Aug 18, 2018
Hardware Engineers - Green127.Studio

Hello everyone!

Ink Cartridge
You will now be able to sell ink cartridge in your store.
Cartridge works loke mice and keyboard, you can buy 20 at onces in a box and expose the box directly on your showcases.
A box of 20 cartridges contains 10 black cartridges and 10 color cartridges.
Unlike the other component two different cartridges will never be equivalent. If a customer asks you for a cartridge you must provide the exact model he wants.

When customers compare two items all properties is now taken into account for Screen, Keyboard and Mice.
All type of keyboard mechanics are considered equivalent except for membrane. Any mechanical keyboard will always be preferred to membrane keyboard by customers.

Several new 3D models, new icons and new brands has been added.

As always many bugs was fixed. If you found a bug, do not forget to report it on the Bug Report section of the Steam HUB this is very important!

As usual feel free to let me know what you think about this patch and what you would like to see in Hardware Engineers in the comment section below.

Thanks for reading! If you want to support Hardware Engineers share it with your friends!

I hope you will enjoy this patch and see you for the next one!

  • Adding Ink cartridge !
  • Adding Screen comparison
  • Adding Keyboard comparison
  • Adding Mice comparison
  • Adding Models
  • Adding Brands
  • Adding Icons
  • Fixed Build animation order
  • Fixed Showcases popup remains open
  • Fixed bug with custom price
  • Fixed bug with save from 0.1.22 and older
  • Fixed Explorer's Cancel buttons (2/2)
  • Fixed Synchronization errors when multithreading

Aug 11, 2018
Hardware Engineers - Green127.Studio

Hello everyone!

Last week's patch introduce the new way of using the showcases and shelf.
These changes have introduced bugs and problem with hitboxes.
This week's patch aims to fix all this issues.
Some of these fix was available along the week, You can found the complete list at the end of this news.

Like last week's patch, more hitbox and 3D models has been reworked for better comfort when using the showcases.
New models has been added for CPUs and WinDOOR.

If you found a bug, do not forget to report it on the Bug Report section of the Steam HUB this is very important!

As usual feel free to let me know what you think about this patch and what you would like to see in Hardware Engineers in the comment section below.

Thanks for reading! If you want to support Hardware Engineers share it with your friends!

I hope you will enjoy this patch and see you for the next one!

  • Adding Cpu's Models
  • Improved WinDoor's Textures
  • Improved Cpu's HitBox
  • Improved showcase and furniture
  • Fixed Explorer's Cancel buttons
  • Fixed Defrag view
  • Fixed new slots clickable through everything
  • Fixed Showcase popup instead of price
  • Fixed issue with showcase's hitbox
  • Fixed Workspace: screen not clickable
  • Fixed Missing/Unusable showcases's slot
  • Fixed Overlapping item in showcases
  • Fixed Decimal separator when editing price
  • Fixed Crash when saving manually
  • Fixed Compatibilities of old save
  • Fixed Shadow not displayed correctly
  • Fixed Explorer's Cancel buttons (2/2)
  • Fixed Syncronization errors when multithreading

Aug 4, 2018
Hardware Engineers - Green127.Studio

Hello everyone!

Furniture and showcases as been completely reworked.
You will now be able to place a lot more items in showcases.
How it works:
  • Drag and drop an item on a green slots to place the item in the showcase.
  • Slots change size dynamically depending on what you hold in hand.
  • A popup will appear to set its price, click outside the popup to close it or press enter.
  • If you want to edit the price after, left click on the item.
  • Right-click an item for removing it from the showcase.
  • Left-click on the showcases to upgrade en emptying the showcase.
  • Custom prices is now saved with the item, moving an item will not reset its prices.

Note: When you load a saved game whose version is less than 0.2.12 the contents of the showcases will be transferred in the delivery's box.

Some hitbox of components as been added or modified to be able to work with the new furniture system.
A new 3D model as been added to serial key to make them more visible in showcases.
Text field as been improved.
New tooltips as been added for slots's type when upgrading showcases

And of course many bugs was fixed. If you found a bug, do not forget to report it on the Bug Report section of the Steam HUB this is very important!

As usual feel free to let me know what you think about this patch and what you would like to see in Hardware Engineers in the comment section below.

Thanks for reading! If you want to support Hardware Engineers share it with your friends!

I hope you will enjoy this patch and see you for the next one!

  • Rework of showcase and furniture
  • Adding new type of slots for showcase
  • Adding Save of Custom prices
  • Adding Dvd's hit box
  • Adding Usb devices's hit box
  • Adding Serial's box
  • Improved UI
  • Fixed updating watercooling from old save
  • Fixed crash in assembly
  • Fixed Watercooling not drawed correctly
  • Fixed 1 issue with cables generation
  • Fixed Fan's hit box
  • Fixed Explorer's Cancel buttons
  • Fixed Defrag view
  • Fixed new slots clickable through everything
  • Fixed Showcase popup instead of price
  • Fixed issue with showcase's hitbox
  • Fixed Workspace: screen not clickable

Jul 28, 2018
Hardware Engineers - Green127.Studio

Hello everyone!

This time 160 screens has been added to the game with lots of properties!
New 3d models, new brands and new icons has been added for screen.

Tooltips has been slightly improved

Cables & tubes
Cables and tubing generation is now multithreaded, all core of the CPU will be use for generate cable's mesh.

The update of save game and mods has been reworked to allow an easier update in the future.

And of course many bugs was fixed. If you found a bug, do not forget to report it on the Bug Report section of the Steam HUB this is very important!

As usual feel free to let me know what you think about this change and what you would like to see in Hardware Engineers in the comment section below.

Thanks for reading! If you want to support Hardware Engineers share it with your friends!

I hope you will enjoy this patch and see you for the next one!

  • Adding 160 Screens with lots of properties !
  • Adding Models
  • Adding Brands
  • Adding Icones
  • Improved Performance (Cables)
  • Improved UI (Tooltips)
  • Improved management of older versions data
  • Code Cleaning
  • Updating language
  • Fixed certain window stays in memory
  • Fixed crash when editing components
  • Fixed one source of "Failed to create graphics device!"
  • Fixed Mod Manager

Jul 21, 2018
Hardware Engineers - Green127.Studio

Hello everyone!

Dirty components will now be considered as less attractive (showcase and blue mission).
Clean a computer will now give you a reputation bonus.

The higher your persuasive skill, the less it will be necessary to clean up to trigger the bonus
The speed bonus awarded by the skill "Hard-worker" will now affect cleaning time.

Explorer ask for confirmation without using external prompt.
Confirmation requests from outside of winDOOR (like RamTest87 scan) will still use the external prompt.

You can now cancels long tasks like Antivirus scan, Hard drive copy or benchmark.

All software has been updated, they will now be cancelable and use the new prompt.

User Interface
MVidia drivers have been renamed to make them easier to understand.
A new icon for coolers has been added to differentiate them from fans.

And of course many bugs was fixed. If you found a bug, do not forget to report it on the Bug Report section of the Steam HUB this is very important!

As usual feel free to let me know what you think about this change and what you would like to see in Hardware Engineers in the comment section below.

If you haven't posted a review yet this duck will come for you, don't mess with him!

Thanks for reading! If you want to support Hardware Engineers share it with your friends!

I hope you will enjoy this patch and see you for the next one!

  • Adding Cleaning computer bonus
  • Adding Malus for dirty items
  • Persuasive Skill affect cleaning computer bonus
  • Hard-worker Skill affect cleaning speed
  • Adding Explorer: Canceling task
  • Adding Explorer: Confirmation window
  • Updating Explorer's software
  • Adding new cooler's icon
  • Renaming GPU drivers
  • Fixed Fan models
  • Fixed Character editor
  • Fixed Effect initialization
  • Fixed Copy from File Explorer
  • Fixed Scan and Defragmentation view
  • Fixed Bug with walker's face when loading
  • Fixed NewGame: Difficulty calculation

Jul 14, 2018
Hardware Engineers - Green127.Studio

Hello everyone!

Dust generation is now available! You will now find your clients machines more or less dirty.
In the assembly window, you will find a new tool dedicated to cleaning dust: The air spray can.
New sound effect has been added for this tool.

Shadow direction will change over time.

3D Models
The case models have been improved.
Specularity of material has been partially reworked.
"Dusty" property has been added to every material.

The average duration of the mission has been slightly increased to allow you to do more things.

And of course many bugs was fixed. If you found a bug, do not forget to report it on the Bug Report section of the Steam HUB this is very important!

As usual feel free to let me know what you think about this change and what you would like to see in Hardware Engineers in the comment section below.

Thanks for reading! If you want to support Hardware Engineers share it with your friends!

I hope you will enjoy this patch and see you for the next one!

Earlier this week:
  • Fixed 1 crash when quitting map
  • Fixed Shadows refresh rate
  • Fixed minor text error
  • Fixed animation running during pause
  • Fixed Eye blinking during pause
  • Fixed crash caused by tooltips

  • Adding Dust !
  • Adding new tool to remove dust
  • Adding Sound effect
  • Improved Shadows & time
  • Improved Interface
  • Improved Specularity of material
  • Improved Cases models
  • Increasing mission duration
  • Fixed Threads issue when unlocking an item
  • Fixed Scary eyes bug
  • Fixed Eyes contours
  • Fixed Aluminum roughness
  • Fixed Mask view in Assembly

Jul 7, 2018
Hardware Engineers - Green127.Studio

Hello everyone!

The shaders rework is finally ready, with a lot more possibilities!
The light and shadows will now be much better.
The materials can now be much more detailed.
Some objects has been reworked and other improvements will come to exploit the new shaders possibilities.
New material and effect has been added.

User Interface
You can now change shadow quality in the settings menu.
New icon for checkbox.

And of course many bugs was fixed. If you found a bug, do not forget to report it on the Bug Report section of the Steam HUB this is very important!

As usual feel free to let me know what you think about this change and what you will like to see in Hardware Engineers in the comment section below.

Motion capture footage for shadow science:

Thanks for reading! If you want to support Hardware Engineers share it with your friends!

I hope you will enjoy this patch and see you for the next one!

  • Adding Shadow
  • Adding Material
  • Adding Material effect
  • Adding Settings:Shadow Quality
  • Improved User Interface
  • Improved Performance
  • Improved Anti Aliasing
  • Fixed floating cars
  • Fixed Antivirus animations
  • Fixed Avatar Animations with VSYNC OFF
  • Fixed 1 crash when quitting map
  • Fixed Shadows refresh rate
  • Fixed minor text error
  • Fixed animation running during pause
  • Fixed Eye blinking during pause
  • Fixed crash caused by tooltips

Jun 30, 2018
Hardware Engineers - Green127.Studio

Hello everyone!

This week, new 3D models and 3D improvements.
Mouse & Keyboard:


Textures improvements

20 new floor customization, rework of wooden and stone floor.

You can now uploads files from computer to NAS or other computers.

New property for mice : DPI

Refund rate can now be customized when starting a game.

Memory usage for text translation has been reduced.
Performance improvement for WinDOOR explorer.

And of course many bugs was fixed. If you found a bug, do not forget to report it on the Bug Report section of the Steam HUB this is very important!

As usual feel free to let me know what you think about this change and what you will like to see in Hardware Engineers in the comment section below.

Share what you like!

Thanks for reading! If you want to support Hardware Engineers share it with your friends!

I hope you will enjoy this patch and see you for the next one!

  • Adding 3D Models (Mouse, Keyboard, Box)
  • Improved Mouse's Models
  • Improved Textures
  • Adding new decorations
  • Rework of certain decorations
  • Adding Uploads to LAN
  • Adding Mouse DPI
  • Adding Refund rate customization
  • Improved Performance
  • Fixed Door paint not changing
  • Fixed Mouse preset
  • Fixed Tooltips crash
  • Fixed bug when loading save
  • Fixed bug when updating save <0.2.05
  • Fixed Keyboard's icon
  • Fixed Renaming NAS
  • Fixed Workshop TAG

Jun 23, 2018
Hardware Engineers - Green127.Studio

Hello everyone!

You can now buy mice and sell them to your customers.
42 Mice and 42 Keyboards is now available in the game.
Mouse can be bought by box of 10 (like Keyboards)
In a Showcase you can place a single mouse or directly the whole box.

Keyboard's mechanics
Keyboards now have a "Mechanics" attribute that will tell you the mechanics used by this keyboard.

Asian fonts has been updated.
Performance and graphics memory usage has been improved

And of course many bugs was fixed. If you found a bug, do not forget to report it on the Bug Report section of the Steam HUB this is very important!

As usual feel free to let me know what you think about this change and what you will like to see in Hardware Engineers in the comment section below.

Thanks for reading! If you want to support Hardware Engineers share it with your friends!

I hope you will enjoy this patch and see you for the next one!

  • Adding Mouse
  • Adding Box of Mice
  • Adding 3D Models
  • Adding Keyboards's Mechanics
  • Updating Asian fonts
  • Improved Performance
  • Code Cleaning
  • Fixed 3 source of error "RenderTarget2D.Dispose"
  • Fixed OpenGL Memory issue
  • Fixed Mouse preset
  • Fixed 1 source of error "RenderTarget2D.Dispose"
  • Fixed Tooltips crash
  • Fixed bug when loading save

Jun 16, 2018
Hardware Engineers - Green127.Studio

Hello everyone, this week: more keyboard, more models, new brand and of course bugfixs!

New models, and improvements for the previous ones.

DVDs & Serials are now branded.

In previous versions there was a delay when opening the title screen.
The menu was waiting for the Steam servers to respond to get the current most popular mods of the week. This time varies greatly depending on the quality of the internet connection available. For some it could become really annoying.
The request to Steam will now be on a different thread, which will avoids to wait.

During the creation of a new game or during the loading a save,
The game goes through the list of all the components and checks if all the needed components is unlocked, and removes the reference of removed objects (deleted or uninstalled mod)
It worked very well for a long time but since the item list begins to approach the 1500 components this task can be very long on the modest configuration.
That's why I decided to cut this task in several parts that will run simultaneously on all cores available on the processors.
From my test the duration of this task has been divided by 5 on average!

Minor UI improvements and correction has been made.
Frequency of Sad walk has been reduce.

And of course many bugs was fixed. If you found a bug, do not forget to report it on the Bug Report section of the Steam HUB this is very important!

As usual feel free to let me know what you think about this change and what you will like to see in Hardware Engineers in the comment section below.

Thanks for reading! If you want to support Hardware Engineers share it with your friends!

I hope you will enjoy this patch and see you for the next one!

  • Adding More Keyboards
  • Adding New 3D models for Keyboards
  • Adding New Brands (DVD & Serial)
  • Improved Keyboard box's 3D models.
  • Improved Performance
  • Improved Interface
  • Reducing frequency of Sad animations
  • Fixed 5 source of error "RenderTarget2D.Dispose"
  • Fixed "," and "." will now works as decimal separator
  • Fixed Purchased object counter
  • Fixed crash after loading game from <0.1.92
  • Fixed Statistics not updating
  • Fixed Language Reseting
  • Fixed Items unlocked counter
  • Fixed Missing tooltips in Management window
  • Fixed Title screen delay
