey there!

How’s everyone doing today? We hope you’re having fun exploring the new levels, finding new ways to get OP and of course, being crushed by the outrageously unfair traps and OP enemies in the Clock Tower.

At Motion Twin HQ, we’re continuing our quest for an improved level-up system on the foundations laid out by the 4th Update. We may break a few things in the process, filling some wastepaper baskets with discarded ideas or threatening violence when internal feedback from colleagues range from “I didn’t know we were developing a kid’s game” to nothing but salty tears and death stares...

As a consequence, we’re officially inviting those of you who really want to get a “behind the scenes” look at what we’re working on and how we iterate over Dead Cells, to join the early access of a beta of an early access game, our beta-est beta, the “alpha” branch!

So, how does it work?

Currently, the beta branch is a way for us to get help hunting bugs, finding and fixing crashes and balancing and polishing what is essentially a “release candidate”. The Alpha branch aimed at bringing us closer to the community and exposing issues earlier.

Now before you rush off to try said Alpha Branch, a few things to consider:

  • As you can imagine, the Alpha build WILL be highly unstable. So, don’t panic if you don’t like what you see there, this is very much a behind-the-scenes build so it will probably feel unfinished compared to the more complete builds you’re used to seeing.

  • Moreover, your progression won’t be transferable to your main save. When you launch the Alpha build, you will be able to either start from a fresh save or import your progression from one of your 3 slots. From there, you can continue unlocking things in the Alpha branch, but your progression will be erased each time the Alpha build is updated and you won’t be able to export your alpha saves to the other public builds. Basically, this allows you to start fresh or with your previous unlocks, while never jeopardizing your main branch saves.

Please note, that the Alpha branch is making an appearance now so that we can test specific ideas relating to the new leveling system. We may use it again later down the road, but we’ll cross that troll infested bridge when we come to it.

A word about the new level up system.

The main idea behind this design is to let players customize their playstyle through mutations, each mutation being linked to and scaling with your level of Brutality, Tactics or Survival. Some mutations don’t scale and as such aren’t linked to a specific color. Alpha testers will have access to all perks to give us feedback but some will have to be unlocked on future builds, making the progression a little less dense.

One of the other issues we’re trying to solve in this new design is the survival build. In Dead Cells, being tanky has always come with the trade-off of taking an eternity to kill an enemy. Adding green weapons just made the survival build outrageously OP by giving players health AND damage at the same time… So, we’re moving away from the old “give ‘em more life” fix and trying out something new. Now you’ll have an easier time recovering health with new ways of getting it back. Plus you won’t feel like you’re trying to “bite the monster’s bloody legs off!”

Damage scaling has also been reduced in order to better balance the game. We’ve notably reduced the amount of health that you get from each scroll of the same color, making single-stat builds truly risky. On the contrary, going hybrid will give you a little more wriggle room and offer up more variety in the choice of equipment.

Finally, the patch, of course, comes with heaps of balancing fixes to go along with the new changes.

Read the full Alpha Build patch notes here.

Now all of the fun stuff has been said, we’re also opening two new subsections in the forums, one for the feedback regarding the alpha branch and one dedicated to the beta branch. This is for obvious organisational reasons, but it’s something that we hope will give you a clearer idea of where to post when you’re raging about that new feature that nobody else seems to know about yet...

Last but not least, you may soon notice a news-box on the Dead Cells’ home screen in game. The idea is to make sure you’re notified when we push a new update, rather than finding out halfway through a run, that you ain’t in Kansas anymore...

Well, that’s all for today. Don’t hesitate to tell us what you think about all this change in the comments. Again, thank you all for your continuous support!

How to access the Alpha branch:

Hey all this is the ALPHA Branch forum. Here we'll be collecting information and feedback about the SUPER UNSTABLE and very unbalanced ALPHA version of the game. Don't be coming in here and complaining about how "it's not good/finished/perfect/whatever" we know, that's the whole point.

Please do be coming in here and saying things like "Hmmm, this mechanic X seems cool, but have you thought about what would happen if this was the case?" or, "I've tried out the new feature X, but I didn't like it because of Y and Z"

This kind of feedback will be invaluable for us! Thanks guys!

How do I get in?
To access the ALPHA follow these instructions:
Go to your Steam game library.
Right click on Dead Cells and click "properties".
Select the tab "Betas".
In the first dropdown box select "Alpha - Not for the faint hearted".
Click close and wait for the upload to finish downloading.
Start playing.

In this version of the game you will lose your save every time we push an update, which could be pretty often! This will not impact your old save files. You will be able to import the old ones in to this version, but not export them. This way you can play with everything you've already unlocked, without fear of frying your saves.

If you are still worried about losing you save then feel free to head over here: "steam\userdata\<ID>\588650\remote" and copy the files somewhere safe.

There is a special slot only for saves from this version that will appear. It's pretty self explanatory, but feel free to ask questions. :)
