Dota 2 - Valve
Fixed a bug where checkmarks were not showing up for purchased recommended items.
Dota 2

The Dota 2 Major Championships, "a series of seasonal marquee tournaments" that will be held in various parts of the world, were first announced in April and then dated, vaguely, for November a few months later. Now, finally, Valve has revealed that the first-ever Dota 2 Major will take place in Frankfurt, Germany, with 16 teams competing over six days for a total prize pool of $3 million.

The teams that will be invited to take part in the Frankfurt Major or the Regional Qualifiers will be announced on October 5. Regional Qualifiers will take place on October 10-13, while the Open Qualifiers, which as the name suggests will be open to any Dota 2 player who wants to take part, are set to run October 6-9. Registration for the Open Qualifiers will begin on October 1.

The tournament will take place at the Festhalle Messe in Frankfurt, and will be open to the public. Tickets will only be required on the final day, and will be available from Eventbrite  on September 27 in two waves, at 11 am CEST and 7 pm CEST, for 50 ($56) each.

Dota 2 - Dota 2

Over the last five years, The International has become the pinnacle moment for the world of professional Dota. Now the excitement of the biggest event in esports is coming to the Majors, a series of seasonal marquee tournaments, which will take place throughout the year and around the globe. Dota's newest tradition begins this fall with the Frankfurt Major.

The first Dota Major will take place over six days at Festhalle Messe in Frankfurt, Germany from November 16 through the 21st. It will feature 16 teams all competing at the main event for a total prize pool of $3,000,000, and will be produced by ESL.

Attendance to the Frankfurt Major will be open to the public and will not require a ticket for any day except for the day of the finals, which will take place on Saturday, November 21st. Tickets to the Frankfurt Major Finals will be sold in two separate waves this Sunday, September 27, the first at 11:00am CEST and the last at 7:00pm CEST. Each ticket will cost €50, and will be available here.

The teams that will be directly invited to the Frankfurt Major and its Regional Qualifiers will be revealed on October 5th. The Open Qualifiers will be hosted by FaceIt and Perfect World and will take place October 6 – 9, with the Regional Qualifiers occurring October 10 – 13. Open Qualifier registration will open to any Dota players who wish to compete on October 1st.

In other Dota news, we are doing some work on the underlying map rendering tech for the desert map terrain in order to make sure it is built in a compatible way for future iterations. Our first longform comic, which will come with the release of the Axe Immortal, is going to be much bigger than our previous comics.

Over the coming weeks we'll be working on UI improvements based on the feedback we've received and releasing our first seasonal Compendium. You can also expect to see the 6.85 game balance update later this week.
Dota 2 - Dota 2

Over the last five years, The International has become the pinnacle moment for the world of professional Dota. Now the excitement of the biggest event in esports is coming to the Majors, a series of seasonal marquee tournaments, which will take place throughout the year and around the globe. Dota's newest tradition begins this fall with the Frankfurt Major.

The first Dota Major will take place over six days at Festhalle Messe in Frankfurt, Germany from November 16 through the 21st. It will feature 16 teams all competing at the main event for a total prize pool of $3,000,000, and will be produced by ESL.

Attendance to the Frankfurt Major will be open to the public and will not require a ticket for any day except for the day of the finals, which will take place on Saturday, November 21st. Tickets to the Frankfurt Major Finals will be sold in two separate waves this Sunday, September 27, the first at 11:00am CEST and the last at 7:00pm CEST. Each ticket will cost €50, and will be available here.

The teams that will be directly invited to the Frankfurt Major and its Regional Qualifiers will be revealed on October 5th. The Open Qualifiers will be hosted by FaceIt and Perfect World and will take place October 6 – 9, with the Regional Qualifiers occurring October 10 – 13. Open Qualifier registration will open to any Dota players who wish to compete on October 1st.

In other Dota news, we are doing some work on the underlying map rendering tech for the desert map terrain in order to make sure it is built in a compatible way for future iterations. Our first longform comic, which will come with the release of the Axe Immortal, is going to be much bigger than our previous comics.

Over the coming weeks we'll be working on UI improvements based on the feedback we've received and releasing our first seasonal Compendium. You can also expect to see the 6.85 game balance update later this week.
Dota 2 - Valve
Workshop Tools: Fixed hero selection list not correctly displaying in some languages.
Workshop Tools: Fixed preview images for workshop item submissions getting incorrectly resized.
Workshop Tools: Added a button to import a Source 1 style normal map, which converts normal maps originally authored for Source 1 to the new Source 2 requirements.
Workshop Tools: Fixed some ability models incorrectly appearing in the hero wearable slot list.
Workshop Tools: Fixed a bug where models could not be previewed on additional wearable slots for heroes such as Morphling that don’t have default items.
Workshop Tools: Fixed a preview bug where attached particles were getting duplicated every time a new wearable was selected.

Mac: Fixed some text rendering in Chinese, Korean and Japanese.
Dota 2
Nyx Assassin is a giant bug. This is a Dota Reborn joke.

Every week, PC Gamer Pro takes your deepest, most personal Dota questions and delivers them to the personalities that can help. You can find last week's set right here. This week, PyrionFlax talks Reborn, support woes, solo ranked attitudes, and the problem with panic.

If you'd like to send us a question for next week, email with 'GAME IS HARD' in your subject line.

Ted 'Pyrionflax' Forsyth

Pyrion s life as a Dotaman began with his expertly illustrated, pro-quality hero guides and continued through an announcer pack and subsequent appearances at pretty much every Dota event on the planet. We once played in a games industry Dota tournament together, which is notable for this moment, possibly shane s finest hour (warning: NSFW language.) Pyrion currently has a new Dota 2 series in the works, Lanin n Complainin with TotalBiscuit.

Twitter @pyrionflax Twitch pyrionflax

PC Gamer: About fifteen of the questions we received were people asking why Reborn doesn't work. I figured we could talk about your experience with it, and secondly—do you reckon it was ready?

PyrionFlax: I've played Dota for four years or something, for me Dota has gone from being very buggy and not having very many features, but still fun. It was accepted that it was in beta and that was fine. I feel like they've shot themselves in the foot in a big way because, post-TI, they had all these people that wanted to play Dota and they come into this client that, all due respect to it, can't be called anything less than a beta again. There are that many problems. People complaining about hitbox sizes, people complaining about missing clicks. Weird graphical glitches, weird bugs like the ancient stacking bug. I had a bug where the entire enemy team was invisible.

PCG: Shit, really?

PFlax: Yeah! It wasn't like they'd gained invisibility—they were gone. They could see me and they could attack, but these attacks would appear out of nowhere. I was like "what is going on? How was this released?"

I feel like Reborn needed more time, but they obviously thought "look, not enough people are playing it, we need to force people to play the beta." I think what they could have done is incentivise them by saying, like, you get item drops in Reborn and there'll be all sorts of cool stuff. That way people will play Reborn for the item drops. That's the way you incentivise it—not forcing them to do it and making them resent the client.

PCG: It feels like they should have said 'hey, you want to play Pit Lord? He's in Reborn right now, go play him.'

PFlax: Yeah, that kind of stuff—exactly. Wait for something to incentivise, rather than say "well, it's ready, so that's the only client there is"—when it obviously isn't.

PCG: The emails I got were split between, on one side, people for whom the game doesn't work any more. They're a bit heartbroken—"hey, I've only got my laptop and Reborn hates it."" Those people are basically screwed as far as I can tell.

PFlax: Yeah, that sucks! That really does suck.

PCG: The other people were like "hey, I've been screwed by the ancient stacking bug, I've been spooked by other bugs in-game, I don't want to play ranked any more". Is there an answer to that, other than "well I guess you just don't play ranked any more"?

PFlax: If you're playing a ranked game and you feel like you might lose because of the client, I understand that. In the last nine days I've played three games of Dota and they were all last night—because I've just been turned off it. I'm a little bit sick of the current meta, the whole thing just didn't seem as good as the last client. Which is a shame because it was almost perfect, there were hardly any bugs, and now we're going back to the days where really weird stuff happens.

We'll get there, the client will be great someday, but making us play with it makes people resent it and I think they've lost a lot of potential players, post-TI. I think the timing was really bad, but there you go.

PCG: On to specific questions. Gunars writes:

I would like to know how soon one should start specialising for a certain role? I mainly play position 5 and like it a lot, but I feel bound to this role because most other people don't play it, yet every team needs a support to win.

I suppose he's worried that, by only playing one position as he learns the game, he's gimping himself for the future?

PFlax: I honestly think that if you're playing the support role properly, it's a lot harder and a lot more work than playing the carry. Your job might seem like you're 'just' the 5, but don't think of rank in terms of importance. It's purely a rank in terms of farm priority. That's what it's for. You're the 5, you don't need money as much—but the job that you do is game-winning in just the same way that carry is. He's identified that! He's said, "I feel like we need a support to win". What does that tell you? That tells you that you have to have a support to win. You're winning the game just as much as the carry. He might get all of the kills and all of the money, but that's just the way the heroes work. Supports can win games just as much as carries can—and a bad support will lose you a game. It's the supports that make the difference.

Detail from 'Crystal Maiden' by Stanley 'Artgerm' Lau. Full version here.

PCG: The next one is related, albeit from a different angle. Rishabh writes:

I am currently trying to figure out how we can trust any player in solo ranked with a core position. Many players buy high MMR IDs these days and I have to suffer a loss. Help!

PFlax: First of all, get over yourself! You're not a pro player who can spot a bought account a mile away. I play with pro players a lot, and they can spot a guy whose MMR they think is inflated. But a lot of times, someone will have a high MMR because they've found a hero that's broken in the current meta and spamming it. That's how you do it. You don't grind MMR by randoming or picking something you think would be fun, you do it by picking the same boring hero that wins games over and over again. MMR is not, up to a point, a defining characteristic of how good that person is across the board.

This might not be this guy in particular, he might have a genuine point, but I find that in my experience the people who make the most noise tend to be full of the most shit—and they never shut up about how much they know about the game.

PCG: In practical terms, he's talking about how to trust people in solo ranked. But often my approach is that you have to lead with trust. If you try to make everybody you're matched with earn your respect, you won't get anywhere.

PFlax: In terms of trusting people, you've got to go in there without this toxic, "oh god it's solo queue these people are idiots I'm so smart, oh god Russians" attitude. You see that in game. Some guy joins and says "GG, I have Russians." Well you're going to lose the game—not because of the Russians, but because of this shitty attitude.

PCG: To finish up. Kadir writes:

I've been playing Dota 2 since it was in the beta and have spent ~900-1000 hours trying to learn the game; half of that time I spent learning the flow of the game and getting comfortable with a variety of heroes. I can confidently say that I still have no f**king clue. My main problem is, I panic. Like, a lot. Sometimes my panicking results in awesome plays and I feel like a god and I'm like "how did I do that?", but mostly I make stupid mistakes. How do I stop panicking when I'm poor Crystal Maiden and trying to ward, like the good support player I am, and Huskar jumps on me like a maniac with his stupid ult and with his stupid magic resistance and his stupid fire spears from stupid hell? (Huskar is stupid.)

PFlax: I agree with that! Like I said, Huskar is a crazy-unpicked hero.

If you're Crystal Maiden and you want to ward, don't listen to your teammates when they start screaming "the wards have expired! Go put some new ones down!" You'll probably die doing so. If your wards are down, you don't have any vision to go and explore, right?

The best thing you can do is keep an eye on the minimap, time your movements, and don't assume that it has to be right on the eight-minute mark. Smart players will know you warded at the start of the game and will wait by the obvious ward spots knowing that a squishy support will wander over. If Storm Spirit is missing from the map, don't go ward. If Nyx is missing from the map, don't go ward—and so on.

More often than not, supports feel such an urge to get the wards down that they throw their lives into this tombola of chance. They hope that after giving it a spin they'll pull out a ticket that says "phew! You made it." But more often than not they're going to pull out a loser—so don't take chances. One of the main things you'll see support players do in high level games is not die. Staying alive is huge. Patience, caution, and watching the minimap at all times.

PCG: There's panicking because you put yourself in danger when you could have avoided it, but there's also panicking because, say, you need to take action. It's a five-on-five, say.

PFlax: If you're panicking about a videogame, stop panicking about a videogame. Just chill. Even do something like turn your flippin' mouse sensitivity down so, if you panic, you can't do so much damage. Something that slows it down for you, you know? Just chill out, it's just a game, don't take it so seriously, don't worry about people screaming at you. Just take a moment. You don't need to rush. You don't need to keep up with the speed of thought of the pros. Just keep your own speed of thought, and try to do the best you can.

Pcgp Logo Red Small PC Gamer Pro is dedicated to esports and competitive gaming. Check back every day for exciting, fun and informative articles about League of Legends, Dota 2, Hearthstone, CS:GO and more. GL HF!

Dota 2 - Valve
* Fixed Roshan respawn timer.
* Fixed various client crashes.
* Reduced video memory usage.
Dota 2 - Valve
Fixed a crash with some particle effects.
Dota 2

Custom Games

Every Saturday, we ll highlight a Dota 2 custom game that is fun, playable, and relatively bug-free. To find a custom game, go to the Custom Games tab in Dota 2 and enter the name as we ve provided it in the search box in the top right—in this case, The Predator.

I m a tiny, slow, vulnerable Invoker, and I m being chased by a gigantic Phantom Assassin. She s killed a bunch of my fellow Invokers already, and she s closing in on me. She s the predator, and I m the prey.

In this custom game, Phantom Assassin is simply known as Assassin , and one of her abilities allows her to turn invisible and rush down hapless wizards. As a survivor, I have a selection of utility spells—a heal, Blink, the ability to spawn trees a la Nature s Prophet s Sprout, and a fireball that knocks opponents back—but very little damage. To win, I need to either survive until the timer runs down or knock Assassin into a flaming pit on the left-hand side of the large, square playing field.

Now I m the only survivor left. Assassin uses an AoE damage ability, but I avoid it. I run directly for the mouth of the pit, anticipating that she ll use invisibility to close the distance—I have almost no health left. Instead she rushes me down, and I m forced to use Blink to teleport around her. She turns invisible. I guess at her position, line up a fireball between myself and the pit, and fire. It connects, revealing her, sending her flying into the pit to be destroyed. Survivors win, with three seconds on the clock.

That was the moment that I became a fan of The Predator, an asymmetrical competitive mode with a bunch of new characters. Although a given round is divided into two teams—up to seven survivors, all Invokers, versus a single predator playing one of several heroes—it s actually a free for all. The goal is to earn the most points as an individual over the course of many rounds, which means surviving as Invoker and scoring kills as the predator when it s your turn.

This inspires a dog-eat-dog mentality that is a really good fit for multiplayer of this type. Traditionally, asymmetrical games like Evolve or competitive Left 4 Dead place a heavy emphasis on cooperation between members of the weaker faction and don t leave much room for strategy when that cooperation breaks down. Here, that s a feature. The survivors really do need each other in order to defeat the predator, which is a net gain overall, but sometimes sacrificing a stranded member of the group is a good strategy for winning the match.

Having to knock the predator into the pit to kill them is a stroke of genius, too, because it prevents matches from descending into an anti-climactic damage-over-time race. It s not about whittling a gigantic health bar (hi again Evolve) it s about strategy, finesse, and a little bit of luck. It also reinforces the notion that the survivors are completely outmatched—batting the predator into the pit feels like the kind of desperate solution that the heroes come up with at the end of a monster movie.

Ability use by both survivors and the predator is mitigated by mana, which you refresh by returning to a pool at the top of the map. This becomes a zone of contention and potentially a killing field, creating scenarios where survivors screw each other over for a shot at some precious, precious mana. Mana scarcity does create situations where you re absolutely screwed, sometimes—fleeing from the predator with Blink an unachievable 15 mana away—but that s by design.

The predators are a varied bunch, too. Sage, based on Oracle, relies on spell combos and a projectile version of Mana Break to punish spell-happy survivors. Demon, previously Doom, is deadly up close but is damaged by the pool rather than the pit. I played a variation on Nightstalker who could lay traps that put enemies to sleep, and got absolutely destroyed by a Tinker driving a catapult who could command tiny Clockwerks to create towers. I m not sure if they re particularly balanced, at the moment, but it s definitely fun to discover what each of them can do (usually by dying.)

Let s talk about problems, briefly. A lot of care has been lavished on the new characters and their abilities, but the map itself is rather plain and functional at the moment. At the beginning of a match, a single player has to run around within a side-area pressing buttons to configure the game, which is confusing if you ve never done it before and a disaster if that person happens to be AFK. Finally, we hit some weird bugs—players being given control of another person s survivor, people returning from crashes to find out that they couldn t control their hero until they died and respawned, that kind of thing. That s par for the course with Custom Games, however, and it definitely shouldn t stop you from trying this one. I m really looking forward to seeing how it develops.

Pcgp Logo Red Small PC Gamer Pro is a new channel dedicated to esports and competitive gaming. Check back every day for exciting, fun and informative articles about League of Legends, Dota 2, Hearthstone, CS:GO and more. GL HF!

Dota 2 - Valve
Fixed server crash when Lone Druid's bear would hex an enemy with Scythe of Vyse.
Reduced video memory usage on low-end systems.
Fixed incorrect video settings at startup if the user had never adjusted settings.

Workshop Import Tool:
* Fixed a bug where uploaded items wouldn't show revenue sharing options.
* Fix for bug where picking additional wearable items to preview sometimes removed all wearable items.
* Added more information to the import log.
* Removed heroes without workshop support.
* Added .smd to file browser.
* Fixed a crash when opening VConsole from Workshop Import Tool.