Nov 3, 2018
Hardware Engineers - Green127.Studio

Hello everyone!

A new software is available through the Download Center: SuperHash!
With SuperHash you will be able to mine and sell Bitcoin.
Of course CPU overclocking and the new GPU overclocking introduce in the last patch will affect your miner's performance.

Bitcoin's Price will fluctuate over time
Selling Bitcoin will cost you a tax of 5%

Icon design has been improved
Greek font has been added
Asian font has been updated
Translation has been updated
Minor optimization has been made to the engine

(thanks to hindm7 for the translation)

As always many bugs was fixed. If you found a bug, you can report it on the Bug Report section of the Steam HUB thanks!

Thank you for reading! If you want to support Hardware Engineers share it with your friends!

Here the italian way of mining Bitcoin:

As usual feel free to let me know what you think about this patch and what you would like to see in Hardware Engineers in the comment section below.

I hope you will enjoy this patch and see you for the next one!

  • Adding Crypto-Currency!
  • Adding Miner!
  • Adding Greek fonts
  • Updating Asian fonts
  • Updated language
  • Improved Icons
  • Minor optimization with game routine
  • Minor optimization with steamworks API
  • Minor optimization with Audio
  • Fixed minor issue with tutorial scenario
  • Fixed Activation of Translation

Oct 27, 2018
Hardware Engineers - Green127.Studio

Hello everyone! After 8 patches about tutorial scenarios, Content patch is coming back!

GPU Overclocking
GPU overclocking is finally ready.
A new software called PostCombustion is now available through the download center.

3DBench stabilities test and benchmark score has been improved to take into account GPU overcloking.
Bleuscreens and Graphics Artifacts has been improved too.
You will get different artifact and bluescreen if you have a broken GPU, unstable GPU or unstable GPU's memory

40 new Processors is now unlockable with 12, 14 and 16 cores.

As always many bugs was fixed. If you found a bug, you can report it on the Bug Report section of the Steam HUB thanks!

Thank you for reading! If you want to support Hardware Engineers share it with your friends!

If you don't post good review on steam, I will do that to you.

My scissors is ready!

As usual feel free to let me know what you think about this patch and what you would like to see in Hardware Engineers in the comment section below.

I hope you will enjoy this patch and see you for the next one!

  • Adding GPU Overclocking!
  • Adding 40 new Processors
  • Adding New Software
  • Adding New Bluescreen
  • Adding New Graphics Artifact
  • Improved 3DBench
  • Rebalancing Processors (Prices, Performances, Stabilities)
  • Rebalancing Motherboards (RAM Compatibilities)
  • Fixed English translation errors
  • Fixed bug with Shaders's cache
  • Fixed 6th tutorial scenario
  • Fixed Graphics Artifact does not appear on full screen
  • Fixed bug fragmentation
  • Fixed Statistics does not reset when loading games
  • Fixed Splashscreen issue

Oct 20, 2018
Hardware Engineers - Green127.Studio

Hello everyone!

Tutorials Scenarios
A last 8th chapter has been added to the tutorial.
This time it will be about Overclocking, Bios, and WaterCooling.

Several steps has been added to 5th scenario.
Taxes is now disabled during all tutorial scenario.
Fragmentation and defragmentation has been reworked.
Again many problems in translation has been fixed (thanks to Trifler!)

As always many bugs was fixed. If you found a bug, you can report it on the Bug Report section of the Steam HUB thanks!

Thank you for reading! If you want to support Hardware Engineers share it with your friends!

Here an overclocked pumpkin:

As usual feel free to let me know what you think about this patch and what you would like to see in Hardware Engineers in the comment section below.

I hope you will enjoy this patch and see you for the next one!

  • Adding 8th tutorial scenario
  • Improved 5th tutorial scenario
  • Disabling Taxes during all tutorials
  • Improved fragmentation and defragmentation
  • Fixed English translation errors
  • Fixed serial detection in 5th scenario
  • Fixed error when copying from burnt DVD
  • Fixed crash with 7th tutorial
  • Fixed buttons of Benchmark, Antivirus and Polygon
  • Fixed bug with Shaders's cache
  • Fixed bug fragmentation

Oct 13, 2018
Hardware Engineers - Green127.Studio

Hello everyone!

Tutorials Scenarios
A new 7th chapter has been added to the tutorial.
This time it will be about building a computer from scratch, Shop's filters and Loans.

All tutorials scenarios will now have a controlled cart to prevent player to buy wrong things.
Skill tree will not blink when the current tutorial is not about skills.
Again many problems in translation has been fixed (thanks to Trifler!)

As always many bugs was fixed. If you found a bug, you can report it on the Bug Report section of the Steam HUB thanks!

Thank you for reading! If you want to support Hardware Engineers share it with your friends!

When you try to break your own tutorial to find the limitations

As usual feel free to let me know what you think about this patch and what you would like to see in Hardware Engineers in the comment section below.

I hope you will enjoy this patch and see you for the next one!

  • Adding 7th tutorial scenario
  • Improved Skill Tree in tutorial
  • Improved Cart in tutorial
  • Updating Asian fonts
  • Fixed error when generating Upgrade mission
  • Fixed English translation errors
  • Fixed Decoration's name
  • Fixed error "no ram kit found"
  • Fixed 2 crash with 7th tutorial

Oct 6, 2018
Hardware Engineers - Green127.Studio

Hello everyone!

A new 6th chapter has been added to the tutorial.
This time it will be about Upgrade, Budget, and Drivers Detector.

The 2nd and 5th scenario has been improved and missing text has been fixed.
Shader has been improved to make dust more visible.
Explorer's Search box have now a default text.

Lot's a problem in translation has been fixed (thanks to Trifler!)
Small adjustment has been made to the UI

As always many bugs was fixed. If you found a bug, you can report it on the Bug Report section of the Steam HUB thanks!

Thank you for reading! If you want to support Hardware Engineers share it with your friends!

A patch is never late, Frodo Baggins. Nor is he early. He arrives precisely when he means to.

As usual feel free to let me know what you think about this patch and what you would like to see in Hardware Engineers in the comment section below.

I hope you will enjoy this patch and see you for the next one!

  • Adding 6th scenario
  • Improved 2nd scenario
  • Improved 5th scenario
  • Improved Dust and Shader
  • Improved UI (Search box, Translation, Small adjustment)
  • Fixed Missing text in 4th scenario
  • Fixed English translation errors
  • Fixed Background ambience continue when it shouldn't

Sep 29, 2018
Hardware Engineers - Green127.Studio

Hello everyone!

A new chapter has been added to the tutorial.
This time it will be about the Operating system, Backup, drivers installation and data recovery.

The 2nd and 4th scenario has been improved and missing text has been fixed.
The assembly window will now display the computer's owner in the bottom left corner.

As always many bugs was fixed. If you found a bug, you can report it on the Bug Report section of the Steam HUB thanks!

Thank you for reading! If you want to support Hardware Engineers share it with your friends!

As usual feel free to let me know what you think about this patch and what you would like to see in Hardware Engineers in the comment section below.

I hope you will enjoy this patch and see you for the next one!

  • Adding 5th scenario
  • Improved 2nd scenario
  • Improved 4th scenario
  • Improved Assembly
  • Updated language
  • Code improvements
  • Fixed Missing text in 4th scenario
  • Fixed another bug with savegame from v0.2.00
  • Fixed Memory usage of ToolBox's window
  • Fixed Tutorial text alignment

Sep 22, 2018
Hardware Engineers - Green127.Studio

Hello everyone! today is the 99th patch, so I will write this news while listening 99 Luftballons by Nena !

A new chapter has been added to the tutorial.
This time it will be about the assembly, tools, inspection and replacement of damaged components and cleaning dust.

Toolbox has been improved with 3D preview of decorations.

Unlocking animation will no take into account decorations and furniture.

When validating a mission the average dust of the computer will now be measured more accurately.
Stability of the interface has been improved.

As always many bugs was fixed. If you found a bug, you can report it on the Bug Report section of the Steam HUB thanks!

Thank you for reading! If you want to support Hardware Engineers share it with your friends!

As usual feel free to let me know what you think about this patch and what you would like to see in Hardware Engineers in the comment section below.

I hope you will enjoy this patch and see you for the next one!

  • Adding 4th scenario
  • Adding 3D models
  • Improved Toolbox
  • Improved Unlocking Animations
  • Improved Dust check
  • Improved Stability
  • Fixed Crash with box
  • Fixed Bug with savegame from v0.2.00
  • Fixed shape drawing precision

Sep 15, 2018
Hardware Engineers - Green127.Studio

Hello everyone!


Another chapter for the tutorial is available.
This time about Experience, Skill Tree, Showcases's slots and Upgrade, Store customization and Managements.

An ambient sound loop has been added. A 10 minutes city sound will now play in background when time is running.
New sound effect has been added when installing a furniture or decorations.
The tooltips of boxes group their object when they are displayed from the store.

As always many bugs was fixed. If you found a bug, you can report it on the Bug Report section of the Steam HUB thanks!

Thank you for reading! If you want to support Hardware Engineers share it with your friends!

As usual feel free to let me know what you think about this patch and what you would like to see in Hardware Engineers in the comment section below.

I hope you will enjoy this patch and see you for the next one!

  • Adding 3rd scenario
  • Adding Ambient sound
  • Adding Sound effect (Toolbox & Furniture)
  • Improved Box's Tooltips
  • Fixed wrong value in historic
  • Fixed potential crash in 2nd scenario
  • Fixed Disassemble button
  • Fixed Box's Tooltips size
  • Fixed Blueprint's Tooltips size
  • Fixed Crash with box

Sep 8, 2018
Hardware Engineers - Green127.Studio

Hello everyone!

A new whole chapter is now available with guidance for showcases usage, software installation and Anti virus scan!
You can access it by clicking on Newgame>Tutorial and select the 2nd scenario.
Some adjustment has been made to the 1st scenario.

More sound effect has been added.
Customers will now estimate value of items more accurately, sale with showcases should be easier now.
Unused library has been removed from the game, and certain part of the code has been cleaned to improve stabilities and performance.

As always many bugs was fixed. If you found a bug, do not forget to report it on the Bug Report section of the Steam HUB this is very important!

As usual feel free to let me know what you think about this patch and what you would like to see in Hardware Engineers in the comment section below.

Thanks for reading! If you want to support Hardware Engineers share it with your friends!

I hope you will enjoy this patch and see you for the next one!

  • Adding 2nd scenario
  • Improved 1st scenario
  • Improved Items values calculation (for client)
  • Adding Sound effect
  • Code Cleaning
  • Fixed 2 bugs with item and showcases
  • Fixed timer color not changing correctly
  • Fixed Grab cursor
  • Fixed Wrong tooltips size
  • Fixed potential crash in 2nd scenario
  • Fixed Disassemble button

Sep 1, 2018
Hardware Engineers - Green127.Studio

Hello everyone!

The title screen has been improved to let you access the new scenario.
You can now choose between two modes.
Free play: with generated mission and customizable rules
Tutorial: Scripted scenario with more help and step by step guidance for beginners.
The character creation screen will be updated soon to match the new interface.

I can finally present to you the beginnings of a true tutorial.
Several guided missions that will be used to learn and discover the different mechanics of Hardware Engineers.
There will be a total of 8 scenarios, starting from the base to finish with the most complex tasks, like data recovery, or overclocking and stabilities.
The 1st chapter is available now!

New audio and icons has been added to improve the game experience.

As always many bugs was fixed. If you found a bug, do not forget to report it on the Bug Report section of the Steam HUB this is very important!

As usual feel free to let me know what you think about this patch and what you would like to see in Hardware Engineers in the comment section below.

Thanks for reading! If you want to support Hardware Engineers share it with your friends!

I hope you will enjoy this patch and see you for the next one!

  • Adding Scenario
  • Adding 1 Tutorial scenario
  • Adding Icons
  • Adding Audio
  • Improved User Interface
  • Improved Files
  • Improved Software
  • Cleaning WinDOOR folders/files
  • Fixed bug with screen comparison
  • Fixed bug with files copies
  • Fixed another bug with showcases
