Armored Warfare - Silentstalker

With the summer finally here, we are preparing a lot of fun activities for you, starting today with a new screenshot contest.

The rules are, once again, simple. Make a summer-themed in-game screenshot and submit it to the dedicated contest channel on our Discord.

As to what constitutes summer-themed – beaches, sun, sea... you name it. The picture should invoke the summer vacation spirit even if most of us can’t be on a beach right now.

Make sure that your submission includes your nickname and has the correct size! The authors of the best five submissions will receive the following prizes:
  • 14 days of Premium Time
  • Access to the Rise of the Dragon Battle Path
But that’s not all. Following the end of the contest, we’ll put the best five submissions to a vote on our official Armored Warfare Facebook page and the author of the submission with the most votes will receive a bonus prize: QN-506 Tier 9 Premium TD!

Please note:
  • The contest ends on July 7, 23:59 CEST
  • Only one submission per player is allowed
  • Don’t forget to add your nickname to your submission
  • Each submission must have the resolution of 1024x768 or higher
  • If you own the prize vehicle or access already, you will receive its price in Gold instead
Good luck and see you on the battlefield!
Jun 28, 2022
Armored Warfare - Silentstalker
Previous articles:


Today, we’d like to tell you more about another prize of the Rise of the Dragon Battle Path – the Chinese ZTL-11 Premium Tank Destroyer.

As usual, a bit of history first. The ZTL-11 is, as its name suggests, a wheeled tank destroyer. It is a variant of the eight-wheeled platform that’s also present in Armored Warfare in the form of the ZBL-08 IFV. The development likely started around the year 2000 with a platform prototype appearing in 2006, although this information is mostly speculative. The idea here was to provide China with a modern wheeled platform similar to the American Stryker that would be available in multiple configurations, including a self-propelled gun and a tank destroyer. And that’s what the ZTL designation actually means for the Chinese military:
  • Z – Armored
  • T – Tank Destroyer
  • L – Wheeled
It’s worth noting that some Chinese sources refer to the vehicle as ZLT-11. It’s currently unclear which name is official but the ZTL one is far more widespread and we’ll therefore stick to using that one.

The vehicle was first seen in public in 2013 but was only officially revealed in 2015 during a military parade commemorating the 70th anniversary of the victory over Japan. That means it’s still relatively new and not much information is actually available as most of it is classified. What we do know, however, is that the hull (which is similar to the ZBL-08) carries a new aluminum turret.

The vehicle weighs some 23 tons and has a crew of four. Three crewmembers sit in the turret and one in the hull as usual.

The armor of this vehicle is very basic – a steel welded hull with 20mm to 30mm plates, the turret consists of aluminum alloy plates of roughly 40mm thickness. The vehicle can therefore in its basic form frontally resist heavy machineguns only. Additional modular armor can be mounted on it, but it only consists of relatively thin composite plates, likely increasing the frontal protection to resist 25mm autocannons with the rest of the vehicle being protected against 12.7mm bullets. No ERA or APS is available to this vehicle, only a basic smoke grenade system.

The ZTL-11 is armed with the ZPL-98A 105mm low-recoil rifled gun as the main 125mm caliber would be a bit too much for the light platform. The gun is manually loaded and was likely developed from the famous British Royal Ordnance L7, although this weapon does have a muzzle brake to tame that wild recoil. It can fire the following rounds:
  • DTW-2 APFSDS (6kg penetrator flying at 1530 m/s, capable of penetrating roughly 160mm of RHAe at 2km at 71 degrees)
  • BTA2 APFSDS (5.9kg penetrator flying at 1540 m/s, capable of penetrating roughly 220mm of RHAe at 2km at 66 degrees)
  • DTP1A HEAT with tandem warhead (can allegedly penetrate 460mm to 500mm of armor)
  • GP105 gun-launched missile (it is allegedly based on the Russian Bastion and it is said to be capable of penetrating 550mm to 600mm of armor at up to 5 kilometers)
The vehicle carries approximately 30 rounds. Its fire control is modern but lacks panoramic optics for the commander and therefore the hunter-killer ability. On the other hand, it is fitted with a Chinese Battlefield Management System, making it easy to integrate into modern Chinese formations.

The ZTL-11 is powered by a Deutz BF6M1015C 440hp diesel (or rather its local licensed copy), allowing it to go as fast as 100 km/h. It’s worth noting that this vehicle is amphibious and can swim as fast as 5 km/h. The eight-wheeled suspension steers with the front two wheels, making the ZTL-11 relatively agile. It’s worth noting that some Chinese sources also claim that on the later-produced vehicles, the engine was replaced with the Shanxi 132HB 883hp diesel engine – however, this is most likely not true.

You sometimes see the same vehicle under the designation ZTL-09 since that’s when it allegedly entered service, but it’s quite likely this designation is not correct. The ZTL-11 uses a rather obsolete caliber that’s usable only when firing at softer targets as its ammunition typically cannot defeat modern MBTs frontally. As a fire support vehicle, it has its merits though and can be quite deadly against anything short of a frontal MBT onslaught.

The ZTL-11 Tank Destroyer was allegedly produced in large quantities and up to 950 vehicles of this type might be currently in service in what’s essentially an equivalent of the American Stryker brigades that are supposed to combine extremely high mobility (including water-crossing and off-road capabilities) with some serious firepower. Ironically, the Americans are withdrawing from the concept already due to the issues connected to it – whether the Chinese will follow suit remains to be seen.

In Armored Warfare, the ZTL-11 will be a Tier 9 Premium Tank Destroyer.

Unlike the ZTZ-20 with its new mechanics, the ZTL-11 will be quite straightforward. This is a classic wheeled Tank Destroyer with all the advantages (and drawbacks) of this vehicle’s class. It will have thin armor protecting it against autocannons only without any additional protective measures. It will also have limited agility due to its eight-wheel suspension.

However, it will be fast (99 km/h maximum speed) and rapidly accelerating thanks to its low weight and relatively powerful engine. And, most importantly, it will have a powerful 105mm gun on par with the ZTQ-15 Light Tank – it’s not the same weapon but the performance will roughly be similar.

Add to it its decent viewrange (400 meters), camouflage (30 percent) and the Zero In active ability and what you’ll have is a decent gun-based Tank Destroyer that will be deadly at long distances. We hope you’ll enjoy it and, as always:

See you on the battlefield!
Jun 23, 2022
Armored Warfare - Silentstalker

Today we’ve prepared the following items for you:
  • Type 10 Tier 10 Premium Main Battle Tank
  • ZTQ-15 Tier 9 Premium Light Tank (and the Electra and Serenity skins for it available separately)
  • Sea Dragon skin for the Type 99A Main Battle Tank
  • VT-5 Tier 9 Premium Light Tank
  • Type 89 Tier 7 Premium Armored Fighting Vehicle
  • K21 Tier 8 Premium Armored Fighting Vehicle
  • Pile of Gold Loot Crate (with new Key mechanics)
Between June 23 and 30, 2022, the following items will be available:

Type 10

The Type 10 MBT is the most modern Japanese Main Battle Tank in service and one of the most advanced war machines in the world. Using sophisticated electronics and crystalline steel armor, this tank is more than a match for any enemy that would threaten the islands of Japan. You can learn more about it in our dedicated article.

In Armored Warfare, the Type 10 is a Tier 10 Premium Main Battle Tank. What puts it apart from the other MBTs of its Tier is its special NERA armor. This highly-mobile MBT starts every battle well-armored, but the protection levels decrease with every shot taken. Additionally, this MBT features a special system that tells you the exact chance to penetrate your target. Overall, it’s one of the most powerful MBTs of its Tier and certainly a good choice for players, who prefer rapid action to slow advances.

The Type 10 Tier 10 Premium MBT is available in our Web Shop via Loot Crates. Collect 100 blueprint pieces from these crates to obtain the vehicle.


The ZTQ-15 is the current most modern domestic Chinese Light Tank and is reserved for the Chinese military only with its export counterpart, VT-5, offered for export. The ZTQ-15 Light Tank is intended to be used in mountainous regions of China where standard MBTs are all but impossible to operate. You can learn more about it in our dedicated article.

In Armored Warfare, the ZTQ-15 is a Tier 9 Premium Light Tank. It combines excellent mobility with plenty of firepower as well as adequate protection for its Tier and vehicle class. It also features several neat elements that increase its value on the battlefield, such as its active suspension and the ability to launch guided missiles from its gun or its advanced ERA. For players who prefer fast-paced, high-risk and high-reward combat style, it’s one of the best options out there.

We are separately offering the brand-new Electra skin for this vehicle in a bundle, which includes:
  • Electra skin for the ZTQ-15 LT
  • 14 days of Premium Time
  • 3.000 Gold

The Serenity skin for this vehicle is also available in a similar bundle:
  • Serenity skin for the ZTQ-15 LT
  • 14 days of Premium Time
  • 3.000 Gold

Sea Dragon skin for Type 99A

This gorgeous sea dragon-themed blue skin is available for the Type 99A Tier 9 progression Main Battle Tank. Harness the ferocity of this mighty mystical animal and intimidate your enemies with your awesome war paint!

This skin is available as a part of a bundle, which contains the following items:
  • Sea Dragon skin for the Type 99A MBT
  • 3 days of Premium Time
  • 500 Gold


The VT-5 is a modern Chinese Light Tank that was developed specifically with export in mind. There are many reasons why a country without its own tank development should opt to purchase a Light Tank instead of a full-scale Main Battle Tank. It’s equally as fast if not faster with equal firepower but, what is most important, it is affordable. The VT-5 excels in all these categories. While its armor cannot match that of an MBT, it can protect its crew against most infantry threats thanks to its ERA and cage armor sets. It also has a powerful 105mm gun capable of firing guided missiles, it is packed with advanced electronics and is supremely agile thanks to its 1000hp diesel engine. Simply put, wraps cutting edge technologies up into an affordable bundle. You can learn more about it in a dedicated article.

In Armored Warfare, the VT-5 is a very powerful Tier 9 Premium Light Tank. Fast and agile, it features solid levels of protection (the configuration in the game is the one featuring the ERA kit as well as the turret cage armor) and a good rate of fire. Additionally, its gun is capable of firing guided missiles. It’s an ideal machine for players who value speed and agility, as it offers plenty of both. The VT-5 is capable of dancing around its opponents on the battlefield, outperforming even some AFVs in mobility.

Type 89

The Type 89 Infantry Fighting Vehicle is the current Japanese service IFV. It was built in very small numbers between 1989 and 2004. The low-production meant that, with the development costs sunk into it, each unit was incredibly expensive. In fact, to date, the Type 89 is the most expensive IFV in the world. Otherwise it’s generally unremarkable – last generation steel armor, a 35mm autocannon and massive guided missiles (that were also meant for landing ship destruction instead of just anti-tank combat) are generally being all phased out by now. The Type 89 is, however, still waiting for its replacement. You can read more about it in our dedicated article.

In Armored Warfare, the Type 89 is a Tier 7 Premium Armored Fighting Vehicle that is capable of not only deploying Mechanized Infantry, but also to destroy its targets at long distances using its powerful guided missiles. It is also fast and maneuverable, but does not feature thick armor.


The K21 is a modern Infantry Fighting Vehicle, designed to replace the K200 series in the Korean Army. It features good protection and a hi-tech weapon system with the "hunter-killer" capability. You can read more about it in our dedicated article.

In Armored Warfare, the K21 is a Tier 8 Premium Armored Fighting Vehicle. In the game, it is an IFV with solid protection and firepower, but also excellent mobility. It carries Mechanized Infantry.

Pile of Gold

We also have the Pile of Gold Loot Crate for you. This Loot Crate contains copious amounts of Gold for you to win.

This Loot Crate includes:
  • 250.000 Gold
  • 100.000 Gold
  • 50.000 Gold
  • 10.000 Gold
  • 5.000 Gold
  • 1.000 Gold
  • 500 Gold
  • 100 Gold
Starting today, we’re implementing a new mechanic to the MY.GAMES Market Loot Crates (no worries – the in-game crates will remain the same). The mechanic is simple – instead of purchasing the Loot Crates, you purchase keys to them, which you then use to unlock them.

However, please note:
  • Discounts do not apply to Loot Crates, but rather to Keys
  • It is possible to buy multiple keys for a single chest type
  • Keys belong to individual Loot Crates (that is, a key to a Commander Loot Crate purchased now is not guaranteed to work on a Commander Loot Crate a month down the line)
  • Keys can be found in a separate Market section

We hope that you will enjoy the offer and, as always:

See you on the battlefield!
Armored Warfare - Silentstalker

The Rise of the Dragon Battle Path is coming this summer with all its epic prizes!

You can, however, secure your place in it even today and with a discount no less, as three bundles are available on MY.GAMES Market:
  • Rise of the Dragon access
  • Rise of the Dragon access with 50.000 Battle Coins (with 5.000 free Battle Coins as a bonus)
  • Rise of the Dragon access with 10 Battle Coin boosters
Please note that, after the purchase, the bundles need to be activated at MY.GAMES Market until the launch of the Battle Path.

What awaits you in this Battle Path?
  • Four new vehicles (ZTZ-20, ZTL-11, VN-17 and ZBD-04A)
  • New skins
  • New camouflages, decals and other prizes
The Battle Coin Shop makes a return, this time with improved stock, including previously unavailable Premium vehicles.

See you on the battlefield!
Armored Warfare - Silentstalker

We are happy to announce that the Update 0.38.9119 is now available!

List of Update 0.38.9119 Changes
  • Fixed an issue where firing 57mm autocannons would cause significant drops in performance (also known as the “autocannon lag” issue)
  • Tanks obtainable during various events or sales are now marked with a special button
  • Fixed the appearance of the German “Ambush” camouflage
  • Added a number of assets for future events
  • Fixed some small UI issues
  • Fixed some smaller localization issues
Please note that this update may cause an abnormal amount of false anti-virus detections on some systems. We apologize for the inconvenience and are working on correcting the issue.

See you on the battlefield!
Armored Warfare - Silentstalker
Previous articles:

In our previous Battle Path articles (linked above), we have unveiled the basic concept behind the upcoming Rise of the Dragon Battle Path – to implement various rewards related to different eras of China in chronological order, starting from the pre-war period. In this part, we’ll tell you more about the prize bloc dedicated to PLA’s rapid development.

As a result of the Soviet help with Chinese arms industry, China received a large number of T-34 tanks (designated Type 58 in Chinese service) followed by a large number of T-54A tanks, which served and were later license-produced under the name of Type 59. By the time they reached China, these tanks were hardly the most powerful ones in the world, but were still quite sufficient for their purposes and taught the Chinese engineers valuable lessons in tank design, influencing the Chinese tank industry for decades to come.

The Type 59 was first introduced to the public during the great Chinese national parade in 1959. The original model production, however, only took place between 1957 and 1960 in Baotou (located in the Beijing military area), although more advanced models were in mass production ran until the 1980s, with an estimated 10 thousand vehicles with various modifications produced, becoming the most numerous tank in Chinese service for the next few decades. Originally, these tanks were painted in the usual Green color, but later on the factories switched to the three-tone camouflage that became extremely common in the PLA.

This camouflage will be the first of the prizes introduced in this Battle Path reward part. It consists of black, sand and olive green stripes and was applied until the dawn of digital camouflages in the 1990s. You’ll be able to apply it to all vehicles as usual.

But let us get back to the story of China. In the late 1950s, clouds started gathering over the two great allies. Due to their ideological differences, the relations between China and the Soviet Union deteriorated in the 1960s practically to the point of open conflict. A side-effect of this situation was that the Chinese were left in a bad place, unable to get access to advanced Soviet technologies while being alienated from the west at the same time due to their support of communist regimes in Asia and the Vietnam War. For the Chinese armor industry, there were several pivotal moments, most notably the Damansky Island incident and, the Vietnam War with all its lessons.

Let us stop here for a short moment though – the Damansky island incident. In the March of 1969, the Chinese and the Soviets were practically in a state of open warfare around the Ussuri river border. Skirmishes were relatively commonplace and the events culminated on March 2 in nearly a two-week-long full-scale conflict over a river island called Damansky (or Zhenbao in Chinese).

The battle involved APCs, tanks and even heavy artillery and resulted effectively in a draw with both sides claiming victory. Both sides lost roughly 60 men, but, more importantly, one of Russia’s relatively new T-62 tanks was disabled in the fighting and despite the best Soviet efforts to retrieve it, it was captured by the Chinese and brought back to Beijing. This T-62 No.545 then became a valuable source of research information as it was taken apart and studied extensively by the Chinese military and scientists. Afterwards, it ended in a museum.

Which brings us to the second prize of this segment – the T-62 No.545 will be a skin for the T-62 Tier 3 progression Main Battle Tank.

It’s a simple skin consisting of the Soviet khaki color and the white tactical number “545” along with its battle-worn surface. As the tank was so important for the Chinese development, we couldn’t have passed the opportunity to introduce it to Armored Warfare in this form.

The lessons learned from the T-62 as well as the Vietnam War and the 1979 Sino-Vietnamese war unveiled a number of issues with the tactics and armor the Chinese deployed and led to the rapid development of both. Even though the Chinese military industry tried to get their hands on modern technologies however they could, the isolation left some Chinese technology branches a decade or more behind their Soviet and western counterparts. During this era, China mostly focused on upgrading what they had, especially the Type 59 tank.

This would only change during the Thawing era as the relations between China, the Soviet Union and the west improved. Especially the late 1970s and the 1980s saw a military development boom with more and more advanced technologies becoming available to the Chinese, both from Europe (105mm NATO standard gun) and from Russia (125mm smoothbore). The development ran in two directions:
  • Upgrades of existing tanks (Type 59 upgrades leading to the popular Type 69 export tank)
  • Design of new weapons (wheeled tank destroyers, modern domestic tanks such as the Type 88, modern export tanks such as the Type 85 and Type 90-II)
During this period, China became a major armor exporter with massive amounts of tanks sold across the world.

But let us get back to the prototypes because the third phase we want to tell you about is the Chinese Experimental camouflage as seen on a Type 99 prototype called 9910.

While not historically valuable (this type of camouflage never went into mass use), we hope that you find these gorgeous spots of sand color over a green surface as pretty as we did.

And that’s it for the main prizes. Other prizes of this segment include:
  • Flag of the PLA Ground Forces
  • Decal with the name “Dong Cunrui”, another mythical soldier figure of the Chinese Civil War
Next time, we’ll continue taking a look at more vehicle prizes as well as the prizes of the next prize segment called Chinese Marines.

See you on the battlefield!
Jun 22, 2022
Armored Warfare - Silentstalker
On the 23rd of June 2022, starting from 8:00 CEST, the server will not be available for 4 hours due to a planned server maintenance.

Please note that the maintenance can be extended beyond the abovementioned timeframe. We apologize for the inconvenience.

The in-game Global Chat is still temporarily disabled. To communicate with the community, please visit our Discord channel.
Jun 22, 2022
Armored Warfare - Silentstalker

Today, we’d like to tell you more about the top prize of the Rise of the Dragon Battle Path – the Chinese ZTZ-20 Premium Main Battle Tank.

This is an exceedingly rare tank that was imported from China by Perihelion – a true masterpiece of engineering that can only be found serving with Chinese elite units guarding Beijing. How did Murdoch’s people get their hands on one is a mystery but a quick examination showed it was made using advanced technologies, some of which are not available at all in the United States of America of 2028.

So much for Armored Warfare lore, now for the real history – let’s address the elephant in the room. The ZTZ-20 Main Battle Tank does not exist. It is a vehicle made-up by a Chinese internet user who posted a full fictional history along with its technical descriptions on the internet. It’s unclear when the original post appeared; the estimate is around 2016-2017. The idea was to create a “future MBT for the Chinese armed forces” and the author was clearly inspired by the Russian Armata.

The hull bears a strong resemblance to it and the design features a number of elements taken directly from the T-14, such as the unmanned turret design and the armored crew capsule. On the other hand, there are some relatively strange solutions in there as well, such as the ATGM launchers in the turret that are retractable but cannot be loaded without someone doing it manually from the outside. The carousel loading mechanism is a bit strange as well and there are a myriad of other details betraying the fact the author of the vehicle wasn’t an actual tank designer. Nevertheless, the concept has gained a lot of popularity on the Chinese internet over the years and we’ve decided to give it a try and introduce it as a playable vehicle.

As we posted before, in Armored Warfare, the ZTZ-20 is going a Tier 10 Premium Main Battle Tank with a rather unique twist.

The overall concept of the tank will resemble that of the other Chinese MBTs in Armored Warfare, such as the Type 99B. Unlike the others, however, this MBT will be protected by the following elements:
  • Unmanned turret taking reduced damage
  • NERA armor making it quite durable during the initial stages of fighting
  • Full smoke grenade cover (360 degrees)
  • Advanced hard-kill APS
On the downside the basic armor will become quite thin once the NERA elements are spent. Not to worry though, the ammo rack weakspot the Type 99 series is famous for in the game will not make an appearance (on the contrary, we’ll fix the issue on the other vehicles of the Type 99 series).

Mobility is a staple of Chinese MBTs and this one will be no exception. We’re looking at something similar to Type 99A2 despite the weight of 59 tons. The ZTZ-20 will be powered by a 1630hp diesel engine giving it the maximum speed of whopping 90 km/h with the following additional values:
  • Acceleration from 0 to 32 km/h: 4.81s
  • Hull traverse: 44.7 deg/s
As you can see, it will be one of the most agile and fast-accelerating Tier 10 MBTs in the game. Additionally, two of the three Active Abilities available to it will also make it move faster: Override and Top Speed.

And, finally, we come to the firepower. The tank will allow you to choose between two weapons:
  • 125mm smoothbore cannon
  • 140mm smoothbore cannon
The 125mm gun is mostly intended for PvE. Performance-wise, it’s on par with the Type 99A2’s gun, including its famous HEAT rounds with 1000mm penetration and 930 damage per shot. The reload time and the subsequent damage output will be roughly similar to the Type 99A2, although the gun-launched ATGMs are missing here.

The 140mm gun is, on the other hand, intended for PvP, trading the damage per minute value for increased damage per shot and APFSDS penetration. This gun will fire both APFSDS (835mm penetration, 945 damage) and HEAT rounds (950mm penetration, 1181 damage).

Both guns will be able to elevate to +14 degrees and depress to -7 degrees. But that’s still not all as the tank will feature a unique system – Phosphorus Missiles.

That’s right; those ATGMs at the back of the turret are no ordinary ATGMs. You have four of them in your launcher – they can be fired once per 3.5 seconds followed by 25 seconds of reload. The way they work is relatively simple. They fly either into a target directly or over a target (much like the overflight attack missiles do) and explode, dealing meager damage but covering a wide area around the impact point with white phosphorus.

White phosphorus works the same way as it does in WP artillery rounds:
  • The camouflage of hostile targets in the affected area will be reduced to zero, which will cause them to become immediately spotted
  • Anyone in the affected area will take damage over time (260 damage over 10 seconds)
  • The damage over time can disrupt the base-capturing process
The first point is the true purpose of these missiles – they can be fired at suspected enemy locations to get rid of those pesky scouts hiding in the bushes or “hero” MBTs “supporting” their lighter comrades from behind the lines. It’s worth noting that these missiles behave just like other ATGMs and are therefore susceptible to hostile APS.

Utility-wise, the tank will have access to the two abovementioned Active Abilities as well as the Rapid Fire one. It’ll also feature solid camouflage (22%) and viewrange (365m) for its class.

In summation, the ZTZ-20 will be a highly practical and versatile MBT with two configurations and a unique ability. Thanks to the combination of solid armor, excellent mobility and adequate firepower, it’ll have a chance to succeed on any battlefield and in any mode. We hope that you’ll enjoy it and, as always:

See you on the battlefield!
Armored Warfare - Silentstalker

In our effort to improve the game, we'd like to ask for your feedback regarding several aspects of the game. Please take a few minutes to fill the survey below:

Thank you and see you on the battlefield!
Armored Warfare - Silentstalker

This week, we’ve prepared another set of attractive items for you:
  • Panzer 87-140 Tier 10 Premium Main Battle Tank
  • Challenger 2 Streetfighter II Tier 10 Premium Main Battle Tank
  • Leopard 2 Revolution Tier 8 Premium Main Battle Tank
  • Marder 2 Tier 8 Premium Armored Fighting Vehicle
  • Kampfpanzer 70 Tier 6 Premium Main Battle Tank
  • Commander Loot Crate (with new Key mechanics)
Between June 16 and 23, 2022, the following items will be available:

Panzer 87-140

The Panzer 87-140 is an experimental version of Panzer 87 (Swiss Leopard 2A4), fitted with a RUAG 140mm smoothbore cannon and an armor kit called WE. It was developed in the 1980s and early 1990s to counter the next generation of Soviet MBTs, but with the collapse of the Soviet Union, the project was shelved, only to resurface around 2005-2006 but never passing the experimental stage. You can read more about it in our dedicated article.

In Armored Warfare, the Panzer 87-140 is a Tier 10 Premium Main Battle Tank. Much like other Leopard series MBTs, it’s a long-range fighter with an extremely powerful gun and the ability to fire with pinpoint accuracy. Even though its armor leaves much to be desired, at long range, this MBT has few equals and can be considered one of the best snipers of its class.

The Panzer 87-140 Tier 10 Premium MBT is available in our Web Shop via Loot Crates. Collect 100 blueprint pieces from these crates to obtain the vehicle.

Challenger 2 Streetfighter II

The Streetfighter II is an upgrade program to overhaul the venerable Challenger 2 Main Battle Tank for the conditions of modern battlefields, especially urban combat. It features a number of improvements and extra components, most notably a dozer blade, a Brimstone ATGM twin launcher and an advanced camera system by Elbit. You can read more about it in our dedicated article.

In Armored Warfare, the Challenger 2 Streetfighter is a Tier 10 Premium Main Battle Tank. Its main advantages include excellent frontal armor (enhanced by the presence of its dozer blade covering its lower frontal plate), increased ramming damage and long range lethality, courtesy of a powerful ATGM launcher. Whether you desire to bring the fighting up close or support other MBTs at distance, the Streetfighter’s got your back.

The Challenger 2 Streetfighter II Tier 10 Premium MBT is available in our Web Shop via Loot Crates. Collect 100 blueprint pieces from these crates to obtain the vehicle.

Leopard 2 Revolution

The Leopard 2 Revolution is a continuation of the older Evolution upgrade, intended to improve the performance of the older variants of the Leopard 2 Main Battle Tank in order to make it excel even on the battlefields of the 21st century. The improvements include a comprehensive armor upgrade, ROSY soft-kill APS and smoke grenade launchers as well as an entire suite of cutting edge electronics. You can read more about it in our dedicated article.

In Armored Warfare, the Leopard 2 Revolution is a Tier 8 Main Battle Tank. It is not only well-armored, it also features an extremely accurate 120mm gun with advanced ammunition, allowing it to destroy its opponents at very long ranges, rivaling those of Tank Destroyers. The German tanks in general perform best at longer ranges and the Revolution is no exception.

Marder 2

The Marder 2 was an experimental German IFV, developed in the late 1980s to replace the aging Marder IFV. It featured more armor, a new turret and a brand-new Rheinmetall dual-caliber autocannon that could fire both 35mm and 50mm rounds. Despite its qualities, the vehicle was never accepted in service due to its high cost and because it was no longer needed because of the fall of the Soviet Union. A single surviving prototype can be found today in the Koblenz military collection. You can read more about it in our dedicated article.

In Armored Warfare, the Marder 2 is a Tier 8 Armored Fighting Vehicle. With its 44 tons, it’s one of the heaviest and toughest AFVs around. Unlike many other AFVs of its Tier, it is not armed with guided missiles, relying instead on its extremely powerful 50mm autocannon. This vehicle can also deploy Mechanized Infantry.

Kampfpanzer 70

The Kampfpanzer 70 is the German sibling of the MBT-70. Back in the 1960s, the Germans and the Americans cooperated on the creation of a new, highly advanced Main Battle Tank, armed with a powerful 152mm gun and cutting edge technology. The project was a failure and the tank was never adopted for several reasons, including an extremely high price. You can read more about it in our dedicated article.

In Armored Warfare, the Kampfpanzer 70 is a Tier 6 Premium Main Battle Tank, just like the MBT-70. Although both vehicles generally look the same way, there are some differences. For one, the Kampfpanzer 70 cannot fire the Shillelagh guided missiles, but can use HE ammunition, making it truly deadly against lightly armored opponents.

Commander Loot Crate

This week, we’ve prepared another special offer for you in the form of a brand new Commander Loot Crate, featuring, amongst other things, some of the rarest commanders in the game!

This Loot Crate gives you the opportunity to obtain the following items:
  • Commander Ofelia Kitescu
  • Commander Austin Harper
  • Commander Alexander Cortez
  • Commander Alisa Korhonen
  • Commander Erin O’Connell
  • Commander Jorge Alvarez
  • Commander Joshua Seagrove
  • Commander Fyodor Sokolov
  • Platinum Commander XP Insignia tokens
  • Gold Commander XP Insignia tokens
We’re implementing a new mechanic to the MY.GAMES Market Loot Crates (no worries – the in-game crates will remain the same). The mechanic is simple – instead of purchasing the Loot Crates, you purchase keys to them, which you then use to unlock them.

However, please note:
  • Discounts do not apply to Loot Crates, but rather to Keys
  • It is possible to buy multiple keys for a single chest type
  • Keys belong to individual Loot Crates (that is, a key to a Commander Loot Crate purchased now is not guaranteed to work on a Commander Loot Crate a month down the line)
  • Keys can be found in a separate Market section

We hope that you will enjoy the offer and, as always:

See you on the battlefield!