May 20, 2019
World of Warships - WoWs Admiral

Roma could be considered a first-class battleship by the standards of her time.
Her full displacement exceeds 45,000 tons and she carries 381 mm artillery, has up to 350 mm thick side armor, more than 60 AA guns, and a group of three aircraft—these numbers are impressive. Even though this battleship never saw action, the combat potential of this behemoth was visible to anyone.
The ship’s history
The Italian Vittorio Veneto-class battleship Roma was laid down on September 18, 1938 at the Cantieri Riuniti dell'Adriatico shipyard in Trieste. On June 9, 1940, the ship was put afloat, and on June 14, 1942, she became a part of the Regia Marina. However, due to a serious shortage of fuel in the country at the time, the ship wasn't able to perform combat tasks. Instead, she and other ships of the same type, such as Vittorio Veneto and Littorio, were used as floating AA batteries, used to protect Italian cities against air strikes.

On June 5, 1943, battleship Roma was severely damaged by Allied aviation while in La Spezia port: two heavy bombs dropped by B-17 bombers exploded in the water on either side of the ship's bow, causing heavy flooding.

On the night of June 23-24, the battleship was hit by another pair of bombs: one of them went through the upper deck and damaged several officer's cabins, while the other exploded upon reaching the armor plates of the 381 mm aft turret and caused almost no damage. Even though combat capabilities of the ship remained intact, she was sent to Genoa for repairs.

The Armistice of Cassibile between the Kingdom of Italy and the Allies was signed on September 9, 1943. The day after Italy’s surrender, a fleet of operational Italian ships led by Roma set sail for Allied-controlled ports in an effort to prevent the ships from falling into German hands. However, German command quickly learned about the Italians’ plans and sent a bomber squadron after them, armed with the latest "ultimate weapon"—radio-controlled Fritz X bombs. In the ensuing attack, Roma was hit by two of them. The first bomb pierced the ship's hull and exploded underneath the keel, causing flooding in the aft engine and boiler rooms. The battleship’s speed and power was reduced, forcing her to leave the battle group. As she was falling behind, the second bomb struck her and pierced through several decks, causing her magazines to detonate. The devastating explosion threw one of her main battery turrets overboard, and a 500-meter smoke plume rose above the ship. In just a few minutes Roma broke in two and sank, with 1,253 crew members going down with her.

Ship remodeling

Main battery: 381 mm/50 OTO Ansaldo Model 1934 guns distributed between three triple turrets.

Italy already had experience of building 381 mm guns for WWI battleships, which is why guns of the same caliber were created for the new generation of “super” battleships. The new powerful 381 mm guns and their triple turrets were designed by the famous Ansaldo company. The OTO company also contributed to the production of guns and mounts.

Secondary battery: twelve 152 mm/55 OTO Model 1936 guns

Dual-purpose battery: twelve 90 mm/50 OTO Model 1939 guns

Anti-aircraft armament: eight twin 37 mm/54 Breda 1932 mounts, four 37 mm/54 RM 1939 guns, 32 automatic 20 mm/65 Breda 1935 guns..

Handling battleship Roma
Commander with 10 skill points

  • Priority Target
  • Adrenaline Rush
  • Superintendant
  • Concealment Expert
Commander with 19 skill points

  • Priority Target
  • Adrenaline Rush
  • Superintendant
  • Concealment Expert
  • Fire Prevention
  • Basics of Survivability
  • Expert Marksman
Battleship Roma’s consumables
The ship has five slots for upgrades. We consider the following combinations to be most effective:

  • Damage Control Party Modification 1 or Main Armaments Modification 1
  • Damage Control System Modification 1
  • AA Guns Modification 1 or Aiming Systems Modification 1
  • Damage Control System Modification 2 or Steering Gears Modification 2
  • Concealment System Modification 1

Battleship Roma in combat
VIII Roma is a fast, sneaky battleship with good handling and powerful armor. In a battle, this ship encroaches upon the enemy, fending off their attacks and pushing at their flanks. Due to the high position of the citadel, it’s advisable to avoid exposing the ship's sides to enemy fire, and also to avoid encounters that involve a large number of ships.

Roma cannot boast an ideal range of fire, but amazing shell ballistics turn her into a cunning predator in medium- to short-range encounters. Another advantage is the good concealment she offers for a battleship. This feature lets Roma sneak up close to her targets undetected, allowing her to be the first to deal a painful blow to any enemy counterpart.

Key features
  • Nine 381 mm main battery guns with great ballistics, excellent armor penetration, and phenomenal muzzle velocity.
  • Fast main battery turret traversing speed.
  • Powerful anti-torpedo protection and reliable horizontal armor. She has a long armor belt covering a part of the ship's bow, allowing her to approach the enemy at an acute angle.
  • Excellent concealment for a battleship.
  • Extra credits per battle and 50% more XP provided by her camouflage.

Bundles are available for purchase until Fri. 31 May 07:00 CEST (UTC+2)

Roma. Admiral's Pack –20%
  • VIII Roma
  • Commander with 10 skill points
  • Port Slot
  • 6,500
  • 6,500,000
  • Unique flag
For a detailed look at the ship's technical specifications, follow this link.
May 18, 2019
World of Warships - WoWs Admiral

In the previous episodes of How It Works, we talked about torpedoes. In the new episode, we'd like to tell you about one of the most hazardous things that can happen at sea—flooding!

When can flooding occur? How is risk of flooding calculated? To learn the answers to these and other questions, watch the new episode of the most useful series on our channel!
World of Warships - WoWs Admiral

With Update 0.8.4, the second stage of the "Victory" competition will start, bringing a new collection called "In the Service of the Motherland" dedicated to the Russian and Soviet Navy.

In the process of its creation, the development team used a wide range of sources including meticulous historical research and photo archives. Today we will tell you about the features of the collection and show you some of its elements.

This collection will be permanently available in the game.

Collection ● Rewards

Renowned admirals, outstanding engineers, glorious naval victories, innovative projects, battleships wielding their powerful armament—this is the story of the Russian and Soviet Navy.

The new collection comprises 32 elements, thematically divided into 8 sections:
  • Admiral Nikolay Gerasimovich Kuznetsov
  • Main Battery
  • Illustrious Names
  • Russian Shipbuilders I
  • The Path of the Naval Commander
  • Shells for Battleships
  • Naval Awards of the U.S.S.R.
  • Russian Shipbuilders II

Shoulder Board of Admiral Flota (1944)
In May 1940, the generalship and admiralty were introduced into the Armed Forces of the Soviet Union. Accordingly, the People's Commissar for the U.S.S.R.—Navy Nikolay Gerasimovich Kuznetsov, previously Flagman Flota 2 Ranga (Flag Officer 2nd rank)—was awarded the rank of Admiral. The highest rank in the naval hierarchy was Admiral Flota, but at that time it hadn't been awarded to anyone.

The People's Commissar for the Navy, Kuznetsov, and his deputy Admiral Isakov, were the first to be awarded the rank of Admiral Flota (admiral of the fleet). This took place in May 1944. Circa that period, the corresponding insignias were developed. As the decree of 1940 implied the correspondence of the Admiral Flota rank to the Army General of the Land Forces, four stars were placed on the Admiral Flota shoulder boards of 1944 in analogy with the army ranks. In May 1945, a special decree equated the ranks of the Admiral Flota to the Marshal of the Soviet Union. At the same time, the Marshal-type shoulder boards with the emblem of the U.S.S.R. and one big star were introduced.

B-37 406 mm Gun
The design of 406 mm sea guns began in Russia in 1914. Up to the end of World War I, future battleships were supposed to be armed with such artillery. The design of the Great Navy battleships began in the U.S.S.R. in 1936. They were also supposed to have 406 mm guns, but the best practices from 20 years previous were no longer suitable. Between 1937–1940, the 50-caliber B-37 gun was designed and manufactured with contributions from several Soviet plants.

The range tests of the B-37 guns were carried out in the second half of 1940. The firing velocity of each 1,108 kg shell was 830 m/s. The firing range, at an optimum elevation angle of 45 degrees, exceeded 45.5 km. The B-37 guns were the main weapons of the Sovetsky Soyuz class battleships. Triple turrets were designed at the Leningrad Metal Plant, which once developed turrets for the first Russian dreadnoughts. The total weight of each mount was about 2,400 tons, and the turret was supposed to be operated in combat conditions by 100 people.

The Order of Ushakov
In March 1944, in the midst of the Great Patriotic War, the Order of Ushakov was established in the U.S.S.R. It would become the highest award for naval officers. The order got its name in honor of Admiral Fyodor Ushakov, one of the greatest Russian naval Commanders (1745–1817). It was established in two classes. The 1st Class order was a five-pointed platinum star with a silver anchor and chain secured to it, and an enamel-covered medallion struck from gold with a relief image of the naval commander. The star of the 2nd Class order was made of gold, and the anchor and the medallion were made of silver.

The Order of Ushakov was very rarely awarded—only 26 people ever received the 1st Class variety. In June 1944, Admiral Nikolay Gerasimovich Kuznetsov was awarded with Order Badge No. 5. A year later, he was awarded with his second 1st Class Order of Ushakov. The only foreigner ever to be awarded with this order was British Royal Navy Admiral Bertram Ramsay—one of the commanders of the Dunkirk evacuation in 1940 and the Normandy landings in 1944. Interestingly, Order Badge No. 1 of the 2nd Class Order of Ushakov was awarded to a distant relative of Fyodor Ushakov, a participant of two world wars—Kontr-Admiral (Rear-Admiral) Yury Fyodorovich Rall (1890–1948).

You will be able to exchange duplicates for items of the "In the Service of the Motherland" collection that you are missing, the exchange rate will be 5 to 1. You can select which element you will receive for your duplicates. When you complete the collection, all remaining duplicates on your account will be exchanged for credits at the following rate: 1 duplicate = 15,000 credits.

By completing thematic sheets of the collection, you will earn "October Revolution" containers and an option to mount a second flag and use an alternative color scheme on Soviet cruisers and destroyers. The main reward for completing the collection will be the option to change the camo color for Soviet battleships, and mount two flags on them as well.

You can find one of the following rewards in "October Revolution" containers:
  • 250 doubloons
  • 2,500 doubloons
  • 1 day of Warships Premium Account
  • 5,000 Free XP
A container of the "In the Service of the Motherland" collection contains:
  • 5 expendable Victory camouflage patterns or 5 special signal flags
  • 1,000 Coal or 10 combat signal flags
  • 1 element of the "In the Service of the Motherland" collection
A special Premium "In the Service of the Motherland" container with a great number of prizes will be available in the Premium shop:
  • 15 expendable Victory camouflage patterns or 15 special signal flags
  • 25 Provision Tokens
  • 1 element of the "In the Service of the Motherland" collection
In addition to the specified rewards, you have a chance to find a special combat mission in both containers. When you complete it, you can get one of the Premium Soviet ships: V Okhotnik, VI Molotov, VII Leningrad, or VIII Lenin. The chance of getting a combat mission from the Premium "In the Service of the Motherland" container is higher.

Good luck!
World of Warships - WoWs Admiral

Stalingrad almost made it, but suddenly...

Kronstadt got cornered. All that’s left to do is...

Would you like to discover the story behind this? Watch the new WoWS Show episode!
Did you like the video? Subscribe to our channel so as not to miss out on other cool stuff!
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How does one send a replay to our show?
You need to log in to the website using your Wargaming account credentials. Then click the "Upload Replay" button and share your in-game stories! Don't forget to write the names of the show and your ship in the "Title" section, to ensure that we don't miss your replay. Example: #WOWSHOW (Tirpitz).

How do we select replays for our show?
To be approved for our show, a replay should correspond to the following criteria:
  • Duration of an episode or a pack of mini episodes shouldn't exceed one minute.
  • Episodes should be funny, interesting, or just plain epic. The more entertaining; the better!
Any player can send us an unlimited number of replays. Players will receive a reward for every replay chosen for the show!
World of Warships - WoWs Admiral


The second part of the Soviet update is incoming. It brings with it a new collection and theme-based containers, as well the unique Commander Nikolay Kuznetsov, the Greece map, dynamic weather in the Port, a new season of Ranked Battles, and much more.

How was the Greece map, the first to be made this year, created? What awaits you in the new season of Ranked Battles? And what is dynamic weather?

Watch this episode of Developer Diaries to learn the answers to these and other questions!

Subtitles can be enabled in the video player separately.
Enjoy watching!
May 10, 2019
World of Warships - WoWs Admiral

Welcome to our tour of the newly introduced Soviet battleship Lenin.

This ship is one of the design versions of a fast-moving battleship armed with 406 mm artillery, developed under the U.S.S.R.'s Big Fleet program in the second half of the 1930s. One peculiar feature of this design was the placement of main turrets at the fore end of the ship. Strong armor and a high caliber make an ideal combination when crushing enemy ships.
History of the Ship
In 1935, new international challenges forced the U.S.S.R. to adjust their ship building policy, which until that point had not paid enough attention to battleships as a ship type. These changes gave the design bureaus a green light to initiate the development of a number of draft designs for battleships. In 1936, the design performance specifications were prepared. Project 21, the design for a battleship intended to operate in the Baltic Sea, was developed by the Design Bureau of the Baltic Shipyard on the basis of the provided performance specifications. These were: water displacement of 35,000 tons; a main battery comprising nine 406 mm guns; and an armor belt 350 mm thick. The draft design was ready by June. The arrangement of the ship’s main turrets was similar to that of British battleship Nelson, with three turrets placed at the fore-end. The ship also carried 152 mm secondary battery guns and long-range 100 mm AA guns. The engineers applied the Italian-designed Pugliese torpedo defense system. However, the Nelson-like layout was rejected by Naval Command after heated debates due to "tactical reasons". The experience gained during the development of Project 21 was used as the basis for the "Type A Battleship" project that later evolved into the Sovetsky Soyuz-class battleship.

Ship Remodeling
The model depicts how this ship could have looked in 1944, had she had been laid down in 1936 and built according to the pre-draft Project 21.

Main battery: 406 mm/45 model 1915 guns placed in three triple turrets mounted at the fore-end of the ship. The game features a gun design from the Obukhov Steel Plant.

The gun was developed by engineers of the Obukhov Steel Plant under supervision of the Naval General Staff and the Main Directorate of Ship Construction by the end of 1913. The order for production of the guns was placed with the Obukhov Steel Plant in February 1914.

The gun design by the Obukhov Steel Plant only ever existed on paper, it never materialized due to the plant being busy fulfilling other urgent military orders. The gun design provided for the following ballistic characteristics: shell weight of 1,116 kg; charge weight of 332 kg; muzzle velocity of 840 m/s.

Secondary battery: four 152 mm triple MK-3-152 mounts (complete with B-38 guns) placed in a single gun slide on the model of a MK-3-180 turret.

The B-38 guns were intended for artillery mounts installed on Project 23 battleships, Project 69 heavy cruisers, and Project 68 light cruisers. However, production of these ships was canceled during World War II, and the B-38 guns were installed on five Project 68K cruisers and fourteen Project 68bis cruisers after the war.

Anti-aircraft armament: long-range AA artillery comprises six twin-gun MZ-14 mounts equipped with 100 mm B-54 guns. The small caliber AA artillery is represented by eight 37 mm quadruple 46-K mounts and ten 37 mm twin B-11 mounts.

Handling Battleship Lenin
Commander with 10 skill points

  • Priority Target
  • Adrenaline Rush
  • Superintendant
  • Fire Prevention
Commander with 19 skill points

  • Priority Target
  • Adrenaline Rush
  • Superintendant
  • Fire Prevention
  • Concealment Expert
  • Basics of Survivability
  • Jack of All Trades
Battleship Lenin Consumables
The battleship is equipped with a simple set of consumables, namely Repair Party, Damage Control Party, and Fighter. The faster cooldown period of the Damage Control Party consumable will help you to effectively protect the ship from fires and flooding, but do keep in mind the limited number of times it can be used.

The ship has five slots for upgrades. We consider the following combinations to be most effective:

  • Damage Control Party Modification 1 or Main Armaments Modification 1
  • Damage Control System Modification 1
  • AA Guns Modification 1
  • Damage Control System Modification 2
  • Concealment System Modification 1
Battleship Lenin in Combat
  • Lenin's best card is her accurate 406 mm guns, placed in three triple turrets at the hull's fore-end. Firing range: 18.4 km; reload time: 33 seconds. The main guns have good ballistics and high-speed shells. Lenin's guns are highly accurate at short and mid ranges. At long ranges the guns are slightly inferior to their peers from other nations in terms of their firing efficiency, due to higher shell dispersion.
  • A high turret traverse speed for a battleship: 180 degrees in just 30 seconds, excluding the effects of Commander skills and upgrades.
  • Good armor—a typical feature of U.S.S.R. battleships. Lenin's 100 mm bow armor belt can withstand an attack better than the majority of same-tier battleships, while her deck has reliable protection against HE shells and rockets.
  • The Damage Control Party consumable with an accelerated recovery time between uses, but with a limited number of charges. Action time: 10 seconds; reload time: 60 seconds; number of charges: 3.
Bundles are available for purchase until Fri. 31 May 07:00 CEST (UTC+2)

Please note: Until August 31, owners of this bundle will have access to a special combat mission. The first 25 battles played with this ship in any battle type will bring you three times more XP than usual. You can receive this combat mission only once per account.
World of Warships - WoWs Admiral

For the occasion of Victory Day, the World of Warships video team have prepared a special Naval Legends episode telling the fascinating story of battleship Sovetsky Soyuz.

In the early 20th century, the Russian fleet was experiencing a hard time, suffering through a sequence of events that started with the Russo-Japanese war, in which the Russian Empire lost almost all of its large ships, followed by World War I, the Revolution, and the Civil War, which finished the fleet off. After recovering from the aftershock of those events, the Bolsheviks realized that their armed forces were in desperate need of intense development.

So, how was it implemented and what was behind the codename "Project 23"? Find out in the new episode of Naval Legends!
Did you like the episode? Subscribe to our channel so as not to miss out on any new episodes!

Weekend highlights
Don't miss out on this week's massive offer of in-game discounts and bonuses! Get more bang for your doubloon when converting regular Ship XP and Elite Commander XP into Free XP to use as you please!

Ends: Mon. 13 May 05:00 UTC

Ship XP ⇒ Free XP
1 = 25 35

Elite Commander XP ⇒ Free XP
1 = 25 35

More Discounts and Bonuses!
−50% to the cost of upgrades in credits.

−50% to the cost of Tier II–V Soviet, British, American, and French ships in credits.
−30% to the cost of Tier VI–VII Soviet, British, American, and French ships in credits.
−15% to the cost of Tier VIII–X Soviet, British, American, and French ships in credits.

End of WWII in Europe
In battles, destroy 2 enemy ships.
1 day of Warships Premium Account
Ship restrictions:
Tier V–X ships
Battle type restrictions:
Operations, Random, Co-op, and Ranked Battles

For a limited time,  VII Lazo can be obtained for 1,500 Allowance Tokens in the Armory.

Allowance Tokens are a new temporary resource that can be exchanged for various in-game items in the Armory, from signals and Warships Premium Account time, to Premium Soviet VII Tier cruiser VII Lazo.

You can obtain Allowance Tokens by completing in-game missions or through the purchasable Soviet Era containers.

This Soviet Project 68 light cruiser has large dimensions and carries a formidable main battery that comprises twelve 152 mm guns. Lazo is well suited to long-range engagements. She excels at exchanging fire over long distances due to the trademark features of her Soviet artillery, and through utilizing the specific parameters of her Spotting Aircraft consumable. There are just a couple of Tier VII ships that can hold this cruiser accountable for her boldness.
World of Warships - WoWs Admiral

It's commonly known that ‘ship’ is a feminine word in many languages. So, making a poetic comparison of, let's say, a battleship to a fair lady should hardly come as surprising.

That's why Azur Lane, a popular mobile game available for iOS and Android, presents various ships of World War II in the guise of girls. But why are we mentioning this again? Because the World of Warships team are continuing to collaborate with the developers of Azur Lane!

Themed Port ● Collection ● Special Content for World of Warships ● Combat missions ● Azur Lane in a nutshell
We’ve prepared new Commanders, ships, containers, and combat missions, as well as a collection and a new themed Port. If you’re interested in all of this, then press the “I like Azur Lane” button, or alternatively, obtain the relevant bundles in the Premium Shop.

Attention! If, for whatever reason, anime is not your cup of tea, then you can hide the special camos and Commanders in the filter carousel simply by unticking the Azur Lane field in the “Custom ships” section.

Themed Port
This might not be the most canonical interior of a Commander's cabin, but those are the rules. Here, you can also hear some music that will be familiar to all fans of Azur Lane.

Collect all 36 avatars of the Azur Lane Commanders. The first item of the collection can be obtained from an Azur Lane container. The rest will appear in further Azur Lane containers that you obtain, and, with a certain probability—daily containers. All you need to do is to activate the subscription on the collection screen by enabling the "Collect" option.

You will receive flags of the nations from Azur Lane as a reward for completing thematic lists, and the unique Commander Azuma as a reward for completing the entire collection.

You will be able to exchange duplicates for any missing items of the Azur Lane collection at the exchange rate of 5 to 1. You can choose the item that you would like to receive in exchange for your duplicates. Once you complete the collection, all remaining duplicates on your account will be exchanged for credits at the following rate:  1 duplicate = 15,000 credits.

Special Content for World of Warships
The existing Commanders of World of Warships are joined by eight popular characters: Neptune, Prinz Eugen, Dunkerque, Atago, Azuma, Montpelier, Yukikaze, and Kaga, with each having their own unique voiceover.
Prinz Eugen
Don't want to bind a particular Commander to just one ship? Although these are unique Commanders, you can still have a few of the same kind in your possession. For example, you can assign several versions of Commander Atago to various Japanese ships.

Two special ships with distinctive themed camouflage patterns—American cruiser VIII AL Montpelier and Japanese destroyer VIII AL Yukikaze—are already in the game!

Azur Lane containers include three rewards:
  • Azur Lane – Siren expendable camouflage.
  • 1x Dragon special signal or 5x Zulu Hotel signals.
  • 1x collection item.
  • Chance for a random Azur Lane commander

Items found in the Azur Lane Premium containers:
  • 5x Azur Lane – Siren camouflage patterns
  • 10x special signals of one of the following types: Basilisk, Wyvern, Hydra, Dragon, Red Dragon, Leviathan, Scylla, or Ouroboros
  • Guaranteed one of eight new Azur Lane Commanders: Azuma, Atago, Dunkerque, Kaga, Montpelier, Neptune, Prinz Eugen, or Yukikaze

Please note: you can have an unlimited number of identical Azur Lane Commanders.

Azur Lane – Siren сamo specifications
  • –3% to your ship’s detectability range by sea.
  • +4% to the dispersion of shells fired by enemies at your ship.
  • +50% Commander XP per battle.
  • +100% XP per battle.

All in One
For those who can’t wait, we have a large bundle comprising ships VIII AL Montpelier and VIII AL Yukikaze, as well as an array of Commanders both familiar and new, including Commander Azuma.

Bundles are available for purchase until Fri. 07 Jun. 07:00 CEST (UTC+2)

Combat missions
You will receive containers of the Azur Lane collection and Commander Hood as the final reward for completing a specific chain of combat missions.

Ocean Current: Part 1
In battles, earn 10,000 XP.
1× container of the Azur Lane collection
Ship restrictions:
Tier V–X ships
Battle type restrictions:
Operations, Random, Co-op, and Ranked Battles
You can complete this combat mission only once.

Ocean Current: Part 2
In battles, deal 300,000 HP of damage.
1x container of the Azur Lane collection
Ship restrictions:
Tier V–X ships
Battle type restrictions:
Operations, Random, Co-op, and Ranked Battles
You can complete this combat mission only once.

Ocean Current: Part 3
In battles, earn 3,000,000 credits.
1x container of the Azur Lane collection
Ship restrictions:
Tier V–X ships
Battle type restrictions:
Operations, Random, Co-op, and Ranked Battles
You can complete this combat mission only once.
The combat missions of the chain can be completed only once, and only in the specified sequence.

Final reward: Commander Hood with 10 skill points and the manjuu commemorative flag.

Start: Wed. 01 May 07:00 CEST (UTC+2)
End: Fri. 07 Jun. 07:00 CEST (UTC+2)

Azur Lane in a nutshell
  • The Azur Lane mobile game has been developed as a shooting RPG, utilizing “shoot'em up” mechanics.
  • Players participate in intense shootouts by taking command of a Division, which includes several naval warships, turned humanoid.
  • Enemies deliver a squall of fire, and a player's main task is to avoid the shells, minimize damage, and blast foes away by firing back.
  • There are more than 100 ships, or rather Ship-Girls, in Azur Lane battles. They are based on ships of different nations from the World War II era.
More information is available on the official website of the game.
Remember that if you’re interested in the Azur Lane content and want to participate in the associated activities, simply click the “I like Azur Lane” button or obtain the relevant bundles in the Premium Shop.

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World of Warships - WoWs Admiral


So, you liked the WOWSHOW and want something even more bombastically epic? Well we promised, and we’re delivering with "Best of 3", a new video series from the creators of "Sea Smackdown"! But you won’t find any jokes here! Each episode will highlight select moments of terrifically intense combat, as well as the best achievements and records of players in World of Warships. The pilot episode will feature the best results according to damage per battle. Let’s find out who the best brawler was!
Did you like the video? Subscribe to our channel so as not to miss out on other cool stuff!
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How does one send a replay to our show?
To appear in our new series, it takes more than just showing phenomenal results. You have to share them with us!

If you have a great battle replay where you carried the game, simply log in to using your Wargaming account credentials, press the "Upload replay" button—and share your combat experiences!

Any player can send us an unlimited number of replays. Players will receive a reward for each replay that we pick for an episode!
World of Warships - Ryuu

In Updates 0.8.3 and 0.8.4 all players will be able to participate in the friendly "Victory" competition by joining either Team Honor or Team Glory.

For your successes in battle, you'll get Allowance Tokens that can be exchanged for special containers in the Armory, which in turn provide you with a chance to gain early access to Soviet battleships. These even offer an opportunity to get your hands on Tier VII Soviet cruiser Lazo! In this article, we'll tell you about all of the features and peculiarities of the new event.

Which team to choose? ● How to earn points ● Personal orders ● Balancing of team points ● Wall of Valor ● Will to Victory ● Rules ● Armory ● Soviet battleships

Which team to choose?
Each day you’ll choose one of the following teams:

  • Team Honor values the great traditions of the Soviet Navy. Join the team and fight fearlessly for justice!
  • Team Glory triumphantly copes with all missions. Join the team and write your own legend into history alongside the heroic deeds of Soviet sailors!
Having chosen your team, you’ll be taken to a version of Black Sea Port that will be painted in the colors of your team.

The competition starts: Fri. 26 Apr. 04:00 CEST (UTC+2)
Prepare your ships, mount signals and camouflages, and head into battle to fight alongside your brothers-in-arms, then earn the points that will deliver your victory! Each day, the team with most points, wins.

The crediting of points is put on hold one hour prior to the beginning of the next competition day. Battles fought after this time will not be taken into account.

How to earn points
Earning points is what will cause your team to prevail in the daily competition. Each day the results are summed up and players from the winning team who earned at least 1 point receive 4 Allowance Tokens. These can be spent in the Armory.

So, how can you earn them? It's very simple—just fight on your favorite Tier V-X ships in Operations, Co-op, Random, Ranked, and Clan Battles.
Ship's tier / points
Random Battles
Destroyed ship
Honorary achievement
Heroic achievement
Personal Order
Co-op Battles
Destroyed ship
Personal Order
Ranked Battle
Clan Battle
Each star when victorious
15 20
Please note, the rules of the competition available in the game client display an incorrect number for points awarded per star for each victorious battle in Operations.

In addition to the team rating, the competition will also have a personal rating: the "My Contribution" section has all of the information about team results, your personal achievements, and daily rewards. The more points you earn, the more tokens you get!

Personal orders
You might receive a personal order during Random and Co-op Battles. If you complete this, you'll earn additional points. The exact requirements of the order will depend on your ship.

Please note: an order can only be completed during the battle in which you received it in. Progress is not saved.

The order itself and progress towards it are displayed directly in battle or can be found under the Tasks tab accessed by pressing Tab.

Balancing of team points
Each day of the competition represents a separate Stage. The team with the most points per day wins the Stage. The following day, tasks for their personal rating will become harder for the winning team, and the rewards more valuable.

The losing team, however, always gets the normal difficulty level for their personal rating the following day.

At the same time, the losing team will receive a modifier that gets applied to the points they earn the next day, helping them to close the gap quicker. Bear in mind that this modifier is applied only to team points and doesn't have any effect on personal rating or the Wall of Valor.

In total, there are four difficulty levels:
Difficulty level
Allowance Tokens
Modifier for the losing team
+25% points
Very Hard
+100% points
+300% points
Example: Team Honor wins the first day of the competition. The next day, players who choose to join this team will see the difficulty level for their personal rating rise to "Hard." Accordingly, in order to receive the maximum reward for their personal rating, they need to score 1,500 points instead of 500.

The difficulty level doesn't change for Team Glory, they still need to earn 500 points in order to get the maximum reward for their personal rating. At the same time, the number of points they earn for their team grows by 25%. So, if you enter a Random Battle in a Tier X ship and destroy 3 ships (60 points), receive a heroic achievement (160 points), and win (80 points), you will be awarded 300 points for your personal rating and 375 points (300+25%) for the team rating.

If Team Glory wins this day, the difficulty level for them rises to "Hard", while Team Honor's difficulty level returns to "Normal".

Wall of Valor
The Wall of Valor shows your achievements and enables you to compare your progress against the results of the Top-100 players.

The more points you've obtained and the higher your position on the Wall of Valor; the more tokens you get for the Armory at the end of the day.
The Wall of Valor is updated daily, and the final results become available as soon as a competition day ends. In the upper part of the table, you can select a particular day and see its results.
Wall of Valor after a competition day
Allowance Tokens
Top 5%
16 + 4 = 20
Top 10%
12 + 4 = 16
Top 25%
8 + 4 = 12
Top 50%
4 + 4 = 8
All active participants
Put simply, you'll get Allowance Tokens for:
  • The victory of your team in the current competition day—4 tokens.
  • The number of points you earn for your personal rating—from 8 to 121 tokens per day, depending on the difficulty level.
  • Wall of Honor's final results for a competition day—from 4 to 20 tokens.
Will to Victory
By playing for one of the teams for 15 days in total, you'll receive a reward for loyalty to that team—a commemorative patch and flag. It's not necessary to stay with one team all days in a row. You are free to select a team depending on your preferences and difficulty level. Thus, you can earn rewards for playing on both teams if you wish.

By playing for either of the teams for a total of 20 days, you'll receive a commemorative patch and the "Victory" competition flag.

You can always consult the latest edition of the competition rules on a special tab in the event screen. There you’ll find a general description of the event, information regarding team balance, your personal progress, details on the Wall of Valor, an explanation of the loyalty and Will to Victory mechanics, and the rules for summing up the results of a day.

You can exchange any Allowance Tokens that you earn during the competition in the corresponding section of the Armory.
  • Soviet Premium cruiser VII Lazo—1,500 tokens.
    • This Soviet Project 68 light cruiser has large dimensions and carries a formidable main battery that comprises twelve 152 mm guns. Lazo is well suited to long-range engagements. She excels at exchanging fire over long distances due to the trademark features of her Soviet artillery, and through utilizing the specific parameters of her Spotting Aircraft consumable. There are just a couple of Tier VII ships that can hold this cruiser accountable for her boldness.
  • The special "Victory Banner" permanent camouflage for Soviet ships VIII Vladivostok, VIII Chapayev, VIII Ognevoi, and VIII Kiev—500 tokens.
  • The expendable "Victory" camouflage—12 tokens.
  • "Soviet Era" containers with a chance to get a combat mission granting early access to Soviet battleships—30 tokens.
  • 3 days of Warships Premium Account—200 tokens.
  • Various signals—the number of tokens required depends on the signal type.

Additionally, you can spend doubloons in the Armory to get hold of Soviet Era Premium containers. These come with a lavish amount of in-game loot and carry a high chance of unlocking early access to Soviet battleships.

You can view the full contents of the new Armory section in the game client.

Soviet battleships
One of the most pleasant features of the "Victory" competition is the chance it offers to players to be among the first to try out the Soviet battleships, an entire month before their release and introduction to the Tech Tree. "Soviet Era" containers can drop a combat mission that will reward you with one of these ships: V Pyotr Velikiy, VI Izmail, VII Sinop, and VIII Vladivostok.

These missions are very simple. To get a Tier V ship, you'll need to earn 10,000 Base XP in Operations, Random, Co-op, Ranked, or Clan Battles. For Tier VI—12,000 XP; Tier VII—14,000 XP; and to obtain Vladivostok you'll need to earn 16,000 XP.

As soon as you complete the mission, the corresponding battleship will arrive in your Port together with a 3-point Commander, a Port slot, and all modules researched and purchased.

You can complete these missions until June 24.

Please note: in Update 0.8.3 you can't research the next ship in the branch and a single account can get each combat mission only once.

How do Soviet battleships differ from their counterparts?
The concept of Soviet battleships presupposes an aggressive playstyle and engagements at close and medium distances.
  • Their main battery guns have good accuracy at close and medium distances, but as a trade-off they suffer from having the worst shell dispersion at long distances among all same-type ships. The accuracy of these battleships changes more dramatically with distance than it does for their counterparts.
  • Powerful guns with decent armor penetration only reinforce the role of Soviet battleships as capable close-quarters brawlers. At Tiers IX and X they have turrets with high rotation speeds and convenient traverse angles, allowing you to quickly get your bearings in battle and react to any emerging threat in a timely fashion.
  • Good armor that’s especially effective against high-explosive shells is another advantage, tipping the balance in favor of offensive tactics. Sailing at an acute angle will allow you to confidently advance while deflecting enemy shells.
  • Another asset helping these ships survive in close-quarters engagements is the "Damage Control Party" consumable with some special settings, namely a quick reload time that will come in useful for high-intensity situations. However, pay close attention to one unusual feature: this consumable has only a limited number of charges.
  • Despite having a rather large turning circle, Soviet battleships can easily carry out accurate maneuvers in the heat of battle and profit from their specific armor layout thanks to their quick rudder-shift times.
The new Soviet ships are quite unusual and differ from battleships of other nations. Keeping their peculiarities in mind, you'll need to review your conventional approach to the game. In return, the ships that form this new branch will reward you for skillfully working with the advantages they offer.

This is only the first part of the event that’s coming in Update 0.8.3. So hold tight, we have even more exciting things in store for you!

Select a team, fight, and earn rewards! The Soviet battleships await you!

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