Dota 2 - Valve
- Added a recruitment option to the popup menu when right-clicking players.
- Fixed bug where the recruitment icon would show up for recruitment offers you had not accepted.
- Fixed bug where the tutorial gift gem would create ethereal sockets instead of normal sockets. Affected items have been fixed.
- Fixed bug where "Demons Imprisoned" would not increment.
- Wraith-Night matches no longer reduce low-priority penalty games remaining.

- Fixed Press The Attack being unable to target siege units
- Fixed Magnetic Grip being able to pull you out of Duel, Blackhole and Chronosphere
- Fixed Rupture affecting couriers
- Fixed not always being silenced properly during Duel (Autocast, Morph, etc)
- Fixed Static Storm silence/mute not affecting sleeping/invulnerable units
- Fixed Moment of Courage Legacy Key
- Fixed Earth Spirit Legacy Keys

- Fixed a game-restart exploit.
- Fixed some abilities incorrectly considering illusions.
- Arcane Boots II can no longer be disassembled
- Fixed a bug with some items permanently granting their buffs even when unequipped.
- Added message about abandonments leading to low-priority punishments for wraith-night matches.

- Fixed Coaches seeing enemy projectiles for some spells (i.e. Ancient Apparition's ultimate)
- Fixed Coaches being able to see enemy team's glyph cooldown.
- Fixed Coaches being able to see enemy item cooldowns.
- Fixed Coaches being able to become captains in Captains Mode & Captains Draft.
- Fixed Coaches seeing some ability state information on enemy heroes.
Dota 2 - Valve
* Fixed a significant bug that was causing regions to run out of available servers
* Fixed a bug with Batrider's vision during Firefly
Dota 2 - Valve
* Wraith King has risen
* Fixed Recruits sorting in the wrong direction
* Fixed Captain crowns showing on all players when spectating CM games

* Added matchmaking preference to use themed or classic map
* Ranked matchmaking will always use the classic map. (This is to minimize fragmentation of the matchmaking pool)
* Tuned quality thresholds in ranked matchmaking to wait longer and require a higher quality match
* Private lobbies will use classic map if tournament version is selected in lobby settings
* Fixed bug causing full parties of 5 players to wait needlessly when searching for Wraith-Night or Coop Bot matches

* Rebalanced both Shadow Fragments and Shining Fragments rewards
* Fixed towers sometimes becoming invulnerable
* Fixed CM hero selection being limited after a Frostivus game
* Fixed buy back cost not being reset on new game with increased difficulty
* After defeating Wraith King end panel now correctly shows up and shows fragment rewards and allows voting
* Added conversion of Shining Fragments to Shadow Fragments
Dota 2
Dota 2 Wraith Night

In a completely unpredictable shock twist, Dota 2's Frostivus event has been cancelled. Again. So what holiday halting incident has hit the wizard-'em-up this time? It's the return of the King. Sort of. Wraith-Night is the newly announced seasonal event, and it's centred around the Skeleton King's transformation into Wraith King. He's got a new look, a new name, a new voice, and, most importantly, he's ballin' out of control.

The new announcement page isn't entirely clear how the Wraith-Night mode will play out, only that the Wraith King must be protected, and that souls are to be collected. A good bet then, is that this is the rumoured 'Holdout' co-op mode: a horde-style defence against waves of enemies.

Also on the cards for this update: Legion Commander, who has seemingly been in the making forever. Other updates include the ability to set the minimap to right side of the screen, and the fixing of an annoying shop bug. I don't play Dota 2, but these things sound significant.

For more details on the Wraith-Knight update, due out later today, head to the update's Dota 2 micro-site.
Dec 11, 2013
Dota 2 - SZ
<a href=""><img title="He is the greatest warrior that has ever lived. On his first game of Dota he played Chen and won the game in 3 minutes." alt="" src="" width="576" height="337" /></a>

Your benevolent King has declared this coming December 12th an official holiday with the introduction of the Wraith-Night. A great and prosperous time is guaranteed for the entire family with festivities like the Harvesting of Souls. The little ones will especially enjoy playing in the snow while our Great Leader watches over from his Altar.

We love our King and are happy to provide souls for his Second Coronation. Remember, kill as many enemies to hurry the return of the Great One.
Dec 11, 2013
Dota 2 - SZ

Your benevolent King has declared this coming December 12th an official holiday with the introduction of the Wraith-Night. A great and prosperous time is guaranteed for the entire family with festivities like the Harvesting of Souls. The little ones will especially enjoy playing in the snow while our Great Leader watches over from his Altar.

We love our King and are happy to provide souls for his Second Coronation. Remember, kill as many enemies to hurry the return of the Great One.
Dota 2 - Valve

- Skeleton King: Removed for pressing ceremonial reasons
Dota 2 - (Graham Smith)

The Airing of Grief-ances?

Valve have learnt their lesson from Diretide: don’t deny the Dota 2 community their holiday celebrations. That means that Frostivus is back. The holiday event is traditionally quite lovely. Last year’s Frostivus started normally before being taken over by The Greeviling, an update and game mode in which players can use their Greevil a secondary hero. At this point, I’d normally make a crack about how I don’t understand any of this and don’t care, but truthfully, I do> understand it. It’s just easier to be flippant than explain all the context. Instead, this time, I’ll take door number three and link to the Dota 2 wiki page about the Greeviling event.


Dota 2
Dota 2

One of the stupider things about humanity is that we keep engineering the future tools of our own demise. For instance, computers are now constantly ranking us based on a variety of factors that measure our performance against each other for fun and entertainment. Naturally, come the awakening of sentient machines, the AI Prime will look at these rankings and think, "hmm, xXx_n00bst0mper_xXx has a higher K/D ratio then any other meatsack in quadrant four. Let's shackle his consciousness with nano-orbs and harvest his muscles into slavedroid neurostims."

Ah well, while we wait for the inevitable to happen, we might as well enjoy ourselves. Valve's Dota 2 ranking system will soon be getting an upgrade that's designed to better support more experienced players. Ranked Matchmaking aims to enable the move towards more competitive play by making the game's usually hidden MMR (matchmaking rating) visible to players.

A post on the Dota 2 blog outlines the conditions needed to unlock Ranked Matchmaking:

Ranked matchmaking is unlocked after approximately 150 games.
All players in the party must have unlocked the mode.
Currently, only All Pick, Captains Mode, and Captains Draft are available.
You may not participate in ranked matchmaking while in the low priority pool.
Coaches are not allowed in ranked matchmaking.
Matches played in normal matchmaking do not impact your ranked matchmaking MMR, and vice versa.
Your ranked MMR is visible only to you and your friends. The MMR used for normal matchmaking is not visible.
When you first start using ranked matchmaking, you will enter a calibration phase of 10 games. During this time, your ranked MMR will not be visible.

Head through to that post for a more technical breakdown of how MMR is calculated, and the aims of Dota 2's ranking system. Dota 2's next update will also kick off the Frostivus event, details of which can be found here.

Thanks, Strategy Informer.
Dota 2

Today, Valve announced that Dota 2's Frostivus holiday event is making a comeback this year. Judging by the official website, we should expect something similar to the last celebration, with special holiday maps and items.

"The longest night of the year is a time for weaving by the hearth!" The teaser site reads. "Collect bright winter berries and sprigs of fir, and twist them together into mementos for family and friends." It sounds like Frostivus will include drops that take advantage of the new crafting and socketing system introduced in the Three Spirits update.

"The traditional Frostivus truce is in effect," the site continues. "Radiant and Dire may gather to play games and exchange gifts. Find the Frostivus Wish-List of some worthy friend or prickly foe, and play the role of Furtive Frostus, gifting them with something they didn't know they wanted." This implies that some kind of Secret Santa gifting will play a big role in the event, and that it may even introduce a new mode.

Last year's Frostivus was quite eventful. In addition to the regular celebration, Valve used the event update to add in-game items created by winners of the Polycount Contest. Last year's Frostivus was also cut short by pesky Greevils, who did the Dota 2 equivalent of canceling Christmas.

With the inevitable Steam holiday sale on top of it all, it's sure to be a very merry time, with you glued to your PC while your extended family sips eggnog and wonders where you are.