Sep 20, 2017
Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles - Tart Wand

Kari has spotted a new creature roaming the lands!

We are travelling there now to find out more!

Stay tuned!
Sep 20, 2017
Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles - Chezza

Kari has spotted a new creature roaming the lands!

We are travelling there now to find out more!

Stay tuned!
Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles - Tart Wand

We are happy to announce that Yonder took out the Grand Prix award at Busan Indie Connect Festival (BIC Fest) over the weekend.

We had a wonderful time in Busan and enjoyed every moment of BIC Fest, so it was a suprise (to say the least) and an honour to walk away with the top award at the festival.

Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles - Chezza

We are happy to announce that Yonder took out the Grand Prix award at Busan Indie Connect Festival (BIC Fest) over the weekend.

We had a wonderful time in Busan and enjoyed every moment of BIC Fest, so it was a suprise (to say the least) and an honour to walk away with the top award at the festival.

Aug 12, 2017
Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles - jistyles

The Quality of Life update is now LIVE :O

Life just got a little bit nicer in Gemea...
This update addresses some remaining game flow issues, expands player inventories, fixes a number of bugs, and paves the way for more juicy content updates in the near future.

p.s. That sort button is mighty handy...

Major changes....
  • IMPROVEMENT: increased default backpack size by 1.6x -- it now fits 90 stacks of items
  • IMPROVEMENT: increased storage chest size by 2x -- it's now a whopping 800 stacks
  • IMPROVEMENT: added a gamma slider in the visual menu.
  • IMPROVEMENT: added an auto-sort button for backpack and storage chest inventories.
  • IMPROVEMENT: added detection of minimum required hardware and an error box to the start of the game. This is nicer than a random crash or obscure bugs, and gives some helpful information.
  • IMPROVEMENT: logged system information to help with future debugging of issues.
  • BALANCE: A number of smaller balancing tweaks to level out some tasks.
  • FIX: fixed quest board NPC info not being regenerated correctly after loading.
  • FIX: game darkens after using compass (plus some other rarer conditions).
  • FIX: fixed known areas in the world with bad ground collision.
  • FIX: resolved blocker bug behind Interlade chest.
  • FIX: Woodrow now disappears properly after collecting him. Cheeky little sprite!
  • FIX: a few materials were not working with the global illumination rendering system.
  • FIX: fishing collection trophy now checks when you trade for fish.
  • FIX: fixed collision atop of cave near grasslands farm. Hid a new chest there too for the trouble ;)
  • FIX: checking for necessary backpack space to fit reward items in Kozi quest line and Find the Crew quest.
Aug 12, 2017
Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles - jistyles

The Quality of Life update is now LIVE :O

Life just got a little bit nicer in Gemea...
This update addresses some remaining game flow issues, expands player inventories, fixes a number of bugs, and paves the way for more juicy content updates in the near future.

p.s. That sort button is mighty handy...

Major changes....
  • IMPROVEMENT: increased default backpack size by 1.6x -- it now fits 90 stacks of items
  • IMPROVEMENT: increased storage chest size by 2x -- it's now a whopping 800 stacks
  • IMPROVEMENT: added a gamma slider in the visual menu.
  • IMPROVEMENT: added an auto-sort button for backpack and storage chest inventories.
  • IMPROVEMENT: added detection of minimum required hardware and an error box to the start of the game. This is nicer than a random crash or obscure bugs, and gives some helpful information.
  • IMPROVEMENT: logged system information to help with future debugging of issues.
  • BALANCE: A number of smaller balancing tweaks to level out some tasks.
  • FIX: fixed quest board NPC info not being regenerated correctly after loading.
  • FIX: game darkens after using compass (plus some other rarer conditions).
  • FIX: fixed known areas in the world with bad ground collision.
  • FIX: resolved blocker bug behind Interlade chest.
  • FIX: Woodrow now disappears properly after collecting him. Cheeky little sprite!
  • FIX: a few materials were not working with the global illumination rendering system.
  • FIX: fishing collection trophy now checks when you trade for fish.
  • FIX: fixed collision atop of cave near grasslands farm. Hid a new chest there too for the trouble ;)
  • FIX: checking for necessary backpack space to fit reward items in Kozi quest line and Find the Crew quest.
Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles - (Adam Smith)


Nothing really matters in Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles [official site]. Shipwrecked on an island that has been infested with some sort of sinister cloudy muck, known as the Murk, you might think it’s imperative that you clear up the unpleasantness so that people can return to the homes they once inhabited. Everywhere you look there are ruined homes but the islanders don’t fuss about them; they’ve got villages and farms and guilds, and they seem perfectly happy.

In fact, everyone in Yonder seems happy and the more I play, the more radical that design choice seems.


Pyre - (Brendan Caldwell)

Podcast hosts Brendan, Pip and Adam

What’s that unsettling white noise coming from the other room? Oh no, it’s the 10th episode of the RPS podcast, the Electronic Wireless Show. This week, the gang are talking about horror in games (but not necessarily “horror games”). Adam and Brendan are terrified by the depths of Subnautica, which doesn’t frighten Pip in the slightest.

But we also like playing non-scary things. Brendan has been competing in the purgatorial fantasy sport of Pyre, and Adam has been catching fish and watching tranquil sunsets in Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles. Meanwhile, Pip has been dating dads in the gay suburban utopia of Dream Daddy. There’s also reader questions, in which we return to the subject of horror, and experience the shrill scream of a truly terrifying beast… (more…)

Jul 24, 2017
Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles - jistyles

Hi all,
We've just gone live with update #3. This patch resolves some remaining issues, and also improves certain balance points to improve the game flow!

Major changes:
- BALANCE: mortar, glue, and nail trade balance - These have been increased in base quantity and some extras peppered throughout different traders.
- BALANCE: new secondary base tier recipes - water, rivets, nails, glue, mortar, habedashery; These have been added to their respective guild lists.
- BALANCE: starter farm now gifts you with a Gardening Plot and a Tree Plot to help accelerate farming in the game.
- BALANCE: economy events nerfed to address the ease of trading vs crafting.
- BALANCE: Heartwood trade a little rarer to prevent insta-completion of quest.
- BALANCE/FIX: Added surplus cats to the world! You'll now be able to find more cats than necessary to finish the quest, and have some to spare :)
- FIX: Prevent farms from getting odd placement/overlapping items and resources (will also attempt to fix farms already in this state)
- FIX: Adopted critters return to their pens if they wander too far away, or are visually missing.
- FIX: Mian sprite not disappearing after collection
- FIX: Updated German string for controllers menu item
- FIX: Updated Kari's hint about what Fluffcubs eat.
- FIX: some npc's falling through the ground or getting embedded in the ground(!)
- FIX: blocker in Hearthwind Vale near farm
- FIX: Fish collection trophy triggers only after you catch another fish
- FIX: Crash - when hitting exit button twice on player storage chests
- FIX: Player got stuck when when placing two plant boxes side by side
- FIX: Trading out old kingdom coins, they're still spent when bag is full and trade wasn't possible
- FIX: can lose hat if inventory full and unequipping
- FIX: cleaned up the back of the observatory -- was NEARLY blocking collision
- FIX: filter on farm chest isn't working
- FIX: visuals menu requests restart without changing settings
- FIX: Cleaned up some collision in Radiant Sands
- FIX: changed how the Great Beard-Off quest triggers to avoid issue where player couldn't progress
Jul 24, 2017
Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles - jistyles

Hi all,
We've just gone live with update #3. This patch resolves some remaining issues, and also improves certain balance points to improve the game flow!

Major changes:
- BALANCE: mortar, glue, and nail trade balance - These have been increased in base quantity and some extras peppered throughout different traders.
- BALANCE: new secondary base tier recipes - water, rivets, nails, glue, mortar, habedashery; These have been added to their respective guild lists.
- BALANCE: starter farm now gifts you with a Gardening Plot and a Tree Plot to help accelerate farming in the game.
- BALANCE: economy events nerfed to address the ease of trading vs crafting.
- BALANCE: Heartwood trade a little rarer to prevent insta-completion of quest.
- BALANCE/FIX: Added surplus cats to the world! You'll now be able to find more cats than necessary to finish the quest, and have some to spare :)
- FIX: Prevent farms from getting odd placement/overlapping items and resources (will also attempt to fix farms already in this state)
- FIX: Adopted critters return to their pens if they wander too far away, or are visually missing.
- FIX: Mian sprite not disappearing after collection
- FIX: Updated German string for controllers menu item
- FIX: Updated Kari's hint about what Fluffcubs eat.
- FIX: some npc's falling through the ground or getting embedded in the ground(!)
- FIX: blocker in Hearthwind Vale near farm
- FIX: Fish collection trophy triggers only after you catch another fish
- FIX: Crash - when hitting exit button twice on player storage chests
- FIX: Player got stuck when when placing two plant boxes side by side
- FIX: Trading out old kingdom coins, they're still spent when bag is full and trade wasn't possible
- FIX: can lose hat if inventory full and unequipping
- FIX: cleaned up the back of the observatory -- was NEARLY blocking collision
- FIX: filter on farm chest isn't working
- FIX: visuals menu requests restart without changing settings
- FIX: Cleaned up some collision in Radiant Sands
- FIX: changed how the Great Beard-Off quest triggers to avoid issue where player couldn't progress