Sword of the Stars II: Enhanced Edition - Valve

Critical fixes:
+ Fixed a weapon firing race condition that could lead to crashes in
networked combat.
+ Fixed the excessive strategic AI tax rate leading to economic
suicide at the start of a game.

Other fixes:
+ It is no longer possible to modify caravan fleets in transition.
+ Fixed an issue that could cause the strategic AI to redesign
constructors and freighters each turn.
+ AI ship designs now consider armor and other available options.
+ Fixed sporadically missing Zuul battle music.

Sword of the Stars II: Enhanced Edition - Valve

Critical fixes:
+ Fixed a crash that could occur when building both a Naval and
Science station in the same system.
+ Fixed a Suul'ka Horde crash that resulted from relocating assets.

Other fixes:
+ Fixed phantom mouse-over effects in combat.
+ Fixed a case where asteroid monitors were not being removed.
+ Fixed a case where selected ship changes were not being reflected in
the combat UI.
+ Slaves are delivered to colonies on ship arrival.
+ Made some improvements to star map UI stalls.
+ Network packets are now more respectful of less common MTU limitations.
+ Shield graphics are now disabled when associated ship sections are destroyed.
+ Fixed grappling hook lag.
+ Fixed assault shuttle behavior after the target colony is defeated.
+ Pirates will now prefer to attack nearby freighters.
+ Life- and psi-drain now works on enemy planets.
+ Fixed reaction opportunity spam.
+ Can no longer retrofit ships in a system without a colony.
+ Fixed an issue that would cause automatic station placement not to
consider planets orbiting other planets, or independent system limitations.
+ Added missing weapon icons.
+ Fixed cases where station placement was not possible in independent systems.
+ Fixed the bug that prevented retrofitting in networked games.
+ Fixed a bug that was delimiting relocation range.
+ Fixed various missing text strings.
+ Fixed a bug that was causing relocating fleets not to show up in the star map.

Other changes and additions:
+ Combat double-left-click now makes ships move to their destination
without holding formation.
+ Added War Mind effects.
+ Improved free turret and spinal mounted weapon accuracy.
+ Combat AI now makes use of Psionic powers.
+ Defenses and Reserves can now be relocated.
+ Introduced advanced network configuration options, which can be
accessed from the game launcher.
+ Introduced new strategic AI research and colonization algorithms.
+ Reaction dialog is now an overlay.
+ Default initial savings is now 500,000.
+ Police cutters now default to the reserves fleet and must be placed
as defensive assets, but are now capable of traveling with fleets and/or be relocated.

Sword of the Stars II: Enhanced Edition - Valve

Critical fixes:
+ Fixed a crash that could occur if no enemy was present in combat.
+ Fixed a crash that could occur if a colony support mission was cancelled.
+ Fixed known crashes related to recent news events.
+ Fixed a crash related to invalid station modules.
+ Fixed a crash that could occur by entering certain characters into
the encyclopedia search box.
+ Fixed a treaty generation related crash.

Other fixes:
+ Fixed some known issues with System Killer news event handling.
+ Tomb rewards work again.
+ Retrofitted defenses are now returned to defense fleets.
+ Platform retrofitting is no longer linked to the station retrofit dialog.
+ Fixed black color for non-player empires.
+ Defense and reserve fleets are no longer disbanded when the last
ship is scrapped.
+ Addressed the issue of locusts not attacking planets and stations in combat.
+ Mining stimulus is now disabled until mega-strip mining is acquired.
+ Fixed the white cubes in the research screen.
+ Fixed the intermittently missing Political Science family button at
the bottom of the research screen.
+ Morrigi Crow firing now works again.
+ Planet sensor volumes are now affected by jammers.
+ Fixed design screen right-click retrofit loophole.
+ New admirals now display correct empire color.
+ Zuul fleets lacking bore ships no longer cause a request to bore
node lines when issuing missions.
+ Stations are now removed appropriately if their attached colonies
are destroyed.
+ Boarded ships no longer fire at unusually high rates.
+ Fixed Gardener suitability calculations.
+ Fixed an issue that could cause planets to share the same orbit.
+ The open/close star system button is now correctly synchronized in
both star map and star system screens.

Other changes and additions:
+ Engrams fully functional.
+ Improved combat sensor graphics

Sword of the Stars II: Enhanced Edition - Valve

Critical fixes:
+ Fixed a crash that could occur when freighters were lost in combat.
+ Fixed the Hiver farcast failure crash.
+ Fixed the Horde Zuul fleet reforming crash.

Sword of the Stars II: Enhanced Edition - Valve

Critical fixes:
+ Fixed a node maw related crash.
+ Fixed defense manager placement crash.
+ Fixed platform cost calculation crash.
+ Fixed a station building crash.
+ Fixed the reaction intercept crash.
+ Fixed a turn event related end-of-combat crash.
+ Fixed a Suul'ka and turn event related crash.
+ Fixed economy rating bleed.
+ Fixed client crash after the second round of combat.
+ Fixed issue where the star map UI was not reactivating on new turns
(AKA Black Buttons of Doom).

Other fixes:
+ Fixed some networked combat weapon de-syncs.
+ Projected savings now considers pending ship construction.

Other changes and additions:
+ Added Tumbler weapon.
+ Added Shield Projector.
+ Added Grav Pulsar weapon.
+ Added Grav Cannon.
+ Empires now receive savings for defeating swarmers.
+ New user interface for treaty requests.
+ Classic Race badges added.
+ Variety of text, tooltip, and reference fixes.
+ Improved government summary UI, still accessible via the empire
summary screen.

Sword of the Stars II: Enhanced Edition - Valve

Critical fixes:
+ Fixed an end of turn crash.
+ Fixed a platform building crash.

Other fixes:
+ Fixed support mission supply teleport bug.
+ Removed multiple commit mission buttons from colonization mission screen.

Other changes and additions:
+ Added drone platform prototype costs.
+ Colonization and Support fleets can now be rebased from their
respective mission screens.
Sword of the Stars II: Enhanced Edition - Valve

Critical fixes:
+ Fixed the AI divide by zero crash.
+ Fixed a crash related to swarmer interception.
+ Fixed a crash related to exiting the defense manager.
+ Fixed a battle rider and boarding-pod related crash.
+ Fixed a System Killer related crash on turn update.
+ Fixed a Suul'ka spawning and admiral-related crashes.
+ Fixed a few potential crashes that could occur after random encounters.
+ Fixed a potential deep space encounter crash.
+ Fixed a potential crash that could occur with out-of-date planet
information and fleet selection.
+ Fixed a critical repair-related combat crash.

Other fixes:
+ Freighters now retreat on node lines when applicable.
+ Tuned combat sensor picking.
+ The pre-combat UI now defaults to the first combat.
+ The pre-combat UI now applies the correct star map effects and
colors where applicable.
+ Fleet information now updates correctly when ships are transferred
or repaired.
+ Fixed known issues where missiles were missing ships in the weapon
test screen.
+ Mission screens no longer show extraneous fleet lines.
+ Fixed a bug that prevented the intercept mission screen from
focusing on the target fleet.
+ Fixed shield placement and shield status combat UI issues.
+ Subjugators now carry Slave Disks.
+ Quantum Capacitor and Shield Magnifier effects now work.
+ The government support action no longer causes shifts for developed colonies.
+ Fixed corrupt game lobby player lists.
+ Zuul torpedo platforms can now be placed.
+ Colonization fleets no longer teleport on support runs.
+ Fixed the swapped government and research slider labels in the
research screen.
+ Gas giants and moons are no longer incorrectly listed as size 10.
+ Fixed a bug that caused effect LODs to pile up on top of each other.
+ Fixed an issue where fleets and systems would overlap in lists.
+ The "war declared" turn event now correctly reflects the instigator.
+ Environmental tailoring effect now works.
+ Addressed an issue that was caused by retreating fleet consolidation
to violate command point limits.
+ Gate station construction now removes system's deployed gate ship.
+ It is no longer possible to construct gate stations without the
required technology.
+ Tracking weapons no longer attempt to path through planets.
+ Fixed an issue that was preventing combat AI from moving ships
around a planet to reach the target.
+ Support missions no longer deliver twice in one turn.
+ AI rebellion will no longer occur if a countering technology has
been researched.
+ Fixed a bug that was preventing treaties from activating.
+ Targets of node cannons no longer leave empty fleets behind.
+ Fixed an issue that was preventing ships at base from registering a
sensor range.
+ Fixed an issue that was preventing station retrofits from working in
networked games.
+ Fixed an issue that appeared to prevent the construction of stations
at independent-controlled systems.
+ Ship rolling is now synchronized over the network in combat.
+ Fixed a networked combat issue that was causing the last ship in a
selection to be left behind.
+ Tombs are now removed when all of their drones are destroyed.
+ Fixed an issue that was preventing weapon damage from being
communicated correctly in networked combat.
+ The game window no longer reacts to keypresses when it does not have focus.

Other changes and additions:
+ Many new turn events.
+ Mission lines are now in player color.
+ Multiple missions can be issued from a single screen for Survey,
Relocate, Colonize, Support, Patrol, Interdict, Invade and Strike.
+ Construction, Upgrade and Patrol missions now have an optional
rebase on completion.
+ Added a Von Neumann research bounty.
+ Ships waiting at base will now replenish crew and supplies.
+ The colony support dialog now provides planet details.
+ Combat sensor view now displays a greater variety of icons.
+ Asteroid belts now jam sensors.
+ Asteroid Monitors, Swarmers and Relics no longer generate encounters
unless an enemy fleet is present.
+ Added slave drop-off.
+ Defense fleets are now available in various fleet lists.
+ Added a tooltip to the psi icon on the starmap.
+ Added a Liir deep space maneuvering bonus.
+ Node missiles added.
+ Modified the AI rebel color.
+ Added evangelist admiral trait effect.
+ Asteroid impacts now affect colony morale.
+ Independent colonies are immediately available for diplomatic action.
+ Overpopulation now affects morale.
+ Added AI Virus effects.
+ Increased station science module bonus.
+ Fleets now have empire-based default names.
+ Minelayers can now be placed with drag-and-drop interaction.
+ Added colony economic ratings.
+ Added open and closed systems.
+ Various unresponsive turrets fixed via arc errors.
+ Handful of missing text string errors corrected.

Sword of the Stars II: Enhanced Edition - Valve

Critical fixes:
+ Patched a ship repair divide-by-zero crash.
+ Fixed a drone-related crash.
+ Fixed a very rare locking-beam related crash.

Other fixes:
+ Corrected display of drone designs in the design screen.
+ Construction and retrofit costs now include initial drone and
assault shuttle costs.
+ It is now possible to select systems in province creation mode once again.
+ No more cube for phaser weapons on drones in the design screen.
+ Queued station modules no longer disappear.
+ Fixed system info demand.
+ Enemy ship construction ETA is no longer visible in system icons.
+ Corrected the direction of trade-related government shifts.
+ Admiral traits no longer cause negative endurance.

Other changes and additions:
+ Beam weapons will now fire for their entire duration and re-target on-the-fly.
+ Empire fleet summary no longer displays empty reserve fleets.

Sword of the Stars II: Enhanced Edition - Valve

Critical fixes:
+ Fixed a design screen selection crash.
+ Fixed a rare encounter pre-combat crash.
+ Fixed a rare combat related crash.
+ Turn times are greatly reduced.

Other fixes:
+ Fixed duplicate war declaration news events.
+ Addressed some ambiguous wording in war declaration news events.
+ Ship repaired speech events are less frequent.
+ Players can no longer construct remote stations without Deep Space
+ Phase Dislocation no longer affects Prester Zuul battle riders.
+ Trade stations are no longer available until FTL Economics is researched.
+ Government shifts no longer occur until station building is complete.
+ AI will no longer attempt to colonize systems with enemy colonies
unless is exempt from this limitation.
+ Fleets will now relocate if their base is eliminated.
+ Naval capacity now takes pending changes into account.
+ New home systems are now automatically flagged as surveyed when
assigned to a player.
+ Fixed a mining station bonus miscalculation.
+ Enemy reserve fleets are no longer visible.
+ Fixed an issue where the game was treating Propaganda ships as Police Cutters.
+ Fixed unending rebellions.
+ Fixed unending trade treaties.
+ Fixed the sensor view bug that caused overlapping spheres to
eliminate each other.
+ Load times are reduced.
+ Reduced UI transition times from some screens.
+ Fixed an issue that was preventing full repair of a ship.
+ Protectorates no longer expire.
+ Admirals now age at the correct rate.
+ Suul'ka now enter combat again.
+ Weapon panels are now cleared when re-entering screens and dialogs.
+ Fixed some design-naming issues.
+ It is no longer possible to break the transition to the station
placement screen.
+ UI now refreshes after retrofitting or repairing ships.
+ Retrofitting will no longer produce two sets of drones for a ship.
+ AI no longer retires ships constantly.
+ AI now redesigns for missing ships, such as gates and bores.
+ The research ring around the tech cube on the star map no longer
disappears at certain camera angles.
+ Mission screens now lock focus on the target system.

Other changes and additions:
+ There is now a two-turn moratorium on AI actions when it takes over
for a dropped player.
+ Clicking a module or weapon icon in the design screen will now close
the associated selector if it is open.
+ Economic and research efficiency maximums have been increased to 200%.
+ Enemy fleet lines are now visible when their destinations are visible.
+ Up and down arrow keys now function in place of the mouse wheel for zooming.
+ Sensor range bonuses are now applied to stations.
+ Large asteroids are now selectable.
+ Added tech requirements for gate stations.
+ Station construction screens now have a Commit button that will
automatically place the new station.
+ Individual ship selection in combat will now yield additional
information about critical issues.
+ Ships losing crew in combat are highlighted to bring attention to the damage.
+ The star map tech cube tooltip now displays technology info and ETA.

Sword of the Stars II: Enhanced Edition - Valve

Critical fixes:
+ Fixed a new core bug that was leading to AI expansion, design and
fleet composition issues.
+ Fixed a crash that might occur if a homeworld was eliminated.
+ Fixed an admiral and Suul'ka related crash.

Other fixes:
+ Fixed a rendering error that was causing particle effects to LOD out early.
+ Fixed a bug that was allowing players to see enemy systems if they
had naval stations.
+ Fixed hiver gate, badge icon, naval icon and homeworld effect
persistence upon re-entering the star map.
+ It is now possible to build stations in independent systems.
+ Fixed a case where a player could attempt to send two colonization
missions to a system with one habitable planet.
+ Fixed an issue that was preventing the star system tool tip from
appearing in the first few turns.
+ Fixed an issue that was making clicking to zoom in on a fleet tricky.
+ Fleets no longer disband automatically when relocated unless there
is not enough support capacity available.
+ Fixed an issue that was causing Suul'ka to bore node lines.
+ Station retrofit now has a scrollbar for weapon lists.
+ Fixed the issue that was preventing freighters from moving in combat.
+ Recent survey effects are now excluded from your own systems.
+ AI now retires obsolete designs.