Age of Fear 3: The Legend - Les

Hello everyone and happy 2019!!

For this year we have a few planned releases, starting with Age of Fear: The Free World (COMPLETELY FREE!!) on 18th January and then the things will go even more awesome when we release Age of Fear: The Undead King Gold around June/July!

To make things even more spicy, we possibly have another (secret) project which we might push out too in 2019! However, the exact date is not yet confirmed.

2018 has brought many improvements like Relics, Potions, units' alignments, greatly enhanced battle terrains (thanks Willsama!), new locations and the whole batch of new spells and skills (e.g. Totems, Decay, Dominate) among others. We also started Twitter channel (see links below).

We don't plan to remain idle and here is a list of other works and major improvements we are planning to release in 2019/2020 (in order of planned releases):
  • GLOBAL EVENTS that occur while exploring the World Map, à la Battle Brothers. This feature is still being developed and could serve to provide more lore and fun unit interactions based on the player's party composition!
  • STRATEGY GUIDE will be released in the coming weeks (we aim for Age of Fear: The Free World release). We plan to release a detailed guide for three factions (Human Kingdom, Greenskins Horde and Undead Legion) early and then add more content.
  • FACTION BASES which can be upgraded as you explore the Age of Fear world. Investing in base upgrades will unlock additional recruitable units, skills and locations to explore!
  • INVISIBILITY mechanics are already coded in, but require to make AI aware of this feature and more testing. This feature will add a element of surprise to battles and mess up your tactics! Prepare for the unexpected!
  • UNITS' VOICES are currently being re-recorded. There is 80+ voice-bundles and we have about 30% ready. ETA for this update is mid-2019 and hopefully this improvement will be well received!
  • LOCALIZATION is coming too! We have started with French (thanks to targus929!, see note below), but once this update is stable we will look into other languages.
  • DESERT BATTLES - we have already drawn a number of new terrains and themed objects like Giant Scorpion, Djinn, Cactuses, etc. Those will be added to existing environments.
  • AGE OF FEAR 4 - the main story is already written and we are working on scripts and game flows. The release is planned for 2020 and we will surely push out more news before that.

I would also like to say 'A Big Thank You' to a number of people (in alphabetical order):
  • Cornish Knight for his Let's Play series!
  • Targus292 for his French language mod (which started internationlization of our code)!
  • Tchey for his Let's Play series and help with testing!
You guys simply rock. Without such amazing Community, the Age of Fear series wouldn't be the same!



Take care,
Les & AOF Team
Dec 27, 2018
Age of Fear 3: The Legend - Les


Btw, we have released long-awaited Demon Pact update! Several players asked for a way to recruit Demon units and we implemented it ^^

After you unlock Demon City, wait for a while and the Conclave Representative will visit you (just after midnight). Your heroes might sign the Demon Pact which will allow Demons to be recruited. But, as always with this kind of deals, there is a price...

All of best,
Les & AOF Team
Age of Fear 3: The Legend - Les

Crystal Mine

First of all, I wish you all Merry Chrismas!

It was a busy year for us - we have been working on a multiple features and also on the next game of Age of Fear series: Free World. It will be released 18th of January and hopefully will introduce new players to this series:

The below list presents some of the recent fixes and updates which were released:
  • UPDATE: ALL terrains in Dwarven and Forest campaign have been enhanced by Willisama! He did great job behind the scenes and added great amount of details to all maps.

  • NEW: Relics - those are extremely rare items which give unusual and powerful spells such as Lifredrain Cloud and Nightmare spells. Those are hidden in rare Magic Treasure Chests.

  • NEW: Earth Quake and Volcano battle conditions.

  • NEW: Localization - as some of you might have noticed there is ’Select language’ in Configurations now. Currently only English is selectable, but we are working on additional languages.

  • NEW: Ambrosia - when equipped, dying unit will recover 3-5 HP (auto-activable).

  • NEW: Standstill Liquid - something for your archers, while active, this potion guarantees critical hits.

  • NEW: Magic Resistance Potion and Magic Immunity Potions - that’s expanding collection of potions for all you drunks. Aside from cancelling all magical enhancements, unit is protected from magic for a short duration.

  • NEW: new (much better looking!) potion icons.

  • NEW: Collector upgrade - two additional artefacts or trophies. Available only for selected heroes only.

  • NEW: Barkskin - exchange attack for defence (only Ents and Sapprolings).

  • NEW: Crystal Mine - new location to explore. After defeating Undead (hard battle!) it will continuously provide resources for your party.

  • UPDATE: enemy teams will spawn closer in random battles. Also, random battles were made smaller - this is to avoid delays before actual combat.

  • UPDATE: Dispel Magic does cause loss of 2-4 MP (increased per level, not completely zero MP as before).

  • UPDATE: Sacrifice gives +4 MP and doesn’t use turn action.

  • UPDATE: much stronger summons - they not only carry spellcaster’s experience level, but also unlock special attributes.

  • UPDATE: heroes can equip up to four artefacts and trophies.

  • BUGFIX: mouse clicks and tooltips won’t cause endless loop.

  • BUGFIX: intro conversation in battles was sometimes causing game crash.

  • UPDATE: Nullify Magic causes Mana Burn only on enemies.



Take care,
Les & AOF Team
Age of Fear 3: The Legend - Les
Age of Fear 3: The Legend - Les
Hello everyone

as some of you noticed we have been crazily (and annoyingly!) patching our games over the last few days. The reason is the new feature which can be seen in Options -> Screen -> Select Language. Options currently available are 'Auto' and 'English' (but more are being worked on!)

Committed fans have almost completely translated UI text and messages into French and are working on translating two of the original Age of Fear campaigns:

The current French mod can be found here (work in progress):



Take care and have a nice weekend,
Les & AOF Team
Age of Fear 3: The Legend - Les
Nov 25, 2018
Age of Fear 3: The Legend - Les
Hi all,

I thought I would drop a few notes about what's currently in progress with Age of Fear series:

  • We are improving unit voices - it was long due. There are about 80 voices total and we need to sort them out - some need to be completely re-recorded. It will take a while and we should be ready mid-2019. There is a Dropbox folder with the current state of this task:

  • We are decorating all battle terrains: adding objects, smoothing edges, standardizing sizes (no giant skeletons anymore!), etc. Some of this work has already been added to game files.

  • Several units have their portraits redrawn, for example Abominations were just changed:

  • We are expanding side quests and locations, for example the recently added Djinn quest. We are also working on new relic items and special spells or effects for them. For example almighty Vampire Mist which allows to lifedrain a number of enemies!

  • We will be introducing faction bases which can be upgraded to unlock unique abilities (this idea is still in progress):

  • Global Events - those of you who watch Cornish Knights' Let's Play video have seen them already. There are few samples:

  • A new game is almost ready for release - we are still adding content and we aim to release in Jan/Feb 2019 and it will be FREE:



    Take care and enjoy your weekend,
    Les & AOF Team
Age of Fear 3: The Legend - Les

Hi all,

We're excited to announce that this 100% free-to-play installment in the AOF series is nearly ready for release - Age of Fear: The Free World!

In this game, the player chooses a hero from one of three main factions: the Human Kingdom, the Greenskins Horde or the Undead Legion. Your mission? Explore and battle around a sandbox-type world, gathering enough resources to build a legendary base!

AOF: The Free World is a free-to-play introduction to the main Age of Fear games where new players can get a taste of the turn-based tactics and fantasy flavour of the series. This is a proper standalone experience rather than a cut-down demo version, and if you like what AOF: The Free World has to offer, there's a lot more where that came from in the story-driven campaigns of the main series!

Also, AOF: The Free World has served as the inspiration and testing ground for a brand new feature - Global Events! These occur at the world map and present players with intriguing choices and scenarios à la Battle Brothers, everything from archery contests to catastrophic weather to adventures in Trollish cooking. While currently exclusive to AOF: The Free World, Global Events will soon be backported to the main AOF games.

Thanks for your interest in Age of Fear: The Free World!
Nov 13, 2018
Age of Fear 3: The Legend - Les
Hi all,

I would like to present a great masterpiece of Hottomo - "On the Wolf Trail":

This mod contains a human-based campaign telling a story about Gordic - commander of Royal Watchers.

Mod features an alternative evolutions tree where you can select unit's specialization (e.g. Militia/Watchman/Sergeant).

From scripting perspective, the mod is very solid and well tested. Thank you very much for your hard work, Hottomo!

All of best,
Les & AOF Team
Age of Fear 3: The Legend - Les