Armored Warfare - Silentstalker

This week, we’ve prepared another special offer for you in the form of a brand new Commander Loot Crate, featuring, amongst other things, some of the rarest commanders in the game!

This Loot Crate, available until November 12, gives you the opportunity to obtain the following items:
  • Commander Ofelia Kitescu
  • Commander Austin Harper
  • Commander Alexander Cortez
  • Commander Alisa Korhonen
  • Commander Erin O’Connell
  • Commander Jorge Alvarez
  • Commander Joshua Seagrove
  • Commander Fyodor Sokolov
  • Platinum Commander XP Insignia tokens
  • Gold Commander XP Insignia tokens
The mechanics are very simple. Each crate allows you to win one of the listed items (or its value in Gold if you have it already, in this case 1.000 Gold per commander).

To learn more about what's in a chest simply click on it, this will launch a small pop up window to show you what’s inside!

Please note:

After opening the crate, you will immediately roll on one of the items that are inside this Loot Crate and will see what you receive before you have to actually pay anything. No more random chances – you immediately see what you get and what you don’t. You can then opt to purchase the item you rolled on for the Loot Crate’s price. Until you do so, you will be unable to buy any other Loot Crate of the same type.

We hope that you will enjoy the offer and, as always:

See you on the battlefield!
Nov 5, 2020
Armored Warfare - Silentstalker

Today we’ve prepared the following items for you:
  • CATTB Tier 10 Premium Main Battle Tank
  • Leopard Revolution Tier 8 Premium Main Battle Tank (Military Bundle with historical camouflage)
  • Marder 2 Tier 8 Premium Armored Fighting Vehicle (Military Bundle with historical camouflage)
  • BWP-2000 Tier 7 Premium Armored Fighting Vehicle
  • T-72M2 Wilk Tier 6 Premium Main Battle Tank
Between November 5 and November 12, 2020, the following items will be available:


The CATTB Main Battle Tank was an experimental platform, developed as one of the early steps in the creation of a next generation Abrams Main Battle Tank, also referred to as the Block III Abrams, or M1A3. It was created in the 1980s as a response to the perceived threat of future Soviet super tanks and featured some truly advanced components, such as the XM291 dual caliber cannon that could switch between 120mm and 140mm calibers. With the collapse of the Soviet Union, the development of this tank became unnecessary and the program was canceled in the 1990s. You can read more about it in our dedicated article.

In Armored Warfare, the CATTB is a Tier 10 Premium Main Battle Tank and one of the most powerful and versatile MBTs around, devastating its opponents with its signature double-tap feature, allowing it to fire its cannon twice in short order. This allows it to drive around a corner, deal very high amounts of damage and then retreat back into cover, leaving the enemy reeling from the massive blow.

This vehicle is available via Loot Crates, which drop CATTB parts. Collect 100 CATTB parts from these Loot Crates to assemble the whole vehicle.

Leopard Revolution with Military Bundle

The Leopard 2 Revolution is a continuation of the older Evolution upgrade, intended to improve the performance of the older variants of the Leopard 2 Main Battle Tank in order to make it excel even on the battlefields of the 21st century. The improvements include a comprehensive armor upgrade, ROSY soft-kill APS and smoke grenade launchers as well as an entire suite of cutting edge electronics. You can read more about it in our dedicated article.

In Armored Warfare, the Leopard 2 Revolution is a Tier 8 Main Battle Tank. It is not only well-armored, it also features an extremely accurate 120mm gun with advanced ammunition, allowing it to destroy its opponents at very long ranges, rivaling those of Tank Destroyers. The German tanks in general perform best at longer ranges and the Revolution is no exception.

The Leopard 2 Revolution is now also available in a military bundle, which includes:
  • Leopard Revolution Tier 8 Premium Main Battle Tank
  • German amber (Dunkelgelb) base paint
  • German historical PSO camouflage
  • Bundeswehr Cross decal
With this bundle, you can make your Leopard Revolution appear like a real-life German combat prototype, the true next-generation Leopard MBT. You can read more about the PSO camouflage in our dedicated article. The Bundeswehr decal also fits every German vehicle in the game nicely.

Marder 2 with Military Bundle

The Marder 2 was an experimental German IFV, developed in the late 1980s to replace the aging Marder IFV. It featured more armor, a new turret and a brand-new Rheinmetall dual-caliber autocannon that could fire both 35mm and 50mm rounds. Despite its qualities, the vehicle was never accepted in service due to its high cost and because it was no longer needed because of the fall of the Soviet Union. A single surviving prototype can be found today in the Koblenz military collection. You can read more about it in our dedicated article.

In Armored Warfare, the Marder 2 is a Tier 8 Armored Fighting Vehicle. With its 44 tons, it’s one of the heaviest and toughest AFVs around. Unlike many other AFVs of its Tier, it is not armed with guided missiles, relying instead on its extremely powerful 50mm autocannon. This vehicle can also deploy Mechanized Infantry.

The Marder 2 is now also available in a military bundle, which includes:
  • Marder 2 Tier 8 Premium Armored Fighting Vehicle
  • German NATO camouflages
  • German summer camouflage from the late 1970s
  • Bundeswehr Cross decal
This bundle contains three historical camouflages that, along with the Bundeswehr Cross decal, will make your German vehicles look like their real-life counterparts. You can read more about the camouflages in our dedicated article.


The BWP-2000 IFV was a Polish attempt from the mid-1990s to develop a replacement for the license-produced BMP-1 in the Polish military, since it was getting obsolete by that point. Its protracted development led to its cancellation at the onset of War on Terror, leaving Poland without a modern tracked IFV to this day. You can read more about it in our dedicated article.

In Armored Warfare, the BWP-2000 is a Tier 7 Premium Armored Fighting Vehicle armed with 60mm cannon as well as a set of ATGM launchers. When it comes to AFV playstyle, the BWP-2000 is definitely more of an infantry carrier and fire support vehicle than a scout due to its large size and powerful armament as well as the ability to deploy Mechanized Infantry. It can take quite a bit of punishment and deal it in equal measure.

T-72M2 Wilk

The T-72M2 Wilk (Polish for “Wolf”) is one of the results of the Polish attempts from the late 1980s to upgrade its aging fleet of T-72M1 tanks in order to provide an effective counterpart to the western Leopard 2 and Abrams MBTs. The Polish development program resulted in several prototypes built between 1987 and 1990, featuring a more powerful engine, better Fire Control System and a Polish ERAWA explosive reactive armor kit. The Wilk program was concluded in 1990 but the lessons learned from it were used in the construction of the Polish PT-91 Main Battle Tank. You can learn more about its history in our dedicated article!

In Armored Warfare, the T-72M2 Wilk is a Tier 6 Main Battle Tank. It’s based on the T-72M1, which is an export version of the T-72A. That, along with improved mobility and the ERAWA ERA kit, puts it one tier above its predecessor. Performance-wise, it’s comparable to the T-72B Main Battle Tank with its experimental Polish DRAWA FCS and the improved autoloader increasing its performance.

We hope that you will enjoy the offer and, as always:

See you on the battlefield!
Armored Warfare - Silentstalker

The Unity Day is one of the more important holidays of Russia, celebrating the uprising that became the definitive turning point in the Polish-Muscovite war of 1612. Today, we’d like to commemorate the anniversary and the holiday with an event we’ve prepared for you.

The goals are very simple.

On November 4 or November 5, 2020 (00:00 to 23:59 CET), deal 2000 damage in any standard game mode (Random Battles, Global Operations, PvE and Special Operations) to receive the T-90MS Nakidka skin once it becomes available in the game (presumably next week). You can learn more about the skin in our dedicated article.

We hope that you will enjoy the event and, as always:

See you on the battlefield!
Armored Warfare - Silentstalker

Today, we’d like to show you another historical skin that we are working on – Russian T-90MS with the Nakidka camouflage.

Nakidka is a special system, developed in the early 2000s in Russia by the “NII Stali” military research institute in Moscow. In its core, it’s a camouflage made of an undisclosed radio-absorbing and IR-dampening material, intended to make large vehicles such as tanks easy to conceal on the battlefield, even from radars and thermal imagers.

According to various Russian sources, it’s quite effective, reducing the range the U.S. Boeing E-8 Joint STARS is able to identify wheeled targets from tracked ones (based on different Doppler effect signatures) from approximately 180km to roughly 30-40km.

The first prototype was likely shown to the public in 2005-2006 on a T-72B MBT, leading to some purchases of the system by the Armenian military. By 2005, the cost of one set was 2675 USD. The Russian military itself seems to not have adopted this system and it is intended mostly for export.

The model we have decided to implement in Armored Warfare comes from 2012, when an upgraded Nakidka system was demonstrated on a T-90MS MBT intended for export. It consists of a basic striped camouflage (ochre, brown and green), covered by green netting resembling artificial grass.

Like we mentioned before, the skin will be available for the T-90MS Tier 9 Main Battle Tank during an upcoming November event. We hope that you will enjoy this skin as much as we enjoyed creating it for you and, as always:

See you on the battlefield!
Nov 2, 2020
Armored Warfare - Silentstalker
We are pleased to present our November Wallpaper, available in a number of different sizes to fit your PC's monitor!

With Calendar

1024x768, 1280x1024, 1366x768, 1600x1200, 1680x1050, 1920x1080, 1920x1200, 2560x1440, 2560x1600

Without Calendar

1024x768, 1280x1024, 1366x768, 1600x1200, 1680x1050, 1920x1080, 1920x1200, 2560x1440, 2560x1600
Armored Warfare - Silentstalker

This month, we’re launching another series of special Loot Crates in MY.GAMES Market that offer you a chance to win some of the most coveted vehicles in the game.

These crates are:
  • Asian-themed (with AFT-10)
  • Russian-themed (with Armata 152)
  • U.S.-themed (with CATTB)
The mechanics are very simple. Each crate allows you to win one of the listed items (or its value in Gold if you have it already). To learn more about what's in a chest simply click on it, this will launch a small pop up window to show you what’s inside. You will find everything from in-game currency packs to consumables and exclusive skins that can only be found in these chests!

Please note:

After opening the crate, you will immediately roll on one of the items that are inside this Loot Crate and will see what you receive before you have to actually pay anything. No more random chances – you immediately see what you get and what you don’t. You can then opt to purchase the item you rolled on for the Loot Crate’s price. Until you do so, you will be unable to buy any other Loot Crate of the same type.

We hope that you will enjoy the offer and, as always:

See you on the battlefield!
Armored Warfare - Silentstalker

We have prepared one more offer for this weekend – the opportunity to obtain the Armata 152 Tier 10 Premium Main Battle Tank.

The Armata 152 is a version of the T-14 Armata, armed with larger cannon. One of the upgrades considered for the T-14 Armata was the increase of its caliber to 152mm in order to absolutely, positively destroy anything with the first shot. The 2A83 smoothbore is a behemoth of a gun, designed in the last days of the Soviet empire for the next generation of super-tanks. It’s massive, heavy and quite costly to produce, but, most importantly, it was never truly needed to deal with the western MBTs since the standard 125mm guns were (and still are) up to the task. That is why it never found its way on any Soviet MBT with even the standard T-14 Armata being armed with an improved 125mm cannon. You can, however, experience its awesome firepower in Armored Warfare! Learn more about it in a dedicated article.

In Armored Warfare, the T-14 Armata 152 is a Tier 10 Premium Main Battle Tank. While not firing as fast as its 125mm counterpart, the 152mm rounds do enormous damage, often eliminating weaker opponents with a single shot. And then there’s the platform itself – the Armata, the most modern Main Battle Tank in the world. Earn it and use it to dominate!

The Armata 152 Tier 10 Premium MBT is available in our Web Shop via Loot Crates. Collect 100 blueprint pieces from these crates to obtain the vehicle.

We hope that you will enjoy the offer and, as always:

See you on the battlefield!
Oct 30, 2020
Armored Warfare - Silentstalker

Normally, we celebrate Halloween with some truly scary stuff. You know what we mean; lootboxes, creative mission conditions, maybe even a garage that makes a loud noise every now and then. This year, however... well, let’s face it, it’s been scary enough. Let us therefore celebrate this year’s end of October with a generally non-terrifying gift.

Between October 31 and November 3, 2020 (15:00 CET), apart from a 30% Commander XP income bonus, a free bundle will be available on MY.GAMES Market, containing:
  • Special Halloween camouflage called Walpurgis Night
  • Vampire player avatar
  • 3 Halloween decals
We hope that you will enjoy this Halloween even with what’s going on in the world and wish you safe and pleasant holidays.


PS: We were just kidding; the screaming garage is still on the menu, boys!

See you on the battlefield!
Armored Warfare - Silentstalker

This week, we’ve prepared a special event for you. Normally, we only run one Special Operation as a part of the weekend War Games mode. This week, however, we have enabled all the older Special Operations tied into one chain, including American Dream. As usual, they will be available in their original order one by one (you need to pass the previous mission to get to the next one, same goes for the entire operations). Since there are considerably more missions than usual, we'll be issuing double the amount of reward Loot Crates this weekend (they will be available once per 10 missions).

For this event, we’d also like to invite you to a special contest. The rules are simple – by playing solo (platoons are not allowed) either a Tier 6 or a Tier 9-10 vehicle, deal as much damage as you can in every single available mission from the first mission of Caribbean Crisis to the last mission of American Dream (which needs to be won as well for your results to count).

Take a screenshot of each played mission’s results (General and Detailed tab please), add them to an archive (or Imgur album, for example) and link it to the Contest channel on our official Discord along with the following information:
  • Result (the sum of all damage dealt by you from all played missions)/Tier/In-game nickname
There will be two results categories – one for Tier 6 and one for Tier 9-10. The three best results from each of these two categories will receive the following prizes:
  • First place: CATTB Tier 10 Premium MBT (or its price in Gold if you have it already)
  • Second place: ZTQ-15 Tier 9 Premium LT (or its price in Gold if you have it already)
  • Third place: XM247 Tier 5 Premium AFV (or its price in Gold if you have it already)
You have until Tuesday, November 3 2020, 20:00 CET to submit your results.

Please note:
  • One player can win in both categories
  • Platoons are not allowed
Good luck and see you on the battlefield!
Armored Warfare - Silentstalker

Today, we’re launching another Camouflage Loot Crate on MY.GAMES Market.

As its name suggests, this new Loot Crate, available until November 5, 2020 (along with the other weekly offer), contains various camouflages and skins.

This iteration contains the following ones (click on their names where designated to learn of their real life background):
The mechanics are very simple. Each crate allows you to win one of the listed items (or its value in Gold if you have it already, in this case 1.000 Gold per camouflage).

To learn more about what's in a chest simply click on it, this will launch a small pop up window to show you what’s inside. You will find everything from in-game currency packs to consumables and exclusive skins that can only be found in these chests!

Please note:

After opening the crate, you will immediately roll on one of the items that are inside this Loot Crate and will see what you receive before you have to actually pay anything. No more random chances – you immediately see what you get and what you don’t. You can then opt to purchase the item you rolled on for the Loot Crate’s price. Until you do so, you will be unable to buy any other Loot Crate of the same type.

We hope that you will enjoy the offer and, as always:

See you on the battlefield!