Armored Warfare - Silentstalker

Some time ago, we ran a limited test of the return of the Self-Propelled Guns to the Global Operations mode.

Following this test, we gathered your feedback and made adjustments to the class. And not only that – we made adjustments to the Global Operations mode itself, for example by reducing the amount of Air Raid wildcard appearances. With these changes in place, we are leaning towards permanently allowing this vehicle class to participate in Global Operations.

However, before we make that decision, we’d like to run one more test (that will take place between July 16 and July 23) and give you the opportunity to voice your feedback regarding this topic in the form below (which will become available after the launch of the test):

Please note that the form is available in English only and that you will need a Google account to submit your feedback in order to prevent any tampering with the results.

For more information about this topic, please visit our In Development article.

Let us also know what you think on Discord and, as always:

See you on the battlefield!
Jul 15, 2020
Armored Warfare - Silentstalker
On the 16th of July 2020, starting from 08:00 CEST, the server will not be available for two hours due to the planned server maintenance.

Please note that the maintenance can be extended beyond the abovementioned timeframe. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Armored Warfare - Silentstalker

We’d like to invite you to another round of the Bounty Hunt event, in which you will have the opportunity to hunt down some Armored Warfare members of staff or VIPs and destroy them in battle for amazing prizes! This time, we’ll be focusing on some Battle Path content and prizes.

On Friday, July 17, 2020, between 18:00 and 19:00 CEST, log in to Armored Warfare and play Tier 8 PvP.

We, the staff-members and moderators, will be joining the battles in our SBS Pindad Battle Path reward vehicles and if you manage to destroy one of us, you will be awarded with 5.000 Battle Coins and a 7 day temporary version of the SBS Pindad Tier 8 Premium AFV.

The following staff and VIP’s will take part in the event:
  • MaciekM4a4
  • waidler
  • Tenam
  • Silentstalker
  • Soren
  • Eisenherz
  • arek3city
  • Dayan78
  • Eskobar68
  • Spitfire_
  • FriesenstahL
  • TeyKey1
  • Noobdown
  • P4nzerMarmelade
  • M3pit
  • REM_X
They will also identify themselves at the beginning of each battle by a chat message.

The rules of the contest are very simple:
  • Team-Killing will not win you a prize, unless you count a ban and contest disqualification
  • You don’t need to make a note of who you destroyed (although it doesn’t hurt); we’ll keep track
  • You can win as many times as you want, they are no limits per player
  • The temporary SBS Pindad will only be awarded for your first kill, any further kills will be awarded by Battle Coins only
  • Rewards will be distributed after the end of the event
We look forward to seeing you on the battlefield!
Armored Warfare - Silentstalker

Today, we’ve prepared an unusual Battle Path contest for you. Why unusual? Because we won’t tell you what the contest is! Sounds crazy? Well, not quite. Here’s what you need to do:

During the following dates, play the Battle Path vehicles as best as you can:
  • July 14 to July 20 – Type 74
  • July 21 to July 27 – Seongun 915
  • July 28 to August 3 – Pindad SBS
  • August to August 10 – Type 10
After each week is over, we will announce five winners in five different categories on our Discord Contest channel. The twist is that you won’t know which categories these are, only that there are five of them and they are the same for all four weeks. Do you have to earn XP? Deal damage? Both? That’s something you’ll only find out after the contest is entirely over.

Each week, five winners will each receive 2.000 Gold and 2.000 Battle Coins.

All you have to do is play these vehicles and perform well. Nothing else is required of you.

Please note:
  • For the purpose of this event, each day begins at 00:01 CEST and ends at 23:59 CEST
  • One player can win in multiple categories and in every week
  • Everything is automatic, no submissions are required
  • Platoons are not allowed
Good luck and, as always:

See you on the battlefield!
Armored Warfare - Silentstalker

We’re happy to introduce the third part of the Guide series, available on our Youtube channel.

In this series, we’ll focus on all core aspects of Armored Warfare, explaining them one by one in order to make the game easier to understand and to get into.

We hope that the new players will find it useful and the veterans entertaining. Let us know what you think about it on Discord and, as always:

See you on the battlefield!
Armored Warfare - Silentstalker

On July 7, the Summer Screenshot contest has ended. In this contest, we asked you to make summer-themed screenshots and submit them to our dedicated Discord channel. First and foremost, we’d like to thank you all for participating – you created some wonderful screenshots and it was a tough choice, picking the best five of them.

Nevertheless, it’s something that had to be done and today, we are presenting you the five best images, whose authors won 14 days of Premium Time and 5.000 Battle Coins. Here they are:

Sushi-Union (also the winner of People's Vote, will receive the Type 89 Tier 7 Premium AFV):





The winners will get their prizes in the near future. If you haven’t won though – not to worry. More contests are coming!

See you on the battlefield!
Armored Warfare - Silentstalker

Today, we’d like to return to the topic of BVP M-80A Premium AFV, which was announced more than a year ago. Back then, we mentioned that it would become a prize for the Age of Rage Battle Path but its model was not ready on time, there were some balance issues and, as a result, the vehicle was shelved for quite a while.

However, we’re now happy to report that this AFV will be appearing in Update 0.33. One major change that we did is that, as we announced previously, the BVP M-80A is now a Tier 5 Premium AFV instead of Tier 4 – some of its modules and abilities were very difficult to balance for Tier 4 and Tier 5 does seem like a suitable place for it.

Let’s look a bit into its history:

At first glance, the Yugoslavian BVP might seem like a slightly different copy of the Soviet BMP series but the truth is, under the surface, the vehicle was very different and had little to do with its Russian counterpart. This might seem strange – after all, Yugoslavia was a socialist country, why would they not adopt the BMPs the Soviets and the Warsaw Pact countries were building in thousands? The answer naturally lies in politics and few political histories are as complex as that of Yugoslavia.

Once again, the core of the issue reaches back to the Second World War, or, more specifically, how it ended. Like in the other communist-influenced countries that would later become allies of the Soviet Union for the next few decades, occupied Yugoslavia also ended up being liberated by a communist army – only, it wasn’t the Soviets who did the liberating, at least not directly. A communist resistance movement was assembled as early as in 1941 and one of its leaders, Josip Broz – commonly known as Tito – quickly rose to prominence. His army gradually grew to a level where its influence completely replaced that of any royalist resistance forces that compromised themselves by their cooperation with the Nazis. In 1943, he became officially recognized as a military leader within the ranks of the Allies and by the end of the war, Tito’s 600.000-strong forces controlled most of the Yugoslavian territory.

Very simply put, this self-liberation made the Yugoslavians confident. It wasn’t the Red Army that directly liberated the country and by the time the war ended, Tito had no political rival to speak of. Pre-war and wartime Yugoslavia was torn with nationalist clashes and the international nature of the communist movement appeared as an attractive alternative to these blood feuds of old, especially to young people. Armor-wise, the Soviets supplied Yugoslavia with over a hundred T-34s of various types (mostly the obsolete T-34/76 models) as well as with some number of captured German vehicles that were later on used for training. Two years after the war, Yugoslavia purchased over three hundred modern T-34/85 tanks as well as around fifty rather obsolete SU-76 SPGs. The captured vehicles (mostly Italian and French, from before the war) were then given away after 1948 to Israel and Albania.

What followed was a relatively standard sovietization model of forced nationalizations, monetary reforms and opposition persecution, but also the federalization of the country with its nations becoming formally equal. This process helped calming the tensions practically until the breakup of the country four decades later – to a degree, at least. But the important part was – the Yugoslavs did all that alone, without the help of the Soviets. Additionally, Tito, emboldened by his successes, enacted his own policies when it came to Albania, Italy or Greece.

Stalin did not take kindly to not being obeyed or consulted, resulting in the well-known Yugoslav-Soviet split of 1948 and putting Yugoslavia under a lot of political pressure. But, much to his confusion, Stalin found out that, unlike in the other communist countries, he could not muster enough power to bring Yugoslavia in line, resulting in one of the first Soviet post-war political defeats. The Yugoslavs saw these attempts as a grave insult, bitterly rejecting Stalin’s attempts.

This event marked the beginning of the long strained relationship with the Soviet Union and the emphasis on independence. Yugoslavia would participate in building communism along with the Soviets, but they’d do it their own way. Plus, it opened the door for more negotiations with the West, which saw it as an opportunity to erode the Soviet bloc, resulting in a series of offers along with various help shipments – and not just economical ones, Yugoslavia managed to get their hands on surplus American armored vehicles as well, for example. This is how vehicles such as M4 Sherman (630 in total), M47 Patton (319), M36 (known as the Jackson, 399 imported) and M18 Hellcat (240) ended up in the Balkans – as a military aid package in case the Soviets tried to invade.

These tanks were at the beginning of what became a very curious collection of foreign and indigenous vehicles the Yugoslav People’s Army would end up operating. They also served well past their prime and would be used decades later during the Civil War. The Shermans were officially in service until 1973, the Pattons until 1988 (by which time they were incredibly obsolete).

The Yugoslav engineers were very resourceful – they managed from the late 1940s to the early 1960s, partially using reverse engineering, to build tanks that were roughly on par with the T-34 and T-54, quite a feat for someone with almost no previous experience (even though the ultimate result was generally worse than its Soviet counterpart and also considerably more expensive to mass-produce). They also eventually attempted to modernize the Sherman tanks by replacing the original engines with the ones used in their T-34s, but that did little to improve the tank’s combat value.

Even though the split is often mentioned to have finally ended shortly after Stalin’s death in 1953, the reality was far more complex. For one, the Soviets did not make it very easy and the rabid anti-Yugoslav propaganda of the early 1950s was hard to forget. Tito was also a very shrewd politician and saw an opportunity in balancing between the West and the East. It was a bold strategy that paid off for a time – these loans along with the other steps to liberalize the economy helped to improve the conditions the citizens were living in and to industrialize the country at the same time – between 1955 and 1965, for example, the gross national product of Yugoslavia doubled in value.

However, this sort of balancing also came with a price tag. For the West, the country was still a communist bloc one while, to the Soviets, Yugoslavia was not a reliable ally. In short, neither side would sell really modern weapons. In the mid-1950s, Yugoslavia would receive its first 140 T-54 tanks, but these could hardly be considered cutting edge at the time and by the end of the decade, Yugoslavia also purchased some SU-100 self-propelled guns (likely from Czechoslovakia) along with some other aging equipment.

This wasn’t that big of a deal in the 1950s and the 1960s but when the 1970s came, the technology gap became more and more pronounced. After all, designing a guided missile or electronic equipment was not like designing something as (relatively) simple as a WW2 era firearm or tank. This resulted in some rather odd measures – for example, in 1966, when the entire East was getting rid of the old T-34s, Yugoslavia purchased around 600 of these vehicles from the Soviet Union and in the late 1970s, Yugoslavia still had over a thousand of these venerable vehicles in active service. What is even stranger is the fact that some of these vehicles saw actual combat – 10 of them were sent to Angola.

Either way, this decision was driven mostly by the ability of the Yugoslavian industry to maintain these vehicles rather than their combat value. Yugoslavia also imported between 1600 and 1980 (sources vary) T-54 and T-55 tanks from Poland, Czechoslovakia and the Soviet Union itself. These remained the mainstay of the Yugoslavian armored forces until the appearance of M-84, but that is a story for another time. In the 1960s and 1970s, when it came to modern military equipment, Yugoslavia was, more or less, on its own.

The situation with APCs was, to a large degree, analogical to the one with tanks. By the end of the 1950s, Yugoslavia had a rather odd assortment of various obsolete halftracks (mostly the American M3s, around 100 of which came in along with the tanks) in service with various older Soviet vehicles such as the BTR-152 being purchased in relatively small numbers.

This was in fact more serious an issue than usual, not having proper tracked APCs. Yugoslavia had a lot of mountainous areas where the off-road capabilities of tracked vehicles were essential. The BTR-152, for example, was never really great to begin with but the harsh terrain it had to contend with only multiplied its issues. At the same time, the military was not blind to the success of the American tracked APCs and they decided they wanted an indigenous vehicle of that kind as well.

The result was the M-60 series troop carrier. The design works started in the mid-1950s and the first prototype was built in 1958 with the vehicle entering service in 1962. Around 790 were built between 1962 and 1979, some two hundred ended up being allegedly exported to Iraq (all of them were lost since) and the last vehicles were phased out of Serbian service in 2004 or so.

Overall, it wasn’t really a groundbreaking design. It was a big box with some basic sloped anti-bullet steel armor, protecting the vehicle frontally from heavy machineguns (but little else). The vehicle had no NBC protection and only very rudimentary night-fighting capabilities. The design was allegedly inspired was the American M59 APC, the predecessor to the M113. This vehicle was remarkable for two reasons:
  • The fact that Yugoslavia managed to set up its mass-production at all
  • The choice of its design components
The vehicle was powered copy of a six-cylinder 150hp Austrian Steyr engine, the design of which got to Yugoslavia along with the production of a copy of the Hungarian K-800 tractor that used it as well. The actual reasons why this engine was used are not known to the author of this article – it’s, however, likely that its production was already established, it was cheap and easy to repair. Its mediocre output, however, allowed the vehicle to only go as fast as 45 km/h.

Another rather odd component choice was its suspension that was copied from the SU-76 SPGs the Yugoslavs had acquired in 1947. Why this particular model was selected is another interesting question – likely because it was rather rugged and easy to produce. To top off its international character, the main weapons of the vehicle were an American .50 caliber Browning M2 HMG and a Yugoslavian copy of the wartime German MG42 machinegun. In this sense, the vehicle itself was a small-scale image of the Yugoslavian military of its time. Nevertheless, it did its job.

In the 1960s, more Soviet vehicles started arriving in Yugoslavia, albeit in limited amounts and of dubious quality. The Vietnam War showed the vulnerability of tracked APCs in full, putting the “battle taxi” doctrine in doubt. Everything changed with the arrival of the Soviet BMP-1 IFV – the Yugoslavs decided they absolutely, positively needed an indigenous IFV of their own and that’s how the M-80/M-80A series came to be.

The development of the M-80 IFV started around 1969 and the first prototype was ready in 1974. A year later, the vehicle was first shown to public during the May military parade in Belgrade, but the actual mass production did not start until 1979. Only few vehicles of the initial pattern were made before it was replaced in 1980 by a slightly larger variant with a different engine called M-80A. Let’s talk a bit more about that one.

At first glance, the vehicle resembles a bloated BMP-2, but looks can be deceiving – while influenced by it, it is quite a different design that has more in common with, of all things, AMX-10P. Much like its predecessor, it is a mash-up of different solutions. It has a crew of three men (commander, gunner and loader) with the driver located on the left side of the hull, sitting next to the vehicle’s engine.

The vehicle is made of steel (some sources incorrectly claim aluminum) with the sloped front being approximately 14mm thick, providing enough protection to withstand the fire of 20mm autocannons, certainly an upgrade over the M-60. The sides, however, only provide protection against small arms (specifically 7.62mm AP bullets at 100 meters). The crew and passengers are also protected by a NBC system, an automatic fire extinguisher and a smoke generator.

The M-80A weighs 13.85 tons (the weight changes a bit depending on the variant) and is powered by a Yugoslavian copy of a Mercedes Benz engine – the FAMOS 10V003 15.95 liter V10 diesel producing 315hp and allowing the vehicle to go as fast as 65 km/h. The transmission is manual. It’s worth noting that the M-80A is also amphibious – it has, however, no dedicated propellers and relies on its tracks alone for propulsion. The suspension is based on the AMX-10P and the older M-60 model, consisting of five roadwheels with individual torsion bars with the front-most and the rear-most wheel having shock absorbers.

The armament is another interesting element of the vehicle – it has a rather small turret armed with a license-produced version of 20mm Hispano-Suiza HS 804 autocannon and a twin Malyutka missile launcher. The autocannon can engage flying targets as well as ground ones – it’s clear that the Yugoslavs were solving the same issues the Soviets were and wanted their IFVs to be able to engage helicopters. The autocannon was, however, considerably weaker than the 30mm gun the Soviets used.

Despite this handicap, the M-80A (officially entering service in 1982) was a rather potent AFV that was produced until the collapse of Yugoslavia. It was never exported, although after the country’s split, many were passed down to the successor states with most of them ending up in Croatia and Serbia. It did participate in much of the Yugoslav Wars fighting and, although its performance is a bit hard to track, it seems to have performed on par with the BMP-1. By now, however, the original BVP M-80A model is quite obsolete. To make it competitive in Armored Warfare, we’ll include several of its upgrades and variants.

In Armored Warfare, the BVP M-80A will be a Tier 5 Premium Armored Fighting Vehicle. Like its Tier suggests, the M-80A will be a tracked vehicle roughly on par with the BMP-2 in performance. The basic hull will be sloped but also quite fragile just like the BMP series has with the mobility being slightly worse than that of the BMP-1P. Its biggest advantage will, however, be the option to configure it depending on what play style you prefer.

You see, the M-80A will be available with three different weapon systems (turrets) that you will be able to choose from.

The first option is the M-80/98A turret with a combination of a 30mm Zastava M86 L/70 autocannon (similar in performance to the Russian 2A72) and a Malyutka missile launcher. With this weapon system, the vehicle is sometimes referred to as M-80A1 Vidra. This is a 2004 upgrade, which means the turret will feature modern electronics, optics and an accurate FCS, making it the best choice for pure scouting. The Malyutka launcher will be a twin one too and will be able to launch both missiles in quick succession (albeit not at once).

The second option is the Foka turret, which is an anti-aircraft turret with two 30mm Zastava autocannons. This M-80A variant is also sometimes called SPAT 30/2. In this configuration, the vehicle will not have the spotting capabilities of the 80/98A turret, but this downside will be compensated by a very high damage per minute and rate of fire value of both autocannons. Its play style will resemble that of the AMX-13 DCA, but without the special radar ability, resulting in a short-to-mid range fire support platform capable of laying down withering torrents of fire.

And, finally, there’s the M83 turret, which is the polar opposite of the Foka. This is a dedicated tank hunter variant, replacing the autocannon with a launcher for six Malyutka missiles that can be fired with only a short delay between shots. This option will turn the vehicle into a mid-to-long range tank killer, devastating its targets with well-placed missiles.

We hope that you will enjoy this vehicle.

See you on the battlefield!
Armored Warfare - Silentstalker

If you’ve been keeping up with the recent Armored Warfare announcements, you probably know already that for Update 0.33, we are planning a major overhaul of the Tier 7 to Tier 10 balance. However, the update is still quite far away (two months at least) and we are not ready to present you with the full picture of what we are trying to accomplish. So, instead, we will first tell you more about what the philosophy behind the changes is and why we are doing what we are doing.

As we mentioned in the above-linked article, one of the core issues we want to address is power creep, so let’s talk about that first.

Power creep is a situation that typically occurs with live service games, where newly added content is more powerful than the existing one, gradually rendering the old content obsolete. The reason why this happens is more or less obvious – live service games, especially free to play games, depend on a steady stream of income to survive, which can only be provided by a steady stream of new content. And, let’s face it – nobody really wants to get new stuff if it’s performing worse than the old one and it doesn’t matter what item it is, a sword, a piece of armor or a tank.

As a developer, you can dread it, run from it, but if you want to keep your audience interested over prolonged periods of time, power creep arrives just the same. The trick is to not make the new items that much more powerful and, at the same time, to periodically update the old items to keep up with the new.

When it comes to Armored Warfare, the power creep effect was during the recent years mild – for the most part. Some mistakes were made, but, generally speaking, we’ve kept power creep at bay for a long time and avoided intentional, blatant pay to win scenarios, even if some Premium vehicles are, politely put, highly competitive.

Nevertheless, our game has reached a state where not only is a rebalance of the older vehicles needed, but, in some aspects, the power creep effect has reached a level where any further (even minor) performance increases would go beyond the limits of what’s possible within the game’s rules.

A typical example of this would be the MBT viewrange values. With high Tiers, we’re at a stage where the MBTs have basically outclassed all other classes in scouting because they have caught up with them when it comes to their spotting abilities. At the same time, scouts cannot be improved any further due to the existing map size and engine restrictions. This is one of the things that we’ll address, but let’s first discuss Tiers in general.

Up until Tier 6, the vehicle power progression (where vehicle power is their capability on the battlefield based on their characteristics as a whole) is more or less regular:
  • Fully upgraded Tier 3 vehicle is roughly as capable as a partially upgraded Tier 4
  • Fully upgraded Tier 4 is roughly as capable as a partially upgraded Tier 5
  • Fully upgraded Tier 5 vehicle is roughly as capable as a partially upgraded Tier 6
At Tier 6, however, power progression starts breaking down, which is why we decided to give special attention to Tiers 7 to 10. As things stand now:
  • Fully upgraded Tier 6 vehicle is roughly as capable as Tier 6 with only a few upgrades
  • Tier 7 and Tier 8 largely overlap in power
  • As a result, there is a massive gap between fully upgraded Tier 8 and fully upgraded Tier 9
  • There is even a bigger gap between a fully upgraded Tier 9 and a fully upgraded Tier 10
As a result, the Tier 9 and Tier 10 vehicles form a sub-category of their own and massively outclass Tier 8 vehicles to the point where going up even in a fully upgraded Tier 8 versus a fully upgraded Tier 9 is extremely difficult, resulting in a practically unwinnable scenario. Tier 9 versus Tier 10 battles are equally as problematic and, as a result, the “transition Tiers” (7 to 9) are not exactly popular.

It’s worth noting, however, that we are not talking only about armor or firepower, but the sum of the vehicles’ properties and also about Tier averages. Within each Tier, there are outliers – vehicles too weak or too powerful to fit this description.

Regardless, especially for the top Tiers, the power spread for Tier 9 and 10 became very wide over the years for several reasons, including power creep. When you inflate each power bracket with new, slightly more powerful vehicles, this is what you get – the top configurations getting further and further from lower Tiers. Lower Tiers were spared this effect simply because we did not add too many new vehicles to them and those that were added were generally not more powerful than their older counterparts because there was no real need to do so – low Tier vehicles are, for most players, simply an obstacle on the road to higher Tiers and therefore they do not need to serve as the primary incentive of a branch (or event).

One question therefore remains: what will we do about it?

A number of things.

For one, we’ll cut the Tier 7 power bracket (the spread between the weakest – stock – and the strongest, fully upgraded machine) by roughly 25 percent. At the same time, we’ll move it a bit further away from Tier 6 so they don’t overlap as much.

Tier 8is where things start getting interesting. Before, it largely overlapped with Tier 7, which is not idea. We’ll be pushing the Tier performance bracket further from Tier 7 so that the entire progression resembles the one on lower Tiers. While currently a fully upgraded Tier 8 vehicle is roughly 25 percent stronger than a fully upgraded Tier 7 one, this difference will become as wide as the one between fully upgraded Tier 6 and Tier 7 vehicles.

Much like Tier 7, the Tier 9power bracket will get narrower, reducing the difference between fully upgraded Tier 8 and fully upgraded Tier 9 vehicles roughly by one third.

And, finally, the Tier 10 power bracket is going to be cut to one half. In other words, a fully unlocked Tier 9 vehicle will have much better changes when fighting a fully unlocked Tier 10 vehicle.

What is extremely important to realize about what was said above is that all these changes are relative to one another. The power bracket percentages do not translate directly to statistic updates. When we say the power bracket size will increase by a half, it does not mean that the vehicles will have their statistics buffed by 50 percent.

What you should take from this is the following:
  • The power progression between Tiers will be more consistent
  • There will be a bigger difference between Tier 7 and Tier 8 vehicles
  • Tier 8 vehicles will have an easier time fighting Tier 9 vehicles
  • Tier 9 vehicles will have an easier time fighting Tier 10 vehicles
  • Premium vehicles will continue being more or less equivalent to fully unlocked progression vehicles of the same Tier
Of course, there’s much more to this rebalance than smoother progression between Tiers. Battlefield roles will be addressed, mechanics will change, and individual vehicles will be tweaked.

With that being said, we understand your desire for more information. This first developer diary style article is here to lay down the basics, to assure you that we understand the issues that plague this game and are ready to tackle them head on.

Everything will be explained in the future, but, for now:

See you on the battlefield!
Jul 9, 2020
Armored Warfare - Silentstalker

Bastille Day is an important French holiday taking place on July 14 (that we are also celebrating), which is why, this week, we’re offering French Premium vehicles and camouflages along with a historical skin based on a particular Leclerc vehicle.

Here’s what’s on offer:
  • Glorieux skin for the Leclerc Tier 9 Main Battle Tank
  • French camouflages
  • Leclerc T40 Tier 9 Premium Tank Destroyer
  • AMX 10 RCR Tier 8 Premium Tank Destroyer
  • Two Special Loot Crates
Between July 9 and July 16, 2020, the following items will be available:

Glorieux Skin for Leclerc

Another realistic skin that we introduced based on your feedback is the Glorieux one. This skin for the Leclerc Tier 9 progression Main Battle Tank is based on one particular Leclerc MBT that took part in the KFOR operations in former Yugoslavia. Its unique camouflage along with other historical details makes it one of the best looking skins to date. You can read more about it in our dedicated article.

This skin is available in a bundle along with the following items:
  • White base paint (used by the French during U.N. peacekeeper missions, goes nicely with the next decal)
  • U.N. decal (appearing on various white-painted peacekeeper Leclerc MBTs)
  • KFOR decal (similar to the one on the Glorieux, only for all vehicles)
  • 2nd Armored Brigade decal (also seen on multiple French vehicles during various parades)
Please note that the bundle includes the skin but not the Leclerc MBT itself. This tank needs to be obtained via progression directly in the game.

French Camouflages

We’ve also prepared two French historical camouflages. In reality, it’s pretty much one iconic camouflage with two different layouts that is most famous for its appearance on the Leclerc MBT. It consists of green, brown and black stripes and is available in two variants – one has the edges clearly defined while the other variant has them blurred. Both were observed on the Leclerc MBT, sometimes even on vehicles from the same series.

Please note that each of these camouflages can be installed on any vehicle that has the camouflage customization feature available (any vehicle with the exception of vehicles with permanent skins) and that each of these camouflages can be used in all three environments.

Leclerc T40

Sometimes called the French Terminator, this vehicle was designed on the Leclerc MBT chassis with one purpose in mind – to accompany tanks and fight off infantry attacks the same way as the Russian BMPT series does. You can read more about it in our dedicated article.

In Armored Warfare, the Leclerc T40 is a Tier 9 Premium Tank Destroyer. It offers you a combination of a durable hull, rapid-fire 40mm automatic cannon and, most importantly, the Javelin missile system. Simply right-click the target, wait until it becomes locket and fire the Javelin ATGM – it will home itself on the target, attacking its weak roof armor. Thanks to this ability, the Leclerc T40 is one of the most destructive vehicles in the game.


The AMX 10 RCR is the updated variant of the French AMX 10 RC fire support vehicle by GIAT, originally developed in the early 1980s. This light and nimble wheeled 6x6 AFV was armed with a 105mm gun, allowing it to knock out even armored targets at considerable distances. Over 200 of these aging vehicles were upgraded by Nexter in 2010 with improved armor and electronics, enabling them to fulfill modern battlefield tasks until their eventual replacement by the Jaguar. You can learn more about its history in our dedicated article!

In Armored Warfare, the AMX 10 RCR is a Tier 8 wheeled Premium Tank Destroyer. It’s incredibly agile with its wheeled chassis allowing it to outrun pretty much any enemy on the battlefield save for the fastest AFVs. Its gun accuracy is also top notch, making this vehicle perfect for sniper-style gameplay as its thin armor can’t protect it against enemy shells at close distances. This vehicle also comes with the Hydraulic Suspension active ability.

Iron Loot Crate and Tier 8 Loot Crate

While you are already familiar with the Iron Loot Crate that is available this week via MY.GAMES Market, this week, we’re also offering another special Loot Crate.

The Tier 8 Loot Crate contains Tier 8 vehicles only (not the M1A1 AIM Premium MBT though, that one will undergo a significant rebalance). As usual, the mechanics are very simple. Each crate allows you to win one of the listed items (or its value in Gold if you have it already). To learn more about what's in a chest simply click on it, this will launch a small pop up window to show you what’s inside.

After opening the crate, you will immediately roll on one of the items that are inside this Loot Crate and will see what you receive before you have to actually pay anything. No more random chances – you immediately see what you get and what you don’t. You can then opt to purchase the item you rolled on for the Loot Crate’s price. Until you do so, you will be unable to buy any other Loot Crate of the same type.

We hope that you will enjoy the offer and, as always:

See you on the battlefield!
Armored Warfare - Silentstalker

July 14 is celebrated in France as the National Celebration (La fête nationale), but it is more commonly known in the English-speaking countries as the Bastille Day. The name signifies one of the most important episodes of the French Revolution, the storming of the Bastille prison-fortress on the 14th of July 1789. The fortress was considered a symbol of royal power and its fall was a significant blow to the authority of the king.

To celebrate the holiday, we’ve prepared a bonus for you, available from July 9 to July 16, 2020:
  • 20% bonus to Credit income from all battles
Additionally, a Bastille Day gift is also available for a week at MY.GAMES Market. It contains:
  • French Scorpion camouflage (read more)
  • Scorpion player avatar
  • 3 days of Premium Time

We hope you will enjoy these gifts and, as always:

See you on the battlefield!