Oct 20, 2017
For The King - Jay-Nic

Hey everyone! Welcome to v1.1.26!

"What have you got for us today, JayNic?"

Well, JoePlayer, we've got a nice meaty upgrade with so many quality of life enhancements, improvements, and polish. We're really excited to get this one out, as it addresses a lot of things that we've been putting off for quite some time. Of course there's new balance, and features too.

I'll start with some explanation of key changes, and as always: will end with a list of everything.

SAVE SLOTS and a whole new save system
That's right. You wanted it. You got it. You can now save, and resume any number of games you want. Now for those of you who like to play with many different friends, or just have more than one run going at a time: you can do it. No restrictions.

In the immortal words of Billy Mays: "But wait, there's more!"

"May he rest in peace"

We didn't stop there. We've now made the idea of online versus single player totally interchangeable when it comes to saved games. You can resume an online game in single player, or host your single player game online with just a simple click.

Ok, so not much to explain here, but it's a key feature for lots of players, so I wanted to highlight it.

"I can finally numerically prove that I'm better than some of my friends!"

I mean, sure. If you wanna look at it that way.

Weapon Item Card Info
Sure, those spells in that book have a bunch of pretty names, but you have no idea what they do? Well wonder no longer! Now you can toggle between the front and back of the weapon and see all the attacks, and relevant information to help you decide the eternal question: equip or sell.

"Oooh handy, but what key do I press for that?!"

Good question, JoePlayer - and that leads me to our next feature

Bindable Keys
Yes. No more must your precious gamers fingers suffer the interminable quest for the DELETE key when you want to end your turn... aintnobodygottimeforthat.gif

Turnless time between Dungeon Rooms
"Uhh what does that even mean?"
Yes yes, let me explain. If you play online: you'll know how annoying this is. You've completed a battle in a dungeon, you are no longer limited to one character at a time for inventory management, and item equipping and or gold giving. Everyone can do anything they want until they simply ready up, and the next dungeon room loads.
That old problem of getting an item in a fight, but not being able to equip it until the NEXT battle - yeah, that's GONE!
Oh, and this also works with the Dungeon Merchants! Because we love you

A Whole new Front End Menu
For a long time: we've felt that the menu system was really just functional at best. We've crammed new features in there over time, and it got more and more confusing as you navigate down what we termed: "The Rabbit Hole."

Now, we've reduced the number of clicks to get around to do anything you want. Including a quick "Resume" feature to just help you load the latest run you have. We touched every screen, so click around! Enjoy!

"TLDR, JayNic. Give us the list"
Ok, ok. List ahoy!

Features / Changes
  • Achievements - 50 to be exact
  • Save slots - save any number of games
  • Interchangeable game mode - there’s no difference between online/solo play: so you can now swap anytime from playing alone to playing with friends, or vise-versa
  • Weapon Item Card details (Left Shift to toggle) - displays the stats of all special attacks on each weapon
  • Consumable items now contextually display the values they give (eg: Godsbeard now says “+15hp” or applicable and scales with your pipe level)
  • New dungeon! The Obsidian Keep
  • Cult Devices Revealed: a new system where Rosoman will reveal a Cult Device when out of lives and at least one member still alive
  • Bindable keys found in the options menu
  • Turnless time between dungeon rooms - swap gear without worry
  • Front end flow totally re-designed for a more streamlined experience
  • Audio: New soundsets for all player characters
  • Audio: Added new Dungeon sounds for traps and creatures
  • Audio: New Spells sounds
  • Audio: New Character and Creature taunts
  • Skills display on the Character HUD now shows LUCK
  • Adventure Mode will no longer start you in the Swamp
  • Boats: Now they move faster to speed things up
  • Boats: when you start your turn on a boat, we now show the “pickup party” option if it’s relevant - this should help those occurrences where you sail away and forget your party members ;)
  • Dungeon Merchants are now “turnless” anyone can buy and sell and trade goods until they “ready up”
  • Changed the way damage is calculated regarding damage and resistances to show more player friendly numbers that make sense
  • Help Text: When you discover hidden locations/encounters/statues etc: new help info is displayed
  • Encounters: The text for the encounter cards has been refreshed, and polished. Providing flavour text, and more relevant help text
  • Balloons: Now move faster
  • Balloons: Added a “Pickup Party and Launch” option to reduce some clicks
  • Support Combat Range clarification: Combat overlay hexes now help drive home if the character is involved in combat because of their ADDED support range
  • Enemies in the overworld will now occasionally play a taunt animation/sound to add a bit of life
  • If the final character “Passes” an item during loot distribution after a battle: the button now says “DISCARD”
  • The Combat Timeline has been REVERSED to mimic the Overworld timeline
  • Improved/Fixed Zombie Puke FX, Heavy Magic FX, Volcano Hat FX/*]
  • Destroyed Cult Devices now remain on map so you can tell when you’ve found them in each realm
  • Bolder hex highlights to more easily identify enemies, locations, towns, and events
  • Damage increased by +1 on BowStaff
  • General Lute Balancing (most lutes -1 damage, most heavy lutes roll 5 slots instead of 4 to reduce frequent OP splash damage, AOE attacks do more dmg and have less ACC penalty)
  • Heavy Blunt Weapons do +1 damage
  • AOE attacks do slightly more damage and/or less ACC penalties
  • Bone Charmer’s Fire Attack now Harmless, just enflames
  • Most special attacks/buffs (fire, bleed, armor up/down, resist up/down) now have 3 tiers to make Fire and Armor Buffs more effective in late game. Effectively upping damage and increasing buff strength on high level tiers. This works for players AND enemies.
  • Tuned Harazuel Mini Bosses Special Attacks and Vexor battle
  • Harazuel Art Polish Pass
  • Tuned camera positions for Crypt, Plains, Desert, Bog, Flooded Crypt and Dropstone
  • Subtle tweaks to Color Corrections
  • Alluring Pool color change to be more in line with portal scrolls, less like curse/chaos color
  • General UI visual polish

Bug Fixes
  • Reflect now reflects AOE melee attacks
  • An Ice Sword attack was previously unnamed
  • Fixes to 16*10 aspect ratio spacing
  • Changed the way LORE is stored in an effort to curb the occasional bug report where people lost their LORE unlocks
  • The Alluring Pool location choices now has a Cancel option
  • Fixed an occurrence where you could “false revive” a character with Godsbeard in a dungeon
  • Fixed a rare scenario where you could find yourself unable to select the second row of belt items when using a controller
  • If you crossed a cursed/poisoned hex too soon after purifying it: the character would still get the negative effect
  • General UI glitch fixes
  • Fixed a rare scenario where if you quit before reviving a dead character in a dungeon, and then resumed: the character could not be revived
  • Fixed a bug where if a character dies to the Kraken: he doesn’t stay on the boat
  • Balloons: fixed a minor issue showing characters on the balloon menu out of context
  • Audio: fixed an issue where resuming a game plays a bunch of sounds from the overworld all at once
  • Audio: Minor mix changes and various bug fixes
  • In some cases: the “sneak” option would appear on an enemy even if there was nowhere to sneak to and could hang the game
  • Fixed a problem with resume games on remote clients not properly clearing clouds going forward
  • When resuming a game online: remote clients were not properly updated with the explored hexes - leaving them to believe they had not explored anywhere
  • Fixed some items’ status effects not propagating across the network
  • Fixed skelly head falling through ground
  • Heavy Polearm characters now properly look at enemies
  • Fix Heavy damage animation transitions which were causing some audio events to not fire

Happy weekend!
-IronOak Games
Oct 20, 2017
For The King - Jay-Nic

Hey everyone! Welcome to v1.1.26!

"What have you got for us today, JayNic?"

Well, JoePlayer, we've got a nice meaty upgrade with so many quality of life enhancements, improvements, and polish. We're really excited to get this one out, as it addresses a lot of things that we've been putting off for quite some time. Of course there's new balance, and features too.

I'll start with some explanation of key changes, and as always: will end with a list of everything.

SAVE SLOTS and a whole new save system
That's right. You wanted it. You got it. You can now save, and resume any number of games you want. Now for those of you who like to play with many different friends, or just have more than one run going at a time: you can do it. No restrictions.

In the immortal words of Billy Mays: "But wait, there's more!"

"May he rest in peace"

We didn't stop there. We've now made the idea of online versus single player totally interchangeable when it comes to saved games. You can resume an online game in single player, or host your single player game online with just a simple click.

Ok, so not much to explain here, but it's a key feature for lots of players, so I wanted to highlight it.

"I can finally numerically prove that I'm better than some of my friends!"

I mean, sure. If you wanna look at it that way.

Weapon Item Card Info
Sure, those spells in that book have a bunch of pretty names, but you have no idea what they do? Well wonder no longer! Now you can toggle between the front and back of the weapon and see all the attacks, and relevant information to help you decide the eternal question: equip or sell.

"Oooh handy, but what key do I press for that?!"

Good question, JoePlayer - and that leads me to our next feature

Bindable Keys
Yes. No more must your precious gamers fingers suffer the interminable quest for the DELETE key when you want to end your turn... aintnobodygottimeforthat.gif

Turnless time between Dungeon Rooms
"Uhh what does that even mean?"
Yes yes, let me explain. If you play online: you'll know how annoying this is. You've completed a battle in a dungeon, you are no longer limited to one character at a time for inventory management, and item equipping and or gold giving. Everyone can do anything they want until they simply ready up, and the next dungeon room loads.
That old problem of getting an item in a fight, but not being able to equip it until the NEXT battle - yeah, that's GONE!
Oh, and this also works with the Dungeon Merchants! Because we love you

A Whole new Front End Menu
For a long time: we've felt that the menu system was really just functional at best. We've crammed new features in there over time, and it got more and more confusing as you navigate down what we termed: "The Rabbit Hole."

Now, we've reduced the number of clicks to get around to do anything you want. Including a quick "Resume" feature to just help you load the latest run you have. We touched every screen, so click around! Enjoy!

"TLDR, JayNic. Give us the list"
Ok, ok. List ahoy!

Features / Changes
  • Achievements - 50 to be exact
  • Save slots - save any number of games
  • Interchangeable game mode - there’s no difference between online/solo play: so you can now swap anytime from playing alone to playing with friends, or vise-versa
  • Weapon Item Card details (Left Shift to toggle) - displays the stats of all special attacks on each weapon
  • Consumable items now contextually display the values they give (eg: Godsbeard now says “+15hp” or applicable and scales with your pipe level)
  • New dungeon! The Obsidian Keep
  • Cult Devices Revealed: a new system where Rosoman will reveal a Cult Device when out of lives and at least one member still alive
  • Bindable keys found in the options menu
  • Turnless time between dungeon rooms - swap gear without worry
  • Front end flow totally re-designed for a more streamlined experience
  • Audio: New soundsets for all player characters
  • Audio: Added new Dungeon sounds for traps and creatures
  • Audio: New Spells sounds
  • Audio: New Character and Creature taunts
  • Skills display on the Character HUD now shows LUCK
  • Adventure Mode will no longer start you in the Swamp
  • Boats: Now they move faster to speed things up
  • Boats: when you start your turn on a boat, we now show the “pickup party” option if it’s relevant - this should help those occurrences where you sail away and forget your party members ;)
  • Dungeon Merchants are now “turnless” anyone can buy and sell and trade goods until they “ready up”
  • Changed the way damage is calculated regarding damage and resistances to show more player friendly numbers that make sense
  • Help Text: When you discover hidden locations/encounters/statues etc: new help info is displayed
  • Encounters: The text for the encounter cards has been refreshed, and polished. Providing flavour text, and more relevant help text
  • Balloons: Now move faster
  • Balloons: Added a “Pickup Party and Launch” option to reduce some clicks
  • Support Combat Range clarification: Combat overlay hexes now help drive home if the character is involved in combat because of their ADDED support range
  • Enemies in the overworld will now occasionally play a taunt animation/sound to add a bit of life
  • If the final character “Passes” an item during loot distribution after a battle: the button now says “DISCARD”
  • The Combat Timeline has been REVERSED to mimic the Overworld timeline
  • Improved/Fixed Zombie Puke FX, Heavy Magic FX, Volcano Hat FX/*]
  • Destroyed Cult Devices now remain on map so you can tell when you’ve found them in each realm
  • Bolder hex highlights to more easily identify enemies, locations, towns, and events
  • Damage increased by +1 on BowStaff
  • General Lute Balancing (most lutes -1 damage, most heavy lutes roll 5 slots instead of 4 to reduce frequent OP splash damage, AOE attacks do more dmg and have less ACC penalty)
  • Heavy Blunt Weapons do +1 damage
  • AOE attacks do slightly more damage and/or less ACC penalties
  • Bone Charmer’s Fire Attack now Harmless, just enflames
  • Most special attacks/buffs (fire, bleed, armor up/down, resist up/down) now have 3 tiers to make Fire and Armor Buffs more effective in late game. Effectively upping damage and increasing buff strength on high level tiers. This works for players AND enemies.
  • Tuned Harazuel Mini Bosses Special Attacks and Vexor battle
  • Harazuel Art Polish Pass
  • Tuned camera positions for Crypt, Plains, Desert, Bog, Flooded Crypt and Dropstone
  • Subtle tweaks to Color Corrections
  • Alluring Pool color change to be more in line with portal scrolls, less like curse/chaos color
  • General UI visual polish

Bug Fixes
  • Reflect now reflects AOE melee attacks
  • An Ice Sword attack was previously unnamed
  • Fixes to 16*10 aspect ratio spacing
  • Changed the way LORE is stored in an effort to curb the occasional bug report where people lost their LORE unlocks
  • The Alluring Pool location choices now has a Cancel option
  • Fixed an occurrence where you could “false revive” a character with Godsbeard in a dungeon
  • Fixed a rare scenario where you could find yourself unable to select the second row of belt items when using a controller
  • If you crossed a cursed/poisoned hex too soon after purifying it: the character would still get the negative effect
  • General UI glitch fixes
  • Fixed a rare scenario where if you quit before reviving a dead character in a dungeon, and then resumed: the character could not be revived
  • Fixed a bug where if a character dies to the Kraken: he doesn’t stay on the boat
  • Balloons: fixed a minor issue showing characters on the balloon menu out of context
  • Audio: fixed an issue where resuming a game plays a bunch of sounds from the overworld all at once
  • Audio: Minor mix changes and various bug fixes
  • In some cases: the “sneak” option would appear on an enemy even if there was nowhere to sneak to and could hang the game
  • Fixed a problem with resume games on remote clients not properly clearing clouds going forward
  • When resuming a game online: remote clients were not properly updated with the explored hexes - leaving them to believe they had not explored anywhere
  • Fixed some items’ status effects not propagating across the network
  • Fixed skelly head falling through ground
  • Heavy Polearm characters now properly look at enemies
  • Fix Heavy damage animation transitions which were causing some audio events to not fire

Happy weekend!
-IronOak Games
For The King - Jay-Nic
This is a reminder that our next update will break your existing saves. If you want to keep playing them, please opt in to the legacybranch in the BETAS tab in the For The King game Properties. Whenever you're ready to take advantage of all our hard work: you can swap back to main at any point.

Opt in to the LegacyBranch to keep playing old saves

We're mainly waiting on a bunch of localization text from our provider, and once that's in: we'll be pushing an update. Very likely tomorrow.


There does seem to be some confusion, so I want to clarify: LORE IS FINE. Repeat LORE WILL NOT BREAK OR GO AWAY. It's only saved games that are not compatible with the newest version.

For The King - Jay-Nic
This is a reminder that our next update will break your existing saves. If you want to keep playing them, please opt in to the legacybranch in the BETAS tab in the For The King game Properties. Whenever you're ready to take advantage of all our hard work: you can swap back to main at any point.

Opt in to the LegacyBranch to keep playing old saves

We're mainly waiting on a bunch of localization text from our provider, and once that's in: we'll be pushing an update. Very likely tomorrow.


There does seem to be some confusion, so I want to clarify: LORE IS FINE. Repeat LORE WILL NOT BREAK OR GO AWAY. It's only saved games that are not compatible with the newest version.

Oct 11, 2017
For The King - Jay-Nic

Obsidian Keep

Howdy all!
It’s been a little while since we’ve posted an announcement, but we want to let you all know that we have an update incoming imminently. This update will likely be next week.

Saved games will break, but Lore is fine
It’s important to note that the update will not be backwards compatible with save games. With this in mind: we are starting a new standard procedure where we will use the Steam Betas feature to keep the previous game version live for people who want to stick around on there for a while.

You will need to opt in to this in the BETAS tab in the For The King game Properties. It will be called “legacybranch” So use this if you want to keep playing your old saves until you’re ready to swap over to main.

Opt in to the LegacyBranch to keep playing old saves

Sneak Peak

Without giving it all away, I'll let you know a couple cool new things in the update:
  • New Dungeon! The Obsidian Keep
  • Multiple saves / save slots
  • Complete weapon attack descriptions
  • Achievements! A big first batch of around 30 will go in. We’ll add more as time goes on ;)

Expandable weapon info

Multiple Save Slots

We’ll post another announcement the day before we’re going to set the update just to remind you of the Save Games breaking.

-IronOak Games
Oct 11, 2017
For The King - Jay-Nic

Obsidian Keep

Howdy all!
It’s been a little while since we’ve posted an announcement, but we want to let you all know that we have an update incoming imminently. This update will likely be next week.

Saved games will break, but Lore is fine
It’s important to note that the update will not be backwards compatible with save games. With this in mind: we are starting a new standard procedure where we will use the Steam Betas feature to keep the previous game version live for people who want to stick around on there for a while.

You will need to opt in to this in the BETAS tab in the For The King game Properties. It will be called “legacybranch” So use this if you want to keep playing your old saves until you’re ready to swap over to main.

Opt in to the LegacyBranch to keep playing old saves

Sneak Peak

Without giving it all away, I'll let you know a couple cool new things in the update:
  • New Dungeon! The Obsidian Keep
  • Multiple saves / save slots
  • Complete weapon attack descriptions
  • Achievements! A big first batch of around 30 will go in. We’ll add more as time goes on ;)

Expandable weapon info

Multiple Save Slots

We’ll post another announcement the day before we’re going to set the update just to remind you of the Save Games breaking.

-IronOak Games
Sep 13, 2017
For The King - Jay-Nic
Hello adventurers. Some basic hotfix of issues today. Our next update will contain new features / polish. Stay tuned.

  • Maxed skills will display with a different color (the 95 cap)

  • Fixed an issue where Scourges could activate, and Chaos could increment while in a dungeon
  • Fixed an issue where in the event of a critical being the outcome: an enemy or a player would override being shocked
  • Fixed some layout issues with 16*10 ratios
  • In rare occurrences: if a sidequest could not find a suitable location: the game could hard freeze
  • Declans Bow now has 4 slots, as intended and additional attacks
  • The Chaos Blade item card is now centered
  • If you resumed a game while in a balloon, and your balloon was over a cave or other POI: then the POI would be destroyed and inaccessible
  • The QuarterStaff is now properly configured and should not cause crashes
  • In the event that a character runs or flees from battle: he will no longer be considered for the item distribution pool. This would previously cause confusion and item loss when "passing" to a non-existent character
  • Fixed an issue where in a certain unlucky layout of belt items: it could become impossible to select the items in the second layer of the belt
  • Fixed bug that was allowing high level overworld encounters to spawn - for example: players could get an encounter that would grant them a 25 damage broadsword at level 0
  • If the tutorial was on: being ambushed by the Kraken would freeze the game
  • Fixed some navigation issues in the Display Menu as well as the Save Game menu when using the controllers

May RNGesus smile upon you.
Sep 13, 2017
For The King - Jay-Nic
Hello adventurers. Some basic hotfix of issues today. Our next update will contain new features / polish. Stay tuned.

  • Maxed skills will display with a different color (the 95 cap)

  • Fixed an issue where Scourges could activate, and Chaos could increment while in a dungeon
  • Fixed an issue where in the event of a critical being the outcome: an enemy or a player would override being shocked
  • Fixed some layout issues with 16*10 ratios
  • In rare occurrences: if a sidequest could not find a suitable location: the game could hard freeze
  • Declans Bow now has 4 slots, as intended and additional attacks
  • The Chaos Blade item card is now centered
  • If you resumed a game while in a balloon, and your balloon was over a cave or other POI: then the POI would be destroyed and inaccessible
  • The QuarterStaff is now properly configured and should not cause crashes
  • In the event that a character runs or flees from battle: he will no longer be considered for the item distribution pool. This would previously cause confusion and item loss when "passing" to a non-existent character
  • Fixed an issue where in a certain unlucky layout of belt items: it could become impossible to select the items in the second layer of the belt
  • Fixed bug that was allowing high level overworld encounters to spawn - for example: players could get an encounter that would grant them a 25 damage broadsword at level 0
  • If the tutorial was on: being ambushed by the Kraken would freeze the game
  • Fixed some navigation issues in the Display Menu as well as the Save Game menu when using the controllers

May RNGesus smile upon you.
Sep 8, 2017
For The King - Jay-Nic
Hey all - some more juicy fixes have been added. Thanks for all your reports, they've been immensely helpful. It's been a trying feat to sort through all the bugs, but with all the reports: we've been able to identify the ones with the greatest impact due to the number of similar reports. We're happy to say we've taken care of most of the worst offenders.

We also have added some more logging to help us locate some that have proven troublesome.

  • The Party Buffs are now simply applied across the board - they would only apply in combat to characters involved in that combat, but this proved difficult to communicate, and people assumed the buffs were not working
  • Pathing: When moving about the world, your characters will now do their best to avoid problems. eg: Poison land, curse, chaos etc...
  • Adjusted UI (font sizes) to work better with various languages
  • Optimizations made to some particle systems

  • Fixed an issue where time would pass in a dungeon
  • Fixed an issue where players could sell an item in any room in a dungeon as long as there was a merchant in that dungeon
  • In some circumstances: casting particular type of spell could crash the game if the player had the tutorial enabled
  • In some cases: player characters would flee from combat but without a valid flee hex, and the game would soft lock
  • The Cowards Clover now properly does not permit combat actions after use
  • Harazuel now shows a dungeon progress bar
  • Rare occurrence when dieing to a scourge: the player would get stuck on the dead characters turn
  • Rare occurrence when focus could not be used on a Chaos Generator
  • Fixed a resume game issue where if the game was terminated in the case of an unplanned disconnect: the game could not be resumed

Happy weekend!
Sep 8, 2017
For The King - Jay-Nic
Hey all - some more juicy fixes have been added. Thanks for all your reports, they've been immensely helpful. It's been a trying feat to sort through all the bugs, but with all the reports: we've been able to identify the ones with the greatest impact due to the number of similar reports. We're happy to say we've taken care of most of the worst offenders.

We also have added some more logging to help us locate some that have proven troublesome.

  • The Party Buffs are now simply applied across the board - they would only apply in combat to characters involved in that combat, but this proved difficult to communicate, and people assumed the buffs were not working
  • Pathing: When moving about the world, your characters will now do their best to avoid problems. eg: Poison land, curse, chaos etc...
  • Adjusted UI (font sizes) to work better with various languages
  • Optimizations made to some particle systems

  • Fixed an issue where time would pass in a dungeon
  • Fixed an issue where players could sell an item in any room in a dungeon as long as there was a merchant in that dungeon
  • In some circumstances: casting particular type of spell could crash the game if the player had the tutorial enabled
  • In some cases: player characters would flee from combat but without a valid flee hex, and the game would soft lock
  • The Cowards Clover now properly does not permit combat actions after use
  • Harazuel now shows a dungeon progress bar
  • Rare occurrence when dieing to a scourge: the player would get stuck on the dead characters turn
  • Rare occurrence when focus could not be used on a Chaos Generator
  • Fixed a resume game issue where if the game was terminated in the case of an unplanned disconnect: the game could not be resumed

Happy weekend!