Golf With Your Friends - DominantDinosaur

Halloween Event
The Halloween event is now live! We have hats, trails and floaties to collect until oct 31st!
We would like to thank everyone for the insane amount of support from our lovely community and we are blown away by the number of amazing maps that have been created. We have a secret idea we may possibly go ahead with to reward popular map makers but that’s very hush hush for now.
We have 10 new Halloween items for 2018, Please remember that these items are only obtainable this year much like the 2017 Halloween items.

Level Editor
Skybox's and Music

Currently the editor is still in an early stage I have added a few new assets and in the coming months I’ll be focusing on fleshing out the current themes, Terrain manipulation is on its way :) we currently have a very rough version working but its going to take a while to flesh out.

But what's new in this update?
Skyboxes and music, finally!

To access these just press escape then use the sliders, just don't press exit :) sorry about that.

Finally, we have floaties in game, currently we only have 10 floaties but I will be adding more as we go.
As for skins they may be a while off due to the amount of work needed on the level editor and upcoming theme.

Our Social Stuffs
If you want to keep up to date with what's going on we post a lot of sneak peeks and WIP stuff on our social networks.

Facebook -
Twitter -
Instagram -

[Fixed] FirePit_Ancient Logs and flames no longer separate.
[Fixed] Icecreamsammichwall_CurvedCorner Now clickable in level editor
[Fixed] Scrolling on workshop map selection
[Fixed] 6x6Foundation+2_Wall_Ancient duplication bug fixed

[Added] Ability to set your maps skybox and music
[Added] New featured section when you select a workshop map, this will display the 2 most popular maps in the last week
[Added] Dining_tablechair_Haunted to level editor
[Added] Ghost_Dining_tablechair to level editor
[Added] Haunted_Walllamp to level editor
[Added] Bucket to level editor
[Added] Green_Jar to level editor
[Added] Ape to level editor
[Added] SkullRock to level editor
[Added] Fire to level editor
[Added] Ancient_Stairs to level editor
[Added] LargeTube to level editor
[Added] Invisible_Hole_Square
[Added] Invisible_Hole_Sphere
[Added] Invisible_Hole_Disk
[Added] New obelisk for Oasis
[Added] Egyptian_Trough to level editor
[Added] Egyptian_Trough_End to level editor
[Added] Ancient_Dinosaur_Statue to level editor
[Added] GiantFern_Ancient to level editor
[Added] AnchorWheel to level editor
[Added] LargeLoop_Forest to level editor
[Added] LargeLoop_Oasis to level editor
[Added] Floaties!
[Added] 10 new Halloween items

[Changed] Practice has now been taken over by the spooky

Hotfix 1.108.6H1
[Fixed] Mac build not running, Sorry about that!
[Fixed] Music levels not setting in workshop maps
[Fixed] Music and Skybox having random options set

Hotfix 1.108.6H2
[Fixed] Floaties not showing if you have none applied (A standard raft will be in its place)
[Fixed] Not having a floatie causing users to not be able to jump while in water
[Adjusted] Networking

Hotfix 1.108.6H3
[Adjusted] Network settings and how we send data

Hotfix 1.108.6H4
[Fixed] GingerBreadman duplicating
[Fixed] GingerBread Goalie duplicating
[Adjusted] More network and runtime stuffs
Golf With Your Friends - DominantDinosaur
Hey all!
We have a pretty big update for you and some direction for where we want to take the editor, MODULAR sets are now going to be some what a big part of the game. We are testing the waters with 2 new additional sets which you can see below along with a heap of extra stuff.
Please keep in mind the editor is still in phase one and things will change depending on how well it’s received by the community and what additions come.

Modular sets!

Forest Cabin Set

Forest Castle Set

New Detectors/Holes

- Racing Flag
- Circle


[Updated] Engine

[Changed] scale limit to 50

[Fixed] Play button not working due to resolution
[Fixed] All flagpoles deleting maps
[Fixed] Purple box in hoops
[Fixed] Target Spinner now delete-able
[Fixed] Base_6x6_Hole-half_Ancient Not being clickable
[Fixed] Raising platform issues on all themes
[Fixed] Black squares being left over from wall builder
[Fixed] Haunted couch
[Fixed] Base_Hole_Oasis Not having collision
[Fixed] Bone ribs duplicating itself
[Fixed] Shark teeth duplicating itself
[Fixed] Editor menu more predictable
[Fixed] Map names with spaces at the end now save
[Fixed] Oasis Flat hole having no collision
[Fixed] FirePit_Ancient Logs and flames no longer separate.

[Added] 3 candy planes for temporary grounds
[Added] 2 Forest planes for temporary grounds
[Added] 1 Oasis plane for temporary grounds
[Added] 5 ice cream hills (Chocolate, Vanilla, Strawberry, Banana and rainbow)
[Added] Spinning ice cream sandwich now also standalone
[Added] House modular pieces (Build your own forest cabins)
[Added] Stars to skybox
[Added] Large_SCurve_Ancient_wall to level editor
[Added] Large_SCurve_Haunted_Wall to level editor
[Added] Large_SCurve_Pirate_Wall to level editor
[Added] CASTLE modular set 18 pieces (Build your own castles)
[Added] Forest Stick_Fence
[Added] (New holes - Racing flag hologram & circle)
Golf With Your Friends - DominantDinosaur

Where have you been?
Hey all!
We apologize for being MIA for a while, we didn’t have all that much to show for last month due to working purely on the editor but here’s what we are currently up to.
- Updated unity to 2018! (soon we will be able to make shaders and cool stuff a lot faster).
- Base foundation of the editor is done!
- 3 of the 6 themes are fairly populated with assets.
- Currently in the process of getting an office (this means we can possibly hire more developers!) the 3 of us are extremely excited about potentially growing our team, however this wont be for quite some time.

Yes, the editor works, but it's still rather buggy so please save your maps often, things may go wrong so please be patient and we will get fixes out when we can, for now the editor is for you all to play with and get creative. We wont baby you with the editor because we know you are all intelligent human beings, however a tutorial will come along with many stability fixes and new assets to work with!

What is in the editor so far?
Glad you asked, currently its bare bones but useable (fingers crossed) this is early access and including everyone in this process will help us fix and evolve the editor as it progresses. (NOT ITS FINAL FORM!)
- One terrain (grass). No terrain manipulation just yet.
- 6 themes with 3 being populated a lot more than others.

What’s to come?
We have many crazy ideas and things we would love to add but here is the current list of things we still need to add.
- Music selection
- Skybox/theme selection + terrain type
- Terrain manipulation (painting and sculpting mountains, etc.)
- MORE assets for the current themes
- Even more themes!
- Special asset items
- Currently I have taken animated animals, etc. out but they will return
- Game mode types
- Heaps more! But ill keep them a secret for now!

Known issues
- Possible issue with mac saving and loading maps
- Sometimes controls may freeze up in the editor
- You need to save before you publish
- Camera sometimes removes itself
- Items getting stuck when scrolling
- Some objects dont rotate
- Location, rotation and scale numbers dont update when initially placing objects
- Pars dont update in the editor
- No way to adjust custom settings just yet

1.108.0 Changelog
[Added] Stage one level editor and workshop support
[Added] Invite only option for online games

[Fixed] Workshop map selection now scales for other ratios
[Fixed] Falling through the map on workshop maps
[Fixed] Sawmill walls

1.108.1 Changelog
[Fixed] Rock02 deleting entire map
[Fixed] Undeleteable Halfpipe piece's for all themes fixed.
[Fixed] Unclickable RollingBox
[Fixed] Editor menu text "Got it!" button works now
[Fixed] Undeleteable JungleTree's fixed
[Fixed] Editor objects getting deleted when opening the menu
[Fixed] Spiral throwing balls off green
[Fixed] Bounds no longer show in workshop maps
[Fixed] Multiple workshop images displaying at once
[Fixed] Limit scaling to not go below 0.1

[Changed] Editor snap now starts as enabled

1.108.2 Changelog
[Fixed] Bigredpine01 deleting maps
[Fixed] Candy flag causing un-testable maps
[Fixed] Limited scaling to be below 10
[Fixed] To all dropdowntubes
[Fixed] Candycane spike fixed
[Fixed] Pink visual on hockey goal
[Fixed] Clicking Candyland walls and zero collision
[Fixed] Ghost not clickable
[Fixed] Quick-place glitch causing user to be unable to select any other objects
[Fixed] WallElevator turning into a massive mess
[Fixed] Candy spiral issues

[Changed] Build height in editor raised

[Added] 3 candy trees

1.108.3 Changelog
[Fixed] S bend glitching out
[Fixed] Floating Pirate ramps
[Fixed] Coins had no mesh
[Fixed] pirate cart
[Fixed] Trex skull not spawning
[Fixed] Dino eggs respawning
[Fixed] Oasis spinner not spawning
[Fixed] Text on workshop maps
[Fixed] Regions no longer mess up when switching in options menu
[Fixed] Mismatch versions on invite
[Fixed] Smallpine selection
[Fixed] camera on rocks and building blocks
[Fixed] Ancient fern bounds
[Fixed] Ancient walls fixed!
[Fixed] Ancient holes
[Fixed] Haunted books
[Fixed] Pirate cove foundations
[Fixed] Sawmill
[Fixed] Map images not correct on workshop maps menu

[Added] Shark jaw bone
[Added] Ribcage
[Added] Gingerbreadman non animated to scenery under special items(Diamond button)
[Added] Gingerbreadman hockey goalie animated to feature under special items(Diamond button)
[Added] WATER BOUNDS! (Only used as bounds and scenery, directional and usable water is coming) - find it in the bounds selection.
[Added] Jelly water bounds (Purple and Green)

Please post bug reports and issues in our steam forums or on our discord not in the comments below, We read everything!
Discord -
Golf With Your Friends - Wheel
Hello Everyone!

Super sorry for the delay, ran into issues that needed to be sorted out.

Testing Developer made workshop maps! No editor just yet :(
So, a few of you might have noticed the GWYF workshop visible with a few maps on there, these are made by us to test the editor.
In this update you'll be free to play these but expect a few bugs, we'll sort these out over the next few days.

We will also be adding more to each of these maps until they are full 18hole courses along with other maps for testing.

I would like to say a big thank you to everyone in the experimental build for testing extremely glitched versions for us.

Once this build is stable I'll be finishing off the editor so you all can make maps, you can check out the progress every week on our livestreams here.

Late Easter items
Due to the delay we have officially changed Easter to today, we have 5 items and will run the drops until the end of May.

[Added] Workshop menu
[Added] Ability to play workshop maps
[Fixed] Par popups flashing on screen
[Fixed] Hockey achievements
[Changed] Selecting map now automatically takes you back to the lobby
[Changed] Tons of assets have been re-worked and fixed for the editor

Known issue
- Scaling of UI elements is off for different ratios

Golf With Your Friends - Wheel
Hello Everyone!

Super sorry for the delay, ran into issues that needed to be sorted out.

Testing Developer made workshop maps! No editor just yet :(
So, a few of you might have noticed the GWYF workshop visible with a few maps on there, these are made by us to test the editor.
In this update you'll be free to play these but expect a few bugs, we'll sort these out over the next few days.

We will also be adding more to each of these maps until they are full 18hole courses along with other maps for testing.

I would like to say a big thank you to everyone in the experimental build for testing extremely glitched versions for us.

Once this build is stable I'll be finishing off the editor so you all can make maps, you can check out the progress every week on our livestreams here.

Late Easter items
Due to the delay we have officially changed Easter to today, we have 5 items and will run the drops until the end of May.

[Added] Workshop menu
[Added] Ability to play workshop maps
[Fixed] Par popups flashing on screen
[Fixed] Hockey achievements
[Changed] Selecting map now automatically takes you back to the lobby
[Changed] Tons of assets have been re-worked and fixed for the editor

Known issue
- Scaling of UI elements is off for different ratios

Mar 26, 2018
Golf With Your Friends - DominantDinosaur
Hey everyone
Yes, its another boring news post.

We are still hammering away at the level editor, obviously we would have wanted it out months ago but building an editor from scratch does take time.
However not much longer ;)
As stated in the last update we have most of the foundation built for the editor there’s just a few annoying glitches and things to add.

Video example
Here’s a terrible video I threw together tonight to show 5 holes being made in the editor (yes they are bad) also excuse my video editing skills :)

A lot of themes are now in the process of receiving even more foliage, course pieces, Etc Which again takes a very long time, (model asset, sculpt details, bake said details, paint asset, make prefab in unity) the whole process takes quite a while and we would much rather build everything in house so you get a unique experience worth your money instead of buying hundreds of assets that dont match and every other game uses.

Once I feel the 6 themes have a substantial amount of assets to work with I will be working on new themes, so please let me know what you’d like to see. And yes space is on the list :P
Here’s a list of themes id like to look further into
- Space or space station
- Volcanic
- Actual golf courses
- Tundra/Snow
- Carnival
- Medieval

But we want the editor now!

Now I’m not saying we will release it sooner but there may be the possibility of us either releasing some workshop maps we have made for players to play in the mean time or exposing our closed beta testers (mainly our moderators) to the editor and allowing them to make you maps for now… however, I completely understand how unfair that sounds.

Easter Event

Another thing to note is I am currently unsure if I will have enough items for the Easter update, so please do not be too disappointed ill make up for it during Halloween.


I just wanted to do a short update to stay transparent with everyone :) also please join us on twitch 10am AEST ( Australian Eastern Standard Time) every Tuesday we show off new stuff and the editor :) -

Thank you <3
Mar 26, 2018
Golf With Your Friends - DominantDinosaur
Hey everyone
Yes, its another boring news post.

We are still hammering away at the level editor, obviously we would have wanted it out months ago but building an editor from scratch does take time.
However not much longer ;)
As stated in the last update we have most of the foundation built for the editor there’s just a few annoying glitches and things to add.

Video example
Here’s a terrible video I threw together tonight to show 5 holes being made in the editor (yes they are bad) also excuse my video editing skills :)

A lot of themes are now in the process of receiving even more foliage, course pieces, Etc Which again takes a very long time, (model asset, sculpt details, bake said details, paint asset, make prefab in unity) the whole process takes quite a while and we would much rather build everything in house so you get a unique experience worth your money instead of buying hundreds of assets that dont match and every other game uses.

Once I feel the 6 themes have a substantial amount of assets to work with I will be working on new themes, so please let me know what you’d like to see. And yes space is on the list :P
Here’s a list of themes id like to look further into
- Space or space station
- Volcanic
- Actual golf courses
- Tundra/Snow
- Carnival
- Medieval

But we want the editor now!

Now I’m not saying we will release it sooner but there may be the possibility of us either releasing some workshop maps we have made for players to play in the mean time or exposing our closed beta testers (mainly our moderators) to the editor and allowing them to make you maps for now… however, I completely understand how unfair that sounds.

Easter Event

Another thing to note is I am currently unsure if I will have enough items for the Easter update, so please do not be too disappointed ill make up for it during Halloween.


I just wanted to do a short update to stay transparent with everyone :) also please join us on twitch 10am AEST ( Australian Eastern Standard Time) every Tuesday we show off new stuff and the editor :) -

Thank you <3
Golf With Your Friends - DominantDinosaur
Hey all!
Sorry for the lack of updates recently, the main reason behind this is the progress on the editor, I also want to thank you all for your patience and for still supporting us! We are working all day every day and understand the pain of waiting for things you want super bad, This weekend we have to fly across the country for a wedding and i think you are all entitled to know whats going on and when we are out of the office (tiny room in our home xD).

We will still be working while over there (book work and sketching) so don’t stress too much!

So, what is to come?
We now have workshop working with the ability to save/load and publish maps to the workshop with images (taken using cameras in game) Publishing maps takes no time at all maybe a second or two and downloading maps also only takes a few seconds which now allows players to join custom workshop maps instantly.

We currently have 5 themes working and will have 6 very soon once the Graveyard set is ready.
Along side the assets we already have in the classic game we now also have a ton of extra assets which is super exciting, these items also include revamped old assets such as the housing in forest!
;) There will be hundreds more to come as well!

Forgive my terrible map but this is a quick example of what you can currently build, We still need to work on backgrounds, skybox’s and more visual assets to flesh out the environments.

So whats left?
Currently we need to get the loading of maps working in the game so you can play multiplayer, a lot of bug fixes for example scaling of objects is glitched but still works with T and drag, we want to include a CTL-Z feature hopefully that wont be too difficult and we also want a butt load of assets per theme so there is a huge variety for you all. :)

Fingerscrossed all of this goes perfect and we dont run into too many issues but as usual i cannot give an ETA on the next update or the editor due to everything being trial and error.

Hockey achievments will come next update!
I want to thank you all for the support and for waiting this long, we know its taking a long time but this is our first game and there is only 3 of us making everything from scratch. it will be worth the wait!

Golf With Your Friends - DominantDinosaur
Hey all!
Sorry for the lack of updates recently, the main reason behind this is the progress on the editor, I also want to thank you all for your patience and for still supporting us! We are working all day every day and understand the pain of waiting for things you want super bad, This weekend we have to fly across the country for a wedding and i think you are all entitled to know whats going on and when we are out of the office (tiny room in our home xD).

We will still be working while over there (book work and sketching) so don’t stress too much!

So, what is to come?
We now have workshop working with the ability to save/load and publish maps to the workshop with images (taken using cameras in game) Publishing maps takes no time at all maybe a second or two and downloading maps also only takes a few seconds which now allows players to join custom workshop maps instantly.

We currently have 5 themes working and will have 6 very soon once the Graveyard set is ready.
Along side the assets we already have in the classic game we now also have a ton of extra assets which is super exciting, these items also include revamped old assets such as the housing in forest!
;) There will be hundreds more to come as well!

Forgive my terrible map but this is a quick example of what you can currently build, We still need to work on backgrounds, skybox’s and more visual assets to flesh out the environments.

So whats left?
Currently we need to get the loading of maps working in the game so you can play multiplayer, a lot of bug fixes for example scaling of objects is glitched but still works with T and drag, we want to include a CTL-Z feature hopefully that wont be too difficult and we also want a butt load of assets per theme so there is a huge variety for you all. :)

Fingerscrossed all of this goes perfect and we dont run into too many issues but as usual i cannot give an ETA on the next update or the editor due to everything being trial and error.

Hockey achievments will come next update!
I want to thank you all for the support and for waiting this long, we know its taking a long time but this is our first game and there is only 3 of us making everything from scratch. it will be worth the wait!

Jan 29, 2018
Golf With Your Friends - DominantDinosaur

Hey everyone, I hope all is well.
Valentine’s Day items are now live, I know its super early, but it’ll give everyone a chance to get their hands on them.

There are only 7 new items this time 5 hats and 2 trails due to work on the editor but don’t worry Easter will be a good one ;)
Have a great week and thank you for the support we have gone through all reports and are working around the clock to get fixes in, more cheat prevention and work on the editor! Please be patient we promise the wait will be worth it.
I also want to thank everyone again for the continued support, understanding and helping us in the development on gwyf, this is our first game and we have learnt so much! Thank you for being a part of this it means the world to the three of us.
