Tanki Online - theFiringHand

TL;DR: Support one of two factions —Women or Men— and fight to win one of nine cool animated paints! Details below.


Event: Themed Challenge — Gender WAR
Duration: 27 days
Starts: 02:00 UTC on March 2 (tomorrow)
Ends: 02:00 UTC on March 29
Rewards: Choose one of nine animated paints



The first ever themed-Challenge —The Gender WAR— starts tomorrow.

Here are six very important things that you absolutely NEED to know about the event.


The WAR will be between two factions — Men and Women.


Just like other WARs, this one will be fought in Matchmaking battles.


The Gender WAR event will be using the SAME STARS you earn for the March Challenge. No extra effort is required.


To participate, you simply need to purchase one (only) of two Garage paints — Lady or Gentleman. This will determine which faction you’ll be supporting.


The two special Garage paints will be available to buy till 02:00 UTC on March 2nd (when the WAR starts officially).

That means you only have a few hours left to make your choice!


If your faction wins the war, and your Stars score is equal to (or higher than) the average Stars score for your faction, you’ll win one of nine cool animated paints.

You’ll need to pick your preferred prize from this special website (site will go live when the WAR starts officially).

So, hurry up! Grab the Garage paint for the faction that you want to support, and get ready to plunge into a good old-fashioned WAR.

P.S. Read more about the Gender WAR event —including important Terms and Conditions— in the following links:

Detailed Gender WAR event announcement

Official forum discussion thread for the WAR — Includes detailed FAQ

Let’s see who’s stronger!

Good luck!

P.S. Join the discussion on the Official Forum Thread
Tanki Online - theFiringHand


With the tomorrow’s (Mar 1st) server restart at 02:00 UTC, we’ll be releasing another update in the game. This update will affect the parameters of a number of Turrets and Alterations.

Here are the details.

  • Firebird
    • At lower levels, this turret was too imbalanced, so we’ve reduced its maximum heating temperature.
  • Isida
    • The number of points received for repairing allies has been returned to its previous value — 10.
  • Thunder
    • Impact force for Thunder’s “Subcaliber rounds” has been increased from 10% to 20%.
  • Firebird
    • The improved heating rate for "Compact fuel tanks" has been decreased from 200% to 100% This means that the duration of combustion after a short heating effect will be less.
    • The “Incendiary mix” alteration now reduces energy consumption by 50% instead of 20%, which means that the energy gauge will last longer.
  • Frеeze
    • The damage boost for "Corrosive mix" has been reduced from 10% to 5%.
  • Hammer
    • Slightly changed the device "dragon's Breath": heating the target in contact with the shot will be a third less than before.
  • Ricochet
    • The energy penalty per shot for “Berserk” has been reduced from 100% to 80%. Now you can fire more shots per energy gauge.
    • Plasma-torch alteration now slows down projectiles by 66% instead of the previous 75%. This means your projectiles will be faster.
  • Striker
    • The reload penalty for "Uranium missile launcher" has been increased from 10% to 20%. This means the firing rate has been reduced.
  • Railgun
    • The maximum damage boost from "Round Destabilization" is now 70% instead of 90%.
    • The "Death Herald" alteration no longer imposes a penalty on charging time. However, charging time has increased by 10%.

Log into the game tomorrow and check out all of the updates!
Tanki Online - theFiringHand


Due to unforeseen circumstances, the March Challenge and Gender WAR event for March 2019 will be starting one day later than announced.

This means the that both the Challenge and WAR will be starting at 02:00 UTC on Saturday, March 2nd. Additionally, the Gender WAR faction paints will also be available to buy till 02:00 UTC on March 2nd.

Let’s see who’s stronger!
Tanki Online - theFiringHand

TL;DR: GIFT FOR YOU: Log into the game on Thursday 28th and get a FREE day of Premium (only for accounts ranked Private and above) to finish your Challenge and earn more prizes.

From: 02:00 UTC on Thursday 28th February
To: 02:00 UTC on Friday 1st March



The second Challenge is coming close to its conclusion.

If you’ve been busy with day-to-day life, don’t worry. To help you catch up, we’re giving you 24 hours of Premium account for free if you log into the game anytime between 02:00 UTC on Thursday 28th February and 02:00 UTC on Friday 1st March.

A Premium Account gives you double the stars so you can finish your Challenge stages twice as fast and earn even more rewards.

Claim amazing prizes, including rare paints, shot effects, cool skins, a bunch of crystals, supplies, premium days and containers.

Make sure you don’t miss out on any of the cool rewards, especially the ones from the final stages.

And if you want to start earning double stars right away, you can get your Premium Account from the Shop today. We’ve got multiple packages available to suit any budget.

Visit the Shop today.
Tanki Online - theFiringHand

In today’s episode we’ll be discussing all the fun stuff related to Iron Days celebrations. We’ll also be answering your top questions about the «Gender war», and announcing a brand new game by Alternativa Games.

Check out V-LOG 203 right below!


Iron Days
Selfie Gold Box
March 2019: Gender WAR
eSports — Railgun Tournament: Masters of the sword
eSports — Blitz Tournaments
Video of the Week Submissions
Question of the Week Submissions
Tanki Online - theFiringHand


Event: Selfie Gold Box Contest — Take an in-game selfie of your tank with the Iron Days festive Gold Box and you’ll be in the chance to win 23,000 crystals and 3 containers.

Starts: 08:00 UTC on Sat February 23rd 2019

Ends: 02:00 UTC on Mon February 25th 2019

Results: Tue February 26th 2019



We’d like to invite you to participate in the “Selfie Gold Box” contest!

All you need to do, is capture a screenshot of your tank together with the festive Gold Box, upload it to an image hosting service and send us the link via this special form.

The screenshot MUST include your nickname and must not be modified in any way.

We will randomly select 10 lucky players out of those who have submitted valid entries. Winners will receive 23,000 crystals and 3 containers each.

Screenshots are accepted until 02:00 UTC on February 25th.

Results will be announced on February 26th during the day.

Good luck to all!

#February23 #tankionline
Tanki Online - theFiringHand


Event: Iron Days 2019
Duration: 3 days
Starts: 02:00 UTC on February 22nd
Ends: 02:00 UTC on February 25th
Features: Shop and Garage Discounts, Special Bundles, Double Funds, Gifts (not available in mobile version), 5X Gold drop frequency, and Decorations!



After the lovey-dovey Valentine’s Day celebrations, it’s time for something more adequate to warriors — Iron Days!

Here’s what you can expect in this year’s celebrations, starting with the server restart at 02:00 UTC tomorrow, Friday 22nd February:


Any tanker knows that great skills and quality gear go hand in hand. Here’s your chance to max out your tank on the cheap with three days of discounts.

Discount: 30% on Shop items (crystals, premium, paints, kits, golds) - not available in mobile version
Duration: 1 day
Starts: Feb 22 at 02:00 UTC
Ends: Feb 23 at 02:00 UTC
Exceptions: first crystals pack, first premium pack, first golds pack

Discount: 30% on Garage items (turrets, hulls, modules, alterations, drones, supplies, batteries)
Duration: 1 day
Starts: Feb 23 at 02:00 UTC
Ends: Feb 24 at 02:00 UTC
Exceptions: paints

Discount: 30% & 50% on Upgrades and speed-ups
Duration: 1 day
Starts: Feb 24 at 02:00 UTC
Ends: Feb 25 at 02:00 UTC

Holiday Bundles in the Shop

Got a keen eye for a great deal? Cool. We’ve created two special bundles that will set you ahead of the competition at a really affordable price.

Both bundles will be available in the Shop for the duration of the festivities (3 days).

Holiday Bundle 1
5 Containers
300 of each supply (excluding Gold Boxes and Batteries)
100 000 crystals

Holiday Bundle 2
Honor animated paint (only available in this Bundle and Containers)
15 Containers
25 000 crystals

Double Battle Funds in MM battles

Get twice the reward for the same amount of effort!

Every matchmaking battle you finish during the 3-day festivities will reward you with Double Battle Funds.

5X Gold drop frequency in MM battles

Want more crystals? No problem. Throughout the celebrations Gold Boxes will be dropping 5X more often in Matchmaking battles. But you’ll have to fight hard to get them!

Themed in-game decorations

Themed holiday paint, billboards on all maps, gold box skin, drop zone, parachutes and flags, plus special in-game gifts (not available in mobile version) to share the festive spirit with your tanker friends.

*Gifts are only available in the web version of the game

So, prepare for 3 days of tough-as-nails festivities with Iron Days 2019, starting with tomorrow’s server restart at 02:00 UTC!

Join the conversation in the forum.
Tanki Online - theFiringHand


There are only 8 days left in the February Challenge.

Has your progress has been slower than you were hoping?

Don’t worry!

A Premium account gives you double Stars for every battle you finish, so you can complete your Challenge just in time before the deadline.

Remember, the final stage will reward you with a Hornet XT Skin (Silver Tier) and the brand new Railgun Legacy Skin (Gold Tier — Battle Pass required).

So, keep fighting those battles, earning stars and collecting fantastic rewards with the February’s Challenge!

P.S. Now you can also buy a Battle Pass and Premium Account together as a bundle from the Shop. It’s faster and more convenient than ever. A Battle Pass unlocks the Gold Tier of rewards for you, which includes the brand new Railgun Legacy Skin.

[[url=https://tankionline.com/battle-en.html]Visit the Shop today[/url].
Feb 19, 2019
Tanki Online - theFiringHand

TL;DR: Support one of two factions —Women or Men— and fight to win one of nine cool animated paints! Details below.


Event: Themed Challenge — Gender WAR
Duration: 27 days
Starts: 02:00 UTC on March 2
Ends: 02:00 UTC on March 29
Rewards: Choose one of nine animated paints


March 2019 brings with it the first ever themed-Challenge — The Gender WAR.

The WAR will be between two factions — Women and Men. Pick which side to fight on and help carry it to victory.

The prize is your choice of one of nine cool animated paints:
Spinner, Tic_tac-toe, Siberian tiger, Pastila, Ginga, Magnolia, Runes, Mount Fuji, Beholder.

How to participate in the Gender WAR

The Gender WAR is tied to the monthly Challenge.

Participation in the Gender WAR is optional. If you choose to join, the Stars you earn from battles will count for your Challenge AND for the Gender WAR.

To participate, you need to buy one of two themed paints in the garage:

Lady — Support the Women’s faction
Gentlemen — Support the Men’s faction

You’ll be able to purchase either of these paints from your Garage starting from February 20.

Once the WAR kicks off, any Stars you earn in the March Challenge will also count towards your faction’s score.

IMPORTANT information about the Paints

You may only purchase ONE of the two paints.

As soon as you purchase one paint, the other will become unavailable for you to purchase. Choose carefully, because your choice CANNOT be changed.

These paints are temporary. They will only be in the game only for the duration of the event.
With the morning restart at 02:00 UTC on March 2, they will disappear from sale.

At the end of the Gender WAR at 02:00 UTC on March 29, the Lady and Gentleman paints will be removed from all garages.

How the Gender WAR works

So, how will the outcome of the WAR be decided?

In the interest of fairness, we’ll be comparing the average number of stars per player in each faction, not the total.

Let’s say only 5 people buy the Gentleman paint, and they collect 100, 200, 300, 400 and 500 stars respectively. So:

100 stars + 200 stars + 300 stars + 400 stars + 500 stars = 1500 stars

1500 stars divided by 5 players = 300

This gives us an average of 300 stars for the Men’s faction.

The winning faction will be the one with the highest average number of Stars.

You’ll be able to follow the score for both factions on a special website starting from March 2.


There are nine animated paints to choose from.

While the Gender WAR is ongoing, you’ll be able to log into the special Gender WAR site by using your ingame nickname and password, and choose which paint you would like to receive if your faction wins.

However, only players who have scored equal to or more than their faction’s average will get the paint. So make sure you don’t fall behind! Fight hard, carry your faction to victory and claim your chosen animated paint.

IMPORTANT: The paint will be awarded to the account that you use to sign into the special site. Rewards cannot be transferred.

Once again, here are the nine animated paints that will be available for you to choose from:
Spinner, Tic_tac-toe, Siberian tiger, Pastila, Ginga, Magnolia, Runes, Mount Fuji, Beholder.


The Gender War will last 27 days, starting at 02:00 UTC on March 2, and ending at 02:00 UTC on March 29. Prizes will be handed out on the same day.

Choose your faction. Let’s see who’s stronger!

Good luck!

Join the discussion in the forum
Tanki Online - theFiringHand

In today’s episode we’ll be discussing this year’s Valentine’s day celebrations. We’ll also be telling you about exciting events in the community, and looking into the upcoming themed Challenge for March..

Check out V-LOG 202 right below!


Valentine’s Celebrations
New Hammer XT Bundle
February Challenge — Railgun Legacy XT
Youtuber TO — Official Website
Tanki Online Newspaper
Tanki Online VOTW #201 — Tandem parkour | Danya.Forever and Blaze
Video of the Week Submissions
Question of the Week Submissions