TableTop Soccer - barcodegeek
A new version of the server code has been deployed today, fixing several problems where games would get dropped incorrectly - this effected both live games and resumable games, but not solo games.

Sorry for any problems this caused anyone! But the issue should be fixed now, let me know if you continue to have any issues.
TableTop Soccer - barcodegeek
A new version of the server code has been deployed today, fixing several problems where games would get dropped incorrectly - this effected both live games and resumable games, but not solo games.

Sorry for any problems this caused anyone! But the issue should be fixed now, let me know if you continue to have any issues.
TableTop Soccer - barcodegeek
Released a quick update today with some bug fixes! Sorry Ive been missing for a while, but Im back!

Anyway, todays release was really just bug fixes for a few things:

  • For the moment, sounds have been disabled in linux. This is to help test whether this is the cause of the problem for several linux users that have reported game crashes upon startup. Looking for feedback on this one guys - if the game is now running on linux for you - let me know!
  • Fixed a problem with the last step of the tutorial, the curve shot boost, where sometimes it would ask you to move a player that you couldnt move..
  • Fixed a problem when starting resumable games and the game would always say your opponent forfeited before the game even began!
  • Few database tweaks to speed things up on the server side
TableTop Soccer - barcodegeek
Released a quick update today with some bug fixes! Sorry Ive been missing for a while, but Im back!

Anyway, todays release was really just bug fixes for a few things:

  • For the moment, sounds have been disabled in linux. This is to help test whether this is the cause of the problem for several linux users that have reported game crashes upon startup. Looking for feedback on this one guys - if the game is now running on linux for you - let me know!
  • Fixed a problem with the last step of the tutorial, the curve shot boost, where sometimes it would ask you to move a player that you couldnt move..
  • Fixed a problem when starting resumable games and the game would always say your opponent forfeited before the game even began!
  • Few database tweaks to speed things up on the server side
TableTop Soccer - barcodegeek
Quick update this morning for a couple of bugs that were reported in the build released yesterday:

  • Problem in the tutorial where if you took too long to finish a turn, the game would reported it had been forfeited!
  • Some more fixes for the German language file
      Both of these issues are now fixed and live!
TableTop Soccer - barcodegeek
Quick update this morning for a couple of bugs that were reported in the build released yesterday:

  • Problem in the tutorial where if you took too long to finish a turn, the game would reported it had been forfeited!
  • Some more fixes for the German language file
      Both of these issues are now fixed and live!
TableTop Soccer - barcodegeek
Excited to announce a new version of TableTop Soccer - including a user suggested feature - Bendable/Curve Shots/passes!
  • New Curve Shot Boost! This boost lets you bend a shot to the left or right whenever you pass or shoot. This lets you pass around people and pull off more unexpected moves!
  • Activate it with the new Boost icon, and any shot/pass you make that turn will curve slightly. If you click the boost icon again, the direction of the curve will change.
  • Updated the tutorial to include a demo of the new boost type
  • Added improved German Translations (Thanks to Andreas Machowski for providing the translations!)
  • Updated the credits page
  • Fixed a bug where resumable games were getting trashed by the server accidently. Thanks to the user who reported this issue!

Enjoy! I'm looking for feedback (as always) on this new boost type - any suggestions or ideas - please let me know!
TableTop Soccer - barcodegeek
Excited to announce a new version of TableTop Soccer - including a user suggested feature - Bendable/Curve Shots/passes!
  • New Curve Shot Boost! This boost lets you bend a shot to the left or right whenever you pass or shoot. This lets you pass around people and pull off more unexpected moves!
  • Activate it with the new Boost icon, and any shot/pass you make that turn will curve slightly. If you click the boost icon again, the direction of the curve will change.
  • Updated the tutorial to include a demo of the new boost type
  • Added improved German Translations (Thanks to Andreas Machowski for providing the translations!)
  • Updated the credits page
  • Fixed a bug where resumable games were getting trashed by the server accidently. Thanks to the user who reported this issue!

Enjoy! I'm looking for feedback (as always) on this new boost type - any suggestions or ideas - please let me know!
TableTop Soccer - barcodegeek
Just had a user report a bug regarding scoring goals.

The short version is right now, you cant miss a goal! Oooooppps

Looks like some code I was using to test scoring got left in and all goals are scoring right now! I will fix today with a server update.
TableTop Soccer - barcodegeek
Just had a user report a bug regarding scoring goals.

The short version is right now, you cant miss a goal! Oooooppps

Looks like some code I was using to test scoring got left in and all goals are scoring right now! I will fix today with a server update.