Dec 22, 2018
S2ENGINE HD - Bugbuster77
Hi guys,

An user reported us that some resource files inside the s2engine packages, such as models and textures, represent illegal depictions in some countries.

Since these files weren't used in provided sample projects, and they aren't integral part of the products, we proceeded to remove them from all installation packages, without problems and without compromising engine behavior and integrity.

We apologize for the inconvenience,
S2ENGINE HD - mjs^
Well, what a year it has been, 2018 has been our most successful year with the releases of our game packs to the multiple improvements we have made to the engine over the past year. We are far from the stage we were at when we first released.

From the Highs to the Lows, you guys have stuck through it all. Have dealt with some of the dumbest bugs we have ever seen while working on a project. Through all that though we have persevered and made progress on every aspect of the engine.

Enough of 2018 lets take a look at what we have in store for 2019 and beyond.


First off the two biggest improvements and the most time consuming is what we are atleast planning for. Anything else will be a bonus.

- New multithreading system. It will improve frame synchronization, files synchronization, math integrations, physics, etc...also in low-end systems

- Physx 3.0 integration. In addition to the current physics features, the new physics will implement convex hulls, cloths and destroyable meshes
Those are the bare minimum we have planned. Due to the fact these are a time consuming process.


If there is time, we have planned just these little tid bits that I think you guys will enjoy.

- Textures and Level Streaming

- Temporal AA

- Unicode and multilanguage support

- 64 bit support


As for 2020, we currently have two ambitious projects we have had to move.
both of which are:

- VR Support

- C# Support

Now as always, if we have every milestone reached within the year, the first quarter of 2020 will be solely dedicated to C# and VR Support

With all that said, we have big stuff in the upcoming years and plan to grow even more.

Happy Holidays! & A Happy New Year!

Stay tuned guys,
S2ENGINE HD - Bugbuster77

Hi guys,

the development of the next version, 2018.2, is proceeding very well.
Today I would like to share you the current status of the work.

Apart from the usual bunch of bugfixes we have added 3 main improvements:

Working with textures and materials we have noticed that there was a banding problem with low frequencies (dark colors).

After some researches and trials I discovered that the banding was due to loss of information into the deferred buffer due to conversion from gamma to linear color space.

The solution was simple: use sRGB 8bit buffer instead of traditional RGB 8bit buffer for storing deferred colors information.

Results are exactly what I expected

A new tool for terrain editing has been added:
The Terrain "Edit Tiles" tool lets you to add / remove a tile from the terrain.

Simply the core feature of this update :)
I've worked about 2 months on Recast/Detour navigation system mintegration.
Currently the s2engine implementation has following features:
  • Navigation areas: areas with different costs and flags
  • Tiles: Navigation mesh is divided in tiles so it can be applied also on big scenes like terrains

  • Off Mesh Links: there is the possibility to connect two different areas, or two different parts of the same navigation mesh tha aren't directly connected

  • Distributed building: navigation meshes are built is a frame-ditributed way so u can continue to edit while navigation mesh is updating. Navigation meshes are extended for the whole scene BUIT they affect only the part of the scene that are in areas.
  • More than one navigation mesh: Every navigation mesh support agents with a single given dimension, so agents with different dimensions need different navigation meshes. In 2018.2 you can create more then one navigation mesh and, with a simple tool, you can visualize one navigation mesh at time.

Other minor improvements like addition of variables in some gamemachine actions, MoveTo browser option for moving files from a folder to another without corrupting references, and more have been made.

There are other minor things to add before testing the whole and then releasing.
We hope to do this as soon as possbile.

Stay tuned guys,

S2ENGINE HD - Bugbuster77
Hi guys,

Today we are proud to announce that the new DLC "Zombies For S2ENGINE HD" has been released.

We hope this new product could help you in developing the game of your dreams :)

Don't forget to stay tuned and follow us on our STEAM official page:

New fantastic products are on the way.
Enjoy and Stay Tuned!
S2ENGINE HD - Bugbuster77
Hi guys,

During some tests we have discovered that some files of Player Character in the easy game pack DLC had not been properly updated after one of the latest releases.
We have fix them :).

P.s. After 2018.1 release player character files of the Easy Game Pack DLC have changed a bit so a new Starting Tutorial is required.

It will be available soon on YouTube channel:

Do not forget to follow our official Steam Page:

Stay tuned,

A guide has just been created with the first video tutorial:
S2ENGINE HD - Bugbuster77
Hi guys,

Some users reported us that after latest building generator update NewMaterial function crashed the editor.

We have fixed the bug just learned the problem.
Now it all works :)

We apologize for the inconvenience.

Stay tuned,
S2ENGINE HD - Bugbuster77
Hi guys,

We have updated S2ENGINE HD to version 2018.1.16.
In this version we have fixed another bunch of Bugs :)

  • [LEAK FIXED] When open Project, Close Project, open Scene, Close Scene, Quit, create new project, create new scene AND system automatically saves previous unsaved resources, UNDO buffer is left in memory.
  • [BUG FIXED] Crash when trying to attach an object to a customEntity.
  • [BUG FIXED] Crash When cloning a customEntity with attached objects.
  • [NEW] Added vec3Rotate action in GameMachine.
  • [NEW] Added AssignVec3FromFloat action in GameMachine.
  • [BUG FIXED] Crash when loading a scene that contains static resources that reference to level resources removed from a previously closed scene (es. the EasyGamePack warbattle project runtime crashes when loading the level01 scene from menu scene after closed the level02 scene)
  • [NEW] Added Physx Logo in runtime splash screen

Stay tuned,
S2ENGINE HD - Bugbuster77
Hi guys,

Today there is a new small update for fixing some annoying bugs :)

  • [NEW] Added "Next Cutscene" parameter into cutscene tracks editor for automatically playing a cutscene from another cutscene
  • [BUG FIXED] Helper objects do not update Transformations when in game simulation mode
  • [BUG FIXED] "Debug" parameter in Pick action doesn't work
  • [BUG FIXED] "smooth" parameter in "SetObjectLocalPos" action has value "1" at start
  • [BUG FIXED] When Drag'N'Drop a resource on selected object just created inside SceneViewport or drag n drop into selcted object class tab, the object isn't refreshed if Class tab is showed
  • [NEW] Added parameter "smooth" to "LookAt" cutscene track class
  • [BUG FIXED] When renaming a resource from project browser, references in scene objects aren't updated.

Don't forget to stay tuned and follow us on our STEAM official page:

Hoping you appreciate
S2ENGINE HD - Bugbuster77
Hi guys,

We have just updated S2ENGINE HD to 2018.1.14 version.

In this version we have made a massive Debug regarding:
  • Models and animations Importing
  • wav sounds loading
  • GUI editor
  • DDS textures importing
  • Building Generator
  • and much more...
Also many leaks have been fixed regarding editor layout and Building generator.

We also have added some new features like:
  • New game machine action material UV offsetting
  • New "noise" parameters for Cutscene tracks (useful expecially for simulating the "hand-shaking" camera movement effect)
  • New GAMMA control FX tool parameter

  • - [NEW] Added parameter "outputGAMMA" into ToneMapping group of FX postProcessing tool
  • - [NEW] Added parameter "dithering" into FilmGrain group of FX postProcessing tool
  • - [BUG FIXED] Crash when deleting a cutscene while it is playing into a GameMachine
  • - [ISSUE REMOVED] If you select an object from hierarchy tool, NOT all opened tools are updated (just like selecting the object from outliner)
  • - [BUG FIXED] Importer Crashes if imported model/scene has some node/object without a mesh
  • - [NEW] Added report strings if you import models/scenes with some nodes/objects without a mesh
  • - [BUG FIXED] Crash when import a mask with more than 8 bits per channel into a material layer
  • - [NEW] Added report when importing a mask with more than 8 bits per channel into a material layer
  • - [BUG FIXED] When Drag'N'Drop a resource on selected object inside SceneViewport, the object isn't refreshed if Class tab is hidden
  • - [NEW] Added "SetMaterialUVOffset" action in GameMachine
  • - [NEW] Added parameter "Clipper" to light and staticlight class objects
  • - [ISSUE REMOVED] NOT all WAVE files mono/stereo 8/16bits per channel can be loaded.
  • - [NEW] Added "CURSOR_OVER" event in GameMachine
  • - [NEW] Now Buttons send a "CURSOR_OVER" and "CURSOR_OVER_buttonName" events when cursor is over them
  • - [BUG FIXED] GetMousePos action doesn't take into account Main render viewport coordinates
  • - [BUG FIXED] Pick action doesn't work
  • - [NEW] Removed parameter "distance" from Pcik action
  • - [NEW] Added "IsMouseButtonPressed" action in GameMachine
  • - [NEW] Added "hitmask" parameter to Pick action
  • - [NEW] Added "debug" parameter to Pick action
  • - [BUG FIXED] "hitmask" parameter in RayCast action doesn't work
  • - [ISSUE REMOVED] Drag'n'Drop of assets doesn't work on state actions
  • - [NEW] Added "outputFace" parameter to GetHitInfo Action
  • - [BUG FIXED] Drag 'n' Drop of a material onto an object in sceneViewport doesn't work right if Materials visualization is off
  • - [NEW] Now Buttons send a "CURSOR_EXIT_buttonName" events when cursor exists from over state
  • - [LEAK REMOVED] When setting clouds weather texture channels temporary textures aren't deleted completely
  • - [NEW] Added "NoiseAmplitude" and "NoiseFrequency" parameters to cutscene tracks
  • - [BUG FIXED] CutScene Track parameters sliders do not work
  • - [NEW] New system for cutscene name numeration
  • - [NEW] Added an alert for avoiding cutscene name duplication
  • - [NEW] Added "smooth" parameter to cutscene "Rotation" track
  • - [BUG FIXED] Crash when importing FBX animations that contains a root node owning keyframes and checking the flag "CollapseFBX". This happens expecially when exporting from Blender leaving checked "key all bones" option.
  • - [BUG FIXED] Crash when importing non-compressed DDS textures
  • - [BUG FIXED] Crash when importing file contains too many objects
  • - [NEW] Improved report after import procedure dialog text formatting
  • - [ISSUE REMOVED] When creating or selecting a new object "reshape" mode for AI areas objects isn't disabled
  • - [ISSUE REMOVED] When creating or selecting a new object "connect" mode for AI points objects isn't disabled
  • - [ISSUE REMOVED] In the project creation dialog isn't possible to deselect a DLL or an ASSET PACKAGE after it is selected
  • - [LEAK FIXED] When resetting the layout some tabs remain in memory
  • - [BUG FIXED] If you clone a widget from GUIeditor the widget selection is lost from editor treelist and cannot be selected again
  • - [BUG FIXED] If you clone a widget from GUIeditor after freezed or freezed/unfreezed the scene the engine crashes
  • - [BUG FIXED] if you open GUI viewport hiding SceneViewport and then try to clone a widget, the widget isn't cloned.
  • - [BUG FIXED] If you clone a widget from SceneViewport the GUI editor treelist isn't updated

  • - [BUGFIX] When saving the building files the browser isn't updated (resulting prefab seems to be hidden);
  • - [BUGFIX] When creating a new dirty material the dirty mask STX isn't created
  • - [BUGFIX] Building object name inside prefab isn't correctly saved
  • - [BUGFIX] When saving the building prefab the first time and then inserting it into the scene the building model is hidden
  • - [NEW] Added progress dialog when saving the building
  • - [LEAK FIXED] When closing editor some UI controls remain in memory
  • - [LEAK FIXED] When saving a building some meshes and polygons remain in memory
  • - [LEAK FIXED] When update building mesh some few polygons and meshes remain in memory
  • - [BUGFIX] "Window Arc Bend" parameter isn't float
  • - [BUGFIX] "Door Arc Bend" parameter isn't float
  • - [BUGFIX] "Door Arc Bend" parameter has wrong default value

Hoping you appreciate,
S2ENGINE HD - Bugbuster77
Hi guys,

A new update is available today.

  • BUGFIX: If you destroy a hierachy of objects, using SetFlags action with DIED flag, during game simulation, when returning back to editor these hierarchies are compromised
  • BUGFIX: Crash when loading a level during game simulation while DayTime track frame is opened and then exit from game simulation
  • BUGFIX: Strange objects behaviour when FREEZING the scene in-editor. Now the in-editor FREEZE of the scene is decoupled from the in-game FREEZE of the scene objects solving the problems.
  • Added "LayersInsideRange" action in GameMachine
  • Added "ChangeObjectMaterial" action in GameMachine
  • Added "GetPlayer" action in GameMachine
  • Added verbose level (that replaces old "show warnings" flag) for choosing how many lines of LOG file you want to read in editor
  • Added parameter "localCenter" to SendEventInRange action
  • Added parameter "verbose" to Log action
  • Now "Add Action" Dialog has SearchInput enabled just when it appears
  • In FSM events tooltab now, To add an event, you can simply press "return" after inserting the event name
  • In FSM variables tooltab now, To add a variable, you can simply press "return" after inserting the variable name

Hoping you appreciate,