Counter-Strike 2 - (John Walker)

Some have doubted the power of the Steam Charts to change people’s lives. Those people are dead now. Belief in Steam Charts, RPS’s greatest, longest-running, and most industry-revered column, is literally the only thing keeping you alive right now. Don’t be a dead one. Love us. LOVE US. (more…)

Call of Duty®: WWII - (Alice O'Connor)

After larking around in the present and future, Call of Duty this year returns to the war that kicked the series off, wrapping modern CoD in the spats and mud of the Second World War. How has that worked out? Well, you can see for yourself this weekend in the free PC open beta test for Call of Duty: WW2 [official site]. The test will begin on Friday but we can now preload the client. It’s a 14GB download so you might want to start now if your PC isn’t slurping a jackhose ripped to the nines with gigabits to spare. (more…)

Call of Duty®: WWII - (Adam Smith)

Call of Duty [official site] is returning to its roots. No more orbital adventures and digital warfare, and little chance that the series will complete its full evolution into a sort of first-person Command & Conquer: Red Alert. Instead, the billboards that decorated E3 this year had a solemn air about them. “This,” they wanted us to know, “is serious business.”

We’ll have to wait ’til CoD: WW2’s singleplayer aspect is playable before we get a proper sense for the tone and the specific battlefields we’ll be (re)visiting, but the multiplayer open beta is coming to PC in a couple of weeks. It’s a little later than console and will run across the weekend, from the 29th September to the 2nd October. No real news on what exactly will be included yet but the announcement post gives a few more details.


Call of Duty®: WWII - (Alice O'Connor)

I welcome spaces to goof off in serious competitive games. On the Plunkbat loading runway, you’ll find me creeping along wonkily as I lean and wobble or launching myself into the air with the plane wing glitch. In Natural Selection’s ready room, you bet I’m climbing onto heads. And in Call of Duty: WW2 [official site], oh boy, the ‘Headquarters’ social space looks great fun. 48 players will get to fight, muck about, and shoot things in all sorts of fun ways. Have a look in this new trailer: (more…)

Tacoma - (John Walker)

Each year E3 rolls around like a giant evil worm, crushing all that’s good and pure. BUT that worm also announces lots of exciting gaming news as it wreaks its carnage upon the Earth. Here we have gathered every announcement, reveal, and exciting new trailer that emerged from the barrage of screamed press conferences over the last few days. And lots of it looks rather spiffy.

A rather enormous 47 PC games were either announced, revealed, or updated upon, with new trailers, information, and released dates that will all be missed by at least three months. We’ve collected the lot, with trailers, in alphabetical order, into one neat place, just for you. … [visit site to read more]

Call of Duty®: WWII - (Brendan Caldwell)

We ve already had some Nazi shooting with Wolfenstein 2 this E3, so why not shoot some more? Sony have shown off some more Call of Duty: WWII [official site] footage. This time it s what multiplayer will look like (er, once all the names hovering above your friends and enemies are stripped away and it’s recorded from many other cinematic angles, that is) along with all the accompanying sounds of war M1 Garand pings, shotgun cher-chicks and flamethrower fffsssshhhhhhhhssss> s. Yup, it s CoD. War! Bullet belts! Grenade pins! I am duty bound to show you this footage because I am on the night shift! Pow pow! Etc! … [visit site to read more]

Call of Duty®: WWII - (Alice O'Connor)

A month after word of its existence leaked, today we have our first peek at Call of Duty: WW2 [official site]. At a livestreamed mega-reveal-o-world-first-a-exclusive-y-shoot-o-bang-a-blowout, developers Sledgehammer Games and publishers Activision have shown the first trailer. It looks pretty fun! Has all those scenes from the WW2 movies. Lots of explosions and shouting. The event is still ongoing but seems mostly to consist of men saying “visceral” and pretending the game is serious historical documentation. I can’t take this anymore. Look, I’ll drop this trailer here then be on my way. … [visit site to read more]
