QuiVr - Blueteak
It has now been one week since work started on the procedural canyon system, and an incredible amount of progress has been made!

From a small subset of 7 tiles, over a thousand dynamically created maps are possible. Additionally, more layers of randomization have been added in the form teleporter placements and enemy spawns within the tiles will lead to the very real possibility of never playing the same map twice!

Most of the week was spent creating the underlying infrastructure within the game to handle the dynamic level generation, and only two days were really spent making the current tiles interesting (for reference, the current map took a month to create and playtest to its current state) so the variety and overall feel of the individual tiles will improve over time.

You can now play a test version of the Procedural Map game in the Beta branch. I am primarily looking for bug related feedback, as there are over 2,000 new lines of code to handle the map generation and synchronization and I'm sure there are still many issues to tackle (particularly in Multiplayer).

You are, of course, also welcome to give feedback on general impressions of the system and where improvements could be made to make the maps more fun and engaging.

Currently the system is fairly simplistic, where a new map will be generated at the end of a game (after the countdown finishes) as well as when you create/leave a multiplayer game.

In the future, more systems will be put in place for things like the weekly map and special maps with a particular challenge.

Other Additions
In addition to the procedural maps, the Beta introduces a new Effect setting system and HDR Bloom using MSAA thanks to Unity 5.6.

Almost every ability has also had their graphical effects updated, and each one has quality settings to push your GPU to it's limit regardless of generation.

More abilities are also coming down the line. There are already three fully functional abilities to be added to your arsenal, though their items are not yet complete or available. So in addition to new maps and environments, you will also be getting a new set of items to earn through play very soon.
QuiVr - Blueteak
It has now been one week since work started on the procedural canyon system, and an incredible amount of progress has been made!

From a small subset of 7 tiles, over a thousand dynamically created maps are possible. Additionally, more layers of randomization have been added in the form teleporter placements and enemy spawns within the tiles will lead to the very real possibility of never playing the same map twice!

Most of the week was spent creating the underlying infrastructure within the game to handle the dynamic level generation, and only two days were really spent making the current tiles interesting (for reference, the current map took a month to create and playtest to its current state) so the variety and overall feel of the individual tiles will improve over time.

You can now play a test version of the Procedural Map game in the Beta branch. I am primarily looking for bug related feedback, as there are over 2,000 new lines of code to handle the map generation and synchronization and I'm sure there are still many issues to tackle (particularly in Multiplayer).

You are, of course, also welcome to give feedback on general impressions of the system and where improvements could be made to make the maps more fun and engaging.

Currently the system is fairly simplistic, where a new map will be generated at the end of a game (after the countdown finishes) as well as when you create/leave a multiplayer game.

In the future, more systems will be put in place for things like the weekly map and special maps with a particular challenge.

Other Additions
In addition to the procedural maps, the Beta introduces a new Effect setting system and HDR Bloom using MSAA thanks to Unity 5.6.

Almost every ability has also had their graphical effects updated, and each one has quality settings to push your GPU to it's limit regardless of generation.

More abilities are also coming down the line. There are already three fully functional abilities to be added to your arsenal, though their items are not yet complete or available. So in addition to new maps and environments, you will also be getting a new set of items to earn through play very soon.
QuiVr - Blueteak
Due to an issue with joining multiplayer games in progress (new players stuck at first zone) the default branch has been reverted back to the last stable branch version (0.37.5).

Beta branch is still on 0.38.0 and as soon as I can test the new gate/spawning functionality in the existing map I'll submit an update with a fix for 0.38.0.
QuiVr - Blueteak
Due to an issue with joining multiplayer games in progress (new players stuck at first zone) the default branch has been reverted back to the last stable branch version (0.37.5).

Beta branch is still on 0.38.0 and as soon as I can test the new gate/spawning functionality in the existing map I'll submit an update with a fix for 0.38.0.
QuiVr - Blueteak
Now that we are a few months into Early Access, there has been a lot of feedback on the current state and progress of the game. One of the things most commonly requested is that of new maps to provide replayability.

While adding new maps has always been on the eventual roadmap for the game, it has continued to seem like an incredibly daunting task for a single developer / map designer, and would likely take weeks of work to create just a single new map. In the end, the game needs many more than just two maps to lead to the type of replayability and variation that is desired by the community.

Luckily, Unity 5.6 snuck in a unique feature that makes a particular map system viable. With the introduction of runtime-built navigation meshes, procedural level generation is now a possibility!

Over the next week, I will be taking on the task of creating a tile-based Map Generation system similar to Diablo 3.And while I’m not entirely sure the outcome will be successful, I am very excited to give it a shot and plan on sharing the results whatever they are.

There are a number of benefits that procedural, tile-based maps give over the current static map system
  • Easy tuning of map length based on tile budget
  • Quicker content addition by adding new tiles instead of creating an entire new map
  • Significantlymore variety between rounds
  • “Special” tiles with a unique effect/encounter (but not every game so as to become boring)
  • “Map of the week” for leaderboards
During the week I will be attempting to implement the new dynamic-navigation baking, create a robust single-branch map generator, and design a minimum set of tiles required to create a functional map.

I hope to share progress as the week continues, though most of the work will be engineering a system to handle the tile layout and merging into a cohesive, playable map.

At the end of the week (by next tuesday) I will create a follow up post with information on the current state of the system and outlining the next steps, which could be one of the following:
  • A post--mortem on why the system won’t work at the present
  • The progress remaining and extension of the project for another week
  • The immediate steps to roll out successful system into beta testing
If successful we will also move right into creating new environment art assets for a more varied tile set, and even if unsuccessful we will evaluate what new environment art would be most useful for creating new maps and scenery.

I am excited at the possibility of creating a significantly more varied game environment and am quite optimistic for the outcome. I’ve laid a bit of the groundwork this week for the system and I can clearly see the path forward.

I’ll be keeping everyone much more up to date on the QuiVr Discord, so if you are interested in some play-by-play action throughout the week make sure to join in!
QuiVr - Blueteak
Now that we are a few months into Early Access, there has been a lot of feedback on the current state and progress of the game. One of the things most commonly requested is that of new maps to provide replayability.

While adding new maps has always been on the eventual roadmap for the game, it has continued to seem like an incredibly daunting task for a single developer / map designer, and would likely take weeks of work to create just a single new map. In the end, the game needs many more than just two maps to lead to the type of replayability and variation that is desired by the community.

Luckily, Unity 5.6 snuck in a unique feature that makes a particular map system viable. With the introduction of runtime-built navigation meshes, procedural level generation is now a possibility!

Over the next week, I will be taking on the task of creating a tile-based Map Generation system similar to Diablo 3.And while I’m not entirely sure the outcome will be successful, I am very excited to give it a shot and plan on sharing the results whatever they are.

There are a number of benefits that procedural, tile-based maps give over the current static map system
  • Easy tuning of map length based on tile budget
  • Quicker content addition by adding new tiles instead of creating an entire new map
  • Significantlymore variety between rounds
  • “Special” tiles with a unique effect/encounter (but not every game so as to become boring)
  • “Map of the week” for leaderboards
During the week I will be attempting to implement the new dynamic-navigation baking, create a robust single-branch map generator, and design a minimum set of tiles required to create a functional map.

I hope to share progress as the week continues, though most of the work will be engineering a system to handle the tile layout and merging into a cohesive, playable map.

At the end of the week (by next tuesday) I will create a follow up post with information on the current state of the system and outlining the next steps, which could be one of the following:
  • A post--mortem on why the system won’t work at the present
  • The progress remaining and extension of the project for another week
  • The immediate steps to roll out successful system into beta testing
If successful we will also move right into creating new environment art assets for a more varied tile set, and even if unsuccessful we will evaluate what new environment art would be most useful for creating new maps and scenery.

I am excited at the possibility of creating a significantly more varied game environment and am quite optimistic for the outcome. I’ve laid a bit of the groundwork this week for the system and I can clearly see the path forward.

I’ll be keeping everyone much more up to date on the QuiVr Discord, so if you are interested in some play-by-play action throughout the week make sure to join in!
Apr 18, 2017
QuiVr - Blueteak
This update brings many of the performance issues back in line and sets the stage for better tournaments and gameplay experiences for the future.

Performance Improvements
  • Reduced update rate of fading system for improved performance
  • Added "Soft Particle" toggle in video settings (turn off for better performance)
  • Improved enemy spawn performance
  • Recuded physics update rate for improved performance (does not affect arrows)
  • Dramatically improved statistics tracking performance
  • Reduced multiplayer CPU usage
  • Regenerated occlusion culling data lost in Unity 5.6 upgrade
  • Disabled Elite Auras for performance testing
  • Re-Implemented x64 requirement after 5.6 removal
  • Teleporters all now share a single network access point for improved performance

Gamplay and Difficulty Changes

  • Changed combo difficulty multiplier to curve instead of linear formula
  • Gate 2 and 3 restore requirement now increases by 5 each time it is restored
  • Gate 1 restore requirement now increases by 1 each time it is restored
  • Added draw-length slider to settings menu for those with smaller wingspans
  • Quiver arrow-draw cooldown now disabled in singleplayer
  • Shooting flying enemy bombs now counts as a normal enemy hit

Spectator Changes
  • Spectator should now be able to speak in multiplayer using Push-To-Talk
  • Player nameplates now visible while spectating
  • Spectators can now move between teleporters using left trigger
  • Spectators can now move to disabled teleporters
  • Quick Spectate changed to Bow-Hand Grip+Touchpad
  • Spectator camera screen size increased 40%
  • Spectator moving to gates will no longer cause them to close
  • New gameplay setting panel (Spectator) with Movement Time slider
  • Added initial spectator camera UI

Other Changes and Fixes
  • Fixed cave particles when soft-soft particles are turned off
  • Tutorial button re-enabled in single player
  • Workshop Uploader now provides useful error codes
  • Fixed reflections in watch tower

There will also be another announcement later today regarding the immediate future of QuiVr development, so stay tuned for that!
Apr 18, 2017
QuiVr - Blueteak
This update brings many of the performance issues back in line and sets the stage for better tournaments and gameplay experiences for the future.

Performance Improvements
  • Reduced update rate of fading system for improved performance
  • Added "Soft Particle" toggle in video settings (turn off for better performance)
  • Improved enemy spawn performance
  • Recuded physics update rate for improved performance (does not affect arrows)
  • Dramatically improved statistics tracking performance
  • Reduced multiplayer CPU usage
  • Regenerated occlusion culling data lost in Unity 5.6 upgrade
  • Disabled Elite Auras for performance testing
  • Re-Implemented x64 requirement after 5.6 removal
  • Teleporters all now share a single network access point for improved performance

Gamplay and Difficulty Changes

  • Changed combo difficulty multiplier to curve instead of linear formula
  • Gate 2 and 3 restore requirement now increases by 5 each time it is restored
  • Gate 1 restore requirement now increases by 1 each time it is restored
  • Added draw-length slider to settings menu for those with smaller wingspans
  • Quiver arrow-draw cooldown now disabled in singleplayer
  • Shooting flying enemy bombs now counts as a normal enemy hit

Spectator Changes
  • Spectator should now be able to speak in multiplayer using Push-To-Talk
  • Player nameplates now visible while spectating
  • Spectators can now move between teleporters using left trigger
  • Spectators can now move to disabled teleporters
  • Quick Spectate changed to Bow-Hand Grip+Touchpad
  • Spectator camera screen size increased 40%
  • Spectator moving to gates will no longer cause them to close
  • New gameplay setting panel (Spectator) with Movement Time slider
  • Added initial spectator camera UI

Other Changes and Fixes
  • Fixed cave particles when soft-soft particles are turned off
  • Tutorial button re-enabled in single player
  • Workshop Uploader now provides useful error codes
  • Fixed reflections in watch tower

There will also be another announcement later today regarding the immediate future of QuiVr development, so stay tuned for that!
QuiVr - Blueteak
This update is available on the beta branch for QuiVr. It can be accessed by going to your steam library, right clicking QuiVr, and selecting Properties -> Betas -> and selecting the 'beta -' branch. You can revert this by going to the same place and selecting 'NONE - Opt out of all beta programs'.

This is a release candidate version for 0.38.0, if no game-breaking bugs are found it will be released on the default branch in an identical state.

Changes and Fixes
  • Gate 2 and 3 restore requirement now increases by 5 each time it is restored
  • Gate 1 restore requirement now increases by 1 each time it is restored
  • Starting a new game will now correctly reset the bosses-spawned counter
  • Quiver arrow-draw cooldown now disabled in singleplayer
  • Reduced combo decay significantly
  • Added draw-length slider to settings menu for those with smaller wingspans
QuiVr - Blueteak
This update is available on the beta branch for QuiVr. It can be accessed by going to your steam library, right clicking QuiVr, and selecting Properties -> Betas -> and selecting the 'beta -' branch. You can revert this by going to the same place and selecting 'NONE - Opt out of all beta programs'.

This is a release candidate version for 0.38.0, if no game-breaking bugs are found it will be released on the default branch in an identical state.

Changes and Fixes
  • Gate 2 and 3 restore requirement now increases by 5 each time it is restored
  • Gate 1 restore requirement now increases by 1 each time it is restored
  • Starting a new game will now correctly reset the bosses-spawned counter
  • Quiver arrow-draw cooldown now disabled in singleplayer
  • Reduced combo decay significantly
  • Added draw-length slider to settings menu for those with smaller wingspans