Apr 20, 2018
World of Tanks Blitz - TOG II*

The Chinese offensive is gathering speed in Update 4.9! The branch of medium tanks is now accompanied by a branch of four Tier VII–X heavy tanks. Get to know them better and choose your new favorite tank!

Tier VII—IS-2

Researched via the Type 58 for 61,360 XP

The Soviet IS in its “pre-top” modification awaits you under the Chinese flag. It features a slightly weakened engine and front armor, but preserves the power of the 122 mm “destructor”.

Instead of APCR Premium shells, the IS-2 is now armed with more effective HEAT shells. The IS-2 can penetrate 250 mm armor, which is 33 mm more than the Soviet modification. But remember that HEAT shells are quite temperamental! Apart from that, the top guns of the Chinese and Soviet tanks are almost the same.

Tier VIII—WZ-110

Researched via the IS-2 for 85,000 XP

An interesting modernization of the IS-2: its features are easily recognizable in the suspension and hull of the WZ-110. The WZ-110 existed only on paper, but in the game it will take its rightful place among the vehicles shaping the outcome of battle.

The Chinese warrior can strengthen your high ambitions with its sloped 120 mm “pike nose” armor, a turret that easily deflects enemy shells, and a fast-firing gun with 2,230 HP of potential damage per minute. And that's before you add equipment and provisions.

The WZ-110 has some drawbacks too: its penetration may be not enough to confront Tier IX tanks, and the low traverse speed makes it vulnerable to maneuverable tanks.

Tier IX—WZ-111 model 1-4

Researched via the WZ-110 for 150,000 XP

Take command of a battle-seasoned tank, which was intended to replace the IS-2 and IS-3 in service for China. The WZ-111 1-4 vaguely resembles the IS-3 and IS-8: a similar “pike nose” (though a less steep one) and turret that easily deflects enemy shells. The low oblong hull and very long gun make this vehicle look like a predator: the enemy won’t be able to forget that he is just the prey!

It is not by chance that this tank has such a threatening look: the WZ-111 1-4 is first among the Tier IX heavy tanks by average damage per shot. The same damage can be inflicted only by two German tanks—the E 75 and VK 45.02 (P) Ausf. B. The penetration characteristic of this Chinese tank is high as well: 246 mm will be enough to confront most of opponents.

The WZ-111 1-4 pays for the good characteristics of its gun with a slow reload and small gun depression/elevation angles. The gun barely inclines downwards, which prevents you from reaping the full benefit of the almost shell-proof turret. Its hull armor is less reliable: though it will protect you from medium and light tanks, it will not survive against other heavies and tank destroyers.

Tier X—WZ-113

Researched via the WZ-111 1-4 for 200,000 XP

The head of the Chinese branch in World of Tanks Blitz also existed only in blueprints. It resembles the Т-54, but the one that ate a lot of porridge and always finished its bread and broccoli. So he grew up big and strong!

But enough joking around. The WZ-113 is a very serious guy. Its impressive 122 mm gun is one of the most fast-firing among Tier X heavies. This gun can deal heavy damage at 400 HP per shot. In total, the WZ-113 can deal almost 2,900 HP of damage per minute, and with equipment and provisions—almost 3,300 HP!

The high rate of fire and damage means low penetration? Not for the WZ-113! An AP shell penetrates 255 mm on average—a fairly standard parameter as compared to its opponents. But the gun depression/elevation angles leave much to be desired: a depression angle of 6 degrees makes it difficult to play on maps with varied relief.

Though the WZ-113 resembles a medium tank, its maneuverability is a bit lacking. The tank perfectly gains speed: to 40 km/h in about 8 seconds on hard terrain. But this Chinese top tank doesn’t like to traverse and does so in a dignified, unhurried manner similar to the Maus. The turret traverse speed of the WZ-113 is also slow— be wary of light and medium tanks!

However, the turret’s front armor of 260 mm is the thickest among Tier X heavies. And the round shape of the turret allows it to easily bounce off enemy shells. It is very difficult to penetrate the turret of the WZ-113. This tank features 120 mm of front hull and side armor, which allows it to absorb damage when it is positioned at an angle (but it is better to hide the lower armor plate).

The WZ-113 is a perfect fighter against heavy tanks. Its fast-firing gun makes it the perfect support for the FV215b (183) and E 100—these vehicles always need cover while reloading. And if you decide to rush in to attack with other assault tanks, the fast acceleration and balanced armor will come into play.
World of Tanks Blitz - TOG II*

Its streamlined hull cuts through the air with graceful ease. Its powerful engine allows it to smoothly overcome steep slopes. Its gun unleashes an avalanche of shells on the terrified enemy. Its superior maneuverability makes up for its weak armor: it easily dodges enemy shots.

Meet the AMX 30 1er prototype—a tank for real pros. Take full advantage of its mobility and permanent enrichment!

You will have a chance to receive the enriched AMX 30 1er prototype and other rewards by purchasing AMX 30 1er prot. containers available in the in-game Store until April 27. For the time being, this is the only way to get the new vehicle.

More about the AMX 30 1er prot.

If a skillful opponent has ever haunted you on the Leopard 1, you know what to expect from the new French Tier IX tank. Shells will hit you out of nowhere, and when you look around, you won’t find your attacker, because it has already disappeared behind a hill. Don’t even waste your time asking yourself how it got there.

The AMX 30 1er prototype is perfect for this kind of trick. Just look at the characteristics of this medium (almost light) tank:

Even its turret has weak armor, but thanks to its flat shape, there’s always a chance that an enemy shell will ricochet off its surface. You can also be saved by the thick gun mantle, but you shouldn’t count on it—fight as if each enemy shot could be the last.

The AMX 30 1er prototype’s speed is your best option for avoiding damage. The vehicle starts abruptly and quickly reaches its maximum speed, and barely slows down when it turns sharply. Feel free to maneuver and prevent the enemy from taking aim. Speed is your strength: you can appear when nobody expects you. Only you can decide where to attack—so attack!

The new tank features a familiar gun from the AMX 50 100, except that the “prototype” lacks a drum autoloader. This gun has another bonus—its depression angle is 10 degrees. You will especially enjoy riding up and down hills on the AMX 30 1er prototype!

The AMX 30 1er prototype is not a Premium tank. Its profitability corresponds to that of Tier IX researchable vehicles with activated enrichment. For balance purposes, the characteristics of the AMX 30 1er prototype can be adjusted in future updates, if necessary.

Apr 6, 2018
World of Tanks Blitz - TOG II*

Snow? What snow? Steel tracks don’t care what surface they’re rushing over while carrying their commander towards victory. Half-melted snow, boggy dirt trails, swampy meadows, stone paving, asphalt road—all of them are ideal conditions for the spectacular and intense Blitz Biathlon.

Join the race! Show your mastery in driving a tank and marksmanship—and get the rare VIII Chieftain/T95 Premium tank as a reward!

The race begins on 6 April

Blitz Biathlon is divided into two phases. The first one will take place from 6 to 16 April. During these days you will be able to earn special items and use them to complete stages of the in-game event. The second phase will last from 16 to 22 April. During this period, you will be able to complete stages using gold only. The precise schedule for your region is below:

  • CIS: first phase—from 6 April 12:00 (MSK) to 16 April 12:00 (MSK). The event will end on 22 April at 12:00 (MSK).
  • Asia: first phase—from 6 April 17:00 (UTC+8) to 16 April 17:00 (UTC+8). The event will end on 22 April at 17:00 (UTC+8).
  • North America: first phase—from 6 April 2:00 (PT), 5:00 (ET) to 16 April 2:00 (PT), 5:00 (ET). The event will end on 22 April at 2:00 (PT), 5:00 (ET).
  • Europe: first phase—from 6 April 11:00 (CEST) to 16 April 11:00 (CEST). The event will end on 22 April at 11:00 (CEST).

Fight for the Chieftain/T95

Upon tapping the event button in the Garage, you will see the series of stages with the rare Chieftain/T95 waiting at the finish line. To unlock stages and get prizes, earn Trophies, Projectiles, and Emblems.

Don’t want to submerge yourself in the details? Learn all the conditions in 30 seconds!

Earn as much Combat XP as you can and complete missions—you will be rewarded with Trophies. Unlock stages using Trophies and receive Projectiles. Each Projectile activates a special task of 5 battles. The best battle out of five will bring you Emblems. Use Emblems to unlock key stages and get prizes. If you play well, you’ll earn enough Emblems for the Chieftain/T95!

What is the fastest way to complete the biathlon? Take a Tier IX or X vehicle and head off to rating battles, ideally as a member of the Platinum or Diamond League. The Gold League will do as well, but it will give you only a bonus for the vehicle tier. If you are in the Silver or Bronze League for now, complete stages in regular battles—and select the tank in which you play best!


Initial and intermediary stages of the task series are unlocked using Trophies. To get them, complete daily missions and earn Combat Experience in regular, rating, or tournament battles.

  • On average, you can earn 50 Trophies for completing missions.
  • For every 500 Combat XP earned in a single battle you will receive 10 Trophies. Premium Account bonus and other bonuses are not applied.
  • The requirement for the Combat XP amount is strict. If you earned 499 Combat XP, you will receive no Trophies. If you earned 999 Combat XP, you will get 10 Trophies.
  • If you have Premium Account active, you will receive 15 Trophies for every 500 Combat XP.
  • In rating battles, the system of multipliers is applied depending on your league.


Projectiles are special items awarded for the completion of intermediate stages of the task series. They activate a special task—Firing Lines. The task includes a series of 5 battles, in which you should try to earn as much base Experience as you can. You can find the detailed information about the special task below.

What are Projectiles needed for?

During the previous in-game event, there was a task with a series of battles, where the one with the best result was counted. At that time, many of you were just fighting and didn’t know that your results were already being counted for the series of tasks. For that reason, it was difficult to improve your performance when necessary and get rewards. The new mechanics will allow you to control where you should start to complete the important series of battles.

Important: as soon as the Projectile appears in your Storage, the next five battles in Tier V–X vehicles will be counted for the calculation of Emblems. So we advise you to complete stages with Projectiles only when you are 100% ready to fight this series of battles and show your best performance. If you just want to “farm” some credits amidst the series of battles, you’d better do it in Tier I–IV vehicles—it is not very effective, but it will not affect the results.


Emblems are required to pass the Firing Lines (the stages with the target icon) and unlock the final stages with the main rewards.

How to get Emblems?

  • First complete an intermediate stage with the projectile icon and get a Projectile.
  • Upon the receipt of the Projectile, fight the next five battles in Tier V-X vehicles. Regular, rating, and tournament battles are counted.
  • The system uses the base Experience earned in every battle to estimate the number of Emblems that you should get. When you have played 5 battles, the system will select ONE best result with most Emblems earned and will add them to your Storage.
    • 1 Combat XP earned in regular and tournament battles brings you 1 Emblem. In rating battles, the system of multipliers is applied depending on your league.
    • Only base Combat XP is counted. Premium Account, first victory bonuses, and boosters have no effect on the number of Emblems.

  • After a series of five battles ends, one Projectile is removed from your Storage. In total, you can earn 6 Projectiles during the event and fight 6 series of battles to earn Emblems.

    On the results screen of the last battle of the series, you will see the number of Emblems awarded for your best result achieved in one battle out of 5. It may not coincide with the amount of Experience earned during the last battle.

    Accrual of Trophies and Emblems in Rating Battles

    In rating battles, Trophies and Emblems are calculated using the multiplier depending on your league and rating:

    • 0.5—multiplier for the Bronze League, when the player has a rating of 0–999 points
    • 0.6—multiplier for the Bronze League, when the player has a rating of 1,000–1,999 points
    • 0.8—multiplier for the Silver League
    • 1—multiplier for the Gold League
    • 1.15—multiplier for the Platinum League
    • 1.3—multiplier for the Diamond League

    For calibrating battles, no multipliers are applied: 1 Combat XP will bring you 1 Emblem.


    You fought a battle in the Platinum League and earned 1,000 base Combat XP.

    • The number of Emblems will be calculated as follows: 1,000 is multiplied by 1.15 Platinum League multiplier. You get 1,000*1.15=1,150 Emblems.
    • Now let’s calculate the number of Trophies. For 1,000 Combat XP you should get 20 Trophies. 20 Trophies are multiplied by the same league multiplier of 1.15. We receive 20*1.15=23 Trophies. With Premium Account, the result will be also multiplied by Premium Account bonus of 1.5, and you will have 20*1.15*1.5=35 Trophies.

    Members of the Platinum and Diamond Leagues will earn more Emblems and Trophies in rating battles. We reduced the multiplier for Silver and Bronze Leagues to avoid cases where players artificially reduce their ratings in order to earn additional Emblems in battles against weak opponents.

    Main Prize—the Chieftain/T95

    For now, it’s the only Premium British Tier VIII tank. It’s also so rare that we can almost call it new. The vehicle features worthy characteristics and may suit tastes of many commanders.

    The Chieftain/T95 features quite low damage per shot for a heavy tank, but makes up for it with good accuracy and high rate of fire. Where an opponent shoots only once, our hero will fire two shells. This British tank has an awesome 10 degrees of gun depression, and its solid, well-armored turret does a great job of blocking damage. If you use terrain wisely, you will be able to deal considerable damage almost without receiving damage in response.

    The front hull armor of the Chieftain/T95 is only 85 mm, but this British tank boasts excellent maneuverability, inferior only to that of the French AMX 50 100. The high top speed, including a reverse speed of 20 km/h, allows it to change positions nimbly and take cover. And great crossing capacity makes the Chieftain a true biathlonist—confident on any type of terrain, whether hard ground or marshland!

    And Other Rewards

    Upon completing the main and additional stages of the Blitz Biathlon, you will receive:

    • VIII Chieftain/T95, along with a Garage slot
    • 100,000 Spare Parts
    • 105 Special Cooldown boosters
    • 50 Standard Credit boosters

    Now you know everything necessary for victory. An intense race and furious struggle lie ahead. We wish you good luck, and we’ll see you at the finish line!
Apr 6, 2018
World of Tanks Blitz - TOG II*

Snow? What snow? Steel tracks don’t care what surface they’re rushing over while carrying their commander towards victory. Half-melted snow, boggy dirt trails, swampy meadows, stone paving, asphalt road—all of them are ideal conditions for the spectacular and intense Blitz Biathlon.

Join the race! Show your mastery in driving a tank and marksmanship—and get the rare VIII Chieftain/T95 Premium tank as a reward!

The race begins on 6 April

Blitz Biathlon is divided into two phases. The first one will take place from 6 to 16 April. During these days you will be able to earn special items and use them to complete stages of the in-game event. The second phase will last from 16 to 22 April. During this period, you will be able to complete stages using gold only. The precise schedule for your region is below:

  • CIS: first phase—from 6 April 12:00 (MSK) to 16 April 12:00 (MSK). The event will end on 22 April at 12:00 (MSK).
  • Asia: first phase—from 6 April 17:00 (UTC+8) to 16 April 17:00 (UTC+8). The event will end on 22 April at 17:00 (UTC+8).
  • North America: first phase—from 6 April 2:00 (PT), 5:00 (ET) to 16 April 2:00 (PT), 5:00 (ET). The event will end on 22 April at 2:00 (PT), 5:00 (ET).
  • Europe: first phase—from 6 April 11:00 (CEST) to 16 April 11:00 (CEST). The event will end on 22 April at 11:00 (CEST).

Fight for the Chieftain/T95

Upon tapping the event button in the Garage, you will see the series of stages with the rare Chieftain/T95 waiting at the finish line. To unlock stages and get prizes, earn Trophies, Projectiles, and Emblems.

Don’t want to submerge yourself in the details? Learn all the conditions in 30 seconds!

Earn as much Combat XP as you can and complete missions—you will be rewarded with Trophies. Unlock stages using Trophies and receive Projectiles. Each Projectile activates a special task of 5 battles. The best battle out of five will bring you Emblems. Use Emblems to unlock key stages and get prizes. If you play well, you’ll earn enough Emblems for the Chieftain/T95!

What is the fastest way to complete the biathlon? Take a Tier IX or X vehicle and head off to rating battles, ideally as a member of the Platinum or Diamond League. The Gold League will do as well, but it will give you only a bonus for the vehicle tier. If you are in the Silver or Bronze League for now, complete stages in regular battles—and select the tank in which you play best!


Initial and intermediary stages of the task series are unlocked using Trophies. To get them, complete daily missions and earn Combat Experience in regular, rating, or tournament battles.

  • On average, you can earn 50 Trophies for completing missions.
  • For every 500 Combat XP earned in a single battle you will receive 10 Trophies. Premium Account bonus and other bonuses are not applied.
  • The requirement for the Combat XP amount is strict. If you earned 499 Combat XP, you will receive no Trophies. If you earned 999 Combat XP, you will get 10 Trophies.
  • If you have Premium Account active, you will receive 15 Trophies for every 500 Combat XP.
  • In rating battles, the system of multipliers is applied depending on your league.


Projectiles are special items awarded for the completion of intermediate stages of the task series. They activate a special task—Firing Lines. The task includes a series of 5 battles, in which you should try to earn as much base Experience as you can. You can find the detailed information about the special task below.

What are Projectiles needed for?

During the previous in-game event, there was a task with a series of battles, where the one with the best result was counted. At that time, many of you were just fighting and didn’t know that your results were already being counted for the series of tasks. For that reason, it was difficult to improve your performance when necessary and get rewards. The new mechanics will allow you to control where you should start to complete the important series of battles.

Important: as soon as the Projectile appears in your Storage, the next five battles in Tier V–X vehicles will be counted for the calculation of Emblems. So we advise you to complete stages with Projectiles only when you are 100% ready to fight this series of battles and show your best performance. If you just want to “farm” some credits amidst the series of battles, you’d better do it in Tier I–IV vehicles—it is not very effective, but it will not affect the results.


Emblems are required to pass the Firing Lines (the stages with the target icon) and unlock the final stages with the main rewards.

How to get Emblems?

  • First complete an intermediate stage with the projectile icon and get a Projectile.
  • Upon the receipt of the Projectile, fight the next five battles in Tier V-X vehicles. Regular, rating, and tournament battles are counted.
  • The system uses the base Experience earned in every battle to estimate the number of Emblems that you should get. When you have played 5 battles, the system will select ONE best result with most Emblems earned and will add them to your Storage.
    • 1 Combat XP earned in regular and tournament battles brings you 1 Emblem. In rating battles, the system of multipliers is applied depending on your league.
    • Only base Combat XP is counted. Premium Account, first victory bonuses, and boosters have no effect on the number of Emblems.

  • After a series of five battles ends, one Projectile is removed from your Storage. In total, you can earn 6 Projectiles during the event and fight 6 series of battles to earn Emblems.

    On the results screen of the last battle of the series, you will see the number of Emblems awarded for your best result achieved in one battle out of 5. It may not coincide with the amount of Experience earned during the last battle.

    Accrual of Trophies and Emblems in Rating Battles

    In rating battles, Trophies and Emblems are calculated using the multiplier depending on your league and rating:

    • 0.5—multiplier for the Bronze League, when the player has a rating of 0–999 points
    • 0.6—multiplier for the Bronze League, when the player has a rating of 1,000–1,999 points
    • 0.8—multiplier for the Silver League
    • 1—multiplier for the Gold League
    • 1.15—multiplier for the Platinum League
    • 1.3—multiplier for the Diamond League

    For calibrating battles, no multipliers are applied: 1 Combat XP will bring you 1 Emblem.


    You fought a battle in the Platinum League and earned 1,000 base Combat XP.

    • The number of Emblems will be calculated as follows: 1,000 is multiplied by 1.15 Platinum League multiplier. You get 1,000*1.15=1,150 Emblems.
    • Now let’s calculate the number of Trophies. For 1,000 Combat XP you should get 20 Trophies. 20 Trophies are multiplied by the same league multiplier of 1.15. We receive 20*1.15=23 Trophies. With Premium Account, the result will be also multiplied by Premium Account bonus of 1.5, and you will have 20*1.15*1.5=35 Trophies.

    Members of the Platinum and Diamond Leagues will earn more Emblems and Trophies in rating battles. We reduced the multiplier for Silver and Bronze Leagues to avoid cases where players artificially reduce their ratings in order to earn additional Emblems in battles against weak opponents.

    Main Prize—the Chieftain/T95

    For now, it’s the only Premium British Tier VIII tank. It’s also so rare that we can almost call it new. The vehicle features worthy characteristics and may suit tastes of many commanders.

    The Chieftain/T95 features quite low damage per shot for a heavy tank, but makes up for it with good accuracy and high rate of fire. Where an opponent shoots only once, our hero will fire two shells. This British tank has an awesome 10 degrees of gun depression, and its solid, well-armored turret does a great job of blocking damage. If you use terrain wisely, you will be able to deal considerable damage almost without receiving damage in response.

    The front hull armor of the Chieftain/T95 is only 85 mm, but this British tank boasts excellent maneuverability, inferior only to that of the French AMX 50 100. The high top speed, including a reverse speed of 20 km/h, allows it to change positions nimbly and take cover. And great crossing capacity makes the Chieftain a true biathlonist—confident on any type of terrain, whether hard ground or marshland!

    And Other Rewards

    Upon completing the main and additional stages of the Blitz Biathlon, you will receive:

    • VIII Chieftain/T95, along with a Garage slot
    • 100,000 Spare Parts
    • 105 Special Cooldown boosters
    • 50 Standard Credit boosters

    Now you know everything necessary for victory. An intense race and furious struggle lie ahead. We wish you good luck, and we’ll see you at the finish line!
Mar 29, 2018
World of Tanks Blitz - TOG II*

“I am Commander Duckman, your Senior Drill Instructor. From now on, you will quack only when quacked to, and the first and last words out of your beaks will be "Quack, Sir!" Do you ducklings understand that? If you spring chicks leave the Garage, if you survive recruit training ... you will be a weapon, you will be ministers of death, quacking for war. But until that day, you are squeakers! You're the lowest form of life on Earth. You are not even birds! You are nothing but an unorganized flock of awkward duckies.

Because I am hard, you will not like me. But the more you hate me, the more you will learn. I am hard, but I am fair! There is no racial bigotry here! I do not look down on shovelnoses, mallards, mergansers or shelducks. Here you are all equally worthless! And my orders are to weed out all the non-hackers who do not pack the gear to serve in my beloved Duck Corps! Do you yellow beaks understand that?”


What does all that mean?
From 30 March to 5 April, all players will be able to try the role of… a duck. But not an ordinary one as you might expect, but a combat duck! In your arsenal, there will be bubbles and shark torpedoes. Battles will take place on a special map: warm summer sand and an endless blue sea are waiting for you. You can bombard ducks as many times as you like!

During the event, you will receive the following mission:
Objective: fight 6 battles in World of Ducks mode.
Reward: 300 Ring Buoys.

You can spend your Ring Buoys in the Store immediately. Open the Offers tab and find the respective bundle.

Our briefing is over. Welcome to duck battles, quack~
Mar 29, 2018
World of Tanks Blitz - TOG II*

“I am Commander Duckman, your Senior Drill Instructor. From now on, you will quack only when quacked to, and the first and last words out of your beaks will be "Quack, Sir!" Do you ducklings understand that? If you spring chicks leave the Garage, if you survive recruit training ... you will be a weapon, you will be ministers of death, quacking for war. But until that day, you are squeakers! You're the lowest form of life on Earth. You are not even birds! You are nothing but an unorganized flock of awkward duckies.

Because I am hard, you will not like me. But the more you hate me, the more you will learn. I am hard, but I am fair! There is no racial bigotry here! I do not look down on shovelnoses, mallards, mergansers or shelducks. Here you are all equally worthless! And my orders are to weed out all the non-hackers who do not pack the gear to serve in my beloved Duck Corps! Do you yellow beaks understand that?”


What does all that mean?
From 30 March to 5 April, all players will be able to try the role of… a duck. But not an ordinary one as you might expect, but a combat duck! In your arsenal, there will be bubbles and shark torpedoes. Battles will take place on a special map: warm summer sand and an endless blue sea are waiting for you. You can bombard ducks as many times as you like!

During the event, you will receive the following mission:
Objective: fight 6 battles in World of Ducks mode.
Reward: 300 Ring Buoys.

You can spend your Ring Buoys in the Store immediately. Open the Offers tab and find the respective bundle.

Our briefing is over. Welcome to duck battles, quack~
World of Tanks Blitz - TOG II*


After the release of update 4.8, some of you experienced crushes of Steam version of the game. Last night we released an update to fix this issue.

All players who had a Premium Account active on March 28 will receive additional 24 hours of Premium time as compensation. We apologize for the inconvenience.
World of Tanks Blitz - TOG II*


After the release of update 4.8, some of you experienced crushes of Steam version of the game. Last night we released an update to fix this issue.

All players who had a Premium Account active on March 28 will receive additional 24 hours of Premium time as compensation. We apologize for the inconvenience.
World of Tanks Blitz - TOG II*

Get ready for update 4.8! Starting from 28 March, players will be able to disable battle chat, put on a legendary camouflage, and train a new skill for the light tank crew. Also a surprise is waiting for amateurs of Supremacy mode!

Starting from Update 4.8, additional protection against cheaters will come into effect. So please do not install ANY modifications of the game after the release of the new update. Otherwise your account may be banned according to the License Agreement.

Attention: the game login procedure has changed for Android devices. Previously, you were able to log in via your Google+ account. Starting from Update 4.8, you will need the Google Play Games service to log in via your Google account. It is a standard application, but please ensure that it is installed and updated to the latest version.

Please also remember that you can link your account to your Wargaming.net ID and enter the game using your email address and password, irrespective of the device and operating system used. Read the detailed instructions.

Major changes and new content
  • Weak guns and engines, which slowed down research, were removed for some vehicles.
  • The IS-2, ISU-122S, and Rhm.-Borsig Waffenträger were buffed.
  • French tanks got more ammunition.
  • Players can now select a mode for regular battles in the Garage: Encounter Battle or Supremacy. So it will be possible to fight in Supremacy mode only. The “Supremacy Mode” option was removed from the settings.
  • New battle chat settings were added that allow players to disable chats in battle and select between the two display options: the team chat or the team and general chats. The platoon chat and chat shortcuts will function in any case.
  • Cooldown booster bonuses were increased from 5% to 10%, from 10% to 20%, from 15% to 30%, depending on the booster grade.
    • The following legendary camouflages are now permanently available in the Camouflage section:
      • Claw for the SU-76I (cost: 220 gold). Changes the tank destroyer name in battle to SU-76I Claw.
      • Dedicated Warrior for the KV-1 (cost: 490 gold).
      • Berlin for the Cromwell B (cost: 650 gold).
      • Shrieking for the M4A3E8 Sherman (cost: 650 gold). Changes the tank name in battle to M4A3E8 Shrieking.
      • Berlin for the IS-2 (cost: 1,070 gold).
      • Dragon for the Type 62 (cost: 1,070 gold). Changes the tank name in battle to Type 62 Dragon.
      • Number 1 for the E 25 (cost: 1,070 gold). Changes the tank destroyer name in battle to the E 25 "#1".
      • Liberty for the AMX Chasseur de chars (cost: 1,590 gold).
      • Cruel Twist for the leKpz M 41 90 mm (cost: 1,590 gold). Changes the tank name in battle to leKpz M 41 90 Cruel Twist.
      • Bear for the IS-3 (cost: 1,590 gold). Changes the tank name in battle to IS-3 Bear.
      • Warrior for the T34 (cost: 1,590 gold). Changes the tank name in battle to T34 Falcon.
  • Crew skills were improved:
    • The Precision Fire crew skill was added. It is trained in light tanks and has an effect in all vehicles. Increases the chance of causing maximum damage after the player fired three shots in a row and caused damage with each of them.
    • Starting from Update 4.8, you will be able to accelerate skill training using just Elite Experience up to level V. To accelerate training of level VI–VII skills, you will need Elite Experience in combination with credits or gold.
    • Conversion of Elite Experience with additional payment in gold has become more profitable: bonus to Crew Experience increased from 300% to 1,000%. Now 40 Elite Experience plus 1 gold will give you 400 Crews Experience. 
  • Rating or calibrating battles will be available only for vehicles with 100% crew mastery.
  • For devices with keyboard and mouse control, a new option was added: the player can right-click minimap squares when the Ctrl key is held down.
  • The length of time that minimap squares are animated for was increased.
  • In Sniper mode, an inclination marker was added for the reticle depending on the hull position.
  • The HUD (Hеad-Up Display) tab was added to the settings, and several options for the battle interface were transferred to it.
  • On the screen of tournaments that are planned to be streamed, the Streams button was added. Upon tapping this button, the screen with a list of current streams will open.
  • In tournament battles, the spectator will be able to see the names of teams and clan tags in team lists.
  • In spectator mode, it is now possible to switch between tanks by tapping the marker under the tank. When only allies are spectated, only markers of the friendly team can be tapped. When both teams are spectated, the spectator can tap any marker.
  • The battle interface in spectator mode was adapted for devices with low resolution.
Fixed Bugs
  • The interface for iPhone X was improved.
  • A bug, where the turret was not rotating and the tank was unable to shoot after a collision with an enemy vehicle, was fixed.
  • A vehicle selected for the battle is now displayed correctly in the training room.
  • A bug, where the spectator was unable to leave the battle before its end, was fixed for touchscreen devices.
  • A bug, where the camera was stuck to one coordinate upon pressing the Ctrl+C combination in spectator mode, was fixed.
  • Various screens, in-game notifications, and descriptions were revised. General bugs and client crashes were fixed.
World of Tanks Blitz - TOG II*

Get ready for update 4.8! Starting from 28 March, players will be able to disable battle chat, put on a legendary camouflage, and train a new skill for the light tank crew. Also a surprise is waiting for amateurs of Supremacy mode!

Starting from Update 4.8, additional protection against cheaters will come into effect. So please do not install ANY modifications of the game after the release of the new update. Otherwise your account may be banned according to the License Agreement.

Attention: the game login procedure has changed for Android devices. Previously, you were able to log in via your Google+ account. Starting from Update 4.8, you will need the Google Play Games service to log in via your Google account. It is a standard application, but please ensure that it is installed and updated to the latest version.

Please also remember that you can link your account to your Wargaming.net ID and enter the game using your email address and password, irrespective of the device and operating system used. Read the detailed instructions.

Major changes and new content
  • Weak guns and engines, which slowed down research, were removed for some vehicles.
  • The IS-2, ISU-122S, and Rhm.-Borsig Waffenträger were buffed.
  • French tanks got more ammunition.
  • Players can now select a mode for regular battles in the Garage: Encounter Battle or Supremacy. So it will be possible to fight in Supremacy mode only. The “Supremacy Mode” option was removed from the settings.
  • New battle chat settings were added that allow players to disable chats in battle and select between the two display options: the team chat or the team and general chats. The platoon chat and chat shortcuts will function in any case.
  • Cooldown booster bonuses were increased from 5% to 10%, from 10% to 20%, from 15% to 30%, depending on the booster grade.
    • The following legendary camouflages are now permanently available in the Camouflage section:
      • Claw for the SU-76I (cost: 220 gold). Changes the tank destroyer name in battle to SU-76I Claw.
      • Dedicated Warrior for the KV-1 (cost: 490 gold).
      • Berlin for the Cromwell B (cost: 650 gold).
      • Shrieking for the M4A3E8 Sherman (cost: 650 gold). Changes the tank name in battle to M4A3E8 Shrieking.
      • Berlin for the IS-2 (cost: 1,070 gold).
      • Dragon for the Type 62 (cost: 1,070 gold). Changes the tank name in battle to Type 62 Dragon.
      • Number 1 for the E 25 (cost: 1,070 gold). Changes the tank destroyer name in battle to the E 25 "#1".
      • Liberty for the AMX Chasseur de chars (cost: 1,590 gold).
      • Cruel Twist for the leKpz M 41 90 mm (cost: 1,590 gold). Changes the tank name in battle to leKpz M 41 90 Cruel Twist.
      • Bear for the IS-3 (cost: 1,590 gold). Changes the tank name in battle to IS-3 Bear.
      • Warrior for the T34 (cost: 1,590 gold). Changes the tank name in battle to T34 Falcon.
  • Crew skills were improved:
    • The Precision Fire crew skill was added. It is trained in light tanks and has an effect in all vehicles. Increases the chance of causing maximum damage after the player fired three shots in a row and caused damage with each of them.
    • Starting from Update 4.8, you will be able to accelerate skill training using just Elite Experience up to level V. To accelerate training of level VI–VII skills, you will need Elite Experience in combination with credits or gold.
    • Conversion of Elite Experience with additional payment in gold has become more profitable: bonus to Crew Experience increased from 300% to 1,000%. Now 40 Elite Experience plus 1 gold will give you 400 Crews Experience. 
  • Rating or calibrating battles will be available only for vehicles with 100% crew mastery.
  • For devices with keyboard and mouse control, a new option was added: the player can right-click minimap squares when the Ctrl key is held down.
  • The length of time that minimap squares are animated for was increased.
  • In Sniper mode, an inclination marker was added for the reticle depending on the hull position.
  • The HUD (Hеad-Up Display) tab was added to the settings, and several options for the battle interface were transferred to it.
  • On the screen of tournaments that are planned to be streamed, the Streams button was added. Upon tapping this button, the screen with a list of current streams will open.
  • In tournament battles, the spectator will be able to see the names of teams and clan tags in team lists.
  • In spectator mode, it is now possible to switch between tanks by tapping the marker under the tank. When only allies are spectated, only markers of the friendly team can be tapped. When both teams are spectated, the spectator can tap any marker.
  • The battle interface in spectator mode was adapted for devices with low resolution.
Fixed Bugs
  • The interface for iPhone X was improved.
  • A bug, where the turret was not rotating and the tank was unable to shoot after a collision with an enemy vehicle, was fixed.
  • A vehicle selected for the battle is now displayed correctly in the training room.
  • A bug, where the spectator was unable to leave the battle before its end, was fixed for touchscreen devices.
  • A bug, where the camera was stuck to one coordinate upon pressing the Ctrl+C combination in spectator mode, was fixed.
  • Various screens, in-game notifications, and descriptions were revised. General bugs and client crashes were fixed.