Armored Warfare - Silentstalker

Some time ago, we’ve implemented another round of our major model overhauls featuring the T-72B MBT and today we’d like to tell you more about the changes we made to its older counterpart, the T-72A and its multiple variants that are available in the game.

The T-72A is the first major upgrade over the original T-72 Ural. The biggest difference was the addition of thick composite inlays to its turret. The composite armor elements gave the front turret its notable "cheeks" (by which it can generally be recognized), leading to the western nickname of this model: Dolly Parton. Additional improvements included an upgraded 125mm smoothbore gun, upgraded optics, a new engine and several other upgrades. It’s one of the most common T-72 models still in service also thanks to the fact it was widely exported and its export versions were even license-produced abroad in large numbers. You can read more about it in our dedicated article.

Regarding its Armored Warfare model, the biggest problem it currently faces is the turret shape. The turret of this very old model is based on the earlier T-72 Ural and therefore lacks the typically wide frontal inlays. In this sense, the T-72A model somewhat resembles the T-72M, an export version of the T-72A without the composite turret inlays.

In Update 0.35, we’ll be correcting that mistake and will be giving the T-72A its proper turret. The vehicle will represent a mid-1980s configuration as seen on the photo above. Plus the later ERA kit, of course. Let’s start with the basics. The textures have been of course upgraded and the hull was properly remodeled to make it look the part. You can clearly see the difference:

The ERA kit has been updated as well and now features the correct layout:

As for the turret, we’ve made it protrude more to the back and corrected the shape based on its real-life specs, as you can see below. The turret also received improved optics models (we have modeled the “trench” for the laser rangefinder) and a heavy anti-aircraft machinegun facing backwards:

The smoke grenades launchers are now full. Note also the new “armor” on the top of the turret. That’s not really an extra armor plate, that’s a radiation liner. Note also how the stock variant now has proper stowage spaced instead of the snorkel tube on the left side of the turret with the tube being moved to the back of the vehicle:

We updated the engine deck and the rear of the model.

And, last but definitely not least, the T-72A now features a shell ejection animation, much like the T-72B:

These changes will of course affect the appearance of various Premium T-72AV variants based on the T-72A model:

The changes also do affect the separate vehicles based on the T-72A hull and turret. In this instance, the T-72M2 Wilk:

That’s it for today’s article. When it comes to Update 0.35, we’re still not done with Soviet and Russian vehicles yet, but that’s a story for another time. In the meanwhile, we hope you’ll enjoy this update and, as always:

See you on the battlefield!
Feb 25, 2021
Armored Warfare - Silentstalker

This week, we’ve prepared another set of attractive items for you:
  • Panzer 87-140 Tier 10 Premium Main Battle Tank (available from blueprint Loot Crates)
  • Swiss Digital Camouflage
  • Leclerc T40 Tier 9 Premium Tank Destroyer
  • Leopard Revolution Tier 8 Premium Main Battle Tank
  • Marder 2 Tier 8 Premium Armored Fighting Vehicle
  • Pile of Gold Loot Crate
Between February 25 and March 4, 2021, the following items will be available:

Panzer 87-140

The Panzer 87-140 is an experimental version of Panzer 87 (Swiss Leopard 2A4), fitted with a RUAG 140mm smoothbore cannon and an armor kit called WE. It was developed in the 1980s and early 1990s to counter the next generation of Soviet MBTs, but with the collapse of the Soviet Union, the project was shelved, only to resurface around 2005-2006 but never passing the experimental stage. You can read more about it in our dedicated article.

In Armored Warfare, the Panzer 87-140 is a Tier 10 Premium Main Battle Tank. Much like other Leopard series MBTs, it’s a long-range fighter with an extremely powerful gun and the ability to fire with pinpoint accuracy. Even though its armor leaves much to be desired, at long range, this MBT has few equals and can be considered one of the best snipers of its class.

The Panzer 87-140 Tier 10 Premium MBT is available in our Web Shop via Loot Crates. Collect 100 blueprint pieces from these crates to obtain the vehicle.

Swiss Digital Camouflage

This is a Swiss digital camouflage that will go very well with your Panzer 87-140 MBT, but also a standard Leopard 2, also used by the Swiss military.

The camouflage is available in a bundle, containing:
  • Swiss digital camouflage
  • 14 days of Premium Time
  • 2.000 Gold
This camouflage can be installed on any vehicle that has the camouflage customization feature available, and can be used in all three environments.

Leclerc T40

Sometimes called the French Terminator, this vehicle was designed on the Leclerc MBT chassis with one purpose in mind – to accompany tanks and fight off infantry attacks the same way as the Russian BMPT series does. You can read more about it in our dedicated article.

In Armored Warfare, the Leclerc T40 is a Tier 9 Premium Tank Destroyer. It offers you a combination of a durable hull, rapid-fire 40mm automatic cannon and, most importantly, the Javelin missile system. Simply right-click the target, wait until it becomes locket and fire the Javelin ATGM – it will home itself on the target, attacking its weak roof armor. Thanks to this ability, the Leclerc T40 is one of the most destructive vehicles in the game.

Leopard 2 Revolution

The Leopard 2 Revolution is a continuation of the older Evolution upgrade, intended to improve the performance of the older variants of the Leopard 2 Main Battle Tank in order to make it excel even on the battlefields of the 21st century. The improvements include a comprehensive armor upgrade, ROSY soft-kill APS and smoke grenade launchers as well as an entire suite of cutting edge electronics. You can read more about it in our dedicated article.

In Armored Warfare, the Leopard 2 Revolution is a Tier 8 Main Battle Tank. It is not only well-armored, it also features an extremely accurate 120mm gun with advanced ammunition, allowing it to destroy its opponents at very long ranges, rivaling those of Tank Destroyers. The German tanks in general perform best at longer ranges and the Revolution is no exception.

Marder 2

The Marder 2 was an experimental German IFV, developed in the late 1980s to replace the aging Marder IFV. It featured more armor, a new turret and a brand-new Rheinmetall dual-caliber autocannon that could fire both 35mm and 50mm rounds. Despite its qualities, the vehicle was never accepted in service due to its high cost and because it was no longer needed because of the fall of the Soviet Union. A single surviving prototype can be found today in the Koblenz military collection. You can read more about it in our dedicated article.

In Armored Warfare, the Marder 2 is a Tier 8 Armored Fighting Vehicle. With its 44 tons, it’s one of the heaviest and toughest AFVs around. Unlike many other AFVs of its Tier, it is not armed with guided missiles, relying instead on its extremely powerful 50mm autocannon. This vehicle can also deploy Mechanized Infantry.

Pile of Gold

This Loot Crate contains copious amounts of Gold for you to win, now available with 20% discount!

This Loot Crate includes:
  • 250.000 Gold
  • 100.000 Gold
  • 50.000 Gold
  • 10.000 Gold
  • 5.000 Gold
  • 1.000 Gold
  • 500 Gold
  • 100 Gold

We hope that you will enjoy the offer and, as always:

See you on the battlefield!
Armored Warfare - Silentstalker

With the updates scheduled for Update 0.34 almost finished, it’s the right time to start taking a look at what comes next. In Update 0.35, due mid-March, we’ll be introducing several new features with the first one being a new Mission Contract. While the missions that’ll come as a part of it will remain mostly unchanged compared to the Stalker ones, the prize will change most definitely. The next vehicle obtainable this way will be the T-90A Burlak MBT.

The Burlak (named after the famous pre-20th century river boat tuggers of Russia) was a 2005 to 2009 program by the KBTM design bureau in Omsk to develop a unified modern two-man combat module (turret), usable on multiple Russian Army MBTs, including the T-72, T-80 and T-90 series. It resulted from a contest between Omsk and Uralvagonzavod, which Omsk won due to the fact that:
  • They (unlike UVZ) submitted unrealistically low cost estimates for the program
  • They strongly used the experience from previous development programs (most notably the Black Eagle) as a leverage in their favor
  • Omsk was, at the time, in a difficult financial situation and the program was effectively a government subsidy to keep the lights on
Considering the last point, some strongly suspect that the program was never a serious development as the costs to replace the turrets of hundreds of tanks this way would have been staggering. Such hidden subsidies aren’t uncommon in the Russian military-industrial complex (or in other countries, for that matter). Either way, the unified turret was indeed developed.

This turret included a new automatic loading mechanism that would feed the main gun from an ammo rack located (quite atypically) in the turret bustle. This was important due to the fact that the T-72/90 series and T-64/80 series did not have the same automatic loading mechanisms and this design would remedy that, eliminating the need to produce the spare parts for and to maintain two different systems.

The entire mechanism was located in the turret in order to make sure the turret can be used on multiple hull types. On the downside, the turret is considerably longer with a long rear protrusion housing the ammunition. What was truly interesting about the automatic loading mechanism design was the fact that it was effectively a dual feed system. This was technically not a new concept – the same solution had been previously used in the Object 640 demonstrator, also by Omsk. It allowed switching between shell types quite fast thanks a special two-round storage system.

Another interesting element, noticeable at first glance, was the interesting ERA design, placed in an opposite to the usual Russian designs such as the Kontakt-5. The ERA panels protrude outward from the turret from bottom to top rather than from top to bottom, creating a very distinctive look that’s difficult to mistake for any other design. This armor was also highly modular and easy to replace in combat, or even upgrade to more effective ERA designs that would come in the future. The ERA installed was a system called Kaktus, or some further development thereof.

The turret itself was new, welded, with frontal composite elements. The basic turret form resembled the T-90A, only with a massive bustle with blow-out panels and ERA fixtures. The gunner sat on the left side of the turret, the commander on the right side. Additional protective measures included the option to install the Shtandart hard-kill APS (the same type installed on the Object 195) and, of course, smoke grenade launchers.

And last but not least, there’s the remotely controlled anti-aircraft Kord 12.7mm machinegun located on the right side of the turret. The turret was intended to be armed with modern 125mm 2A46M-5 smoothbore cannon (the same type used on the T-90A post-2005) and was intended to carry modern FCS and optics (also coming from the T-90MS or even T-80BVM). The commander had a panoramic sight system akin to the PKP-72 model at his disposal.

The patents for this design were submitted between 2008 and 2009 and the appearance of the turret caused quite a stir back then, especially in Ukraine, where various experts loudly announced that Russia was copying the modular armor development from BM Oplot. That was not the case, but the whole situation nevertheless turned into a major internet drama.

At least one prototype was built and tested on a T-72B chassis in 2008 or 2009, even though it differed considerably from the previous renders and patents. This prototype did not have some of the envisaged parts and the APS layout was different. The whole thing weighed some 49.5 tons, which was an extremely important requirement due to the limitations of Russia’s transport planes. The photo was leaked in 2011. The prototype was in any case unfinished and nowhere near test-ready.

At that point, the project ran into serious difficulties. The Omsk design bureau, facing long-standing financial difficulties, would eventually be incorporated into Uralvagonzavod, which meant that UVZ had two more or less competing projects available at the same time – the results of the Burlak program and its own variants of the T-90M Proryv-2 development, specifically the T-90MS. Under the circumstances, the Burlak project was not seen as viable. At the end of 2009, the entire program was closed.

In Armored Warfare, the T-90 Burlak will be a Tier 8 Premium Main Battle Tank.

But before we get into any details, here’s the usual disclaimer:

The numbers below are very preliminary as the vehicle has not been properly tested. They are sure to change and should only be discussed as an indicator of how we’d like to set the vehicle up.

With that being said:

Unlike the real life prototype, we decided to position the Burlak turret on a more modern and viable platform, the T-90A. As such, the vehicle will resemble the T-90A in many aspects, although there will of course be some differences to make it more unique.

Protection-wise, the Burlak will lack T-90A’s Shtora-2 soft-kill APS (and therefore the supercharged soft-kill APS ability), but will be instead equipped with the Shtandart APS you know from Object 195. This “prototype Afganit” will not come with the supercharged hard-kill APS ability. It will, however, be possible to install an additional progression upgrade increasing module protection and repair speed.

Firepower-wise, we’re looking at a T-90A gun with -5 degrees depression and +14 degrees elevation. The gun will of course be automatically loaded and here’s where this tank’s special feature comes in. The T-90A Burlak will feature a special two-round Ready Rack where both rounds have their separate loading timers. Firing one round does not reset the Ready Rack timer for the second one.

As for its mobility and other parameters, the T-90A Burlak will behave roughly like a standard T-90A. At 49.5 tons, it will be powered by 1130hp engine and the maximum speed will be 65 km/h.

We hope that you will enjoy this unique-looking machine and, as always:

See you on the battlefield!
Feb 24, 2021
Armored Warfare - Silentstalker
On the 25th of February 2021, starting from 8:00 CET, the server will not be available for two hours due to a planned server maintenance.

Please note that the maintenance can be extended beyond the abovementioned timeframe. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Armored Warfare - Silentstalker

The Echoes of War campaign is now available and we have prepared another way of obtaining a large number of bonus Battle Coins for you!

In this contest, we’ll be asking you to deal as much damage as possible while driving the Object 195 MBT (only damage from up to 150m counts).

You can compete in two categories, separated by mode:
  • PvP (Random Battles or Global Operations)
  • PvE (excluding Heroic Special Operations, War Games)
Post the screenshot of your result (both the detailed and regular tab) in the dedicated contest channel along with your name, category and result number. We also reserve the right to ask for a replay, so make sure you record your battle. The submission template is as such:
  • Category / Result / Ingame nickname
Attention – as we will be using a program to collect your results, please make absolutely sure you submit them with the template above. Submissions without this template will be ignored.

As an example, “PvP / 50000 / Johndoe” is correct, while “PvP/50 000/Johndoe” is not due to the incorrectly placed spaces.

The contest ends on February 28, 2021 (15:00 CET) and all entries must be submitted by then.

The prizes are as follows:

The winners of both categories will receive 10.000 Battle Coins for the Echoes of War Battle Path, 2.500 Gold as well as the rare Torii camouflage.

Please note:
  • One player can only submit one result, period
  • All submitted results must be from the battles that take place during the event
  • Platoons are not allowed
  • The winners will be announced and the prizes will be distributed after the end of the event
Good luck and see you on the battlefield!
Armored Warfare - Silentstalker

We’re happy to introduce the eighth part of the Guide series, available on our Youtube channel.

In this series, we’ll focus on all core aspects of Armored Warfare, explaining them one by one in order to make the game easier to understand and to get into.

We hope that the new players will find it useful and the veterans entertaining. Let us know what you think about it on Discord and, as always:

See you on the battlefield!
Armored Warfare - Silentstalker

With a little over two weeks left on the ongoing Echoes of War Battle Path, we’d like to start telling you more about what’s next for Armored Warfare. As we already hinted at in a previous article, we are planning a major event in honor of the 30th anniversary of Operation Desert Storm and, as some members of our community already correctly guessed, this event will be a Raid.

The Desert Storm Raid that is coming in April will feature four different skins based on the actual vehicles that took part in the February 1991 fighting and since the operation was a multi-national effort, each skin will also belong to a different nation. Today, we’d like to start with a British one for the Challenger 1 MBT, called Challenger 1 Mk.3 ODS.

The British part of Operation Desert Storm was called Operation Granby. The operation began on January 15, 1991 with the first air raids by British Tornado fighter-bombers starting the next day. The Tornados proved their worth during the month that followed as rugged aircraft and achieved great results, but the land phase, which began on February 24, was no less successful. In fact, some of the achievements by the British, such as the longest tank to tank kill to date, are yet to be beat. Within 66 hours of the fighting, the British managed to advance almost 300km across Iraq (a feat almost unheard of) and destroyed no less than three armored Iraqi divisions in the process.

Much of this success can be attributed to the Challenger 1 Main Battle Tank, the workhorse of the British Army and one of the best MBTs of its era – if not the best. Of the 420 vehicles built in total, the British deployed 221 during the operations. These vehicles belonged to the following units:

7th Armoured Brigade (the legendary Desert Rats), specifically:
  • The Queen’s Royal Irish Hussars (deployed initially)
  • The Royal Scots Dragoon Guards (deployed initially)
4th Armoured Brigade (the Black Rats), specifically:
  • 14th/20th King’s Hussars (both regiments merged in India before the Second World War)
  • Life Guard (an elite formation with hundreds of years of tradition)
Both brigades had previously been deployed to Germany and were moved to Saudi Arabia from there in November 1990 as a part of a major military buildup. Before the fighting commenced, these vehicles were modified as such:
  • Installed blocks of extra composite armor and ERA
  • Repainted to desert sand color
  • Fitted with additional storage for water and other equipment
  • Fitted with long-range fuel tanks
  • Fitted with a smoke generator, injecting diesel fuel into the exhaust system
  • Modifications to the cooling system and other adjustments for the desert environment
Additionally, thorough maintenance was performed on them since the vehicles had previously suffered due to a lack of spare parts. The primary version used in the conflict was supposed to be the Challenger Mk.3 with the older Mk.2s fitted with extra armor and referred to as Mk.2 ACB.

Each vehicle also received a dozen L26A1 Jericho depleted uranium rounds to use against enemy MBTs, specifically the various older T-72M tanks in Iraqi service. These were thought to be a major threat, which warranted the use of this specialized ammunition.

The tanks were sent into action with the beginning of the ground phase (Operation Desert Sabre).

Despite Challenger’s nearly mythical protection levels, the intended tactic for the vehicle was in fact to stay as far as possible from the enemy. The advanced TOGS optics played a major role in it, allowing it to engage its targets at up to 3km. Should an enemy get closer than 1500 meters to a Challenger 1, the standing orders were to actually retreat and re-engage from a safe distance. At 3000 meters, nothing the Iraqi had could realistically threaten the Challenger. In reality, the fighting rarely took place at such long distances due to weather and the nature of the conflict, but, nevertheless, those were the orders.

The swift advance of British forces was also possible thanks to the massive use of GPS, something the Iraqi had no equivalent of. Situational awareness is one of the key elements of success in any conflict and the system made sure the British did not get lost in the desert and were always on target.

The abovementioned armored units took part in the “left hook” part of the operation in an attempt to deal a serious punch to the Iraqis. In particular, the Challengers participated in one of the largest tank battles of all times, the Battle of Norfolk, which began only two hours after another (and more famous) armored clash, the Battle of 73 Easting.

In this battle, one Challenger MBT belonging to the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards achieved a tank kill at 5110 meters, an incredible feat. The second longest tank also belongs to a Challenger and took place in the same battle. It’s worth noting that both kills were achieved using standard armor-piercing ammunition, not the Jericho rounds. The British didn’t lose a single Challenger that day, but were responsible for destroying or capturing at least 300 Iraqi tanks and over a thousand other vehicles and artillery pieces while losing 15 men in combat with 43 more wounded.

The skin we are introducing is based on a Challenger 1 MBT belonging to the Royal Scots Guards (and therefore to the 7th Armoured Brigade). It will be available to the Tier 7 Challenger 1 progression MBT.

It features the correct paintjob and unit insignia along with the Operation Desert Storm visual upgrades, such as the additional stowage on its turret and proper external fuel tanks. Note how one of the fuel tanks is unpainted – this is historically accurate, as not all fuel drums were re-painted after the transition from Germany.

Various camouflage nets are also placed in stowage bins and the model has plenty of new, tiny details to make sure the vehicle’s appearance is realistic.

We hope that you’ll enjoy this skin as well as the others we are preparing for you and, as always:

See you on the battlefield!
Armored Warfare - Silentstalker

For this weekend, we’ve prepared for you a special set of bonuses and offers in celebration of the Defender of the Fatherland day in Russia.

Originally, this holiday was established after the end of the Great War in the Soviet Union as a celebration of the Red Army and its victories during the Russian Civil War. Over the course of the 20th century, however, it became a celebration of men and the military as a whole as well as their role in defending the lives and freedoms of the people of Russia and several post-Soviet countries.

Gift and Bonuses

For the occasion, we’ve prepared a gift for you along with a bonus.

Between February 18 and February 25, 2021, you can pick up a special Defender of the Fatherland gift on the MY.GAMES Market in the Chest section. This gift contains:
  • Soviet forest camo for all vehicles (you can read more about it in our dedicated article)
  • Light grey base paint
  • Player title “Defender”
Additionally, the following bonuses will be available:
  • 20% Credit income bonus for all modes (between February 18 and February 25)
  • 20% Battle Coin income bonus from battles (between February 22 and February 24)

Defender of the Fatherland Bundle

We also have a special offer available for you – the Defender skin. This skin for the T-72B Tier 6 progression Main Battle Tank is based on a real vehicle that appeared on the separatist side during the 2015 battle of Debaltseve in eastern Ukraine. The vehicle is believed to belong to a Private Military Company called Vagner. You can read more about it in our dedicated article.

We are offering the Defender skin in a bundle, which includes:
  • Defender skin for the T-72B MBT
  • Russian real-life arctic camouflage
  • 14 days of Premium Time
  • 2.000 Gold

We hope that you will enjoy the event and will see you on the battlefield!
Armored Warfare - Silentstalker
On the 19th of February 2021, starting from 8:00 CET (18th of February, 11 PM PST), the server will not be available for 5 hours due to the application of Update 0.34.7774

List of Update 0.34.7774 Changes

Panzer 87-140

In this update, we’re adding the Swiss Panzer 87-140 Tier 10 Premium MBT. Compared to the initial article, we’ve made a number of changes based on several rounds of testing. Most notably:
  • Increased the vehicle’s damage output and shell penetration
  • Improved the vehicle’s gun depression
  • Added several performance-enhancing modules
  • Added a choice between two new modules (you can choose between higher rate of fire or better spotting abilities)
  • Added a new passive ability called Auxilliary Ballistic Processor
This ability allows your next shot to be fired with pinpoint accuracy and reduces all accuracy penalties from moving your turret or hull. In order to activate it, your vehicle needs to be stationary for 9.5 seconds and must not fire during this period.

In short, the vehicle will now work as a designated marksman the way it’s intended to.

Mastery Flags

You can now show off your skill when driving a specific vehicle with free flags that do not require you to unlock the flag feature either. You can read more about them in our dedicated article.

General Changes
  • Fixed an issue where disabling your vehicle’s visual customization in the Settings window (the Customization toggle in the Gameplay section) would also disable visual customizations of other players’ vehicles
  • Fixed an issue where various missions requiring eliminations could count incorrectly in the Global Operations mode
  • BMPT-72 no longer shoots outside of its aiming circle
  • Moved several real-life camouflages to the historical category
  • Visual customization items (camouflages, decals) are now sorted by alphabet
  • Leopard 2A6 now shows Battalion decals correctly
  • Fixed an issue where some Special Medals would not count correctly for the purpose of match bonus calculation
  • Fixed several smaller visual model issues
  • Fixed several UI issues (temporary text appearances, Battalion Contract mission tab)
  • Added several new assets for future events
Armored Warfare - Silentstalker

This week, we’ve prepared another set of attractive items for you:
  • Armata 152 Tier 10 Premium Main Battle Tank
  • T-72B3 Tier 8 Premium Main Battle Tank
  • BMPT Mod.2017 Tier 8 Premium Tank Destroyer
  • Echoes of War Loot Crate with Battle Coins and Battle Coin Boosters
Between February 18 and February 25, 2021, the following items will be available:

Armata 152

The Armata 152 is a version of the T-14 Armata, armed with larger cannon. One of the upgrades considered for the T-14 Armata was the increase of its caliber to 152mm in order to absolutely, positively destroy anything with the first shot. The 2A83 smoothbore is a behemoth of a gun, designed in the last days of the Soviet empire for the next generation of super-tanks. It’s massive, heavy and quite costly to produce, but, most importantly, it was never truly needed to deal with the western MBTs since the standard 125mm guns were (and still are) up to the task. That is why it never found its way on any Soviet MBT with even the standard T-14 Armata being armed with an improved 125mm cannon. You can, however, experience its awesome firepower in Armored Warfare! Learn more about it in a dedicated article.

In Armored Warfare, the T-14 Armata 152 is a Tier 10 Premium Main Battle Tank. While not firing as fast as its 125mm counterpart, the 152mm rounds do enormous damage, often eliminating weaker opponents with a single shot. And then there’s the platform itself – the Armata, the most modern Main Battle Tank in the world. Earn it and use it to dominate!

The Armata 152 Tier 10 Premium MBT is available in our Web Shop via Loot Crates. Collect 100 blueprint pieces from these crates to obtain the vehicle.


The T-72B3 is the most modern Russian T-72 variant currently in service. It is a heavily upgraded version of the T-72B, featuring Kontakt-5 ERA kit and an improved Fire Control System. Together, these modifications allow the aging T-72 to serve well into the 21st century. You can learn more about its history in our dedicated article!

In Armored Warfare, the T-72B3 is a Tier 8 Premium Main Battle Tank. It continues the tradition of other Russian tanks. Its low silhouette, good mobility, powerful 125mm gun and its advanced ERA kit make it a formidable opponent. This version of the T-72B3 is offered without any camouflage.

BMPT Mod.2017

The BMPT Mod.2017 is one specific version of the BMPT Terminator that was deployed in 2017 in Syria for extended testing along with some other Russian prototype equipment, including the SU-57 jet fighter and the Uran-9 combat robot. It consists of a modified T-90 hull with a modernized turret from BMPT-72 installed on it. Another major difference was the presence of a new type of Explosive Reactive Armor that was made of soft fabric bags with explosive filler. You can read more about it in our dedicated article.

In Armored Warfare, the BMPT Mod. 2017 is a Tier 8 Premium Tank Destroyer and arguably the most powerful variant of the BMPT family. Like the others, it combines a tank hull with an unmanned turret, armed with two 30mm cannons as well as four missile launchers. Its thick armor and advanced ATGMs quickly made it one of the most feared vehicles of Tier 8 battlefields, a position it retains to this day.

Echoes of War Loot Crate

This Loot Crate contains Echoes of War Battle Coins and Boosters.

  • Battle Coins are the primary currency of the Echoes of War Battle Path campaign and are used to progress through it and to obtain its prizes.
  • Battle Coin Boosters are usable only during an active Battle Path and increase your Battle Coin income by 900 percent for two hours.
Please note that you have to obtain the access to a Battle Path to use both items.

Also please note that you may not purchase more than 30 loot crates of one type per day.

We hope that you will enjoy the offer and, as always:

See you on the battlefield!