SYNTHETIK: Legion Rising - Shrike

Hi everyone, a new update for Synthetik just arrived!
In this update we focus mainly on the Environments, new Rarities for Items and Weapons and of course as usual Balance improvements. Oh, I almost forgot the new Items and the totally badass Epic Anti-Material Rifle!


We found and fixed a bug in the Room generation that slipped in with the Engine upgrade in the last update. The bug caused environment presets of the same size overriding each other resulting in the same preset being spawned all the time. Now the Environments are a lot more varied again, some props even did not occur at all!

We made a lot of new room blueprints for the Floors, with a more distinct, customized style. Each Floor now feels more unique with an overall higher quality level but less randomization.

  • 3 New handmade Room blueprints for Crystal Virtual Reality Floor
  • 2 New handmade Room blueprints for Training Floor
  • 3 New handmade Room blueprints for Missile Silo Floor
  • 3 New handmade Room blueprints for Electro Floor
  • 2 New handmade Room blueprints for Pipes Floor
  • 2 New handmade Room blueprints for Military Bay
  • Improved the collisions of varied props, especially Crystal Floor

Keep in mind that the room order is random and you have a significant chance of not seeing new rooms for a few runs.

There is a new purple “rare” category, which is between blue and pink
Some blue weapons are put into the rare category, but still drop from wood crates.

Weapon rarities:
  • Rare U L T R A variant now has double chance of occuring on blue weapons
  • NEW super rare D I V I N E variant for weapons, even stronger than ultra!
  • NEW super rare T I M E L E S S variant, same as timed but no timer!

Item rarities:
  • Variant roll is now half affected by Luck stat instead of zero
  • Superior variant chance increased to around 10%
  • Master Crafted renamed to U L T R A for consistency, chance from 2 to 5%
  • NEW super rare D I V I N E variant for items with double power
  • NEW secret variant?

Check your weapon/item database if you want to see which weapons are swapped! Also all item drop sounds have been improved!

The new rarity tiers:

  • Fixed Player movement animation speed not scaling with the movement speed
  • Decreased Bot humanoids animation speed threshold (rare, ugly sliding in coop!)
  • Upgrade kits given by quest should now properly stack when inventory is full
  • Hyper Adrenaline fixed, removed recreation every room (stacking)
  • Perk Cores now contain cores from all classed instead of only for the selected class
  • Perk Core chests now contain class cores
  • Maximum absorbed damage (Absorption + Armor) is now 65 ▶ 80%
  • Maximum absorbed damage with buff (Absorption + Armor + Absorb Buff) is now 85%
  • Point defense quest shrine now has 4000 additional health
  • Reduced chance of health pickups and health crates
  • Chat can now send 70 more characters
  • Improved shrine generation slightly

  • Guardian no longer deals 7% reduced damage!
  • Fixed specialist level 0 weapon bonus requiring level 5
  • Rogue Evasive maneuvers increased dodge chance from 8 to 10%
  • Rogue Switch Position damage reduction from 50% to 60%
  • A lot of class changes coming the next update - stay tuned!

NEW Epic Weapon - Yoko Lagann
Heavy 12.7mm anti material rifle with custom ammo that deals bonus damage against turrets and bosses and 3 plating removal on hit. It can only be fired when standing and reduces Player movement speed.

It’s simple but demanding and fun to use with some of the nastiest weapon sounds yet!

  • 14.4mm Nemesis Ammo increased base damage from 800 to 950
  • 12.7mm Lynx Ammo increased base damage from 450 to 500
  • GM6 Lynx changed max ammo 24 ▶ 30, ammo gain 12 ▶ 20
  • P33 Compact increased critical chance bonus from 5 to 10%
  • AEK Special Elite now also grants 5% critical chance when carried in inventory
  • ARMAGEDDON now deals 25% more damage but costs 2 health per shot
  • Nail gun increased mag size 14 ▶ 15 and now also counts as a shotgun

  • M32 Launcher Damage increased by 10%
  • Super 90 damage buffed 10%
  • Eraser DMR fire rate increased by 8%
  • Model 9800k fire rate and recoil control increased by 8%
  • CRX Ballistic Crossbow damage increased by 10%
  • CRX Stack display now shows total stacks instead of total headshots
  • Twin mill Mk2 damage increased by 5%
  • KI Vector damage increased by 7%
  • Spas 12 dynamic choke now works above 85% mag size instead of first shot only

  • MG5 recoil buffed slightly, damage increased by 10%
  • Bren Anti Air ammo now deals 150-180 instead of 15-180 damage
  • Object 29 deals 10% reduced damage (is a rare now)
  • Tungsten Arrow: No longer Stuns but deals slightly more damage
  • Mjolnir ammo gain 10 ▶ 5, still very strong but now requires ammo pickups again
  • New Arrow: Shock Arrow - Like the old stun arrows
  • New Arrow: Poisoned Steel Arrow - Applies a strong acid effect

  • Weapon pitch is now varied after reload, resulting in a larger range of firing sounds
  • Weapon firing pitch is now adjusted on magazine size, resulting in a better pitch change curve

New Legendary Item - Infinity Drill Piece
New Epic Item - Z1 Living Bomb
New Epic Item - Seismic Resonator Sticky Bomb - This time for real

  • Item extra trigger chance can no longer surpass 75%
  • Item power capped at 500%
    But: upgrade costs are now capped at 2500, reaching extreme item power level is now more attainable.
  • Superior and Ultra (old Master crafted) now grant 25% more item power
  • New Divine and secret variant added

All class items are now grouped in the same starting item rarity, this means they are often cheaper to upgrade as before as some items were of purple rarity.
All ‘weapon’ items now properly show their upgrade damage modifier in the tooltip

  • Recycling now grants 100 ▶ 300 credits for the lowest rarity tier
  • Order 322 Mind Control fixed and reintroduced
  • Order 322 now also gives 100 health regeneration to controlled unit and lasts far longer
  • Order 322 now gives 100 health regeneration (+500 HP) if used on already friendly units
  • Order 322 cooldown strongly reduced, now 25 seconds
  • Chaos potion no longer drops, now is an alternative to C4 drop from mystery rewards
  • Shock impulse no longer incorrectly hits the main target with the splash
  • Heart core hp per kill increased 20 ▶ 25
  • Kunai damage decreased by 10%
  • Power Array damage now scales slightly with upgrades
  • Heavy Steel trap now auto triggers when charges are full and a new charge would occur
  • Heavy Steel Trap & C4 now are placed 50px in front of the character instead of below
  • Dragons Masterkey increased pellet damage 200 ▶ 230, burning chance 66% ▶ 100%


Critical Headshot calculation fixed, headshots crit damage is now based on base damage (base * crit + headshot) instead of (base * crit * headshot)
Per example: 250*2 = 500 + 250 = 750 vs 250*2*2 = 1000

  • Headshot damage increased from 210% to 225%
  • Critical damage is now buffed 75% ▶ 100%
  • Critical strike chance cap increased to 40% and base crit chance to 4

Our goal is to make damage feel more consistent and numbers relatable. This is a nerf for extreme numbers that seem to come out of nowhere, a buff for crit and headshots but a clear nerf to headshot-crits.


Weapon shots no longer bounce if angle difference is less than 2°- this still allows for extremely unrealistic sharp angled bounces but it prevents perfect perpendicular -l bounces to fly directly back at you, looking at you Nemesis!!


Plating now absorbs 1000 damage + 50% of damage instead of absorbing a full shot - This makes hard hitting weapons better in the late game and make headshots more rewarding.
Armor is also rebalanced to support this.

  • Hypertrooper, LMG Devastator and Heavy Flamethrower now have 50 ▶ 150 armor
  • Riotshield and Breach Riotshield units have 70 ▶ 180 respective 100 ▶ 200 armor
  • All 4 above have slightly reduced health

  • Enemy Health in Silo Floor increased by 7%
  • Ballbot speed scales less with difficulty and a bit easier to deal with
  • Ball Defender has 900 ▶ 500 Shield, scales with difficulty
  • Ball Defender has 90% shorter shield regeneration delay and stronger regeneration

  • Chono Trooper shield now scales fully with difficulty
  • Elite SG Shotgunner damage now scales to ¼ with difficulty
  • Enforcer fire rate and accuracy now scales to ¼ with difficulty
  • Railgun Glider HP increased slightly
  • Overseer now has 3 Plating
  • Phaser Ammo count halved, you have 80% more total time to shoot him
  • Defense Quest Shrine has 4000 additional health
  • Tanks in Military Floor now patrol less into props
  • Tanks now have 8000 ▶ 13000 HP baseline as they usually melt in
  • Disco Floor voidzones now start to damage after 1 ▶ 1.75 seconds
  • Disco Floor spawn interval from 11 to 12 seconds on average, scales less with difficulty
  • Disco Floor now continues to spawn a poison cloud after 1.5 minutes which gets stronger, giving a soft limit to farming the area


Tactical mode has been reworked (granted from the mystery shop research)
  • No shield! Play careful
  • Start with a health vial, 2000 CR and 2 specific items
  • No more item chests
  • Shops are expensive
  • Items start at 200%
  • More choices in upgrades
  • More recoil but also less deviation
  • (Old modifiers still intact)

  • New Setting which resets your database tokens in case some are missing due to item changes or if you just want to reset all

  • Fixed controller issue when playing at low fps
  • Improved chat hide button hitbox
  • Weapons can no longer be switched in pause
  • Fixed looting weapons while reloading causing a switching blockade
  • Fixed Enemy/Character sliding when moving very slowly
  • Fixed weapons not applying movement speed modifiers (mostly LMGs) - variants worked tho
  • Fixed character sprite misalignment on Pistols as far as possible
  • Fixed Kaida Model H and Coil pistol not working as intended and being droppable
  • Fixed/improved default crazy missile targeting above the cursor
  • As always varied other fixes we forgot to list

  • Not 100% sure if the screen mirror is fixed - Try disable lighting or glow setting if that happens
  • If you experienced issues with keybindings, try resetting them in settings


New Rainbow Road cheat at level 70!
You can find it in the settings menu among the others.


Headsup: We started working on multiple new languages, which will be there for the next update after gamescom.

We hope that you enjoy this Update, let us know what you think in the comments below! If you want to have a chat with us, don’t hesitate to join our Discord:

We will take a bit more time for the next update, we are working on some secret stuff. ;) Also we will attend Gamescom, if you happen to be there, come over and say hi! Maybe we also show some of the secret things?

Stay tuned!
SYNTHETIK: Legion Rising - Flow Fire Games


Hey everyone!
The Steam Summer Sale is here! It is also time for our next big Update!

We ported the game to the next Engine version resulting in a whopping 50-100% performance increase! The porting took longer than we had hoped as we had to find and fix a few nasty bugs.

If you want to help test future Updates or just have an early peak, don’t hesitate to join our discord (link in launcher) and sign into the Beta channel on Steam!

As always we also took the time and improved various other aspects of the game such as the Controller support and balancing. Two new Items and the awesome new Railgun found their way into the Citadel, let us know what you think :)

  • We have made huge changes to controller support
  • Menus now fully work with the controller
  • You can now toggle between 2 controller aiming modes by pressing right stick
  • Reworked and added 2 seperate working aiming modes
  • Added aim assist for controller aiming
  • Added proper button names and icons for controller buttons
  • Reworked control scheme fully
  • You can now recycle items with the controller
  • Added aim assist setting
  • Added force feedback on shots and damage taken
  • Controllers are now automatically detected on game start

  • We have completed the switch to the V2 version of the engine, this mostly means futureproofing and changes under the hood, as well as improved performance on all machines
  • Particle performance drastically improved
  • Optimized varied areas of the game
  • Fixed performance leak introduced last update
  • Improved coop Server performance
  • Overall performance increased by 50-100%

  • The new Tutorial gives a better overview of the game while also being more engaging
  • Added Option to replay the Tutorial

  • Usable Items now sort automatically (+ New Setting)
  • You now automatically get unstuck when stuck in objects
  • Prestige visual effects now start when you prestige, stat bonus is still part of 25
  • Ammo unlock, Artefact and Class core chest pool drop chance from 0.5 to 1.25% and now
  • can drop more than once per run
  • Timed chest quest now shows the timer briefly
  • Internal dodge chance cooldown from 1.5 to 0.75s
  • Dumbfire missiles now have stronger aiming

  • Artefacts now always give a selection of 3 and a small chance for 4
  • Stat upgrades now give a selection of 3 again at the start at normal strength

  • Teleporter screen flash on usage removed, added new ring effect indicating room alert
  • Teleporter now triggers after 1.5 seconds of being in range when fully charged
  • Added Ping display to FPS display in coop

  • Loop now does not reduce below 100 Movement speed
  • Jet Boss can no longer spawn pickups in the air
  • Questlog made more visible

  • Terminal Interface improved
  • Normal Terminals are now affected by shop pricing stat
  • Normal Terminals are now on a predictable loop that is persistent, not fully random anymore
  • Shops: Weapon Shops now hold 4 instead of 3 weapons
  • Shops: Red weapons and items now have 60% + (10% per boss kill) * luck chance of being considered for rolling (previously reds had the same chance as blues)
  • Red items and weapons now gain half the discount
  • Supply crate terminals removed for the moment as they added a lot of complexity for little gain

  • Beta Stimulants Terminal now grants 20% critchance and 20% damage for 80 seconds
  • Upgrade kit terminal replaced with new weapon + attachment terminal
  • Gamble Data terminal removed
  • Added gamble item terminal event

  • Red Guard Riotshield now has 200 less HP but 50 Health Regeneration

  • Stinger Glider now triggers shield + taser with 100% chance at <75% hp instead of 50% chance at <90% hp, so is clearly predictable
  • Shotgun Glider / Executioner damage decreased

  • Ballbots attacks now deal deal a lot more shield damage and slightly less health damage and are more dangerous now if they get close and have 750 > 800 HP

  • Ball Defender bots now have 600 > 900 Shield as they always felt very weak

  • Fixed enemy laser bullets not triggering the shield timer - This caused certain things to be much weaker than intended, for example a specialist could regenerate more shield than a elite ranked executioner glider could deal shield damage.

  • New Legendary Weapon - Liandry PentaBurst-Railgun
  • Fires a crazy 5 shot burst of high damage fully wall penetrating projectiles

  • All Special weapons now count as specialist class weapons
  • Ripjack now also counts as shotgun

  • P33 firing sound changed (Tell us if you prefer that one) + 2% damage
  • Ripjack weapon no longer hurts yourself when shooting the hyper blade
  • Ion Obliterator max ammo 35>45, deviation reduced by 1° and also counts as sniper

  • Mjolnir base ammo now loses damage per enemy hit
  • Mjolnir new alternative ammo, gaining damage per hit, starting with lower damage
  • Mjolnir no longer gets ammo refunded on non hit, has +1 mag size and more max ammo
  • Orb of Lightning now properly shows the lightning bolt between targets and hits 3>4 targets
  • Kar 9800K fire rate, damage and recoil reset slightly improved
  • Nemesis Prototype ammo now destroys one additional plating on hit

  • Hitting enemies now causes a small body shake animation which feels nicer
  • Hitting enemies now has an additional impact light effect, colored on energy weapons
  • Hitting shielded enemies now has a visual shield effect

  • Firing weapons now has a new muzzle smoke effect that can appear
  • Firing weapons can now cause a new bullet smoke trail depending on damage
  • Firing weapons now has an additional particle effect, most notably on energy weapons

  • Bullets now have a new trail effect (The white line)
  • Bullets now often show a actual bullet sprite in front of the trail instead of just white line
  • Firing and Hitting props now has a new smoke effect that is additive

  • New Interface shake effect for more impact & according Setting

  • New Item - Z1 Living Bomb
  • New Item - Seismic Resonator Sticky Bomb

  • Rogue Take aim is currently tied to the Power Bolt item! Power Bolt cooldown 16 > 20
  • R-Plating item reworked, now destroys 1 extra plating on hit and chance to gain plating
  • Lightning boots bug fixed that locked charges at 10, recharge time made 50% faster
  • Gun Drone spawner new icon, 50% increased chance but 10 second cooldown
  • Gun Drone spawner drones pickup chance decreased and last 2 seconds longer
    Gun Drones now spawn around the cursor and crash fixed

  • Shieldburst item now deals (shield * 1.3) instead of (shield + 200) damage (+ power scaling)
  • Doubleshot item duration and cooldown halved
  • Splash item changed due to performance reasons, now lower cooldown and duration
  • Divine reconstructor now works when hit by non bullets
  • Bloodrite Stacking duration fixed

  • Artefacts now always have a selection of 3 and a small chance for 4
  • Ensiferum artefact now gives 2 upgrade kits in addition
  • Cario artefact now gives 5% dodge chance as addition
  • Hobb-s artefact tooltip fixed (Now states 125% ricochet bonus damage and 20% chance)
  • Pu-55 artefact has a new icon

FIXED VARIED ISSUES + Varied unlisted things

Known issues:
Muzzle smoke appearing at wrong places
You can move your torso in the tutorial when the screen is freezed
Item sorting setting not turning off
Sprites of shops changing in crystal floor

Thanks for reading and playing! Let us know what you would like to see!
- FF
May 12, 2018
SYNTHETIK: Legion Rising - Shrike

Hey Everyone!

Our latest patch is now live! Update 15 brings many new shiny features and content, including new Weapons, Items, a brand new Prestige system for dedicated players, as well as balancing changes. On top of that we reworked the networking code to allow everybody to play co-op!

Here’s the full list of changes (brace yourself, it’s a big one!):

You can now “Prestige” a class at class level 25, resetting the class level and granting a prestige level. The first prestige grants a small bonus for all classes and first and second grant a small cosmetic effect.

New Prestige Shop Menu (Unlocked by research)
Allows the purchase of:
  • Mystery Boost (now has 6 different effects).
  • Re-roll Daily Modules
  • Class EXP Token
  • Class Prestige

You can now unlock special run modes, which will change the essence of the game
For your singleplayer runs. These are all paid for in the prestige shop.

  • Madness Run (reward for defeating the end boss).
  • Faster, more enemies, slightly more damage, high alert

  • Hyper Adrenaline Run (reward for beating the end boss twice).
  • High tension, Deal extreme damage and take extreme damage

  • Tactical Run (Reward for beating 50 Bosses).
  • Slower and more tactical, focus on headshots

The first version of the relay servers is now live!
A lot of netcode has been reworked for this and as a result, networking performance also has improved.

This solves all connection issues by connecting through a server of ours. The game will then try to connect directly to the other player with the old system to improve the ping but the server makes sure all traffic reaches its destination. We have a western European server live, but we’ll have even more coming soon.

This also means that we are not using the engines hosting functionality anymore, which means Players with IPv6 addresses can now host games.

  • Removed the delay between dashing.
  • Multiplayer pickup drop modifier increased from 35% > 45% of singleplayer value
  • Multiplayer ammo pickup amount increased
  • Increased spawn amount in Military Floor slightly and decreased enemy health by 15%.
  • Mystery chest can no longer cost 400.
  • Increased chest’s open ranges.
  • Max health stat upgrade now also heals for the same amount of health.
  • Fixed max plating increase not working.
  • Weapon and item drop algorithm improved and fixed.
  • Mystery Package Shrine cost is now 300.
  • Timed chest quest upon room start now lasts 3 seconds longer.
  • Curse of the Flesh now also grants 2 vial charges and more ammo.
  • Drop Chance for Artefact, Ammo Type, and Class Perk chest increased from 0.1 to 0.4.

  • New Terminal - Supply Hack Weapon Shop (Selection of 3 Supply Hack weapons).
  • New Terminal - Supply Hack Item Shop (Selection of 3 Supply Hack items).

  • Shop Prices now start at 75% and raise by 5% after each room!
  • Item and weapon shops now only sell Epic+ items when in third or fourth floor.
  • Item and weapon shops no longer sell double items.
  • Item terminals now always have a supply token item, similar to weapon shops.

  • Mystery Boost removed - Level-up on class level cap now grants a data reward.
  • Reduced costs on some research in the research menu.
  • Daily reward EXP greatly increased.
  • Added a 4th supply token to both, item and weapon database
  • Healing stat now shows effective healing.
  • Stored EXP is now shown in main menu.
  • Stat Bonus tooltips now show bonuses from Hard Core 1.
  • New players start with 200 data instead of 0.

As with the items and weapons, class modules have seen a bit of a spring cleaning with varied reworks and improvements.
  • Guardian - I-Frame now lasts longer, but has a cooldown. Duration is now shown.
  • Guardian - Core delay decay takes a bit longer at higher stacks (Buff)
  • Guardian - Scrap plating now gives either scavenging or armor.
  • Guardian - Core no longer lets you take additional 10% damage.
  • Guardian - Enrage now grants double if over 75 Heat.
  • Guardian - Shield Overclock regeneration doubled.
  • Guardian - Berserk Stack duration increased.
  • Guardian - Aegis MK5 reworked.

  • Rogue - Freeze! rebalanced
  • Rogue - Power tuning reworked
  • Rogue - Spotter no longer targets friendly units

  • Commando - Now has plasma grenade instead of explo grenade.
  • Commando - Take Cover now lights up properly when in cover.
  • Commando - Routine now stacks 5 -> 8 times.
  • Commando - Pack a Punch now increases damage, not mastery.
  • Commando - Specialized ammo reworked.
  • Commando - Hold Breath buffed slightly
  • Commando - Just on Time removed.
  • Commando - Scarred totally reworked.
  • Commando - New Perk: Field Rations.
  • Commando - Dexterity renamed to Drill, now only loses half the stacks and is stronger

  • Specialist - On Fire Heat cooling slightly reduced
  • Specialist - Weapons Deal can no longer give standard variants and ammo changed.
  • Specialist - Grenadier Perk reworked.
  • Specialist - Unceasing heat removal decreased, but also heat increase amount reduced
  • Specialist - Transmutate now increases recycling gain.
  • Specialist - Inner Fire reworked.
  • Specialist - Calculated nerfed.
  • Specialist - Focus buffed.

  • Varied class items changed (see Items)

While still not perfect, the the final encounter has been drastically improved and will continue to improve. Generally many issues around the Machine Legion have been ironed out.
  • Bosses now spawn a mystery chest additionally in co-op.
  • Heavy loaded Boss modifier no longer grants 20 armor.
  • Armored Boss Modifier grants less armor

  • Jet Boss now switches targets every 8 seconds, instead of constantly.
  • Server Hack Boss Fight now has a 66% chance to play in the orange area.
  • Server Hack now has a maximum spawn amount.
  • Server Hack and Arena Trio fixed item targeting a hidden object.

  • Endboss Disco Room spawn-rate increased from 7sec to 10 / (0.75 + (0.25 * difficulty))
    (at 100% difficulty, it’s 10, at 200% it’s 8).
  • Endboss Disco Room spawn-rate is 25% faster in co-op (previously didn’t account for co-op).
  • Endboss Room has new decals,
  • Endboss Tanks now reset item cooldowns on kill (solo only).
  • Fixed spawning when boss has already appeared.
  • Fixed Boss Disco Tiles spawning on 100% of the area.
  • Fixed Big Missile directions.
  • Fixed channeling of servers not working for Player 2.
  • Fixed ammo crates not appearing in Disco room.
  • After one perk core boss drop, the chance of successive drops is further reduced.
  • If no perk core drops, an upgrade kit drops instead.
  • Loop debuff no longer reduces health per room instead reduces healing and increases damage taken.

  • Glider Railgun and Glider Shotgun health increased.
  • Stinger Glider taser no longer uses Guardian taser projectile, which is much stronger.
  • Military Laser Turret deals more damage.
  • All tanks now have a 1000 HP shield.
  • Tanks now have more health in co-op.
  • Sniper Turret now spawns gun drones similar to the radar turret.
  • Elite Enemies now regenerate health again.

  • New Weapon - UMP45 Semi (Only drops in mystery boost).
  • New Weapon - AS-VAL (Epic).
  • New Weapon - Intervention (Epic) .
  • With a sick 360° no-scope perk - No Doritos included.

Many weapons have seen new models and balance changes. Every weapon is important and we want to make sure they have a future and not just act as a filler between better weapons.

  • New Model for Coil Gun; improved gunfire sound.
  • New Model for Sour DMR; new gunfire sound.
  • New Model for P33; increased accuracy; now has 5% crit; improved gunfire sound
  • New Model for Damnation; completely reworked; now Epic instead of Legendary
  • New Model for Nemesis Prototype; damage increased by 5%
  • New Model for Last Breath.
  • New Model for SS58 Plasma Mod; reload now also removes shields.

  • Improved Model for M79 Terminator; replaced all sounds; now affected by Looter Perk.
  • Improved Model for Bren; now deals bonus boss damage, split shot bullets have no more penetration but deal more damage
  • Improved Model for Eraser DMR; new weapon sounds; damage increased slightly.
  • Improved Model for Mag47, Laser SMG, Spas 12, LSG, MG42, GM6, Twin Mill, M32, AMD65, Flak Cannon, Flamethrower, ML7000, Scar Laser, Enforcer Carbine, Tactical Observer, Last Breath, Kaida Honorary, AEK Special Elite

  • Double barrel can now stack 5 times instead of 3.
  • Double barrel changed to 2 round burst from full auto.
  • Auto Boltcaster mag size increased from 10 -> 12; spare ammo increased from 80 -> 100
  • Twin Mill MK2 headshot damage increased slightly.
  • Infinite repeater deviation decreased from 3 -> 2°.
  • Cursed Weapon variant recoil control and fire-rate slightly improved.
  • Tactical Observer Burst fire delay reduced from 0.6 -> 0.5.
  • Raptor Laser Shotgun mag size increased from 6 -> 7.
  • Eraser DMR no longer gains ammo when at 0.
  • SS58 Plasma Mod recoil and deviation decreased.
  • GM6 Lynx Evo gunfire sound improved.
  • Laser pistol mag size 12 -> 16.
  • FMG9 max ammo increased from 140 -> 150; bullets per ammo increased from 80 -> 90.
  • Laser SMG, FMG9, Spectre, Vector damage increased by 7%+-.
  • Heavy Flak Cannon main projectile from 200 to 500 and visible now; ammo increased.
  • Heavy Crossbow renamed; The new Intervention is now named Sniperdragon.
  • Fixed bullets stopping to move sooner after penetration
  • Kar 98 resets recoil slightly faster; +50% boss damage; 5% overall damage increase.

  • Spectre damage increased by 7%.
  • AEK damage increased by 5%.
  • Flamethrower fire-rate and ammo halved; damage doubled.
  • RPK drop-rate decreased.
  • Kaida ACR-X is now purple.
  • Armageddon HP loss when firing now scales with healing gained (less healing; less loss).
  • Doubleshot Attachment now causes a lot less deviation when triggering.
  • Kaida Honorary headshot bonus removed; recoil reduced; damage increased.
  • Last Breath damage increased; heat decreased; final shot now work.
  • Desert Eagle headshot bonus increased.
  • Added new gunfire sounds for both revolvers.
  • Master Chief and P33 gunfire sound improved; Master Chief damage slightly increased.
  • Improved/replaced certain other sounds.
  • Mjolnir Chain lightning deals around 35% more damage.
  • Viciator Ultra deals around 25% more damage and now has a magsize of 6.
  • Ion Cannon slightly buffed overall; sounds reworked and model reworked.

  • X512 Experimental, ML7000 now only drop in single player until missiles are reworked (Missiles draw high amount of networking performance due to being fully dynamic)

  • Hyper burst variants now only add one burst for DMG/Sniper or weapons where mag size are greater than 12. It also generally reduces deviation by 20%.
  • Modular variants now grant double the damage upgrade when at maximum.
  • Increased amount of guaranteed weapon drops from 1 to 2 (3 in co-op)
  • If less than 2 (3 in co-op) weapons have dropped by room 3, a weapon shop spawns.
  • Fixed weapon drop rates resetting on game restart (reduces the frequency of receiving the same weapons).
  • Fixed bullets stopping to fly too soon after penetration

  • High Caliber Sniper Rifle bullets now deal 2x damage to bosses (14.4 & 12.7mm).
  • Bow Arrows deal 25% more damage to bosses and turrets.
  • Impact Grenades buffed.
  • 40mm Grenades and similar have new bullet models.
  • Bloodbolt (Red Missiles) craziness reduced.
  • Dumbfire Missile craziness halved.

  • Impact CPU changed - Deals increased damage to turrets; removed heat reduction.
  • Hotswap changed - Removed heat increase; now increases ammo gain.
  • Digitalizer 3% crit chance removed.
  • Muzzle Compensator damage increased from 10 ->15%; adds additional 2° Deviation.
  • Vital data collector now always can gain up to 400 HP; regardless of the player’s max HP.

A bunch of new assassin themed items! Enjoy.
  • New Item - Kunai Throwing Knifes (Common)
  • New Item - Biting Throwing Star (Common)
  • New Item - Scoundrel’s Dagger (Common)
  • New Item - Fan of Knives (Epic)
  • New Item - Z1 Sundering Shuriken (Legendary)

We went over nearly all items and basically buffed or changed all the weaker ones. The overall roster should feel far better and consistent as a result.
  • Improved a handful of item icons.
  • Item extra chances now properly scale with item power.
  • Items can no longer be recycled when active.
  • Items can no longer be used while stunned.
  • Face Melter chance and cooldown increased; now causes annihilator explosion.
  • Face Melter headshot damage bonus reduced.
  • Aircom now uses normal instead of mini explosions.
  • Auto Taser damage increased from 575 -> 850; cooldown reduced from 15 -> 14.
  • Divine Reconstructor now stacks.
  • Fixed smoke grenade cooldown issue.
  • Twin Link 2 changed to a duration
  • Incubus lifesteal scaling reduced; self HP draining now works again.
  • Stinger Glider Item HP increased.
  • Ring of Glass EXP requirement from 750 -> 500.
  • Methadone cooldown increased.
  • Direct Current cooldown reduced; deals more damage; now applies twice.
  • Reverbing Blade damage increased by 100.
  • Stun Bolt damage increased by 50%; now has 5 max charges; 5 seconds cooldown.
  • Lightning boots damage interval shortened; base damage increased.
  • Mass Shotgun System base damage decreased from 200 -> 175 per pellet.
  • Steel Trap base damage increased from 500 -> 650.
  • Field Supply channel time reduced.
  • Icarus cooldown reduced from 40s -> 25s; beam damage area increased.
  • Beamer duration increased; cooldown decreased from 40 -> 25.
  • Fixed Beam items targeting friendly units.
  • M205 cooldown reduced from 20 -> 17s.
  • Order 322 cooldown reduced from 45s -> 35s.
  • Shock Impulse splash range increased from 175 -> 200; base damage slightly increased.
  • Psy Field base damage increased from 40 -> 75; damage scaling improved.
  • Fire Prism is now Legendary.
  • Fixed unidentified potion not healing Player 2 properly.
  • Helsing Bolt sound is now audible for Player 2.
  • Power array now penetrates all walls.
  • Fast Sling no longer locks weapon switching.
  • Refractor Crystal duration reduced from 3 -> 2.5; scaling reduced slightly.
  • Madness Goggles effect reworked
  • Black Berserk Charm HP regen improved.
  • Ripjack Hyper blade no longer passive; cooldown doubled.
  • Maverick and Sidewinder now both scale in damage with upgrades.
  • Smoke grenade cooldown increased from 20 ->28; dodge chance increased.
  • Stun grenade cooldown decreased from 20 -> 17.
  • Flash grenade cooldown from 30 > 20; base damage and scaling increased.
  • Explosive grenade now causes double explosion.
  • Plasma grenade explosion damage increased.
  • Summoned Units and Turrets reworked - very durable initially, but will fade faster.

New ones with a couple of community ideas - For a total of 15 Artefacts
  • New Artefact - RHETT
  • New Artefact - PU-55
  • New Artefact - RYNN
  • New Artefact - KEVV
  • New Artefact - HOBB-S

  • Made main menu a bit more clean.
  • Loadout window has been rearranged.
  • You can now deselect modules with RMB in the Loadout screen.
  • You can now close an open tab using ESC.
  • Reduced animation time of new unlock popup and improved/fixed animation.

  • Reworked Settings menu
  • New Settings: Rebind Items keybindings.
  • New Setting: Start game in Fullscreen.
  • New Setting: Set resolution to window size - Not required at all, especially when running full-screen but can help certain cases.

  • The first item slot now defaults to RMB.
  • Removed low memory setting as it reduced image quality substantially with little zero FPS gain. Please let us know if it really made a change for you.
  • Red Mist can now be toggled properly.
  • Removing High quality light setting; now doesn’t remove colored ambient lighting anymore.
  • Added a savefile backup for the daily login the day before the current daily login.
  • Bloom setting now save properly.

  • Added help text for terminal arrow usage and headshots for beginners.
  • Hovering over items now disables weapon firing and item activation.
  • Disabled weapon firing also disables reloading and ejecting.
  • Tooltip now can not go outside of the screen anymore with text on vertical axis.

  • Improved performance of overhead popups.
  • Improved performance of damage numbers.
  • Improved performance of center UI frame text.
  • Improved performance of buffs and debuffs text.
  • Improved performance of the dashing effect.
  • Improved performance of Item drawing.
  • Player Drones are now only enabled in solo play, which saves networking performance.

  • New subtle reflections for static props with 0 performance cost.
  • Changed ambient occlusion to look less messy and have more realistic spread.
  • Improved look of walls, fences, and big barricades.
  • Tinted some objects to fit better into the environment.
  • Re-rendered Wood crates.
  • Removed Blur in the Pause menu.

  • Fixed Beam Freeze.
  • Fixed Enforcer crash.
  • Fixed Room switch Freeze.
  • Fixed Burst Stats being incorrect in Weapon Stats.
  • Fixed Text Input crash.
  • Fixed getting multiples of the same items in a row.
  • Fixed getting all last run experience for Guardian when closing/crashing the game
  • Fixed second floor having enemy scaling of Military Bay. Second floor is easier now.
  • Fixed getting collectible rewards more than once.
  • Fixed some bad prop locations and chests being semi-covered by shrines.
  • Fixed incorrect shop pricing reduction.
  • Fixed Commando upgrade-shop discount not working.
  • Fixed Ammo Type chest not spawning.

For Update 16, we are planning to add new rooms for all existing floors, port to the v2 version of the engine with DX12, add at least one new boss, item dropping, along with a bit of extra and general improvements as always.

A few more fixes will be rolled out over the next few hours and days and we will also add the new co-op server regions.


In other great news, we just have hired our first employee, Karl, who'll be helping us in game design and other areas moving forward.. We’ve also just moved into our first office in a co-working space in Berlin. Previously, we were developing independently, so us finally have our own office together is a massive step for us.

Phew! Thats it. We hope you enjoy the new update and stay with us for more to come! As always, be sure to let us know what you think on Twitter and Facebook, and Discord.

- Eric & Alex

Mar 31, 2018
SYNTHETIK: Legion Rising - Shrike

  • New rare multi-core chest - offering a selection of perks from all classes.
  • New rare ammo unlock chest - offering a selection of ammo types.
  • New rare treasure Roomba - Now drops a credits chest when destroyed.
  • New rare artefact collectible - offering a selection of artefacts when 2/2 are found.
  • Dropped on kills. This grants a strong bonus that stays for the whole run.

  • 10 Artefacts added!

  • Weapon upgrade chest changed: Now grants a damage upgrade to the current weapon.
  • Improved model of mystery and credits chest.
  • Credits chest no longer spawns.
  • Character Stat upgrades from chests/stat kit now have sweet 3D icons.
  • The first character stat upgrade has 50% more stats, but only grants a selection of two
  • Quests now have a 50% chance of granting a stat upgrade.
  • New model for God shrine.
  • Increased in-game credits cap to 10000.
  • Increased crit chance cap to 40%.
  • Added an additional backup save file, which records each daily login.
  • Mystery Package terminal cost reduced from 350 to 275..
  • Injury treatment cost reduced from 500 to 350.
  • Blood donation / divine offerings can no longer kill.
  • Ammo drop chance increased from 1.55 to 1.65
    Chests now show on the minimap after discovery on screen.
  • Terminals now show on the minimap after discovery on screen.
  • Small flying MG/Missile drone exp decreased from 100 to 40.
  • Glider Shotgun exp increased from 100 to 150.
  • Glider Railgun exp increased from 85 to 150.
  • Disco Spider exp increased from 35 to 75.
  • Missile Spider exp increased from 35 to 75.
  • Boss exp increased from 500 to 1000.
  • Beating the final boss now loops the Run, starting from the first floor again
  • with higher difficulty.
  • Terror level is raised by 50%, incoming damage increased by 50%, healing decreased by 75%
  • Looped rooms are dark and look different and menacing.
  • Looped rooms grant double the experience and 50% more credits.
  • Good luck!
  • Fixed final boss spawning enemies during the boss intro.
  • Server room was made easier, 10% reduced fields, enemy spawn time from 6 to 7 sec
  • Final boss now closes the door so no new enemies can spawn in
  • Credits received for recycling the follow item tiers has been increased:
  • Blue - 200 to 300.
  • Epic - 350 to 450.
  • Legendary - 500 to 650.
  • New Weapon - HIGS PARTICLE CANNON (Epic)
  • New Weapon - ANNIHILATOR (Legendary)

  • Fixed weapon drop cooldown not saving properly. Weapon drops should now be more varied.
  • Weapon (and item) extra drop chance from main menu tokens now works as expected.
  • Having all attachment slots filled and using an upgrade kit now grants 3 random stat upgrades.
  • Having weapon stat upgrades maxed now shows a message and grants 1% additional damage.
  • Weapon perks are now split into weapon perks and variant / other perks in the menu.

  • Object 29 DPS increased by 10%.
  • ACR fire rate slightly reduced.
  • Spas 12 damage increased by 14%.
  • Boltcaster damage increased by 15% and more accurate.
  • Kaida Honorary headshot damage increased by 10%.
  • Last Breath headshot damage increased by 10% - Now has the “empowered last shot” Perk

  • Fixed grenade launcher ammo not triggering properly - Both grenade launchers are much better.
  • M79 grenades now have double explosions, max ammo reduced.
  • Fixed AEK grenade perk not buffing correctly.
  • Questlog arrow now shows correct direction when dead.
  • Fixed incorrect coop chat location.
  • Best accuracy stat fixed.
  • Upgrade kits no longer shown in the death statistics
  • Added display for current terror level in the character menu.
  • Terminal selection arrows now flash and move sideways for better visibility.
  • Added notification recommending that player stands still when over 65% of shots are while moving, 90 sec cd
  • New Item - G87 ‘Beamer’ (Common)
  • New Item - Icarus (Epic)
  • New Item - Redline (Legendary)

  • Healing Vial removed, may come back in a different state.
  • Each class has their own healing item already and we don’t want to encourage double or triple heal item setups, which we view as unfun.
  • Acid grenade fixed, now applies damage correctly and range increased from 125 to 165.
  • Fixed item variants with higher than 100% power not giving all stats.
    Item upgrade scaling fixed, now scales conservatively when default power is over 100%.
  • Fixed upgrade kit chance for double upgrades not working.
  • Methadone duration no longer scales.
  • Duration, healing, and resistance all scaling was making it too powerful.
  • Aimbot item buffed - Now, each kill while active grants permanently increased accuracy.
  • Lightning Battery cooldown reduced from 40s to 28s.
  • Sentry DMR turret rank 1+2 firerate reduced
  • Elite rank changed: deals double damage with double burst and reload each 2 shots
  • Hopefully fixes Divine reconstructor not saving you in some cases
  • A couple of items can now drop multiple times, allowing for multiple copies in your inventory.
  • This is a new feature we’d like to test out and would love to receive your feedback on. Please let us know what you think of this change in the forums or on Discord.
  • Module Hold Breath increases crit chance cap now.
  • Fixed Drone Mod module only shooting after 16 minutes.
  • Heavy crossbow starting item removed for the moment
  • Stimulants regeneration nerfed
  • Fixed Fortify Position not giving max ammo.

  • New Restricted Look mode - You can toggle between between both modes
    by pressing the right thumb stick
  • Fixed varied issues and crashes
  • Fixed freeze when no pickup / deployable position can be found
We would have liked to do more fixes for this update but we will focus more on bugs, crashes and stability in the next 1-2 weeks. Up next is the port to the v2 version of the engine, the new relay servers for multiplayer and more content as usual.

  • Fixed one bigger issue with the ports / hole punching.
  • Fixed some issues
Mar 31, 2018
SYNTHETIK: Legion Rising - Shrike

  • New rare multi-core chest - offering a selection of perks from all classes.
  • New rare ammo unlock chest - offering a selection of ammo types.
  • New rare treasure Roomba - Now drops a credits chest when destroyed.
  • New rare artefact collectible - offering a selection of artefacts when 2/2 are found.
  • Dropped on kills. This grants a strong bonus that stays for the whole run.

  • 10 Artefacts added!

  • Weapon upgrade chest changed: Now grants a damage upgrade to the current weapon.
  • Improved model of mystery and credits chest.
  • Credits chest no longer spawns.
  • Character Stat upgrades from chests/stat kit now have sweet 3D icons.
  • The first character stat upgrade has 50% more stats, but only grants a selection of two
  • Quests now have a 50% chance of granting a stat upgrade.
  • New model for God shrine.
  • Increased in-game credits cap to 10000.
  • Increased crit chance cap to 40%.
  • Added an additional backup save file, which records each daily login.
  • Mystery Package terminal cost reduced from 350 to 275..
  • Injury treatment cost reduced from 500 to 350.
  • Blood donation / divine offerings can no longer kill.
  • Ammo drop chance increased from 1.55 to 1.65
    Chests now show on the minimap after discovery on screen.
  • Terminals now show on the minimap after discovery on screen.
  • Small flying MG/Missile drone exp decreased from 100 to 40.
  • Glider Shotgun exp increased from 100 to 150.
  • Glider Railgun exp increased from 85 to 150.
  • Disco Spider exp increased from 35 to 75.
  • Missile Spider exp increased from 35 to 75.
  • Boss exp increased from 500 to 1000.
  • Beating the final boss now loops the Run, starting from the first floor again
  • with higher difficulty.
  • Terror level is raised by 50%, incoming damage increased by 50%, healing decreased by 75%
  • Looped rooms are dark and look different and menacing.
  • Looped rooms grant double the experience and 50% more credits.
  • Good luck!
  • Fixed final boss spawning enemies during the boss intro.
  • Server room was made easier, 10% reduced fields, enemy spawn time from 6 to 7 sec
  • Final boss now closes the door so no new enemies can spawn in
  • Credits received for recycling the follow item tiers has been increased:
  • Blue - 200 to 300.
  • Epic - 350 to 450.
  • Legendary - 500 to 650.
  • New Weapon - HIGS PARTICLE CANNON (Epic)
  • New Weapon - ANNIHILATOR (Legendary)

  • Fixed weapon drop cooldown not saving properly. Weapon drops should now be more varied.
  • Weapon (and item) extra drop chance from main menu tokens now works as expected.
  • Having all attachment slots filled and using an upgrade kit now grants 3 random stat upgrades.
  • Having weapon stat upgrades maxed now shows a message and grants 1% additional damage.
  • Weapon perks are now split into weapon perks and variant / other perks in the menu.

  • Object 29 DPS increased by 10%.
  • ACR fire rate slightly reduced.
  • Spas 12 damage increased by 14%.
  • Boltcaster damage increased by 15% and more accurate.
  • Kaida Honorary headshot damage increased by 10%.
  • Last Breath headshot damage increased by 10% - Now has the “empowered last shot” Perk

  • Fixed grenade launcher ammo not triggering properly - Both grenade launchers are much better.
  • M79 grenades now have double explosions, max ammo reduced.
  • Fixed AEK grenade perk not buffing correctly.
  • Questlog arrow now shows correct direction when dead.
  • Fixed incorrect coop chat location.
  • Best accuracy stat fixed.
  • Upgrade kits no longer shown in the death statistics
  • Added display for current terror level in the character menu.
  • Terminal selection arrows now flash and move sideways for better visibility.
  • Added notification recommending that player stands still when over 65% of shots are while moving, 90 sec cd
  • New Item - G87 ‘Beamer’ (Common)
  • New Item - Icarus (Epic)
  • New Item - Redline (Legendary)

  • Healing Vial removed, may come back in a different state.
  • Each class has their own healing item already and we don’t want to encourage double or triple heal item setups, which we view as unfun.
  • Acid grenade fixed, now applies damage correctly and range increased from 125 to 165.
  • Fixed item variants with higher than 100% power not giving all stats.
    Item upgrade scaling fixed, now scales conservatively when default power is over 100%.
  • Fixed upgrade kit chance for double upgrades not working.
  • Methadone duration no longer scales.
  • Duration, healing, and resistance all scaling was making it too powerful.
  • Aimbot item buffed - Now, each kill while active grants permanently increased accuracy.
  • Lightning Battery cooldown reduced from 40s to 28s.
  • Sentry DMR turret rank 1+2 firerate reduced
  • Elite rank changed: deals double damage with double burst and reload each 2 shots
  • Hopefully fixes Divine reconstructor not saving you in some cases
  • A couple of items can now drop multiple times, allowing for multiple copies in your inventory.
  • This is a new feature we’d like to test out and would love to receive your feedback on. Please let us know what you think of this change in the forums or on Discord.
  • Module Hold Breath increases crit chance cap now.
  • Fixed Drone Mod module only shooting after 16 minutes.
  • Heavy crossbow starting item removed for the moment
  • Stimulants regeneration nerfed
  • Fixed Fortify Position not giving max ammo.

  • New Restricted Look mode - You can toggle between between both modes
    by pressing the right thumb stick
  • Fixed varied issues and crashes
  • Fixed freeze when no pickup / deployable position can be found
We would have liked to do more fixes for this update but we will focus more on bugs, crashes and stability in the next 1-2 weeks. Up next is the port to the v2 version of the engine, the new relay servers for multiplayer and more content as usual.

  • Fixed one bigger issue with the ports / hole punching.
  • Fixed some issues
Mar 24, 2018
SYNTHETIK: Legion Rising - Shrike

Hope you’re having a great weekend! We’ve been listening to all of your feedback and reports during the week and have been hard at work addressing as many of them as possible, while also continuing to improve SYNTHETIK. Today, we’re proud to unveil UPDATE 13, bringing a slew of fixes, general improvements and also adding some new starting weapons!

You can find the full changelog below:

  • Friendly fire is now 50% instead of 100% (this applies also to self-damage!)
  • Add friendly fire notification to offending player.
  • If all enemies are dead, the “Escape in Time” notification appears faster.
  • Ammo chests are no longer usable by both players, to ensure consistency.
  • Changed the “room with closed doors” to now be constantly open.
  • Server hack boss spawn amount has been slightly reduced.
  • Timed chests now last longer, depending on difficulty.
  • Floor 2 enemy spawn frequency reduced.
  • Floor 2 duration reduced by one room, should be 3.
  • Floor 4 enemy spawn frequency increased.
  • Laser Turrets damage increased.
  • Add Player Death Explosion and dissolve effect.
  • Added acceleration to Gamepads - more coming in the next days

  • Minor increase to weapon pickup distance.
  • Buffed 8.8mm Bullets baseline damage from 280 to 300 (DMRS, Heavy MG, etc.)
  • Nailgun Nails damaged reduced from 200 to 190.
  • Default Fusion ammo no longer penetrates.
  • Kaida Laser Pistol recoil has been slightly reduced.
  • KSG2000 damage buffed by 5%.
  • Dragon’s Breath shotgun ammo damage modifier from 0.8x to 0.92x of basic Buckshot
  • New sound effect for AMD 65 and changed ammo to 8.8mm. Damage and recoil are also increased.
  • Buffed Ion Obliterator damage by around 10%.
  • Weapon experience requirement increased.
  • New model for the P33 pistol. Buffed to increase accuracy when moving.
  • New model for the Coil Pistol.

  • New Guardian pistol - Master Chief.
  • New Commando pistol - Desert Eagle .50.
  • New Rogue pistol - G17 Undercover.
  • New Specialist pistol - PPQ-H.

  • Added 5% additional damage tooltip in the attachment selection.
  • Added a 2 stage savegame back-up. If you lose your progress, check out the backup.ini in %appdata%.
  • Fixed lab level showing the wrong total level.
  • Reduced camera shake / visual recoil option further reduces shake.
  • You can now see daily perk rank ups in the loadout.
  • E and R cursor prompt now shows the first letter of custom binding that it has been reassigned to.
  • Added indicator to the pause menu showing collectible progress like bolts.

  • Data changed - Quests and Terminals now grant 4 data (increased from 2).
  • Data changed - Clearing a room now grants 2 data.
  • Data changed - Daily login now grants 25 * time data (increased from 12)
  • It is intended that you play around 3 - 4 runs to buy a 200 data item, tell us if this differs too much.

  • Added tooltips to all items, showing which stats are altered at upgrade shrines.
  • Heart Core now grants double health per stack and heals fully upon usage.
  • Homing Missile item now shoots two missiles.
  • Increased Gundrone Spawner item chance from 7 to 10%.
  • Reduced Seeker item chance from 35 to 25%.
  • Akira explosions now scale with power and starts with one more explosion.
  • Ring of Glass charges required reduced from 1000 to 750.
  • Shield Splash item now has a duration where it continuously splashes. It now has a longer cooldown.
  • Item upgrades scale less extremely in some cases.

  • Commando Core now grants 2 Strafe charges.
  • Rogue healing gain reduced.

  • Optimized certain objects
  • Fixes a stuttering issue caused by idle particles
  • Disabled global chat and lobby in coop, decreasing stuttering
  • High quality light setting now can turn off lighting for better performance

  • Fixed varied crashes and bugs
  • Fixed Arena & Defense boss not dying
  • Fixed/Improved pickups spawning on unreachable areas
  • Fixed grenade exploit
  • Fixed Jet Glider shooting outfight
  • Fixed ultra particles setting not working.

Thanks again, and as always, don’t forget to join the conversation on Discord!
More news about the relay servers and controller changes soon!

Mar 24, 2018
SYNTHETIK: Legion Rising - Shrike

Hope you’re having a great weekend! We’ve been listening to all of your feedback and reports during the week and have been hard at work addressing as many of them as possible, while also continuing to improve SYNTHETIK. Today, we’re proud to unveil UPDATE 13, bringing a slew of fixes, general improvements and also adding some new starting weapons!

You can find the full changelog below:

  • Friendly fire is now 50% instead of 100% (this applies also to self-damage!)
  • Add friendly fire notification to offending player.
  • If all enemies are dead, the “Escape in Time” notification appears faster.
  • Ammo chests are no longer usable by both players, to ensure consistency.
  • Changed the “room with closed doors” to now be constantly open.
  • Server hack boss spawn amount has been slightly reduced.
  • Timed chests now last longer, depending on difficulty.
  • Floor 2 enemy spawn frequency reduced.
  • Floor 2 duration reduced by one room, should be 3.
  • Floor 4 enemy spawn frequency increased.
  • Laser Turrets damage increased.
  • Add Player Death Explosion and dissolve effect.
  • Added acceleration to Gamepads - more coming in the next days

  • Minor increase to weapon pickup distance.
  • Buffed 8.8mm Bullets baseline damage from 280 to 300 (DMRS, Heavy MG, etc.)
  • Nailgun Nails damaged reduced from 200 to 190.
  • Default Fusion ammo no longer penetrates.
  • Kaida Laser Pistol recoil has been slightly reduced.
  • KSG2000 damage buffed by 5%.
  • Dragon’s Breath shotgun ammo damage modifier from 0.8x to 0.92x of basic Buckshot
  • New sound effect for AMD 65 and changed ammo to 8.8mm. Damage and recoil are also increased.
  • Buffed Ion Obliterator damage by around 10%.
  • Weapon experience requirement increased.
  • New model for the P33 pistol. Buffed to increase accuracy when moving.
  • New model for the Coil Pistol.

  • New Guardian pistol - Master Chief.
  • New Commando pistol - Desert Eagle .50.
  • New Rogue pistol - G17 Undercover.
  • New Specialist pistol - PPQ-H.

  • Added 5% additional damage tooltip in the attachment selection.
  • Added a 2 stage savegame back-up. If you lose your progress, check out the backup.ini in %appdata%.
  • Fixed lab level showing the wrong total level.
  • Reduced camera shake / visual recoil option further reduces shake.
  • You can now see daily perk rank ups in the loadout.
  • E and R cursor prompt now shows the first letter of custom binding that it has been reassigned to.
  • Added indicator to the pause menu showing collectible progress like bolts.

  • Data changed - Quests and Terminals now grant 4 data (increased from 2).
  • Data changed - Clearing a room now grants 2 data.
  • Data changed - Daily login now grants 25 * time data (increased from 12)
  • It is intended that you play around 3 - 4 runs to buy a 200 data item, tell us if this differs too much.

  • Added tooltips to all items, showing which stats are altered at upgrade shrines.
  • Heart Core now grants double health per stack and heals fully upon usage.
  • Homing Missile item now shoots two missiles.
  • Increased Gundrone Spawner item chance from 7 to 10%.
  • Reduced Seeker item chance from 35 to 25%.
  • Akira explosions now scale with power and starts with one more explosion.
  • Ring of Glass charges required reduced from 1000 to 750.
  • Shield Splash item now has a duration where it continuously splashes. It now has a longer cooldown.
  • Item upgrades scale less extremely in some cases.

  • Commando Core now grants 2 Strafe charges.
  • Rogue healing gain reduced.

  • Optimized certain objects
  • Fixes a stuttering issue caused by idle particles
  • Disabled global chat and lobby in coop, decreasing stuttering
  • High quality light setting now can turn off lighting for better performance

  • Fixed varied crashes and bugs
  • Fixed Arena & Defense boss not dying
  • Fixed/Improved pickups spawning on unreachable areas
  • Fixed grenade exploit
  • Fixed Jet Glider shooting outfight
  • Fixed ultra particles setting not working.

Thanks again, and as always, don’t forget to join the conversation on Discord!
More news about the relay servers and controller changes soon!

SYNTHETIK: Legion Rising - Curo

Hey everyone,

It’s been nearly a week since we’ve launched SYNTHETIK and we must say, the response thus far has been absolutely amazing. With close to 200 reviews on Steam, the feedback has been overwhelming positive and we’re delighted that so many of you are having a fantastic time with SYNTHETIK.

With that in mind, we wanted to drop a reminder that tomorrow is the last day to pick SYNTHETIK up at 15% off! Don’t miss your last chance to snap the game at a discount and join the fun!

In addition we’ve also launched another update, the full details of which are below:

  • Overdose no longer heals double than intended, can no longer kill you, now deals 15% max hp instead of 100 hp.
  • Auto 9-45 slightly less accurate while moving (0.5 > 0.65 moving multiplier) (1 is average).
  • Infinite Repeater more accurate while moving (0.8 > 0.5 moving multiplier).
  • Buffed Laser pistol damage by 6%.
  • Increased weapon drop budget early game and weapon chest chance.
  • Nerfed Arena Master sniper damage.
  • Buffed Dragons Masterkey and Shotgun System significantly.
  • Fixed refractor crystal item being ignored by explosions and increased damage by 50%.
  • Fixed Smoke grenade accuracy decreasing.
  • Improved Defense Boss Fight slightly.

Fixes / Improvements
  • Fixed damage absorb showing incorrectly.
  • Chat can now be seen in the pause menu.
  • Fixed varied rare issues with damage calculation, such as with explosions.
  • Made weapon stash icons visible by default for new players.
  • The Headshot Pop-up is shown for the first 5>25 headshots.
  • Fixed class benefit appearing for level 25.
  • Fixed double cursor while jamming.
  • Fixed accuracy displaying incorrectly in the character screen and overwriting the healing stat.
  • Fixed varied other issues.
  • Fixed Boss 3 crashes.
  • Changed engine sleep time from 25 ms to 5 ms which makes things smoother on better machines.
  • Resolved one port forwarding bug, resolving port forwarding not working correctly in some cases.

Thanks again to all of you who have taken part and as always, be sure to follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Discord to keep up-to-date on all things SYNTHETIK!

‘Til next time!

Eric & Alex
SYNTHETIK: Legion Rising - Bill Hicks

Hey everyone,

It’s been nearly a week since we’ve launched SYNTHETIK and we must say, the response thus far has been absolutely amazing. With close to 200 reviews on Steam, the feedback has been overwhelming positive and we’re delighted that so many of you are having a fantastic time with SYNTHETIK.

With that in mind, we wanted to drop a reminder that tomorrow is the last day to pick SYNTHETIK up at 15% off! Don’t miss your last chance to snap the game at a discount and join the fun!

In addition we’ve also launched another update, the full details of which are below:

  • Overdose no longer heals double than intended, can no longer kill you, now deals 15% max hp instead of 100 hp.
  • Auto 9-45 slightly less accurate while moving (0.5 > 0.65 moving multiplier) (1 is average).
  • Infinite Repeater more accurate while moving (0.8 > 0.5 moving multiplier).
  • Buffed Laser pistol damage by 6%.
  • Increased weapon drop budget early game and weapon chest chance.
  • Nerfed Arena Master sniper damage.
  • Buffed Dragons Masterkey and Shotgun System significantly.
  • Fixed refractor crystal item being ignored by explosions and increased damage by 50%.
  • Fixed Smoke grenade accuracy decreasing.
  • Improved Defense Boss Fight slightly.

Fixes / Improvements
  • Fixed damage absorb showing incorrectly.
  • Chat can now be seen in the pause menu.
  • Fixed varied rare issues with damage calculation, such as with explosions.
  • Made weapon stash icons visible by default for new players.
  • The Headshot Pop-up is shown for the first 5>25 headshots.
  • Fixed class benefit appearing for level 25.
  • Fixed double cursor while jamming.
  • Fixed accuracy displaying incorrectly in the character screen and overwriting the healing stat.
  • Fixed varied other issues.
  • Fixed Boss 3 crashes.
  • Changed engine sleep time from 25 ms to 5 ms which makes things smoother on better machines.
  • Resolved one port forwarding bug, resolving port forwarding not working correctly in some cases.

Thanks again to all of you who have taken part and as always, be sure to follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Discord to keep up-to-date on all things SYNTHETIK!

‘Til next time!

Eric & Alex
Mar 19, 2018
SYNTHETIK: Legion Rising - Curo

Hey everyone!

Hope you had a great weekend battle the Machine Legion! We’ve rolled out patch 12.2, which addresses a number of issues. You can find the full details of the patch below.

  • Burning damage cap raised from 250 to 350, duration cap reduced from 10 to 5
  • C4 buffed and crash fixed - now triggers a triple explosion instead of single
  • Arena Trio and Defense Boss Fight now have Boss HP Bar
  • New Servermessage in main menu
  • Added Reload Bar at cursor (WIP)
  • New Settings: Unstuck
  • Log menu / Map can now be opened while dead
  • Added Lock icon for Coop lobbies and a bit of UI polish
  • Buffed Mag47 Heavy LMG damage, cooling, nerfed deviation a bit
  • Buffed both Revolvers damage

  • Fixed Game Freezing when killing an alarm o bot in coop
  • Fixed Cell replacer not healing Player 2
  • Fixed global chat sound playing when disabled
  • Class Core can no longer be clicked for replacement
  • Power Array item Blue flash reduced
  • Fixed point defense event spawning if nobody in range
  • Fixed Crash when using item like upgrade kit in upgrade station
  • Fixed Spidertruck crash
  • Fixed C4 Crash
  • Fixed Healing Drone crash hopefully
  • Fixed Enemies throwing grenades while stunned
  • Fixed ammo popup coming in pausemenu with CTRL
  • Fixed Headhunter crash
  • Fixed (maybe) Healing drone crash
  • Fixed Chat sound playing ingame when disabled
  • Removed Story intro for the moment to see if it prevents players starting
  • Removed something that may have caused input lag for some users (let us know)​

  • Addressed 3 crash issues
  • Console has been removed. Code redemptions now need to be done through the chat window.

As we mentioned in the 12.1 patch notes, our aim this week is to address some of the most common reported issues, including controller support. Please continue to post any issues you encounter here to the sub-forums or on Discord.

As always, be sure to follow us on Twitter and Facebook, and join the conversation on Discord.

‘Til next time!

Eric & Alex
