Watch_Dogs® 2

It’s the 30th podcast episode, but we’re celebrating our 300th magazine issue. Join Sam, Phil and Andy on a self-indulgent tour of magazine craft – going behind the scenes of the making of a landmark issue of PC Gamer. Also, we talk about the good videogame Watch Dogs 2.

You can get Episode 30: You are Graham Gooch here. You can also subscribe on iTunes or keep up with new releases using our RSS feed.  

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Discussed: Watch Dogs 2, Orwell, The 300th Issue Of PC Gamer

This Week: Samuel Roberts, Phil Savage, Andy Kelly

The PC Gamer UK Podcast is a weekly podcast about PC gaming. Thoughts? Feedback? Requests? Get in touch at and use the subject line “Podcast”, or tweet us via the links above. 

This week’s music is from Watch Dogs 2. 

Watch_Dogs® 2 - Ubi-Elyon

Hey there fellow DedSec members and hackers. Watch Dogs 2 multiplayer is going strong and we're stoked that so many of you have been participating in Hacking Invasions, Bounty Hunter and Coop mode!
With the help of Alexandre Brisebois, Dev Tester and Watch Dogs 2 multiplayer expert at Ubisoft Montreal, here are 25 tips we gathered for our multiplayer modes to help you be the best hacker in town.

Online Hacking Invasions

As the Hacker…
  • Try to find places with a lot of buildings or visual blockers.
  • Sudden movements will attract attention, try to move smoothly, blend in the crowd, and remember your clothing options can be seen by others!
  • Change hiding spots to somewhere where the victim already checked, create distractions by hacking the environment, and draw their attention elsewhere.
  • Remember: the victim needs to stay alive. Make sure to use the appropriate hack/tools.

As the Victim…
  • Nethack is key. It allows you to quickly focus on vehicle and NPCs only without any visual distraction.
  • Hack any suspicious vehicles, enemy hackers can hide inside any vehicle.
  • Flying Drones give a really great top down view for both players. An eye in the sky is great to track your victim, or find the invaders. So long, campers!
  • Lay down traps (IEDs, shockers) to restrict possible movement from the hacker or tip you off when they set it off.
  • Get creative and make your own traps by hacking objects in the environment.
  • Divide the tasks that need to be done. One player focus on hacking while the other infiltrates.
  • Flanking is a really strong tactic.
  • Have one player be a distraction and pull AI away from the objective.
  • Communicate with your partner what you want to do ahead of time.
  • Plan around your botnets, if one player runs out switch who does the hacking.
  • Use the drone to support the other player, be their eyes, and create distractions for them.

As the Protector…
  • Many options are at your disposal to keep the target alive: you can act as a distraction, go head-to-head against hunters, or drive the target around allowing them to hack enemies and use their weapons.
  • Don’t be afraid to die if it saves your partner, you can respawn, they can’t.

As the Target…
  • Use chokepoints as a bottleneck for police.
  • Underground complexes, garages and highways are great to lose police choppers. .
  • Straight roads and highways will make it difficult to escape the police. Favor undergrounds and off-road paths to try to lose them!
  • Hack the police cars in the way of the Hunters.

As the Hunter…
  • Vehicle hacks are great, if you can’t hack the target aim for the parked cars and try to block their way.
  • If the target is defending in a difficult to reach area, use your drone to rain explosives.
  • Is the target hiding? Put an IED on your flying drone, hack the proximity trigger, and surprise the target with a lethal flying bomb.
  • If you can blow up the target’s car, it’s a one shot kill.

Now go out there, make us proud, and cause some hacker motherf*ckery.
Watch_Dogs® 2 - Ubi-Elyon

Hey there fellow DedSec members and hackers. Watch Dogs 2 multiplayer is going strong and we're stoked that so many of you have been participating in Hacking Invasions, Bounty Hunter and Coop mode!
With the help of Alexandre Brisebois, Dev Tester and Watch Dogs 2 multiplayer expert at Ubisoft Montreal, here are 25 tips we gathered for our multiplayer modes to help you be the best hacker in town.

Online Hacking Invasions

As the Hacker…
  • Try to find places with a lot of buildings or visual blockers.
  • Sudden movements will attract attention, try to move smoothly, blend in the crowd, and remember your clothing options can be seen by others!
  • Change hiding spots to somewhere where the victim already checked, create distractions by hacking the environment, and draw their attention elsewhere.
  • Remember: the victim needs to stay alive. Make sure to use the appropriate hack/tools.

As the Victim…
  • Nethack is key. It allows you to quickly focus on vehicle and NPCs only without any visual distraction.
  • Hack any suspicious vehicles, enemy hackers can hide inside any vehicle.
  • Flying Drones give a really great top down view for both players. An eye in the sky is great to track your victim, or find the invaders. So long, campers!
  • Lay down traps (IEDs, shockers) to restrict possible movement from the hacker or tip you off when they set it off.
  • Get creative and make your own traps by hacking objects in the environment.
  • Divide the tasks that need to be done. One player focus on hacking while the other infiltrates.
  • Flanking is a really strong tactic.
  • Have one player be a distraction and pull AI away from the objective.
  • Communicate with your partner what you want to do ahead of time.
  • Plan around your botnets, if one player runs out switch who does the hacking.
  • Use the drone to support the other player, be their eyes, and create distractions for them.

As the Protector…
  • Many options are at your disposal to keep the target alive: you can act as a distraction, go head-to-head against hunters, or drive the target around allowing them to hack enemies and use their weapons.
  • Don’t be afraid to die if it saves your partner, you can respawn, they can’t.

As the Target…
  • Use chokepoints as a bottleneck for police.
  • Underground complexes, garages and highways are great to lose police choppers. .
  • Straight roads and highways will make it difficult to escape the police. Favor undergrounds and off-road paths to try to lose them!
  • Hack the police cars in the way of the Hunters.

As the Hunter…
  • Vehicle hacks are great, if you can’t hack the target aim for the parked cars and try to block their way.
  • If the target is defending in a difficult to reach area, use your drone to rain explosives.
  • Is the target hiding? Put an IED on your flying drone, hack the proximity trigger, and surprise the target with a lethal flying bomb.
  • If you can blow up the target’s car, it’s a one shot kill.

Now go out there, make us proud, and cause some hacker motherf*ckery.
Watch_Dogs® 2 - Ubi-Elyon

Now that we’ve patched most of the issues identified at launch, it’s time to start including the fun stuff. This patch is being made in preparation for the first DLC, the T-Bone Content Bundle, but also includes free content, balancing to multiplayer game modes (particularly Hacking Invasions), and lots of bug fixes. As we move forward, we’ll continue to introduce free content updates for everyone outside of DLC offerings and will continue to make tweaks to the online experience based on our data analysis and your feedback. Title Update 1.08 will be available later this week.

Note: This patch will deliver Leaderboard rewards for those who earned them in Season 1 but did not receive the items. We’ve also had a talk with the “PULL OVER NOW!” policewoman and she agrees that it’s not necessary to repeat that command as frequently to get the point across. We’re all grateful.

New Features 

Replay Missions - We’ve added a functionality that lets you replay any mission that is part of a Main Operation. This will let you relive your favorite moments or experiment with different playstyles. 

Hacker Level - Your new Hacker Level is now displayed as a stat in Marcus’ phone, based on followers acquired. You can see another player’s Hacker Level when you profile them, and this will allow you to compare yourself against your friends. 

Enemy Weapons – DedSec picked up blueprints for enemy weapons and now they’re all available to print from the 3D Printer - for a fee. 

Select Difficulty Level - The first time you start a new game, you’ll be prompted to choose a difficulty level. As a reminder, you can change the difficulty level at any time in the Game Options app. 

Tweaks & Balancing 

Hacking Invasions 
We made so many tweaks to Hacking Invasions we gave the mode its own section here. We tried some new things with this game mode and there’s been a lot of discussion since players started playing online. After reviewing the data and feedback, we’ve concluded that there are too many opportunities for the target to accidentally discover the hacker. This takes away from rewarding the skill of both the hacker and target; therefore, updates to Hacking Invasions are primarily focused on preventing the occurrence of accidental discoveries. 

Before the download is started: 

    o The target can no longer automatically profile the hacker or their RC. 

    o For the target player, in NetHack, the hacker’s RC is displayed as a neutral-colored object (instead of red). 

    o If the target does an action that reveals the presence of a hacker in their game the search zone is now 3 times bigger. 

    o To help the hacker to initiate the download while the target is moving in a vehicle, the hacker can now hold the hack button on the target for a distance up to 120m. 

During the download: 

    o Fixed an issue where the target’s name would be visible without having a line of sight on them. 

    o Fixed issues in NetHack that (in some situations) allowed the target to see civilians/hacker through the walls. 

    o To reduce accidental detection:

        • In NetHack, for the target, a small delay has been added before showing the identity of the person being targeted.

        • In NetHack, for the target, the targeting angle was reduced. 

• Enemy player’s RC can no longer be profiled through walls. 

• The red targeting line displayed between the enemy and their RC only appears when the RC is profiled, instead of just by targeting it. 

• The hacker is warned when their RC is profiled: “RC WAS DETECTED: Your position has been revealed!” 

Hacker rewards: You’ll be rewarded based on the percentage of download completed, and you’ll get extra rewards if you escape. This also means that if your target disconnects or quits, you’ll still get some reward. 

Exploit: Fixed an exploit where the player could not be seen while in the water using the Nethack vision.

Bug: Fixed an issue where the media player song would still play in Nudle Map while being invaded by another player, creating an exploit that allowed you to better identify when you’re being invaded. 

Bug: Fixed an exploit where the side activities icons would disappear from the world map if a player was being invaded. 


Leaderboard: We want to showcase your leaderboard rank more prominently. Therefore, your leaderboard rank for each multiplayer activity is now displayed at the beginning and end of each match, and also in the Multiplayer app. This is a priority feature we want to improve, so you can expect future updates. 

Co-Op: We’ve made it easier to team up for co-op with a player that’s already in your session. Entering the vehicle of an allied player will prompt that player to team up for co-op. 

Co-Op: We’ve added difficulty level to online operations icons on the world map.

• You can now throw an IED on rooftops from street level. You can do this at any point, but as NPCs typically aren’t found wandering around on rooftops, this will come in especially handy in online game modes. 


Shooting Mechanics: We’ve made changes to the shooting behavior so that shooting your weapon feels more satisfying. 

    o Improved weapon recoil, making for increased accuracy when firing multiple rounds. 

    o The sound of each weapon firing and bullet impact has been improved. 

    o Bullet tracers are more visible. 

AI: Improved AI sniper behavior by making them move less from cover to cover, meaning they’ll shoot more often. 

Localization: Larger fonts in Arabic and Chinese subtitles to make them more visible.

Gallery: Minor graphical fixes to Camera and Gallery interface that will help you take better screenshots. 
Bug Fixes 

Leaderboard rewards: If you earned a leaderboard reward in Season 1, it will be delivered to your inventory in this patch. 

“PULL OVER NOW!”: The loudspeaker policewoman will repeat this command less frequently. 

Wall Geometry Exploits: Players can no longer use motorcycles to pass through walls, and we’ve fixed other similar wall exploits. 

Broken missions/halted progression: Fixed progression-breaking issues for the following missions: Power to the Sheeple, Alcatraz Showdown, Infected Bytes, Just Making a Living, Get Back in the Game, Jailbird Blues, and Kicking it Old School. If you got stuck during any of these missions, you’ll be able to proceed now without starting over. 

Mass Sitara: Improved an issue where Sitara could be present multiple times in the Hacker Space during A Walk in the Park

Bounty: Fixed a rare issue where a Bounty could go on forever if the hunted player hid in Wrench’s garage.

Bike Collision: Reduced the collision size on bikes so the player can drive closer to obstacles without bailing (time to find some trees and go nuts).

Leaderboards: Fixed the description of the divisions in the leaderboards; percentage details were wrong.

Invasion Rewards: Fixed an issue where you wouldn’t get the reward for neutralizing an invader without profiling them first.

Co-Op: Fixed an issue where a player couldn’t get into a car while playing in coop.

• Improved performance and stability 

• Minor graphical improvements 

• Fixed multiple AI and traffic issues 

• Several improvements on the GPS pathing 

• Fixed multiple replication issues 

• Fixed numerous minor audio and text issues in localized versions of the game 

• Lots and lots of other minor bug fixes 

PC-Only Updates 

San Francisco Fog (aka “Karl”): Fixed a timer bug that was causing the iconic fog to appear less often than intended. On the days it appears, it will show up around 6PM and disappear around 2PM the next day. In a future update, we’ll adjust and randomize its appearance times, so you can enjoy it more often. If you are eager to see it, you can always make the time pass faster by taking a nap on the sofa in the HQ.

     o The fog is not turned on by default (due to high demands on your PC) and must be activated in settings. 

• Improved performance on Crossfire systems (AMD dual GPU systems) 

• Fixed various minor issues with the UI and text. 

• Fixed minor issues with the HUD in multi-monitor mode 

• Fixed various cases of reflections corruption.

If you continue to experience any of these or other issues, please report on the official forums or contact us directly via customer support. As always, a current list of known issues can be found here.
Watch_Dogs® 2 - Ubi-Ligario

Now that we’ve patched most of the issues identified at launch, it’s time to start including the fun stuff. This patch is being made in preparation for the first DLC, the T-Bone Content Bundle, but also includes free content, balancing to multiplayer game modes (particularly Hacking Invasions), and lots of bug fixes. As we move forward, we’ll continue to introduce free content updates for everyone outside of DLC offerings and will continue to make tweaks to the online experience based on our data analysis and your feedback. Title Update 1.08 will be available later this week.

Note: This patch will deliver Leaderboard rewards for those who earned them in Season 1 but did not receive the items. We’ve also had a talk with the “PULL OVER NOW!” policewoman and she agrees that it’s not necessary to repeat that command as frequently to get the point across. We’re all grateful.

New Features 

Replay Missions - We’ve added a functionality that lets you replay any mission that is part of a Main Operation. This will let you relive your favorite moments or experiment with different playstyles. 

Hacker Level - Your new Hacker Level is now displayed as a stat in Marcus’ phone, based on followers acquired. You can see another player’s Hacker Level when you profile them, and this will allow you to compare yourself against your friends. 

Enemy Weapons – DedSec picked up blueprints for enemy weapons and now they’re all available to print from the 3D Printer - for a fee. 

Select Difficulty Level - The first time you start a new game, you’ll be prompted to choose a difficulty level. As a reminder, you can change the difficulty level at any time in the Game Options app. 

Tweaks & Balancing 

Hacking Invasions 
We made so many tweaks to Hacking Invasions we gave the mode its own section here. We tried some new things with this game mode and there’s been a lot of discussion since players started playing online. After reviewing the data and feedback, we’ve concluded that there are too many opportunities for the target to accidentally discover the hacker. This takes away from rewarding the skill of both the hacker and target; therefore, updates to Hacking Invasions are primarily focused on preventing the occurrence of accidental discoveries. 

Before the download is started: 

    o The target can no longer automatically profile the hacker or their RC. 

    o For the target player, in NetHack, the hacker’s RC is displayed as a neutral-colored object (instead of red). 

    o If the target does an action that reveals the presence of a hacker in their game the search zone is now 3 times bigger. 

    o To help the hacker to initiate the download while the target is moving in a vehicle, the hacker can now hold the hack button on the target for a distance up to 120m. 

During the download: 

    o Fixed an issue where the target’s name would be visible without having a line of sight on them. 

    o Fixed issues in NetHack that (in some situations) allowed the target to see civilians/hacker through the walls. 

    o To reduce accidental detection:

        • In NetHack, for the target, a small delay has been added before showing the identity of the person being targeted.

        • In NetHack, for the target, the targeting angle was reduced. 

• Enemy player’s RC can no longer be profiled through walls. 

• The red targeting line displayed between the enemy and their RC only appears when the RC is profiled, instead of just by targeting it. 

• The hacker is warned when their RC is profiled: “RC WAS DETECTED: Your position has been revealed!” 

Hacker rewards: You’ll be rewarded based on the percentage of download completed, and you’ll get extra rewards if you escape. This also means that if your target disconnects or quits, you’ll still get some reward. 

Exploit: Fixed an exploit where the player could not be seen while in the water using the Nethack vision.

Bug: Fixed an issue where the media player song would still play in Nudle Map while being invaded by another player, creating an exploit that allowed you to better identify when you’re being invaded. 

Bug: Fixed an exploit where the side activities icons would disappear from the world map if a player was being invaded. 


Leaderboard: We want to showcase your leaderboard rank more prominently. Therefore, your leaderboard rank for each multiplayer activity is now displayed at the beginning and end of each match, and also in the Multiplayer app. This is a priority feature we want to improve, so you can expect future updates. 

Co-Op: We’ve made it easier to team up for co-op with a player that’s already in your session. Entering the vehicle of an allied player will prompt that player to team up for co-op. 

Co-Op: We’ve added difficulty level to online operations icons on the world map.

• You can now throw an IED on rooftops from street level. You can do this at any point, but as NPCs typically aren’t found wandering around on rooftops, this will come in especially handy in online game modes. 


Shooting Mechanics: We’ve made changes to the shooting behavior so that shooting your weapon feels more satisfying. 

    o Improved weapon recoil, making for increased accuracy when firing multiple rounds. 

    o The sound of each weapon firing and bullet impact has been improved. 

    o Bullet tracers are more visible. 

AI: Improved AI sniper behavior by making them move less from cover to cover, meaning they’ll shoot more often. 

Localization: Larger fonts in Arabic and Chinese subtitles to make them more visible.

Gallery: Minor graphical fixes to Camera and Gallery interface that will help you take better screenshots. 
Bug Fixes 

Leaderboard rewards: If you earned a leaderboard reward in Season 1, it will be delivered to your inventory in this patch. 

“PULL OVER NOW!”: The loudspeaker policewoman will repeat this command less frequently. 

Wall Geometry Exploits: Players can no longer use motorcycles to pass through walls, and we’ve fixed other similar wall exploits. 

Broken missions/halted progression: Fixed progression-breaking issues for the following missions: Power to the Sheeple, Alcatraz Showdown, Infected Bytes, Just Making a Living, Get Back in the Game, Jailbird Blues, and Kicking it Old School. If you got stuck during any of these missions, you’ll be able to proceed now without starting over. 

Mass Sitara: Improved an issue where Sitara could be present multiple times in the Hacker Space during A Walk in the Park

Bounty: Fixed a rare issue where a Bounty could go on forever if the hunted player hid in Wrench’s garage.

Bike Collision: Reduced the collision size on bikes so the player can drive closer to obstacles without bailing (time to find some trees and go nuts).

Leaderboards: Fixed the description of the divisions in the leaderboards; percentage details were wrong.

Invasion Rewards: Fixed an issue where you wouldn’t get the reward for neutralizing an invader without profiling them first.

Co-Op: Fixed an issue where a player couldn’t get into a car while playing in coop.

• Improved performance and stability 

• Minor graphical improvements 

• Fixed multiple AI and traffic issues 

• Several improvements on the GPS pathing 

• Fixed multiple replication issues 

• Fixed numerous minor audio and text issues in localized versions of the game 

• Lots and lots of other minor bug fixes 

PC-Only Updates 

San Francisco Fog (aka “Karl”): Fixed a timer bug that was causing the iconic fog to appear less often than intended. On the days it appears, it will show up around 6PM and disappear around 2PM the next day. In a future update, we’ll adjust and randomize its appearance times, so you can enjoy it more often. If you are eager to see it, you can always make the time pass faster by taking a nap on the sofa in the HQ.

     o The fog is not turned on by default (due to high demands on your PC) and must be activated in settings. 

• Improved performance on Crossfire systems (AMD dual GPU systems) 

• Fixed various minor issues with the UI and text. 

• Fixed minor issues with the HUD in multi-monitor mode 

• Fixed various cases of reflections corruption.

If you continue to experience any of these or other issues, please report on the official forums or contact us directly via customer support. As always, a current list of known issues can be found here.
Counter-Strike 2 - (Graham Smith)

Alec is away this week, following the Vengaboys around on tour. Or, if they’re not currently touring, just visiting places they’ve been, taking photos and placing them inside his scrapbook alongside some brief reflections. That means it falls to me to tell you which ten games were the best selling on Steam in the past week, and there are some pleasant games inside.

… [visit site to read more]

Watch_Dogs® 2 - Ubi-Elyon
We made a lot of changes and improvements to adapt the PC version of Watch_Dogs 2 for mouse and keyboard controls: All the UI screens, as well as shooting, hacking and driving mechanics were updated to be more PC-friendly. We also implemented plenty of different mouse and keyboard options in order to address the wide variety of requests from our PC players.

Shooting Adaptation

We changed the camera and animation systems to make shooting controls feel more natural and precise with the mouse. We implemented a raw input system, which makes the input signal from the mouse more precise and framerate-independent. We also provided a wide range of low mouse sensitivities to support a combination of high DPI mouse and low sensitivity. You can change the mouse sensitivity with the Look Sensitivity slider in the Mouse & Keyboard options menu.

Hacking Adaptation

To adapt Hacking Aim Assist (the white line which selects different objects) to the mouse control, we implemented a sensitivity slider which allows you to control the strength of the assist. The game still has some default assist value, but if you don’t want to automatically select everything nearby you can turn the Hack Aim Assist off. This will work in both single player and multiplayer game modes.

Driving Adaptation

To adapt driving controls to the keyboard, we implemented a system that counts how long the keyboard button was pressed, turning keyboard input from digital into analog. The default steering sensitivity settings are designed to mimic the original gamepad driving experience as much as possible with the keyboard. If you prefer a lower sensitivity or are used to a more "digital" input, you can use the Steering Sensitivity slider to set it to a more comfortable value.
You can also change the driving camera’s steering sensitivity and auto-centering speeds.

Traffic Speed Mode

By holding [CTRL] while driving, you can enter the Traffic Speed mode which allows you to “blend with traffic” and adapt to the speed of the car ahead of you. This is a great option for Hacking Invasions where you’re trying to avoid notice.
Equipment Grid/Emotes Grid

We redesigned our equipment and emote wheels to a mouse-friendly grid, allowing you to easily select weapons, gadgets, and mass hacks with the mouse.

Additional options

Hold/Toggle modes are supported for some controls such as Sprint, Walk, Aim, Equipment Grid, Emotes Grid and Traffic Speed. For example, you can set the Equipment Grid to Toggle mode and turn off the "Draw Weapon After Selection" option to use it as a more familiar PC inventory screen. Additionally, if you have different languages installed on your PC (with QWERTZ/AZERTY layouts, for example), you can also manually-select the keyboard layout used for the game.

Controls Customization

The game supports four different controls layouts: On Foot, Driving, Jumper, Quadcopter. Each can be customized separately – you can define a completely independent set of keys for each controls layout.

We also support M4/M5 mouse button mapping, so if you find that the default hacking mode is not comfortable with the middle mouse button control you can use additional mouse buttons instead. We also support mapping of mouse scroll up/down for actions which require a single button press to perform.
UI Adaptation

During the PC development process of Watch_Dogs 2, we focused on implementing a "mouse-centric UI", so players can finish any UI task using only the mouse. Two notable examples are the Nudle Map and the Media Player, but you can see this adaptation in any UI screen. We also changed “hold” confirmations into more mouse-friendly press actions and pop-ups in most of the UI screens.

PC hotkeys and tutorials

In addition to a more mouse-centric approach, Watch_Dogs2 also supports keyboard hotkeys for different cases. There is a keyboard hotkey for every UI and menu action, as well as for every weapon, gadget, mass hack, smartphone app and emote.

Further, all the in-game tutorials are also adapted to the mouse and keyboard: You can find additional information about the mouse and keyboard adaptations in the Know-It-All App, including videos and descriptions of PC features such as Traffic Speed or Walking Mode and a list of all the keyboard hotkeys. You can also find PC-specific hints during loading screens.

Gamepad support

Watch_Dogs 2 on PC supports controllers using all the XInput game types, such as Xbox 360, Xbox One, or any Xbox-based third-party controller, as well as the Playstation 4 controller. The game switches on-the-fly between gamepad and mouse & keyboard controls, no additional steps necessary.

Should you experience an issue with controller connections, please check the official guide here. Thanks for checking out our Mouse and Keyboard Adaptation Guide. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us {LINK REMOVED} or on our subreddit {LINK REMOVED}.
Watch_Dogs® 2 - Ubi-Ligario
We made a lot of changes and improvements to adapt the PC version of Watch_Dogs 2 for mouse and keyboard controls: All the UI screens, as well as shooting, hacking and driving mechanics were updated to be more PC-friendly. We also implemented plenty of different mouse and keyboard options in order to address the wide variety of requests from our PC players.

Shooting Adaptation

We changed the camera and animation systems to make shooting controls feel more natural and precise with the mouse. We implemented a raw input system, which makes the input signal from the mouse more precise and framerate-independent. We also provided a wide range of low mouse sensitivities to support a combination of high DPI mouse and low sensitivity. You can change the mouse sensitivity with the Look Sensitivity slider in the Mouse & Keyboard options menu.

Hacking Adaptation

To adapt Hacking Aim Assist (the white line which selects different objects) to the mouse control, we implemented a sensitivity slider which allows you to control the strength of the assist. The game still has some default assist value, but if you don’t want to automatically select everything nearby you can turn the Hack Aim Assist off. This will work in both single player and multiplayer game modes.

Driving Adaptation

To adapt driving controls to the keyboard, we implemented a system that counts how long the keyboard button was pressed, turning keyboard input from digital into analog. The default steering sensitivity settings are designed to mimic the original gamepad driving experience as much as possible with the keyboard. If you prefer a lower sensitivity or are used to a more "digital" input, you can use the Steering Sensitivity slider to set it to a more comfortable value.
You can also change the driving camera’s steering sensitivity and auto-centering speeds.

Traffic Speed Mode

By holding [CTRL] while driving, you can enter the Traffic Speed mode which allows you to “blend with traffic” and adapt to the speed of the car ahead of you. This is a great option for Hacking Invasions where you’re trying to avoid notice.
Equipment Grid/Emotes Grid

We redesigned our equipment and emote wheels to a mouse-friendly grid, allowing you to easily select weapons, gadgets, and mass hacks with the mouse.

Additional options

Hold/Toggle modes are supported for some controls such as Sprint, Walk, Aim, Equipment Grid, Emotes Grid and Traffic Speed. For example, you can set the Equipment Grid to Toggle mode and turn off the "Draw Weapon After Selection" option to use it as a more familiar PC inventory screen. Additionally, if you have different languages installed on your PC (with QWERTZ/AZERTY layouts, for example), you can also manually-select the keyboard layout used for the game.

Controls Customization

The game supports four different controls layouts: On Foot, Driving, Jumper, Quadcopter. Each can be customized separately – you can define a completely independent set of keys for each controls layout.

We also support M4/M5 mouse button mapping, so if you find that the default hacking mode is not comfortable with the middle mouse button control you can use additional mouse buttons instead. We also support mapping of mouse scroll up/down for actions which require a single button press to perform.
UI Adaptation

During the PC development process of Watch_Dogs 2, we focused on implementing a "mouse-centric UI", so players can finish any UI task using only the mouse. Two notable examples are the Nudle Map and the Media Player, but you can see this adaptation in any UI screen. We also changed “hold” confirmations into more mouse-friendly press actions and pop-ups in most of the UI screens.

PC hotkeys and tutorials

In addition to a more mouse-centric approach, Watch_Dogs2 also supports keyboard hotkeys for different cases. There is a keyboard hotkey for every UI and menu action, as well as for every weapon, gadget, mass hack, smartphone app and emote.

Further, all the in-game tutorials are also adapted to the mouse and keyboard: You can find additional information about the mouse and keyboard adaptations in the Know-It-All App, including videos and descriptions of PC features such as Traffic Speed or Walking Mode and a list of all the keyboard hotkeys. You can also find PC-specific hints during loading screens.

Gamepad support

Watch_Dogs 2 on PC supports controllers using all the XInput game types, such as Xbox 360, Xbox One, or any Xbox-based third-party controller, as well as the Playstation 4 controller. The game switches on-the-fly between gamepad and mouse & keyboard controls, no additional steps necessary.

Should you experience an issue with controller connections, please check the official guide here. Thanks for checking out our Mouse and Keyboard Adaptation Guide. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us {LINK REMOVED} or on our subreddit {LINK REMOVED}.
Watch_Dogs® 2 - (Alice O'Connor)

Ubisoft have delayed the first Watch Dogs 2 [official site] DLC release a touch, as they’ve been busy focusing on patches instead. That’s a good reason. I like Ubi’s recent decisions to fix games over rinsing players; remember they delayed The Division’s expansions too. But yes, if you want to hack the planet dressed as that ol’ hippy T-Bone you’ll need to wait a little longer. … [visit site to read more]

Watch_Dogs® 2 - Ubi-Elyon

Watch Dogs 2's 1.06 title update has just been released across all platforms. This and previous patches were an important step towards stabilizing Watch Dogs 2's seamless multiplayer functionality, and other core online features, before releasing any new multiplayer content. Since these updates required additional development resources, we've made the decision to adjust our release schedule for that new content.

The first round of Watch Dogs 2 DLC, the T-Bone Content Bundle, will now be available on PS4 on December 22 (December 26 in Japan), followed by Xbox One and PC on January 24. This content revolves around Raymond Kenney, AKA T-Bone, and includes his attire, as well as his modified school bus, complete with bulldozer blade for creating extra chaos. The Bundle also offers a new Mayhem co-op challenge, with a tough new enemy archetype – the Grenadier – that uses advanced weaponry and tactics.

The T-Bone Chaos Challenge also begins the week of December 19. This free event content will run for four weeks, with each week bringing a new themed challenge that gives players a chance to earn in-game currency and rewards, like new car skins or a new bag for Marcus. In addition, a new Ubisoft Club special event challenge will be available each Monday for the duration of the Chaos Challenge.

We're excited for you to see what else we have in store for Watch Dogs 2. Thank you for your continued support.