The Karters - Pawel
Greetings Kart Fans,

We're back from Gamescom and now we can safely say that we have recharged our batteries and filled with post-convention determination we're continuing our work on The Karters. It was a joy to be able to witness Europe's most prestigious gaming convention in Cologne and we are really glad we were selected to showcase our game to a much wider audience. Without further ado, have a read of what happened in the previous week and see what we are working on at this very moment. Have a nice read! :-)


We've received tons and tons of feedback from players ranging from developers, press, business, and of course gamers. Each person sat down, pressed START, chose one from four characters, one out of three tracks and typed in their three letter names for the highscore (arcade nostalgia).
After a short loading time, the player took off and began his first impressions with The Karters. Impressions. After the player finished the race we received feedback which was filled with so many positive words and phrases that it simply made our hearts melt. This notion made us believe that games really connect people and The Karters is one of those games that could be a wonderful family game as well as being a competitive one for veterans to set their rivalries on the race track.

We weren't without bugs though. Some really sneaky bugs found their way into our game and tried to jeopardize our entire Gamescom operation. To no avail! Our wonderful players understood that the game is not even in Early Access yet and they were supportive from the very moment they grabbed the gamepad. Thank you everyone! We would also like to thank [ZA] Kastello who decided to visit us with his friends. It's hard to describe the feeling when a fan comes, says hello and plays your game. The only regret we have is not taking a photo, how could we have forgotten about immortalizing that precious moment? ːsteamsadː

We had a small stand, but we made the most out of it, fitting our TV just in the right spot. Overall, we were satisfied with the result we had achieved and our guests didn't mind as well - they were so hungry to play! You can see what our stand looked like right below:

Gamescom 2016 was a tremendous experience for the entire Cmoar Studio Team and we're still in awe of how the entire event was well organized. We've made tons of new friends and had a really, really good time in Germany. If someone is contemplating about going to Gamescom: don't think about it and just go. It's a wonderful opportunity to visit a lot of your favorite games and meet a lot of new people. We cannot stress it enough, you will not regret leaving your home. Have we mentioned free souvenirs?

Now, it's high time to regenerate and get back to working on The Karters.

Currently, we are developing a feature that every member of our community would like to hear about - multiplayer. A very daunting task, but so far so good. We've said that we will hit Early Access with multiplayer and we are doing everything we can to ensure you will have it all neat and tidy. We think we stressed it enough already, but we want The Karters to be a game that WE would like to play in our free time (yes, developers play games too), especially competing within our small indie studio.

Next thing on our short list is to make sure all the gathered feedback will be revised and implemented into our game. People at Gamescom were so supportive and with their constructive criticism we are able to go the right way, the player's way. So, bug-fixing, implementing, coming up with new ideas, polishing, designing, writing, creating new concept arts, modeling, rendering - we're doing the usual. Keep your fingers crossed!

If you missed our two previous dev blogs: Dev Blog #1, Dev Blog #2.
And if you had seen our Gameplay Trailer which aired during Gamescom 2016 - leave your thoughts in the discussions!

Follow Us:
Official The Karters Website
The Karters on Facebook
The Karters Youtube Channel
@The Karters on Twitter

The Karters - Pawel
Greetings Kart Fans,

We're back from Gamescom and now we can safely say that we have recharged our batteries and filled with post-convention determination we're continuing our work on The Karters. It was a joy to be able to witness Europe's most prestigious gaming convention in Cologne and we are really glad we were selected to showcase our game to a much wider audience. Without further ado, have a read of what happened in the previous week and see what we are working on at this very moment. Have a nice read! :-)


We've received tons and tons of feedback from players ranging from developers, press, business, and of course gamers. Each person sat down, pressed START, chose one from four characters, one out of three tracks and typed in their three letter names for the highscore (arcade nostalgia).
After a short loading time, the player took off and began his first impressions with The Karters. Impressions. After the player finished the race we received feedback which was filled with so many positive words and phrases that it simply made our hearts melt. This notion made us believe that games really connect people and The Karters is one of those games that could be a wonderful family game as well as being a competitive one for veterans to set their rivalries on the race track.

We weren't without bugs though. Some really sneaky bugs found their way into our game and tried to jeopardize our entire Gamescom operation. To no avail! Our wonderful players understood that the game is not even in Early Access yet and they were supportive from the very moment they grabbed the gamepad. Thank you everyone! We would also like to thank [ZA] Kastello who decided to visit us with his friends. It's hard to describe the feeling when a fan comes, says hello and plays your game. The only regret we have is not taking a photo, how could we have forgotten about immortalizing that precious moment? ːsteamsadː

We had a small stand, but we made the most out of it, fitting our TV just in the right spot. Overall, we were satisfied with the result we had achieved and our guests didn't mind as well - they were so hungry to play! You can see what our stand looked like right below:

Gamescom 2016 was a tremendous experience for the entire Cmoar Studio Team and we're still in awe of how the entire event was well organized. We've made tons of new friends and had a really, really good time in Germany. If someone is contemplating about going to Gamescom: don't think about it and just go. It's a wonderful opportunity to visit a lot of your favorite games and meet a lot of new people. We cannot stress it enough, you will not regret leaving your home. Have we mentioned free souvenirs?

Now, it's high time to regenerate and get back to working on The Karters.

Currently, we are developing a feature that every member of our community would like to hear about - multiplayer. A very daunting task, but so far so good. We've said that we will hit Early Access with multiplayer and we are doing everything we can to ensure you will have it all neat and tidy. We think we stressed it enough already, but we want The Karters to be a game that WE would like to play in our free time (yes, developers play games too), especially competing within our small indie studio.

Next thing on our short list is to make sure all the gathered feedback will be revised and implemented into our game. People at Gamescom were so supportive and with their constructive criticism we are able to go the right way, the player's way. So, bug-fixing, implementing, coming up with new ideas, polishing, designing, writing, creating new concept arts, modeling, rendering - we're doing the usual. Keep your fingers crossed!

If you missed our two previous dev blogs: Dev Blog #1, Dev Blog #2.
And if you had seen our Gameplay Trailer which aired during Gamescom 2016 - leave your thoughts in the discussions!

Follow Us:
Official The Karters Website
The Karters on Facebook
The Karters Youtube Channel
@The Karters on Twitter

The Karters - Pawel
Dear Kart Fans,

This week we will kickoff our dev blog with The Karters' visual upgrade, ongoing Gamescom preparations and our very first fanart.
Grab your cup of tea or coffee, sit comfortably in your chair and enjoy our second attempt at trying to grasp what is going on within our small indie studio from Poland.

The Karters' Visual Jump
This week we had posted a video on Facebook, Twitter and Reddit featuring our new visual upgrade and we had received lots of feedback! Thanks to the Unity 5.4 upgrade we were able to achieve this radiant effect that spread even into our office, putting a smile on each and every member of our team.

Here are four key elements that helped our visuals take a huge leap forward:
  1. Unity 5.4 added Cinematic Effects, which were used in the Adam Short Film animation
  2. We had bought the Alloy Shader package - it enabled us to control all used materials in our project with ease
  3. The new Tonemapping gives the ability to adjust colors in all post processing effects
  4. We applied all of our previously acquired experiences with The Karters to very good use
The famous trail and error technique proved to be the way every developer has to take when venturing deep into a project. Any project. And so far we are really satisfied with the result. We have been developing The Karters for over a year now and seeing it with this new visual upgrade makes us proud and more determined to keep on going.

Gamescom 2016 Preparations Part II
If you haven't heard already we will attend this year's Gamescom and hopefully people will see why we are so hyped about The Karters. A big gaming convention means a lot of preparation, thus a trip like that means two things:
  • Testing - weapons, tracks, AI, split screen compatibility and a whole lot of stuff that happens in between. A very important step that must be addressed at all times to ensure you and your game will astonish everyone gathered around it. We're confident that The Karters is a really fun game to play!

  • Logistics - the best way to sum up this point would be like this:
    Who? Where? Why? What? When? How much? If you manage to answer those questions you and your company should be on the right track. Naturally, there is a lot more, but it usually comes down to only those two categories. We've got everything covered here, so now we just have to wait and see how it all works out.
We are in high spirits, eagerly awaiting the day to travel to Cologne, Germany and showcase The Karters to a really wide audience. You will be able to play on three totally different tracks and with an arsenal of weapons to vanquish your opponents from the race!
If you are attending Gamescom this year, you must visit us (Hall 04.1, Stand B026a - right in the corner) and because we love photos - take a photo with us! We are really friendly beings ːsteamhappyː

The Karters' Fanarts

We received these lovely fanarts a couple of days ago by one of our active members in our Steam discussions and I do not need to mention we were pleasantly surprised. Fanarts really make a developer happy, because when your character is being drawn by your fan it really melts your heart and makes you appreciate your and their work. Thank you for all your hard work Amexys!

If you have something to show us you can always share it on our social media, we love to see what you guys are capable of.

There you have it. Thanks for reading. It has been a very busy month for us and it's only going to be even busier. It's high time we start packing for Gamescom, so stay tuned for the next dev blog in a couple of weeks!

If you somehow missed our first dev blog: here's a link.

Follow Us:
Official The Karters Website
The Karters on Facebook
The Karters Youtube Channel
@The Karters on Twitter

The Karters - Pawel
Dear Kart Fans,

This week we will kickoff our dev blog with The Karters' visual upgrade, ongoing Gamescom preparations and our very first fanart.
Grab your cup of tea or coffee, sit comfortably in your chair and enjoy our second attempt at trying to grasp what is going on within our small indie studio from Poland.

The Karters' Visual Jump
This week we had posted a video on Facebook, Twitter and Reddit featuring our new visual upgrade and we had received lots of feedback! Thanks to the Unity 5.4 upgrade we were able to achieve this radiant effect that spread even into our office, putting a smile on each and every member of our team.

Here are four key elements that helped our visuals take a huge leap forward:
  1. Unity 5.4 added Cinematic Effects, which were used in the Adam Short Film animation
  2. We had bought the Alloy Shader package - it enabled us to control all used materials in our project with ease
  3. The new Tonemapping gives the ability to adjust colors in all post processing effects
  4. We applied all of our previously acquired experiences with The Karters to very good use
The famous trail and error technique proved to be the way every developer has to take when venturing deep into a project. Any project. And so far we are really satisfied with the result. We have been developing The Karters for over a year now and seeing it with this new visual upgrade makes us proud and more determined to keep on going.

Gamescom 2016 Preparations Part II
If you haven't heard already we will attend this year's Gamescom and hopefully people will see why we are so hyped about The Karters. A big gaming convention means a lot of preparation, thus a trip like that means two things:
  • Testing - weapons, tracks, AI, split screen compatibility and a whole lot of stuff that happens in between. A very important step that must be addressed at all times to ensure you and your game will astonish everyone gathered around it. We're confident that The Karters is a really fun game to play!

  • Logistics - the best way to sum up this point would be like this:
    Who? Where? Why? What? When? How much? If you manage to answer those questions you and your company should be on the right track. Naturally, there is a lot more, but it usually comes down to only those two categories. We've got everything covered here, so now we just have to wait and see how it all works out.
We are in high spirits, eagerly awaiting the day to travel to Cologne, Germany and showcase The Karters to a really wide audience. You will be able to play on three totally different tracks and with an arsenal of weapons to vanquish your opponents from the race!
If you are attending Gamescom this year, you must visit us (Hall 04.1, Stand B026a - right in the corner) and because we love photos - take a photo with us! We are really friendly beings ːsteamhappyː

The Karters' Fanarts

We received these lovely fanarts a couple of days ago by one of our active members in our Steam discussions and I do not need to mention we were pleasantly surprised. Fanarts really make a developer happy, because when your character is being drawn by your fan it really melts your heart and makes you appreciate your and their work. Thank you for all your hard work Amexys!

If you have something to show us you can always share it on our social media, we love to see what you guys are capable of.

There you have it. Thanks for reading. It has been a very busy month for us and it's only going to be even busier. It's high time we start packing for Gamescom, so stay tuned for the next dev blog in a couple of weeks!

If you somehow missed our first dev blog: here's a link.

Follow Us:
Official The Karters Website
The Karters on Facebook
The Karters Youtube Channel
@The Karters on Twitter

The Karters - Pawel
Hello Kart Fans,

The Karters is developing nicely, the hot weather is accompanying our graphic designers with newly found inspirations, the city's ambience resonates through our windows and here we are creating something interesting to read for our fans. For you.

You read that right, we are heading to Cologne, Germany to showcase our game and we must admit everyone at Cmoar Studio is excited! Just a reminder - Gamescom will take place from 17 August to 21 August 2016.

As of now, we are developing a build fit for Gamescom so that everyone will enjoy kart racing during this prestigious event. The point of our game is to have fun, right? And we're making sure you will.

So if you are in the neighborhood (Hall 04.1, Stand B026a - right in the corner), stop by and say hello!

Weapons and Battle Arena
Our programmer, Daniel, had finished all prototype weapons that will appear during our Early Access phase. We often feature them on our social media and steam discussions so we guess most of you are aware of what's coming your way. And if you are not, then join The Weapon Prototype Lab and be in the loop of what weapons of kart desctruction will be available in Early Access (yes, we do update the thread with new content!).

The first Battle Arena is almost ready and soon we are going to schedule a lot, a lot of tests to ensure all weapons will be balanced. Checking whether the arena will withstand this devastation could also be an important part of the process.

Currently, 3 tracks (Jungle, Beach, Canyon) are all set and done and now we proceed to tackle Jungle - The Dam which is the 4th track and also a part of the Jungle environment.

Also, we thought we would share one of the tracks (Beach) that will appear in EA and we must admit it fits our scorching hot season so far:

Mateusz, our 2D artist, said that working on The Karters had greatly expanded his knowledge of Unity. And Tomek, our 3D artist, proudly stated that Poseidon/Neptune would be delighted with his ability to create and polish Unity's water on our tracks. Michał, our Level Designer loves the track, but the entire process had changed his mind about having holidays by the sea this year. Oh well.

Miłosz, who handles 3d modelling at Cmoar Studio said it was pure pleasure to model the pier's planks. Each plank increased his knowledge and experience in creating majestic and realistic planks. Yes, planks. "Yeah, I love 'em," he says while looking indifferently at his computer screen.

Spread the word!
At Cmoar Studio we are working hard to deliver The Karters in a state that will instill joy and delight around every corner. From the very start you will feel Crash Team Racing's soul and the very first boost will make you say: "This feels so familiar!"

You guys keep us motivated! Young or old, novice or veteran; everyone will find something to cheer upon in our game. Let's race together!

Help us spread the word about The Karters, we need you! Tell your friends that a kart racing game inspired by CTR is coming and it will hit Early Access late September/early October. Our Steam group has almost 800 members! What are you waiting for? Join the discussions!

Next Dev Blog soon!

Follow Us:
Official The Karters Website
The Karters on Facebook
The Karters Youtube Channel
@The Karters on Twitter

The Karters - Pawel
Hello Kart Fans,

The Karters is developing nicely, the hot weather is accompanying our graphic designers with newly found inspirations, the city's ambience resonates through our windows and here we are creating something interesting to read for our fans. For you.

You read that right, we are heading to Cologne, Germany to showcase our game and we must admit everyone at Cmoar Studio is excited! Just a reminder - Gamescom will take place from 17 August to 21 August 2016.

As of now, we are developing a build fit for Gamescom so that everyone will enjoy kart racing during this prestigious event. The point of our game is to have fun, right? And we're making sure you will.

So if you are in the neighborhood (Hall 04.1, Stand B026a - right in the corner), stop by and say hello!

Weapons and Battle Arena
Our programmer, Daniel, had finished all prototype weapons that will appear during our Early Access phase. We often feature them on our social media and steam discussions so we guess most of you are aware of what's coming your way. And if you are not, then join The Weapon Prototype Lab and be in the loop of what weapons of kart desctruction will be available in Early Access (yes, we do update the thread with new content!).

The first Battle Arena is almost ready and soon we are going to schedule a lot, a lot of tests to ensure all weapons will be balanced. Checking whether the arena will withstand this devastation could also be an important part of the process.

Currently, 3 tracks (Jungle, Beach, Canyon) are all set and done and now we proceed to tackle Jungle - The Dam which is the 4th track and also a part of the Jungle environment.

Also, we thought we would share one of the tracks (Beach) that will appear in EA and we must admit it fits our scorching hot season so far:

Mateusz, our 2D artist, said that working on The Karters had greatly expanded his knowledge of Unity. And Tomek, our 3D artist, proudly stated that Poseidon/Neptune would be delighted with his ability to create and polish Unity's water on our tracks. Michał, our Level Designer loves the track, but the entire process had changed his mind about having holidays by the sea this year. Oh well.

Miłosz, who handles 3d modelling at Cmoar Studio said it was pure pleasure to model the pier's planks. Each plank increased his knowledge and experience in creating majestic and realistic planks. Yes, planks. "Yeah, I love 'em," he says while looking indifferently at his computer screen.

Spread the word!
At Cmoar Studio we are working hard to deliver The Karters in a state that will instill joy and delight around every corner. From the very start you will feel Crash Team Racing's soul and the very first boost will make you say: "This feels so familiar!"

You guys keep us motivated! Young or old, novice or veteran; everyone will find something to cheer upon in our game. Let's race together!

Help us spread the word about The Karters, we need you! Tell your friends that a kart racing game inspired by CTR is coming and it will hit Early Access late September/early October. Our Steam group has almost 800 members! What are you waiting for? Join the discussions!

Next Dev Blog soon!

Follow Us:
Official The Karters Website
The Karters on Facebook
The Karters Youtube Channel
@The Karters on Twitter
