Sep 18, 2020
Tank Mechanic Simulator - [DeGenerals]Trebor
Dear Mechanics,

welcome to our ninety-fifth development status update.

Art progress

This week it is time for Russian bias. We would like proudly present to you work-in-progress Soviet heavy tank IS-2.

Code progress

we have finished the connection of tank-weapon-ammo config. Now working on player being able to pick-up the ammo on extraction missions (and spawning it in correct places on that missions).

We would like to provide support for additional languages for game, by Steam Workshop. It means, modders will be able to prepare custom text translations with CSV files, with following structure: KEY*###*VALUE. Example for tests, Finnish language (machine translation):

Also it is possible to dynamically load custom fonts from TTF or OTF files into game (for example, to support Non-Latin languages):


We are also cooperating with a musician, Mr. MichaƂ Ratkowski, who is composing the music for original soundtrack to the game, here is a link to main menu theme:

Thanks for all the support and have a good day,

Tank Mechanic Simulator - [DeGenerals]Trebor
Dear Mechanics,

we would like to inform that our game Tank Mechanic Simulator with cooperation with Ultimate Games has been released and is now available on Nintendo Switch Game Store!

If you have any questions about the Switch version, please ask Ultimate Games directly or feel free to contact us.

DeGenerals S.A. -

Thank you for all the support :)

Have a good day,
Sep 11, 2020
Tank Mechanic Simulator - WinteR5
Dear Mechanics,

welcome to our ninety-fourth development status update.

This week we want to introduce you to another tank we are working on that we want to add to the game.
Here are some work in progress pictures of Maus :)


About code progress, not much to inform, still working on the of system tank - armament - ammo, and correct loading/unloading procedures of all logic connected with it. It requires much more time than we anticipated :(

As a last note, we do not have any date set for this patch, as we won't push out the patch before clearing all reported bugs and implementing quality of life improvements.


Thanks for all the support and have a good day,

Tank Mechanic Simulator - [DeGenerals]Trebor
Dear Mechanics,

welcome to our ninety third development status update.

We have some new stuff to show about custom tanks modding support, and the overall state of work, check below for more details.


TankCreator tools
We have started to create a tool/wizard that will allow adding custom-user made tanks into game.
The process will be parted into steps, each with proper explanation and helping tips on how to complete this step. Additionally, a template tank will be added to the tools, so the modder will be able to use it as a template for his own work.

Right now we are planning this to be an asset package for the Unity Engine Editor, as a first step. If we manage to make such a tool, then we will start to look on how to create these tools as an .exe file attached to the build, or a special scene/level included in the game.
At this stage of development, the tool requires tank geometry (for example FBX or OBJ file) and
textures. With these provided, the tool will try to automaticly set up basic stuff, as an example, our Tiger I tank:
Raw .FBX file (based on Tiger1 geometry):


And this is the amount of textures required for correct material creation/initialization for the tank


Damage system news
Next step has been completed, that connects the need of merging of tank workshop and test-drive models into one, and the need of damage system to correctly spawn ammo inside extraction tanks. The game now uses stored config in the merged tank to load and keep the information about it's used armament.

How this works:
  • each tank has configuration of it's armament, for instance we will show how Tiger I is configured
  • Tiger has information, that it has 2 types of armament, Gun (should be rather called MainGun) and MachineGun, then references to that armament, then references to AmmoContainers, that are used to store the ammo for this armament (right now only implemented for Gun ammo, not MGs), here's a screenshot from editor how it looks right now:

  • Tigers 88mm weapon config has ammo config, and that config references a shell/projectile model, that will be used both on Proving Grounds and Extraction scenes, here's screenshot of 88mm shells models we are going to use:
  • These will be pickable while during extractions, and player will be able to manage them in a special menu. More about this in future dev status, as we still are designing it (in which you can help, by sending your ideas below ;))


Thanks for all the support and have a good day,

Aug 21, 2020
Tank Mechanic Simulator - [DeGenerals]Trebor
Dear Mechanics,

welcome to our ninety second development status update.

It has been a busy month since the last dev status, we want to showcase what we have been working on.


Four weeks ago, after moving the damage generation from test level to extraction missions successfuly, we have been left with two tasks left to have the new gameplay mechanics working:
  • The damage making holes in tank hull and turret (parts on the way of the damage or in it's range go missing)
  • Spawning shells inside extraction tank, so the player must get rid of any explosives from the dig area to be able to get the tank out

And for that second part we have come to a point, where again, the need of configuration of what type of weapon and shell the tank is using was needed not only for the Test Drive/Proving Grounds tank model, but also for the workshop tank model.

At that point we came to conclusion, that it is time to merge these two models.


How it worked up untill now
Each tank was separated into two tank models:
  • Workshop model - used when player extracted the tank or wanted to repair it
  • Test Drive model - used when player took the tank to test drive or proving grounds

The separated models required lot of additional config and code, that copied the tank state when, for example, player took a tank to test drive yard:
  • the workshop tank state was saved
  • the test drive tank was spawned, and the state copied and applied on the test drive tank
  • the workshop tank was destroyed (unloaded from memory)
  • player drove the tank around and could at some point fill the fluid of the tank during test drive
  • when player finished test driving, the state of the test drive tank was saved
  • workshop tank was spawned, and the state copied and applied on the workshop tank
  • the test drive tank was destroyed (unloaded from memory)

What is wrong in this system?
  • Player has to wait for all of these saving/copying/spawning/destroying stuff (time loss on loading)
  • Lot of code that can lead to various bugs (and indeed it was causing bugs, for example the fluid state was not copied correctly between tanks up untill few weeks ago)
  • Any change to workshop tank had to be also made for test drive tank, so for example we have added more details to interior or new animations, all this has to be copied and checked for the test drive tank (double time needed for tank config)

Why change it?
  • It will decrease the time of loading
  • It will allow of faster creation of new tanks, and is another step in supporting custom made tanks (each step that simplifies this process is a good and required step)

So we began working on merging the tanks into one model, and today have finalized one of the milestiones, the merged model correctly switches itself to driving or repairing on demand, and drives without an issue on test level.

Testing merged Tiger physics when driving on test level


So whats left to do?
  • Adding the new weapon config to the tank (to be used when extraction mission happens, to spawn correct shells for the generated tank, and on proving grounds when shooting)
  • Adding tank holes spawning
  • Modyfing the game logic connected with saving/copying and spawning workshop/test drive tanks to new system, without all that needed

Here's some of our tests on the tank hole shader

This decision will cost us more time to spend on the patch, but it had to be done at some point. We have estimated, that the stuff we wanted to do would be achievable by September but we know it is impossible now. We will keep you guys updated with next development statuses, as we do not want to push out a patch full of bugs, that will ruin your game/save files. Sorry for all these delays.


Last but not least

We present you another tank in production. By just looking at its silhouette this tank does not need to be described :)


Thanks for all the support and have a good day,

Jul 24, 2020
Tank Mechanic Simulator - [DeGenerals]Trebor
Dear Mechanics,

welcome to our ninety first development status update.

In this status we want to present our plans for the patch we are working on, what will be included and why we do not yet have a date of release.

The patch name will be 1.2.0, we want it to have these main features:
  • New damage system (covered in status #90)
  • Tank Warehouse (tank parking)
  • Tank manager menu - the player will be able to move tanks around the workshop scene in a special menu, without the need to approaching it
  • Extended crafting options, such as create tank from scratch (that places hull base and turret base of that selected tank on a free slot, so player can start building rest of the tank)

There are many other suggestions waiting to be done, but we have to at some point release this patch. We were estimating, that making and testing all features above, should take us at least 1,5 month, so basicly we can expect the patch will be out in September 2020.

Of course, there are new tanks being modelled and we also want to include them into this patch. We will modelled, implemented and tested correctly before releasing the 1.2.0 patch.

Now let's show what is done with the new damage system:
  1. Damage generation
    Generating a point around the tank, for specific kind of damage, here's a test scene screenshot:

    Cubes represent position and direction of where a damage of a type of AP/HE round was shot, the red line is a helper to show the developer direction to the tank. Spheres are damage of type of aerial bombs, artillery shells etc. Right now I made double sure that this type of damage does not fall directly on tank, as a direct hit from a aerial bomb would probably tore a tank to pieces completely. This situation will be covered in later stage of development. In this test of damage generation there wasn't generated a damage of type of AT mine (represented by a capsule) spawned below the tank, within its bounds.
  2. Weapon and ammo config
    Configuration of all current tank ammunition and weapons the game has, into JSON file types, here's example of 88mm ammo config:

    and 88mm gun (for our Tiger tank):

  3. Tank config
    Implementation of new configuration required for the system to work properly, right now only done in Tiger I and started in Sherman M4A3E8, here's some screenshots from Tiger I config in editor:

    To configure the tank properly, it is necessary to add the ammo containers and then ammo slots for this container (in proper, real life place for each tank if we can get good references on it), and setting up oil and fuel containters with special configuration, allowing all of them to explode or go on fire and destroy parts in the explosion/fire range
    In the Tiger we have configured the position of each shell, but we still need to model the missing interior of the ammo rack, that actually holds each shell. The same goes for every tank we have.
  4. From other tasks, we have also finished an optimisation task, that includes static batching meshes of all collectables in museum, and also a task that will allow occlussion culling in tank museum room for tank tracks and wheels (these are very heavy for gpu to handle)

Bonus: some shots of Panzer II tank (WIP):

As a last note, tomorrow we are starting with a discount, -30% for 14 days, grab it when you can ;)

Thanks for all the support and have a good day,

Jul 10, 2020
Tank Mechanic Simulator - [DeGenerals]Trebor
Dear Mechanics,

welcome to our ninetieth development status update.

Today we would like to describe the new damage system that we are working on right now, how it is going to work and what needs to be done in order to deliver it to you.

Let's start with how the damage randomization on Extraction missions works currently:

How it works now
  1. A tank is randomly selected from the set of tanks we have in game
  2. The game runs through the whole tank, making a check for each part individually
  3. Each check is a 5% chance that the part will be missing
  4. When a part is selected as missing, all parts that are connected to that part are also missing (for example, if a suspension arm goes missing, but the wheels attached to it are not at that point, then the wheels are set to missing too)
  5. The state of the tank is then saved and placed at proper place on Extraction scene

And now how it will look with new system (still work in progress, so this might change):

How it will work:
  1. A tank is randomly selected
  2. The game randomizes 1-? points around the tank, here's attached visualization (brace yourselves)

  3. For each generated point, a damage cause is randomly selected, based on it's position on horizontal and vertical position (to match the probable cause, for example, an arty shell should most commonly fall on the tank from the above)
  4. When we know the cause of the damage, we now need to generate the effect of it. Was it AP round? Was it a bomb? What did it go through? Did it hit ammo rack or fuel container? Was there a chain explosion inside, or a fire? etc.
  5. When we generate the effects, we can now start making correct decisions on which parts should be missing, which should be very badly damaged etc.
  6. When we know the position of the penetration, we can put a decal or a hole in the armor in that place, to simulate damage visuals
  7. When all this is done, we need to save and store all this data to be able to recreate it next time the player enters the same extraction mission, or moves the tank to workshop

Now when we have the basics covered, let's move to what is also required for this to work and look good.

Also required:
  • Ammunition inside tanks - additional config for each tank, to know what type of ammo to store, and where, how many etc.

  • A store where player can buy or sell ammo (more about this in a moment)
  • A new tool (probably welder) and gameplay mechanics that will allow fixing the damage in hull and turret base
  • A database of possible damage causes for this kind of tank, this will require having a correct front, correct year and armament that was able to deal that kind of damage to selected tank
  • Gameplay mechanic to manage found ammo inside tanks on Extraction missions

That would be all for must be features, now let's move to what we also want to add to the game, with this update:

Also planned:
  • Store for ammo and collectables - where player can buy or sell their found stuff on Extraction.
  • Paint sets - already covered in previous dev statuses, basicly a saved setup of a tank camo/decal setting, applied to tanks that are not yet painted (so the original painting, camo and decals would be visible already visible on Extraction missions, after washing the mud off)
  • Battlefield detective mode - ??? it's a secret now, we will show more info about this later, when we had solid design of this

And now, a bonus from our animator:

And another bonus, this time from our artist that creates BT-7:

Thanks for all the support and have a good day,

Jun 26, 2020
Tank Mechanic Simulator - [DeGenerals]Trebor
Dear Mechanics,

we've uploaded next patch, version 1.1.5.

Also, the game is on -20% discount, from 25.05 to 9.07, as we are also participating in Steam Summer Sale.

Please find attached change log below:


  • Few new parts to M3 Halftrack (The door and front cover has been separated into more parts, also the lock on the back of the vehicle, and the bogie arms)
  • An option in warehouse material customizer, that player can select if he wants or not to have the floor clean

  • Player will receive bonus money and reputation for finishing the contract with higher percentage of repairs and assembly
  • T-34/76 paintable parts have been updated and fixed (although few parts have been made as unpaintable, due to UV mapping restrictions)
  • Suspension for M3 Halftrack

  • Stug wrong material config for few parts
  • An error when few tanks could not be correctly painted after applying final paint to it (for example, the stug)
  • Stug wrong config for paintable parts for test drive model
  • Decreased the effect of reflections while adding decals
  • An error that would cause the storage menu to not display all parts
  • M10 Wolverine driver and radio operator hatches animations
  • KV-1 test drive model revamp
  • Paint Room menu now correctly resets buffers used to paint on tank (previously this was not reset, and it could paste previous paint jobs on next tanks)
  • A bug, that the game did not reset the blueprints player had when loading the game
  • Tiger I Right idler wheel dependency
  • The game will now correctly show the tank part status that the player is looking at, when the tool he's holding in hand is turned off (previously the game displayed the status only when the tool was on)
  • T-34/76 engine and transmission covers dependencies
  • Museum room terrain glitch through the floor
  • Panzer III J test drive model wrong animation of turret viewers (near cannon base)
  • Panzer III J animations for turret hatches
  • M3 Half-track wrong tracks position
  • M10 Wolverine UV mapping fix
  • M3 Half-track few part names have been corrected (Thanks to member ThatMaus from our Discord server)
  • An error that could cause the player to go under the floor when moving a tank/module in Warehouse scene

Thank you for all the bug reports, suggestions, reviews. Without your support this would not be possible.

Thanks for all the support and have a good day,
Jun 22, 2020
Tank Mechanic Simulator - [DeGenerals]Trebor
Dear Mechanics,

welcome to our eighty ninth development status update.

Today we would like to discuss about features we are currently adding to the paint room module (and planning for future).


Color Palette
  • Saturation and Brightness sliders - self explaining, each slider sets the saturation or brightness of the color, from 0 to 1 (but presented as 0 to 100% value)

Color Picker
  • RGB and Hex Color Input fields - Player will be able to input a custom value to either a RGB or Hex type input field, and the tank color will be selected based on that input. The input fields and color picker will be set initially, when the tank is placed into paint room to the color, that the tank currently has.

Color Swatches
  • Saving current color as a Color Swatch (and adding Steam Workshop support for this) - An option, that player will be able to save currently selected color as a new Color Swatch, and saved as a file (.txt) to StreamAssets folder. This also will be followed by Steam Workshop support, so if anyone likes to share the color pallette he has prepared, he could do so.

New addition planning for future

Paint sets
will be a set of options, that will be applied to the tank visuals, including:
  1. Color
  2. Camo:
    • Texture
    • Scale
    • Rotation
    • State
  3. Hull and Turret decal textures
Player will be able to select a paint set from a list, or save the current state of the tank as a new paint set, assign a name and then a file will be created at Streaming Assets folder. When this is ready, we will add Steam Workshop support for paint sets, allowing to share them.

We will also look into how to implement following features for the game, including tank visuals:
  • Decorators - objects like tree branches, sandbags to be placed on tank when in paint room
  • Paint sets for extraction/workshop tanks - we will need to change some shaders/materials in order for the paint sets to work for tanks on extraction missions and for tanks that are not yet covered in final paint. We will inform about the progress here in future dev statuses.
  • Damage and destruction - allowing to add holes and overall any visual representation of combat, that the extraction tank was part of.
  • Mirroring decals - this might be the trickiest part, but we will check what can we do here
  • Toggle to add or not to add camo to wheels - some players requested such option, and we plan to add it.

Thanks for all the support and have a good day,

Jun 14, 2020
Tank Mechanic Simulator - [DeGenerals]Trebor
Dear Mechanics,

welcome to our eighty eighth development status update.

We would like to present to you next tank coming to the game. It is a Soviet light tank - BT-7.
Below you can see the work in progress from the production process of creating game asset to the game. We put a lot of emphasis on the interior. More details in the engine or in gearbox such as pistons etc.

Thanks for all the support and have a good day,
