Project Arrhythmia - Vitamin Games

No better time than the holidays! Especially if you're a Project Arrhythmia fan! Since this year I'll be doing an advent calendar of updates! First up today (Dec 3rd) a new holiday theme will be coming out!

What's in the patch?!

Fixes / Changes
  • Removed Halloween theme
  • Switched over to new setting / save format (.vgc / .vgs)
  • Removed special text injection from menus
  • Fixed issue with game not getting past initialization on some non US style machines
  • Better error handling with bizzare objects
  • Removed old background camera to improve fps and rendering speeds
  • New main menu editor button to explain the deal with the editor
  • Minor UI tweaks and fixes
  • New holiday theme

What's happening with the betas?!

CURRENT (default / beta setup)
  • Default (what you get when you buy the game): 20.4.4
  • Development (for fast tracked updates): 20.10.5
  • 21.8.1 (to test the absolute latest): 21.10.1
NEW (default / beta setup)
  • Default (what you get when you buy the game): 21.12.1 (this update)
  • Development (for fast tracked updates): 20.10.5
  • Legacy (for more stable but outdated editor): 20.4.4

Have no idea how to switch your game to the betas? Check this link out for help!
Project Arrhythmia - Vitamin Games
It seems a lot of people think this game is no longer receiving updates or being actively worked on. Thankfully this is far from the truth! If you check out the beta branches you'll see tons of new stuff coming up shortly. However, I'm posting today with far greater news...

Effective Nov 15th Project Arrhythmia will be my full time job ♥

This has been a long time coming but I finally can dedicate nearly all my time to Project Arrhythmia. Previously I was still holding a fulltime programming job and Project Arrhythmia was relegated to a hobby / side project. I know updates have slowed this year but rest assured there's plenty coming up that will truly be worth the wait. To give y'all a bit of a preview here are just a few of the upcoming additions...

Upcoming Features
  • Graphical overhaul (man the new menus look pretty)
  • Massive performance boosts (eat your heart out ol666 fans)
  • Completely new editor experience (undo / new object options / better UI / etc)
  • Level leaderboards (see truly how much better your friends are at the game then you)
  • New workshop options / abilities (prefab uploading / download and search for levels in game)
  • Tons of bug fixing and polish (i got the big fly swatter out)
Thank you all again for the support! If you want more frequent updates / devlogs please make sure to join the Discord or follow my personal Twitter.

Twitter: @vg_pidge

(as an aside here's a sneak peak at some more story mode sprites)

Project Arrhythmia - JB
Hello everyone!

Happy summer sale - we hope you're all having a great summer so far. In order to kick things off and celebrate the sale, we're offering 25% off on the game until July 8th; it's a great time to buy if you haven't already, as this is the deepest discount that's been offered for PA yet!

We hope you all will enjoy the game, both if you've already purchased it and have been playing, or if you're a new player entirely. Happy summer!
Project Arrhythmia - lily

In the story of Project Arrhythmia you'll meet several characters. For this post we will be specifically looking at your friendly companion throughout the whole game, Anna Schroeder!

Anna (along with Hal) will guide you through the story that takes place inside the Arrhythmia Committee's supercomputer. Your goal is to research the cure to an extremely deadly disease currently plaguing humanity. Will you be able to find the cure in time?

You can read a bit more here, but beware of spoilers!
Project Arrhythmia - lily
Since there has been a huge influx of new people I thought I would answer some common questions for the newcomers!

My level isn't uploading!
Please use the development build to upload levels for now. There was an issue with the old system (20.4.4) when steam's workshop id count went over 2^32 in size (which it now has). This update will be rolled out to the main version in a week or so. However, be aware the development version does contain other issues though, mostly in the editor.

My level isn't opening!
Using online .ogg converters can sometimes make the resulting .ogg file not compatible with the project arrhythmia level editor. I would recommend using the free music program Audacity to convert all your files! Download Audacity Here

What about [x] feature!?
The game has a set amount of features planned to be added before I fully commit myself to the story release. Until the story is released I will not be accepting new suggestions for the game. Feel free to continue to post and discuss cool future ideas, just know I might not respond to all of them at this time

What is the name of the character you play as?
The character you play as is a nanobot. It actually doesn't have any name but it is being created by Hal (real name PA_MCP_02) which is an AI stored in a super computer.

Is this a clone of JSAB!?
No. I actually started development before the Bezerk team started on JSAB. They didn't clone pa either just coincidence we made such similar games.

Please if you're having other issues or want to know more about lore, the editor, etc consider joining the discord!
Project Arrhythmia Discord

Thank you again to everyone that has played the game, made fanart, showed the game to their friends. You all are the reason the game has grown this much and I am very proud of what this community has accomplished. Stay fresh! -Lily
Project Arrhythmia - Vitamin Games
Below are the changes you'll find in the new major update to Project Arrhythmia. I hope you enjoy the changes and make sure to report any bugs you run into in the discord bugs channel.

- added default arcade level options
---- 4 levels to start new users off with
- added undo to editor (limited abilities atm more to come)
- added end of level summary
---- anna responses
---- level ranks
---- more to come
- added game ui themes
- new collapse object option
- new time of death options for objects
- new fast creation menus in the editor
- new SS rank shine animations in the arcade
- new rank based achievements
- new physical arcade build made publically avaible
- player controls redone almost entirely
---- new animations
---- new dash canceling
---- smoother animations
- new pause menu (more features to come to this soon) (don't worry i know about the color edge cases...will fix soon)
- added metadata option for preview song start time in arcade
- new menu music
- new menu sfx
- more settings in config menu
- can now specify music for the menus in the game (not yet saved on reload)
- arcade settings / arcade selections stored through game restart
- new auto kill options (backup levels / prefabs as they will not be able to opened in an older version)
- new object types (including decorations)
- refresh current object to check randomization with (Ctrl + R / F5)

- fixed prefab selection issue
- when a prefab is made in the events layer your layer gets changed to the layer the prefab gets placed on
- fixed album artwork from last edited song showing in metadata editor if the current one doesn't have artwork
- fixed most issues with the cursor disappearing in the editor input boxes (it also no longer blinks)
- fixed issue with copy/pasting keyframes allowing you to disrupt primary keyframe...really messing with the object
- fixed selection color being different in some cases for editor input boxes
- fixed hal becoming invisible in editor in some cases
- fixed pitch changes in editor going above / below amount wanted
- fixed issue with editor not loading when no levels present
- fixed issue with arcade getting soft locked when you unsubscribe from levels and your page selection is higher then your total subbed levels
- fixed quick settings misalignment
- fixed bugs with players respawning in wrong places in arcade / editor
- fixed text being cut off by not normal object timeline objects
- fixed start up flash issue
- made timeline objects properly handle small sizes with lock / dots icons in them (they don't escape the bounds of the timeline objects anymore)
- fixed empty objects not always being empty
- fixed editor not loading after entering arcade
- fixed main menu overdraw issue
- can now specify sfx for the player / checkpoints in the game
- fixed menu music desync
- fixed issue with player trail
- fixed player not being visible on arcade level start
- fixed issue that could cause hal to become invincible
- fixed issue with hal being behind some objects
- fixed blur not happening with UI when it should be
- fixed issue with theme search

- added warning for album artwork over 512 pixels (will no longer accept it if over that size)
- added check for too new of levels (warns user to update)
- better formatted steam errors
- temp covid-19 splash screen added
- added extra info to offline mode screen
- removed unused circle hals for the time being
- reworked arcade sorting to be more clear
- arcade UI made to match the other game ui more
- changed game's app icon
- improved arcade error / info states to improve user experience
- quicker arcade loading (a bit smoother)
- new player spawn animation
- editor prefab options got the new layer selection (also some slight wording changes)
- added new help button "Which songs can I use?"
- first object no longer has the old autokill system
- removed multi object editor dialog options
- added more tooltips
- removed ability to run game in background
- arcade selection menu changes
---- added 3rd description line
---- tweaked overall look
- loading / intro screens match theme colors now so much smoother transitions
- made zoom out of keyframe timeline easier
- rework of 1 hit / 1 life gameplay options
---- the level now restarts entirely immediately and resets rank for the current run
- added more settings to quick config menu in arcade
- tweaks to default themes
- made it so to upload a level you need a valid artist url (shows error otherwise)
- reduced time till repeat on keypress for menus (0.8s to 0.25s)
- default created object has tod fixed time of 4 secs now
- removed timeline on end of level screen
- loading editor now waits for levels to load before removing loading screen
Aug 3, 2019
Project Arrhythmia - Vitamin Games
Here's some of the updates for the game over the last month (excluding some really small updates)

- new parent offsets options
- fixed deselecting of shape toggles
- fixed keyframe jumper for objects not activating properly
- new standard for tooltips that includes more info and multi-language support (will slowly be covering the entire editor)
[keys involved if any]
description of ui element
any additional tips
- made object timeline zoom same as the primary timeline
- minor ui tweaks in editor
- optimized editor some for lower memory machines
- small bugs fixed and small optimizations

- fixed issue when copying objects with parent offsets
- fixed issue with object keyframe ui not updating
- worked on code to make non 16:9 displays work in fullscreen (still doesn't work, play in windowed mode till fix if not 16:9 screen)
- added custom message for people that skip loading the arcade
- added custom message for people that don't have steam open or it's in offline mode

- fixed look of tooltip box
- fixed issue with timescale in editor being effected by arcade settings
- fixed issue with checkpoint gui not changing color to match other gui elements
- made checkpoint gui more obvious when it activates
- removed zen notifier in the start of a level (will replace with a better version later)
- added ctrl + r key combo in editor to reload current selected object to preview random behavior
- new level dialog now supports far more characters for level name
- new level dialog now uses built in windows explorer window for .ogg file picking
- temp fix for issue with object creation
- optimizations done to improve fps / load times
- small tweaks to editor gui

4.0.4 (where is it!?)
- removed vSync option for now due to it being buggy (it's turned off for everyone)
- updated / tweaked player animations (spawn / boost / hit / death)
- tweaked player particle systems
- tweaked player trail
- small optimizations for editor
- tweaked player sound effects
- tweaks of ui system to better calculate time for animations (hope this fixes some of the issues yall are having)
- updated to unity 2019 and .net 4.6.1 which should see some minor improvements and optimizations

- fixed white flash issue for the most part
- testing new float parse system that auto validates and will clean up your input (only implemented in one text field for now (prefab offset one))
- reverted some float changes i made in last update
- fixed unpause issues WaitForSeconds -> WaitForSecondsRealtime (seems unity changed their api call lol)

- Attempt at fixing player first hit slowdown
- Made UI and behavior of one life / one hit mode more along the lines of what you'd expect
- Fixed player death animation glitch in some cases
- Escape / back now works on arcade settings menu to go back to level preview
- Few small optimizations
- Worked on effect update (not yet in game)
- Worked on end screen (not yet in game)
- Worked on better Discord RP (not yet in game)
- Slight adjust to player trail to not have each part overflow into the next
- Changed game icon (actually happened a while back forgot to put it in the update logs)
- Updated default steam upload cover image
- Removed support for # in level names

- Fixed player movement with controllers to normalize boost speed so you can't "hold position boost" anymore
- Redid menu input to support left stick + dpad for all menu elements (besides editor)
- Fixed issues with controllers not having correctly mapped buttons (tested on ps4 / xbox one / xbox 360 / fight stick / etc)
- Fixed issue with background rendering

- Added per prefab object start position / rotation / scale (gui still hidden while i finish it up, but entire function is there)
- Added better messages for when Arcade has no items to help newcomers / when you're offline / when you skip arcade loading
- Minor bug fixes
- More work done on effects (gui still hidden while i finish it up)

- Added back in vSync
- Added back in the "blip" sound on startup
- Adjusted glitch affect in menus
- Several optimizations should actually see a noticeable improvement in arcade and the main menus

- MOAR OPTIMIZATIONS (huge improvements in editor specifically)
- Added new gameplay options menu under config this will soon be getting more stuff but for now includes a toggle for controller rumble
- Fixed arcade not loading bug
- Small Bug Fixes

- Reduced / Fixed player stutter (may still stutter slightly at REALLY high speed, especially the trail...working on it)
- Fixed issue with arcade showing boilerplace songs page
- Removed SVG till it's revisited
- Small optimizations
- Fixed buttons getting stuck in a particular state in keyframe timelines and object timeline
- Fixed theme issues and color flashes
- Player movement speed and dash slightly altered

- Added deep linking for links that made sense. Parsec / Steam
- Fixed issue with pausing before level start
- Fixed issue with player not showing up in editor
- Fixed issue with checkpoint position gui
- Cleaned up intro animation making the transition far smoother
- Small tweaks and Fixes
- Tweaked autokill to hopefully solve some issues people are having
- Added news in main menu
- Menu Tweaks

I'm constantly working on improving and updating the game, so I hope you will help by suggesting features or reporting bugs!
Jul 8, 2019
Project Arrhythmia - Vitamin Games
The soundtrack DLC contains 20 songs found in the future story mode, spanning over an hour! All in 320kbps MP3 format and OGG format.
Project Arrhythmia - Vitamin Games
Jun 28, 2019
Project Arrhythmia - Vitamin Games

Featured Art:

I took a few weeks off to recuperate and now I'm finally back! Thanks for remaining patient! I plan to keep y'all updated on the update schedule for the game via here and discord so stay tuned, should have more to show y'all in the next few days!
