We've added another exclusive in-game item to our package of PC Gamer Club Legendary rewards: this Flight Springfield S rifle skin for throwback WWII shooter Battalion 1944, which adds a stylish pop of PC Gamer red to your armory.

Courtesy of Bulkhead Interactive, the skin is exclusively available to new and existing members of the PC Gamer Club Legendary tier—if you're already a member, check your inbox! (Note that you must own a copy of Battalion 1944 to redeem the skin.)

This item joins a bunch of other great Legendary rewards, including exclusive cosmetic items for Elite Dangerous and Rising Storm 2: Vietnam, an ad-free version of the website, a digital magazine subscription, and game codes every month.

Head here for a rundown of everything you get by joining the PC Gamer Club, and to join, drop by

BATTALION: Legacy - Big Tuna

Today we are happy to announce the first official Battalion 1944 LAN event as part of the UK Masters at Insomnia62. This runs from March 30th - April 2nd (Easter Weekend). This is the first of many LAN Tournaments planned for 2018.

The Blitzkrieg Open Championship LAN Tournament will be ran by "The Plays" crew and is both sponsored and supported by “Belong” by GAME.

Only attendees of the LAN will be eligible to compete and you can purchase your tickets here. . There are currently only around 500 tickets left so make sure you move fast to secure your place!

The Grand Final will be held on The Player Stage on Sunday April 1st in front of all attendees and the Prize Pool is set at £10,000 with Prize money placement positions being 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th. These are broken up as such:

  • 1st place: £5000
  • 2nd place: £2500
  • 3rd place: £1750
  • 4th place: £750

As well as prize money, First Place Winners will win a Custom Gold Weapon Skin that will be tradable and 1 of a kind. These will be individually customised to feature event information as well as the individual players name engraved on it.

Multiple games throughout the tournament leading up to and including the finals will be streamed live on both The Plays GG Twitch Channel & The UK Masters Battalion Twitch Channel .

We had a huge amount of interest from people who are wanting to cast this event and we are going to be announcing who we have chosen soon. We are really excited to see how they will implement their style onto matches and how this affects the production quality.

The Insomnia62 Blitzkrieg Open Championship is the first of many Battalion 1944 LAN tournaments around the world in 2018 as we have previously announced that this year we intend to support 4 LAN events worldwide. This will include one in North America, so we look forward to seeing all the competitors at all of our tournaments fighting it out for the prize money places and bragging rights!

Good luck to all the teams involved in the coming Blitzkrieg Open Championship at Insomnia62, March 30 - April 2nd. Have fun, we hope you all enjoy playing and/or watching Battalion 1944’s first supported LAN event and we'll see you there!

We are aware of the current bugs & issues with Battalion 1944 and our dev team aren't stopping active work on the game. We've decided to support the promotion of this event as we really believe in the potential of Battalion 1944's competitive scene so we are keen to foster its growth at the grassroots level

This event is externally hosted and does not take away from our development time at all. We are currently working on our major Q1 update which will be coming in the next few weeks.

Thanks a lot guys
Tuna and the Bulkhead Team
BATTALION: Legacy - Big Tuna

Today we are happy to announce the first official Battalion 1944 LAN event as part of the UK Masters at Insomnia62. This runs from March 30th - April 2nd (Easter Weekend). This is the first of many LAN Tournaments planned for 2018.

The Blitzkrieg Open Championship LAN Tournament will be ran by "The Plays" crew and is both sponsored and supported by “Belong” by GAME.

Only attendees of the LAN will be eligible to compete and you can purchase your tickets here. . There are currently only around 500 tickets left so make sure you move fast to secure your place!

The Grand Final will be held on The Player Stage on Sunday April 1st in front of all attendees and the Prize Pool is set at £10,000 with Prize money placement positions being 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th. These are broken up as such:

  • 1st place: £5000
  • 2nd place: £2500
  • 3rd place: £1750
  • 4th place: £750

As well as prize money, First Place Winners will win a Custom Gold Weapon Skin that will be tradable and 1 of a kind. These will be individually customised to feature event information as well as the individual players name engraved on it.

Multiple games throughout the tournament leading up to and including the finals will be streamed live on both The Plays GG Twitch Channel & The UK Masters Battalion Twitch Channel .

We had a huge amount of interest from people who are wanting to cast this event and we are going to be announcing who we have chosen soon. We are really excited to see how they will implement their style onto matches and how this affects the production quality.

The Insomnia62 Blitzkrieg Open Championship is the first of many Battalion 1944 LAN tournaments around the world in 2018 as we have previously announced that this year we intend to support 4 LAN events worldwide. This will include one in North America, so we look forward to seeing all the competitors at all of our tournaments fighting it out for the prize money places and bragging rights!

Good luck to all the teams involved in the coming Blitzkrieg Open Championship at Insomnia62, March 30 - April 2nd. Have fun, we hope you all enjoy playing and/or watching Battalion 1944’s first supported LAN event and we'll see you there!

We are aware of the current bugs & issues with Battalion 1944 and our dev team aren't stopping active work on the game. We've decided to support the promotion of this event as we really believe in the potential of Battalion 1944's competitive scene so we are keen to foster its growth at the grassroots level

This event is externally hosted and does not take away from our development time at all. We are currently working on our major Q1 update which will be coming in the next few weeks.

Thanks a lot guys
Tuna and the Bulkhead Team

Battalion 1944's Early Access launch could have gone better. Players experienced long waits to get onto servers, and sometimes couldn't play at all. I managed to get in a bunch of matches on the day of the launch, then went back later and couldn't get past the loading screen. But a series of updates and an explanatory (and apologetic) video seems to have smoothed over both the game and its reception. 

Now I'm playing in unranked mode because, at least on Australian servers, the waits are shorter. I've been able to run around its vision of competitive WW2 bomb disposal having a grand old time. I've succeeded in planting the bomb a total of once and been murdered without knowing who it was that got me more times than I can count (there's no killcam in Battalion 1944), but then I watch someone skilled like Dizzy play a round and I want to go back and try again.

I spoke to Joe Brammer, lead of Battalion 1944 studio Bulkhead Interactive, about the  experience of putting their game onto Early Access and seeing what players make of it.

So, the launch. How many players were you expecting?

I guess we were expecting around 3,000 concurrent. We had a lot more than that. We doubted ourselves a bit. It was so hard to gauge right. No one thought, "Oh, we'll do PUBG numbers." Everyone thought, "Oh, everyone's playing PUBG so we're not going to get any players." It was very hard to predict. We had 19,000 on day one I think. Obviously that was always going to fall off, but it was a pretty good day one with the exception of all the issues we had, but the reason I say it was good is because we got to show the community how quickly we respond to things.

If you've ever been to Normandy it's very gray. That's what it looked like!

Joe Brammer

You've obviously prioritized talking to the community.

It's pretty key to us. We were pretty exhausted, we're probably still affected by it now, to be honest. Haven't really caught up on sleep, we've just gone to sleep earlier a little bit. It was pretty tiring for a long time, but we're happy with the work we did and what we got out, now it's just about focusing on the long-term game and seeing where it goes from here.

Now that people are playing your game, what have they done that's surprised you?

I guess I was surprised how quickly people were very, very good. I'm also surprised that people play the maps the way we intended them to play. When you see two teams going off against each other they play it like we designed it, which is really cool because you don't think that's going to happen. You have no idea, then you're like, "actually we're pretty good at this." That was cool to see but you know we're always seeing new things. People can jump on top of each other's heads and create new spots, that was cool to see—how creative players would be with movement. It was definitely fun to see people playing and enjoying the game.

I've seen people on top of lamp posts.

Yeah. Some of that's intentional and some of it isn't but they found it and it's good to have like a bit of variation I think and allow players to be very creative with the movement. 

The maps are very readable, lots of flat walls and not much clutter. What other things did you do to keep your game legible?

We wanted to keep everything really basic, just totally useable, you can see where people are, that was really important for us. When we came from COD2 and COD 4, when we were looking at those games, one of the reasons they were so good is because they were so simple and basic. We tried to keep that in. Anyone stands out against a gray background so it was a predominant theme we kept seeing in those games, which is kind of annoying for the people that wanted this realistic Battlefield experience where it's like Frostbite engine stuff but we were never going for that. We were always super focused on gameplay and players being visible, that kind of thing.

There is a new competitive map coming out soon, that's all I can say.

Joe Brammer

When there is color it's very noticeable. When someone says "red building!" on the Coastal map, you immediately know what they mean.

Yeah, I think if you look at Coastal, you quoted that one, that was us probably being a bit sick of gray. We were like, "We need to change this up a bit," and we couldn't go to a normal building color, like an orange-y or yellow tan color, because that's the color of camouflage a lot of the time, browns and yellows. So we were like, "Let's go bright yellow and bright pink, just make everything really colorful." It works I think. That was our "fuck you" moment to gray in Normandy.

You must be more sick of it than anyone.

For sure. If you've ever been to Normandy it's very gray. That's what it looked like! It's gray everywhere: sky, walls, floor, everything.

You've pushed back the release of ranked mode, but it's just about ready to go live now?

We pushed it back because we were confident we had a community that we could do that with. We pushed it back and we'll be going live this Thursday. It's looking good and our matchmaking is pretty stable so we're happy now. We just had to get the confirmation in and see the game evolve a little bit. We made some weapon changes last week and we're happy, we're in the place we can comfortably go to matchmaking, it's not like a shot in the dark or anything. We've managed to test matchmaking, test the game itself, we're confident going into competitive. Excited for Thursday, to be honest.

Is there anything else coming soon?

There is a new competitive map coming out soon, that's all I can say.

I've heard that you're planning to make some changes to the card economy.

Basically we knew from the start that the card economy was a negative system. In Counter-Strike you're always earning something. Even if you're losing you earn money, but in our game it's about attrition. You're always giving stuff away and losing cards, and that didn't feel very good. It just felt negative, so we decided that we'd find a new way to do that. We're basically keeping true to the core mechanics behind the card system which is picking up cards, you pick up the physical currency in the world and we're gonna add a basic form of currency. It's not cash or anything, but there'll be an economy that's probably a little bit more in line with CS: GO. 

And what that does, it gives us the ability to make the game a lot more dynamic and move a little easier. Yes, you'll still be able to pick things up in the world and yes, you'll still share a team economy, you won't have your own money, but what you will have is maybe the ability to plant a bomb and by doing that you'll receive currency. Or knife kills, you'll get currency. That's a little bit more rewarding for the player and also incentivizes doing the game objective and that sort of thing. That's the plan, but that'll be in our third major update I think.

Do you watch a lot of streamers playing your game?

Yeah, all the time. I think I like watching the guys with under 20 streamers because they're a bit more authentic, they're just trying to make a stream. When the game came out we jumped on a stream and and I said hello, this guy's like "Oh my god, it's the developers!" We're like, "Hey man, are you having a good time?" He's like, "Yeah, just trying to figure out the game." I'm like, "Well, have you played in a team yet?" And we invited him to our Discord, we said "You can keep streaming, we'll just play with you if you want, as a five." He loved it and that was great. We like doing that kind of thing.

We built, for less than a million dollars, in two years, an FPS game and we still have to add killcam.

Joe Brammer

How do you feel about the community you've gathered?

I think we planned from day one, before the game released we knew that we'd get X amount of players and then we'd lose some over the next 10 days. It's just videogame development, especially in Early Access. You have people fall off, that's not unheard of, we know the game's going to go down in player concurrents for the next six months. No one knows what we're gonna have in six months and no one knows what we're gonna announce in a year, but it's basically everything the players wanted and more. People saying, "The game's got a fourth of the amount of players it had on day one." Well, yeah, that's just how games work. But they don't know the information that we have, so that's super frustrating to see but we just ignore it now.

Like with Lawbreakers, people were more interested in watching the numbers than saying anything about the game.

It's frustrating cause SteamDB provide a good service but also they just—videogamers are the most entitled community ever, really, and that's great because us the developers get to get raw, genuine feedback but it's also not good because it's not the player's job to worry about player concurrents and it's not the player's job to worry about how many copies were sold because people don't know how important that is to them. They don't understand that we've actually, in terms of Bulkhead—let's be quite honest—we've made back our investment in Battalion 1944, so everything we're doing now we don't have that added pressure of, "We need to make money back so that we can please our publisher" or anything. 

Our publisher and us have made our money back and that means we can focus on making the game succeed long-term, over five to 10 years, and that's our focus now. That doesn't show up on SteamDB. That doesn't show, but I think players should worry about the gameplay part more and things like SteamSpy need to be a little bit better controlled by Valve because it hurts the economy of game development a little bit. But it's cool, freedom of information's great, so no problem really.

Do you still enjoy playing Battalion?

I've got hundreds of hours on Battalion so for us it wasn't like, "The game's out we can play it now!" We've been playing it a lot and still on the weekends we get some time to play together. I guess I personally want to play competitive and for me I want to be playing towards points and rank and that kind of thing. I think that in the future that's what we're going to be enjoying in the game is the competitive part, and also modding when we get to that. It'll be cool to see what other people do with the game. But for us obviously we've played it so much that it's not new for us, so I think ultimately we're excited to play the new content that we're working on now. When we get to that and give it to the community we will have played it. We're always kind of ahead there!

What do you want to see modders do? I know you've mentioned new factions.

We're adding factions ourselves but it would be cool to see the Gurkhas or something, that's not something we're doing and I'd like to see them do it. I think modding, I wouldn't want to say, "This is what I want to see" because the point of modding is I don't know. I want someone to take whatever they want, we've given them the palette and they can paint whatever they like. I came from a modding background, I started modding Battlefield when I was nine I think, or Half-Life. Big modder, then moved into game development at school. I just want to see people have fun with it, do whatever they want. Treat it as a sandbox. And then we work on our game mode specifically. I love modding, can't wait to see it.

Here's my entitled gamer question: why no killcam?

Because it's the most complicated thing in the world to write. We actually had it really early on, a really basic version of it and then we he had to choose between spectating and killcam. Call of Duty, every three years they start with a base game so they have like where we are now, where we will be in a year actually, they have a finished version with everything working: matchmaking, killcam, everything. They then spend three years refining that and making it perfect. We built, for less than a million dollars, in two years, an FPS game—and we still have to add killcam [laughs]. Players are so used to it. And like you said, this is your entitled player question, right? They're so used to it they don't realize it's so complicated to write. You have to roll back time and be actively recording what is happening to a player then roll back time and play it. Because it's not like a video that plays again, if you see sometimes in Call of Duty the arms or the gun will pop in afterwards, that's because they're replaying the animations and you have a spectator controller that replays it all. It's crazy complicated!

What else have you got planned?

A few things, nothing major. In three weeks we're doing a pretty big update where we're going to include a new map as well. It's coming but not right now.

BATTALION: Legacy - brammertron

Competitive going live!

So it’s nearly time! We know a lot of you have been waiting for our competitive game mode to launch officially and now we can announce that Thursday 15/02/18 our War Tide Game mode will go live. It will be at some time during the day.

There will be around 10 mins of outage time whilst we restart and deploy server + matchmaker updates. This means all players will need to update their clients to play. The update is planned to go live on Thursday 15th February 2018.

Players rank 10 and above will be eligible, please bare in mind that a user interface bug has meant that some players haven’t been shown their real rank and therefore don’t believe that they are at the rank 10 and eligible to play Competitive. However we are deploying potential fixes for these issues during this weeks update.

New Competitive Ranks

It is worth noting that we have updated our competitive ranks since we announced them. We have altered them based on community feedback to make them more appealing, eye catching, readable & consistent. Here’s the updated list of ranks we will be having when Competitive launches this Thursday.


We have added a new run animation. Previously the third person run animation was very flat/horizontal. You’ll now notice that the character kicks his feet up a lot higher now. This is to help improve visibility of players in fast/high intensity situations. It will also help slightly improve visibility when jumping.

Future Server Plans & Intentions
Over the past two weeks we’ve been learning how to manage our server locations. There has been a huge amount of requests for matchmaking support in South East Asia, as a result of your communication with us. We will be adding servers in the SEA region in March. We made a mistake of separating NA players between 3 regions, our server code does not choose the best location for the players. The server predetermines where to go. As a result, we will be removing Central/East and merging them together to servers in Chicago, again in March. This will also show a boost in player numbers.

Bug Fixes:

  • Potential fix for XP displaying correctly on the endgame UI.
  • Potential fix for crash on startup.
  • Numerous Spectator Improvements.
  • Picking up a dead player’s weapon now correctly displays the dropped weapon skin of the dead player and not your own skin.
  • General server stability fixes.

Texture Streaming:

To help combat load times on lower end PCs - We’ve set texture streaming to be default ON for players who own graphics cards with less than 3GB vram. If you have a 3GB+ card texture streaming will be set to OFF for a smoother gameplay experience whilst in-game. Our art team are actively optimising their work.

Addressing Players Fears
We wanted to address a recurring post from players. Recently, players have been given the ability to view concurrent players on SteamDB and SteamSpy. We regularly use these websites to get gauges of how other games are doing as well. However, if not used correctly they can be damaging to potential successful games. Players who feel they need to post ‘dead game’ on a game that hasn’t been in early access 2 weeks, are certainly jumping the gun. It is counterproductive and frustrating to see, especially in the face of so many updates from the dev team and when to game developers the concurrent players we do have are actually very high for an Early Access title 2 weeks out.
Comparing day 1 concurrent players to day 14 is not representative of a games future. Battalion has lined up to announce:
  • Multiple LAN tournaments with 5 figure prize pools (TBA VERY SOON)
  • Free Weekend
  • New Maps (Again very soon)
  • New Gamemode (Requires this dedicated community to help balance)
  • Clanwars (Now backed by a new partner)
  • Full Release with more maps & content (2019)

If you’re playing Battalion 1944 now in Early Access you should be playing for the following reasons:
  • To practice and get a head start on the Battalion 1944 major competitive events
  • To help design and balance Battalion 1944
  • To help the developers find and fix bugs or issues
Early Access is a time where developers can release new content to players with a safety net. It is not a finished game. This is the reason we chose to make our game £10.39 at launch. A very modest price for a game with a lot of potential. After Early Access we intend to increase the price to suit that of a finished, fully functioning game with minimal issues.. And we think that's fair.

At this time we'd like to link to one of our more popular comparisons CSGO, which started with 20,000 concurrent players and 10 years of a pre-existing game! With the work from their devs and the community pushing the game. CSGO grew into what it is today;

Battalion's player numbers were always going to go down after the first day, but by relieving the financial pressure from trying to hit targets after we smashed our expectations, we can now solely focus on turning Battalion into a long term success. Please also remember games like PUBG are an anomaly and are not examples of long term sustainable success!

Let us know what you think in the comments! Thanks for your continued to support! We’ve got some huge announcements coming over the next two weeks but for now lets enjoy playing Competitive Battalion 1944 and enjoy the grind!

Hatton's Highlights, check out some great frags from the last week!
BATTALION: Legacy - brammertron

Competitive going live!

So it’s nearly time! We know a lot of you have been waiting for our competitive game mode to launch officially and now we can announce that Thursday 15/02/18 our War Tide Game mode will go live. It will be at some time during the day.

There will be around 10 mins of outage time whilst we restart and deploy server + matchmaker updates. This means all players will need to update their clients to play. The update is planned to go live on Thursday 15th February 2018.

Players rank 10 and above will be eligible, please bare in mind that a user interface bug has meant that some players haven’t been shown their real rank and therefore don’t believe that they are at the rank 10 and eligible to play Competitive. However we are deploying potential fixes for these issues during this weeks update.

New Competitive Ranks

It is worth noting that we have updated our competitive ranks since we announced them. We have altered them based on community feedback to make them more appealing, eye catching, readable & consistent. Here’s the updated list of ranks we will be having when Competitive launches this Thursday.


We have added a new run animation. Previously the third person run animation was very flat/horizontal. You’ll now notice that the character kicks his feet up a lot higher now. This is to help improve visibility of players in fast/high intensity situations. It will also help slightly improve visibility when jumping.

Future Server Plans & Intentions
Over the past two weeks we’ve been learning how to manage our server locations. There has been a huge amount of requests for matchmaking support in South East Asia, as a result of your communication with us. We will be adding servers in the SEA region in March. We made a mistake of separating NA players between 3 regions, our server code does not choose the best location for the players. The server predetermines where to go. As a result, we will be removing Central/East and merging them together to servers in Chicago, again in March. This will also show a boost in player numbers.

Bug Fixes:

  • Potential fix for XP displaying correctly on the endgame UI.
  • Potential fix for crash on startup.
  • Numerous Spectator Improvements.
  • Picking up a dead player’s weapon now correctly displays the dropped weapon skin of the dead player and not your own skin.
  • General server stability fixes.

Texture Streaming:

To help combat load times on lower end PCs - We’ve set texture streaming to be default ON for players who own graphics cards with less than 3GB vram. If you have a 3GB+ card texture streaming will be set to OFF for a smoother gameplay experience whilst in-game. Our art team are actively optimising their work.

Addressing Players Fears
We wanted to address a recurring post from players. Recently, players have been given the ability to view concurrent players on SteamDB and SteamSpy. We regularly use these websites to get gauges of how other games are doing as well. However, if not used correctly they can be damaging to potential successful games. Players who feel they need to post ‘dead game’ on a game that hasn’t been in early access 2 weeks, are certainly jumping the gun. It is counterproductive and frustrating to see, especially in the face of so many updates from the dev team and when to game developers the concurrent players we do have are actually very high for an Early Access title 2 weeks out.
Comparing day 1 concurrent players to day 14 is not representative of a games future. Battalion has lined up to announce:
  • Multiple LAN tournaments with 5 figure prize pools (TBA VERY SOON)
  • Free Weekend
  • New Maps (Again very soon)
  • New Gamemode (Requires this dedicated community to help balance)
  • Clanwars (Now backed by a new partner)
  • Full Release with more maps & content (2019)

If you’re playing Battalion 1944 now in Early Access you should be playing for the following reasons:
  • To practice and get a head start on the Battalion 1944 major competitive events
  • To help design and balance Battalion 1944
  • To help the developers find and fix bugs or issues
Early Access is a time where developers can release new content to players with a safety net. It is not a finished game. This is the reason we chose to make our game £10.39 at launch. A very modest price for a game with a lot of potential. After Early Access we intend to increase the price to suit that of a finished, fully functioning game with minimal issues.. And we think that's fair.

At this time we'd like to link to one of our more popular comparisons CSGO, which started with 20,000 concurrent players and 10 years of a pre-existing game! With the work from their devs and the community pushing the game. CSGO grew into what it is today;

Battalion's player numbers were always going to go down after the first day, but by relieving the financial pressure from trying to hit targets after we smashed our expectations, we can now solely focus on turning Battalion into a long term success. Please also remember games like PUBG are an anomaly and are not examples of long term sustainable success!

Let us know what you think in the comments! Thanks for your continued to support! We’ve got some huge announcements coming over the next two weeks but for now lets enjoy playing Competitive Battalion 1944 and enjoy the grind!

Hatton's Highlights, check out some great frags from the last week!

VIDEO: A quick introduction to Battalion 1944's old school style and competitive modes.

Battalion 1944 is a throwback FPS, but not to the days of Quake and Doom. It's a shooter built for those nostalgic for the early 2000s and simpler, more straightforward WW2 battles. You won't find Call of Duty's modern killstreaks or progression here, but you will find a strong resemblance to Call of Duty 2's tense search & destroy mode and some very satisfying bolt-action rifles.

Battalion 1944 is still working through some Early Access launch growing pains, but it's already a refreshingly straightforward shooter for 2018. Matches are all about fast kills with familiar weapons. And bunnyhopping. Lots and lots of bunnyhopping.

Above you can learn more about Battalion 1944 in our short commentary video. If you're looking for some raw gameplay, check out the video embedded below, which shows off the Domination and team deathmatch modes from Arcade, and the search & destroy-style Unranked.

BATTALION: Legacy - brammertron

Today we're pushing our main client update that we announced yesterday.

Click Here to Read The Changelog & Fix List

If you are a server admin or server host, please make sure you download the new server files here:


Yesterday we were still confirming fixes when we put the update out, we wanted to be 100% sure before we told you. Here are some extra fixes we have made.

Launcher "No Regions" Bug
Along with forcing the launcher to close upon game launch. We have also fixed the "no regions" to select bug.

Kar98k accuracy issue
It was brought to our attention by the community that the Kar98k ironsight was not 100% correct. We readjusted its aim to be pixel perfect to the ironsight.

BAR accuracy ironsight
Members of the community also pointed out that the BAR's accuracy was not in line with the ironsight. Along with the ironsight improvements we announced yesterday, we have also fixed the ray point for the ironsight. Obviously, the BAR is not 100% accurate when spraying, however now: we want to see one taps aplenty.

General Collision Fixes in All Maps
Again, we've been trawling through the maps fixing as many collision issues as possible. We highly anticipate you to find more, just keep reporting them and we will fix them. Thank you to the community for their great work relating to collision issues.

Knifing Fatal Error Crash
There are quite a few Fatal Error crashes, however we've managed to get through a lot of the most common ones.

Hitbox Fixes
Previously there were hitbox issues with the faces. We have now fixed that, internally we have seen a lot more 'heddies'.

Known Issues
There are still crashes and there are still collision issues that we are working towards fixing.
The game will still occasionally Fatal Error when you click 'Exit to Menu'. We are aware of the issue and are working towards a fix.

Have a great weekend and stream lots of Battalion! We're really excited to see how the weapon changes play out, the best way for us is to watch you guys playing!
BATTALION: Legacy - brammertron

Today we're pushing our main client update that we announced yesterday.

Click Here to Read The Changelog & Fix List

If you are a server admin or server host, please make sure you download the new server files here:


Yesterday we were still confirming fixes when we put the update out, we wanted to be 100% sure before we told you. Here are some extra fixes we have made.

Launcher "No Regions" Bug
Along with forcing the launcher to close upon game launch. We have also fixed the "no regions" to select bug.

Kar98k accuracy issue
It was brought to our attention by the community that the Kar98k ironsight was not 100% correct. We readjusted its aim to be pixel perfect to the ironsight.

BAR accuracy ironsight
Members of the community also pointed out that the BAR's accuracy was not in line with the ironsight. Along with the ironsight improvements we announced yesterday, we have also fixed the ray point for the ironsight. Obviously, the BAR is not 100% accurate when spraying, however now: we want to see one taps aplenty.

General Collision Fixes in All Maps
Again, we've been trawling through the maps fixing as many collision issues as possible. We highly anticipate you to find more, just keep reporting them and we will fix them. Thank you to the community for their great work relating to collision issues.

Knifing Fatal Error Crash
There are quite a few Fatal Error crashes, however we've managed to get through a lot of the most common ones.

Hitbox Fixes
Previously there were hitbox issues with the faces. We have now fixed that, internally we have seen a lot more 'heddies'.

Known Issues
There are still crashes and there are still collision issues that we are working towards fixing.
The game will still occasionally Fatal Error when you click 'Exit to Menu'. We are aware of the issue and are working towards a fix.

Have a great weekend and stream lots of Battalion! We're really excited to see how the weapon changes play out, the best way for us is to watch you guys playing!
BATTALION: Legacy - KingHoward
The Week 1 Update is Coming Tomorrow!

Tomorrow we’ll be releasing our big ‘Week 1 Update’ with a host of balance changes, quality of life changes and small bug fixes that’ll increase the stability and enjoyability of the game.

There will be around 10 mins of outage time whilst we restart and deploy server + matchmaker updates. This means all players will need to update their clients to play. The update is planned to go live between 16:00 and 17:00 GMT.

We will also be delaying the launch of competitive play.
You can read more about this further down within this update.

Week 1 Update Changelog - Going Live Tomorrow

  • Added ingame VOIP functionality.
  • Added function to mute individual players via the social tab after pressing ESC.
  • Added menu setting to entirely disable VOIP.

  • Collision fixes to prevent certain overpowered boost spots on competitive maps.
  • Collision fixes to prevent areas players could get out of the playable area.
  • Fixed certain spots where players could lean through walls for information.
  • Fixed certain collision volumes affecting grenade bounces

Server Browser
  • New Feature: Filter servers by server name, player count, map, mode and ping.
  • New Feature: Search for servers by name
  • New Feature: Hide locked servers.

Bug Fixes
  • Players will no longer ‘fatal error’ to desktop mid game when a player is killed on the same frame a grenade is released from another player’s hand.
  • Matchmaker Improvements - Players should see less "loading into a game then being taken back to the menu" errors.
  • Skins can now be seen in community servers.
  • The launcher now quits immediately after successful launch to save system resources.
  • Headshot hitboxes now accurately match third person character
  • We put in a potential fix for the end of match XP/Rank bar to display correctly.

Heavy Weapons Buff

  • New BAR ADS sight allowing for better visibility and aim potential.
  • Damage falloff decreased - now takes 3 to 4 bullets to kill instead of 3 to 5.
  • Decreased time before BAR ammo refills when reloading to allow fast reloading of the BAR.

  • STG44 can now 1 shot headshot.

Pushing Back Competitive Play

We’ve been hearing the reports of regular crashes. Whilst this is expected for an Early Access game and we have fixed many of the fatal error crashes, this is not acceptable for a competitive environment.

This is why we’ve decided to delay the competitive mode launch.

The goal of this delay is to fix 50-80% of the regular crashes that occur during general play. We can’t just fix the game magically overnight - this stuff takes time, which is why we’re pushing back the launch of competitive play.

Luckily after the fixes If players do crash out - you will have the option to reconnect back into the same match. This is to reduce the annoyance of crashing out of a competitive game. However - if players just decide to rage quit a game in progress they will be banned from competitive play for a period of time.

You won’t have to wait too long - we’re still looking at getting competitive matchmaking to you guys asap - we’re just giving ourselves more time to get to the game into a state we feel is acceptable for competitive play for a Steam Early Access title! We’ll have more updates on this soon.

Blitzkrieg Battle EU Tournament Week #2

On Saturday 10th February ‘ThePlays’ will be hosting another Blitzkrieg Battle Tournament.
Make sure to sign your team up now if you want to be in with a chance of breaking into the early competitive Battalion 1944 scene without the need of matchmaking servers.

Check out this B site execute on Liberation by the week 1 tournament winners, The Ocelots!

Full VoD:

Blitzkrieg Battle NA Sundays

ThePlays are looking for NA tournament organisers!

They’re looking for some solid, reliable folks to help report matches and coordinate with the broadcast team every Sunday from 2PM Pacific. If you’re interested in helping them out - make sure to DM ThePlays official twitter account.

Thank you so much to our players for your continued support.
We look forward to reading your feedback.
The Bulkhead Interactive Development Team.