Nov 23, 2016
The Count Lucanor - monsieur_max

Welcome to the Tenebre Castle dear friend. We are pleased to announce that a young foreign traveler from a faraway land named "Shoot", made a wonderful translation of our story to his singular language. To celebrate such event our illustrious Count Lucanor decided to drop our castle taxes -40%, only for this week.

In other matters, very soon we will have news about the consoles port! (O_O)

And for the gentlemen who are seeking new adventures, this week we will announce some news about the new game and also seek for some collaboration.
Nov 23, 2016
The Count Lucanor - Baroque Decay

Welcome to the Tenebre Castle dear friend. We are pleased to announce that a young foreign traveler from a faraway land named "Shoot", made a wonderful translation of our story to his singular language. To celebrate such event our illustrious Count Lucanor decided to drop our castle taxes -40%, only for this week.

In other matters, very soon we will have news about the consoles port! (O_O)

And for the gentlemen who are seeking new adventures, this week we will announce some news about the new game and also seek for some collaboration.
Oct 29, 2016
The Count Lucanor - Baroque Decay

Welcome to the Tenebre Castle dear friend.
This Halloween you can buy our spooky tale The Count Lucanor with a 35% discount.

We also have more refreshing news, sir.
Three new languages will soon be available :
  • Portuguese
  • Japanese
  • Turkish
We are also preparing a new adventure to foreign lands. A mysterious, weird and creepy story from another time, that we will announce pretty soon.

Yours sincerely humble servant.
Oct 29, 2016
The Count Lucanor - Baroque Decay

Welcome to the Tenebre Castle dear friend.
This Halloween you can buy our spooky tale The Count Lucanor with a 35% discount.

We also have more refreshing news, sir.
Three new languages will soon be available :
  • Portuguese
  • Japanese
  • Turkish
We are also preparing a new adventure to foreign lands. A mysterious, weird and creepy story from another time, that we will announce pretty soon.

Yours sincerely humble servant.
Jul 18, 2016
The Count Lucanor - Baroque Decay

Hallo ! Welcome to the Tenebre Castle dear friend, this week you can buy our spooky tale The Count Lucanor with a 25% of discount. We are celebrating that our traveller friend "The-Savage-Nymph-Art" finished the localization to his beloved German language.

We are still working on the Portuguese, Japanese and Polish languages. Also trying to port the game to consoles, those strange machines!

Yours sincerely humble servant.
Jul 18, 2016
The Count Lucanor - Baroque Decay

Hallo ! Welcome to the Tenebre Castle dear friend, this week you can buy our spooky tale The Count Lucanor with a 25% of discount. We are celebrating that our traveller friend "The-Savage-Nymph-Art" finished the localization to his beloved German language.

We are still working on the Portuguese, Japanese and Polish languages. Also trying to port the game to consoles, those strange machines!

Yours sincerely humble servant.
The Count Lucanor - Baroque Decay

We are proud to announce that the Mac & Linux versions of The Count Lucanor are now available at 25% of discount during this week. We hope you'll enjoy the game and share with your linux and mac friends this great news.

Also we have two new languages on the game Russian and Hungarian. (Thanks to Tolma4 Team & Richárd Goz).
Pretty soon we will have additionnal new languages : German, Portuguese, Polish, Vietnamese & Japanese.

I hope you enjoy our spooky adventure and would like to thank everyone for the great feedback you gave us during those first months since the release.
The Count Lucanor - Baroque Decay

We are proud to announce that the Mac & Linux versions of The Count Lucanor are now available at 25% of discount during this week. We hope you'll enjoy the game and share with your linux and mac friends this great news.

Also we have two new languages on the game Russian and Hungarian. (Thanks to Tolma4 Team & Richárd Goz).
Pretty soon we will have additionnal new languages : German, Portuguese, Polish, Vietnamese & Japanese.

I hope you enjoy our spooky adventure and would like to thank everyone for the great feedback you gave us during those first months since the release.
The Count Lucanor - Baroque Decay

Hello my amigos of the Tenebre Castle. Today we have some great news to share with you.
This whole week, there's a 25% discount because the black death just killed a rival kingdom and we just have to celebrate it. Bravo!

We also received the visit of two travelers to our castle, two foreigners from Russia and Hungary. They helped us to translate our story to their mother language.
Thanks a lot, for the great job to:
  • Tolma4 Team (Russian)
  • Richárd Goz (Magyar)
We have more travelers from around the world interested in the hidden treasure of the Count Lucanor, they are working on several translations that will be available soon: German, Portuguese, Polish, Vietnamese & Japanese.
Last word about translations : we would like to ask for your help on the english translation. Several people noted some unusual words and sentences in the game texts. English is not our native language so we're requesting help from native english speaker to make our game even better. If you're willing to give us a hand, ( for free ), please contact us (n_n)

Last but not least, the Linux and Mac builds will be available during this week, so stay tuned dear travelers!
The Count Lucanor - Baroque Decay

Hello my amigos of the Tenebre Castle. Today we have some great news to share with you.
This whole week, there's a 25% discount because the black death just killed a rival kingdom and we just have to celebrate it. Bravo!

We also received the visit of two travelers to our castle, two foreigners from Russia and Hungary. They helped us to translate our story to their mother language.
Thanks a lot, for the great job to:
  • Tolma4 Team (Russian)
  • Richárd Goz (Magyar)
We have more travelers from around the world interested in the hidden treasure of the Count Lucanor, they are working on several translations that will be available soon: German, Portuguese, Polish, Vietnamese & Japanese.
Last word about translations : we would like to ask for your help on the english translation. Several people noted some unusual words and sentences in the game texts. English is not our native language so we're requesting help from native english speaker to make our game even better. If you're willing to give us a hand, ( for free ), please contact us (n_n)

Last but not least, the Linux and Mac builds will be available during this week, so stay tuned dear travelers!