Magicka - (Jim Rossignol)
Arrowhead and Paradox have announced a new expansion for Magicka. It’s called The Stars Are Left, and it’s taking things a bit Lovecraftian. They explain: “Designed for players who love to craft the hundreds of different spells available in Magicka, this new campaign will pit up to four wizards at once against a horror-mystery inspired [...]
Magicka - (Jim Rossignol)

The Paradox/Arrowhead partnership continues to produce some of the best promotional material in gaming. The live action trailer for the new PvP expansion for Magicka is a delight, and you can watch it below.

This new PvP expansion is free, but there are also $.99 map packs, as Paradox explain. There’s “Vulcanus Arena, a sci-fi themed map that doubles as a PvP map and a challenge map,” and “the chilling Frozen Lake map as well as a “stop staring at me, you’re freaking me out” Watch Tower map.” All of which adds up to some solid cheap extras to our favourite comedy mage game. Carry on, Paradox/Arrowhead.

Magicka - (John Walker)

Arrowhead and Paradox are a cheeky bunch. Magicka’s irreverence became infamous in the moment they announced DLC for a fantasy magic game themed around the Vietnam War. Their cheeky approach has continued, after they learned a while back that the Paradox booth at E3 would be immediately next to Bethesda’s megabooth. The result? See below for the full version.


Magicka - (Jim Rossignol)

Robe ‘em up wizard-action game Magicka will soon allow more than just co-op combat and duels, you’ll soon be able to blast each other in PvP arenas under a number of game rules. To prove that this TRUTH Paradox have released footage and I’ve posted it below, along with the details of the three PvP modes.

Magicka - (Jim Rossignol)

Magicka is to get two new challenge maps, “Caverns” and “Marshlands”, each featuring a swarm of monsters that a player must take on with magic violence. You can check out the details of the maps in question in a video, below. However, one map will be free, and one will cost $1.99. Which will be which? Well that’s being decided in a poll just here. Looks like Caverns is the firm favourite, but maybe it’ll turn around for poor old Marshlands.

“These maps will be released on April 26th, one of which will be offered without requiring so much as a single potato,” say Paradox, cheekily.

Magicka - (Alec Meer)

Paradox have today squeaked out their excellently batshit DLC pack Magicka: Vietnam, which relocates wizardry to misguided war. Not that this is exactly approaching the Vietnam conflict with anything other than farce and satire, but it seems to be saturing its co-op monster-splatting with as much ‘Nam-themed excess as it can conjure up. POW camps, napalm, hueys, Rambo and raaawk all appear, but mostly it’s about making camo-clad goblins die by the dozen. It’s enjoying itself first and foremost, and there are precious few commercial games that can be said of. In what’s now Magicka tradition, the latest trailer is an exercise in explodey absurdity.

Magicka - (Jim Rossignol)

Paradox send word that the mages of Magicka will be killing goblin-cong in Vietnam next month, and this exciting gameplay opportunity will cost a straightforward $4.99. It’s a new campaign setting, but “also contains a new survival challenge map with increased difficulty in direct response to the request from the community.” There is also a spell that calls in an F-15 napalm strike.

I’ve posted the announcement trailer below, again, because it is among the “best things” that are on my list.

Magicka - (Quintin Smith)

(5:12:42 PM) Kieron: OMFG
(5:12:44 PM) Kieron: OMFG
(5:12:50 PM) Kieron: The new magicka trailer!
(5:12:59 PM) Kieron: I don’t know here to start

Magicka - (Quintin Smith)

RPS reader Alex “Truthcake” Turpin sends word that Arrowhead Studios has released a free little bit of DLC for wizardly co-op title Magicka entitled “Mea Culpa”, which is nerd for “We’re sorry”. What are they sorry about? The game’s buggy launch, of course, as indicated by the list of new content after the jump. The developers have released a new song, too, entitled The Gamer and Magicka. Imagine if all developers routinely released songs for their games! The world would be a better place. With worse music.

Magicka - (Quintin Smith)

That looks weirdly similar to the interior of Castle Shotgun, actually.

Magicka! It’s out. It’s smart. It’s broke. The entireity of Arrowhead studios and anybody else Paradox can muster are, allegedly, working on patches around the clock. So where did this infomercial-style video come from? Surely the developers aren’t fannying around with dry ice and cardboard orcs while gamers worldwide are struggling to play their game. Surely not. Thankfully, Paradox have released this video with a statement. (more…)
