May 6, 2021
Community Announcements - DolphinBarnInc
  • balancing: prestige stamina training scaling nerfed (max stamina +/-1000 nerfed to +/-250)
  • fixed: anachronistic medicus training procedures
  • new: unarmed men will *sometimes fight, instead of just running around, looking for weapons
  • new: charioteer's whip now has a higher disarm chance if you whip a gladiator in battle. (Use Key: [E])

(* some men still wont fight. they're weak. there's no accounting for weak men. weak men lack character. strong moral fibre is hard to come by. it's earned through hard work and sacrifice and it cannot be had via onlyfans or pornhub. no, those fuckin' things are demonic posessions waiting to show you a succubus tiddy in the hopes you'll waste a load on her instead of spending that energy studying how to weld or grow a potato or learning a new language or how to program a computer. listen, kids ... get off them porntubes and do something with your life becuase no one is gonna give you a goddamned thing and this whole mess we call civilization is only getting harder. we need solutions and we need smart men who can work hard and implement those solutions. masturbating to egirls isn't gonna solve the energy crisis is it? get to work.

.. or play video games and have a relax and then get to work, fresh, tomorrow. i can't possibly know whats best for you in your individual situation.

really... don't let strangers on the internet tell you how to live your life. if you want to be told how to live your life, read the new testament. the internet will only give you lies.)
Apr 13, 2021
Community Announcements - DolphinBarnInc
  • new: Ludus TIME BOOST MAX 200%
  • tweaked: Chariot Races - AI shouldn't run to top of track any more (fingers crossed.)
  • new: sanitize text - the most offensive words are replaced with lesser offensive words, in text events, options, and outcomes. (no more f-words, c-words, or other c-words for ye who wouldst rather prefer to be unassailed by such vulgarities.)
Apr 13, 2021
Community Announcements - DolphinBarnInc
  • new: Ludus TIME BOOST MAX 200%
  • tweaked: Chariot Races - AI shouldn't run to top of track any more (fingers crossed.)
  • new: sanitize text - the most offensive words are replaced with lesser offensive words, in text events, options, and outcomes. (no more f-words, c-words, or other c-words for ye who wouldst rather prefer to be unassailed by such vulgarities.)

Mar 17, 2021
Community Announcements - DolphinBarnInc
  • game options: !hero min/max cheer bits can be set from UI and streamer can enabled/disable (potentially OP) prestige gladiators for users who spend bits at (or beyond) max cheer (gladiator will be prestige but will have no training applied so the streamer will have the ability to select whichever prestige training he likes.)

  • fixed again for the third time maybe: achievement: thrown weapons

Mar 8, 2021
Community Announcements - DolphinBarnInc
  • fixed: inventory bug: gladiators freed/sold with equipment were incorrectly having the equipment returned back to inventory despite the sale price including all equipment.
  • new: gladiators can be downgraded completely back to naked (previously they were stuck at the lowest level of equipment for each slot/loadout)
  • new: gladiator morale buffs/debuffs indicate on screen with yay/boo

Feb 24, 2021
Community Announcements - DolphinBarnInc
  • fixed: after Domina event in endless mode, gladiator defaults to manual control rather than AI
  • new: endless mode championship - size of championship now starts smaller than regular game, and grows each year (up to max 20 opponents!)
  • new: rewards for solving level in catacombs of unholy stink are now +/-10X greater
  • possibly fixed again haha lol roflcopter fml: horse/chariot missing on rewards screen (or lately, showing up as giant black boxes)

Feb 6, 2021
Community Announcements - DolphinBarnInc
- possibly fixed: chariots missing at start of race

Feb 4, 2021
Community Announcements - DolphinBarnInc
  • 'sticky' stats windows for gladiator stat comparison before battle - right click to enable/disable
  • if player loses the 'domina market challenge' gladiators who are in private rooms should no longer be included as potential run-aways.
    also: coin/wine costs for losing are less horrible on easier modes..
  • !hero with 0 bits (NOTE: requires manually editing userstate file to enable 0 bits!) will be an unclassed slave/default. 1+ bits will auto assign a class.
  • increased chariot race rewards overall, and decreased price (plus from 1-5 years of endless mode play, the chariot races will yeild greater rewards)

Note: Jupiter's Blessings VRAM allocation is now minimal -- Systems with +/-2GB of RAM should see performance benefits esp. when the player has 50+ cards.

Jan 8, 2021
Community Announcements - DolphinBarnInc
  • - update: !hero min/max cheer required can be modified by streamer. note: this requires editing the userstate file manually!
    1. open the userstate text file: C:\\Users\\[YOUR USERNAME]\\AppData\\Roaming\\Domina\\userstate (NOTE: C:\\Users\\[YOUR USERNAME]\\AppData may be HIDDEN on your system, so you will have to show hidden items!)
    2. look near the bottom to find : <min_hero_bits> and <max_hero_bits> ( NOTE: if you don't see these in your userstate, run the game, go into Game Options, and hit Accept to save the file. They should be generated with defaults : 1-500)
  • new: 20 new story events!
  • fixed: gladiators could not prestige while overtraining strength
  • fixed: Achievement King of the Jungle didn't show up immediately when unlocked (it would show up later, when the next event synched with steam stats)
  • fixed: savestate not being cleaned up after game win/loss (user can reload old save after championship, whoops.)
  • fixed: events that free gladiators could occur even if the ludus only had [behemoths, lions, chariots, or horses] and no one would be freed.
  • fixed: crowd only throws arrows to Sagittarius who don't have a bow equipped. (now they will throw other weapons)
  • hopefully fixed (for the seventh time): random hurt gladiator sound effect volume blast

Community Announcements - DolphinBarnInc
  • achievement: thrown weapons was broken (fixed in 1.2.77)
  • Radeon Confetti Fix / Missing Background Fix - disables drawing particles to backgrounds which seems to be a workaround for now.
  • !hero works while in battle but gladiator will spawn in ludus, not into battle!
  • fixed: training reward for battle action was incorrectly calculated when 'brutal fights' enabled.
