Citadel: Forged with Fire - Community Manager - Denis

Welcome to the Weekly Review! Every Friday we’ll break down the latest happenings in the world of Citadel: Forged with Fire. Check back weekly for info on game updates, events, community content, contests and much more!

New Content: Abomination

Citadel has received a gargantuan injection of nightmare fuel! The horrific Abomination - composed of gnarled, rotting flesh and inexplicable limbs, mouths and appendages - can now be found stalking the Plains and Tundra of Ignus.

Born of pure evil, the ominous return of these monstrosities signals the worrying potential for a resurgence of the dark arts in Ignus. Could this be the start of something terrifying?

New Content: Blade of Simeon's Soul

If you want to fight the Abomination you're going to need a migthy weapon! Perhaps consider our newest melee implement: the Blade of Simeon's Soul! This high level longsword packs a mighty punch, dealing a ton of damage at a close range. You'll need to climb all the way to level 50 to unlock it, but it's well worth the effort!

Marble Contest Extension & Update

To give everyone a little extra building time we'll be extending the contest deadline to Monday, September 18th. This will give everyone the full weekend to build and submit an entry to the contest. For the full contest details, see our original news post by clicking here. Be sure to enter for your chance to win 1 of 5 Amazon Gift Cards valued up to $100!

The entries so far have been absolutely mind blowing! Take a look for yourself:

Promstar's Marble Chess Palace makes creative use of the contrast between the dark Ornate set and pristine Marble set. Fantastic stuff!

Trouser Jake's Moonrise Mansion also beautifully uses the Ornate set to accent the Marble set! So palatial!

Titanium's Waterfall Stronghold is breathtaking! The patterning on the floors is awesome, and the overall architectural design of it is very clever.

Decin's Wizard Spa gets massive points for creativity! How refreshing does that water look? The use of rugs as beach towels and the addition of the little gazebo really sells the resort aesthetic. Very nice!

Ark's Spaceship Tower is otherworldly! It impressed us all here at Blue Isle Studios that he was able to make such a unique structure within the requirements of the support system. Well done!
Citadel: Forged with Fire - Denis

Welcome to the Weekly Review! Every Friday we’ll break down the latest happenings in the world of Citadel: Forged with Fire. Check back weekly for info on game updates, events, community content, contests and much more!

New Content: Abomination

Citadel has received a gargantuan injection of nightmare fuel! The horrific Abomination - composed of gnarled, rotting flesh and inexplicable limbs, mouths and appendages - can now be found stalking the Plains and Tundra of Ignus.

Born of pure evil, the ominous return of these monstrosities signals the worrying potential for a resurgence of the dark arts in Ignus. Could this be the start of something terrifying?

New Content: Blade of Simeon's Soul

If you want to fight the Abomination you're going to need a migthy weapon! Perhaps consider our newest melee implement: the Blade of Simeon's Soul! This high level longsword packs a mighty punch, dealing a ton of damage at a close range. You'll need to climb all the way to level 50 to unlock it, but it's well worth the effort!

Marble Contest Extension & Update

To give everyone a little extra building time we'll be extending the contest deadline to Monday, September 18th. This will give everyone the full weekend to build and submit an entry to the contest. For the full contest details, see our original news post by clicking here. Be sure to enter for your chance to win 1 of 5 Amazon Gift Cards valued up to $100!

The entries so far have been absolutely mind blowing! Take a look for yourself:

Promstar's Marble Chess Palace makes creative use of the contrast between the dark Ornate set and pristine Marble set. Fantastic stuff!

Trouser Jake's Moonrise Mansion also beautifully uses the Ornate set to accent the Marble set! So palatial!

Titanium's Waterfall Stronghold is breathtaking! The patterning on the floors is awesome, and the overall architectural design of it is very clever.

Decin's Wizard Spa gets massive points for creativity! How refreshing does that water look? The use of rugs as beach towels and the addition of the little gazebo really sells the resort aesthetic. Very nice!

Ark's Spaceship Tower is otherworldly! It impressed us all here at Blue Isle Studios that he was able to make such a unique structure within the requirements of the support system. Well done!
Citadel: Forged with Fire - Community Manager - Denis

It’s Wednesday, which means we’re ready to drop another new Citadel update! Today’s patch includes some fantastic new content including a horrific new enemy and a gorgeous new high-level melee weapon.

The Blade of Simeon's Soul is a powerful magic blade capable of delivering devastating damage to enemies, human or otherwise. Paired with buff spells like Bloodlust, this level 50 sword is capable of pushing extreme damage in a short period of time, though you will be forced to deliver it from a close range.

As mentioned above, we also have a new creature! The Abomination is an abnormal freak of nature! As our latest high-level mob, the Abomination can be found somewhat infrequently stalking Ignus’ Plains and Tundra biomes. His immense size and duel-wielded axes make him a formidable opponent, capable of inflicting great damage very quickly. His major weakness is that he must get close, so try kiting him and using ranged weaponry. Engaging him in close combat will almost certainly be a fatal mistake.

The Abomination drops a set of new reagents: Sickly Hearts and Dark Plasma. While Sickly Hearts will be used in future crafting recipes, the energy of the Dark Plasma will now be a requirement in the crafting of Elixir of Demonic Spirit. It’s a good idea to hunt some of these guys down to maintain a healthy stock of reagents!
Here’s the full list of changes for this week’s patch:

  • New Weapon: Blade of Simeon's Soul
  • New Creature: Abomination
  • New Reagents: Sickly Heart, Dark Plasma
  • Various fixes to holes in the world’s terrain
  • Mature Langue Filter now defaults to on (can be turned off in Game Settings)
  • Fixed visual quirks with various armors

As you may have read earlier this week, we’ve also gone ahead and closed a number of empty servers to better compress the community and make finding a populated server easier. If your preferred server was deleted we’ve archived and uploaded each world’s save data. Click here if you’d like to save this data and use it on your own private server/custom game!

Just as a quick note: We are aware that some players have encountered issues with FPS drops on some servers. We are investigating this issue and will update you all as soon as we have more information!
Citadel: Forged with Fire - Denis

It’s Wednesday, which means we’re ready to drop another new Citadel update! Today’s patch includes some fantastic new content including a horrific new enemy and a gorgeous new high-level melee weapon.

The Blade of Simeon's Soul is a powerful magic blade capable of delivering devastating damage to enemies, human or otherwise. Paired with buff spells like Bloodlust, this level 50 sword is capable of pushing extreme damage in a short period of time, though you will be forced to deliver it from a close range.

As mentioned above, we also have a new creature! The Abomination is an abnormal freak of nature! As our latest high-level mob, the Abomination can be found somewhat infrequently stalking Ignus’ Plains and Tundra biomes. His immense size and duel-wielded axes make him a formidable opponent, capable of inflicting great damage very quickly. His major weakness is that he must get close, so try kiting him and using ranged weaponry. Engaging him in close combat will almost certainly be a fatal mistake.

The Abomination drops a set of new reagents: Sickly Hearts and Dark Plasma. While Sickly Hearts will be used in future crafting recipes, the energy of the Dark Plasma will now be a requirement in the crafting of Elixir of Demonic Spirit. It’s a good idea to hunt some of these guys down to maintain a healthy stock of reagents!
Here’s the full list of changes for this week’s patch:

  • New Weapon: Blade of Simeon's Soul
  • New Creature: Abomination
  • New Reagents: Sickly Heart, Dark Plasma
  • Various fixes to holes in the world’s terrain
  • Mature Langue Filter now defaults to on (can be turned off in Game Settings)
  • Fixed visual quirks with various armors

As you may have read earlier this week, we’ve also gone ahead and closed a number of empty servers to better compress the community and make finding a populated server easier. If your preferred server was deleted we’ve archived and uploaded each world’s save data. Click here if you’d like to save this data and use it on your own private server/custom game!

Just as a quick note: We are aware that some players have encountered issues with FPS drops on some servers. We are investigating this issue and will update you all as soon as we have more information!
Citadel: Forged with Fire - Community Manager - Denis

Brace yourselves, denizens of Ignus! We’re getting to ready another content drop tomorrow, including a powerful new addition to the melee weapon tree and a horrific new nightmare beast, The Abomination. Take a look below for a little more info!

New Weapon: Blade of Simeon's Soul

An elegant longsword that has been enchanted with a piece of the legendary sorcerer Simeon's soul. In the right hands, the Blade of Simeon's Soul can be used to efficiently eviscerate Ignus' most intimidating adversaries.

The crafting of this powerful war blade requires a number of precious resources, including Iron and Gold Ingots, Irisite, and Dragon Stone. To unlock this legendary sword, players must reach level 50.

New Creature: Abomination

The wretched Abomination is the result of extensive dark magic experimentation conducted by the fanatical cultists of Ignus’ past. Centuries ago, these monstrosities roamed the plains and tundra freely during the peak of Ingus' dark era, but were eventually driven back and contained by the Priests of Neshan during their crusade against the dark arts.

The reemergence of these towering behemoths is quite ominous, and may signal the return of some ancient evil force. Could dark magic in Ignus be on the brink of resurgence?

Developer Livestream

We’ll be going live tomorrow, September 13th at 4PM Eastern Time to answer some questions and show off the new content in this week’s patch! Come hang out and join the fun at

Server Maintenance
Notice: We'll be performing scheduled maintenance on our USEast servers and European servers on September 13th between 4am and 9am EST.
Citadel: Forged with Fire - Denis

Brace yourselves, denizens of Ignus! We’re getting to ready another content drop tomorrow, including a powerful new addition to the melee weapon tree and a horrific new nightmare beast, The Abomination. Take a look below for a little more info!

New Weapon: Blade of Simeon's Soul

An elegant longsword that has been enchanted with a piece of the legendary sorcerer Simeon's soul. In the right hands, the Blade of Simeon's Soul can be used to efficiently eviscerate Ignus' most intimidating adversaries.

The crafting of this powerful war blade requires a number of precious resources, including Iron and Gold Ingots, Irisite, and Dragon Stone. To unlock this legendary sword, players must reach level 50.

New Creature: Abomination

The wretched Abomination is the result of extensive dark magic experimentation conducted by the fanatical cultists of Ignus’ past. Centuries ago, these monstrosities roamed the plains and tundra freely during the peak of Ingus' dark era, but were eventually driven back and contained by the Priests of Neshan during their crusade against the dark arts.

The reemergence of these towering behemoths is quite ominous, and may signal the return of some ancient evil force. Could dark magic in Ignus be on the brink of resurgence?

Developer Livestream

We’ll be going live tomorrow, September 13th at 4PM Eastern Time to answer some questions and show off the new content in this week’s patch! Come hang out and join the fun at

Server Maintenance
Notice: We'll be performing scheduled maintenance on our USEast servers and European servers on September 13th between 4am and 9am EST.
Sep 11, 2017
Citadel: Forged with Fire - Community Manager - Denis

It's time for a little server housekeeping! Since launch, we've been monitoring activity on a number of our official servers and have found that many of them are either completely empty or see only a single player in the span of a week.

To make finding a populated server easier for new Citadel players, and to better concentrate the player population going forward, we'll be closing the below-listed official servers after this Wednesday's patch.

In the unlikely circumstances that your server is listed here, rest easy knowing that we will be making all world data for these servers available for download. This will allow you to save your structures and resume play on a private server or in a custom game.

If you have any questions about this process, please feel free to ask in the comments below! Stay tuned for full details of our next patch, which includes some great new content, later this week!

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Sep 11, 2017
Citadel: Forged with Fire - Denis

It's time for a little server housekeeping! Since launch, we've been monitoring activity on a number of our official servers and have found that many of them are either completely empty or see only a single player in the span of a week.

To make finding a populated server easier for new Citadel players, and to better concentrate the player population going forward, we'll be closing the below-listed official servers after this Wednesday's patch.

In the unlikely circumstances that your server is listed here, rest easy knowing that we will be making all world data for these servers available for download. This will allow you to save your structures and resume play on a private server or in a custom game.

If you have any questions about this process, please feel free to ask in the comments below! Stay tuned for full details of our next patch, which includes some great new content, later this week!

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Citadel: Forged with Fire - Community Manager - Denis

Hello, Wizards of Ignus! We’re putting out a quick hotfix today to supplement the patch we put out yesterday. As you may know from yesterday's patch notes, we had to hold back on two fixes.

Wood and Stone Transmuters have had their productivity increased. Creating resources will now only require 25 mana, down from the previous requirement of 50. This should better enable players to generate larger quantities of building resources from their excess Rune Crystal.

We’re also throwing in a change to the game's decay system that wasn’t previously mentioned. Now that we’ve significantly improved the way our servers handle the load of larger structures, we’re able to further decrease the decay rates for abandoned structures. Here’s what’s changed:

  • Abandoned wood pieces: Increased from 5 hours to 2 days
  • Abandoned stone pieces: Increased from 10 hours to 4 days
  • Abandoned ornate/marble pieces: Increased from 24 hours to 1 week

Lastly, we’ve unfortunately had to put another slight delay on the fix for disappearing tames. We’ve encountered some last minute issues with the fix during testing, and want to ensure that when we do put it out it’s ready and fully functional. We apologize for the second delay, and will have it ready for another hotfix next week.
Citadel: Forged with Fire - Denis

Hello, Wizards of Ignus! We’re putting out a quick hotfix today to supplement the patch we put out yesterday. As you may know from yesterday's patch notes, we had to hold back on two fixes.

Wood and Stone Transmuters have had their productivity increased. Creating resources will now only require 25 mana, down from the previous requirement of 50. This should better enable players to generate larger quantities of building resources from their excess Rune Crystal.

We’re also throwing in a change to the game's decay system that wasn’t previously mentioned. Now that we’ve significantly improved the way our servers handle the load of larger structures, we’re able to further decrease the decay rates for abandoned structures. Here’s what’s changed:

  • Abandoned wood pieces: Increased from 5 hours to 2 days
  • Abandoned stone pieces: Increased from 10 hours to 4 days
  • Abandoned ornate/marble pieces: Increased from 24 hours to 1 week

Lastly, we’ve unfortunately had to put another slight delay on the fix for disappearing tames. We’ve encountered some last minute issues with the fix during testing, and want to ensure that when we do put it out it’s ready and fully functional. We apologize for the second delay, and will have it ready for another hotfix next week.