Armored Warfare - Silentstalker

The developers of Armored Warfare are currently hard at work bringing you two full lines of progression vehicles – the Israeli and the French lines – with the first one coming this Season. These lines, while offering some quite interesting features, will, however, be rather conventional, consisting of well-proven tank models. In the meanwhile, we’d like to offer you something a bit more unique.


We’re happy to show you the first preview of the Strela S-8 Tier 6 Armored Fighting Vehicle and let us tell you, it doesn’t get much more unique than that. The bottom half of the vehicle is a standard tracked chassis – relatively nimble, but nothing to call home about.

But don’t worry; things start to get very exciting from the roof up. This vehicle is armed with two rocket pods (taken from a helicopter) that can be fired salvo-style. Both pods contain 40 unguided missiles in total and can be emptied in less than 30 seconds – that’s right, the rate of fire of this vehicle is some 100 rockets per minute, meaning you can fire a big rocket almost every half a second. And that is some serious firepower. Can it get even better? Of course it can.

You see, the rockets have HEAT-MP warheads with 420mm of penetration. What that means is that not only do they do damage even if they don’t penetrate, but when they do, it’s going to hurt a lot, especially against thin-skinned target where this type of shells receives up to 40% of bonus damage. Even without this bonus, the vehicle will be capable of potentially dealing 12.000 damage points per minute, so imagine what it will do to that pesky paper-thin BMD that’s been harassing you.

Of course, these are unguided helicopters rockets we are talking about so you won’t be doing any sniping with them as they are quite inaccurate. The Strela is more about pressing the firing button and seeing half of the battlefield explode. The rockets are also naturally slower than tank shells so evading them at long distances will not be all that difficult, which means that the vehicle is more suitable for mid-to-short range combat.

For its firepower, the vehicle will be surprisingly stealthy and maneuverable but also slow when compared to other AFVs with its maximum speed being somewhere around 60 km/h. The whole stealth thing also naturally ends when you start hurling rockets all over the place, which is not exactly a subtle behavior. At least you’ll have the opportunity to get in position unseen before you let fly – don’t waste it!

Like most vehicles in Armored Warfare, the Strela S-8 is modeled after an already built machine. Even though such “feats of engineering” usually only appear in the Middle East in the hands of various unsavory groups more familiar with a machete than a welding torch, this particular vehicle was actually officially built in Kharkov to be used by the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Civil War. It consists of two main components:
  • Strela-10 hull (a modified MTLB)
  • B-8 aircraft rocket pod firing 80mm S-8 rockets
Let’s take a look at the chassis first. The Strela-10 is probably more familiar under its NATO designation SA-13 Gopher. It’s a surface-to-air missile system built on the MT-LB universal armored carrier chassis. The idea behind it was to provide the Soviet forces with a highly mobile non-all-weather (and thus more affordable) anti-air capability but the results weren’t as good as the Soviets had hoped and the Strela didn’t see service until 1976. All in all, it saw some use in several conflicts that involved air forces, most notably Operation Desert Storm.

For a tracked platform, it’s a very light vehicle, weighing just over 12 tons. It’s powered by the same engine as the MT-LB carrier – the 240hp YaMZ-238V 8-cylinder diesel. Its maximum speed is, like we mentioned in the in-game part, some 60 km/h. As its low weight suggests, its armor is very thin – roughly 14mm of steel at most.

The B-8 unguided missile pod was developed roughly around the same time as the Strela system – for helicopters and ground attack aircraft. There are a number of S-8 rocket types including HE, tandem HEAT, HEAT with additional FRAG effect (that’s the one in the game), anti-bunker and even thermobaric. The pods were widely produced and used all over the Soviet Union. After it broke up, they stayed in service in a number of post-Soviet countries. There’s nothing terribly fancy about them – they are just your run-of-the-mill unguided rockets. The fun begins when you attempt to fire them on the ground because they weren’t built for that – their tail fins are designed to work when fired in the air and since the additional air counter-flow isn’t available on the ground, they lose a lot of their stabilization and fly all over the place.

That’s not really that big of a problem in this case, however, as the Ukrainians intended this combination as a makeshift artillery rocket launcher, targeting entire areas instead of specific tanks or objects. The efficiency of such a combination is up for a debate, but the use of both elements is in fact quite rational. For one, the Ukrainian Civil War separatists don’t have an air force, which means that old missile SAM systems that cannot (unlike the gun-armed Shilkas) be used for ground support are of no use to the Ukrainian army. What the separatists DO have, however, is a number of SAMs and other AA measures of their own. These SAMs badly mauled the Ukrainian Air Force in the early days of the war, leaving lots of aircraft accessories unused – including the abovementioned missile pods.

The Strela S-8 vehicles appeared first probably around 2015 with a few photos and videos of it firing available on the internet. It’s not known how many were built (perhaps a dozen), but they are most certainly operational.

So get ready, commanders, because the Strela S-8 is coming soon to Armored Warfare!

We’ll see you on the battlefield!
Apr 25, 2018
Armored Warfare - Silentstalker
On the 26th of April 2018, starting from 8:00 CEST (25th of April, 11 PM PDT for NA), the Open Beta servers will not be available for 4 hours due to the application of Hotfix 0.24.4565

List of Hotfix 0.24.4565 Changes
Major Changes
  • In this update, we’ll be issuing Gold compensations for the duplicate Legendary Reinforcements drops as well as the training corrections for duplicate Commander drops
  • Fixed the incorrect PELE shell damage

We are introducing a number of changes to this Tier 6 AFV:
  • Improved its autocannon accuracy
  • ATGM capacity increased to 40
  • Kinetic shell penetration increased to 150mm
  • ATGM handling improved
  • Increased the camouflage penalty for firing the autocannon
  • Hitpoints reduced to 1575
  • Fixed an issue where its hull traverse rate did not correspond to the one declared
  • ATGM reload time increased from 22s to 28s
  • Delay between ATGM launches increased from 2s to 3s
Vehicle Changes
  • Challenger 1 – significantly increased the turret bottom (turret ring) and driver’s hatch armor
  • Challenger 1 Falcon – significantly increased the turret bottom (turret ring) and driver’s hatch armor
  • Challenger 2 – significantly increased the turret bottom (turret ring) and driver’s hatch armor
  • Chieftain 900 – significantly increased the turret bottom (turret ring) armor
  • K21 XC8 – the vehicle in stock configuration now has the DM12A2 HEAT shell available
  • LAV-150 90 – introduced a number of small graphics fixes
  • M1 – somewhat increased the stock turret armor
  • M1A1 – somewhat increased the stock turret armor
  • M1A1 – fixed an issue where installing the upgraded armor kit did not actually improve the vehicle’s armor
  • M1A1 AIM – fixed the incorrect (too weak) armor of this vehicle
  • Merkava IID – significantly increased the turret bottom (turret ring) armor
  • NM142 – top-attack ATGM TOW-2B improved (velocity increased by 30%, penetration increased by 100%, reduced the camouflage penalty for firing this missile by 45%)
  • Object 187 Dragon – yellow color replaced by golden one
  • PL-01 – significantly reduced its camouflage penalty for firing
  • T-80U – broken tracks now appear correctly
  • T-80U Spacewalker – fixed the missing smoke grenade launch sound
  • Type 59-IIA Legend – the gun model was replaced with a correct one and the gun depression was adjusted accordingly
  • XM800T – fixed an issue where the rockets did not fire from its launcher but from its gun
Issues and Corrections
  • Fixed an issue where some vehicles had incorrect shell icons
  • Fixed an issue where HE and HESH shells detonated upon passing through the first layer of armor
  • Fixed an issue where the “Practice Run” commander skill could trigger when dealing damage at distances lower than 300m
  • Fixed an issue where changing shells multiple times during the battle countdown improved their reload time
  • Fixed an issue where upgrading rented vehicles with Retrofits did not change their status properly
  • Fixed an issue where a notification window sometimes opened outside the screen
  • Fixed the “Accept” button in settings
  • Added a confirmation query regarding screen resolution when switching from fullscreen to window mode and vice versa
  • Additional smaller UI fixes
  • Fixed an issue where switching the garage type when in queue could cause incorrect behavior
Armored Warfare - Silentstalker

In our previous developer diary about vehicle balance, we mentioned player feedback as one of the important sources for game changes. Today, we’d like to demonstrate the principle on an issue that’s been brought up a number of times in the recent past by the Armored Warfare community – the problem of recon AFV gameplay and performance in PvP.

We’ve carefully monitored your feedback regarding the PvP gameplay issues of a number of recon AFVs with the Tier 7 VBL being the most common culprit. These issues are caused by two main factors:
  • The way the AFV camouflage factor interacts with environmental camouflage
  • The way the AFV camouflage and environmental camouflage interact with skills
Simply put, under certain circumstances (when using specific camouflage-boosting commanders like Erin O’Connell), these AFVs are too stealthy, making them almost impossible to detect, let alone eradicate. In skilled hands, such recon AFVs are able to completely dominate the flow of battle far beyond the level intended by our game designers.

To remedy these issues, we’ve prepared a number of corrections to the existing camouflage mechanics (the existing mechanics are described in a dedicated article.

In the current iteration, the distance at which a vehicle becomes spotted is directly reduced by the vehicle’s camouflage rating and the environmental bonus received from for example bushes or other foliage. This led to two problems:
  • It allowed players to gather enough camouflage bonuses for the vehicle to have enough camouflage to become possible to spot only at the minimal automatic spotting distance (50 meters)
  • After reaching a certain camouflage value threshold, it made no sense to further improve environmental camouflage bonuses from bushes (or for players to seek more advantageous positions) because the camouflage value was so big that the vehicle could only be spotted at the minimum distance
This is why we decided to overhaul the environmental camouflage equation as such. Using the new formula, the distance a vehicle is spotted at will still be reduced by the camouflage factor, but afterwards, this value will be divided by (1+environmental bonus for the bushes between you and the enemy). Please note that two bushes at most are counted for the purpose of this equation – you can’t receive a bonus from more than two bushes.

The current equation looks like this:
  • SpottingDistance = 50+((ViewRange-50)*(1-Camouflage))
The Camouflage value from (1-Camouflage) is currently defined as:
  • (VehicleCamouflage+EvironmentalCamouflage)
In other words, the whole equation looks as:
  • SpottingDistance = 50+((ViewRange-50)*(1- VehicleCamouflage-EvironmentalCamouflage))
After the changes, the formula will look as such:
  • SpottingDistance = 50+((ViewRange-50)*((1- VehicleCamouflage)/(1+EvironmentalCamouflage)))
Naturally, after such a change, we also have to overhaul the environmental bonus provided by in-game foliage. Previously, the maximum environmental bonus per bush was 0.3 (that could stack up to 0.5 for two bushes) – now, the bonus per bush will have a value of 1 and will stack up to the maximum value of 2.

So, let’s say a VBL with its standard camouflage value of 38% stands behind two bushes and you are driving a Warrior so you have a spotting distance of 410m. Currently, it will work as this:
  • SpottingDistance = 50+((410-50)*(1-0.38-0.5) = you see it at 93 meters
With the updated model, it will work as such:
  • SpottingDistance = 50+((410-50)*((1-0.38)/(1+2))) = you see it at 124 meters
To address the issue of hidden AFV behind bushes firing missiles without being spotted, we will be also changing the way environmental camouflage bonus loss when firing a weapon works.

In the current version, your environmental camouflage bonus can be reduced by firing your own weapon with the bush carrying the highest environmental camouflage bonus value within 15 meters of you losing 66 percent of their environmental camouflage bonus for 5 seconds.

In Season 1, we will be changing this mechanism – upon firing, 50 percent penalty will applied to the entire (final) camouflage bonus the vehicle receives instead. In other words, the penalty will not affect the “best” bush, but all the bushes and other environmental camouflage bonus sources providing a bonus to the vehicle in question.

As a result of these changes:
  • Vehicles with very low camouflage such as MBTs will get a bit more use out of the changes
  • Vehicles with mid-range camouflage such as large TDs will remain roughly the same
  • Extremely stealthy recon AFVs will become easier to spot
  • It will become harder to fire from bushes while staying hidden
We hope that you’ll like the changes and will see you on the battlefield!
Armored Warfare - Silentstalker

The Kornet-EM is an upcoming Tier 10 Armored Fighting Vehicle. Learn more about it in our developer diary featuring Senior Designer Michael Morozov.
To learn more about the history of Kornet-EM, visit our dedicated article.

We’ll see you on the battlefield!
Armored Warfare - Silentstalker

Not so long ago, we’ve unveiled the plans for our first Season called “Black Sea Incursion” and now it’s the right time to take a look at two of its interesting features, coming in its first part – the World Map and the Contract Missions.

Ever since the introduction of Special Operations and the advancing storyline that started with Update 0.23 “Caribbean Crisis”, we’ve been working on a way to integrate all the three main modes of Armored Warfare into a single interface that would replace the Garage as the default means of mode selection and vehicle management.

At the same time, we wish to make the players to feel more in charge of their Private Military Company by offering them a tactical overview of the Armored Warfare world, its political layout and its ongoing battles. That is why we are introducing the World Map as the main battle management mode on the same level as the Garage view.

The World Map will allow you to send your forces across the world in all three modes instead of having to select the mode in the Garage menu.

On the World Map screen, apart from the game modes available to them, players will also see an overview of running events and bonuses, making them much easier to track. The system also features a new mechanism for event creation, making them much more interesting and reliable. And last but not least, a new Global Chat window will be available on the World Map, allowing you to better connect with other commanders!

This overhaul opens a lot of new opportunities for players to influence the Armored Warfare world in the future, including:
  • Special Operations storyline missions that will reflect the political map
  • Contract Missions
While the Faction system is still in development, the Contract Missions are also coming in the first part of the “Black Sea Incursion” season.

Simply put, the Contract Missions are several series of tasks granting awesome rewards. A single campaign will initially be available, containing PvP, Global Operations and PvE missions tied to the Armored Warfare lore.

The Contract Mission campaigns are separated into three stages of increasing difficulty with each stage consisting of missions of various difficulties, marked in the game by stars:
  • Easy (possible to complete on practically any vehicles)
  • Medium (requiring a certain Tier and skill level)
  • Hard (requiring higher Tier vehicles as well as considerable skills)
To complete a stage, a certain number of stars have to be obtained – the more difficult the mission and the later the stage, the more stars are obtained per single mission. Stage 1 consists of mostly Easy missions (with one star) while Stage 3 already has mostly Medium and Hard missions.

The missions are available on daily basis – each day, you can complete several randomly available missions per day that switch to different ones each day during the First Victory of the Day reset.

The Contract Missions are designed to promote skillful gameplay. To give you a few examples of how the missions will look in the Campaign:
  • Example Stage 1 mission: Destroy 1 vehicle in PvP while driving a Main Battle Tank
  • Example Stage 2 mission: Destroy 3 player vehicles in GLOPS and win
  • Example Stage 3 mission: Win, deal at least 10.000 damage and receive at least 10.000 potential damage (damage prevented by armor) in a single PvE battle
The Contract Missions will be scaled based on mode popularity and will take it into account.

Numerous rewards await those who participate in each campaign, including:
  • Credits, Global Reputation and Loot Crates for each mission completed
  • Premium Time and special Decals for an entire stage completed
  • A campaign-specific Premium vehicle for the completion of each campaign
Upon the completion of the campaign, players will have the opportunity to continue completing missions for Credits and other rewards indefinitely.

Make no mistake – completing the campaign will be a difficult undertaking that will take weeks, if not months, of active gameplay, giving the Armored Warfare players additional long-term goals – only the best will have the opportunity to get the ultimate campaign reward and the bragging rights that come along with it!

We do hope that you will like these missions and will see you on the battlefield!
Armored Warfare - Silentstalker

We are happy to announce that the AWL International tournament (the AWL Spring Cup phase) is now open for registration!

A team leader can now sign up his team at the E-sports site:
  • The registration is open from 23.4.2018 until 27.4.2018, 19:00 CEST
  • Each team must consist of 7 players (additional 2 substitutes are allowed)
  • After the registration, each team captain will be asked to confirm its team’s participation and composition until 29.4.2018, 23:59 CEST

Sign-up Guide

This guide will provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to sign up for AWL as a player or as a team captain.

Registration and setting up your Profile

You should be automatically signed in upon entering, but if that didn’t happen, hit “Log in” in the upper right corner, enter your account e-mail address and password, and then hit the blue “Log in” button.

After you logged in, click the “Profile” tab on the header and then “Edit” on the Profile page. Mandatory fields are your nickname on the site and your country. If you are a team captain, you also have to enter your Discord name. It will only be visible to tournament organizers. When you’re done, hit the blue “Save” button.

After setting up your profile, you have to link it to your Armored Warfare account. To do that, simply press “Games” while being in your profile and then “Link” button next to Armored Warfare. If you’re getting “Error linking the game profile of the game to the user profile (Error code: 5)”, make sure you’re logged into the same account you use to play AW.

Joining a Team

To join a team, go to the “Teams” tab while being in your profile after your captain has invited you to your team. Click the “Accept” button to accept the invitation.

Creating a team (for Captains only)

To create a team, go to the “Teams” tab while being in your profile and then press “Create Team”.

You will be prompted to enter the following items:
  • Team name
  • The game your team will be playing (Armored Warfare)
  • Team size (7)
  • Country
  • Team’s website
  • Logo
The two last ones are optional.

After your team is created, click on its name to go to the team’s profile. Press “Change team” to add players to your team.

To invite players, press the “Find player” button, enter their nickname on the site in the popped up window, hit “Find player” and then “Invite”. Your players must tell you their nicknames on the website in order for you to find them.

When all of your players have confirmed their participation, the status of your team will change to “Completed”. This is what it looks like:

Signing up for the Tournament

To sign up for the tournament, go the the AWL: Spring cup tournament page once the registration is opened and press “Check in”.

If everything is in order and your team is set up, you’ll see the “Finish registration” button. Press it to finish signing up for the tournament.

If your team isn’t completed, you’ll be prompted to finish that process before you can complete registration.

If you’re a team captain and you’re having a question or a difficulty pertaining signing up, please feel free to reach out to a Community Manager via our official Discord server.

Tournament Rules

These rules, posted on the site, are the official rules of the AWL: Spring Cup (hereinafter referred to as the "Tournament"). The tournament is held among the teams that have received the right to participate. These rules apply to every team, team managers, team captains, all the team players and other Tournament participants.

The organizer of the tournament is the Armored Warfare team.

  • Team - an organized group of players eligible for the tournament. A team consists of 7 players and up to 2 reserve players
  • Player - a member of a team who has been signed up for the tournament
  • Team’s captain - the player representing his team and responsible for providing the Tournament Organizer with the necessary information
  • Referee - a representative of the Tournament Organizer, responsible for observing and enforcing the tournament rules
  • Round - a fight between two teams on one map
  • Match - a series of rounds
  • EU server
  • 32 teams, 7 players each
  • The bracket is generated automatically
  • Format - single elimination (lose once and you’re out), Best of 5
  • Maps - Pipelines/Narrows/Ghost Field/Tropical Coast/Lost Island
  • All rounds of a match are played one map. Before the match, each team bans two map (t1 ban- t2 ban - t1 ban - t2 ban), the remaining map is played. The team which is higher in the bracket gets to ban first
  • The team which is higher in the bracket gets to pick the respawn site
  • Lobby parameters: Standard match, Privacy - Private, Duration - 10 minutes, Allow Invites - on. The name of the lobby must contain the names of both teams
  • Tier 7, all classes except for SPG are allowed, premiums allowed, all consumables allowed, all commanders are allowed
Signing up:
  • Team’s captain submits their squads of 7 players and up to 2 substitutes on from 23.4. to 27.4.2018. The registration closes at 19:00 CEST, 27.4.2018
  • After that, team captains have to confirm their team’s participation on the same page. Teams that registered earlier have a priority in getting their spot confirmed. Confirmation closes at 23:59 CEST, 29.4.2018. Brackets will be formed on 30.4.2018
  • All players need at least 1 Tier 7 vehicle in order to be eligible for the tournament
  • One player can only be a member of one team
  • Team’s captain (the one submitting the list of players) must make sure all of his or her players are eligible for the tournament and the team has a name. Additionally, the captain can add up to 2 reserve players, which can be used in case one of the main players can’t participate in a game due to a technical or connection issue.
  • After the confirmation is finished all captains must contact the Tournament Organizer in Discord at Peligro#7743
Before and during the matches:
  • All matches must start by 20:00 CEST (1/32 - Tuesday, 1/16 - Wednesday. Finals - Sunday)
  • At 19:00 CEST, the team captains will get an option to check in on the match page. As soon as one team captain checks in, a 15 minutes timer starts, and if the second captain fails to check in on time, the first team gets a default win
  • After both captains have checked in, they may add each other as friends in-game, prepare the lobby and commence the map pick ban
  • All captains must make screenshots of the results after every map played
  • After the match has concluded, the captains must enter the results of the match on the match page and attach relevant screenshots
  • All matches must conclude by 22:00 CEST
  • In case where one captain can’t reach another to start a match, but both captains have checked in, a Tournament Organizer must be contacted
  • During the matches, players are expected to demonstrate fair play and good sportsmanship
Win conditions:
  • A team wins a match after winning 3 round in Bo5
  • The conditions for winning a round correspond with the in-game conditions
  • If a draw occurs a tie-breaker round will be played
  • If a tie-breaker also ends up in a draw, the winner is determined by the following statistics:
  • Amount of vehicles left alive after the tie-breaker ends
  • If not determined by (1), by the amount of damage dealt by the whole team combined
  • If not determined by (2), a referee can call another tie-break round or give default losses to both of the teams, at the discretion of the jury and the Tournament Organizer

A team may be disqualified for the following reasons, at the discretion of the referee from a CM team:
  • A team or a member of a team was found guilty of cheating or hacking in any way that gave said team an unfair advantage during the match
  • A team or a member of a team was found guilty of match fixing
  • A member of a team used obscene, vulgar or offensive language, or statements inciting hatred or discrimination, at any point before, during and after the match
  • A team or a member of a team was found guilty of breaking the Armored Warfare EULA
  • A member of a team knowingly mislead the Tournament Organizer or other players using deliberately false information
  • A member of a team has switched his or her vehicle during a replay
  • A member of a team has used an account that belongs to a third person
  • A member of a team has provided information about a match lobby to anyone other than the match participants, a referee or an official streamer
  • This list is not exclusive. In all disputes the Tournament Organizer has the final decision and reserves the right to disqualify a team
Other rules:
  • If necessary a team can take part in a match with incomplete composition. The minimum number of players in the team for the match is 5 players, which means a match can be played 7vs6 or 7vs5. In the event where a team has less than 5 player present, that team gets a default loss
  • All captains must have 1 video replay of their matches that must be submitted to the Tournament Organizer (referee) if requested
  • In case of a technical issue a round is replayed. Only global server-side issues count as a technical issue
  • Players may switch their vehicles between the rounds. In case of a replay of a round players cannot switch their vehicles
  • A referee might contact team captains and ask to be invited to spectate a match before or during the game
  • Selected matches, included finals, will be broadcasted on AW official Twitch, Youtube & Facebook and casted by the CMs & AW streamers. Tournament Organizer will reach out to team captains to allow spectating for the streamers
  • Tournament Organizer reserves the right to call for an additional match to determine stronger team.
  • Tournament Organizer reserves the right to fine a team (reduce their prize) if said team has received a default loss during the tournament
  • Tournament Organizer reserves the right to alter these rules at any point
  • By signing up for the tournament team captains confirm that they have read and agreed to these rules
  • In any and all non-standard situations or situations not described by these rules the Tournament Organizer reserves the right resolve the situation at its discretion

Good luck commanders – we’ll see you on the international battlefield!
Armored Warfare - Silentstalker

For the upcoming weekend and the next week, we’ve prepared for you another set of missions and a bonus!

Between April 19 and April 26, 2018, the following bonus and missions will be active:
  • 50% bonus to Commander Experience income
  • Win 1 battle in any mode to receive 5 Gold Credit Insignia tokens
  • Win 5 battles in any mode to receive 5 Field Rebuild Kit Consumables
  • Win 10 battles in PvP, Global Operations or Special Operations to receive 2 Platinum Battlefield Glory 12-hour Boost tokens
Please note:
  • This event starts on April 19, 16:00 CEST (7 AM PDT)
  • This event ends on April 26, 16:00 CEST (7 AM PDT)
Enjoy this event and will see you on the battlefield!
Armored Warfare - Silentstalker

This week, two popular high-Tier vehicles are making a return – the BMPT Prototype Sapphire Tier 8 Premium Tank Destroyer and the Object 187 Dragon Tier 7 Premium Main Battle Tank!

Today’s offer is, however, special in three ways:
  • Both vehicles are now permanently available for Gold
  • Both standalone vehicles are available with 10% discount for the duration of this offer
  • The larger bundles they were previously available are subject to additional discounts
Apart from the permanent standalone offers, the following special bundles are also available between April 19 to April 26, 2018:

BMPT Prototype Sapphire

The BMPT Terminator is a Russian fire support vehicle, built on the hull of a T-90 tank. Its main purpose is to accompany tank units in urban areas and protect them against enemy infantry. To do that, the vehicle is armed with two 30mm cannons, capable of laying down suppressive fire in a split second. Additionally, the vehicle is equipped with four guided missile launchers, making it a deadly opponent. You can read more about it in our dedicated article.

In Armored Warfare, the BMPT Prototype Sapphire is a Tier 8 Premium Tank Destroyer. Its power lies in the combination of thick armor, an unmanned turret and the ability to fire volleys of guided missiles, making it one of the deadliest vehicles on the battlefield.

Aside from the permanent offer (including for Gold), it is also available in the following bundles:

Improved Bundle with 27% discount (plus extra 20% off), containing:
  • BMPT Prototype Sapphire Tier 8 Premium Tank Destroyer
  • 20 Gold Loot Crates
  • 15 Gold Battlefield Glory 12-hour Boost Tokens
  • 25 Gold Crew Insignia tokens
  • 25 Gold Commander Insignia tokens
  • 25 Gold Reputation Insignia tokens
  • 25 Gold Credits Insignia tokens
  • 25 Gold Global Reputation Insignia tokens
  • 2.000 Gold
Prime Bundle with 39% discount (plus extra 35% off), containing:
  • BMPT Prototype Sapphire Tier 8 Premium Tank Destroyer
  • 25 Platinum Loot Crates
  • 25 Platinum Battlefield Glory 12-hour Boost Tokens
  • 50 Gold Crew Insignia tokens
  • 50 Gold Commander Insignia tokens
  • 50 Gold Reputation Insignia tokens
  • 50 Gold Credits Insignia tokens
  • 50 Gold Global Reputation Insignia tokens
  • 5.000 Gold

Object 187 Dragon

The Object 187 was a Soviet era program, developed to improve upon the excellent but ageing T-72 Main Battle Tank. Several prototypes were built, featuring a number of advanced elements compared to the older Soviet tanks, such as the new long 125mm smoothbore gun with a typical muzzle brake. The result was an excellent MBT that was, however, never mass-produced due to the 1990s Russian military budget cuts – the Russian army chose a less advanced but cheaper T-90 instead. You can learn more about it in our dedicated article.

In Armored Warfare, the Object 187 is a typical Russian style Main Battle Tank – it’s suitable for an aggressive play style and is a good choice for the players who prefer to take on their opponents at close ranges.

Aside from the permanent offer (including for Gold), it is also available in the following bundles:

Improved Bundle with 22% discount (plus extra 20% off), containing:
  • Object 187 Dragon Tier 7 Premium Main Battle Tank
  • 20 Gold Loot Crates
  • 15 Gold Battlefield Glory 12-hour Boost Tokens
  • 25 Gold Crew Insignia tokens
  • 25 Gold Commander Insignia tokens
  • 25 Gold Reputation Insignia tokens
  • 25 Gold Credits Insignia tokens
  • 25 Gold Global Reputation Insignia tokens
  • 3.000 Gold
Prime Bundle with 42% discount (plus extra 35% off), containing:
  • Object 187 Dragon Tier 7 Premium Main Battle Tank
  • 25 Platinum Loot Crates
  • 25 Platinum Battlefield Glory 12-hour Boost Tokens
  • 50 Gold Crew Insignia tokens
  • 50 Gold Commander Insignia tokens
  • 50 Gold Reputation Insignia tokens
  • 50 Gold Credits Insignia tokens
  • 50 Gold Global Reputation Insignia tokens
  • 6.500 Gold

Please note:
  • This offer starts on April 19, 16:00 CEST (7 AM PDT)
  • This event ends on April 26, 16:00 CEST (7 AM PDT)
  • Every bundle is delivered either to the EU server or to the NA server, based on your server selection
  • If you already owned a bundle vehicle, you will instead receive its Compensation Value in Gold instead
We hope that you will enjoy this offer and will see you on the battlefield!
Apr 18, 2018
Armored Warfare - Silentstalker
On the 19th of April 2018, starting from 8:00 CEST (18th of April, 11 PM PDT for NA), the Open Beta servers will not be available for 2 hours due to the application of Hotfix 0.24.4525.2

This small update contains the mechanics necessary to compensate the Legendary Reinforcement loot crate duplicate vehicle drops with their gold value.
Apr 18, 2018
Armored Warfare - Silentstalker

When discussing the Israeli Sherman upgrades, there are two tanks that are commonly known under the name of “Super Sherman” – the older M50 and the vehicle that is going to be introduced to Armored Warfare as a Tier 2 Main Battle Tank – the M51.


The story of the M51 begins where the M50 left off. After the end of Operation Kadesh (the Suez Crisis of 1956), the Arab armies were, once again, left bewildered and in disarray. Despite having at least as good armor as Israel and numerous forces in the field, the gamble of the Egyptian leader Gamal Abdel Nasser backfired with his units, including the armor, crumbling against the pressure Israeli forces exerted.

But after the shock wore off and the political consequences were dealt with, Nasser needed to rebuild and improve his shattered army and air force – and the Soviet Union was more than happy to provide a helping hand to such a strategic ally. Only this time, Egypt would not get just the T-34s – they’d also receive a far deadlier opponent, the T-54 Medium Tank.

That posed quite a problem for the Israelis. The M50 was roughly on par with the T-34/85, but was completely outclassed by the more modern Soviet vehicle. Syria received similar assistance, even though the Syrian armor was initially older and less numerous – the Syrians couldn’t afford as many vehicles as the Egyptians but large amounts of refitted World War Two German equipment was sold to Syria in the 1950s and 1960s (that’s where many post-war Panzer IV and StuG III photographs come from) along with a number of Czechoslovak T-34s. The 1958 political union between Egypt and Syria (an Egyptian hegemony rather than a pact of equals) also ensured that the next attack against Israel (as promised by the fiery rhetoric of Nasser and his followers) would come from both sides at once.

And, of course, there was the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan – the most pro-western Arab country, but also politically the weakest in the region. Its armored forces, however, consisted of western-trained veterans and were equipped with British and American tanks. The Jordanians were never the fiercest opponents of Israel (in fact, in many cases, they were far more concerned with fighting other Arabs and limiting the Egyptian influence in the region), but would on several occasions be swayed to attack Israel along with Syria, Egypt and Iraq (and would pay the price for it). They too had to be considered potential enemies by the Israelis.

These problems were further underlined by the slow speed with which the Israelis were able to produce the M50s – between 1956 and mid-1961, only 100 Shermans were converted to the M50 level. Solutions were tested to upgrade the M50 combat value (such as the installation of additional armor), but, in the end, Israel once again turned to the French for help.

M50 with extra armor

In 1961, a new upgrade program was started – the Israeli Shermans would, instead of the 75mm CN guns, receive a much larger 105mm cannon. This model received the designation M51.

The M51 was, once again, a Sherman with a modified turret (that was the larger T23 version that originally housed the 76mm M1 series gun), armed with the French 105mm D-1508 L/51 cannon (not the D-1504 L/44, as many sources incorrectly state).

The combination of a 105mm caliber cannon and a tank usually implies the ability to fire NATO standard full-bore ammunition, but this was not the case. Such a gun would not be usable in a Sherman turret, even with the extensions the French gave it. It was simply too large and too powerful for the chassis and the turret mount to handle. The gun had to be made shorter and the recoil had to be managed. As a result, the D-1508 was shorter and had reduced shell muzzle velocity compared to the 105mm CN-105 F1 used on the AMX-30 (915 m/s compared to over 1000 m/s of the F1 gun).

Despite this reduction, the gun was actually capable of firing the available French 105mm rounds (with the exception of the APFSDS round), specifically:
  • OCC 105 F1 HEAT round (800 m/s, 152mm of RHAe penetration at 26 degrees)
  • OE 105 F1 HE round (700 m/s, round weight 18.5kg)
  • Smoke round
The gun was, once again, housed in a turret that was elongated to the front by the means of welded extensions and had a heavy bustle counterweight in the back that housed a radio and a ventilator. Several types of these bustles with minor differences existed.

The first M51s officially entered service in the July of 1962. Typically, sources claim that the M51s were modified from two Sherman models:
  • 76mm late production M4A1
  • 76mm M4A3
The exact extent of modifications is another matter. In the M50 article, we mentioned the M50 Mk.1 model (with original engine and suspension) and the M50 Mk.2 model (or “M50 Cummins” with the Cummins VT8-460 diesel and HVSS suspension) with the Mk.2 model produced roughly from 1960 onwards.


In most cases, articles about the M51 mention only one M51 model – the one with Cummins engine and HVSS suspension. In other words, there is no M51 Mk.1 and Mk.2.

However, based on several photographs, it seems that some early M51 tanks were fitted with their original engines and suspension and were only upgraded later. While interesting from a historical point of view, these M51s performed roughly the same (not counting the old component wear) and by 1965, all the M51s produced were likely converted to the “Mark 2” standard (or built that way from scratch).

Otherwise, the M51 was fairly similar to the M50 (and the older Shermans). It had a crew of five and all-steel armor. The 76mm turret called T23 had the following thicknesses:
  • Gun mantlet: 89mm
  • Turret front: 63.5mm
  • Turret sides and rear: 63.5mm
  • Turret roof: 25.4mm
The M51 weighed approximately 35 tons (slightly more than the M50) and was powered either by the 460hp Cummins engine or the original engine in the earliest cases (460hp Continental R975 C4 or 500hp Ford GAA). The maximum speed was likely roughly the same as that of the M50 or the original Sherman (40 km/h).

The M51 served in two major conflicts – the Six Day War and the Yom Kippur War. However, despite its upgraded cannon, the tank was considered to be obsolete in both conflicts and by 1973, it was mostly replaced by modified Israeli Centurions and Pattons.

The idea that it performed truly well at long distances even against Arab T-62s is mostly a myth that is likely based on the fact that Israel managed to defeat the invaders in the first place against nearly insurmountable odds.

In reality, the M51 was used at that point simply because there weren’t enough modern tanks to replace and struggled, forcing the Israeli tankers using them to close in and target enemy vehicle weak areas such as sides and the rear, significantly increasing the Super Sherman losses. The state of the Israeli military in 1973 had a number of reasons, including the stunning Six Day War victory that led to complacency, corruption in the ranks of the IDF and overreliance on the Israeli Air Force at the expense of ground units.

The devastating Yom Kippur war was a huge wake-up call for Israel and resulted in frantic improvement. The M51s that survived the war were essentially phased out, although some were left in reserve until as late as the early 1990s.

A number of these vehicles were sold off to Chile from 1979 onwards. Chile had the older M50s and possibly some of the M51s upgraded with a 60mm HVMS cannon specifically for them to be able to defeat tanks such as the T-62.

Sherman with 60mm HVMS cannon

The Chilean 60mm M51s (sometimes incorrectly referred to as M60) also had a new engine by Detroit Diesel (it’s unclear whether the new engine was a part of the initial conversion or was added afterwards). It’s worth noting, however, that the other South American Shermans armed with a 105mm gun, such as the Argentinian Repotenciado, are not of Israeli origin and were converted by the French.

In Armored Warfare, the M51 will be a Tier 2 Main Battle Tank of the upcoming Israeli dealer. Much like its Tier 1 predecessor, the M50 will have mediocre mobility and armor, but also a large gun for its Tier (the largest, in fact) capable of dealing tremendous damage per shot thanks to its HEAT shells.

We hope that you will enjoy playing it and will see you on the battlefield!