Armored Warfare - Silentstalker

We’re almost a month into the Age of Rage with the best players already having completed the main objective and obtained the most valuable prize of this Battle Path – the Object 490 Tier 10 Premium Main Battle Tank!

However, if you haven’t reached that goal yet – worry not, there are still more than two months left to do so and, to make it easier, we’ve prepared a special offer consisting of Battle Coin booster bundles!

These boosters are normally available for free in limited amounts as Battle Path Level and Mission rewards, but, between July 25 and August 27, 2019, you have the opportunity to purchase them in discounted bundles on MyLoot!

Each of these boosters grants you 900% Battle Coin income bonus for two hours and can be activated for free, even in the Premium booster slot. And what’s more – if you don’t use these boosters right away, they will carry over to the next Battle Path.

The Age of Rage Battle Path main goal is reachable with some effort without any additional progress boosters apart from those that are available as Mission and Level rewards but if you’re considering boosting your Battle Path progress, know this:

Compared to direct Battle Coin purchases, Battle Coin boosters provide players who take full advantage of them with more Battle Coins per unit of currency, but require active gameplay to do so since the actual benefit depends on your performance.

Please note:
  • This offer starts on July 25 at 16:00 CEST (7 AM PDT, 17:00 MSK)
  • This offer ends on August 27 at 16:00 CEST (7 AM PDT, 17:00 MSK)
Enjoy the offer and see you on the battlefield!
Jul 25, 2019
Armored Warfare - Silentstalker

Today, we’d like to offer you the savage bear-themed Beast skin series that was introduced to Armored Warfare in the current season, Moscow Calling. It consists of the following progression vehicles:
  • Challenger 2 ATDU Tier 10 MBT
  • Centauro 120 Tier 9 TD
  • Merkava Mk.3D BAZ Tier 8 MBT
  • VBL INGWE Tier 7 AFV
  • AMX-13 DCA Tier 5 AFV
These skins are normally only available as random drops from the Moscow Supply Crate that is, in turn, available for completing the seasonal Contracts after having obtained the ZUBR PSP Tier 7 Premium TD. You can read more about the Crate and the Contracts in our dedicated article.

However, between July 25 and August 1, 2019, we are giving you the opportunity to obtain them directly on MyLoot, either alone, or in one of two major bundles:
  • Beast Bundle with 25% discount with all skins and a season flag
  • Beast Bundle with 47% discount with all skins, the season flag and 30 valuable Battle coin boosters for those who participate in the Age of Rage Battle Path
Important: These bundles do not contain the vehicles needed to use the skins, only the skins themselves. You have to unlock each of the abovementioned vehicles to use its respective Beast skin.

As for the Battle Coin boosters, they boosters are usable only during an active Battle Path and increase your Battle Coin income by 900 percent for two hours. They are also available on MyLoot in several bundles – find out more!

Please note:
  • This offer starts on July 25 at 16:00 CEST (7 AM PDT, 17:00 MSK)
  • This offer ends on August 1 at 16:00 CEST (7 AM PDT, 17:00 MSK)
  • If you already owned a bundle skin, you will instead receive its Compensation Value in Gold instead
Enjoy the offer and see you on the battlefield!
Armored Warfare - Silentstalker

One of the things we wrote earlier that we’d do was to introduce additional progression elements to existing vehicles the way we tested it on the French line and on the ZUBR PSP Premium Tank Destroyer. Today, we’d like to tell you more about the Improved Transmission module we are preparing for the Light Tank class.

Simply put, the owners of high-Tier Light Tank will have the opportunity to unlock another upgrade module called Improved Transmission.

Once unlocked, this upgrade will enhance the vehicle’s maximum speed. The following tanks will have access to it:
  • PL-01
  • K-21 XC8
  • WPB Anders
  • M8 Thunderbolt II
  • VT-5 (Premium)
  • M8 Thunderbolt II Hades (Premium)
The module will cost XP to unlock and Credits to install (no achievements needed), but here’s the really interesting part – once unlocked, it will become unlocked for all the vehicles that have access to it. In other words, you only need to unlock it once. It’s worth noting that the Premium vehicles will have it unlocked and installed by default.

This way, dedicated Light Tank players will have the opportunity to enhance the performance of their favored vehicles a bit further.

Do you like this approach? Let us know on Discord!

But for now – see you on the battlefield!
Armored Warfare - Silentstalker

A new feature has become available for the rest of the current Battle Path duration – the Age of Rage Loot Crate, containing blueprint pieces of the M-95 Degman Tier 8 Premium MBT!

The M-95 Degman is an advanced Croatian prototype MBT, developed during the 1990s and 2000s. It is based on the previous Yugoslavian project, the Vihor MBT, which in turn has its roots in the improved T-72M series produced in former Yugoslavia. You can read more about its history in a dedicated article.

In Armored Warfare, the tank is relatively fast and fairly agile while carrying some potent firepower for its Tier. In fact, its owners can choose from two powerful guns:
  • 125mm 2A46 Russian-style smoothbore gun, known from many Russian MBTs
  • 120mm CTG NATO-style smoothbore gun that you know from the Challenger 1 Falcon MBT
It’s worth noting that the 120mm shells have higher penetration values and the gun can also fire Falarick ATGMs while the 125mm gun has higher damage per shot. Both guns will feature good handling as well as overall performance to offset the vehicle’s weakness, which is its mediocre armor. The Degman must rely on its mobility and firepower to survive, making it an ideal vehicle for aggressive, daring players.

The vehicle can be obtained by collecting 100 blueprints that drop from the abovementioned Age of Rage Loot Crates, which in turn are obtainable on the Age of Rage Battle Path screen, specifically the Crates section, in exchange for Battle Coins as such:
  • 1 Crate for 850 Battle Coins
  • 5 Crates for 4.000 Battle Coins
  • 10 Crates for 7.500 Battle Coins
These Loot Crates drop, apart from the abovementioned blueprint pieces, also the following items:
  • The vehicle itself (directly, without the need to collect blueprint pieces)
  • Pieces of Special Loot Crates (that drop higher quality loot than the standard Age of Rage Loot Crates – collect 10 pieces to obtain the Special Age of Rage Loot Crate)
  • Battle Coin boosters

All items that drop from these crates are available in the Inventory, the Goods section. The crates themselves can be opened in the Supply Crates section of the Inventory screen.

We hope that you will enjoy the tank and will see you on the battlefield!
Jul 22, 2019
Armored Warfare - Silentstalker

Welcome to another part of the Q&A series where players ask about the future of Armored Warfare and developers answer!

The requirements for the v3 Retrofit (introduced with the Leclerc line) can only be completed in PvP. Are there any plans for making it possible to complete in PvE?

The idea behind the achievements that we used as the requirements is for them to be:
  • That is, requiring repeated skilled play, not just being lucky that one time or grinding through them. Dealing damage to 7 opponents in PvP while surviving is no joke
  • Possible to complete while playing alone (platoons can help but are not really required)
  • Difficult to rig your way through reliably
  • Fitting the commander's play style (that is, Vincent Girard is a commander suitable for protecting your allies with your MBT armor, also known as "tanking")
Unfortunately, in PvE, the logic of "repel damage and damage enemies at the same time" would be obviously prone to abuses since bots are just AIs that are nowhere near as challenging as playing against actual players. Players in PvE would be able to tank practically any amount of damage and if a player is in a full pre-made platoon, he can damage any number of opponents with little to no real effort as his teammates would give him the opportunity to do so.

So, if we added some conditions such as "repel 20.000 points of damage and damage 30 opponents in PvE", all the PvE players who have access to full platoons (Battalions and such) would complete the achievement in one day while the PvP, Global Operations and solo PvE players would suffer.

With that being said, we are planning to address the situation once all four Moscow Calling Special Operation maps are active and properly balanced by requiring players to complete a "tanking" achievement there on the Insane or Heroic difficulty levels. There are no specific details available though (yet). We obviously do care about PvE players being able to complete those hard achievements but we don't want to reward PvE abuses either.

What happened with the mobility of Tier 10 Main Battle Tanks?

In short, we've introduced a change that makes these tanks accelerate faster until 32 km/h and slower after that. The goal of this change was to make MBTs more different mobility-wise from Light Tanks and AFVs (and to make those two classes more viable) and, at the same time, to make it easier for the affected MBTs to execute fast, sharp maneuvers at low speeds.

Speaking of which, in the several last updates, the Light Tank class is capable of some pretty nice drifts. Is this something that's intended?

The Light Tank class should, by design, feel "lighter" than the MBT class. This includes slight oversteer when turning – it's one of the pillars of the intended feeling of "lightness". We are not, however, planning to turn our Light Tanks into drifting monsters. If some of them skid too much, let us know and we'll take a look at it.

Why does the War Games mode affect player statistics? It's supposed to be a "fun" mode, as its name suggests.

The mode might be fun to play, but War Games are no joke. The Labyrinth is a fully fledged PvE mode, on par with standard PvE and Special Operations.

With the removal of friendly fire in PvE, some Special Operations achievements became impossible. For example, in the Black Sea Incursion Chapter 2 (protect CI tanks), the standard modus operandi was to immobilize the AI friendlies to keep them from suicide rushing towards the enemy. Can you review these achievements and overhaul them so that they are possible to complete?

Yes. We will review these achievements.

BMPT Mod. 2017 is seriously over-performing. It is much more powerful than the other Terminators of the same Tier due to its very thick side armor. Are there any adjustments planned for it?

Yes, we are planning to review the characteristics of this vehicle.

There seems to be a major gap in power between Tiers 6 and 7, more so than usual. Are you planning to do anything with it?

There are no such plans for the immediate future because we are currently focusing on high-end gameplay (that is, Tier 9 and Tier 10). Based on your previous feedback, high-Tier vehicles need more love while the Tiers you mention are popular as they are.

We'll of course get to these lower Tiers in time, but it's also worth noting that the jump in power between those Tiers is, to a degree, "natural" because especially the NATO tanks in the game switch to a new (real-life) generation between those Tiers. This includes higher caliber guns (105mm to 120mm) as well as improved armor levels (which we do want to keep at least relatively realistic).

Two MBT lines seem to struggle at the moment - the Leopard series and the Abrams series. Is this perception correct? And if so, what are your plans to fix it?

After taking a look at their statistics, it seems that the Leopard line is – with some exceptions – doing quite fine. Leopard 1A5 and Leopard 2A6 are not doing very well but the rest is okay and we'll focus on those two culprits with some partial tweaks. The Abrams line is another story and definitely needs some improvements. We have some improvements planned for the future but, for now, its saving grace is the Tier 10 XM1A3 – once you get to it, you'll have a very well performing MBT with solid characteristics, definitely a Tier 10 vehicle worthy of your attention.

Are there any planned adjustments for Wilk's PELE round? It is a total crew killer and there is little defense against it.

We don't have any such plans for the foreseeable future, mostly because the PELE round is basically the only trick that vehicle has up its sleeve.

The Chinese MBT ECU override special ability does not grant any traverse bonuses. Any plans for adding those?

We do not currently have any plans for that specifically. However, the entire list of Active Abilities is subject to tweaks and improvements. For example, as a part of the Mastery system and additional end-game progression that was first shown in the French branch, we are also planning to improve the already existing vehicles, which includes possible additional Active Abilities.

Any plans to add Premium or Battle-Hardened status to skins in general to make them more valuable?

Players with progression vehicles that have skins available can also purchase the Battle-Hardened status independently on the skins – those are two separate things, you can have one, the other, or both. But, at this moment, we are considering tying the Battle-Hardened status to skins an unnecessary complication. For once, the prices of skins would have to rise to reflect this new ability, but we'd also have to introduce a new mechanism to compensate the Battle-Hardened status cost to players who already have it and purchase a skin on top of it etc.

Would it be possible to allow a full platoon of players actually choosing which PvE mission they want to run?

We have no such plans. This would potentially lead to some serious abuses, especially when completing specific missions. A part of this game's charm is its battlefield diversity – repeating the same map over and over for maximum Credits is neither fun in the long run, nor does it require any skill to perform well.

Are there some plans for some more end-game PvP?

Not for the near future. After all, there is an end-game PvP mode in place already – the Battalion Ranked Battles are alive and well in Armored Warfare and are tied in with the Battalion Contract Missions so that every active Battalion player benefits from them. If you want to show the world of Armored Warfare that you are the best, get that permanent Hades tank series. Those are perhaps the ultimate badge of player skill (along with rare Heroic camouflages and difficult Spec Ops achievement rewards).

Have you ever considered any solution to the issue of high latency for eastern Russia, Asia and Oceania players?

We have no solutions at this moment that would satisfy all players.

With objectives now more important than ever, could PvE missions be made to wait for the secondary objectives if the primary is already complete the way it currently works in Operation Scorpio?

No. The way it works in the Operation Scorpio PvE mission deviates from what is currently the norm, which is for all secondary tasks to have to be completed when the main tasks are active. If we introduced what you propose, the secondary objectives would cease to work as intended.

Is a Nordic/Swedish line planned for the medium/long term? And would the S-tank be classed as an MBT or TD?

We do have plans for a Scandinavian line, but it is quite far away. As for the S-Tank, we'll think about it when we get there.

Can you add the ability to create several different commander skill profiles? For example, with Ioannis Sanna, create a profile with skills that increase fire chance and a different profile with skills that improve camouflage.

We have considered several different variants of such a feature in the past. However, the problem with it is that such a feature would see only very limited use by a small group of players, it only has low priority for now.

What's the problem with the current ramming model? Combining it with the recent MBT mobility nerf has made the Battle Path and other ramming contracts unnecessarily hard.

We are planning to improve the ramming mechanic, its damage calculations and its effect on internal modules in one of the upcoming updates. But when it comes to the current Battle Path and other missions, they can be completed in the current state of things.

Would it make sense to disable the Global Chat? It is never useful for anything and there is just a lot of trolling and spam going on.

We are considering several solutions for the situation. For now, you can disable the Global Chat in your Settings or blacklist (ignore) toxic players by right-clicking on their names and selecting the appropriate button.

Are there any plans to allow the sales of every single Inventory item for (any) currency? My inventory is stuffed with things I will never use and I would like to get rid of them.

There are no such plans for the immediate future.

It's no secret that most players in Armored Warfare play standard PvE. Can you add more maps to this mode?

It's something we are looking at for the future while taking our experience with Special Operations and the features developed for that mode into account. At this moment, this all is still, however, in the design phase of things and will take some time to develop.

Lately, we've had all sorts of trouble launching the game – for example, there was this bug that required the reinstallation of Microsoft redistributables and whatnot. Don't you think it's a bit too much, even for a free-to-play game?

In Update 0.29, a rather important internal change took place – we switched to a new developer toolkit that required the installation of certain Microsoft redistributable software. This was, unfortunately, unavoidable, as some players didn't have it installed or it didn't work properly. On the upside, this was basically a one-time problem that, in the end, helped improve the product quality for all. Such updates take place very rarely and, in the future, you will likely not notice them at all since Microsoft is switching to a universal redistributable package that will support different versions and will be updated using the Windows Update service.

What's the status of the reverse steering inversion settings – is it working as intended now?

Yes. Working as intended.

We've seen Moscow destroyed in the Special Operations mode. Will we also fight in Washington? This is a clear case of American bias!

Why so serious? Alright, we won't promise you Washington, but I think you'll like the next Special Operation series.

About the T-15 Armata weapon systems – what about the AU-220M Baykal combat module with a 57mm autocannon or the Kinzhal module with similar armament? Will you introduce those for the T-15?

We're considering it, but not for the near future.

That's all for today. Do you have any more questions? Feel free to ask them on Discord and our Community Managers will collect them for the next round.

See you on the battlefield!
Armored Warfare - Silentstalker

In today's Community Highlight, two esteemed contributors - Primer 7G and Mightybjorn1984 will share their opinion on the ongoing Battle Path event!

Interested in how much time will it take you to reach the Battle Path rewards? Primer 7G analyzed the event for you in his excellent Battle Path video: 

Mightybjorn1984, on the other hand, took a few of the Battle Path vehicles to the Alabino Proving Grounds.

We have other contributors streaming Battle Path content on Twitch - for example, ArmoredEyeCandy, Ruggedfun, or ThePsychoCat. Don't forget to check those out for an opportunity to win some free Battle Path-related items!

See you on the battlefield!
Armored Warfare - Silentstalker

Like every weekend, we have prepared one of special mode events for you, all belonging to the War Games mode group.

These events include older Special Operation re-runs as well as the newly introduced Labyrinth mode and are open every weekend from Friday CEST afternoon until Sunday evening.

This weekend, you’ll be able to experience the very first of the Special Operations series – the Caribbean Crisis. Find out about the humble beginnings of the Alpha One team while investigating a mysterious attack on a Clayburn Industries facility in the Mojave Desert. You can learn more about the story of Armored Warfare in our dedicated article.

Here’s why you definitely should not miss out on this weekend event:

The War Games mode offers you the opportunity to obtain a unique Loot Crate that contains all of the following:
  • 500 Bonus Battle Coins for the Age of Rage Battle Path
  • 10 Experimental Field Rebuild Kits (normally obtainable only via Battalion activities
  • Random diamond booster
  • Random 1-day temporary Premium vehicle
In short, the weekend modes are the best way to obtain some bonus rewards!

We hope that you enjoy these weekend events and will see you on the battlefield!
Armored Warfare - Silentstalker

Another round of weekly discounts is here, this time with the Challenger 1 Falcon Tier 8 Premium Jordanian MBT and the Zhalo-S Tier 4 Premium Soviet TD!

The following bundles are available between July 18 and July 25, 2019:

Challenger 1 Falcon

The Falcon is an experimental turret developed in the early 2000s in Jordan as an upgrade to the Jordanian Al-Hussein (Challenger 1) Main Battle Tanks. It's a low profile turret, armed with an automatically loaded Swiss 120mm L/50 RUAG smoothbore gun, capable of firing standard NATO ammunition. The operator controls the turret from inside the vehicle's hull, significantly improving crew protection. A prototype was built and tested, but the design was never mass-produced.

In Armored Warfare, the Challenger 1 Falcon is a Tier 8 Premium Main Battle Tank. The best word to characterize this lumbering behemoth in the game is “tough” – its excellent hull armor shrugs off most shells while the damage its low profile turret takes when it is reduced by 90% thanks to the fact the crew is not located directly in it. Despite being generally very slow and sluggish, the Challenger 1 Falcon can take tremendous punishment and is ideal for the players who prefer the British Main Battle Tank play style.

Contrary to the previous offers, the Challenger 1 Falcon does not come with any camouflage this time and is available for you to visually customize as you see fit.

Apart from the discounted standalone offer, it is available in the following bundles:

Improved Bundle with 31% discount, containing:
  • Challenger 1 Falcon Tier 8 Premium Main Battle Tank
  • 10 Gold Loot Crates
  • 10 Gold Battlefield Glory 12-hour Boost tokens
  • 25 Gold Crew Insignia tokens
  • 25 Gold Commander Insignia tokens
  • 25 Gold Reputation Insignia tokens
  • 25 Gold Credits Insignia tokens
  • 25 Gold Experience Insignia tokens
  • 2.000 Gold
Prime Bundle with 47% discount, containing:
  • Challenger 1 Falcon Tier 8 Premium Main Battle Tank
  • 20 Platinum Loot Crates
  • 20 Platinum Battlefield Glory 12-hour Boost tokens
  • 50 Gold Crew Insignia tokens
  • 50 Gold Commander Insignia tokens
  • 50 Gold Reputation Insignia tokens
  • 50 Gold Credits Insignia tokens
  • 50 Gold Experience Insignia tokens
  • 5.000 Gold


The 2S14 Zhalo-S is an experimental light, highly mobile, Soviet self-propelled gun from the 1980s. It is armed with an 85mm cannon on a BTR-70 wheeled chassis. Despite its unusually low caliber, the gun was very capable of defeating older vehicles, but it lacked the penetration of 125mm guns, a fact that ultimately doomed the project. The surviving prototype is currently located in the Kubinka Tank Museum.

In Armored Warfare, it’s one of the deadliest Tier 4 vehicles when driven by an experienced commander. Its gun has a rather low caliber for its Tier, but it more than makes up for it with its rate of fire and penetration power. The Zhalo-S can stay hidden for extended periods of time thanks to its excellent camouflage factor and, with a bit of luck, is capable of taking out entire squads of enemies on its own.

Aside from the discounted standalone offer, it is available in the following bundles:

Improved Bundle with 30% discount, containing:
  • Zhalo-S Tier 4 Premium Tank Destroyer
  • 3 Gold Loot Crates
  • 1 Gold Battlefield Glory 12-hour Boost token
  • 10 Gold Crew Insignia tokens
  • 10 Gold Commander Insignia tokens
  • 10 Gold Reputation Insignia tokens
  • 10 Gold Credits Insignia tokens
  • 10 Gold Experience Insignia tokens
  • 250 Gold
Prime Bundle with 50% discount, containing:
  • Zhalo-S Tier 4 Premium Tank Destroyer
  • 7 Gold Loot Crates
  • 3 Gold Battlefield Glory 12-hour Boost tokens
  • 25 Gold Crew Insignia tokens
  • 25 Gold Commander Insignia tokens
  • 25 Gold Reputation Insignia tokens
  • 25 Gold Credits Insignia tokens
  • 25 Gold Experience Insignia tokens
  • 1.000 Gold

Please note:
  • This offer starts on July 18 at 16:00 CEST (7 AM PDT, 17:00 MSK)
  • This offer ends on July 25 at 16:00 CEST (7 AM PDT, 17:00 MSK)
  • If you already owned a bundle vehicle, you will instead receive its Compensation Value in Gold instead
Enjoy the offer and see you on the battlefield!
Armored Warfare - Silentstalker

Over the course of the last few weeks, we asked you to submit your favorite historical camouflages and then vote on them and today, we are happy to finally announce the poll results!

The most popular camouflage, by a significant margin, turned out to be the CV90 urban camouflage that was listed in the poll as Swedish. In reality, the CV90 is at the moment a multi-national project and is in use by a considerable number of countries, the biggest user being, of course, Sweden.

The second and third places were all relatively closely tied. The second place belongs to the Japanese winter stripe camouflage. This is a bit tricky choice because upon running some tests, it turns out that this kind of camouflage would not look good on many vehicles. Still, there’s no reason why it shouldn’t appear as a skin on the vehicle that had it in the first place – the Type 90 MBT.

The third place belongs to the Australian Abrams camouflage. For us, this is a pretty good choice as we are working on Abrams historical camouflages already, so we’ll be definitely adding that too.

These camouflages or skins will appear in Armored Warfare in the future – in some cases, very near future. However, that does not mean that other submissions will be ignored either. We are already working on our next batch of historical camouflages that we hope you will enjoy.

See you on the battlefield!
Armored Warfare - Silentstalker

Armored Warfare features a storyline you can participate it by playing the Special Operations mode. 

The Moscow Calling story arc is now available. Learn what happened following your victory over Clayburn Industries.

Moscow Calling

The last mission of the Arabian Nights Special Operation left players with a choice – either side with Magnus and kill Sebastian Grimm, or side with Fedor Volkov and arrest him. Upon examining the results of this choice, we are pleased to report that most players sided with Fedor Volkov. The story will therefore continue with this outcome in mind.

Chapter 1 – Summit
  • Date: April 13, 2043
  • Location: Moscow, Russia
Clayburn Industries has been defeated, its fate sealed with the arrest of its CEO, Sebastian Grimm, during the pacification of the Olavsvern base in Norway. All around the world, its assets are being seized by the victorious International Security Department that finally found its way out of the clutches of CI’s corrupting influence. No longer a corporate puppet, the ISD calls for a major summit that takes place in the city of Moscow. The largest corporations on the planet, wary of the example made of Clayburn Industries, quickly accept the invitation as numerous world leaders also prepare to attend this historical meeting.

You, the Hero of Olavsvern and the man who brought down an empire, are tasked with one last mission – in the service of the ISD, you are to guard the summit. You are to be joined by Magnus Holter – with his crusade over, the man was, once again, saved by Fedor Volkov despite his Olavsvern actions, and vowed to join the ISD as a low-ranking officer to make up for the crimes he had committed. After all, men of his talents are rare and the ISD, now a global peacekeeper, could not afford to not employ someone as skilled and experienced as him.

The summit starts peacefully. The streets of Moscow are silent, emptied by the omnipresent troops with only the sound of rain providing a background to what is to be one of the most important political events in history. The melancholic stillness of downtown Moscow, lit by the distant lights emanating from the city’s skyline, is suddenly interrupted by a massive bomb explosion annihilating one of the incoming world leader convoys. Chaos ensues, as hundreds of troops and dozens of armored vehicles suddenly swarm the protectors.

These wear the livery of Liberty Militia, and old world-wide anti-corporate insurgency group pre-dating even the rise corporations. The insurgency was thought annihilated during the Corporate Wars by the ISD, but now is back in force, armed with the very best the black market can deliver. Someone incredibly rich must be backing them, you think, as you fight your way through their units to keep the summit attendees alive. You and Magnus, now commanding his own tank, fight like lions and eventually overcome the assailants, but the summit is in ruins as, over the radio, you hear the sounds of battle – this is no mere terrorist attack but a full-fledged military assault.

You almost make it out of the hot zone... almost. As you drive out of an underpass, you are ambushed by unknown enemies with colors you haven’t seen before. Magnus seems to know who they are and promises to tell you after the battle – but doesn’t get the chance. A massive missile falls on the city, annihilating the entire summit area along with Fedor Volkov. You and Magnus, reeling from the shock, are reduced to watching as several high-tech prototype tanks, masked by some kind of cloaking technology, materialize out of thin air before your eyes.

A man named Victor Blaze greets you – an old acquaintance of Magnus’, it seems, as both men are familiar with another and you recall hearing his voice during the El Arish operation on the radio. Magnus is taken hostage, but you are not so lucky – Blaze has no interest in keeping you alive since you’ve proven to be so troublesome and orders the others to fire at your vehicle even as you surrender. The last thing you see is a muzzle flash from an enemy cannon. The story of the mercenary group who survived all the way from the events of the Caribbean Crisis ends here. From now on, other heroes will have to step up to fight this menace.

Chapter 2 – Castle
  • Date: April 13, 2043
  • Location: Salzburg, Austria
An unknown enemy emerges. All across Europe, the ISD infrastructure is being dismantled and its units taken out one by one by an unknown enemy who has seemingly unlimited resources at his disposal. Even though the enemies use the colors of the Liberty Militia, it’s obvious that one group could never muster such power. This cannot be just an insurgency. Their numbers clearly dwarf those of many countries.

One by one, ISD outposts fall until only Salzburg is left stand. Hana Buric, an ISD officer, is desperately trying to mount resistance against nearly insurmountable odds but her units are getting overwhelmed.

In this battle, you assume the role of Hana as you fight off waves of enemies, buying your men some time to evacuate the residents of the city and your remaining forces. You still don’t know who are you fighting and why and all you can do is holding your ground. Halfway through the battle, you get attacked by enemy aircraft and helicopters.

Despite heavy losses, you fight your way through Salzburg and block off most access routes but your adversaries are relentless. Your last stand takes place inside the Salzburg castle where the last of the surviving helicopters await the evacuation. You manage to board them and run. As you flee, a giant shadow blots out the sun. A craft so giant it almost defies the laws of physics is the last thing you see before the doomed city disappears from your sight. Your comm units managed to contact some American insurgents.

Chapter 3 – Midnight Ambush
  • Date: August 23, 2043
  • Location: Pleternica, Croatia
It’s been a rough couple of months for the ISD but you now know the identity of the enemy – or, at least, how they identify to the world. They call themselves Enigma, but little is certain beyond that as their motives and sources of power remain a mystery.

No mystery is, however, absolute. There are those who have dealt with this mysterious organization in the past. The conspiracy that allowed Enigma to take over most of Europe in a single night runs deep, but could not have happened without at least someone high up the food chain being aware of their existence. Many such people were captured or killed during the Moscow Summit – perhaps that is why it happened in the first place, to cover up any tracks.

There’s also the matter of the cloaking technology Enigma uses. While deployed rarely, it gives them an enormous advantage as they are able to sneak even heavy vehicles behind enemy lines without being noticed. This technology would be extremely useful in Hana’s hands and without it, any rescue attempts are likely set to fail.

But, by a stroke of luck, Hana Buric – now a rebel leader with the ISD effectively annihilated – managed to learn of a transport that could carry some unspecified components for the stealth technology – as well as some answers.

Making their way to Croatia, you and the rest of the former ISD troops set up an ambush near the village of Pleternica. Hana’s intel turns out to be correct as numerous trucks start to arrive. However, they have a major escort along with artillery support. Additionally, the massive flying Enigma warship you saw in Salzburg turns up as well along with the forces of another insurgency group, the NPAA – it’s clearly an ambush. Nevertheless, you fight your way through the ordeal and escape with valuable technology in your hands...

To be concluded in the final mission of the Moscow Calling season, coming at the end of July.

See you on the battlefield!