SCUM - Sippy

And we're back! As you all saw in the last post, we got a nice and cozy new office and this is our first update from here so cheers to that. Also thanks each and every one of you for the nice wishes!


This week we have mostly bugfixes, exploit fixes and QoL changes.

Bug and exploit fixes.

  • Fixed a bug where adding items to a backpack full of items or dropping that backpack on the ground produced an absurd amount of AI noise that attracted puppets.

  • Implement ability to list spawned vehicles, teleport to spawn a vehicle and destroy spawned vehicle via admin console command

  • Fixed a bug where the player was able to drag the sledge while other player is mounted on it or is standing on it.

  • Fixed a bug where grenades did not collide with cars.

  • Items cannot be dragged anymore if someone is standing on them. (Chests, shelters etc..)

  • Fixed a bug where event participant stats in scoreboard were not being shown properly upon joining the event.

  • Sledge cannot be equipped after someone has boarded it.

  • Fixed a bug where it was sometimes impossible to drag an item from the vicinity.

  • Visual effects such as blur, color saturation when health is low, nightvision, etc. should now work when inside the vehicle

  • Fixed a bug where some servers stopped spawning cars.

  • Minor improvements to server save/load performance

  • Fixed a bug where people could interact with items that are in fortified buildings.

  • Fixed bug where some items were still being shown on corpses even after they were searched

  • Fixed bug with equipment when dying in some places you would lose all items permanently, not lootable or at spawn (basic shirts and pants)

  • Turned off autowalk upon waking up from ragdoll or dying

  • Fixed fame point exploit related to cooking items

  • Fixed getting stuck in patching wounds animation if game window was not in focus

  • Fixed exploit causing suicides with throwing weapons to give you famepoints

  • Possible fixes for incorrect character state saving while in event, if you exit the game while in event on relog it should spawn you from your last position before you entered the event.

  • Fixed issue where respawning that is not "on shelter" would respawn you on some random shelter in the game.

  • XP reward for projectile hits now take projectile hit energy into account, you can not farm XP anymore with ricochets anymore.

  • Fixed a bug where patching wounds with an item (rag, bandage) from a container (e.g. closet) wouldn't consume the item

  • Fixed a bug where some same containers in a different building would share items

  • Fixed a bug where searching objects while lagging would sometimes show another object's items or no items at all even if some items were inside the object

  • Fixed a bug where locked doors would be in an un-pickable state

  • Fixed a bug where fortifications sometimes wouldn't get placed upon finishing the blueprint

  • Fixed a bug where crafted locks would still consume fame points upon placing them on a door

  • Fixed a bug where non-completed fortifications blueprints would get corrupted upon relogging

  • Auto-dropping an item shouldn't be able to place the item behind walls & objects any more

  • Filling soda / alcohol bottles with water will now correctly water down their nutrients

  • Possible fix for sometimes being unable to rotate blueprints when placing them

  • Possible fix for door lock widget sometimes getting rendered from large

  • Added suggestions box for admin commands, also implemented auto complete admin commands. To finish the command press TAB.

  • Fixed bug with drone getting stuck under water

  • Fixed awareness mode overlay bug while swimming

  • Fixed issue with awareness mode getting stuck after entering TAB mode

  • Added different distances for loading and unloading virtualized items

  • Fixed bug where items spawn by virtualizations system would blink blue and be easy to notice

  • A new way for fame gain on a player kill. When you kill a player you gain 10% of the fame he had. The player who got killed losses those 10%. If you are in a negative for -100 fame points and someone with 100 fame kills you, you will be on -90 famepoints and the other person will be on 90 fame points. People exploited this to gain fame points by continuously killing team members.

Balance and QoL changes.
  • Reduced spawn rate for christmas items

  • Added new icons for small and large bundle of sticks.

  • Vitamins (all medicine) do not get destroyed now once you consume all uses.

  • Improvised wooden spear now has the same weight as long wooden stick 400 grams

  • Stinging nettle does not have infinite uses anymore

  • Baked beans now need a can opener to be able to open it.

  • Fixed missspelling in "Bear Shoes" item

  • Fixed Skewer bug with infinite skewer crafting, and a bug where your metabolisms nutrients would drop exponentially.

  • Added a new bobby pin item, it can be found all around the island and you can craft a lockpick out of it.

  • Safety and Bobby pins can now be made into a boundle up to 20 pieces.

  • Fixed bug where stew preparation could be crafted infinite amount of times.

  • Fixed bug where standing torch could be crafted infinite amount of times.

  • Fixed bug where metal chest recepie would not include tool box.

  • Fixed bug where pastry could have been eaten infinite amount of times.

  • Vehicle cannot be unmounted if exit location is blocked.

    • Added ability to push the vehicle (this is an experimental feature and works only if no one is in the vehicle)

  • Advanced fortification recepie QoL fix regarding needed usage shown, the amount stays the same. If an item does not have uses the number in the recepie is the quantity of that item(10 pieces of scrap metal), if it has uses then its the total usage of the item that the recepie needs (100 uses of lead, one lead plate has 20 uses, so you need 5 lead plates).

    10 scrap metal pieces
    10 uses from the tool box
    100 uses of lead plates, that makes up to 5 lead plates

  • The improvised lookout blueprint has been removed for now from the game due causing a lot of exploits and problems. If you had a lookout somewhere it will be gone from that place.

  • Added new recurve bow FPS animations

Landscape and arhicteture fixes
  • Added possible fortification places on 4 sides on the lighthouse.

  • Moved big stone that was offset from the terrain on A1

  • Fixed an bug where rain was falling through the TV base on A3

  • A house was in the air (player could get inside the house through bottom floor) B3, water pump was below terrain on B3

  • Fixed a bug on a ladder where the player would start climbing from the wrong side on D4

  • Fixed a bug where the player could enter a vehicle through the garage door.

New admin commands.
  • #ListSpawnedVehicles
    Prints list of all spawned vehicles. Each vehicle has its ID, last access time and location printed.

  • #TeleportToVehicle <Vehicle ID>
    Teleports invoking player to the specified vehicle. Vehicle ID is displayed via #ListSpawnedVehicles.

  • #DestroyVehicle <Vehicle ID>
    Destroys the specified vehicle. Vehicle ID is displayed via #ListSpawnedVehicles.

  • In this patch server optimizations should give to up 30% of a server boost, so less lag and better stability.

  • Anti-cheat improvements.

  • Client optimizations for better game performance.
SCUM - Tena
Hey friends, it’s Tena, long time no read!

We were gonna write a Work-in-Progress update today, but Josip, our Work-in-Progress-writing boy suddenly got sick, so all of you are stuck with me. Sorry about that! It’s also his birthday tomorrow, so if you could use the comment section to spam him with good vibes it would be amazing! Please make sure to call him either baby boy or Sippy, he absolutely loves that.

Last week we finally moved into our new office! It’s been wild, but we made it! The move has been pretty hectic and stressful, but now that it’s over we can proudly say that we have definitely maxed our multitasking skill. We’re all very hands-on people and that’s something we pride ourselves in, so we did most of the work by ourselves.

I am aware this panorama is blurry, but it's the 8th version I took and at this point we can just conclude I'm not good at taking photos and leave it at that

The whole point of moving was to have enough space to hire more people, so at the same time we’ve been interviewing our candidates, putting together furniture, making new content, and, most importantly, fixing those bugs! We know you guys have been worrying about the move distracting us from our holy gamedev duties, but fret not! We take those duties seriously and would never disappoint you. On purpose. We have fixed A BUNCH of bugs and exploits that you have been reporting so diligently, but I won’t list them all because, honestly, it’s a 2 pages long list that you’ll get very soon in the patch notes anyway, and I like you too much to spam you like that.

What I will say is that we fixed most of, if not all, the stuff you’ve been complaining about. For example, you can’t cheat by glitching through walls using a sled anymore. Sorry, not sorry. You shouldn’t have been doing that in the first place. We also fixed dozens of bugs that have to do with blueprints, map teleporting, fortifications, locks, squad system abuse and many others, both big and small ones. Our programmers also fixed some performance issues that had to do with item spawning, so your whole game experience should be much smoother.

We haven't been just bug fixing either - our artists are working on some pretty cool new stuff, too. I won't say too much because I don't wanna spoil anything, but check out the pics down below for some random snippets.

Švarc is working on the M1887 rifle animation. He says he's having the time of his life.

Darian is working on this crossbow you've been asking for because you've been asking.

Ivona is working on some supersecret cool new stuff that I can't talk about yet, but I wanted to brag because it's fun. This photo is also blurry, but I was being sneaky which is an acceptable excuse.

I hope you weren't too disappointed by this post - you'll have Josip back tomorrow and then it's business as usual. I'd like to thank you again for the patience during our move and settling down in our new home. Thank you for all the kind messages as well - we have such a cool community of great people and we see it and appreciate it!

Love you all and talk to you soon!
Jan 14, 2019
SCUM - Sippy
Scummunity, to help you get the best possible SCUM experience, we're finally reorganizing the work and functioning of the official servers which might take the whole day tomorrow.
Due to shutting down some inactive ones, the others' IPs might change, so make sure to search them by name! Private servers will stay untouched. Love ya!

Jan 8, 2019
SCUM - Sippy
SCUM scored a silver medal in the Steam Top Sellers 2018, a Top New Release in August and most simultaneous players up to 50,000. Thank you #scummunity from the bottom of our hearts, we promise you to make 2019 the year of the SCUM!

SCUM - Tena
Scummunity! ❤ The whole Gamepires team would like to wish you a merry Christmas!

Eat some cake, play some SCUM and hug some friends! Love & peace to you all! 💕🎅🎉
SCUM - Tena
Hey, guys! We have just released a hotfix where we fixed some minor issues:
  • fixed the issue where the server crashes on squad respawn
  • players won't be offered the squad respawn option if no one is online



Early Access Survival game Scum's winter update has landed and it's full of holiday cheer, complete with a snow-covered map, snowball fights, snowman-making, and even sleds you can find (or craft) to slip and slide down frosty hills. 'Tis the season! Even on an island filled with violent murderous criminals.

There are some other exciting goodies, too, like the first iteration of fortifications. Find a house you like and now you can make it yours by locking doors and barricading windows. You can purchase up to three locks per door using fame points, and there are three different levels of window barricade that take different amounts of damage to destroy. Naturally, with door locks comes a new lockpicking feature, though other players on your team can come and go as they please.

The winter update also comes with some bug fixes and balance changes, a new emote (heart hands), and if you happen to be a Scum supporter (meaning you not only own the game but also purchased the supporter pack) you'll get an additional gift in the form of a few different outfits you can put on your naked dick. How cute! I'm sure these banana warmers will look just spiffy combined with your human skin mask

And with all that fresh snow, it's best to bundle up. Here's a few more pictures from the update, and the complete patch notes are here:

SCUM - Sippy

Today we are introducing our first version of fortifications, BUT for the system to work as smooth as possible, WE'RE DOING A FULL WIPE. We don't like them either, but to make sure you get the best possible gameplay experience it just has to be done. All characters and items will be wiped. EVERYTHING. R.I.P. Our condolences, but let this Christmas song put you back in a good mood!

We do have some good news, too. First of all, check out this awesome new Christmas key art we have! Thanks Ivona for drawing this for 3 days straight. You're a champ!

The update will go live in about 2-3 hours!

Now let's get into the patch and all the goodies you're getting!


They're here! Yes, they took a while and we're still working on them, but now you'll finally be able to have your place to call home and make it nice and cozy! We'll begin with putting locks on doors, then we'll get to lockpicking, and end with window fortifications. This is how it works:

  • First you'll need to find a nice place somewhere pretty, obviously. Once you get to the door you press Tab, right-click on the door and you'll have the option to buy them.

  • Once you buy the door you'll be able to lock it. For now, there are 3 types of locks - from an old rusty lock to an enhanced one. And each door can hold up to 3 locks for extra security. Locks cost fame points! Duh, becoming a property owner is never an easy ride.

    • The basic lock can also be crafted.

  • So, now you got your house and you put a nice lock on it. Your team mates can visit you without issue. If you're not in a squad and run into a locked door, you can try to break in and then the thievery skill comes into play. Keep in mind that to even start lockpicking you need a lockpick and a screwdriver, and they look like this:

  • Improvised lockpick can be crafted from a safety pin, and the normal lockpick can be found in the world. You press the "lockpick" option and this UI will pop up:

  • So now you started to lockpick, and wanna get those juicy Christmas gifts from under the tree - your thivery skill is the key here and it will determine the duration, angle difference and lockpick durability

    • Duration: 2 seconds (No skill) - 4 seconds (Advance +)
    • Angle difference: 1x - 2x the cone size in which the lockpick will be successful.
    • Lockpick durability: 1x - 4x How much strain the lockpick can endure.

      The improvised lockpick has 1 use and a regular lock pick has 5 uses. If you fail to lockpick in time, it will take 1 use from your lockpick.

  • As we said earlier, a player can put up to 3 locks on a door, and if you want to enter a house you need to lockpick all of them. Once a lock is picked it's destroyed and removed.

  • Any door can be bought and locked - you can enter a house that has a room on the top floor that you can't enter through a window, and just lock the door, and you will have a safe place.

  • If you want to have a totally secure place you will need to board the windows as well. For that we also prepared 3 levels of possible fortifications!

  • The health numbers are just to show the durability difference between each fortification. You can put a fortification on any window, and it does not matter if you bought a door to that house or not.

  • If a window has a fortification, vaulting is NOT possible through that window.

  • Bullet penetration still applys to fortifications, and takes into account the material used, thicknes of fortifications, and bullet energy.

Keep in mind that this is the first version of fortifications and that they will be upgraded and changed as time passes!

Winter Wonderland!

The winter season has hit the SCUM island bringing snow with it. This is how it looks now!

That's not everything, though - you'll also be able to do all sorts of awesome stuff!

  • Making snowballs and having snowball fights. Maybe don't eat the yellow ones.

  • Making a snowman.

  • Making gifts for your special ones.

  • Sledding down a hill! A snow sled can be found around the island but it can also be crafted!

  • A cute new emote that goes hand in hand with the gifting season!

Willy Warmer!

  • An old tradition in the mountain parts of Croatia was for women to make Willy Warmers (Croatian: Nakurnjak). When men went to work in the outside in the hard, long winter. The Willy Warmers would keep them warm and safe.

  • People with the supporter pack will get the elephant warmer, so that the next time you log in you can be in awe of a beautiful piece of clothing, and this lovely Croatian tradition. The elephant one can not be found for now in the world.

QoL and Balance chagnes!

  • Removed maintainable item expiration in singleplayer

  • Decrease loudness range of AS Val to 50%

  • Squads are now saved into database. (After relogging you should still be in a squad)

  • Teams are now deleted if they have only one or no members

  • CTF events round duration set to 15 minutes

  • Removed sound effects from the admin controlled drone.

  • White event outfit replaced with green in snow areas.

  • Swapped input keys for weapon firing mode and bash (MMB is now for bash, and change fire mode is now Shift + LMB)

  • Due the snow addition in the mountain area the lowest temperature when is sunny is -2 and when its stormy it can go to -10.

  • Removed 5min delay between cargo drop notification and actual start of drop because it was causing possible crashes.

  • Arrow buff, arrows fly bit faster and they start to drop off later. Damage stays the same.

Bug fixes

  • You can't loot items over walls anymore or any obstacle you need to be able to see them for the item to pop up in vicinity.

  • Fixed most causes for server crashes.

  • Fixed bug with uncrafting bundle of stuff in vicinity while inside of chest.

  • Removed cargo activation reward to prevent fame point farming in Cargo Assault events.

  • Fixed bug where torches would turn off after getting despawned by item virtualization system.

  • Fixed bug where prisoner was getting wet inside the vehicle while raining.

  • Fixed locations where car couldn't get out of yard

  • Fixed bug with singleplayer crash while driving.

  • AK47 and SVD rail cannot be placed on improvised shotgun anymore.

EAC improvement

  • Further improvement of our anti cheat system.

f you encounter problems in SP, try to delete "SaveFiles" folder that is located in:


That will delete all SP profiles and might resolve issues in SP.

Merry Christmas and happy holidays from the whole Gamepires team! Luv ya!

SCUM - Sippy
We're dropping a patch tomorrow and there is a hidden mesFORTIFICATIONSsage hidden in this tweet about one of the features you'll get!

SCUM - Sippy
Hello fellow scummunity! We are sorry that the hotfix came this late in the week, but bugs had to be squashed crashes had to be uncrashed. But no worries we added some extra lil things in this to make up for it!

  • Fixed cargo drops not being visible sometimes.

  • Improved cargo drop landing.

  • Fixed weapons disappearing when holstering them from a storage chest.

  • Location of your character should be now properly saved while in a vehicle.

  • Fixed cars being invisible or not respawning at all after you have driven them.

  • We have been working extensively on fixing the issues with disappearing chests. Several bugs in the system were fixed and some parts were redone to be more robust. We weren't able to reproduce the issue with the new fixes but we can't be 100 % sure that the issue is completely gone.

And some extras we added!
  • Added Horizontal Field of View slider in video options. (This is still work in progress so glitches and bugs may occur)

  • Added option to turn off DoF in the options menu.

And a small teaser screenshot!
