Dead Cells - Messbass

Cry me a river...

Hey there

The Fourth “Brutal” Update is now live for everyone. Aaaaaand we had a little trailer done to celebrate!
This update brings A LOT of changes to the Pre "Brutal" Dead Cells era, so we kinda need you to get in there, beat the crap out of it and give us some feedback.

What’s new?

Duel in the clouds
A new boss has arrived… Be polite and don’t let her wait around for you too much.

Explore and survive two new biomes:
  • The Slumbering Sanctuary will need to be awoken before it will allow you to pass. However, its inhabitants might not be too pleased to see you hanging around in their domain. Can’t really blame them though...Who likes to be disturbed during a quick nap?

  • You will need to climb to the top of The Clock Tower to ring the Bell of the Awa… sorry, wrong game. So yeah, climb to the top, if you can, because it’s more booby-trapped than a Mayan temple, with little room to fight in and full of teleporting monsters. But, hey, the view is incredible.

A whole new Scroll System! The Strength Meta is dead, long live the Survival Meta! Well, no, not really. It’s gonna be balanced… or… you know… killed.

Anyway, more about the new system here or in the full patch notes here.

Experiment with new means to kill! 10 new weapons/spells/shields/skills. Choose your weapon, chaps.

Parry your way through the island! Shields have been fully reworked and should be way more enjoyable to use. You can now hold it up to get a guaranteed damage reduction or risk a parry for a sweet effect and bonus damage. Also, they can send back arrows and projectiles. So. Dope.

New Foes! Why not invite them over for a tea, just to get to know them?


Yeah, I know I could have just double jump. Can't you be more supportive for once?

The Island has changed again! Biomes may not be where you’re used to finding them, and even the Watcher has been moved (against its will) from its “final-boss” position. It'll always remember these good ol’ days as the peak of its career.

A New UI has been implemented to accompany the whole scrolls/ weapons rework.

The most loved feature of Dead Cells now comes with even more choice! (I’m obviously talking about letting the player choose their diet)

Less placeholder skins: the various zombie hosts had a facelift.

And much more... Full patch notes here

Coming up:

Just so you know, the next update should come (unless we change our plans, which, can happen) with a new difficulty customization system as well as a meaningful way to spend your hard-earned cells. Also, balancing. Lots of balancing...

Beta testers, please read!

Hey friends. Thanks for the essential and continuous feedback you keep, well, feeding us... Two things are happening right now:
  • We’re gonna keep experimenting and iterating with the new scroll system, so expect the game to be broken, very broken.
  • We’re creating a “beta” forum subsection to centralize your thoughts on the latest builds.

Well, that's all for today. We hope you all have a great time discovering all the changes!

See ya!

Concepts by Gwen for the 4th Update vignette.
Dead Cells - Messbass

Cry me a river...

Hey there

The Fourth “Brutal” Update is now live for everyone. Aaaaaand we had a little trailer done to celebrate!
This update brings A LOT of changes to the Pre "Brutal" Dead Cells era, so we kinda need you to get in there, beat the crap out of it and give us some feedback.

What’s new?

Duel in the clouds
A new boss has arrived… Be polite and don’t let her wait around for you too much.

Explore and survive two new biomes:
  • The Slumbering Sanctuary will need to be awoken before it will allow you to pass. However, its inhabitants might not be too pleased to see you hanging around in their domain. Can’t really blame them though...Who likes to be disturbed during a quick nap?

  • You will need to climb to the top of The Clock Tower to ring the Bell of the Awa… sorry, wrong game. So yeah, climb to the top, if you can, because it’s more booby-trapped than a Mayan temple, with little room to fight in and full of teleporting monsters. But, hey, the view is incredible.

A whole new Scroll System! The Strength Meta is dead, long live the Survival Meta! Well, no, not really. It’s gonna be balanced… or… you know… killed.

Anyway, more about the new system here or in the full patch notes here.

Experiment with new means to kill! 10 new weapons/spells/shields/skills. Choose your weapon, chaps.

Parry your way through the island! Shields have been fully reworked and should be way more enjoyable to use. You can now hold it up to get a guaranteed damage reduction or risk a parry for a sweet effect and bonus damage. Also, they can send back arrows and projectiles. So. Dope.

New Foes! Why not invite them over for a tea, just to get to know them?


Yeah, I know I could have just double jump. Can't you be more supportive for once?

The Island has changed again! Biomes may not be where you’re used to finding them, and even the Watcher has been moved (against its will) from its “final-boss” position. It'll always remember these good ol’ days as the peak of its career.

A New UI has been implemented to accompany the whole scrolls/ weapons rework.

The most loved feature of Dead Cells now comes with even more choice! (I’m obviously talking about letting the player choose their diet)

Less placeholder skins: the various zombie hosts had a facelift.

And much more... Full patch notes here

Coming up:

Just so you know, the next update should come (unless we change our plans, which, can happen) with a new difficulty customization system as well as a meaningful way to spend your hard-earned cells. Also, balancing. Lots of balancing...

Beta testers, please read!

Hey friends. Thanks for the essential and continuous feedback you keep, well, feeding us... Two things are happening right now:
  • We’re gonna keep experimenting and iterating with the new scroll system, so expect the game to be broken, very broken.
  • We’re creating a “beta” forum subsection to centralize your thoughts on the latest builds.

Well, that's all for today. We hope you all have a great time discovering all the changes!

See ya!

Concepts by Gwen for the 4th Update vignette.
Dead Cells - Messbass
Hey there everyone!

As our most dedicated beta testers, those brave souls taking on the bugs in the latest Dead Cells build may have told you, new monsters are waiting for you in the two new biomes. And they are no pushovers!

Duel in the clouds!

The Cannibal is an agile and energetic duelyst. Take care that your own corpse doesn't end up in its guts.

Let me go

The Golem! Quick tip: I know it’s tempting, but running away in panic may not be the best solution.

I told you to be careful with the blueprints guys

Seems like these ones found some cluster bombs hanging around and decided to use them…

Come here!

These guardians of the temple don’t like when you get to intimate, but once you’re there, the hard part is done.

Hope you’re as hyped as us for the live release of the next update!

Dead Cells - Messbass
Hey there everyone!

As our most dedicated beta testers, those brave souls taking on the bugs in the latest Dead Cells build may have told you, new monsters are waiting for you in the two new biomes. And they are no pushovers!

Duel in the clouds!

The Cannibal is an agile and energetic duelyst. Take care that your own corpse doesn't end up in its guts.

Let me go

The Golem! Quick tip: I know it’s tempting, but running away in panic may not be the best solution.

I told you to be careful with the blueprints guys

Seems like these ones found some cluster bombs hanging around and decided to use them…

Come here!

These guardians of the temple don’t like when you get to intimate, but once you’re there, the hard part is done.

Hope you’re as hyped as us for the live release of the next update!

Dead Cells - indieCatapult

Update 4 is in beta right now if you're game:

Given that this is a beta update, we’re not going to make a big song and dance of it, most of you probably just read the patch notes when you want to know something anyway… Instead, below you’ll find the link to said patch notes and a brief overview of what you can expect to find if you have followed the instructions on how to access the beta here.
Check out the patch notes here.

So what’s going on here anyway?

The world has changed:
We’ve moved the bosses around and added in a new one! There are still more changes to come, so the final showdown will come later.

On top of that there are now two new levels for you to explore and take on.

New tier system:
We’ve updated the tier system to make your build choices more interesting. We’re trying to give you a real sense of control and strategy when you choose the tier that you want to upgrade. Each category; Brutality, Tactic and Survival will impact a different and disparate set of items. Some weapons and skills will cross both groups, this is where we hope things will get interesting.

As usual we’ll be counting on your feedback to help us balance out the new system. Bring us your ideas, you criticisms and don’t hesitate to let us know what you like.

Stats and affixes have been tweaked:
Now when you pick up items there will be a real choice for you to make instead of just taking the one that gives you +1 to Strength or whatever. Those kind of items will be much rarer, you’ll have to earn them and amulets will become much more powerful.

The Collector:
The upgrade system has been an issue for a while, so we’re canning it. The collector is now only there to unlock items. Something or someone new and more interesting will follow along real soon.

New way to unlock rare items:
It’s a process that you might be familiar with, but it will allow you to catch ’em all when it comes to those pesky hard to find blueprints. No more wading through long grass getting ticks and sacrificing your time to the grind obsessed gods of RNG.

Shield rework!
This has been on the cards for a while. You’ve been letting us know that the shields are a cool idea, but that we can do better… So here’s round two… Fight!

All right that’ll do for the big stuff. Check out the full details here.

Accessing the Beta:
To access the beta follow these instructions:
Go to your Steam game library
Right click on Dead Cells and click "properties"
Select the tab "Betas"
In the first dropdown box select "beta - "
Click close and wait for the upload to finish downloading
Start playing.

If you play with your save files in the beta version, you will not be able to use them in the stable version, until we push the beta branch out to the public.

If you are worried about losing you save then head over here: "steam\userdata\<ID>\588650\remote" and copy the files somewhere safe.

You can have one save slot dedicated to the beta branch and one to the old branch simultaneously, but you must revert to the stable branch to be able to use it.
Dead Cells - indieCatapult

Update 4 is in beta right now if you're game:

Given that this is a beta update, we’re not going to make a big song and dance of it, most of you probably just read the patch notes when you want to know something anyway… Instead, below you’ll find the link to said patch notes and a brief overview of what you can expect to find if you have followed the instructions on how to access the beta here.
Check out the patch notes here.

So what’s going on here anyway?

The world has changed:
We’ve moved the bosses around and added in a new one! There are still more changes to come, so the final showdown will come later.

On top of that there are now two new levels for you to explore and take on.

New tier system:
We’ve updated the tier system to make your build choices more interesting. We’re trying to give you a real sense of control and strategy when you choose the tier that you want to upgrade. Each category; Brutality, Tactic and Survival will impact a different and disparate set of items. Some weapons and skills will cross both groups, this is where we hope things will get interesting.

As usual we’ll be counting on your feedback to help us balance out the new system. Bring us your ideas, you criticisms and don’t hesitate to let us know what you like.

Stats and affixes have been tweaked:
Now when you pick up items there will be a real choice for you to make instead of just taking the one that gives you +1 to Strength or whatever. Those kind of items will be much rarer, you’ll have to earn them and amulets will become much more powerful.

The Collector:
The upgrade system has been an issue for a while, so we’re canning it. The collector is now only there to unlock items. Something or someone new and more interesting will follow along real soon.

New way to unlock rare items:
It’s a process that you might be familiar with, but it will allow you to catch ’em all when it comes to those pesky hard to find blueprints. No more wading through long grass getting ticks and sacrificing your time to the grind obsessed gods of RNG.

Shield rework!
This has been on the cards for a while. You’ve been letting us know that the shields are a cool idea, but that we can do better… So here’s round two… Fight!

All right that’ll do for the big stuff. Check out the full details here.

Accessing the Beta:
To access the beta follow these instructions:
Go to your Steam game library
Right click on Dead Cells and click "properties"
Select the tab "Betas"
In the first dropdown box select "beta - "
Click close and wait for the upload to finish downloading
Start playing.

If you play with your save files in the beta version, you will not be able to use them in the stable version, until we push the beta branch out to the public.

If you are worried about losing you save then head over here: "steam\userdata\<ID>\588650\remote" and copy the files somewhere safe.

You can have one save slot dedicated to the beta branch and one to the old branch simultaneously, but you must revert to the stable branch to be able to use it.
Dead Cells - Messbass

Hey there,

Welcome back to our (almost) regular series about what’s coming in the next update. Today we tackle the revamp of the whole scroll system!

We’ve been thinking about tweaking this for a while now, but there are 3 main ideas behind the revamped mechanic:
  • Making builds other than "STRENGTH EVERYWHERE" more viable.
  • Ensuring that the tanky builds are more interesting and enjoyable to play.
  • Bringing in a tad more reflection to your choice of scroll, instead of it just being "GIMME STRENGTH".
Therefore, the old tier system (ie. Strength/Skills/Health) has been replaced by a newer more interesting successor, that is: Brutality / Tactics / Survival. These tiers are represented by colors:
  • Brutality - Red (includes all weapons except shields): Raises all red items' damage, reduces all red items' cooldowns, adds +10% life.
  • Tactic - Purple: (includes all active skills): Raises all purple items' damage, reduces all purple items' cooldowns, adds +10% life.
  • Survival Green: (includes all shields): Raises all green items' damage, reduces all green items' cooldowns, adds +30% life.

As you can see, each item in the game now belongs to a color. Some items (weapons or skills) might even have *dual colors*, which means they will be impacted by 2 different stats, and use the highest value. You may also find random Colorless items which will always use your best stat. The colorless items are currently only available through loot boxes cursed chests!

We can’t wait to hear what you think of it controller in hands!

Our first trip to China!
In other news, we're in China! Or at least our chief bullsheet artist is... We're down there participating in the WePlay event in Shanghai, so come say 你好 if you're in the neighbourhood, it's a great chance to let us know what you think we can do better, or just what you like about the game.

Aaaand we're on sale because Halloween.
We know you're probably sick of hearing about it, but if your friends haven't got the game yet we'll be -15% of for the duration of the Halloween sale!

Dead Cells - Messbass

Hey there,

Welcome back to our (almost) regular series about what’s coming in the next update. Today we tackle the revamp of the whole scroll system!

We’ve been thinking about tweaking this for a while now, but there are 3 main ideas behind the revamped mechanic:
  • Making builds other than "STRENGTH EVERYWHERE" more viable.
  • Ensuring that the tanky builds are more interesting and enjoyable to play.
  • Bringing in a tad more reflection to your choice of scroll, instead of it just being "GIMME STRENGTH".
Therefore, the old tier system (ie. Strength/Skills/Health) has been replaced by a newer more interesting successor, that is: Brutality / Tactics / Survival. These tiers are represented by colors:
  • Brutality - Red (includes all weapons except shields): Raises all red items' damage, reduces all red items' cooldowns, adds +10% life.
  • Tactic - Purple: (includes all active skills): Raises all purple items' damage, reduces all purple items' cooldowns, adds +10% life.
  • Survival Green: (includes all shields): Raises all green items' damage, reduces all green items' cooldowns, adds +30% life.

As you can see, each item in the game now belongs to a color. Some items (weapons or skills) might even have *dual colors*, which means they will be impacted by 2 different stats, and use the highest value. You may also find random Colorless items which will always use your best stat. The colorless items are currently only available through loot boxes cursed chests!

We can’t wait to hear what you think of it controller in hands!

Our first trip to China!
In other news, we're in China! Or at least our chief bullsheet artist is... We're down there participating in the WePlay event in Shanghai, so come say 你好 if you're in the neighbourhood, it's a great chance to let us know what you think we can do better, or just what you like about the game.

Aaaand we're on sale because Halloween.
We know you're probably sick of hearing about it, but if your friends haven't got the game yet we'll be -15% of for the duration of the Halloween sale!

Dead Cells - Messbass

Hello friends,

Continuing with our ongoing series on the fourth update, we wanted to introduce the next biome to be implemented in the game.

The Awakening of the Dreamless...

Initial concept of the new biome

The extraordinary composition of this place contrasts with all the rest of the Island… as it doesn’t pertain to this place or time. The combination of tight corridors and spacious, open sceneries, come together to form an unusual architecture, seemingly defying gravity itself.

(actual ingame screenshots)

Aesthetically, Gwen chose analogous tints for the palette of this level. Warm colours are omnipresent in the close quarters, while open areas, get some blueish nuances mixed in.

Ruin has come to this place but the ever-glowing engravings may well be the sign that there is still something left here, waiting to be found... or awoken.

(Wasn’t that end a bit, like, overdramatic?). Anyway, let’s move on to things actually happening soon.

Dead Cells at TwitchCon 2017!
We’re busy preparing for TwitchCon! We’ll be in Los Angeles showing off the game and hanging around, so feel free to let your favourite streamers know we’ll be there.

We’ll sign off with another little batch of monster concepts for your viewing pleasure. Thomas has been busy churning out ideas for the upcoming biomes. Stay tuned as we build towards our fourth major update to the game and come say hi if you’re in LA!

Dead Cells - Messbass

Hello friends,

Continuing with our ongoing series on the fourth update, we wanted to introduce the next biome to be implemented in the game.

The Awakening of the Dreamless...

Initial concept of the new biome

The extraordinary composition of this place contrasts with all the rest of the Island… as it doesn’t pertain to this place or time. The combination of tight corridors and spacious, open sceneries, come together to form an unusual architecture, seemingly defying gravity itself.

(actual ingame screenshots)

Aesthetically, Gwen chose analogous tints for the palette of this level. Warm colours are omnipresent in the close quarters, while open areas, get some blueish nuances mixed in.

Ruin has come to this place but the ever-glowing engravings may well be the sign that there is still something left here, waiting to be found... or awoken.

(Wasn’t that end a bit, like, overdramatic?). Anyway, let’s move on to things actually happening soon.

Dead Cells at TwitchCon 2017!
We’re busy preparing for TwitchCon! We’ll be in Los Angeles showing off the game and hanging around, so feel free to let your favourite streamers know we’ll be there.

We’ll sign off with another little batch of monster concepts for your viewing pleasure. Thomas has been busy churning out ideas for the upcoming biomes. Stay tuned as we build towards our fourth major update to the game and come say hi if you’re in LA!
