Armored Warfare - Silentstalker

Today, we are celebrating the onset of a new year in the Chinese calendar – a year of the Rat, which begins on January 25, 2020.

That is why, starting today, we’ve prepared a cool event for you to participate in. First and foremost, we will be enabling a Chinese New Year Garage for the duration of the festivities (January 23 to January 30, 2020) along with a substantial bonus:
  • 50% Commander Experience income bonus for all modes
Along with it, a series of missions will become active.

Once per day, deal 2.500 damage in one match in any mode while driving a Chinese vehicle in order to obtain a daily prize.

This event will be active between January 24 and January 29, 2020 (six different daily prizes) and, for collecting all six, you will get a special bonus prize. Don’t miss it!

You can track the daily prizes on our dedicated web page.

Please note:

For the purposes of this event, a day starts at midnight GMT each day (1 AM CET, 3 AM MSK). The event, which launches on January 24 at 1 AM CET therefore ends on January 30, 1 AM CET.

We hope that you will enjoy the event and will see you on the battlefield!
Jan 22, 2020
Armored Warfare - Silentstalker

Before we unveil the rest of the progression branch for the Spirithaven season, let us make a short stop on Tier 8 and talk about the Premium vehicle that is going to be available for Gold in the vehicle pool of Francine De Laroche – the K21 Infantry Fighting Vehicle.

The K21 was developed as a replacement for the K200 series from the 1980s, which was deemed a bit too light for the 21st century battlefields and, of course, by the end of the 1990s, its age was starting to show. The development of its successor (back then referred to as K300 or NIFV – Next Infantry Fighting Vehicle) was launched by Doosan Defense Systems & Technology (military equipment branch of the massive Doosan conglomerate) in 1999 and the first prototype was built between 2003 and 2005.

The idea behind it was similar to the other modern IFVs – instead of relying on mobility alone, the military wanted something far better protected that could not only hold its own in a firefight, but also turn Russian IFVs such as the BMP-3 into scrap.

South Korea was, of course, very familiar with what the Russians could build. Three years prior to the launch of the development of the K300, it had received several dozen BMP-3 IFVs from Russia as a payment for a previously incurred debt along with some T-80U Main Battle Tanks. These are normally only associated with very few countries outside of Russia, but South Korea got its hands on them nevertheless. The Russian vehicles were subsequently carefully studied by both the Korean and American engineers, but that’s a story for another time.

Suffice to say that the capabilities of these machines were the impetus to Korean armor development along with the threat of North Korea as well as the emergence of China as a military superpower.

As is their nature, the Koreans were quite fast to develop a rather modern IFV that would protect its crew against Russian 30mm autocannons. The first three prototypes were tested between 2003 and 2005 and were subsequently accepted in service under the name K21.

The K21 IFV weighs some 25 tons, has a crew of 3 men (commander, gunner and driver) and can carry up to 9 troops with equipment. Its armor is made of military grade aluminum along with some fiberglass and ceramic composite elements. Its advanced layout allows for frontal protection against Russian 30mm 2A72 autocannon shells (including armor-piercing) although the side protection of the vehicle is lower and can withstand 14.5mm AP bullets only, which is still a substantial improvement over the small-arms-only all-round protection of the K200. The vehicle flanks can also withstand fragments of nearby (10m or further) 152mm shell explosions.

Additional protective systems include:
  • Advanced NBC protection system
  • Automatic fire extinguisher
  • Laser warning system (added at some point during the production to some vehicles, not all have it)
The vehicle carries a turret that’s armed with a Korean-developed K40 40mm automatic rifled cannon derived from the Swedish XK40 Bofors, capable of firing at 300 rounds per minute. It can fire several round types, including:
  • K219 AP-T
  • K237 APFSDS-T (capable of penetrating up to 220mm of RHAe with 1380 m/s velocity)
  • K216 HEI-T
  • K236 programmable HE (can be set to impact, delayed fuse or even airburst mode)
The ammunition is stored in a carousel below the gun. The gun itself can elevate to +45 degrees, depress to -7 degrees, is stabilized and also controlled by a truly advanced FCS. In addition to that, the crew has several high-tech tools at its disposal, including a battlefield management system.

And last but not least, there’s the matter of mobility. The K21 is powered by a 10-cylinder 740hp Doosan D2840LXE diesel engine (some sources state only 680hp). Its maximum speed is 70 km/h and it is worth noting that the vehicle is amphibious, but this feature requires the deployment of in-built flotation bags, which is, fortunately for the crew, automatic as well as very fast. With these deployed, the maximum swimming speed is approximately 7 km/h (the vehicle is powered by its tracks in water).

A PIP version (Product Improvement Program) is currently in development with a number of upgrades envisaged for it, including:
  • ERA kit for additional anti-missile protection or steel-aramid net armor
  • KAPS hard-kill APS
  • Raybolt missile launcher for additional anti-tank capabilities
  • Up-tuned engine to 840hp
The Raybolt missiles feature tandem HEAT warheads and are launched upwards, descending upon the target from higher angles in order to hit vulnerable roof armor. Their flight velocity is 580 m/s and their range is 2.5km to 3km. According to some sources, they are capable of self-homing (fire and forget mode) and can penetrate 900mm or more of armor after defeating ERA.

Another potential upgrade unveiled to public would be the installation of 40mm CTA automatic cannon to the vehicle. However, apart from several renders, no other info is available.

Mass-production was launched by November 2009 and, due to a large volume contract, the price was very competitive. By 2015, the cost per was apparently one half of that of a Bradley Fighting Vehicle and 85 percent of its components were of domestic origin, a remarkable feat for South Korea. According to some sources, the production at ended by 2016 but it is currently unclear how many were built in total. The most common estimate is around 400 vehicles of the 900 originally intended serving alongside more than a thousand remaining and upgraded K200 IFVs.

One final interesting thing about this vehicle is its producer. Doosan DST was renamed in 2016 to Hanwha Defense Systems along with its partner company Hanwha Land Systems (responsible for some elements of the K2 Black Panther as well as for the K9 Thunder SPG), both belonging under another company, Hanwha Techwin. That is why different sources state different names.

Like we mentioned above, the K21 will be implemented as a Tier 8 Premium AFV in Update 0.31 and it will be obtainable for Gold directly in the game. In the game, it will be an IFV with solid protection and firepower, but also (unlike the larger and heavier Marder 2) excellent mobility.

Let’s start with its armor. The K21 in the game will be available in the PIP (Product Improvement Program) configuration, which means it will feature an ERA kit as well as some additional modular plating, making it frontally resistant to pretty much all 30mm or smaller automatic cannons. The ERA itself will of course help against ATGMs, but the real protection versus those pesky launchers will consist of hard-kill KAPS APS.

But, of course, the vehicle will be vulnerable to anything heavier and, given its much lower weight compared to some other modern AFVs, it will also have relatively few hitpoints (only 2100 to be exact). But don’t worry, there are plenty of advantages to compensate this handicap.

Excellent mobility will be provided by its 840hp Doosan diesel engine and the vehicle will be quite agile as well as fast. With its sufficient maximum speed of 75 km/h, its operator will have an easy time catching up to any ongoing attempts to break through enemy lines and the 2 second acceleration from 0 to 32 km/h will surpass most other tracked AFVs around its Tier.

And, last but definitely not least, there’s the firepower aspect. The K21 AFV will be armed with one of the two weapon systems:
  • 40mm K40 rifled autocannon paired with Raybolt ATGMs
  • 40mm CTAS rifled autocannon paired with Raybolt ATGMs
Players will get to choose which configuration to deploy and it will be possible to change it at any point outside of battle. Let’s take a look at both.

The K40 autocannon is the basic weapon system of the vehicle but in our PIP configuration, it was enhanced by a pair of Raybolt ATGM launchers. The cannon itself behaves pretty much like any other autocannon – it has a 24-round magazine and a high rate of fire (300 rounds per minute), which means the magazine is emptied rather fast. Fortunately, its reload is fairly fast (3.3 seconds). It fires the following rounds:
  • APFSDS (220mm penetration, 65 damage per shot)
  • HE (usable only against very light targets)
The gun has very decent elevation and depression levels (+45/-7) and is also fairly accurate. The true firepower, however, comes from a pair of Raybolt ATGM launchers strapped to the side of the turret. In the game, these ATGMs behave the same way as the American Javelin does – you need to lock your target by holding your right mouse button while aiming at it and, after that, the missiles fly high into the air and descend upon it from above while aiming automatically (no further guidance is required after the launch).

This, of course, means that they will hit the weakest part of the target’s armor (the roof), which is why they do not need a lot of penetration – a standard HEAT warhead doing 430 points of damage suffices to keep all but the most resilient enemies at bay. Two missiles can be launched in rapid succession (3 seconds between shots), followed by a longer reload period of both launchers (20s).

The second option is the 40mm CTAS autocannon. This gun will have the elevation values as the previous one, but the main difference is that unlike the K40, the CTAS will be belt-fed, which means no need to reload clips. You will simply be able to fire continuously (much like the Marder 2 already can) with the following shells being available:
  • APFSDS (210mm penetration, 80 damage per shot)
  • HE (usable only against very light targets)
On the other hand, the rate of fire will only be 200 rounds per minute. In other words, you will trade your rate of fire and a bit of extra penetration for the ability to fire continuously. The ATGM launcher will, however, behave the same as in the previous configuration.

Being an IFV, the K21 will, of course, be capable of deploying infantry and, since it’s smaller than the Marder, it will have slightly higher camouflage factor (32 percent), but also viewrange (440m). The Marder will, however, definitely have a serious advantage in hitpoints (2750 compared to K21’s 2100).

In summation, what we have here is basically a light tracked AFV with some considerable firepower but, at the same time, without the protection levels of many a heavier vehicle. This combination will require more careful gameplay, which will be made possible by its adequate camouflage factor and excellent mobility. Deploying infantry and supporting it from a nearby position does sound like a good strategy for this kind of vehicle, as does laying down continuous suppressing fire or flanking the enemy.

We hope that you will enjoy this vehicle and, as always:

See you on the battlefield!
Armored Warfare - Silentstalker
On the 23rd of January 2020, starting from 8:00 CET (22nd of January, 11 PM PST), the server will not be available for 5 hours due to the application of Update 0.30.5926

List of Update 0.30.5926 Changes
  • Added a number of new assets to the game
  • Fixed the issue where the skin versions of the T-90 MBT (Rage, Motherland) could take double damage when getting hit in some external parts
  • Updated the in-game web browser
Armored Warfare - Silentstalker

We’d like to invite you to the final round of the Battle Path Bounty Hunt event, in which you will have the opportunity to hunt down some Armored Warfare members of staff or VIPs and destroy them in battle for amazing prizes! This time, we’ll be focusing on some Battle Path content and prizes.

On Wednesday, January 22, 2020, between 18:00 and 19:00 CET, log in to Armored Warfare and play Tier 10 PvP.

We, the staff-members and moderators, will be joining the battles in our CATTB Battle Path vehicles and if you manage to destroy one of us, you will be awarded with 2.000 Battle Coins and a 7 day temporary version of the CATTB Tier 10 Premium MBT.

The following staff and VIP’s will take part in the event:
  • MaciekM4a4
  • waidler
  • arek3city
  • Primer
  • REM_X
  • Tenam
  • AWRU
  • Eskobar68
  • Sorenou
  • Spitfire
  • Dayan78
  • Pickard
  • ThePsychoCat
  • M3pit
  • Silentstalker
  • Bezkres82
  • Noobdown
They will also identify themselves at the beginning of each battle by a chat message.

The rules of the contest are very simple:
  • Team-Killing will not win you a prize, unless you count a ban and contest disqualification
  • You don’t need to make a note of who you destroyed (although it doesn’t hurt); we’ll keep track
  • You can win as many times as you want, they are no limits per player
  • The temporary CATTB will only be awarded for your first kill, any further kills will be awarded by Battle Coins only
  • Rewards will be distributed after the end of the event
We look forward to seeing you on the battlefield!
Armored Warfare - Silentstalker

Why shoot your enemies when ramming them is more fun? Welcome to the first Destruction Derby player-driven event organized by DCOT! Dust off your trusted four-wheeled steed and show your enemies what you’re made of!

Where does the event take place?
  • Language: German/English ( clients only)
  • Date: 25.1.2020
  • Time: from 19:00 to 23:30 CET
  • Mode: Custom Matches
  • Format: Destruction Derby (players ram each other until there’s only one player left standing)
  • Tier: 5, VBL only
How to sign up?
The registration is open until 24.1.2020, 15:00 CEST.


The best five players will obtain the following prizes:
  • First place: 5.000 Battle Coins
  • Second place: 4.000 Battle Coins
  • Third place: 3.000 Battle Coins
  • Fourth place: 2.000 Battle Coins
  • Fifth place: 1.000 Battle Coins
Rules and Organizer

The host of this Event is the DCOT (Deutsche Community Organisations-Team). You can find the list of rules following this link.
We'll see you on the battlefield!
Armored Warfare - Silentstalker

The second progression vehicle that will be introduced during the Update 0.31 launch, along with the already announced Type 16, will be the Harimau Light Tank.

In real life, the Harimau (“Tiger” in Indonesian) is a joint project that was developed by FNSS (Turkey) and PT Pindad (Indonesia).

To understand how they got to the idea, we have to take a look at the country itself – or, more specifically, the nature of its territory. The Republic of Indonesia is a country in South-East Asia with its territories divided between five large islands including Sumatra, Java, Borneo, Sulawesi and New Guinea, as well as a number of smaller ones. It is also a tropical country – the climate there is wet and humid with some islands having mountains and the other having dense jungles or bogs. In short, it’s the worst environment you can be operating armored vehicles in.

Conversely, after its establishment, the Indonesian Military was put in front of a daunting task – to ensure the integrity of the nation. That, of course, required a lot of mobility – not only you have to somehow get through the difficult terrain, but also be able to transport your troops from one island to another. In addition to all that, the tradition of armed forces that are more on the light side was cemented by several internal rebellions, the suppression of which fell to the Indonesian troops in the 20th century.

Put that all together and you have a picture of a military force that has very little use for Main Battle Tanks. At the moment, Indonesia owns around one hundred upgraded Leopard 2 tanks (only sixty of which are truly modernized Leopard 2RI MBTs), but also more than two hundred Light Tanks, including the ubiquitous AMX-13 and the rather more exotic Scorpion 90, roughly a hundred of which were acquired from Great Britain in 1995. What that means is that even though the Indonesian military is more or less a defensive force, it uses rather modern (or, rather, old but modernized) European vehicles that were developed more for colonial or reconnaissance use than anything else.

However, as time passed, these light machines would become more and more obsolete and would be extremely vulnerable even if they were called upon to quell an internal uprising. After all, this is a scenario that becomes more and more plausible in this new decade, since various state actors may actively try to destabilize nearby countries for their own benefit – and the South China Sea is a tempting prize indeed.

The recent conflicts have fully unveiled the vulnerability of Cold War era vehicles in asymmetric warfare and the Indonesians decided that in order to fight in such a potential war effectively, they needed something with a higher chance of survival to support their troops while, at the same time, keeping the weight low enough to make sure the vehicle would still perform well in rough terrain. Price was, of course, also a major consideration – Indonesia isn’t the richest of countries and has to have the ability to wage such a war in a cost-effective manner.

The result of this line of thought was a program called Modern Medium Weight Tank, which was launched in 2015. The brunt of the development was carried by the Turks and their own prototype of the tank is referred to as Kaplan MT.

Despite being called a “Medium Tank”, the MMWT is really more of a Light Tank than anything else. The Light Tank designation was, after all, used for other tanks of the same weight category of 30 to 35 tons (an example being the Chinese ZTQ-15 or the BAE CV90120T. The first prototype was unveiled in the early 2017 during the IDEF 2017 expo and, presumably in 2018, the vehicle was tested by the Indonesians and accepted formally in service under the name Harimau.

The Harimau weighs 32 to 35 tons (depending on configuration) and has a crew of three men (commander, driver and gunner). Its basic hull armor is made of steel composites with the protection reaching STANAG 4569 Level 4 from any angle (it can resist up to 14.5mm AP bullets at 200m). The protection level can, however, be increased to Level 5 (25mm autocannons).

The interesting part is that while the hull of the vehicle is made of steel, the turret is made of aluminum (with equal protection levels). This is due to the fact that the tank uses a commercially available Cockerill 3105 turret by John Cockerill (formerly known as CMI Defense) along with its proprietary weapons and electronics systems (some of the earlier Turkish prototypes featured a another Cockerill turret, the CT-CV one). This solution allows the producer to keep both the weight and price low.

However, the obvious downside is that this tank lacks the protection of a true MBT – you can either have low weight or a lot of armor, but not both. That is why the vehicle also features additional protection systems, including:
  • Cockerill 40mm smoke grenade launchers
  • Automatic fire extinguisher system
  • Powerful air conditioning with NBC protection
Additionally, the tank is highly resistant to mines (the V-shaped bottom can withstand the explosion of 10 kilos of TNT) and can be, allegedly, upgraded with the following modules:
  • Turkish PULAT APS (which is more or less a copy of the Ukrainian Zaslon system)
  • Laser warning system (which does not apparently come as a standard)
  • Anti-sniper detection system (points out to the crew where the shots are coming from)
  • IFF system
The mobility is ensured by a rather conventional but rugged suspension along with a Caterpillar C13 12.5 liter inline 6-cylinder twin turbocharged diesel engine that is producing either 520hp or can be tuned up to 711hp (sources vary). There is also the Caterpillar Allison X300 automatic transmission. Together, they allow the Harimau to reach the speed of 70 km/h (or even more with the governor removed).

And last but not least, there’s the firepower. The Cockerill 3105 turret is armed with an automatically loaded 105mm Cockerill High Pressure rifled gun (albeit without the commercially offered Falarick ATGM firing capability).

The gun is fully stabilized and fed from a 12 round turret bustle magazine. The nominal rate of fire is 8 rounds per minute and all standard NATO 105mm rounds can be fired as well as Cockerill’s own special M1060CV APFSDS shell, capable of penetrating 560mm of armor at 60 degrees at 2km. The gun can elevate to +42 degrees and depress to -10 degrees.

But a powerful gun is only half of success – you need to aim it accurately as well. Fortunately, the Harimau has a cutting edge Fire Control System with the hunter-killer capability as well as all sorts of high-quality optics (including thermal imagers). Additionally, the commander has the access to panoramic sights as well as a Battlefield Management System.

In summation, it’s a very capable vehicle and Indonesia allegedly already bought 18 in 2019 with more on the way. For the Indonesians, it is allegedly also quite a bargain, although it carries a different type of benefit for the Turkish side. Turkey has been trying to establish itself as an arms exporter as well as a regional power for years now. The Harimau is an important step in this endeavor, since it is the first official Turkish export contract in this prestigious category. Few nations can boast with such a feat and it seems that Turkey has entered the big boys club with this deal.

In Armored Warfare, the Harimau will be a Tier 8 progression Light Tank that will be unlockable from the Type 16 MCV Tier 7 Tank Destroyer. Both vehicles (along with the rest of the Spirithaven season vehicle line) will be added to the vehicle pool of Francine De Laroche, which already contains the French vehicles. The C13 TUA owners will therefore have the option to unlock either the Tier 7 Type 16 MCV, or the Tier 7 Leclerc Prototype.

Where the Type 16 MCV fits the wheeled gun-armed Tank Destroyer archetype, the Harimau is the quintessential Light Tank. Fast, highly agile and powerfully armed, it will be perfectly suited for flanking combat and offensive gameplay style.

The protection will, of course, not be significant – its basic steel armor will repel autocannon rounds only, although it will have additional defense systems at its disposal:
  • Pulat hard-kill APS
  • Enhanced Maintenance Kit, increasing the protection levels and repair speed of internal modules
  • Automatic fire extinguisher will do exactly as the name suggests – it will extinguish fires automatically instead of having to deploy a consumable
All in all, the Harimau will still remain a relatively fragile vehicle and caution will be required when playing it. But no worries, things are only going to get better from now on.

The mobility of this vehicle will be solid. Its 32.5 tons will be moved around by a 520hp diesel engine, upgradeable to 711hp. The maximum speed with the upgraded engine will be 78 km/h. Additionally, the vehicle will feature hydraulic suspension.

But the true strength of this vehicle will lie in its firepower or, more specifically, in its ability to deal massive damage in a short period of time. Like a true tiger, it will pounce on its prey and defeat it with a flurry of mighty blows.

Let’s start with the gun – an automatically loaded 105mm Cockerill cannon in a CT-CV turret is nothing to laugh at with its -10 to +42 degrees gun depression and elevation values. Even in its basic form, it will feature a Ready Rack mechanism with four shells that will be possible to fire in relatively rapid succession (3 seconds between shots) and will fire either 315mm penetration HEP rounds or 530mm penetration APFSDS rounds. From there on, you will be able to unlock the following upgrades:
  • Improved APFSDS ammunition with 600mm of penetration
  • Improved automatic loading mechanism, increasing the rate of fire by 5 percent
  • Improved FCS, reducing the vehicle’s aim time by 20 percent
  • Improved Commander’s Sights, increasing the vehicle viewrange by 25m
After these become unlocked, the final firepower choice will await you. You will get to choose between:
  • Increasing the Ready Rack capacity to 6 rounds
  • Decreasing the reload time within the Ready Rack by 80 percent
But that’s still not everything. In order to complement its intended playstyle, the Harimau will have two active abilities to choose from:
  • Rapid Fire (increasing rate of fire at the cost of accuracy)
  • Override (increasing acceleration, maximum speed and hull traverse)

To sum it up, the correct strategy for this vehicle will be to stalk your target, wait for the right moment and maul it to death with several hard hits like the massive cat the tank is named after. Another, optional, gameplay style would be scouting combined with taking opportunity shots, but hard and fast close-range hits really are what the vehicle will excel in.

We hope you will enjoy it and, as always:

See you on the battlefield!
Armored Warfare - Silentstalker

This week, we are offering you another opportunity to boost your Battle Path progress and get that main prize you know you want – the CATTB Tier 10 Premium Main Battle Tank!

Between January 16 and January 23, 2020, the following Battle Coin booster bundles are available:
  • 2 Battle Coin boosters
  • 5 Battle Coin boosters (20% off)
  • 10 Battle Coin boosters (40% off)
  • 20 Battle Coin boosters (60% off)
Each of these boosters grants you 900% Battle Coin income bonus for two hours and can be activated for free, even in the Premium booster slot. And what’s more – if you don’t use these boosters right away, they will carry over to the next Battle Path.

Battle Coins can in turn be used for a number of things, including:

Please note: In order to use Battle Coins and Battle Coin boosters, you need to obtain the access to the Last Patriot Battle Path.

Enjoy the offer and see you on the battlefield!
Jan 16, 2020
Armored Warfare - Silentstalker

This week, we have, once again, two offers for you – a Battle Coin Booster one and one that includes three Israeli vehicles, specifically:
  • Magach 7A Tier 6 Premium Main Battle Tank
  • Sabra Mk.2 Tier 7 Premium Main Battle Tank
  • Merkava Mk.2D Tier 7 Premium Main Battle Tank
Between January 16 and January 23, 2020, the following items will be available (along with 100% bonus to Gold to Credit conversion):

Magach 7A

The Magach 7A is an early M60 series American tank, upgraded by the Israelis to meet the requirements of the 1990s battlefield, especially to combat the threat of anti-tank guided missiles that had started to find their way into the hands of various terrorist groups in the late 1980s. The most distinctive upgrade is its box-shaped extra turret armor. While well-protected, the tank was quite lethargic when it came to its mobility due to the use of its old engine, a shortcoming that was only corrected in the final evolution step of the Magach series, the Magach 7C. You can read more about it in a dedicated article.

In Armored Warfare, the Magach 7A is a Tier 6 Premium Main Battle Tank. With its excellent gun accuracy and aiming time values, the Magach 7A is a good sniper for its class and is perfectly suitable for those players, who want to experience long-range combat but who also want to keep some level of protection and survivability instead of completely relying on mobility and camouflage. It’s a rather sluggish vehicle, but more than a match for anything that it encounters on the battlefield.

Sabra Mk.2

The Israeli Sabra Mk.2 was developed as an upgrade kit for the aging Turkish M60A1 and M60A3 series Patton tanks in the early 21st century. Its main features include a new 120mm IMI M253 smoothbore gun replacing the old M68, and a brand new set of additional NERA armor, significantly improving the tank’s protection. You can read more about it in our dedicated article.

In Armored Warfare, the Sabra Mk.2 is a Tier 7 Premium Main Battle Tank with powerful armament capable of defeating almost any vehicle it encounters on the battlefield. It’s not well-armored, but its ability to penetrate even extremely thick armor more than makes up for this handicap.

Merkava Mk.2D

The Merkava IID (also known as Mk.2D) is an advanced version of the standard Mk.2 Merkava, upgraded with a modular “Dor-Dalet” composite armor kit. It’s a tough and unyielding vehicle, featuring a number of battle-proven components such as its 105mm rifled cannon. The first version of the Merkava Mk.2 entered service in 1983 and the last vehicles were phased out in 2016 after thirty long years.

In Armored Warfare, the Merkava IID is a Tier 7 Premium Main Battle Tank. It is not equipped with an explosive reactive armor kit, but is, nevertheless, a very tough customer due to the introduction of the applique armor, allowing it to take a lot of damage. Additionally, the tank is equipped with a Ready Rack mechanism, significantly increasing the rate of fire for the first four shots.

We hope that you will enjoy the offer and, as always:

See you on the battlefield!
Armored Warfare - Silentstalker

One of the things we are planning for Update 0.31 is taking several of the less-used commanders and rebalancing their skills to improve their utility and to make them more competitive when compared to the more popular ones.

Today, we’d like to tell you more about the changes that we will be making. For most of them, the goal of these changes is to offer more options aside from the obvious builds.

Progression Commanders

These commanders are available either initially, or for game progress.

Viktor Kirsanov is one of the starting MBT commanders. He focuses, for the most part, on damage output along with some universal skills. As things stand, he’s not very popular because of several rather inconvenient elements, including the need to pass empty skill fields in order to access the Tier 3 skills in his skill field’s corners, or some skills with extremely limited use (reduction of wounded crewmember penalties). Therefore:
  • We will fill those empty fields with Tier 1 skills (bonuses to crew resilience, specific module hitpoints, view range or accuracy)
  • The largely useless Tier 2 skills (reducing penalties from wounded crewmembers) will be replaced by crew resilience bonuses
  • Two Tier 2 skills in the upper right corner of the field (turret traverse and hull traverse bonuses) will trade places
This change should make the commander more universal with the emphasis on module protection.

Rashid Al-Atassi is an ATGM-focused commander, but there’s another aspect to him – the lower branch of his field is dedicated to camouflage and mobility. This one’s not used that often. In order to make this part of the field viable:
  • The lower left corner Tier 3 skill improving the bush camouflage bonus was changed to a Tier 3 skill reducing missile noise
  • We added two skills above each of the Tier 3, one improving acceleration and one improving off-road acceleration
Juan Carlos Miramon is a commander focused on mobile Light Tanks and will receive two smaller changes when it comes to the skills that are a part of the build recommended by Primer. Using the field coordinates used by the abovelinked tool:
  • The Stabilization skill at G2 will be improved to Tier 2
  • The G3 and G4 skills will trade places
Ioannis Sanna is a very specialized commander, putting a lot of emphasis on skills related to fire (either protection from it or setting things on fire). However, most of the recommended builds (such as this one by Primer) focus on the left side of his skill field. We’ll be improving the right side to make it more viable by replacing some of the least popular skills:
  • The Smoke without Fire skill that is reducing smoke grenade cooldown will be replaced by a different one (presumably a chance to make an accurate shot)
  • The Lucky Shot Tier 3 skill to the right and bottom from the smoke skill will be replaced with an accuracy-improving one in order to stack better with the Texas Duel II skill in the lower right corner
  • The upper right corner skill that is currently improving gun accuracy as long as the vehicle has at least 50 percent hitpoints will be replaced by one reducing the camouflage penalty for firing in order to make it more consistent with camouflage bonuses of the skill field top area
Rachel Kramer is an Israeli commander, well-suited for brawler-type MBTs thanks to her skills that trigger substantial bonuses in close range combat. Her skill field is quite useful as it is. Rather than switch it around, we’ll be upgrading four Tier 2 skills located on the top and on the right side of the field to Tier 3 – these skills improve:
  • APS cooldown
  • Smoke cooldown
  • Ramming protection
  • Reduction of fire damage
In the recommended build, these skills occupy the following fields: A1, A3, E7 and G7. The goal of this particular change is to offer more options aside from an otherwise obvious build that’s linked above.

Premium Commanders

These commanders can be obtained during various sales or game events.

Maximillian König and Fyodor Sokolov – these commanders share their respective skill fields. They are fairly universal and suitable for new players since they increase the Reputation income and their only downside is that they are not often available for purchase. We’ll be slightly improving them as follows:
  • The vehicle maximum speed Tier 1 skill will be replaced with an acceleration bonus one, making the commander more suitable for MBT gameplay (MBTs rarely reach their maximum speed in combat)
  • The two skills reducing damage from fire are not all that useful, which is why we will be replacing them with skills that improve engine hitpoints (rather than a fire doing less damage, it’s better not to have to deal with a fire at all)
Kathryn Gray – Kathryn is a special commander that’s suitable mostly for MBTs and other vehicles with poor hull and turret traverse. In Update 0.31, she will be receiving a major update to some of her skills to make her useful. Specifically:
  • Her main skill condition (improving reload time when having less than 50 percent hitpoints) will change to “while driving an MBT”
  • The Rage skills (improving module damage while having less than 50 percent hitpoints) in the vertical line in the middle will collectively be replaced by skills improving hull traverse rate
  • The nearly useless skills in the lower right corner improving maximum speed for the first 120s of combat will be replaced by skills improving MBT acceleration
This way, Kathryn Grey will become a specialist mobile MBT commander with her unique traits left intact.

And last but not least, Alisa Korhonen will be receiving a relatively minor update. Her Tier 3 skills improving the rate of fire of the Mysterious Stranger skill (Rate of Friendly Fire) will be replaced by the skills increasing the chance for the Mysterious Stranger to fire an ATGM that are currently only available as a part of the right side of this commander’s skill field.

The reason for this change is to make the left portion of the field more viable since the skills that are getting replaced were rarely taken by players.

What do you think of these updates? Let us know on Discord!

We hope that you will enjoy them and will see you on the battlefield!
Armored Warfare - Silentstalker

The New Year celebrations are over – even in Russia – and we are, once again, hard at work bringing you a lot of exciting content that’s going to appear in Armored Warfare in 2020. In the first quarter of this year, we’d like to launch another, Asian-themed season called Spirithaven and, today, we’d like to show you the first of the progression vehicles that are coming with it – the Type 16 Maneuver Combat Vehicle.

Ever since 1945, Japan’s military force has become practically exclusively defense-oriented and tasked with the protection of its mainland. Only in the recent years, discussions have begun about changing some elements of that concept, but the Second World War had a profound impact on the way Japan sees its army and its mission.

In order to understand the concept behind the creation of this vehicle, one has to have two things in mind.

The first thing is that Japan is essentially a mountainous country. In the event of an invasion, fighting in difficult terrain would be unavoidable and there are very few tanks that are suitable for such a task. This is one of the main reasons why Japan has been developing MBTs with hydraulic suspension that can help depress or elevate their main weapons beyond the limits normally allowed by their turrets. When tanks have to aim up and down the slopes to repel an attack, every degree would help.

Secondly, weight also plays a major role in such environments. Truly heavy MBTs would struggle getting into position through narrow mountain passes or across various bridges (that’s why many Japanese MBTs tend to be on the lighter side). A lighter vehicle (ideally one that could be transported by air) with the firepower of an MBT would therefore be actually more sensible than a sixty-ton category tank.

And that’s essentially the rationale behind the Type 16 MCV. The Japanese created an agile wheeled tank that is very suitable for the Japanese terrain. It lacks the protection of a tank, but features very advanced electronics and optics, allowing it to ambush its enemies, leaving them battered and retreat to safety after the action.

The development began perhaps as early as in 2007 by the Technical Research & Development Institute of Japan’s Ministry of Defense. The first prototype was ready by 2008, and between 2009 and 2014, several extensive rounds of testing took place. After their successful conclusion, in 2016, the vehicle was accepted in service under the name of Type 16 Maneuver Combat Vehicle.

The Type 16 MCV weighs 26 tons and has a crew of four since its main weapon is manually loaded. In order to keep its weight this low, the vehicle is only lightly armored with same type of modular welded multi-layer steel armor the Type 10 MBT uses. According to some sources, it is nano-crystal steel with high matrix density, incorporating some non-metallic elements (carbon) – something between an alloy and a composite.

Regardless, in its most basic for, it offers protection from small arms only (STANAG 4569 Level 3) with particularly low resistance to mines and IEDs – despite its light (“colonial”) nature, this vehicle is not meant for asymmetric combat abroad or anything like that and you generally don’t need to encounter mines in defensive actions. However, some sources have noted various planned or developed armor upgrades that would make the front of the vehicle resistant to 20mm or 30mm autocannons or even RPGs.

Additional protective measures include:
  • 76mm smoke grenade launchers
  • Laser warning system
  • Automatic fire extinguisher
Where this vehicle truly shines is mobility. It is powered by a 570hp Mitsubishi 4-cylinder turbocharged diesel, allowing it to go as fast as 100 km/h. It is also transportable by the Japanese Kawasaki C-2 transport planes, further adding to its strategic value, since it can be deployed anywhere across Japan in short order. It is also quite agile, albeit some sources claim that its off-road characteristics leave much to be desired for. Indeed, wheels are worse off-road than tracks and the Type 16 MCV was clearly designed with roads in mind rather than bogs or forests – the Type 16 MCV is not amphibious.

The firepower consists mainly of its 105mm Japanese Steel Works L/52 rifled gun. This weapon is roughly similar in performance to the Royal Ordnance L7 and can fire the same NATO standard ammunition, but it is not (contrary to popular belief) its copy – it was developed indigenously in Japan using special alloys and processes. The ammunition it can fire includes:
  • JM33 APFSDS (460mm of penetration at 2km)
  • Type 93 APFSDS (460-500mm of penetration, depending on sources)
  • Type 91 HEAT-MP
  • Type 75 HEP
Like it was mentioned above, the gun is loaded manually, allowing for the rate of fire of roughly 8 rounds per minute. Its maximum elevation is +15 degrees and its depression is -6 degrees, although these values are estimated only from various photos and are not openly stated anywhere.

The gun is fully stabilized and features both a thermal shroud and a muzzle reference system. It is paired with an advanced fire control system similar to the one used in the Type 10 MBT. It includes a Thales weather sensor and a hunter killer capability (where the gunner can engage one target while the commander already searches for another one and designates it for the gunner). The gunner has the following tools at his disposal:
  • Day/night sights
  • Thermal imager
  • Laser rangefinder
The commander, on the other hand, has the access to his own:
  • Panoramic day/night sights
  • Thermal imager
  • Laser rangefinder
Between 2016 and 2019, 109 vehicles of this type were built by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and most are intended to be deployed to Kyushu (the southernmost Japanese island). This reflects the shift in Japanese defensive policies. One of the biggest problems for Japan is the fact that they have a limited number of tanks available and their tanks are very expensive. Replacing some of them – especially the aging Type 74 MBTs that are scheduled to be phased out in the near future – with Type 16 MCVs would make for a cost-effective solution.

The deployment to Kyushu is connected to the threat shift – instead of the defunct Soviet Union, Japan now has the Chinese ambitions in the East China Sea to contend with. The behavior of China – an emerging superpower and regional hegemon – is therefore likely to dictate the defensive strategies of all other countries in the area for years to come and since Kyushu is the first and most obvious target at hand for any potential invader, it makes sense to deploy the bulk of these vehicles there. From there, they can be air-transported easily to the other regions of Japan.

In Armored Warfare, the Type 16 MCV will be a Tier 7 progression Tank Destroyer, available through a new dealer we’ll be implementing in Update 0.31. Just like with the American Dream branch of U.S. vehicles, the Type 16 and its branch will be unlockable from already existing machines – in this case, either the C13 TUA TD (Francine De Laroche) or the Type 90-II MBT (Zhang Feng).

At first glance the Type 16 will be comparable to a Centauro – the concept is the same: light wheeled fire support vehicle with a 105mm rifled gun, even though the weapons are somewhat different.

With its ingame weight of 26 tons and its Mitsubishi 570hp engine, the Type 16 will be fairly mobile and about equal to the Tier 7 Centauro. The same goes for its armor – it will protect the vehicle frontally only from 30mm autocannons or smaller weapons and the flanks will be even more vulnerable, making it clear that this vehicle should not enter close combat under any circumstances.

Things will start to get really interesting when we look at this Tank Destroyer’s firepower and special abilities. The Type 16 MCV will be armed with a Japanese Steelworks 105mm rifled gun, comparable in performance to the famous NATO standard 105mm L7. This manually loaded gun will fire all sorts of shells, including APFSDS, HEAT, HESH and even the LAHAT HEAT-MP guided missiles. With its solid penetration (up to 650mm for the upgraded APFSDS) and damage output (reload time 4 seconds), it’ll be an effective second line Tank Destroyer.

But its true strength will lie in convenience – or, more specifically, the ease with which it will be able to hit its targets. For starters, the gun will be very accurate while moving and will have solid depression and elevation levels (-6/+15 degrees). However, that’s still not all.

The tank will feature a very special mechanism called AI Target Assistant. This ability will work both in automatic and manual aiming modes.

In the automatic mode, normally, marking targets with right click will automatically aim your gun at the center of the target and keeps it locked there. In addition to that, the Type 16 autoaim will also “lead” the target – if the target is, for example, moving from right to left from the Type 16 gunner’s point of view, the gun will aim ahead of the target so that when the trigger is pressed, the shell will fly towards where the target is going to be at the time it will cross its trajectory.

In the manual mode where you control the gun, you will see a marker indicating where to aim to hit the target moving on its current trajectory.

While not as effective at close ranges, this mechanism will make long range shot adjustments easier, allowing the Type 16 to snipe more effectively. In addition to that, the vehicle itself will be fairly stealthy (32% camouflage factor) and equipped with excellent optics (410m view range), upgradeable further with a thermal imager.

Overall, what we have here is a dedicated gun sniper that will be able to take some trick shots thanks to its advanced systems and a perfect launching vehicle for the fairly diverse progression branch. It’s also worth noting that the Type 16 MCV wasn’t chosen randomly – it was selected based on your feedback from 2019 when it was one of the most popular suggestions for the upcoming branch.

We hope you’ll like it.

See you on the battlefield!